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dodoipav ::

a kdo vbe koliko l na uro vodika dobivam z 12volti
  • zaklenil: bluefish ()

joze28 ::

Boš moral povedat še tok, pri elektrolizi vode?.

dodoipav ::

ne gre se za moj poskus

Ne. Gre se za moj poskus.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dodoipav ()

Pyr0Beast ::

100 litrov na uro.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

dodoipav ::


Pyr0Beast ::


Kakršnegakoli pametnega podatka ti ne moremo podati. Količina plina proizvedenega pri elektrolizi je odvisna izključno od toka in ne napetosti.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Zgodovina sprememb…

823483 ::


Od kje boš dobil elektriko za elektrolizo? Iz akumulatorja, baterije ali česa bolj zapletenega?

Tarzan ::

Po mojem bi na akumulator obesil elektrolizo, delal vodik, se nanj peljal in nazaj vlekel štrom v akumulator... in ta krog v nedogled brez bistvenih izgub. :)

Highlag ::

Kako se še nihče ni spomnil tega? ;((
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window

Pyr0Beast ::

saj so se, pa so tiho (hint, naftni lobi)

(Žena jih doma tepe zaradi neumnosti) :)
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

noraguta ::

Pyr0Beast je izjavil:

saj so se, pa so tiho (hint, naftni lobi)

(Žena jih doma tepe zaradi neumnosti) :)

a vodike?
Pust' ot pobyedy k pobyedye vyedyot!

Pyr0Beast ::

Ne. Kisike.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

dodoipav ::

delal bom s polnilcem za 12v baterijo

tomi66 ::

Ce hoces kaj odkriti, nadaljuj kjer so koncali najboljsi,
elektroliza gre zelo dalec:
Lastna visokonapetostna resonancna frekvenca -> izboljsa efektivnost elektrolize, nadalje pomaga mehanska atomizacija=ultrasonic humidifier+dobra geometrija in meterial(alu npr.)elektrod, najboljsi elektrolit=NaOH in s tem se priblizamo Stan Meyer-ju, ki je vkljucil se laser v sistem, verjetno zaradi "photocatalytical" materialov, ki sproscajo vodik pod vplivom svetlobe.

Tukaj se elektroliza prelije v cold fusion oz. fission:

Pyr0Beast ::

In tamle gor se elektroliza prelije v čisto bluzenje.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

tomi66 ::

Ti zagotovo ne bos vedel, ker se s tem ne ukvarjas niti malo.
Kdor ima malo pojma, se mu zdi ze bolj verjetno.

I received an email which made me aware that so called "cold fusion" is really just electrolysis of water, but the "water" is deuterium (heavy water) and the electrodes are made of palladium. Sometimes excess heat is generated and some people claim this is caused by atoms being fused together. But the excess heat occurs only at random times, sometimes not at all, and there is insufficient evidence to support that fusion actually occurs.

Here is a quote from the guy who wrote to me (Brandon).

"Cold fusion is a very poorly received phenomenon where the electrolysis of water using a palladium or other similar metal plate will very rarely spontaneously "combust" boiling off all the water, releasing neutrons and other nuclear radiation, and cause trace elements such as aluminum to appear on the surface of the palladium as if the palladium was split in a fission reaction."

If seems much more likely to me that "cold fusion" is actually "cold fission" where palladium atoms are split into smaller atoms. If aluminum is one of the byproducts, the other would have to be selenium. Palladium has an atomic mass of 106.42 and aluminum is 26.9815. The difference is 79.4385, and selenium has an atomic mass of 78.96. This would mean that an atomic mass of 0.4785 would have been converted to energy, which would account for the excess heat produced.

I have been unable to locate any information where aluminum has been deposited on palladium electrodes during electrolysis, but if this has occurred, the presence of selenium in the water would be evidence that "cold fusion" may in fact be "cold fission."

What this means for anyone constructing the device above is not only does one need to be careful to avoid massive explosions, but there is a chance that nuclear radiation may occur, which could kill the experimenter. I am guessing that no significant levels of dangerous radiation would occur if the water is not boiling, and radiation during cold fusion experiments has only been rarely detected, and then only in very small amounts. I simply feel it is important to be aware of these possibilities should your experiments produce high energy outputs

Pyr0Beast ::

Kdor ima malo pojma, se mu zdi ze bolj verjetno.

Ja. Točno to.

Kdor ima malo pojma zagrabi za vsako neumnost.

and there is insufficient evidence to support that fusion actually occurs.

I have been unable to locate any information where aluminum has been deposited on palladium electrodes during electrolysis,
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

tomi66 ::

Ja v povojih je se, ne?

Pyr0Beast ::

Ne vem če bi lahko rekel da se da karkoli poviti. Megle, kar to je, pač ne moreš zavijati v celofan.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Limit-sky ::

Kako se ti šele s tem celijo zobje...

mojca ::

Tale video mi je bil ful všeč. Bejbe kar padajo nanj (teorija zarote naftnih lobijev pa to).

Pyr0Beast ::

Check this out

Check what out ?

oblok pod vodo ?

Jao folk na kakšne nasedate.

Tale video mi je bil ful všeč. Bejbe kar padajo nanj (teorija zarote naftnih lobijev pa to).

Hm ?
Naj stanka ven celotni rezervoar pa se fura na tisto prosto energijo. Ah ne, to pa ne gre ...
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Zgodovina sprememb…

tomi66 ::

To so vrhunski znanstveniki in ne verjamem, da kdorkoli tukaj lahko poda relevantno mnenje.

Pyr0Beast ::

tomi66 je izjavil:

To so vrhunski znanstveniki in ne verjamem, da kdorkoli tukaj lahko poda relevantno mnenje.

Niso vrhunski
Niti niso znanstveniki

Relevantno mnenje je pa irelevantno glede na tvoje mnenje. Zadeve so le en korak stran od homeopatije, čarovništva in podobnega vraževerja.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

tomi66 ::

Ti si bolj len in se ti ne da s tem ukvarjati in potem raje vse v apriori zavrzes kot neuporabno. Seveda so znanstveniki in profesorji na raznih univerzah.

bluefish ::

Dovolj bo.

tomi66 ::

Za ta nivo, res, imas prav.

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