Forum » Igre » nfs-undreground avto
nfs-undreground avto

Dr_M ::
skyline. hiter in stabilen.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Myth ::
Kaj pa mazda mx-7? Meni je mazda MX-5 do sedaj, 70.dirke svetovno sel, sedaj naenkrat pa morem menjat in sem ze 2 menjal.
Pa gnar je sel... Skyline mi ne zgleda ravno ql.

¤ Space is Mystery. And Myth is on Earth. ¤

Maximus ::
Skyline je dost hitr in stabil avto. Kva na izi spilas da mas tok mal kesa?
Mene pa zanima, ko izbiras dolocene pakete, al pa hood-e, a to kej bistveno vpliva na performanse? Men se zdi da neki mal ze, sam se tko za info uprasam.
Mene pa zanima, ko izbiras dolocene pakete, al pa hood-e, a to kej bistveno vpliva na performanse? Men se zdi da neki mal ze, sam se tko za info uprasam.

Dr_M ::
a to kej bistveno vpliva na performanse?
smo ze v eni drugi temi obdelal. Ne ne vpliva popolnoma nic. to je samo za reputation pike.
smo ze v eni drugi temi obdelal. Ne ne vpliva popolnoma nic. to je samo za reputation pike.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::
raj upras kdo ni
jih bo verjetno mn.

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

boom-bar ::
Jst sm sam umes zamenju za ene 10-20 dirk avto pol sm šol pa nazaj na Mazdo 5
Legalizirajte mehke droge!!!

krucymucy ::
s hondo civic se ne da obrnit ... sam to vam povem, sploh ce vzames namesto unique parts za handling in ne za accelaration ...

Vesoljc ::
sem obrnu sz zeleno hodno civic, sam se pa res ne spomnim vseh junik nadgradnj

Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...

krucymucy ::
ma jest enga draga nikakor nisem mogu nardit pa sem dva dni probavu ... potem sem zamenjal za mazdo mx5 in sem zmagal v prvo ...

Myth ::

Drugace pa vpliva na performance izgled tudi. Sploh Rimes, tisto moras najti najbolse za avto, jaz sploh na zacetku nisem nobenih uporabljal, sedaj od 60. dirke sem nasel ene Rimse, ki so mi bili dobri in sem takoj bil boljši.
Pa če že mam Mazdo 5, povejte mi, kaksen spojler, rimse, etc. naj uporabim,da dobim iz nje najvec? Kajti zdi se mi, da se še več moči skriva v njej.

¤ Space is Mystery. And Myth is on Earth. ¤

Slide ::
Exodus-u bi rad odgovoril da se špil da obrnit s Hondo Civic na Medium, tko da mal se potrudi.
Nič to je to ajde...
Nič to je to ajde...
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