Forum » Loža » Besede, kot je recesija, so se umaknile z dnevnega reda
Besede, kot je recesija, so se umaknile z dnevnega reda
Mr.B ::
Dokler ljudje verjamemo pravljicam da se Putinu mudi za se v Ukrajinski temi tako smešijo,...
Ps: da ne omenim Bird Flu cepivo bo kot kaže postalo obvezno, ker je dejsnko karantena za okužene živali, nacionalna grožnja![:))](
California Home Prices on a Roller Coaster: Monthly Payment for a California House: $1,410 in 2012 and $5,210 in 2024.
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on 'Hard Landing' and 'Stagflation' Fears as Inflation Worries US Fed
A "hard landing" is, for instance, when the US Federal Reserve tightens its monetary policy by hiking interest rates aggressively to curb high inflation and cool down consumer spending, but results in a steep economic slowdown and a subsequent recession. However, a "soft landing" is if the rate hikes are palatable to the consumers and sufficient to slow the economy and lower inflation without causing a recession and job losses.
Sliko je potrebna razumeti, da se kitajsko poizkuša zmanjšati vpliv dolarja na njihovo ekonomijo.. Lahko gledamo tudi tako da je bilo plačilo preko SWIT-a pred 15 leti na kitajskem praktično 100%, danes pa je pod 50%
Mehika, tam bo počasi Kartel postal top 3 zaposlovalec , toliko o facpalm o demokratičnih normah Amerike, ko zanika genocid, dokler lahko služi s prodajo...
Mexican cartels taking control of tortilla industry
Indija .
Karnataka govt gives Rs 3,000 stipend to unemployed graduates and female household heads
Ps: da ne omenim Bird Flu cepivo bo kot kaže postalo obvezno, ker je dejsnko karantena za okužene živali, nacionalna grožnja
California Home Prices on a Roller Coaster: Monthly Payment for a California House: $1,410 in 2012 and $5,210 in 2024.
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on 'Hard Landing' and 'Stagflation' Fears as Inflation Worries US Fed
A "hard landing" is, for instance, when the US Federal Reserve tightens its monetary policy by hiking interest rates aggressively to curb high inflation and cool down consumer spending, but results in a steep economic slowdown and a subsequent recession. However, a "soft landing" is if the rate hikes are palatable to the consumers and sufficient to slow the economy and lower inflation without causing a recession and job losses.
Sliko je potrebna razumeti, da se kitajsko poizkuša zmanjšati vpliv dolarja na njihovo ekonomijo.. Lahko gledamo tudi tako da je bilo plačilo preko SWIT-a pred 15 leti na kitajskem praktično 100%, danes pa je pod 50%
Mehika, tam bo počasi Kartel postal top 3 zaposlovalec , toliko o facpalm o demokratičnih normah Amerike, ko zanika genocid, dokler lahko služi s prodajo...
Mexican cartels taking control of tortilla industry
Indija .
Karnataka govt gives Rs 3,000 stipend to unemployed graduates and female household heads
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Ko so Ukrajinci napadli dva radarska sistema zgodnjega opozarjanja v primeru icbm napada, ki gleda proti bližnjem vzhodu, smem se no verjetno ne edini praskal po glavi. Kot kaže so to zahtevali Američani...
June 9th the Agreement between United States and Saudi Arabia to sell Saudi Oil in USD exclusively ends. Saudi Prince has already notified U.S. that this agreement will NOT be renewed and they will no longer accept USD.
June 9th the Agreement between United States and Saudi Arabia to sell Saudi Oil in USD exclusively ends. Saudi Prince has already notified U.S. that this agreement will NOT be renewed and they will no longer accept USD.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
redtech ::
Zdej bo pokal kjer bo lahko, US bo mogla it na vse ali nič, samo vedno manj butastih proksijev imajo, bodo morali sami na teren.
Mr.B ::
Cela zahodna koalicija ni sposobna zatreti Hutijev, ki so celo tako pogumni da sedaj že dva dneva zapored poizkušajo zadeti Ameriško letalonosilko, baje. Iz iraka pa Hamsovci streljajo rakete na izrael.
No SA tudi ni šla na mirovna pogajanja v povezavi Ukrajine, baje bo ob naslednjem takem mirovnem pogajano prisotno le društvo NATO članic.
Indijci pa jamrajo o trgovskem primanjkljaj s kitajsko. Toliko o ne kupovanju iz kitajske.
No SA tudi ni šla na mirovna pogajanja v povezavi Ukrajine, baje bo ob naslednjem takem mirovnem pogajano prisotno le društvo NATO članic.
Indijci pa jamrajo o trgovskem primanjkljaj s kitajsko. Toliko o ne kupovanju iz kitajske.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
AI Day,
No ko govorimo o AI, imamo na primer sledeče generirane članke. Kaj šele če bi bila resnica![:))](
The great American boom is finally running out of steam, leaving mountains of debt
The American economy is not as strong as we all thought. Growth has slowed to stall speed over the last four months. It looks like a hardish landing after all.
Citigroup has become the first big American bank to warn that the US has already tipped into a recession. Once this process begins, it can snowball very fast into mass business layoffs unless the Federal Reserve moves fast.
There is no sign of that. Some Fed officials are still breathing fire about inflation, judging that their survival as an independent institution depends on out-Volckering even the great inflation-slayer Paul Volcker.
"The US economy is clearly slowing down, and in our base case it is headed for an outright contraction," said Andrew Hollenhorst, Citigroup's US chief economist.
If so, US Treasuries, German Bunds, and UK Gilts are massively mispriced. So are BBB junk bonds trading at an average wafer-thin spread of 1.09pc, matching the extreme complacency seen before the global financial crisis.
The great American boom is finally running out of steam, leaving mountains of debt
Andrew Harnett from Bank of America says equity breadth on the S&P 500 is the worst since the depths of the global financial crisis in March 2009. Nvidia alone is holding up the universe.
His advice: "Buy bonds in the second half"; sell equities and credit as soon as the Fed starts to cut rates. Yes, the world is choking on the scale of bond issuance, but cyclical flight to safe havens trumps structural worries about solvency in a recession.
America's economic slowdown has crept up on the world. Labour economists have been warning for months that the US jobs market is breaking down. The trouble always starts with millions of 'marginally attached' workers, mostly off the radar screen.
The International Monetary Fund says the US gross debt ratio has ballooned from 105pc to 123pc of GDP under the Trump-Biden spending blitz. It is heading for 134pc by 2029, and that assumes clear blue skies and no recession. We could be talking about 140pc plus before long.
Pessimists say there is little to show for it. Strategic optimists say the money has been well spent launching America's industrial rearmament and preventing China running away with clean-tech supremacy.
Food or Air Conditioning?
U.S. Electric Bills Could Increase 8% This Summer Amid Rising Temperatures
For low-income households, the increasing electric bill prices will put families at higher risks of extreme heat. For one, low-income households are more likely to live in heat island areas and have less access to methods of cooling that are affordable, NEADA reported. There have also been $2 billion of cuts in funding from the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) from 2023 to 2024, despite last summer being the hottest on record.
As utility prices go up, Americans are forced to make tough decisions
Lower income Americans pay 10% of all of their money for electricity costs," said Bledsoe.
Rekel bi da strategi no AI futrani podatki bazirajo na kakšni Call of Duty igri in podobno, ker Rusija ne more zasesti niti 20 km v globino sedaj bo pa prišla do Berlina v letu 2024
Biden: Risk of War with Russia Will Increase if We Don't Help Ukraine
Peaceful resolution in Ukraine will mean guarantees that Russia will never again attack it again, said US President Joe Biden. At the same time, Ukraine doesn't necessarily have to be a member of NATO, he said in an interview with Time, published on Tuesday, June 4.
Peace looks like making sure Russia never, never, never, never occupies Ukraine. That's what peace looks like. And it doesn't mean NATO, they are part of NATO. It means we have a relationship with them like we do with other countries, where we supply weapons so they can defend themselves in the future, said US President.
In Po PPP![:))](
Russia overtakes Japan to become the fourth largest economy in the world in PPP terms
Ter še stanje borze, no realnega stana enakosti ostalih borznih kotacij uspešnih podjetij je povzeto s tole slikico... Its fine![:))](
Ps : Samo nekateri bodo še vedno, vztrajali da je enoumje edina prava pot k odrešitvi.
No ko govorimo o AI, imamo na primer sledeče generirane članke. Kaj šele če bi bila resnica
The great American boom is finally running out of steam, leaving mountains of debt
The American economy is not as strong as we all thought. Growth has slowed to stall speed over the last four months. It looks like a hardish landing after all.
Citigroup has become the first big American bank to warn that the US has already tipped into a recession. Once this process begins, it can snowball very fast into mass business layoffs unless the Federal Reserve moves fast.
There is no sign of that. Some Fed officials are still breathing fire about inflation, judging that their survival as an independent institution depends on out-Volckering even the great inflation-slayer Paul Volcker.
"The US economy is clearly slowing down, and in our base case it is headed for an outright contraction," said Andrew Hollenhorst, Citigroup's US chief economist.
If so, US Treasuries, German Bunds, and UK Gilts are massively mispriced. So are BBB junk bonds trading at an average wafer-thin spread of 1.09pc, matching the extreme complacency seen before the global financial crisis.
The great American boom is finally running out of steam, leaving mountains of debt
Andrew Harnett from Bank of America says equity breadth on the S&P 500 is the worst since the depths of the global financial crisis in March 2009. Nvidia alone is holding up the universe.
His advice: "Buy bonds in the second half"; sell equities and credit as soon as the Fed starts to cut rates. Yes, the world is choking on the scale of bond issuance, but cyclical flight to safe havens trumps structural worries about solvency in a recession.
America's economic slowdown has crept up on the world. Labour economists have been warning for months that the US jobs market is breaking down. The trouble always starts with millions of 'marginally attached' workers, mostly off the radar screen.
The International Monetary Fund says the US gross debt ratio has ballooned from 105pc to 123pc of GDP under the Trump-Biden spending blitz. It is heading for 134pc by 2029, and that assumes clear blue skies and no recession. We could be talking about 140pc plus before long.
Pessimists say there is little to show for it. Strategic optimists say the money has been well spent launching America's industrial rearmament and preventing China running away with clean-tech supremacy.
Food or Air Conditioning?
U.S. Electric Bills Could Increase 8% This Summer Amid Rising Temperatures
For low-income households, the increasing electric bill prices will put families at higher risks of extreme heat. For one, low-income households are more likely to live in heat island areas and have less access to methods of cooling that are affordable, NEADA reported. There have also been $2 billion of cuts in funding from the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) from 2023 to 2024, despite last summer being the hottest on record.
As utility prices go up, Americans are forced to make tough decisions
Lower income Americans pay 10% of all of their money for electricity costs," said Bledsoe.
Rekel bi da strategi no AI futrani podatki bazirajo na kakšni Call of Duty igri in podobno, ker Rusija ne more zasesti niti 20 km v globino sedaj bo pa prišla do Berlina v letu 2024
Biden: Risk of War with Russia Will Increase if We Don't Help Ukraine
Peaceful resolution in Ukraine will mean guarantees that Russia will never again attack it again, said US President Joe Biden. At the same time, Ukraine doesn't necessarily have to be a member of NATO, he said in an interview with Time, published on Tuesday, June 4.
Peace looks like making sure Russia never, never, never, never occupies Ukraine. That's what peace looks like. And it doesn't mean NATO, they are part of NATO. It means we have a relationship with them like we do with other countries, where we supply weapons so they can defend themselves in the future, said US President.
Russia overtakes Japan to become the fourth largest economy in the world in PPP terms
Ter še stanje borze, no realnega stana enakosti ostalih borznih kotacij uspešnih podjetij je povzeto s tole slikico... Its fine
Ps : Samo nekateri bodo še vedno, vztrajali da je enoumje edina prava pot k odrešitvi.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
coffeetime12 ::
Kateri od forumskih nedonošenčkev mi je onemogočil odpiranje tem na forumu? Torej, ker imam možnost oddati prispevek le še pod to temo, bom objavil tu. Sodelujočim v tej temi se opravičejum, vendar druge možnosti nimam.
Vas je zagovornike "sledenja znanosti" po do sedaj objavljenih podatkih glede Covid prevare vsaj kanček sram, ko ste omaloževali prijatelje, znance, sorodnike? Jih obtoževali, da bodo umorili stare starše? Jih obmetavali s teoretiki zarote? Ko ste lepili ikone injekcij pred lasten avatar na socialnih omrežjih? Se medtem zavijali v maske, polivinile, histerirali in nadlegovali preostale po trgovinah s socialno distanco? Sodelovali in skupinsko podpirali v covid tiraniji zavrnitev sodržavljanom pravico do hospitilizacije? Se smejali ljudem, ker zaradi naci nadzora papirjev niso smeli natočiti goriva?
Odkritja povzročenih stranskih učinkov Astre Zenece in Moderne ne bom omenjal, kaj šele "šut Ferrari Pfizerja". Pod temo Loža ste pa nedonošenčki tako ali tako zaklenili vse, kar se je zakleniti dalo. Se sprašujem zakaj, hmm ...?
Kako malo je potrebno, da ljudi ...
Vas je zagovornike "sledenja znanosti" po do sedaj objavljenih podatkih glede Covid prevare vsaj kanček sram, ko ste omaloževali prijatelje, znance, sorodnike? Jih obtoževali, da bodo umorili stare starše? Jih obmetavali s teoretiki zarote? Ko ste lepili ikone injekcij pred lasten avatar na socialnih omrežjih? Se medtem zavijali v maske, polivinile, histerirali in nadlegovali preostale po trgovinah s socialno distanco? Sodelovali in skupinsko podpirali v covid tiraniji zavrnitev sodržavljanom pravico do hospitilizacije? Se smejali ljudem, ker zaradi naci nadzora papirjev niso smeli natočiti goriva?
Odkritja povzročenih stranskih učinkov Astre Zenece in Moderne ne bom omenjal, kaj šele "šut Ferrari Pfizerja". Pod temo Loža ste pa nedonošenčki tako ali tako zaklenili vse, kar se je zakleniti dalo. Se sprašujem zakaj, hmm ...?
Kako malo je potrebno, da ljudi ...
gruntfürmich ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Tako kot EU ekonomija, je tudi ta forum obstal v 90'. Rumble vtičnik, oz. ponudbe preostalih video ponudnikov predstavlja dotičnim kvantno mehaniko. Kakor koli ...
troli in internetni dopamin odvisniki itq ne poznate razlike med vsebino in obliko, tako da ja, za vas je preprost in pregleden grafični vmesnik res nekaj zastarelega in čudnega.
ampak nisem siguren da na takih retardirancih sloni gospodarska rast in predvsem prihodnost človeštva...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gruntfürmich ()
Mr.B ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kateri od forumskih nedonošenčkev mi je onemogočil odpiranje tem na forumu? Torej, ker imam možnost oddati prispevek le še pod to temo, bom objavil tu. Sodelujočim v tej temi se opravičejum, vendar druge možnosti nimam.
Vas je zagovornike "sledenja znanosti" po do sedaj objavljenih podatkih glede Covid prevare vsaj kanček sram, ko ste omaloževali prijatelje, znance, sorodnike? Jih obtoževali, da bodo umorili stare starše? Jih obmetavali s teoretiki zarote? Ko ste lepili ikone injekcij pred lasten avatar na socialnih omrežjih? Se medtem zavijali v maske, polivinile, histerirali in nadlegovali preostale po trgovinah s socialno distanco? Sodelovali in skupinsko podpirali v covid tiraniji zavrnitev sodržavljanom pravico do hospitilizacije? Se smejali ljudem, ker zaradi naci nadzora papirjev niso smeli natočiti goriva?
Odkritja povzročenih stranskih učinkov Astre Zenece in Moderne ne bom omenjal, kaj šele "šut Ferrari Pfizerja". Pod temo Loža ste pa nedonošenčki tako ali tako zaklenili vse, kar se je zakleniti dalo. Se sprašujem zakaj, hmm ...?
Kako malo je potrebno, da ljudi ...
Ko pol leta 2024 v Ameriki niso ukrepali ... potem se ne čudit tudi temu... W.H.O. Says the bird flu has officially jumped to humans....
Tako da ne skrbi, novo cepivo, če se ....
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Kot kaže so tarife edino kar so lahko lobisti korporaciji. Namesto razvoja, so dobili še subvencije za to kar bi namesto buyback morali investirali in ne pumpati vrednot delnic.
Zombies: Ranks of world's most debt-hobbled companies are soaring, and not all will survive
Companies had a chance to cut their debt after then-President Donald Trump's 2017 tax overhaul slashed corporate rates and allowed repatriation of profits overseas. But most of the windfall was spent on buybacks instead. Over the next two years, U.S. companies spent a record $1.3 trillion repurchasing and retiring their own stock, a 50% jump from the prior two years.
SmileDirectClub went from spending a little over $1 million a year on buying its own stock before the tax cut to spending $780 million as it boosted pay packages of top executives. One former CEO got $20 million in just four years. Stock in the heavily indebted teeth-straightening company plunged before it went out of business last year and put 2,700 people out of work.
Bogatim je potrebno še znižat davke. So preobremenjeni... Verjento se stanje v 2023 ni izboljšalo
Unsustainable : Reports show U.S. middle class is getting smaller, poverty line on the rise
Bomo videli koliko mijard je to.
Ratings agency Moody's placed ratings of six U.S regional banks on review for downgrade on Thursday due to their substantial exposure to commercial real estate loans.
The long-term ratings of First Merchants Corp
, F.N.B. Corp
, Fulton Financial Corp
, Old National Bancorp
, Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corp
and WaFd
were placed on review.
Bomo videli, koliko časa bo trajalo da pride WW3, da se ohrani $ dominanca... berite pozorno, kdo je prvi v digitalni valuti.. Američani bi pa samo kripto radi regulirali...
Saudi to ditch US dollar in oil trade
As well as dominating the mBridge project, China is carrying out the world's largest domestic CBDC pilot which now reaches 260 million people and covers 200 scenarios from e-commerce to government stimulus payments.
No leta 2028, so to navedli kot vzrok... Danes je del volilne kampanije...
Zero percent down mortgages might help more first-time homebuyers break into the housing market--but
Se spomnite Kanade, ko so nekateri ak chalki razlagali neke marketinške Kanadske superlative... verjetno tako kot v ameriki imajo še drugo službo da uspejo plačat najemnino in pokrijejo stroške hrane.
Canada Adds 26,700 Jobs, Unemployment Rate Rises to 6.2%
The country added 26,700 positions in May and the jobless rate rose 0.1 percentage points to 6.2%, Statistics Canada reported, roughly in line with expectations in a Bloomberg survey of economists. The unemployment rate has risen 1.1 percentage points since April last year.
Ostanimo pri indiji...
The Canadian prime minister urged the Indian government to advance relationship achored to human rights, diversity, and the rule of law.
"Congratulations to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his electoral victory. Canada stands ready to work with his government to advance the relationship between our nations' peoples -anchored to human rights, diversity, and the rule of law," the statement said.
dodal bi še zatiranje muslimanov, samo potem bi pa na zahodu težje požirali. ok danes sploh ne, ko je Genocid šista blamaža.
Priznajmo, Evropejci resnično ne kupujemo Ruskih derivatov. No samo v zanemarljivih količinah... Z veseljem pa postajamo Ameriški odvisno ljudstvo. Zanimivo je tudi, da po Indijski prodaji orožja Rusiji, so Američani čisto tiho, verjetno nočejo še ene države ki jih ne bo jebela 5 posto.
Prodaja orožja, kot kaže tudi v tako extravagantnih količinah ni neki faktor pozitivnega videnja ameriškega razvoja. Pustimo da sedaj iz vsaj dveh regij obstreljujejo Izrael, pa Hutiji še vedno blokirajo promet, se moraš kot zagovornih Ameriške tehnologije resnično vprašat, če je vsa ta vojaška tehnologija zgolj omejena na prisluškovanje in marketing...
Še britanski no comment...
Some are cashing in investments, paying off bills that may soon rise or leaving the UK entirely, according to interviews with more than two dozen high-net-worth individuals, who asked not to be named, and wealth advisers.
The ruling Conservatives and the opposition Labour party have both pledged to scrap preferential tax treatment for non-domiciled residents -- rich foreigners living in the UK, also known as non-doms. Labour leader Keir Starmer has additional plans to tax the wealthy and polls show his party more than 20 points ahead.
"I have had previously hesitating clients go into panic mode," David Lesperance, a Poland-based tax and immigration adviser for the ultra-rich, said on Sunak calling the July 4 vote. He "pulled the pin on the election grenade."
Zombies: Ranks of world's most debt-hobbled companies are soaring, and not all will survive
Companies had a chance to cut their debt after then-President Donald Trump's 2017 tax overhaul slashed corporate rates and allowed repatriation of profits overseas. But most of the windfall was spent on buybacks instead. Over the next two years, U.S. companies spent a record $1.3 trillion repurchasing and retiring their own stock, a 50% jump from the prior two years.
SmileDirectClub went from spending a little over $1 million a year on buying its own stock before the tax cut to spending $780 million as it boosted pay packages of top executives. One former CEO got $20 million in just four years. Stock in the heavily indebted teeth-straightening company plunged before it went out of business last year and put 2,700 people out of work.
Bogatim je potrebno še znižat davke. So preobremenjeni... Verjento se stanje v 2023 ni izboljšalo
Unsustainable : Reports show U.S. middle class is getting smaller, poverty line on the rise
Bomo videli koliko mijard je to.
Ratings agency Moody's placed ratings of six U.S regional banks on review for downgrade on Thursday due to their substantial exposure to commercial real estate loans.
The long-term ratings of First Merchants Corp
, F.N.B. Corp
, Fulton Financial Corp
, Old National Bancorp
, Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corp
and WaFd
were placed on review.
Bomo videli, koliko časa bo trajalo da pride WW3, da se ohrani $ dominanca... berite pozorno, kdo je prvi v digitalni valuti.. Američani bi pa samo kripto radi regulirali...
Saudi to ditch US dollar in oil trade
As well as dominating the mBridge project, China is carrying out the world's largest domestic CBDC pilot which now reaches 260 million people and covers 200 scenarios from e-commerce to government stimulus payments.
No leta 2028, so to navedli kot vzrok... Danes je del volilne kampanije...
Zero percent down mortgages might help more first-time homebuyers break into the housing market--but
Se spomnite Kanade, ko so nekateri ak chalki razlagali neke marketinške Kanadske superlative... verjetno tako kot v ameriki imajo še drugo službo da uspejo plačat najemnino in pokrijejo stroške hrane.
Canada Adds 26,700 Jobs, Unemployment Rate Rises to 6.2%
The country added 26,700 positions in May and the jobless rate rose 0.1 percentage points to 6.2%, Statistics Canada reported, roughly in line with expectations in a Bloomberg survey of economists. The unemployment rate has risen 1.1 percentage points since April last year.
Ostanimo pri indiji...
The Canadian prime minister urged the Indian government to advance relationship achored to human rights, diversity, and the rule of law.
"Congratulations to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his electoral victory. Canada stands ready to work with his government to advance the relationship between our nations' peoples -anchored to human rights, diversity, and the rule of law," the statement said.
dodal bi še zatiranje muslimanov, samo potem bi pa na zahodu težje požirali. ok danes sploh ne, ko je Genocid šista blamaža.
Priznajmo, Evropejci resnično ne kupujemo Ruskih derivatov. No samo v zanemarljivih količinah... Z veseljem pa postajamo Ameriški odvisno ljudstvo. Zanimivo je tudi, da po Indijski prodaji orožja Rusiji, so Američani čisto tiho, verjetno nočejo še ene države ki jih ne bo jebela 5 posto.
Prodaja orožja, kot kaže tudi v tako extravagantnih količinah ni neki faktor pozitivnega videnja ameriškega razvoja. Pustimo da sedaj iz vsaj dveh regij obstreljujejo Izrael, pa Hutiji še vedno blokirajo promet, se moraš kot zagovornih Ameriške tehnologije resnično vprašat, če je vsa ta vojaška tehnologija zgolj omejena na prisluškovanje in marketing...
Še britanski no comment...
Some are cashing in investments, paying off bills that may soon rise or leaving the UK entirely, according to interviews with more than two dozen high-net-worth individuals, who asked not to be named, and wealth advisers.
The ruling Conservatives and the opposition Labour party have both pledged to scrap preferential tax treatment for non-domiciled residents -- rich foreigners living in the UK, also known as non-doms. Labour leader Keir Starmer has additional plans to tax the wealthy and polls show his party more than 20 points ahead.
"I have had previously hesitating clients go into panic mode," David Lesperance, a Poland-based tax and immigration adviser for the ultra-rich, said on Sunak calling the July 4 vote. He "pulled the pin on the election grenade."
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
redtech ::
10,000 California Fast Food Workers McFired Thanks To $20 Minimum Wage: Report
Ljudje so znižali obisk restavracij za 50-75%
"You can only raise prices so much," he said. "And you're seeing it. People are not going to pay $20 for a Big Mac. It's not going to happen."
Če imaš navadno hišo na floridi za 1M to pomeni 10k davka/leto, zmanjka za burger :)
Ljudje so znižali obisk restavracij za 50-75%
"You can only raise prices so much," he said. "And you're seeing it. People are not going to pay $20 for a Big Mac. It's not going to happen."
Če imaš navadno hišo na floridi za 1M to pomeni 10k davka/leto, zmanjka za burger :)
Steinkauz ::
Ja k da je zdej pa minimum wage problem, nabijajo cene pač.
McDonald's gross profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2024 was $3.439B, a 3.77% increase year-over-year.
McDonald's gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $14.688B, a 9.03% increase year-over-year.
Corpo greed in nč druzga
McDonald's gross profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2024 was $3.439B, a 3.77% increase year-over-year.
McDonald's gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $14.688B, a 9.03% increase year-over-year.
Corpo greed in nč druzga
coffeetime12 ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
troli in internetni dopamin odvisniki itq ne poznate razlike med vsebino in obliko, tako da ja, za vas je preprost in pregleden grafični vmesnik res nekaj zastarelega in čudnega. ampak nisem siguren da na takih retardirancih sloni gospodarska rast in predvsem prihodnost človeštva...
Spet si zgrešil tarčo c-c-c .. Tema je : "Besede, kot je recesija, so se umaknile z dnevnega reda". In zopet nisi k temi dodal nič koristnega.
Medtem se kot bumerang vrača problem poslovnih nepremičnin [posledica politične epidemije in helikopterskega denarja]. Zanimivo bo, zelo zanimivo. Veriga je napeta, za seboj bo povleklo banke kot domine.
coffeetime12 ::
Banka Slovenije napoveduje zvišanje gospodarske rasti na 2,5 odstotka
Banka Slovenije je napoved gospodarske rasti zvišala na 2,5%. Inflacija naj bi letos dosegla 2,4%, v letu 2025 pa naj bi se zvišala na 3%. Na gospodarstvo bo letos spodbudno vplivala predvsem domača poraba ob rasti dohodkov.
Na novinarski konferenci Banke Slovenije sta viceguvernerka Tina Žumer in direktorica Analitsko-raziskovalnega centra Banke Slovenije Arjana Brezigar Masten dejali, da se gospodarske napovedi izboljšujejo.
"Pričakujemo, da se bo gospodarska rast v Sloveniji v nadaljevanju leta krepila. Ta bo v letu 2026 dosegla dolgoročno povprečje 2,8%," je povedala Tina Žumer. Ob tem je dodala, da bo rast ostala višja kot v evrskem območju, v katerem bo po napovedih Evrosistema letos znašala 0,9% in se v naslednjih dveh letih okrepila na 1,4% oz. 1,6%.
Na gospodarsko dejavnost bo letos po njenih besedah spodbudno vplivalo predvsem domače trošenje ob rasti realnih dohodkov in povišanih izdatkov države. V naslednjih 2 letih bo dejavnost dodatno spodbujena s tujim povpraševanjem in krepitvijo izvoza. Ob izboljšanih gospodarskih obetih se bo zaposlenost še naprej povečevala, brezposelnost pa ohranjala na zgodovinsko nizki ravni. To bo ohranjalo tudi visoko rast plač.
Kot je dejala Tina Žumer, se bo inflacija še naprej približevala srednjeročnemu cilju 2%. "Glede na napovedi bo inflacija v Sloveniji letos znašala 2,4%, v letu 2025 bo začasno višja pri 3%, nato pa se bo spustila na 2,3% v letu 2026," je povedala in navedla še, da bo zniževanje inflacije počasnejše in bolj neenakomerno kot v preteklih mesecih.
"Hitrejše približevanje inflacije cenovni stabilnosti bosta zavirala še vedno okrepljena rast plač in iztek vladnih ukrepov za blaženje cen energentov," je poudarila. Kljub temu pa bo vrzel do evrskega območja občutno manjša kot v preteklih 2 letih. Glede na napovedi Evrosistema bo povprečna letna inflacija v evrskem območju letos znašala 2,5%, v letu 2025 2,2% in v letu 2026 1,9%.
Rast slovenskega gospodarstva tudi zaradi nižje neto zadolženosti gospodinjstev
Rast slovenskega gospodarstva bo po besedah direktorice Analitsko-raziskovalnega centra Banke Slovenije Arjane Brezigar Masten hitrejša od rasti evrskega zato, ker Slovenija še vedno dohiteva najbolj razvita gospodarstva in ker je slovenski trg dela robustnejši, pa tudi zaradi višjih plač in s tem večjega domačega povpraševanja ter nižje neto zadolženosti gospodinjstev.
Pomembnejša komponenta rasti je letos zasebna potrošnja, dvigujeta pa jo tudi državna potrošnja in investicije. "Te bodo predvsem odražale pomoč in obnovo po poplavah, potrošnja pa tudi preoblikovanje dopolnilnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja v obvezni zdravstveni prispevek," je dejala. Letos bo rast uvoza hitrejša od rasti izvoza, tako da bo prispevek neto menjave s tujino negativen, nato pa bo ta učinek izzvenel. "Konec leta 2026 bo imela Slovenija presežek na tekočem računu nekje nad 3% bruto domačega proizvoda (BDP)," je navedla.
Napoved Banke Slovenije za 3 letno obdobje je, da bo stopnja brezposelnosti ostala na rekordno nizkih ravneh. Povečevala se bo tudi zaposlenost, in sicer za 0,6%, kar je manj kot v zadnjih 3 letih. Tesnost trga dela se po njenem mnenju kaže v visoki rasti plač, ki je na primer v prvem četrtletju v zasebnem sektorju znašala že približno 8%. "A ta rast se bo letos umirila na 7,6% in padla na 4%," je povedala.
"Visoka rast plač se bo odražala v nadaljnji krepitvi stroškov dela, hkrati pa bo podpirala domače povpraševanje, kar se bo poznalo v visoki rasti cen storitev. To je ena pomembnejših komponent inflacije letos," je poudarila. Domači cenovni pritiski, razlika v gospodarskem ciklu, višja tesnost trga dela in potencialno višji stroški dela vplivajo na to, da ima Slovenija višjo osnovno inflacijo kot evrsko območje.
Padanje inflacije je po njenih besedah spodbudno, predvidena rast v prihodnjem letu pa je pogojena s tem, da vpliv visoke rasti plač deluje nekoliko z zamikom, ter z iztekom vladnih ukrepov za blaženje cen energentov. Podražile se bodo tudi nekatere surovine pri hrani, je dodala. Inflacija pa bo nato v drugi polovici 2025 začela linearno padati proti ciljni ravni Evropske centralne banke pri okoli 2%.
Primanjkljaj države se bo kljub popoplavni obnovi ohranjal pod 3% BDP-ja, dolg države v deležu BDP-ja se bo zaradi rasti nominalnega BDP-ja zniževal. Zaradi izvajanja načrta za okrevanje in odpornost pričakujemo predvsem najvišje državne investicije v deležu BDP-ja doslej, je še povedala.
Tveganja za napoved gospodarske rasti so domači strukturni izzivi in negotovost geopolitičnega okolja. Med zunanjimi dejavniki je Breziger Masten navedla ponudbene šoke, ki bi se lahko zgodili, če bi ustavili tranzit ruskega plina skozi Ukrajino. Omenila je tudi pozitivno tveganje, ki bi lahko zvišalo napoved rasti. To bi nastopilo, če bi se presežni prihranki gospodinjstev sproščali bolj, kot so predvidevali, je sklenila.
Neverjetno, kako Tina in Arjana lažeta ljudem. Lahko bi rekli, skrajno neokusno. Prispodoba bi temeljila na našem malem vrtičku, zavitem v intelektualno praznino in nepoznavanju geo-političnega globalnega dogajanja. Razen seveda, ko nam lastne prosojnice slikajo pravljico in števila odgovarjajo. Tema slepcev.
Skratka, Metanje pikada na slepo.
Poleg vseh globalnih dogodivščin, je valutna vojna v polnem razmahu, žrtve so že tu. Pazite nase.
Banka Slovenije je napoved gospodarske rasti zvišala na 2,5%. Inflacija naj bi letos dosegla 2,4%, v letu 2025 pa naj bi se zvišala na 3%. Na gospodarstvo bo letos spodbudno vplivala predvsem domača poraba ob rasti dohodkov.
Na novinarski konferenci Banke Slovenije sta viceguvernerka Tina Žumer in direktorica Analitsko-raziskovalnega centra Banke Slovenije Arjana Brezigar Masten dejali, da se gospodarske napovedi izboljšujejo.
"Pričakujemo, da se bo gospodarska rast v Sloveniji v nadaljevanju leta krepila. Ta bo v letu 2026 dosegla dolgoročno povprečje 2,8%," je povedala Tina Žumer. Ob tem je dodala, da bo rast ostala višja kot v evrskem območju, v katerem bo po napovedih Evrosistema letos znašala 0,9% in se v naslednjih dveh letih okrepila na 1,4% oz. 1,6%.
Na gospodarsko dejavnost bo letos po njenih besedah spodbudno vplivalo predvsem domače trošenje ob rasti realnih dohodkov in povišanih izdatkov države. V naslednjih 2 letih bo dejavnost dodatno spodbujena s tujim povpraševanjem in krepitvijo izvoza. Ob izboljšanih gospodarskih obetih se bo zaposlenost še naprej povečevala, brezposelnost pa ohranjala na zgodovinsko nizki ravni. To bo ohranjalo tudi visoko rast plač.
Kot je dejala Tina Žumer, se bo inflacija še naprej približevala srednjeročnemu cilju 2%. "Glede na napovedi bo inflacija v Sloveniji letos znašala 2,4%, v letu 2025 bo začasno višja pri 3%, nato pa se bo spustila na 2,3% v letu 2026," je povedala in navedla še, da bo zniževanje inflacije počasnejše in bolj neenakomerno kot v preteklih mesecih.
"Hitrejše približevanje inflacije cenovni stabilnosti bosta zavirala še vedno okrepljena rast plač in iztek vladnih ukrepov za blaženje cen energentov," je poudarila. Kljub temu pa bo vrzel do evrskega območja občutno manjša kot v preteklih 2 letih. Glede na napovedi Evrosistema bo povprečna letna inflacija v evrskem območju letos znašala 2,5%, v letu 2025 2,2% in v letu 2026 1,9%.
Rast slovenskega gospodarstva tudi zaradi nižje neto zadolženosti gospodinjstev
Rast slovenskega gospodarstva bo po besedah direktorice Analitsko-raziskovalnega centra Banke Slovenije Arjane Brezigar Masten hitrejša od rasti evrskega zato, ker Slovenija še vedno dohiteva najbolj razvita gospodarstva in ker je slovenski trg dela robustnejši, pa tudi zaradi višjih plač in s tem večjega domačega povpraševanja ter nižje neto zadolženosti gospodinjstev.
Pomembnejša komponenta rasti je letos zasebna potrošnja, dvigujeta pa jo tudi državna potrošnja in investicije. "Te bodo predvsem odražale pomoč in obnovo po poplavah, potrošnja pa tudi preoblikovanje dopolnilnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja v obvezni zdravstveni prispevek," je dejala. Letos bo rast uvoza hitrejša od rasti izvoza, tako da bo prispevek neto menjave s tujino negativen, nato pa bo ta učinek izzvenel. "Konec leta 2026 bo imela Slovenija presežek na tekočem računu nekje nad 3% bruto domačega proizvoda (BDP)," je navedla.
Napoved Banke Slovenije za 3 letno obdobje je, da bo stopnja brezposelnosti ostala na rekordno nizkih ravneh. Povečevala se bo tudi zaposlenost, in sicer za 0,6%, kar je manj kot v zadnjih 3 letih. Tesnost trga dela se po njenem mnenju kaže v visoki rasti plač, ki je na primer v prvem četrtletju v zasebnem sektorju znašala že približno 8%. "A ta rast se bo letos umirila na 7,6% in padla na 4%," je povedala.
"Visoka rast plač se bo odražala v nadaljnji krepitvi stroškov dela, hkrati pa bo podpirala domače povpraševanje, kar se bo poznalo v visoki rasti cen storitev. To je ena pomembnejših komponent inflacije letos," je poudarila. Domači cenovni pritiski, razlika v gospodarskem ciklu, višja tesnost trga dela in potencialno višji stroški dela vplivajo na to, da ima Slovenija višjo osnovno inflacijo kot evrsko območje.
Padanje inflacije je po njenih besedah spodbudno, predvidena rast v prihodnjem letu pa je pogojena s tem, da vpliv visoke rasti plač deluje nekoliko z zamikom, ter z iztekom vladnih ukrepov za blaženje cen energentov. Podražile se bodo tudi nekatere surovine pri hrani, je dodala. Inflacija pa bo nato v drugi polovici 2025 začela linearno padati proti ciljni ravni Evropske centralne banke pri okoli 2%.
Primanjkljaj države se bo kljub popoplavni obnovi ohranjal pod 3% BDP-ja, dolg države v deležu BDP-ja se bo zaradi rasti nominalnega BDP-ja zniževal. Zaradi izvajanja načrta za okrevanje in odpornost pričakujemo predvsem najvišje državne investicije v deležu BDP-ja doslej, je še povedala.
Tveganja za napoved gospodarske rasti so domači strukturni izzivi in negotovost geopolitičnega okolja. Med zunanjimi dejavniki je Breziger Masten navedla ponudbene šoke, ki bi se lahko zgodili, če bi ustavili tranzit ruskega plina skozi Ukrajino. Omenila je tudi pozitivno tveganje, ki bi lahko zvišalo napoved rasti. To bi nastopilo, če bi se presežni prihranki gospodinjstev sproščali bolj, kot so predvidevali, je sklenila.
Neverjetno, kako Tina in Arjana lažeta ljudem. Lahko bi rekli, skrajno neokusno. Prispodoba bi temeljila na našem malem vrtičku, zavitem v intelektualno praznino in nepoznavanju geo-političnega globalnega dogajanja. Razen seveda, ko nam lastne prosojnice slikajo pravljico in števila odgovarjajo. Tema slepcev.
Skratka, Metanje pikada na slepo.
Poleg vseh globalnih dogodivščin, je valutna vojna v polnem razmahu, žrtve so že tu. Pazite nase.
Mr.B ::
Današnja tema ? kako je ameriško gospodarstvo/rezultati tako uspešno od ostalega sveta. Verjetno nima nič s tem da je več kot 60% Američanov lastnikov nepremičnin katerih vernost se je v zadnjih letih v povprečju no ne samo podvojila.. ampak tudi več kot 60% ima tako ali drugače direktno vezan svoje sredstva z borzo, verjetno ima vrednost na borzi zagotovo realno vrednost.
Najporej preverimo kako ..
Ko bereš nekaj takega
Ko potrebuješ nekaj mesece, da prihraniš za polmesečno najemnino, potem lahko prav tako kupiš nekaj malenkosti, da poskusiš narediti bedno situacijo nekoliko znosnejšo. Lahko tudi prodajaš ameriški sanje, da je problem v tistih na drogah..
The city in America where it's illegal to be homeless-Grant's Pass, Oregon.
Half of Americans struggling to stay where they are financially: Poll
The poll, conducted by Monmouth University's Polling Institute and released Wednesday, found 46 percent of Americans surveyed said they are struggling to remain where they are financially.
Forty-five percent of Americans in the same poll said they are "basically stable" in their financial situation, while only 9 percent said their financial situation is improving.
One million workers and retirees' earned pension benefits protected as Administration and Senator Casey announce assistance for over 100,000 union workers and retirees covered by the Bakery and Confectionery Union and Industry International Pension Fund
Over half of those million workers and retirees are in pension plans that had already cut benefits or were projected to become insolvent by the end of 2025.
Social Security's 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Is on Track to Do Something That Hasn't Happened in 28 Years
In May, 51 million retired-worker beneficiaries took home an average Social Security check totaling $1,916.63, which works out to $23,000 on an annualized basis. While this might not sound like a game-changing amount of money, the average retiree would struggle mightily without their guaranteed monthly benefit.
Over the last 23 years, national pollster Gallup has surveyed retirees to gauge their reliance on Social Security income. Between 80% and 90% of respondents have consistently leaned on their payout as a "major" or "minor" income source. In other words, a majority of retired workers might not be able to cover their expenses if Social Security didn't exist.
Verjetno je sedaj to čisto razumljivo
The U.S. Has Declined in Quality of Life Ranking, Dropping From 16th Place to 28th According to the Social Progress Index
Še studije
Florida loves prison labor': why most incarcerated people still work for free in the Sunshine state
Many prisoners clean toilets and prep food with no pay - as the state charges $50 a day for their incarceration
A $9bn food services company is using prisoners to make meals for other prisoners that can cost up to $30 - but it's not paying them.
Food service provider Aramark runs a prison program called In2Work that hasn't been paying prisoners for the work they've been doing for the company. The work includes making premium meals that family and friends can purchase for their loved ones in prison.
Ali drugače, ko zapustiš zapor si v finančni luknji, večji kot si jo imel prej. Ni čudno da so privatni zapori tak ameriški standard
How Did the US Eclipse Europe in Productivity? Mass Layoffs
Widespread job dismissals during the pandemic followed by a rapid recovery delivered big gains in output per hour worked.
"There was a silver lining to the -- brutal, almost inhumane -- shedding of labor in the US," emailed Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, global chief economist at Boston Consulting Group and co-author of the soon-to-be-published Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms: How to Assess True Macroeconomic Risk, who had during an earlier conversation inspired me to look into this topic. European countries avoided the layoffs, he went on, "but it looks like they missed out on the learnings that came with these massive gyrations (while US stimulus also managed to protect the population via stimulus checks).
In na koncu...
But how
Singapore, Switzerland and Denmark have been named the world's most competitive economies in the 2024 World Competitiveness Ranking published by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) on Tuesday. While Denmark dropped two spots after topping the list in 2022 and 2023, Singapore leapt from 4th place to number 1 thanks to very high scores in government and business efficiency.
Še Indija in koromandija...
Verjetno ni junaka v Ameriki ki si ob prodaji orožja Rusiji upa sankcionirat Indijo. No vsaj ne pred volitvami.. . po volitvah verjetno vseeno ko bo deficit skoraj 2Trijončka.
Najporej preverimo kako ..
Ko bereš nekaj takega
Ko potrebuješ nekaj mesece, da prihraniš za polmesečno najemnino, potem lahko prav tako kupiš nekaj malenkosti, da poskusiš narediti bedno situacijo nekoliko znosnejšo. Lahko tudi prodajaš ameriški sanje, da je problem v tistih na drogah..
The city in America where it's illegal to be homeless-Grant's Pass, Oregon.
Half of Americans struggling to stay where they are financially: Poll
The poll, conducted by Monmouth University's Polling Institute and released Wednesday, found 46 percent of Americans surveyed said they are struggling to remain where they are financially.
Forty-five percent of Americans in the same poll said they are "basically stable" in their financial situation, while only 9 percent said their financial situation is improving.
One million workers and retirees' earned pension benefits protected as Administration and Senator Casey announce assistance for over 100,000 union workers and retirees covered by the Bakery and Confectionery Union and Industry International Pension Fund
Over half of those million workers and retirees are in pension plans that had already cut benefits or were projected to become insolvent by the end of 2025.
Social Security's 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Is on Track to Do Something That Hasn't Happened in 28 Years
In May, 51 million retired-worker beneficiaries took home an average Social Security check totaling $1,916.63, which works out to $23,000 on an annualized basis. While this might not sound like a game-changing amount of money, the average retiree would struggle mightily without their guaranteed monthly benefit.
Over the last 23 years, national pollster Gallup has surveyed retirees to gauge their reliance on Social Security income. Between 80% and 90% of respondents have consistently leaned on their payout as a "major" or "minor" income source. In other words, a majority of retired workers might not be able to cover their expenses if Social Security didn't exist.
Verjetno je sedaj to čisto razumljivo
The U.S. Has Declined in Quality of Life Ranking, Dropping From 16th Place to 28th According to the Social Progress Index
Še studije
Florida loves prison labor': why most incarcerated people still work for free in the Sunshine state
Many prisoners clean toilets and prep food with no pay - as the state charges $50 a day for their incarceration
A $9bn food services company is using prisoners to make meals for other prisoners that can cost up to $30 - but it's not paying them.
Food service provider Aramark runs a prison program called In2Work that hasn't been paying prisoners for the work they've been doing for the company. The work includes making premium meals that family and friends can purchase for their loved ones in prison.
Ali drugače, ko zapustiš zapor si v finančni luknji, večji kot si jo imel prej. Ni čudno da so privatni zapori tak ameriški standard
How Did the US Eclipse Europe in Productivity? Mass Layoffs
Widespread job dismissals during the pandemic followed by a rapid recovery delivered big gains in output per hour worked.
"There was a silver lining to the -- brutal, almost inhumane -- shedding of labor in the US," emailed Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, global chief economist at Boston Consulting Group and co-author of the soon-to-be-published Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms: How to Assess True Macroeconomic Risk, who had during an earlier conversation inspired me to look into this topic. European countries avoided the layoffs, he went on, "but it looks like they missed out on the learnings that came with these massive gyrations (while US stimulus also managed to protect the population via stimulus checks).
In na koncu...
But how
Singapore, Switzerland and Denmark have been named the world's most competitive economies in the 2024 World Competitiveness Ranking published by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) on Tuesday. While Denmark dropped two spots after topping the list in 2022 and 2023, Singapore leapt from 4th place to number 1 thanks to very high scores in government and business efficiency.
Še Indija in koromandija...
Verjetno ni junaka v Ameriki ki si ob prodaji orožja Rusiji upa sankcionirat Indijo. No vsaj ne pred volitvami.. . po volitvah verjetno vseeno ko bo deficit skoraj 2Trijončka.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Malo Bric itd...
Dobro da je Euro & Asija
Kaj pa Advance naše zahodne Ekonoije ki branijo Ukrjino :
One of the big problems with high asset prices and higher-than-zero interest rates is that farmers find that the cost of their land becomes too high to make it worthwhile to grow crops. This is especially the case for new farmers, who may need to buy their land using the higher-cost debt.
People often believe that farm prices will rise indefinitely, but Reuters reports that high borrowing costs and low food prices are cutting demand for farm equipment from John Deere, the world's largest manufacturer of agricultural machinery. Without a flow of new farm equipment to replace that which is breaking or worn out, food production can be expected to fall.
Ko kitajska printa, da izpodrine dolar...brrr printing
Letos bo proračun manjko skoraj 2T$. Razmislite da so obresti že danes druga navečja postavka Ameriškega proračuna.
The CBO expects a budget deficit of $1.9 trillion in 2024, a year of alleged robust economic growth and record tax receipts. They expect revenues to reach $4.9 trillion, or 17.2 percent of GDP, in 2024, which will rise to 18.0 percent by 2027 and remain at that level until 2034.
This report's main finding is alarming. Despite expecting no recession and rising tax revenues from 2024 to 2034, the budget deficit will explode from $1.9 trillion to $2.8 trillion by 2034.
Estimates place the adjusted deficit at 6.9 percent of GDP by 2034, nearly twice the average of 3.7 percent over the previous 50 years.
What is the problem when the CBO sees solid growth and rising revenues? Deficits are always a spending problem. By 2034, they expect outlays to soar from $6.8 trillion to $10.3 trillion, or 24.9% of GDP. Interestingly, one of the major reasons for the significant increase in outlays cited by the CBO is the soaring cost of debt. According to the report, debt swells from 2024 to 2034 "as increases in interest costs and mandatory spending outpace decreases in discretionary spending and growth in revenues." Public debt rises from 99 percent of GDP in 2024 to 122 percent in 2034, or $50.6 trillion, to which we must add the public debt held by other entities, including the Fed. The CBO considers "debt held by the public" to be $28 trillion in 2024, when public debt is already $34 trillion. Thus, United States public debt will increase by $22 trillion in a decade.
kako to zgoraj gleda Azijski BRIC blok..
The most obvious example of disillusionment over US fiscal excesses is the pivot away from the US dollar . The predicament is made worse by the bull market in political polarization in the halls of Washington power as the US debt hits $35 trillion.
"The current fiscal trajectory could eventually push the debt-to-GDP ratio to a point where stabilizing it would require a fiscal surplus of a size that has rarely been sustained historically," says economist Manuel Abecasis at Goldman Sachs."And while the conditions for a fiscal consolidation to succeed are currently in place in the US, there is little political momentum for deficit reduction."
Analysts warn that if the US floods the market with Treasury bills, it could jeopardise quantitative tightening, the Fed's drive to shrink its balance sheet, which is one of the main struts of the central bank's push against inflation.
"The risk is QT is going to have to end sooner than expected," said JPMorgan's Barry.
The Fed had to step into the markets during the so-called repo crisis of September 2019, when a dearth of buyers briefly sent overnight lending rates above 10 per cent.
Pa da ne pozabimo temo na vsakih tri mesecev... no reuter se bere, sej nimate izbire kot $, torej ni skrbi..
Still, some market participants see a limited impact from a sovereign rating downgrade due to lack of suitable alternatives to high-quality liquid assets such as U.S. Treasury securities.
"Curiously, the term premium in the U.S. hasn't materially increased in recent months, suggesting the demand for U.S. debt remains quite strong," Goldberg said.
Both Democrats and Republicans expressed concern about the national debt as inflation and interest rates soared over the last few years, but spending has been difficult to corral. The C.B.O. report assumes that the 2017 tax cuts are not extended, but that is highly unlikely. President Biden has said he will extend some of the tax cuts, including those for low- and middle-income earners, and former President Donald J. Trump has said he will extend all of them if he wins in November. Fully extending the tax cuts could cost around about $5 trillion over 10 years.
Verjetno je to najmanj, kar bi lahko storili starši zanje, saj niso poskrbeli, da bi gospodarstvo lahko podpiralo njihove otroke.![:))](
Nearly eight in 10 millennials (78%) received some type of financial boost from their families, including help paying for college, down payments on cars and homes, and inheritances. It's not just small potatoes: 27% received at least $25,000 in financial help. (And that doesn't account for the savings boost that some have benefited from by living with their parents.)
Še malo bric
Indija ravno nima veliko za ponudit :
Blago/energija in surovine? ne
Končni izdelki? ne
Vojaška oprema? ne , ok prodajajo Rusiji in Izraelu zato niso na sankcijah
Velike količine kapitalskih naložb? ne
Bi Kitajska lahko ponudila vse to in še več? ja
Finally, New Delhi should make creative uses of its soft power to retain its influence in the region. One way to do that is to actively encourage informal contacts between political and civil society actors in India and those in other South Asian countries. For instance, there is a need to encourage informal and unofficial conflict management processes in the region especially when and where the Indian state is hesitant about being involved directly in a conflict -- Myanmar is a case in point.
The dichotomy between India's global rise and regional decline has profound implications for India's global aspirations. It is a legitimate question to ask whether a country that is unable to maintain primacy in its periphery will be able to be a pivotal power in international politics.
Ko razpizdiš ostale prijatelje Američanov...
As Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Li Qiang wrapped up separate meetings in Southeast Asia this week, the two partners in the BRICS economic bloc encountered a region keen to join a group seen as a hedge against Western-led institutions.
During an interview with Chinese media ahead of Li's visit to Malaysia, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim declared his intention to apply to the bloc after it doubled in size this year by luring Global South nations -- partly by offering access to financing but also by providing a political venue independent of Washington's influence.
Tole sem že objavil ?
No samo mormon verjame tem številkam, ane Rusofijia kot protiargument.![:))](
The other day, the World Bank published a report on the shadow economy by country, according to which it accounts for about 5% of total GDP in Japan, 8% in America, and as much as 39% in our country, Russia.
The shadow economy index in Russia is one of the highest in the world, almost 84% higher than the global average. Only Ukraine (46% of GDP, or UAH 1.1 trillion), Nigeria (48% of GDP) and Azerbaijan (67% of GDP) have a larger economy in the shadow. In fifth place is Sri Lanka with an indicator of 38%.
How exactly does China utilize its foreign investments? Many members of the "Left" have criticized the CPC for allowing foreign enterprises to operate in China, believing that the Party has somehow capitulated to the will of the Western oligarchs who run these companies. This article will provide insight into how China actually engages with foreign companies, uses their investments and foreign IP transfers for the purpose of moving up the industrial chain.
Technology exchange and Joint-Ventures
Ps: pa ne metati standardih odgovorov, ker kapitalsit je dobro vedel, za kaj se gre, no njemu kratkoročno le za profit, Amerika bo jih pa itak reševala, sej je s tarifami in pomočjo to že ja jasno
No še sreča da je Amerika produkcija nafte na vrhu, ker kdo od G7 bo pa še kupoval nafto v $ ? Pa polnijo strateške rezerve bolj počasi
Dobro da je Euro & Asija
Kaj pa Advance naše zahodne Ekonoije ki branijo Ukrjino :
One of the big problems with high asset prices and higher-than-zero interest rates is that farmers find that the cost of their land becomes too high to make it worthwhile to grow crops. This is especially the case for new farmers, who may need to buy their land using the higher-cost debt.
People often believe that farm prices will rise indefinitely, but Reuters reports that high borrowing costs and low food prices are cutting demand for farm equipment from John Deere, the world's largest manufacturer of agricultural machinery. Without a flow of new farm equipment to replace that which is breaking or worn out, food production can be expected to fall.
Ko kitajska printa, da izpodrine dolar...brrr printing
Letos bo proračun manjko skoraj 2T$. Razmislite da so obresti že danes druga navečja postavka Ameriškega proračuna.
The CBO expects a budget deficit of $1.9 trillion in 2024, a year of alleged robust economic growth and record tax receipts. They expect revenues to reach $4.9 trillion, or 17.2 percent of GDP, in 2024, which will rise to 18.0 percent by 2027 and remain at that level until 2034.
This report's main finding is alarming. Despite expecting no recession and rising tax revenues from 2024 to 2034, the budget deficit will explode from $1.9 trillion to $2.8 trillion by 2034.
Estimates place the adjusted deficit at 6.9 percent of GDP by 2034, nearly twice the average of 3.7 percent over the previous 50 years.
What is the problem when the CBO sees solid growth and rising revenues? Deficits are always a spending problem. By 2034, they expect outlays to soar from $6.8 trillion to $10.3 trillion, or 24.9% of GDP. Interestingly, one of the major reasons for the significant increase in outlays cited by the CBO is the soaring cost of debt. According to the report, debt swells from 2024 to 2034 "as increases in interest costs and mandatory spending outpace decreases in discretionary spending and growth in revenues." Public debt rises from 99 percent of GDP in 2024 to 122 percent in 2034, or $50.6 trillion, to which we must add the public debt held by other entities, including the Fed. The CBO considers "debt held by the public" to be $28 trillion in 2024, when public debt is already $34 trillion. Thus, United States public debt will increase by $22 trillion in a decade.
kako to zgoraj gleda Azijski BRIC blok..
The most obvious example of disillusionment over US fiscal excesses is the pivot away from the US dollar . The predicament is made worse by the bull market in political polarization in the halls of Washington power as the US debt hits $35 trillion.
"The current fiscal trajectory could eventually push the debt-to-GDP ratio to a point where stabilizing it would require a fiscal surplus of a size that has rarely been sustained historically," says economist Manuel Abecasis at Goldman Sachs."And while the conditions for a fiscal consolidation to succeed are currently in place in the US, there is little political momentum for deficit reduction."
Analysts warn that if the US floods the market with Treasury bills, it could jeopardise quantitative tightening, the Fed's drive to shrink its balance sheet, which is one of the main struts of the central bank's push against inflation.
"The risk is QT is going to have to end sooner than expected," said JPMorgan's Barry.
The Fed had to step into the markets during the so-called repo crisis of September 2019, when a dearth of buyers briefly sent overnight lending rates above 10 per cent.
Pa da ne pozabimo temo na vsakih tri mesecev... no reuter se bere, sej nimate izbire kot $, torej ni skrbi..
Still, some market participants see a limited impact from a sovereign rating downgrade due to lack of suitable alternatives to high-quality liquid assets such as U.S. Treasury securities.
"Curiously, the term premium in the U.S. hasn't materially increased in recent months, suggesting the demand for U.S. debt remains quite strong," Goldberg said.
Both Democrats and Republicans expressed concern about the national debt as inflation and interest rates soared over the last few years, but spending has been difficult to corral. The C.B.O. report assumes that the 2017 tax cuts are not extended, but that is highly unlikely. President Biden has said he will extend some of the tax cuts, including those for low- and middle-income earners, and former President Donald J. Trump has said he will extend all of them if he wins in November. Fully extending the tax cuts could cost around about $5 trillion over 10 years.
Verjetno je to najmanj, kar bi lahko storili starši zanje, saj niso poskrbeli, da bi gospodarstvo lahko podpiralo njihove otroke.
Nearly eight in 10 millennials (78%) received some type of financial boost from their families, including help paying for college, down payments on cars and homes, and inheritances. It's not just small potatoes: 27% received at least $25,000 in financial help. (And that doesn't account for the savings boost that some have benefited from by living with their parents.)
Še malo bric
Indija ravno nima veliko za ponudit :
Blago/energija in surovine? ne
Končni izdelki? ne
Vojaška oprema? ne , ok prodajajo Rusiji in Izraelu zato niso na sankcijah
Velike količine kapitalskih naložb? ne
Bi Kitajska lahko ponudila vse to in še več? ja
Finally, New Delhi should make creative uses of its soft power to retain its influence in the region. One way to do that is to actively encourage informal contacts between political and civil society actors in India and those in other South Asian countries. For instance, there is a need to encourage informal and unofficial conflict management processes in the region especially when and where the Indian state is hesitant about being involved directly in a conflict -- Myanmar is a case in point.
The dichotomy between India's global rise and regional decline has profound implications for India's global aspirations. It is a legitimate question to ask whether a country that is unable to maintain primacy in its periphery will be able to be a pivotal power in international politics.
Ko razpizdiš ostale prijatelje Američanov...
As Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Li Qiang wrapped up separate meetings in Southeast Asia this week, the two partners in the BRICS economic bloc encountered a region keen to join a group seen as a hedge against Western-led institutions.
During an interview with Chinese media ahead of Li's visit to Malaysia, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim declared his intention to apply to the bloc after it doubled in size this year by luring Global South nations -- partly by offering access to financing but also by providing a political venue independent of Washington's influence.
Tole sem že objavil ?
No samo mormon verjame tem številkam, ane Rusofijia kot protiargument.
The other day, the World Bank published a report on the shadow economy by country, according to which it accounts for about 5% of total GDP in Japan, 8% in America, and as much as 39% in our country, Russia.
The shadow economy index in Russia is one of the highest in the world, almost 84% higher than the global average. Only Ukraine (46% of GDP, or UAH 1.1 trillion), Nigeria (48% of GDP) and Azerbaijan (67% of GDP) have a larger economy in the shadow. In fifth place is Sri Lanka with an indicator of 38%.
How exactly does China utilize its foreign investments? Many members of the "Left" have criticized the CPC for allowing foreign enterprises to operate in China, believing that the Party has somehow capitulated to the will of the Western oligarchs who run these companies. This article will provide insight into how China actually engages with foreign companies, uses their investments and foreign IP transfers for the purpose of moving up the industrial chain.
Technology exchange and Joint-Ventures
Ps: pa ne metati standardih odgovorov, ker kapitalsit je dobro vedel, za kaj se gre, no njemu kratkoročno le za profit, Amerika bo jih pa itak reševala, sej je s tarifami in pomočjo to že ja jasno
No še sreča da je Amerika produkcija nafte na vrhu, ker kdo od G7 bo pa še kupoval nafto v $ ? Pa polnijo strateške rezerve bolj počasi
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Zadnji graf je kaj točno?
Dnar ki je na voljo... za reševanje bank.
Banka namesto da prikaže izgube da te izgube no prekniži jih FED-u za keš, ta pa ka bomo ko bodo razmere bolše dal banki nazaj in bo banka pokazala da je prfekna naložba....
In a reverse repo, a party in need of cash reserves temporarily sells a business asset, equipment, or even shares in another company, with the stipulation that it will buy the assets back at a premium. Like other types of lenders, the buyer of the assets in a repo agreement earns money for providing a cash boost to the seller, and the underlying collateral reduces the risk of the transaction.1
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Se razume, US tarife so zato, ker so dobri v vrednosti delnic in cenah nepremičnin.
The U.S. Drops Out of Global Competitiveness Top 10
Singapore, Switzerland and Denmark have been named the world's most competitive economies in the 2024 World Competitiveness Ranking published by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) on Tuesday. While Denmark dropped two spots after topping the list in 2022 and 2023, Singapore leapt from 4th place to number 1 thanks to very high scores in government and business efficiency.
How China Beats the West in its Own Game
One of the reasons why China ended up developing the Fuxing model is because China holds many patents related to the internal components of foreign train models, re-designed in China to allow the trains to run at higher speeds than the foreign designs allowed. However, these patents are only valid within China, and as such hold no international power. This weakness of Hexie trains' intellectual property became an obstruction for China to export its high-speed rail related products due to protest from its foreign partners. This led to the development of a completely redesigned train brand, Fuxing, which is based on indigenous technologies.23
The U.S. Drops Out of Global Competitiveness Top 10
Singapore, Switzerland and Denmark have been named the world's most competitive economies in the 2024 World Competitiveness Ranking published by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) on Tuesday. While Denmark dropped two spots after topping the list in 2022 and 2023, Singapore leapt from 4th place to number 1 thanks to very high scores in government and business efficiency.
How China Beats the West in its Own Game
One of the reasons why China ended up developing the Fuxing model is because China holds many patents related to the internal components of foreign train models, re-designed in China to allow the trains to run at higher speeds than the foreign designs allowed. However, these patents are only valid within China, and as such hold no international power. This weakness of Hexie trains' intellectual property became an obstruction for China to export its high-speed rail related products due to protest from its foreign partners. This led to the development of a completely redesigned train brand, Fuxing, which is based on indigenous technologies.23
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
Mr.B ::
Samo ne izgubiti zaupanja v $, drugače pa če si sam sebi dolžnik je vseeno..
Last week, the Congressional Budget Office raised its estimate for the government deficit this year by a whopping 27%, or $408 billion over its February forecast, to $1.9 trillion.
CBO estimates that for every dollar added to the deficit, private investment loses 33 cents, which diminishes economic growth and wages over time.
CBO expects federal debt held by the public to rise from 99% of gross domestic product in 2024 to 122% in 2034, surpassing the peak of 106% reached in 1946, immediately following World War II.
Jobs report: One-third of the 206K adds in June were in government
4 US Banks with Bigger Unrealized Losses than their Equity Capital
Four banks had losses that exceeded their equity capital: Union City SVGS Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 172.7%; Citizens ST Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 121.4%; Green Dot Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 108.6%; and First America TR, where unbooked losses equaled 104%.
Larger banks on the list with more than $10 billion in equity had unbooked security losses more than their equity capital: Charles Schwab, where unbooked losses equaled 64%; USAA Federal Savings Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 67% of their equity capital; and Bank of America NA, where unbooked losses equaled 58%.
Rising rates have had a negative effect on the balance sheets of many banks regarding their unbooked securities losses.
"It's likely that losses in the second quarter could be far greater as the yield on the 10-year treasury rose from 4.21% at the end of this quarter to 4.48% most recently," Cole said. "There also are many smaller banks with less than $1 billion in assets facing similar risks; 22 have unbooked losses greater than 100% of their equity capital and 275 have losses greater than 50%."
Last week, the Congressional Budget Office raised its estimate for the government deficit this year by a whopping 27%, or $408 billion over its February forecast, to $1.9 trillion.
CBO estimates that for every dollar added to the deficit, private investment loses 33 cents, which diminishes economic growth and wages over time.
CBO expects federal debt held by the public to rise from 99% of gross domestic product in 2024 to 122% in 2034, surpassing the peak of 106% reached in 1946, immediately following World War II.
Jobs report: One-third of the 206K adds in June were in government
4 US Banks with Bigger Unrealized Losses than their Equity Capital
Four banks had losses that exceeded their equity capital: Union City SVGS Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 172.7%; Citizens ST Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 121.4%; Green Dot Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 108.6%; and First America TR, where unbooked losses equaled 104%.
Larger banks on the list with more than $10 billion in equity had unbooked security losses more than their equity capital: Charles Schwab, where unbooked losses equaled 64%; USAA Federal Savings Bank, where unbooked losses equaled 67% of their equity capital; and Bank of America NA, where unbooked losses equaled 58%.
Rising rates have had a negative effect on the balance sheets of many banks regarding their unbooked securities losses.
"It's likely that losses in the second quarter could be far greater as the yield on the 10-year treasury rose from 4.21% at the end of this quarter to 4.48% most recently," Cole said. "There also are many smaller banks with less than $1 billion in assets facing similar risks; 22 have unbooked losses greater than 100% of their equity capital and 275 have losses greater than 50%."
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Če bi verjeli Zahodnemu enoumju bi Rusiji že v letu 2022 zmanjkalo denarja, pa vse ostalo, ki so zahodni odprti ne cenzurirani mediji plasirali na kot resnica..
Ni čudno da je panika, ko vzržavanje trenutnega stanja koristi zgolj rusiji.
Ni čudno da je panika, ko vzržavanje trenutnega stanja koristi zgolj rusiji.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
gozdar1 ::
Zato vsi ruski boti že mesece razlagajo o pogajanjih, ker gre rusiji tako dobro.
Za izraz potemkinova vas verjetno še nisi slišal.
Za izraz potemkinova vas verjetno še nisi slišal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: fikus_ ()
Mr.B ::
Zato vsi ruski boti že mesece razlagajo o pogajanjih, ker gre rusiji tako dobro.
Za izraz potemkinova vas verjetno še nisi slišal.
Ne vem, točno kaj si hotel povedat.
Toda ali
resnično zanikaš pisanje zahodnih finančnih inštitucij
ali moram resnično začeti Copy paste iz Ukrajinske teme o stanju Rusije iz leta 2022 in dalje o vseh teh samo da nije.
V vseh pogledih bi bilo za sodelujoče v tej temi čisti debilizem. Se strinjaš, v končni fazi nisi v pravljični ukrajinski temi.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
LOL kanda.
"We have fiscal guardrails and we're not going to change those because of a summit," the official said.
"We need to work within those constraints.
ERLIN, July 9 (Reuters) - The number of medium-sized and large companies in Germany that went insolvent in the first half of this year was up 41% compared with the same period last year, the Handelsblatt daily reported, citing inflation, rising costs and weakening demand.
In the first six months of 2024, 162 companies with a turnover of more than 10 million euros ($10.83 million) filed for insolvency, Handelsblatt reported, citing an analysis it had commissioned from restructuring consultants Falkensteg.
The figure is significantly higher than the 30% increase restructuring analysts had expected at the beginning of the year, according to Handelsblatt.
Real estate companies, automotive suppliers and mechanical engineering companies are particularly affected, it said.
"We have fiscal guardrails and we're not going to change those because of a summit," the official said.
"We need to work within those constraints.
ERLIN, July 9 (Reuters) - The number of medium-sized and large companies in Germany that went insolvent in the first half of this year was up 41% compared with the same period last year, the Handelsblatt daily reported, citing inflation, rising costs and weakening demand.
In the first six months of 2024, 162 companies with a turnover of more than 10 million euros ($10.83 million) filed for insolvency, Handelsblatt reported, citing an analysis it had commissioned from restructuring consultants Falkensteg.
The figure is significantly higher than the 30% increase restructuring analysts had expected at the beginning of the year, according to Handelsblatt.
Real estate companies, automotive suppliers and mechanical engineering companies are particularly affected, it said.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
gruntfürmich ::
skos razlagaš kako gre ameriškim gospodinjstvom slabo, ampak to je fiktivna težava. ker američan bo z več dohodka takoj začel z višjim standardom, in od tod problemi. ne bo šparal in živel z veliko plačo v slabi soseski...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Mr.B ::
But the risks to economic data are particularly notable because of the attention it receives from policymakers and investors. Most of that data is based on surveys of households or businesses. And response rates to government surveys have plummeted in recent years, as they have for private polls. The response rate to the Current Population Survey -- the monthly survey of about 60,000 households that is the basis for the unemployment rate and other labor force statistics -- has fallen to about 70 percent in recent months, from nearly 90 percent a decade ago.
Distopija Ameriških bank
Distopija borze
The spread between the S&P 500 and its equal-weighted counterpart was the most since 2009, when tech stocks rebounded from a bruising selloff during the 2007-08 financial crisis.
The S&P 500's top 10 stocks are now starting to approach levels seen during the dotcom bubble when their weightage in the index accounted for a little over 40%, Klimke added.
Excluding Nvidia, whose shares have more than doubled, the S&P 500 is up about 10% in the first half of 2024, and without the so-called "Magnificent Seven" stocks the benchmark index's gains are just over 6%, S&P Dow Jones Indices data showed
Distopija Ameriških bank
Distopija borze
The spread between the S&P 500 and its equal-weighted counterpart was the most since 2009, when tech stocks rebounded from a bruising selloff during the 2007-08 financial crisis.
The S&P 500's top 10 stocks are now starting to approach levels seen during the dotcom bubble when their weightage in the index accounted for a little over 40%, Klimke added.
Excluding Nvidia, whose shares have more than doubled, the S&P 500 is up about 10% in the first half of 2024, and without the so-called "Magnificent Seven" stocks the benchmark index's gains are just over 6%, S&P Dow Jones Indices data showed
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
skos razlagaš kako gre ameriškim gospodinjstvom slabo, ampak to je fiktivna težava. ker američan bo z več dohodka takoj začel z višjim standardom, in od tod problemi. ne bo šparal in živel z veliko plačo v slabi soseski...
ti dam samo nekaj naslovov...
The 14 Best Countries to Retire in 2023 for Americans Abroad
Why More Americans are Retiring Abroad
The financial crisis over a decade ago has prompted more and more Americans to retire abroad. The number of retirees who draw Social Security outside the U.S. increased 40% between 2007 and 2017 to more than 413,000, according to the Social Security Administration.
Many Americans Want to Retire Early, Move Out of U.S.: Survey
L noted that it had seen a 1,600% increase in search volume around the term “move out of the U.S.” since May, with 20% of survey respondents citing more interest in moving overseas because of the pandemic.
What’s Driving Americans to Retire Abroad? Money — or Lack of It
July 18, 2012 • 11 min read
In the aftermath of the global financial meltdown that ravaged 401(k) accounts and decimated home values, a growing number of Americans are stretching their savings by retiring abroad to countries like Thailand, India, Ecuador and Portugal. But the lure of lower costs of living, more affordable health care and warmer climates can mask some of the other, less obvious expenses that expats face when they make the move, according to Wharton faculty and other experts.
The Americans retiring to Mexico for a more affordable life: ‘We are immigrants’
Iz sosednje teme, ko je celotni retirement found baziran na donosnost borze..
Market forces are not enough to halt climate change
Investor returns imply that the welfare of future human beings is close to irrelevant
Nor is this all. As Lord Nicholas Stern and Joseph Stiglitz argue in "Climate Change and Growth", among the most important problems in this area is the failure of capital markets to price the future appropriately. Thus, the returns today’s investors seek imply that the welfare of future human beings is close to irrelevant. This only makes sense if one can assume that the future will be fine. But what if the decisions investors are taking ensure it will not be? Then institutions — governments, evidently — must influence, if not override, those decisions. This makes the case for influencing (or setting) the cost of capital very powerful. This is particularly important for emerging and developing countries, where costs of capital are punitive. An important recent paper from Bruegel, "The economic case for climate finance at scale", makes a persuasive case for financing an accelerated exit of these countries from their reliance on coal.
Ter podobno...
Millennials are so broke they’re ruining their parents’ retirements
A majority of U.S. parents have made financial sacrifices to set their adult children up for success, many times at the expense of their own savings.
Nearly seven in 10 parents (68%) who have any children aged 18 or older have made at least one financial sacrifice to help out their kids, according to a recent survey from Bankrate of 2,346 U.S. adults, among whom 773 are parents.
The most common financial hit? Emergency savings. Over half of parents surveyed say they’ve dipped into their savings to help their adult children, with one in five making significant sacrifices. Nearly half have also put off paying down debt to provide support, and more than two in five parents reported helping at the expense of their retirement savings. Overall, about 16% of parents reported significantly putting off hitting other financial milestones in order to prioritize their children’s financial needs.
Millennials and Gen Z have both faced major economic events at tenuous times in their lives that have created financial challenges: the Great Recession and a global pandemic, respectively. Additionally, many younger Americans also dealt with skyrocketing home prices and student loan debt at some point in, or even throughout, their twenties and thirties.
Vprašanje je, če bi se tudi upokojil v ameriki :
At least one toddler under the age of 4 has been responsible for shooting someone at a rate of once a week so far this year in America.
V ameriki se upokojijo top 10, ki se izolirajo od ostalih ter tisti ki nimajo ničesar. Pa še zaprejo te lahko če si na cesti, kot brezdomec, in te potem uporabjo kot suženska delovna sila, saj moraš kazen v zaporu no hotel privatnega zapora plačat, in se v večini primerov dogodi, da po končlani kazni, si dolžen več preden si prišel v zapor.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Kitajske tarife, no desetletje prodajanja BS-a.
Earlier this week, Luxcara announced that it had picked MingYang Smart Energy to supply its 18.5 MW turbines to supply 16 wind turbines to be installed by 2028.
This is an unprecedented move given that Europe-based equipment manufacturers have powered the EU's push for renewable energy from wind farms. GE, Vestas, and Siemens have manufacturing facilities in Europe and regularly supply both onshore and offshore turbines to meet the increasing demands in Europe.
In potem:
Germany set to abstain in vote on EU tariffs for China EVs, sources say
China's trade surplus stood at $99.05 billion in June, the highest in records going back to 1981, compared with a forecast of $85 billion and $82.62 billion in May. The United States has repeatedly highlighted the surplus as evidence of one-sided trade favouring the Chinese economy.
Washington in May hiked tariffs on an array of Chinese imports, including quadrupling duties on Chinese electric vehicles to 100%. Brussels last week confirmed it would impose tariffs on EVs as well, but only up to 37.6%.
Ko govorimo at scale, ni tarif, ki bi lahko to blokirale...
Six nations manufacture at least 3% of the world total. China is followed by the US, Japan, Germany, India, and South Korea. Note how the world has changed. Only three of these are long-established industrial economies; the other three are newly industrialised economies. Four of the G7 don't make the cut. The chart separately identifies nations with shares of at least 2%, and on the left, this includes Italy, France, and Taiwan (two of the G7, the UK and Canada, don't make the cut). In the right panel (value-added basis), the UK makes an appearance with a share just above 2%.
Ni čudno da je industrijska proizvodnja več ali manj na zahodu negativna...resnično rabimo na zahodu da nekaj poči, ker sistem je najboljši napram ostalim osem zla. No vsaj volitve bodo kmalu, morda bo FED spustil kakšen del procenta, da bodo volili vedeli koga volit.
Earlier this week, Luxcara announced that it had picked MingYang Smart Energy to supply its 18.5 MW turbines to supply 16 wind turbines to be installed by 2028.
This is an unprecedented move given that Europe-based equipment manufacturers have powered the EU's push for renewable energy from wind farms. GE, Vestas, and Siemens have manufacturing facilities in Europe and regularly supply both onshore and offshore turbines to meet the increasing demands in Europe.
In potem:
Germany set to abstain in vote on EU tariffs for China EVs, sources say
China's trade surplus stood at $99.05 billion in June, the highest in records going back to 1981, compared with a forecast of $85 billion and $82.62 billion in May. The United States has repeatedly highlighted the surplus as evidence of one-sided trade favouring the Chinese economy.
Washington in May hiked tariffs on an array of Chinese imports, including quadrupling duties on Chinese electric vehicles to 100%. Brussels last week confirmed it would impose tariffs on EVs as well, but only up to 37.6%.
Ko govorimo at scale, ni tarif, ki bi lahko to blokirale...
Six nations manufacture at least 3% of the world total. China is followed by the US, Japan, Germany, India, and South Korea. Note how the world has changed. Only three of these are long-established industrial economies; the other three are newly industrialised economies. Four of the G7 don't make the cut. The chart separately identifies nations with shares of at least 2%, and on the left, this includes Italy, France, and Taiwan (two of the G7, the UK and Canada, don't make the cut). In the right panel (value-added basis), the UK makes an appearance with a share just above 2%.
Ni čudno da je industrijska proizvodnja več ali manj na zahodu negativna...resnično rabimo na zahodu da nekaj poči, ker sistem je najboljši napram ostalim osem zla. No vsaj volitve bodo kmalu, morda bo FED spustil kakšen del procenta, da bodo volili vedeli koga volit.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
gruntfürmich ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
skos razlagaš kako gre ameriškim gospodinjstvom slabo, ampak to je fiktivna težava. ker američan bo z več dohodka takoj začel z višjim standardom, in od tod problemi. ne bo šparal in živel z veliko plačo v slabi soseski...
ti dam samo nekaj naslovov...
to dvoje se ne izključuje.
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
gruntfürmich ::
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Mr.B ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
Da sej veš, Fak china, mi na zahodu ne kupujemo iz kitajske ampak iz pisarn po Aziji. Iz neznanega razloga je vedno več o nepremičninskem balončku iz amerinke. Sej več letos v prvem kvartalu so investitorji kupili 15% vseh nepremičnin, v prejšnjem kvartalu pa skoraj 1/3. S tem da boš dojel balonček morda takrat ko večina amerikanke, no mislim 90% ne bo mogla kupiti nepremičnine, in 70% si ne bo sposobna s povprečno plačo najeti dvosobnega stanovanja...
Če gremo nazaj na tvojo kitajsko bolečino… Kitajska dobesedno superchaga Azijo
Boosted by trade | Vietnam’s economy accelerated more than forecast in the second quarter, buoyed by a recovery in trade and increased business activity aided by foreign investment. Gross domestic product rose 6.93% in the April-June period from a year earlier, according to data from the General Statistics Office in Hanoi on Saturday. The industrial sector remained strong in the first half of the year with manufacturing output growth at 8.67%, the driver of the country’s economic expansion, the statistics office said.
'm not an expert on China, but during ongoing work on global supply chain disruptions with my co-authors Rebecca Freeman and Angelos Theodorakopoulos, I've noticed a stark fact that I don’t think is as widely known as it should be. China is the now world’s sole manufacturing superpower.
This column uses the OECD’s recently released 2023 update of their invaluable TiVA database to show, in eight charts, how this came to be. I will skip the historical Chinese reform narrative as that has been well covered by real China experts (e.g. Wang 2023, World Bank 2013, Ranganathan 2023).
G7 je, no pustimo...
in kdaj je Trump rekel Fuck China :
Pa bi rekel še kaj drugag, recimo 2/3 svetovne inštalacije solarnih panelov je na kitajske, ali kdo dela baterije v procentih.. Da scale...
Amerika samo dela na borzi in ceni nepremičnin, le te so izkjučene iz inflacije, zato tudi ni pokritja po statistiki printanje dnaraj, in inflacije... Koliko američanov si pa privošči avtomobilsko zavarovanje, sej veš da je to naraslo za skoraj 50%
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Here's why international buyers are pulling way back from the U.S. housing market
International buyers of U.S. residential real estate are running into the same hurdles as domestic buyers -- namely high prices and tight supply -- but they're also up against a strong U.S. dollar, which makes the properties even more expensive for them. As a result, international buyers are pulling out.
They purchased 54,300 existing homes from April of last year to March of this year, a 36% drop from the year before, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors. This is the lowest level of international investment since the NAR began tracking it in 2009.
The dollar volume, $42 billion, was also down 21% from the year before.
Ps: ko si večina amerikanke ne more privoščit, bi pa investirali ? no konkurirat morajo predvsem ameriškim finančnim investicijskim skladov, ki so polni free denarja.
Ne bom rekel, zagotovo so IMF podkupili,
Gourinchas estimated that China and India would account for nearly half of global growth this year. Partly because of a surge in Chinese exports at the start of 2024, the IMF upgraded its growth forecast for China this year to 5% from the 4.6% it had projected in April, though down from 5.2% in 2023.
International buyers of U.S. residential real estate are running into the same hurdles as domestic buyers -- namely high prices and tight supply -- but they're also up against a strong U.S. dollar, which makes the properties even more expensive for them. As a result, international buyers are pulling out.
They purchased 54,300 existing homes from April of last year to March of this year, a 36% drop from the year before, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors. This is the lowest level of international investment since the NAR began tracking it in 2009.
The dollar volume, $42 billion, was also down 21% from the year before.
Ps: ko si večina amerikanke ne more privoščit, bi pa investirali ? no konkurirat morajo predvsem ameriškim finančnim investicijskim skladov, ki so polni free denarja.
Ne bom rekel, zagotovo so IMF podkupili,
Gourinchas estimated that China and India would account for nearly half of global growth this year. Partly because of a surge in Chinese exports at the start of 2024, the IMF upgraded its growth forecast for China this year to 5% from the 4.6% it had projected in April, though down from 5.2% in 2023.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
esel ::
Here's why international buyers are pulling way back from the U.S. housing market
International buyers of U.S. residential real estate are running into the same hurdles as domestic buyers -- namely high prices and tight supply -- but they're also up against a strong U.S. dollar, which makes the properties even more expensive for them. As a result, international buyers are pulling out.
They purchased 54,300 existing homes from April of last year to March of this year, a 36% drop from the year before, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors. This is the lowest level of international investment since the NAR began tracking it in 2009.
The dollar volume, $42 billion, was also down 21% from the year before.
Ps: ko si večina amerikanke ne more privoščit, bi pa investirali ? no konkurirat morajo predvsem ameriškim finančnim investicijskim skladov, ki so polni free denarja.
Ne bom rekel, zagotovo so IMF podkupili,
Gourinchas estimated that China and India would account for nearly half of global growth this year. Partly because of a surge in Chinese exports at the start of 2024, the IMF upgraded its growth forecast for China this year to 5% from the 4.6% it had projected in April, though down from 5.2% in 2023.
Sprijazni se, da je konec s kitajsko kanto.
Iz tvojega linka.
“China’s economy, which once regularly grew at a double-digit annual pace, is facing significant challenges, notably the collapse of its housing market and an aging population that is leaving the country with labor shortages. By 2029, Gourinchas wrote, China’s growth will slow to 3.3%.”
Mr.B ::
Here's why international buyers are pulling way back from the U.S. housing market
International buyers of U.S. residential real estate are running into the same hurdles as domestic buyers -- namely high prices and tight supply -- but they're also up against a strong U.S. dollar, which makes the properties even more expensive for them. As a result, international buyers are pulling out.
They purchased 54,300 existing homes from April of last year to March of this year, a 36% drop from the year before, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors. This is the lowest level of international investment since the NAR began tracking it in 2009.
The dollar volume, $42 billion, was also down 21% from the year before.
Ps: ko si večina amerikanke ne more privoščit, bi pa investirali ? no konkurirat morajo predvsem ameriškim finančnim investicijskim skladov, ki so polni free denarja.
Ne bom rekel, zagotovo so IMF podkupili,
Gourinchas estimated that China and India would account for nearly half of global growth this year. Partly because of a surge in Chinese exports at the start of 2024, the IMF upgraded its growth forecast for China this year to 5% from the 4.6% it had projected in April, though down from 5.2% in 2023.
Sprijazni se, da je konec s kitajsko kanto.
Iz tvojega linka.
“China’s economy, which once regularly grew at a double-digit annual pace, is facing significant challenges, notably the collapse of its housing market and an aging population that is leaving the country with labor shortages. By 2029, Gourinchas wrote, China’s growth will slow to 3.3%.”
A res.
Sedaj ko se po Ameriki beleži padec prodaje vseh nepremičnin, nisi razumel... da Kitajska proizvaja, Amerika pa tiska. Sicer pa imamo genocidno temo o Kitajcih, tam so na vsake pol leta napovedali propad kitajske. Pač prumerjanje je vedno primerno tema v času ko se meri uspeh države z vrednostjo nepremičnin in borznih indeksov. Pa FEd bo pred volitvami še znižal obrestno mero, da senilni kandidat ne bo imel težav..
Why Did Americans Stop Caring About the National Debt?
PS: sej veš, IMF laže, drugače če se vežemo na Ukrjisnko temo, bi rusija zagotovo propadla vsako četrtletje ne pa kot kitajska držala štango z 2x rocentualno rastjo napram zahodu. Tako da dejmo se zmenit, ko bo Kitajska propadla pa sporoči, trenutno cela azija gspodarsko pocrka, če kitajska neha izvažat.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
esel ::
Here's why international buyers are pulling way back from the U.S. housing market
International buyers of U.S. residential real estate are running into the same hurdles as domestic buyers -- namely high prices and tight supply -- but they're also up against a strong U.S. dollar, which makes the properties even more expensive for them. As a result, international buyers are pulling out.
They purchased 54,300 existing homes from April of last year to March of this year, a 36% drop from the year before, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors. This is the lowest level of international investment since the NAR began tracking it in 2009.
The dollar volume, $42 billion, was also down 21% from the year before.
Ps: ko si večina amerikanke ne more privoščit, bi pa investirali ? no konkurirat morajo predvsem ameriškim finančnim investicijskim skladov, ki so polni free denarja.
Ne bom rekel, zagotovo so IMF podkupili,
Gourinchas estimated that China and India would account for nearly half of global growth this year. Partly because of a surge in Chinese exports at the start of 2024, the IMF upgraded its growth forecast for China this year to 5% from the 4.6% it had projected in April, though down from 5.2% in 2023.
Sprijazni se, da je konec s kitajsko kanto.
Iz tvojega linka.
“China’s economy, which once regularly grew at a double-digit annual pace, is facing significant challenges, notably the collapse of its housing market and an aging population that is leaving the country with labor shortages. By 2029, Gourinchas wrote, China’s growth will slow to 3.3%.”
A res.
Sedaj ko se po Ameriki beleži padec prodaje vseh nepremičnin, nisi razumel... da Kitajska proizvaja, Amerika pa tiska. Sicer pa imamo genocidno temo o Kitajcih, tam so na vsake pol leta napovedali propad kitajske. Pač prumerjanje je vedno primerno tema v času ko se meri uspeh države z vrednostjo nepremičnin in borznih indeksov. Pa FEd bo pred volitvami še znižal obrestno mero, da senilni kandidat ne bo imel težav..
Why Did Americans Stop Caring About the National Debt?
PS: sej veš, IMF laže, drugače če se vežemo na Ukrjisnko temo, bi rusija zagotovo propadla vsako četrtletje ne pa kot kitajska držala štango z 2x rocentualno rastjo napram zahodu. Tako da dejmo se zmenit, ko bo Kitajska propadla pa sporoči, trenutno cela azija gspodarsko pocrka, če kitajska neha izvažat.
Lopovom se izteka čas.
Verjemi, da bi Kitajska tudi tiskala če bi le lahko, tako pa bo prisiljena še dolgo štancati neuporabne “polizdelke”
fikus_ ::
Polizdelke, ki jih ti brez predsodkov kupuješ.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Mr.B ::
Verjemi, da bi Kitajska tudi tiskala če bi le lahko, tako pa bo prisiljena še dolgo štancati neuporabne “polizdelke”
Ko se ne izdiejo števillke, Sboš pa pa razlagal da je industrijsko vohunjene izum kitajske.
Če se gremo Evropa : Poglej debilizem evropskih podjetij ki uporabljajo ameriške oblake. Edino zagotovilo imaš da jim zaupam, no Američanom Tistim ki zanikajo UN, ICC, ICJ, da med drugim ne delajo… vpiši poljubno.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Malidelničar ::
Kako kaj stoji SLO ekonomija, tisti, ki ste v privat sektorju, S.P.. imate kakšne info iz trga?
Proizvodnja. naročila kaj padajo - pred meseci so ven hodili neki podatki o padanju industr. proizv.?
Proizvodnja. naročila kaj padajo - pred meseci so ven hodili neki podatki o padanju industr. proizv.?
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Invictus ::
Če se gremo Evropa : Poglej debilizem evropskih podjetij ki uporabljajo ameriške oblake. Edino zagotovilo imaš da jim zaupam, no Američanom Tistim ki zanikajo UN, ICC, ICJ, da med drugim ne delajo… vpiši poljubno.
To obdobje se malo zaključuje...
Vsaj za Nemčijo vem, da so škrti Nemci že izračunali, da se jim dostikrat oblak ne splača. Ampak, če aplikacija uporablja preveč cloud storitev, je precej težko migrirati nazaj v svoj data center, pa tudi če je privat cloud.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Telbanc ::
""Das hat Folgen, und zwar keine schönen. Die BASF schließt am Stammsitz 11 Fabriken und 14 Teilanlagen. Denn sie sind aufgrund der hohen Energiepreise, vor allem des für Erdgas, in Deutschland nicht mehr wettbewerbsfähig.""
Menčija je u težavah, izgubo ma tud največja banka.......
""Das hat Folgen, und zwar keine schönen. Die BASF schließt am Stammsitz 11 Fabriken und 14 Teilanlagen. Denn sie sind aufgrund der hohen Energiepreise, vor allem des für Erdgas, in Deutschland nicht mehr wettbewerbsfähig.""
Menčija je u težavah, izgubo ma tud največja banka.......
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
Mr.B ::
Spend now, to spend lest al kako je že trumpi rekel...
ko dodamo še tole...
Antoni says the cost to service the federal debt has exploded 33% in a single year, and set to get worse.
The economist also reports that interest on the national debt was the single biggest expense for the government in June, far outrunning other critical public services, and the Treasury expects it will break the $1.14 trillion level this fiscal year.
"Consider it caught up: interest on the debt surpassed both the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Social Security Admin. to become the single biggest line item in the Treasury's monthly statement for Jun - still think this is fine?
Treasury now expects interest on the federal debt to breach $1.14 trillion this fiscal year; if that estimate is anything like their usual overly optimistic projections, then be prepared for it to be much higher."
Zadnje čase je bilo veliko o propadu Kitajskih bank in razvrednotenja nepremičnin...
A key U.S. regulator has privately found half of the major banks it oversees have an inadequate grasp of a broad swath of potential risks from cyber attacks to employee blunders, according to people familiar with the matter.
In the confidential assessments, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said 11 of the 22 large banks it supervises have "insufficient" or "weak" management of so-called operational risk, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the information isn't public.
That contributed to about one-third of the banks rating three or worse on a five-point scale for their overall management, the people said. The scores are the latest sign that U.S. regulators are concerned about the level of risk at the country's largest banks in wake of a series of failures last year.
Operational risk is one of the categories by which regulators evaluate overall risk at the banks they oversee. Each bank's individual ratings are closely held, but regulators sometimes use aggregate data on banks' grades to highlight areas of concern in discussions with other agencies and the industry.
At the OCC, the operational-risk assessment feeds into a report card known as CAMELS ratings, grading firms on a one-to-five scale for each component -- capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk. Those grades create an overall rating that determines the degree of scrutiny or leeway a firm faces, including the activities it can engage in and how much capital it has to hold.
The OCC didn't comment specifically on the nonpublic findings. In a statement, the regulator said that Acting Comptroller Michael Hsu has "consistently discussed the need for banks to guard against complacency and actively manage their risks in order to build and maintain trust in the federal banking system."
Operational risk is meant to cover a range of potential threats to banks beyond loans going bad or market swings causing losses. That can include anything from employee mistakes and legal troubles to natural disasters and technology snafus. Banks have to show regulators plans for managing such risks, and they have to hold capital against those threats, a requirement that's long been debated because they're harder to measure than credit or market risks.
The harsh grades are part of sweeping regulatory scrutiny in the wake of the record-setting bank failures last year, after which regulators vowed to do more to identify and act on problems. The OCC's large bank portfolio ranges from regional lenders with at least $50 billion in assets to the megabanks with trillions.
Florida condo owners face unretiring or selling homes after being hit with $100,000 in special assessment fees
Yet another torrid tale has emerged of Florida homeowners being hit with eye-watering special assessment fees as building managers race to be in compliance with a new state law.
This time, it's the residents of SurfSide Club South in Ormond Beach crying foul after they were billed over $100,000 per condo owner.
Per the new Florida law, all three-story-plus condo buildings and at least 30 years old must undergo a mandatory engineering assessment before Dec. 31, 2024. Condo associations must also shore up repair funding reserves. This law was introduced after the Surfside tragedy in 2021, in which 98 lives were lost when a 12-story condo collapsed.
While few condo owners would argue against the need to make their buildings structurally sound, many at Surfside Club South are at a loss as to where they'll find the money to fulfill these new obligations.
"I'm a retired teacher, so we don't have hundreds of thousands set aside somewhere that we can contribute," resident Janet Stone told WKMG News 6 on June 26. "It put me in a position where I needed to return to work."
Many other condo owners are suffering a similar fate and feeling blindsided by the mega bills landing on their doorsteps. Here's what's going on.
In ko se sprašujete zakaj Ukrajinci tako laufajo na Kitajsko za nek mirovni sporazum...kar je seveda nerazumljivo, je verjetno nekaj ali nekje hudo škripa, pa nam prodajajo, če se sposodimo Ukjinsko temo mesečno samo što nije : vpiši poljubno...
Russia's international reserves back above $600bn
Russia's rainy-day fund, the National Welfare Fund (NWF), also remains flush, holding enough money to pay this year's estimated budget deficit of RUB1.6 trillion, or 0.8% of GDP, by inflowing earnings from oil exports. The budget deficit fell to RUB929bn ($10.6bn), or 0.5% of GDP, by the end of the second quarter of 2024. (chart)
Še indijska..
ko dodamo še tole...
Antoni says the cost to service the federal debt has exploded 33% in a single year, and set to get worse.
The economist also reports that interest on the national debt was the single biggest expense for the government in June, far outrunning other critical public services, and the Treasury expects it will break the $1.14 trillion level this fiscal year.
"Consider it caught up: interest on the debt surpassed both the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Social Security Admin. to become the single biggest line item in the Treasury's monthly statement for Jun - still think this is fine?
Treasury now expects interest on the federal debt to breach $1.14 trillion this fiscal year; if that estimate is anything like their usual overly optimistic projections, then be prepared for it to be much higher."
Zadnje čase je bilo veliko o propadu Kitajskih bank in razvrednotenja nepremičnin...
A key U.S. regulator has privately found half of the major banks it oversees have an inadequate grasp of a broad swath of potential risks from cyber attacks to employee blunders, according to people familiar with the matter.
In the confidential assessments, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said 11 of the 22 large banks it supervises have "insufficient" or "weak" management of so-called operational risk, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the information isn't public.
That contributed to about one-third of the banks rating three or worse on a five-point scale for their overall management, the people said. The scores are the latest sign that U.S. regulators are concerned about the level of risk at the country's largest banks in wake of a series of failures last year.
Operational risk is one of the categories by which regulators evaluate overall risk at the banks they oversee. Each bank's individual ratings are closely held, but regulators sometimes use aggregate data on banks' grades to highlight areas of concern in discussions with other agencies and the industry.
At the OCC, the operational-risk assessment feeds into a report card known as CAMELS ratings, grading firms on a one-to-five scale for each component -- capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk. Those grades create an overall rating that determines the degree of scrutiny or leeway a firm faces, including the activities it can engage in and how much capital it has to hold.
The OCC didn't comment specifically on the nonpublic findings. In a statement, the regulator said that Acting Comptroller Michael Hsu has "consistently discussed the need for banks to guard against complacency and actively manage their risks in order to build and maintain trust in the federal banking system."
Operational risk is meant to cover a range of potential threats to banks beyond loans going bad or market swings causing losses. That can include anything from employee mistakes and legal troubles to natural disasters and technology snafus. Banks have to show regulators plans for managing such risks, and they have to hold capital against those threats, a requirement that's long been debated because they're harder to measure than credit or market risks.
The harsh grades are part of sweeping regulatory scrutiny in the wake of the record-setting bank failures last year, after which regulators vowed to do more to identify and act on problems. The OCC's large bank portfolio ranges from regional lenders with at least $50 billion in assets to the megabanks with trillions.
Florida condo owners face unretiring or selling homes after being hit with $100,000 in special assessment fees
Yet another torrid tale has emerged of Florida homeowners being hit with eye-watering special assessment fees as building managers race to be in compliance with a new state law.
This time, it's the residents of SurfSide Club South in Ormond Beach crying foul after they were billed over $100,000 per condo owner.
Per the new Florida law, all three-story-plus condo buildings and at least 30 years old must undergo a mandatory engineering assessment before Dec. 31, 2024. Condo associations must also shore up repair funding reserves. This law was introduced after the Surfside tragedy in 2021, in which 98 lives were lost when a 12-story condo collapsed.
While few condo owners would argue against the need to make their buildings structurally sound, many at Surfside Club South are at a loss as to where they'll find the money to fulfill these new obligations.
"I'm a retired teacher, so we don't have hundreds of thousands set aside somewhere that we can contribute," resident Janet Stone told WKMG News 6 on June 26. "It put me in a position where I needed to return to work."
Many other condo owners are suffering a similar fate and feeling blindsided by the mega bills landing on their doorsteps. Here's what's going on.
In ko se sprašujete zakaj Ukrajinci tako laufajo na Kitajsko za nek mirovni sporazum...kar je seveda nerazumljivo, je verjetno nekaj ali nekje hudo škripa, pa nam prodajajo, če se sposodimo Ukjinsko temo mesečno samo što nije : vpiši poljubno...
Russia's international reserves back above $600bn
Russia's rainy-day fund, the National Welfare Fund (NWF), also remains flush, holding enough money to pay this year's estimated budget deficit of RUB1.6 trillion, or 0.8% of GDP, by inflowing earnings from oil exports. The budget deficit fell to RUB929bn ($10.6bn), or 0.5% of GDP, by the end of the second quarter of 2024. (chart)
Še indijska..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Najprej pozdrav ukrinkim trolom, ki trenutno rusko gospodarsko rast enačijo s prodajo nafte in naftnih derivatov Kitajski in podobno. No če imate vire kot herbalni vam seveda sledeči naslov ne bo kapnil. Pa še vir je Ukrajinski neodvisni časopis, tako da mu morate JA zaupati.. ![:))](
Russian gas giant Gazprom suffered net losses from January to June 2024 almost double those in the same period last year, the Ukrainian media outlet enkorr reported on July 31.
Losses in the first half of 2024 totalled 480.64 billion rubles ($5.5 billion), while those in the first half of 2023 totalled 255 billion rubles ($2.95 billion), according to Gazprom financial statements seen by the outlet.
Povezana tema...Seveda vodilni politiki še vedno trdijo da je uporaba Ruskih naftnih derivatov praktični zanemarljiva s tem kar je bilo leta 2022. Ni čudno da ADF vedno bolj v zagonu, z nacij oglasi. Sej moraš biti resnično neumen, da je povprečni nemec tako neumen, temu kar pravijo mediji..
German economy contracts unexpectedly in second quarter
New data shows that Germany's economic output fell by 0.1% compared to the first quarter. The news dampens prospects of a recovery in Europe's largest economy.
German economy 'between hope and despair'
Brzeski said that Tuesday's figures "confirm that Germany is the growth laggard of the eurozone."
Če ste slučajno spregledali..Sej vem nekateri bodo rekli da je $ rezervna valuta in ni panike, vključno da je večino dolga v ameriških rokah kot del naložbe, in da tiskanje denarja za plačevanje doga ni nikoli bilo problematično...
The Congressional Budget Office said last month that the U.S. national debt is poised to top $56 trillion by 2034, as rising spending and interest expenses outpace tax revenue.
High interest rates have made it harder for the United States to manage its debt burden. Some federal programs created during the pandemic, such as the Employee Retention Tax Credit, have been more costly than budget experts predicted because of fraud and abuse. There has also been stronger than expected demand for tax credits that have been offered through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, inflaming annual deficits.
Zgolj nakjučne je šel index dol ko so gopodarske napovedi odlične in leti Dow Jones gor...
PS: intel odpušča
Things to come:
Corporate bankruptcies hit highest level since aftermath of Great Recession
Given the massive spike in debt-laden companies in recent years, a wave of zombie bankruptcies could threaten the economy. In 2021, the Fed estimated that roughly 10% of U.S. companies are considered "zombie firms."
That share "has been increasing over time," Bruno Albuquerque, an economist at the International Monetary Fund, told CNBC. "This has detrimental effects on healthy firms who compete in the same sector.
Russian gas giant Gazprom suffered net losses from January to June 2024 almost double those in the same period last year, the Ukrainian media outlet enkorr reported on July 31.
Losses in the first half of 2024 totalled 480.64 billion rubles ($5.5 billion), while those in the first half of 2023 totalled 255 billion rubles ($2.95 billion), according to Gazprom financial statements seen by the outlet.
Povezana tema...Seveda vodilni politiki še vedno trdijo da je uporaba Ruskih naftnih derivatov praktični zanemarljiva s tem kar je bilo leta 2022. Ni čudno da ADF vedno bolj v zagonu, z nacij oglasi. Sej moraš biti resnično neumen, da je povprečni nemec tako neumen, temu kar pravijo mediji..
German economy contracts unexpectedly in second quarter
New data shows that Germany's economic output fell by 0.1% compared to the first quarter. The news dampens prospects of a recovery in Europe's largest economy.
German economy 'between hope and despair'
Brzeski said that Tuesday's figures "confirm that Germany is the growth laggard of the eurozone."
Če ste slučajno spregledali..Sej vem nekateri bodo rekli da je $ rezervna valuta in ni panike, vključno da je večino dolga v ameriških rokah kot del naložbe, in da tiskanje denarja za plačevanje doga ni nikoli bilo problematično...
The Congressional Budget Office said last month that the U.S. national debt is poised to top $56 trillion by 2034, as rising spending and interest expenses outpace tax revenue.
High interest rates have made it harder for the United States to manage its debt burden. Some federal programs created during the pandemic, such as the Employee Retention Tax Credit, have been more costly than budget experts predicted because of fraud and abuse. There has also been stronger than expected demand for tax credits that have been offered through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, inflaming annual deficits.
Zgolj nakjučne je šel index dol ko so gopodarske napovedi odlične in leti Dow Jones gor...
PS: intel odpušča
Things to come:
Corporate bankruptcies hit highest level since aftermath of Great Recession
Given the massive spike in debt-laden companies in recent years, a wave of zombie bankruptcies could threaten the economy. In 2021, the Fed estimated that roughly 10% of U.S. companies are considered "zombie firms."
That share "has been increasing over time," Bruno Albuquerque, an economist at the International Monetary Fund, told CNBC. "This has detrimental effects on healthy firms who compete in the same sector.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Telbanc ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
...........Rast slovenskega gospodarstva bo po besedah direktorice Analitsko-raziskovalnega centra Banke Slovenije Arjane Brezigar Masten hitrejša od rasti evrskega zato, ker Slovenija še vedno dohiteva najbolj razvita gospodarstva in ker je slovenski trg dela robustnejši, pa tudi zaradi višjih plač in s tem večjega domačega povpraševanja ter nižje neto zadolženosti gospodinjstev.........
Ob prvi večji krizi, ko bojo velike firme zapirale podružnice pri nas, da bodo ohranile primarno enoto...bomo videli to prelepo robustnost trga dela.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
fikus_ ::
Ga. Brezigar Masten bo tudi v recesiji obdrzala sluzbo, ima robustno zaposlitev.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
redtech ::
Gledaš DE in narediš fazni zamik, dobiš prihodnost SLO.
Bomo videli, kako bo z naročili sedaj po poletnih počitnicah.
Bomo videli, kako bo z naročili sedaj po poletnih počitnicah.
sbawe64 ::
Če se gremo Evropa : Poglej debilizem evropskih podjetij ki uporabljajo ameriške oblake. Edino zagotovilo imaš da jim zaupam, no Američanom Tistim ki zanikajo UN, ICC, ICJ, da med drugim ne delajo… vpiši poljubno.
To obdobje se malo zaključuje...
Vsaj za Nemčijo vem, da so škrti Nemci že izračunali, da se jim dostikrat oblak ne splača. Ampak, če aplikacija uporablja preveč cloud storitev, je precej težko migrirati nazaj v svoj data center, pa tudi če je privat cloud.
Nemški SAP, daje sedaj poudarek na oblačni rešitvi.
Recently, the sale of subscriptions for using SAP programs over the Internet (cloud), which was particularly pushed by CEO Christian Klein, has been running smoothly. However, customers are still hesitant to use the technical delivery methods favored by SAP and most profitable for the company.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
Mr.B ::
Po poročilu poslovanja intla v Q2...
Ostalo... cena nepremičnin in rekordi na borzi nimajo veze z relanim stanjem gospodarstva...
Ko verjameš , da si pomemben...
It turns out that bad news for the economy may actually be bad news for the stock market
Regional banks sell underwater bonds, betting on Fed rate cuts
Regional banks are taking on billions in losses reshuffling bond portfolios in anticipation of rate cuts
If rates fall as expected, banks could see a significant boost in profitability. But if rates remain elevated or the economy takes a downturn, this gamble could backfire.
Moody's Ratings analyst Megan Fox said it all comes down to timing. "When the rate cycle changes, it is going to have a big impact on what the profitability story looks like," she said.
Po dogovoru... Nema para...
Zelenskiy Signs Law On Suspending Ukraine's External Debt Payments
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has signed a law allowing Kyiv to suspend its external debt payments until October 1. According to the database of the Ukrainian parliament, Zelenskiy signed the law on July 31. After Russia launched its ongoing invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Kyiv agreed with its creditors to freeze payments of around $23 billion until August 1, 2024. The adoption of the law allowing Kyiv to postpone payments means that Ukraine will enter a short-term debt default that will last until private bondholders agree to postpone Ukraine's debt payments until 2027. That option has been supported by foreign governments. Such a deal would have less of an impact on Ukraine's long-term borrowing than if no agreement is reached.
Bodimo realni, FED rate cut ne bo karkoli tu spremenil...
Amazon isn't alone in flagging shopper fatigue with rising prices.
Shoppers are showing elsewhere that they're sick of price increases -- leading retailers to say that they're offering deals to try to entice people back.
American pocketbooks have been battered by rising prices, with certain items getting even more expensive even as inflation gradually cools.
Prihajajoča kriza poslovnih nepremičnin...
The auction for 135 West 50th opened earlier this week with a starting bid of $7.5 million. On Wednesday, with seconds left and only a single bid of $8.5 million, a gray box that read "reserve not met," referring to the seller's minimum price, suddenly turned green and changed to "reserve met" after that price was lowered. According to Ten-X, the reserve price is generally set at around three times the starting price.
As the clock ticked down to zero, the auction was extended -- three times -- for a total of 10 minutes and 30 seconds. The auction finally ended with a sale price that was about 2.5 percent of what the sellers had paid for it.
UBS Realty Investors declined to comment for this article. The identity of the new owner will be announced after the sale officially closes, which could take about 45 days.
Ostalo... cena nepremičnin in rekordi na borzi nimajo veze z relanim stanjem gospodarstva...
Ko verjameš , da si pomemben...
It turns out that bad news for the economy may actually be bad news for the stock market
Regional banks sell underwater bonds, betting on Fed rate cuts
Regional banks are taking on billions in losses reshuffling bond portfolios in anticipation of rate cuts
If rates fall as expected, banks could see a significant boost in profitability. But if rates remain elevated or the economy takes a downturn, this gamble could backfire.
Moody's Ratings analyst Megan Fox said it all comes down to timing. "When the rate cycle changes, it is going to have a big impact on what the profitability story looks like," she said.
Po dogovoru... Nema para...
Zelenskiy Signs Law On Suspending Ukraine's External Debt Payments
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has signed a law allowing Kyiv to suspend its external debt payments until October 1. According to the database of the Ukrainian parliament, Zelenskiy signed the law on July 31. After Russia launched its ongoing invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Kyiv agreed with its creditors to freeze payments of around $23 billion until August 1, 2024. The adoption of the law allowing Kyiv to postpone payments means that Ukraine will enter a short-term debt default that will last until private bondholders agree to postpone Ukraine's debt payments until 2027. That option has been supported by foreign governments. Such a deal would have less of an impact on Ukraine's long-term borrowing than if no agreement is reached.
Bodimo realni, FED rate cut ne bo karkoli tu spremenil...
Amazon isn't alone in flagging shopper fatigue with rising prices.
Shoppers are showing elsewhere that they're sick of price increases -- leading retailers to say that they're offering deals to try to entice people back.
American pocketbooks have been battered by rising prices, with certain items getting even more expensive even as inflation gradually cools.
Prihajajoča kriza poslovnih nepremičnin...
The auction for 135 West 50th opened earlier this week with a starting bid of $7.5 million. On Wednesday, with seconds left and only a single bid of $8.5 million, a gray box that read "reserve not met," referring to the seller's minimum price, suddenly turned green and changed to "reserve met" after that price was lowered. According to Ten-X, the reserve price is generally set at around three times the starting price.
As the clock ticked down to zero, the auction was extended -- three times -- for a total of 10 minutes and 30 seconds. The auction finally ended with a sale price that was about 2.5 percent of what the sellers had paid for it.
UBS Realty Investors declined to comment for this article. The identity of the new owner will be announced after the sale officially closes, which could take about 45 days.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold