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Igra Upland

Igra Upland

Uplander ::

Pozdravljeni! Ali kdo igra igro Upland?

1. Sem za trgovanje parcel z namenom, da se pobere nagrade za kolekcije, potem se (lahko) zamenja nazaj. Mogoče se dobimo tudi ˝na pijači˝ in menjamo, debatiramo, načrtujemo. V igri je mogoče parcele trgovati tudi za $ preko PayPal.
2. Ustvarimo klub SLO-UPLAND ali UPLAND.SI, združimo know-how in dodajmo slovenska mesta!
3. Moj ref. link za bonus in lažje sodelovanje: https://r.upland.me/PKBq

Upland je trenutno open beta, denarna valuta v igri je UPX.
(UPX is not a cryptocurrency by definition. Although the token lives on the blockchain, it is strictly a utility token used in-game to acquire digital assets. This means that UPX is not tradable outside of the Upland ecosystem. All in-game digital assets are, however, fully tradable.)

Uradno vabilo igre (copy-paste):
Hi! Check out Upland, a virtual property trading game. If you use this link, Upland will award you with a bonus for your first purchase https://r.upland.me/PKBq
  • predlagal izbris: Izi ()

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