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Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

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demitt ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: demitt ()

Blond ::


Ethereum Cash Pro ob registraciji podari 10.000 žetonov
Odkup, prodaja in obnova nepremičnin
Posredovanje v prometu z nepremičninami

RookY ::

Blond je izjavil:


Ethereum Cash Pro ob registraciji podari 10.000 žetonov

Wrong username napiše....
Juhu juhu spet bom bruhu

Blond ::


Hvala na opozorilu.
Popravljen link
Odkup, prodaja in obnova nepremičnin
Posredovanje v prometu z nepremičninami

demitt ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: demitt ()

kriptopujsek ::

woter (menjalnica)
ico se začne 28 aprila
dobite 20 WOT ($5 USD)


demitt ::

Jaki-1 ::

Še dva zanimiva Airdropa in obetavna ICO-ta:

1. PayPro Airdrop
ref: https://www.payproapp.com/airdrop/9Jq4E...

PayPro is a very promising ICO (ranked 4.1/5 in an ICO score across 27 different professional reviews) and is going to be a decentralized marketplace for offering products and services.

2. CryptoVilla Airdrop
ref: http://airdropalert.com/cms/join/Crowdv...

AirBnB with Crypto! It's a cool idea. Glad to see it's finally being implemented. This airdrop requires a bit more social media participation on your part, but I think the effort will be well worth it.
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.

DeBrito ::

Signals (menjalnica): ICO, ki ima že delujoč app in soliden roadmap. Majo nekaj zanimivih možnosti na menjalnici, tako da kdor želi, naj poskusi.
Ref link: https://signals.network/join/074F30

demitt ::

demitt ::

Jaki-1 ::

Še en obetaven ICO in Airdrop:

CEEK Airdrop
ref. https://airdropalert.com/cms/join/CEEK/...

CEEK is a premium destination for virtual reality music concerts - entertainment & exciting experiences! CEEK is named one of the Top 10 ICOs disrupting the entertainment industry.
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.

demitt ::

Jaki-1 ::

BitFix Airdrop
ref. https://bitbix.co/airdrop?affiliateid=2...

Pri registraciji se dobi se 20 tokenov in še dodatnoo za referral. Potrebno je pohiteti saj sprejmejo le 1000 prijav.
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.

Jaki-1 ::

Elementh Airdrop
ref. https://click.elementh.io/go/5736

Elementh is basically a blockchain-based barcode. Lets manufacturers are buyers track goods, understand where the goods come from, if they are counterfeit, etc
Na dasni strani vzgoraj si ustvariš profil, potrdiš mail in nato slediš navodilom.
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.

demitt ::

DeBrito ::

MAX Data: MaxData helps consumers acquire services they need, such as broadband, utilities, insurance, financial services and many more, for the best price with just the click of a button.
Ref: https://airdrop.maxdata.io/?kid=M6E0E

DeBrito ::

Beat sportalliance: Join us in revolutionizing the way the world is doing sports.
Ref: https://beat.sportalliance.com/?x=B1db3...
Po registraciji se pridružite še telegram skupini in dobite 100 free Beat coinov.

popo985 ::

Če koga zanima:

Dac: http://referral.dacc.co/je8FIg4G

demitt ::

dirtyhary ::

Zna biti zanimiva zadeva: The Shping Token

DeBrito ::

CryptoCarbon: Pre-mined CryptoCurrency linked to Cash Back and Loyalty Platforms
Ref link: https://ccrb.io/affiliate/902010

demitt ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: demitt ()

tommorrow ::

še moj, prosim (sem newbie v tem, upam, da bo ok)

GoldchainPro is a global gold asset trading platform based on blockchain cryptocurrencies. Open the first round of airdrop plans, register yourself to receive 18 gold tokens, invite friends to register to get 18 gold tokens, after the first round of airdrops can be sent. https://referral.goldchain.pro/?code=FW...

Mitoša ::

Še enega jaz dodam, ga nisem zasledil tu gor. Je Ameriška menjalnica. Ponujajo pa 50 IOX na vsaj ref.

demitt ::

lolek123 ::

demitt ::

demitt ::

DeBrito ::

BitSong - is a new music platform, which will be built using the Ethereum blockchain and the IPFS distribuited filesystem.
Ref link: https://bitsong.io/start/0Q4AXQ5R

danijel6 ::

demitt ::

demitt ::

DeBrito ::

Ob registraciji dobite 10 VIU, za vsak reffer prav tako 10 VIU. Ta coin je že na borzah in je likviden.

demitt ::

demitt ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: demitt ()

demitt ::

Jaki-1 ::

Corbit Airdrop
ref. https://corbit.website/airdrop/wSIXQ

Corbits is decentralized exchange. There are two big differentiators: it has a mobile app (other decentralized exchanges don't) and it will pay for MetaMask fees (without getting too technical, it's like they'll reimburse you for ATM fees... Except instead of cash it's ETH, and they'll pay for the ETH it costs for you to move your money into the exchange. Other exchanges don't do that.)

You get tokens for simply joining the telegram group and following them on twitter. That's it! But they are limiting it to 100,000 participants.
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.

demitt ::


- The first 10 users will get 20,000 OBR (1000 USD)

- The next 90 users will get 10,000 OBR (500 USD)

- The next 400 users will get 4,000 OBR (200 USD)

- The next 500 users will get 2,000 OBR (100 USD)

- The next 1,000 users will get 1,000 OBR (50 USD)

- The next 3,000 users will get 500 OBR (25 USD)

- The next 5,000 users will get 200 OBR (10 USD)

- The next 10,000 users will get 100 OBR (5 USD)

- The next 80,000 users will get 50 OBR (2.5 USD)

RatedR ::

Kako bi lahko ovrednotil s katerim ICO bi lahko zaslužil? Govorim na primeru DTR tokena, release tam decembra za 0,01€ čez dobrih 10 dni je narastu na 0,20€. Dobro je zato ker ni isto kot neka kriptovaluta, kjer čakaš mesece da mogoče naraste za par sto evrov.

demitt ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: demitt ()

Mesar ::

RatedR je izjavil:

Kako bi lahko ovrednotil s katerim ICO bi lahko zaslužil? Govorim na primeru DTR tokena, release tam decembra za 0,01€ čez dobrih 10 dni je narastu na 0,20€. Dobro je zato ker ni isto kot neka kriptovaluta, kjer čakaš mesece da mogoče naraste za par sto evrov.

Ni normalno prodajaš in kupuješ, če si dober hitro nabereš za lambota
Your turn to burn!

demitt ::

Mitoša ::

26. feb. ob 15:00 (UTC) začne druga faza prodaje žetonov Tradershub. Min. vplačilo 0.1 ETH. Bonus + 20%
Prilagam oglas iz uradne strani.
Referralni program Tradershub vam omogoča, da prejmete bonus za vsako uspešno napotitev, registrirano v vašem računu! Prijatelje lahko povabite tako, da delite podano referenčno povezavo. Zaslužite 5% THT nakupa svojih prijateljev za vsakega prijatelja, na katerega se nanašate, in postane prispevek podjetja Tradershub. Če želite spodbuditi svojega prijatelja, bo za vašo napotitveno povezavo dobil 10 THT bonus.

demitt ::

Sansey ::

Bitpaction digital assets exchange
100 BPS za Sign up: http://www.bitpaction.com/#/index?i=m6f...

demitt ::

Sansey ::

WOTER - Next Generation Hybrid Decentralized Exchange
Airdrop končan, v teku pa sta še opciji:
- 10 WOT for joining telegram
- 5 WOT for referring a new investor

Sansey ::

AELF Decentralized Cloud Computing Blockchain Network

Assignment rewards še vedno na voljo. Zbiraš točke z opravljanjem nalog kot so referali, lajki, retwiti, komentarji... Dnevne nagrade se sorazmerno porazdelijo med udeležence.

AELF Website: https://aelf.io/

Jaki-1 ::

Dober Airdrop, Viewly Airdrop:
ref. https://t.me/ViewlyAirDropBot?start=0a5...

Viewly airdrop will start on 26th Feb at 15:00 UTC Sharp for a limited duration of 2 days! Only 250,000 VIEW tokens will be distributed! Note that the earlier you apply, the more points you will receive!
Če sem z odgovori kakorkoli pomagal, lahko uporabite linke. Hvala.
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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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