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Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2

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Tr0n ::

It's coming! 8-)


Govori se, da bo na letosnjem sejmu gamescom v Kölnu na voljo vec informacij, morda celo kak trailer.

Tole pa sporoca Mike O'Brien:

Hey all,

Last week I promised you’d get your first glimpse of Guild Wars 2 “very soon now”. That day is almost here.

I want to thank all our fans for their patience as we developed the game to the point where we can start talking about it publically. I know you’ve all been anxiously awaiting this moment. You’ll soon understand how ambitious we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished during these past two years of development. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but from here on out we’ll be able to provide you with more regular updates.

Guild Wars 2 is going to be a huge leap beyond the original. We have the best team in the industry executing at the top of their game, and I’m very proud of what our team has accomplished so far. As I said last week, I’m confident that when you get your first look at what we’ve been working on, you’re going to love what you see. Stay tuned for an exciting week ahead.
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Evil mind ::

Je bil že čas, neuradno se je govorilo pred leti da bo že konec 2009.

Tr0n ::

V bistvu so napovedali open beto za konec 2008, ampak tisto so potem skenclali. :)

Grey ::

Upam, da bo tudi ta Free 2 Play.

ffka ::

Jah pomoje boš samo cd-je mogu kupit , mesečne naročnine pa nebo upam xD

Grey ::

Ja no...to itak, mislil sem na naročnino :D

Evil mind ::

V bistvu so napovedali open beto za konec 2008, ampak tisto so potem skenclali. :)

Imaš prav klik.

Tr0n ::

Ja no...to itak, mislil sem na naročnino :D

Narocnine ne bo.


Tr0n ::

Prvi teaser iz Gamescoma. Ocitno bodo pokazali Guild Wars 2 CG trailer. :)

Prevod za tiste, ki ne razumete nemsko: "Tyria, the dragons have been here all along."

Tr0n ::

ahac ::

Prov velik niso pokazal.

Ampak zgleda kr kul. :D
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Evil mind ::

Končno vsaj trailer. Mene je tisti del na začetku precej spominjal na cinematic iz WC3:FT. Zgleda, pa da bodo dodali novo okolje, ali pa da bo ostal svet isti, le da se bo precej spremenil.

bison ::

Zna bit dobra zadeva. Upam da boš lahko kaj več delav kot pa v prvem delu(poklici pa... ) aja pa upam da boš lahko skakal :)
programiranje je zakon!

Tr0n ::

Kr precej in-game scen so pokazali.

Dinamicen night and day, underwater, vse rase, art style, ki je ze vedno v GW bil 1A...

Se bo zanimivo. :)

Pa se clanek na Eurogamer.

Guild Wars 2's switch from an almost entirely instanced game-world, where you would adventure with only your party members, to a persistent, fully-populated one like those in more conventional MMOs, is the driving force behind most of the changes in the gameplay.

We actually don't have a traditional RPG/MMO quest system," Flannum continues. "Instead what we've got are Events. Think of them as group-orientated activities. This is one of the many things that will encourage the player to explore the world - you can wander through and never quite know what you're going to see. You might come across a fortress that's being attacked by centaurs, or it might be that the centaurs attacked half an hour before you got there and they hold it now. You might start walking along a road you've walked a hundred times and suddenly there's a caravan travelling along that road that you may not have seen, and you can go help that caravan out."

Skoraj v celoti persitent svet, event sistem namesto tradicionalnega quest sistema.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

ahac ::

Pokazal so kako bo izgledal, kar je kul. Ampak mene sicer bolj zanima kako se bo igral. :P

To, da bo persistent world in da se bo dal več solo igrat mi je zelo všeč. :D
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

Pa se nekaj video snapshotov in concept arta.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Mavrik ()

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

Concept art od ArenaNet designerja Brant Fitzgeralda. Kaze na moznost pistol in pusk v GW2.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Mavrik ()

ahac ::


Folk v gaming industriji se samo kopira ideje zadnje case. ;)
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

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Hardgenjay ::

OMG tole pa ze prou komi cakam :o

Tilen ::

Concept art je vedno kul. V bistvu mora vsaj to biti kul. GW2 bom vrjetno probal, v kolikor bo tako tog kot prvi del bom pa prec nehal. :P

Meizu ::

Ah... Meni so pa tele puške uničle vso voljo do tega da bi špil sploh sprobal...

Sam sem mahnjen na srednjeveško tematiko z znanstveno fantastiko (tako kot večina MMORPGjev) in čim pridejo puške vmes, mi stvar avtomatsko ni več zanimiva...

bajsibajsi ::

Jaz sem vcasih isto mislih glede strelnega orozja v mmo igrah, ampak nekateri razvijalci so koncept kar lepo prenesli v igre. Npr. v Warhammer imajo dwarfi strelno orozje in prav pase v zgodbo, poleg tega igra vsebuje se ostale long range avatarje, kot so dark elf (magi), elf (archer)..itd. Ma GW2 bo sigurno opravicil slavo predhodnika, upam le da ne bo spet 99% sveta v instancah (persistent world ne pove kaj dosti).

Meizu ::

Dobro ajde, če spet tko pogledaš na stvar, lahko enačiš puško z lokostrelnim orožjem. Ampak vseeno... Ni to to...

Recimo sam res dosti preigram MMORPG Cabal. Brezplačni MMORPG, ki se mi je res usedel v glavo in ga res dosti preigram. No, kolikor seveda čas dopušča, hehe...

Imam Warriorja, lvl 103 in počasi grindamo dalje :)

Nekako takšen stil mi je všeč, al pa recimo stil kot je v igri Hero Online. Takšne igre so mi daleč najboljše od vseh mogočih žanrov.

Še en dokaz, da lahko tudi brezplačne igre zamotijo človeka ;)

Tr0n ::

Zgodba v GW2 je 250 let po GW1. V tem casu so Charri (big enemy ljudi v prvem delu) sli skozi industrijsko revolucijo. Ogenj, puske, para in vse to. Ne vem, meni se razlika med nekimi flaming swordi in hi-tech ne pozna. V obeh primerih gre za fantasy svet.

Glavno, da ni orcs & elves, ampak da je malce bolj unique mesanica. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

svecka ::

Meni sprva orožja niso bila všeč, sedaj pa so mi čedalje bolj, ker so vsa low-tech. In kot so v dopoljenem FAQ na uradni strani rekli, bodo imela orožja "unique twist"

Tr0n ::

Hmm, le kaj mislijo s tem "unique twist". Verjetno orozja nekako povezana s skilli? Intrigued. :)

Guild Wars 2 GC 09: Story and Art Interview HD

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

tt2 ::

aaa, pa je podan kakšen približen datum ko bi naj izšla oziroma karkoli tudi o closed beti?

Tr0n ::

Ne se. Ve se samo, da bodo vec o rasah in zgodbi razkrili letos, prvi gameplay infoti pa v zacetku naslednjega leta.

Tr0n ::



Tr0n ::

The Future of Tyria: An Exclusive Guild Wars 2 Interview

Zanimiv intervju o zgodbi, artu in malce informacij o world PvP (server vs. server casual PvP sistem).

Na spodnji link sem tudi posnel nekaj scanov iz Art of the Guild Wars 2 knjige.


Tr0n ::

PAX 09: Guild Wars 2 Revealed

Unlike Guild Wars, which has always been considered at most a borderline MMO due to its heavy use of instances, Guild Wars 2 is going to be a fully persistent world. There will also be no separation of PvP and so-called "roleplaying" characters.

In Guild Wars 2, there will be two different forms of PvP. They have something called "world-vs-world" play, which matches up entire servers against each other. Eric describes this as a more casual type of PvP with big open-world maps featuring castle sieges, siege weaponry and objectives for both solo players and big groups of like a hundred people. Competitive PvP, which was the hallmark of the original GW, will be there as well. Players will be able to level up their characters through world PvP as experience points will be granted for it. However, competitive PvP will put everyone on an even playing field so it becomes more about skill than about level.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

jack0311 ::

Ah tole bo epic.Se že vidi da je eden od mmorpgjev ,ki bo v prvih 3 mestih.Že pri rasah se vidi ker ej jst sm like asura(hočem golema),sylvari(itak so cist epic)charr(i want shotty :D),norn(kdo noče bit ubijalska zver v armorju)human (epic armorji v trailerju),ko sem pa wow špilav pa morem reč da mi niti ena rasa epic(razen night elfi k majo hudo okolje)tko da GW2 ALL THE WAY

Tr0n ::

Video posnetki ArenaNet Q&A sej na sejmu PAX 2009.

Govorijo o GW2 noveli Fall of Ascalon, GW1 live teamu, GW2 zgodbi ipd.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::

Guild Wars 2: Preview Interview

"We will still use instancing for some quests and raids - especially in the high-end adventuring, but instead of just having only one area where players can congregate, you will be able to run across each other across the world," said Mike.

"It will be a full 3-D game," said Horia. "There will be underwater dungeons and you will be able to swim underwater."

"There will be much more growth of the player character," said Jeff. "Starting areas are different and separate. Players will be playing with others of their own race before they move out into the world and meet players of other races."

"We've spent two years re-writing from the ground up," said Mike. "We've rebuilt and enhanced our game engine. We have a radically enhanced graphics engine, day/night cycles, new physics, animation and movement through the world."

Tr0n ::

Massively's interview with ArenaNet: Let's talk Guild Wars 2

Just about every area in the game has some form of underwater play space. We've got underwater cities, ruins, caverns, new underwater enemies and friendly races as well.

We will not be retaining the level 20 cap. We will announce the exact nature and level of the Guild Wars 2 level cap early next year but let me state that our philosophy of allowing players to play the game without grinding their life away is something that is unchanged from Guild Wars 1.

Yes, Guild Wars 2 will have different servers like many other games. At the same time it is also very easy for us to allow players to transfer between servers.

Guild Wars 2 will retain the same business model as GW1. That is to say you'll pay for the game but there's no monthly subscription fee, and we plan to release paid content after launch.

Igla ::



Sm že mislu, da sem sam ki misli na to :)

Torej ja pravkar sem pogledal vse Q&A na http://www.youtube.com/user/arenanetoff... tem linku :)

Torej ja, komaj čakam! :)

EDIT: Aja sej si že postal, oprosti :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Igla ()

svecka ::


kako kaj kajže z guildwars.si oziroma guildwars2.si ? Imaš še kaj interesa ukvarjati se z guildwars stranjo? Kdaj bo spet aktivna stran? We need infozzzz!!!!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: svecka ()

Tr0n ::

Guildwars2.si je v izdelavi. :)

Igla ::

Mislim da je še prezgodi postavljat stran, mislim pa da nekje v začetku naslednjega leta ko naj bi prejeli nekaj sočnih informacij o sami igri, bi blo fajn da bi bla stran online.

svecka ::

Gw2 se itak predvideva da ne bo zunaj pred koncem naslednjega leta (računam na poletje 2011). Tole so dal sam še teaser ven in kot je videti nimajo sploh še celotnega koncepta narejenega 8tak občutek sem dobil). Kje je šele snemanje zvoka & poliranje bugov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: svecka ()

Tr0n ::

The Art of Guild Wars 2, ki so ga talali na PAX 2009, je mozno sedaj kupiti za 25 EUR.


Tr0n ::

Important Guild Wars 2 Questions Answered

We have racial beginning areas; the Asura start in one area, the Humans start in another area...and they face the conflicts of their race. But as they grow up, they graduate from those conflicts to larger conflicts, as the race is starting to come together. And then finally, to fight in Orr itself.

Jeff: It's a full 3-D engine; its running Havoc on the client and the server...

ZAM: Destructible items, objects, waterfalls that distort your vision?

Jeff: All that; yep...

svecka ::

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, orgazmično, jaz lahk sam rečem, da sem jokal ob ogledu trailerja za GW2, ker so vkjučil kar dosti stvari, kar sem vedno pogrešal in si jih tud srčno želel v gw1. Čedalje več dobrih novic prihaja.
Mislim da bom šel kar na 1 letno bolniško ko GW2 izzide.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: svecka ()

Tr0n ::

Tr0n ::

Osnovni page je up.


svecka ::

Na Guildwars.si potem ne bo več ničesar?

Drgač pa thumbs up.
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