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Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

24 / 27

PacificBlue ::

The first ICO stage of cardano block chain
trust revuto and earn 10 token for FREE

I’m out.

keba ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: keba ()

PacificBlue ::

ECOGoat Aidrop x Private x Presale Event:

I’m out.

klavdijL ::

Še cca 16 ur traja airdrop YFIN - samo obiščeš https://yfin.one/sales/bbabbd vneseš svj eth wallet naslov ter dobiš 0.12 YFIN. Withdraval limit je 1 fin, tako da potrebuješ nekaj referralov. Če mi kdo hoče pomagat priti do limita naj prosim klikne link, nato pa prosto deli svojega :)

klavdijL ::

Corgi airdrop - preverjeno deluje ... brez taskov ipd. Samo povežeš svoj wallet (Metamask ...) in si prenakažeš žetone.

1,000,000,000,000CORGI ($1.000.000 soft cap) for airdrop and referral program. The rule is so simple, you get 100,000 CORGI instantly when join us and get CORGI with 4 levels when you refer your friend. You can earn big CORGI.


klavdijL ::

klavdijL je izjavil:

Še cca 16 ur traja airdrop YFIN - samo obiščeš https://yfin.one/sales/bbabbd vneseš svj eth wallet naslov ter dobiš 0.12 YFIN. Withdraval limit je 1 fin, tako da potrebuješ nekaj referralov. Če mi kdo hoče pomagat priti do limita naj prosim klikne link, nato pa prosto deli svojega :)

Either this is fake or the airdrop has been extended ... its on 9 days now ...

klavdijL ::

Še ena pol da dost za nekej časa :)

BiSwap excahnge is giving away some BSW tokens

No tasks, telegram ... just free promo distributution.

Visit https://biswap.org/?ref=2d26148a31eb8fd...
Connect with you wallet (Metamask ...)
Choose "Free BSW" in the menu on the right
Harvest and withdraw tokens

Max daily profit is limited to 0.5 BSW. Harvesting possible every 30 mins (tokens accumulate even if you don't harvest that often).

Have fun :)

Yohan del Sud ::

Zanalašč ponovno odpiram to staro temo samo zato ker me zanima, če je kdo obogatel s klikanjem na te linke.

keba ::

Obogatel sigurno ni nobeden, dobiš pa vsake toliko kaj uporabnega, ki bo mogoče kdaj kaj vredno. Tako kotje bil COPE pa sedaj ROPE airdrop, pa v tem tednu sedaj še FAB.


Whitelista za Polymus

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: keba ()

brki ::

Še en pasji kovanec - Koshu Inu Airdrop


klavdijL ::

Tale bo v en ...

Join Celsius Network using my referral code 17386688a1 when signing up and earn $40 in BTC with your first transfer (in any supported crypto) of $400 or more! You do need to leave it there for 30 days but it gathers rewards so you end up getting 40$ + rewards!


I've used their previous codes and it worked without any problems.

klavdijL ::

Glede returnov od tega - telegram airdrops so bolj švoh, PoolByCake, Celsius ipd pa lahko dajo kar lepe bonuse - sam tam je malo več dela.

Prav tako preverjeno vračajo razne Coinbase earn kampanije (tu je bil lep $$ dokler so bile referral nagrade, ki pa jih ni več) in pa Coinmarketcap airdrops (tu je sicer lucky draw ampak sem že kaj dobil). Podobno Latoken, kjer je en kup airdropov ipd. sam tam je bolj drobiž kot kaj drugega.

Od tega kar je še aktivno mi je to dvoje še največ prineslo.

Join Celsius Network using my referral code 17386688a1 when signing up and earn $40 in BTC with your first transfer (in any supported crypto) of $400 or more! You do need to leave it there for 30 days but it gathers rewards so you end up getting 40$ + rewards!

When you sign up for a Pool by Cake account and make your first deposit of crypto you will receive a bonus of $20 worth of DFI. If you use a referral code, you will receive an extra $10 worth of DFI! https://pool.cakedefi.com/ -> REFERRAL CODE: 056269 Note: see https://support.cakedefi.com/hc/en-us/a... to help you choose what crypto to deposit. Bonus is locked for some times, gathering interests but you can withdraw your main deposit right away.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

Eden izmed po mojih izkušnjah boljših referral programov je za olimpijske igre povečal svoje nagrade!

Earn 50$ using Cake Defi. Fast and simple.

Guys at Cake DeFi are always looking at ways in which we can bring you even bigger, even better, and even tastier returns and rewards. With the start of the Olympic Games upon us, they announced the launch of the Cake DeFi Olympic Bake-Off promotion, giving you the chance to win big rewards! Promo is valid only until 10:00 UTC on August 08, 2021! (later on the referral code is still valid, but your reward will be smaller)

By creating an account using my referral code, completing identity verification and depositing a minimum of $50 into your account you get another 50$! You can withdraw the deposited amount immediately, while the reward is locked for a while and can be withdrawn a bit later (gathering interest in the meantime!).

https://app.cakedefi.com/ -> REFERRAL CODE: 056269 (remember no code no bonus)

This is a verified airdrop. First I've used someone's code and got the bonus (a bit less at the time since it was the regular not the special promotion). Then I've used my referral code for my wife. I can confirm instant withdrawal of the deposited funds and a received reward!

NOTE: deposit can be made in any supported crypto. I'd recommend you to not use Ethereum due to heavy fees (general ETH problem not the site's fault). More info:

brki ::

Get 1000 GCX coins Free now worth 100 Dollar / Treba se je registrirat na borzi in dobiš 1000 GCX tokenov.
Link: Global Crypto Trading Exchange

klavdijL ::

Če bi kdo lahko naredil tale CakeDefi referral bi bil zelo hvaležan. Gre za nek contest in mi manjka še en referral ... Gre za preverjeno zadevo - dobite 50$ bonusa (ki je sicer zaklenjen za 180 dni, vendar vmes dobi 100%APY - torej na koncu dobite cca 75$ bonusa) ...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

klavdijL je izjavil:

Eden izmed po mojih izkušnjah boljših referral programov je za olimpijske igre povečal svoje nagrade!

Earn 50$ using Cake Defi. Fast and simple.

Guys at Cake DeFi are always looking at ways in which we can bring you even bigger, even better, and even tastier returns and rewards. With the start of the Olympic Games upon us, they announced the launch of the Cake DeFi Olympic Bake-Off promotion, giving you the chance to win big rewards! Promo is valid only until 10:00 UTC on August 08, 2021! (later on the referral code is still valid, but your reward will be smaller)

By creating an account using my referral code, completing identity verification and depositing a minimum of $50 into your account you get another 50$! You can withdraw the deposited amount immediately, while the reward is locked for a while and can be withdrawn a bit later (gathering interest in the meantime!).

https://app.cakedefi.com/ -> REFERRAL CODE: 056269 (remember no code no bonus)

This is a verified airdrop. First I've used someone's code and got the bonus (a bit less at the time since it was the regular not the special promotion). Then I've used my referral code for my wife. I can confirm instant withdrawal of the deposited funds and a received reward!

NOTE: deposit can be made in any supported crypto. I'd recommend you to not use Ethereum due to heavy fees (general ETH problem not the site's fault). More info:

Promo je podaljšan do petka 13.8. 10:00 UTC! Če dobite 2 referrala je skupnanagrada 100$ (50$ za referrals + 50$ bonusa)! Če opravite še zgornje zadeve (torej kreiranje računa z mojo referral kodo, KYC ter nakazilo 50usd (ki jih lahko takoj vzamete ven) pa dobite še dodatnih 50$. Se kar splača :)

edit: morda še to. Zadeva je preverjena (tako nagrade kot dvig sredstev), nagrade pa se izplačajo v DFI žetonih, ki so prisotni tudi na večjih menjalnicah.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

delavec44 ::

Vzamejo ti pa koliko, ko 50$ takoj vzameš ven?

klavdijL ::

delavec44 je izjavil:

Vzamejo ti pa koliko, ko 50$ takoj vzameš ven?

Odvisno v katerem crypto položiš (glej zadnje linke v mojem postu). Če položiš DASH ti poberejo pol evra. Za DFI 0.6 eur. Podobno za večino valut. So pa zelo dragi za ETH in USDT (ampak za eth tudi na uniswap trenutno hoče 25-40 usd za transakcijo) - zato sem v post tudi dodal opozorilo in link na deposit/witdrawal fees. Deposit fees so razen za ETH, USDT, USDC ter ERC20 0 eur.

Zadevo sem že uporabil tako za polog in direkten dvig položenega, kot za dvig pridobljenega bonusa. Vse je šlo gladko in brez težav ter z zgoraj omenjenimi minimalnimi stroški. To je tudi ena redkih DeFi strani, ki ima celoten in prijazen vmesnik ter ne uporablja Metamask etc. posrednikov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

Ok saj vem da se mi gre za referrals za tale Olympic promo ampak tudi sicer ... sem dal čez že en kup raznih promocij in lahko povem, da se tole res splača ... 150usd+ z min dela -> vzameš moj promo code, nato pa s svojim vpišeš še ženo/punco/brata/mamo ... cca 53USD prefuraš čez vse tri accounte (wallet -> defi1 -> wallet -> defi2 ...) in dobiš 150 usd bonusa (če delaš žlahti račune so morda tvoji še njihovi bonusi kar je še dodatnih 100 usd za dva referrala). Vsega skup je pa za urco dela.

aja ... Če imaš na možnost dobit 5 referralov je še večji bonus -> https://blog.cakedefi.com/cake-defi-goe...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

keba ::


CCDOG airdrop, potrebujete le BSC naslov denarnice in mail

klavdijL ::

Rosehip airdrop - 10 Rosehips - no tasks - instant - verified

Enter BSC ( Binance Smart Chain ) address.
Click "Airdrop"


Instant airdrop reward

airdrop: 10 Rosehips
referral: 5 Rosehips






Mato989 ::

Če koga zanima StarMiner airdrop 400+ tokenov na BSC pride ven


Še samo 3 dnevi in kot kaže bo igra in NFT če sem prav videl...
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

keba ::


Whitelist for AVAXlauncher

keba ::


Notri se pride tudi brez stejkanja, samo nekaj deliš na twiterju

grikos ::

Z reševanjem kratkega kviza zasluži nekaj ANKR tokenov:
Prijavi se na CAKE defi in zasluži 30 $ kriptovalute.
https://app.cakedefi.com/referral code: 772231

brki ::

Epic Battle Game NFT Presale Whitelist

novive1 ::

Hi Airdrop
hi is leveraging blockchain technology to build services that are community powered.

hi is airdropping 1 hi Dollars (~$1) daily for easy tasks. Also, earn 0.5 hi Dollars for each referral.
Note: You must complete your KYC (Mandatory).

Steps to claim Airdrop

Chat with hi Telegram or Whatsup Bot.
Select language and then share your phone number.
Enter referrer name https://hi.com/Novive
Enter your nickname and click "? Claim Daily Reward".
Answer an easy question and get 1 hi Dollars (~$1).
Click the button "? Claim Daily Reward " to get 1 hi Dollars per day.
Also, earn 0.5 hi Dollars for each referral.
Update: Now trading on Uniswap (1 hi = $1). Check details regarding tokens release from hi's post.https://hi.com/Novive

keba ::

keba ::


Težko pričakovana ACALA waitlist.

neznalček ::

Pozdravljeni Gamerji!
Prihaja težko pričakovana NFT igra Genopets na solani, čaka se na Airdrop. Podrobnosti tudi na njihovem discordu. Prijavi se preko mojega referala. Hvala!

keba ::


Avarest DAO waitlist, za najhitrejše je alokacija garantirana

keba ::

neznalček ::

če koga zanima FOMO Chronicles NFT Giveaway dajem moj referal https://wn.nr/RjXwd7

klavdijL ::

? Fantasy World Crypto Airdrop Round 3
? Airdrop Link: https://t.me/fwc_airdropbot?start=16786...
? Complete simple tasks the tasks (telegram, twitter)
? Total Reward: 1,500,000 $FWC
? Oct 02, 2021 - Oct 07, 2021
? Fairlaunch : Oct 07, 2021 at 13:00 UTC

Page: https://fantasyworld.games/
Token: https://bscscan.com/token/0x97baCd8e831...

Soroksari ::

PacificBlue ::

klavdijL ::

No tasks, just enter wallet address! 100 instant + 100 per referral (max 40 referrals).

GET SOME PUNK: https://punknft.finance/HQEIU2A

Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xfe395c16...
Info: https://punknft.finance/

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

padi1994 ::

NURI je banka, na kateri lahko kupite kriptovalute ( Podobno BInance) .

Ob registraciji z mojim linkom dobite 30€ brezplačno.

Kaj je potrebno za to storiti:

Registrirate se z mojo povezavo tukaj, sledite navodilom: https://app.nuri.com/r/HNEH-W38F
Po verifikaciji, naročite brezplačno kartico na svoj naslov.
Naložite 30€ na NURI in kupite Bitcoin ali Etherium. Naslednji dan boste dobili 30€ podarjenih od NURI-ja.
Denar ki ste ga vlozili lahko v roku 2 minut tudi izplačate, tudi bonus ki ga dobite (30€) lahko še isti dan izplačate.

Grow your money with the Nuri app. Trade, earn and invest in cryptocurrencies straight from a full German bank account. Open your free account, make your first trade and get €30 with my personal link: https://app.nuri.com/r/HNEH-W38F

keba ::


Solanium whitelist za defi gamefi projekt

klavdijL ::

50$ SpaceX Rush Tokens

A Play-to-Earn game based on the SpaceX exploration company founded by #Elon Musk. Players are rewarded with X-Rush tokens for DEX trade and in-game purchases!

REWARD: 50$ worth SpaceX-Rush Tokens for completing the AirDrop Tasks and 0 SpaceX-Rush from Referral System .

JOIN NOW: https://t.me/SpaceXRushAirdrop_Bot?star...

DISTRIBUTION: Airdrop will end on 29th October and Distribution starts from 3rd November You Must have 3 Referrals to Claim the Airdrop!

TASKS: join telegram, follow twitter, enter bep20 address (Metamask, Trustwallet ...)

REFERAL BONUS: You Can earn Up to 10$ worth SpaceX-Rush Tokens by inviting someone , when someone will join by using your Referral Link 10$ Worth Tokens will be added into your Balance.

CONTRACT: https://bscscan.com/address/0x15beb3e42... -> Contract is verified & contract security audit by @certikorg

WEBSITE: https://x-rush.com/

And as always - don't spend any money on airdrops :)

klavdijL ::

Offer shelter to otters and get some free SOL. Later on there is a NFT raffle as well!
JOIN: https://www.botheredotters.com/?ref=FgT...

 help save the otters :)

help save the otters :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

keba ::

keba ::


Offer shelter to otters and get some free SOL

sa88bina ::

LunarCrush: https://lnr.app/s/yAWRyj

Malo poklikate in posherate okoli pa dobite zastonj 35 LUNR toknov, ki imajo že fino lepo vrednost.

neznalček ::

Če kdo drži Casper je tu ref link do prijave na launching za CASPERPUNKS NFTs https://wn.nr/3AVEWU

klavdijL ::


!! RICHQUACK are having a HUGE giveaway at the moment -> 20B QUACK Daily Giveaway !!

JOIN https://discord.gg/VAhWubn5 for info

-> 10B QUACK Discord Daily Giveaway
-> 10B QUACK Telegram Daily Giveaway

Winners will be announced the following day.

Token contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0xd74b782e0...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klavdijL ()

klavdijL ::

klavdijL je izjavil:


!! RICHQUACK are having a HUGE giveaway at the moment -> 20B QUACK Daily Giveaway !!

JOIN https://discord.gg/VAhWubn5 for info

-> 10B QUACK Discord Daily Giveaway
-> 10B QUACK Telegram Daily Giveaway

Winners will be announced the following day.

Token contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0xd74b782e0...

edit: kaže da je nekaj sprememb za Discord: you can only win if your friends / family pass the │holder-verification and get Quack Army Role. In Order to Get Quack Army Role, Wallet Must have 10 Billion minimum

keba ::


MIXMOB - prvih 2500 dobi NFT

klavdijL ::


-- RICHQUACK are having a HUGE giveaway at the moment -> 20B QUACK Daily Giveaway

JOIN: https://discord.gg/VAhWubn5 for info

Vrednost QUACK lepo raste tako da se splača pridružit akciji :)

klavdijL ::

CryptoPlanes Airdrop - 10$ in CPAN - already on Coinmarketcap

JOIN NOW: https://t.me/CryptoPlanes_Airdrop_Bot?s...

CONTRACT: https://bscscan.com/address/0x042606737...
COINMARKETCAP: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cr...
INFO: https://cryptoplanes.me/
24 / 27

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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