Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
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Mr.B ::
No ne vem, če je vsebina v pravi temi... Toda lahko gremo predstaviti populistično predtsvao, ki jo je recimo naredil bodoči zaprti šef države z imenom izrael naredil za Trumpa in podobne slovenske demokratične lhubitelje ameriških sanj. No ter po drugi strani realnost situacije, ekonomske opravičenosti nadaljevanja v drugo smer...
the Globe reported that Kerry had met with Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif at the United Nations in New York two weeks ago, their second meeting in about two months, to discuss ways of keeping the deal limiting Iran's nuclear weapons program intact.
the Globe reported that Kerry had met with Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif at the United Nations in New York two weeks ago, their second meeting in about two months, to discuss ways of keeping the deal limiting Iran's nuclear weapons program intact.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Yust fake news ali enoumje....
MSNBC Ignores Catastrophic US-Backed War in Yemen
Finds Russia 5000% more newsworthy
Število ameriških vojakov, no specialcev brez upoštevanja raznih unih neobszoječih ameriških organizacij, ki jih poznamo z ruske strani pod vodstvom "kuharja"...boste že našli.
MSNBC Ignores Catastrophic US-Backed War in Yemen
Finds Russia 5000% more newsworthy
Število ameriških vojakov, no specialcev brez upoštevanja raznih unih neobszoječih ameriških organizacij, ki jih poznamo z ruske strani pod vodstvom "kuharja"...boste že našli.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Kellyanne je na twitterju trumpove zagovornike zamenjala s kritiki. Dvorne intrige?
SNL je imel pa one special snowflake triggering cold open
SNL je imel pa one special snowflake triggering cold open
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Kellyanne je na twitterju trumpove zagovornike zamenjala s kritiki. Dvorne intrige?
SNL je imel pa one special snowflake triggering cold open
Glede na to, da volilci ki so nasprotovali utaljenim režimom v Ameriki, doživljajo katarzo, s prstom v rit. Tako kot v sloveniji. Zato pa je potrebna predstava. DRuge države so šle naprej, Amerika se pač zapira dalje. Verjetno je bila predstava izraela o iranskem programu, morda uspešna za Trumpija, sedaj že britanci prosijo, do not fuck up Iranian nuclear deal. Pač Paxi move on, si del predstave, še zaveš se ne.
Verjetno tudi tega nisi prebral : MSNBC Ignores Catastrophic US-Backed War in Yemen Finds Russia 5000% more newsworthy
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Če butthurt traja dlje kot 4 ure takoj obiščite zdravnika.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Če butthurt traja dlje kot 4 ure takoj obiščite zdravnika.
Čudno da pri tebi traja več kot leto, pa še vedno nisi pri doktorju.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Včeraj je imel Navalni spet proteste.
Tako izpade, ko ima predsednik 77%, 20cm, 1.85m in samozavest serijsko ;)
Povsem slučajno sem našel tole Gallupovo anketo iz 2017
Public image of Vladimir Putin @ Wikipedia
Pri nas je rating -10. Ni idealno, vseeno pa ima na Hrvaškem +18 in v Srbiji +68. Situacija po komentarjih na portalih ni realna.
Tako izpade, ko ima predsednik 77%, 20cm, 1.85m in samozavest serijsko ;)
Povsem slučajno sem našel tole Gallupovo anketo iz 2017
Public image of Vladimir Putin @ Wikipedia
Pri nas je rating -10. Ni idealno, vseeno pa ima na Hrvaškem +18 in v Srbiji +68. Situacija po komentarjih na portalih ni realna.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Mr.B ::
Sreca da pri protestih na izraelski meji, protestirajo samo 40+ letniki.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
-"Good day, grandfather, did you go through the war?"
- Yes, son, I fought
- And how old are you?
- 78 years
- That is you fought with three years?
-"Get out of here, Nazi provocateur!"
Desni je del Velike Rusije.
Great Russia (political party) @ Wikipedia
Great Russia (Russian: Великая Россия; romanized Velikaya Rossiya) is a Russian far-right ultra-nationalist political party that has been associated with neo-Nazism.[1][2] It was established in April 2007 by former Rodina leader and legislator Dmitry Rogozin
Rogozin je kasneje naredil uspešno politično kariero, tako da je zdaj pomočnik premierja, odgovoren za obrambo in vesoljski program.
Dmitry Rogozin @ Wikipedia
Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin (Russian: Дми́трий Оле́гович Рого́зин; born 21 December 1963) is a Russian politician who has been Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in charge of Defense industry of Russia, since 2011.
Morda želi rešiti svoje ko-patriote s temne strani Lune? (Tragi)komedija, v glavnem.
Prvi del je zgleda apokrif. Imel naj bi 90 let.
Še vedno mladoleten med 2. sv vojno, ampak možno, da se je boril. Da ima antifa ata sumljivo družbo, drži.
-"Good day, grandfather, did you go through the war?"
- Yes, son, I fought
- And how old are you?
- 78 years
- That is you fought with three years?
-"Get out of here, Nazi provocateur!"
Desni je del Velike Rusije.
Great Russia (political party) @ Wikipedia
Great Russia (Russian: Великая Россия; romanized Velikaya Rossiya) is a Russian far-right ultra-nationalist political party that has been associated with neo-Nazism.[1][2] It was established in April 2007 by former Rodina leader and legislator Dmitry Rogozin
Rogozin je kasneje naredil uspešno politično kariero, tako da je zdaj pomočnik premierja, odgovoren za obrambo in vesoljski program.
Dmitry Rogozin @ Wikipedia
Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin (Russian: Дми́трий Оле́гович Рого́зин; born 21 December 1963) is a Russian politician who has been Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in charge of Defense industry of Russia, since 2011.
Morda želi rešiti svoje ko-patriote s temne strani Lune? (Tragi)komedija, v glavnem.
Prvi del je zgleda apokrif. Imel naj bi 90 let.
Še vedno mladoleten med 2. sv vojno, ampak možno, da se je boril. Da ima antifa ata sumljivo družbo, drži.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Fritz ::
Opevana zahodna 'demokracija' in visoka načela...
Fritz pristop:
Paco pristop:
Someone tipped off the Observer, the Guardian's Sunday edition, about an attempt of Donald Trump flunkies to find dirt about the people who negotiated the nuclear deal (JCPOA) with Iran. An Israeli spy company was hired to set up traps. One of the victims describes how that happened. The modus operandi seems similar to one described in another dirty story which surfaced about a year ago. The company, not named by the Observer, in question is Black Cube.
The Observer: Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for 'dirty ops' on Iran arms deal
Aides to Donald Trump, the US president, hired an Israeli private intelligence agency to orchestrate a "dirty ops" campaign against key individuals from the Obama administration who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal, the Observer can reveal.
People in the Trump camp contacted private investigators in May last year to "get dirt" on Ben Rhodes, who had been one of Barack Obama's top national security advisers, and Colin Kahl, deputy assistant to Obama, as part of an elaborate attempt to discredit the deal.
Sources said that officials linked to Trump's team contacted investigators days after Trump visited Tel Aviv a year ago, his first foreign tour as US president.
According to incendiary documents seen by the Observer, investigators contracted by the private intelligence agency were told to dig into the personal lives and political careers of Rhodes, a former deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, and Kahl, a national security adviser to the former vice-president Joe Biden. Among other things they were looking at personal relationships, any involvement with Iran-friendly lobbyists, and if they had benefited personally or politically from the peace deal.
Both Rhodes and Kahl said they had no idea of the campaign against them.
The last sentence no longer holds. Colin Kahl now remembers that something fishy was going on:
Colin Kahl @ColinKahl - 5:33 UTC - 6 May 2018
According to this story, in May of last year, Team Trump asked an Israeli intel firm to dig up dirt on me as part of an effort to discredit the Iran deal. Tonight, as my wife read this story, that date triggered a very creepy memory. ...
Last year, my wife was serving on the fundraising committee of my daughter's public charter school in DC. One day, out of the blue, she received an email from someone claiming to represent a socially responsible private equity firm in the UK.
This "UK person" said "she" was flying to DC soon and wanted to have coffee with my wife to discuss the possibility of including my daughter's school in their educational fund network.
This was not a generic "Nigerian prince" scam. This person had all sorts of specific information on my wife's volunteer duties at an obscure DC elementary school.
There was a website for the firm (which no longer exists, by the way), but it had no depth to it, and there was no detailed information about the "UK person" who reached out to my wife.
My wife shared the email with me and a few people we know in both the finance and education fields. All agreed that the entire scenario seemed implausible and seemed like an approach by a foreign intelligence entity.
To test the implausibility, my wife kept trying to encourage the "UK person" over email to meet with other school fundraising officers & leadership while "she" was in DC, providing relevant contact info. But the "UK person" kept insisting that "she" had to meet with my wife.
At that point, my wife stopped corresponding. This all happened in late May and early June of last year.
The way the operation was run against Colin Kahl sounds familiar. I remembered reading about a similar attempt a while ago and, after some searching, dug up this New Yorker story from last November:
In the fall of 2016, Harvey Weinstein set out to suppress allegations that he had sexually harassed or assaulted numerous women. He began to hire private security agencies to collect information on the women and the journalists trying to expose the allegations. According to dozens of pages of documents, and seven people directly involved in the effort, the firms that Weinstein hired included Kroll, which is one of the world's largest corporate-intelligence companies, and Black Cube, an enterprise run largely by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies. Black Cube, which has branches in Tel Aviv, London, and Paris, offers its clients the skills of operatives "highly experienced and trained in Israel's elite military and governmental intelligence units," according to its literature.
Two private investigators from Black Cube, using false identities, met with the actress Rose McGowan, who eventually publicly accused Weinstein of rape, to extract information from her. One of the investigators pretended to be a women's-rights advocate and secretly recorded at least four meetings with McGowan.
In both cases we see a 'private' Israeli spy company, with deep government connections and operating from London, which uses false identities and meets its targets under false pretense. I bet a cup of coffee that Black Cube is the company behind the attempts to spy on the JCPOA negotiators. The company is notorious for such dirty work.
Compare this from Colin Kahl above:
One day, out of the blue, [my wife] received an email from someone claiming to represent a socially responsible private equity firm in the UK. This "UK person" said "she" was flying to DC soon and wanted to have coffee with my wife to discuss the possibility of including my daughter's school in their educational fund network.
With this from the Weinstein case as described in the New Yorker:
In May, 2017, McGowan received an e-mail from a literary agency introducing her to a woman who identified herself as Diana Filip, the deputy head of sustainable and responsible investments at Reuben Capital Partners, a London-based wealth-management firm. Filip told McGowan that she was launching an initiative to combat discrimination against women in the workplace ...
The same pattern is used: A surprise contact from London pretending to have money from some rich fund to disperse for a good cause the targeted person is known to support. The false person is persistently asking for a personal meeting. There are multiple additional details about the spies approach in both cases that look quite similar.
Black Cube claims to deliver "Creative Intelligence". But to use the same method and false story over and over is not creative at all. The company has had some press lately. The Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Whyle alleges that Black Cube was hired to hack the personal data of Nigerian President Buhari prior to his election to get access to his medical records and private emails. Cambridge Analytica also worked for the Trump campaign.
One wonders why the Observer did not name the Israeli spy company. One also wonders why the story is coming up now. Who leaked it? And is it true?
One of the Guardian/Observer authors of the story is Julian Borger who was long notorious for writing manipulating stories about Iran's nuclear program. Borger is pretty much in the anti-Trump camp and his 'official' sources are sometimes shady. His additional frame piece to the story above reveals nothing new. Who gave him the story? The British government which wants to keep the JCPOA alive?
Could someone have made up the whole story, modeled after the Weinstein case, in an attempt to discredit Trump and his planned termination of the JCPOA deal?
Then again - hiring 'former' spies to dig up dirt about people was actually a specialty of the Clinton campaign. It paid the 'former' British spy Christopher Steele to make up the "Dirty Dossier" about Trump.
It would be hypocritical to now condemn the Trump circles for doing similar stuff.
Update (May 7 12:30pm est):
An hour ago the New Yorker author who wrote the original Black Cube/Weinstein piece confirmed that Black Cube was indeed the company which targeted the Obama administration officials Colin Kahl and Ben Rhodes. Mr. Kahl points to several news-pieces in mid 2017 in which Trump administration officials blamed him and Mr. Rhodes for the Iran deal. It is unclear though how deep the current White House was involved in hiring the spy company. From the new New Yorker piece:
The Observer reported that aides of President Trump had hired Black Cube to run the operation in order to undermine the Iran deal, allegations that Black Cube denies. "The idea was that people acting for Trump would discredit those who were pivotal in selling the deal, making it easier to pull out of it," a source told the Observer. One of the sources familiar with the effort told me that it was, in fact, part of Black Cube's work for a private-sector client pursuing commercial interests related to sanctions on Iran. (A Trump Administration spokesperson declined to comment to the Observer on the allegations.)
It could of course be both. The Trump administration officials Sebastian Gorka and Steve Bannon pushed against the Iran deal and went to news outlets complaining about Kahl and Rhodes. The company denies that the White House hired it. While some private company, (uber-Zionist and casino magnate Sheldon Adelson?), may have paid Black Cube these efforts were likely coordinated. Another target was the pro-Iran deal lobbyist Trita Parsi. The Black Cube spies, and the Trump administration flunkies, insinuated that the Obama people pursued the Iran deal in exchange for personal financial gains. I do not believe that to be the case. But it is interesting that the Trump people can not think of other reasons for making such a strategic deal.
This is the kind of scandal the media will love to dig into. We can thus expect to hear much more about the case. Was a crime committed? I do not see such an angle yet but a good prosecutor may make the case.
Unlike the whole anti-Russia/anti-Trump campaign and investigation, which has no merit at all, this one would be on target. It was and is Israel that is the most influential foreign country in Washington DC and within the Trump administration. Any dirt coming up now will help to make that point more visible to the general public.
Zgodba ima zanimiv zaplet a pozor, it iz not zee Russians...
Fritz pristop:
Paco pristop:
Someone tipped off the Observer, the Guardian's Sunday edition, about an attempt of Donald Trump flunkies to find dirt about the people who negotiated the nuclear deal (JCPOA) with Iran. An Israeli spy company was hired to set up traps. One of the victims describes how that happened. The modus operandi seems similar to one described in another dirty story which surfaced about a year ago. The company, not named by the Observer, in question is Black Cube.
The Observer: Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for 'dirty ops' on Iran arms deal
Aides to Donald Trump, the US president, hired an Israeli private intelligence agency to orchestrate a "dirty ops" campaign against key individuals from the Obama administration who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal, the Observer can reveal.
People in the Trump camp contacted private investigators in May last year to "get dirt" on Ben Rhodes, who had been one of Barack Obama's top national security advisers, and Colin Kahl, deputy assistant to Obama, as part of an elaborate attempt to discredit the deal.
Sources said that officials linked to Trump's team contacted investigators days after Trump visited Tel Aviv a year ago, his first foreign tour as US president.
According to incendiary documents seen by the Observer, investigators contracted by the private intelligence agency were told to dig into the personal lives and political careers of Rhodes, a former deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, and Kahl, a national security adviser to the former vice-president Joe Biden. Among other things they were looking at personal relationships, any involvement with Iran-friendly lobbyists, and if they had benefited personally or politically from the peace deal.
Both Rhodes and Kahl said they had no idea of the campaign against them.
The last sentence no longer holds. Colin Kahl now remembers that something fishy was going on:
Colin Kahl @ColinKahl - 5:33 UTC - 6 May 2018
According to this story, in May of last year, Team Trump asked an Israeli intel firm to dig up dirt on me as part of an effort to discredit the Iran deal. Tonight, as my wife read this story, that date triggered a very creepy memory. ...
Last year, my wife was serving on the fundraising committee of my daughter's public charter school in DC. One day, out of the blue, she received an email from someone claiming to represent a socially responsible private equity firm in the UK.
This "UK person" said "she" was flying to DC soon and wanted to have coffee with my wife to discuss the possibility of including my daughter's school in their educational fund network.
This was not a generic "Nigerian prince" scam. This person had all sorts of specific information on my wife's volunteer duties at an obscure DC elementary school.
There was a website for the firm (which no longer exists, by the way), but it had no depth to it, and there was no detailed information about the "UK person" who reached out to my wife.
My wife shared the email with me and a few people we know in both the finance and education fields. All agreed that the entire scenario seemed implausible and seemed like an approach by a foreign intelligence entity.
To test the implausibility, my wife kept trying to encourage the "UK person" over email to meet with other school fundraising officers & leadership while "she" was in DC, providing relevant contact info. But the "UK person" kept insisting that "she" had to meet with my wife.
At that point, my wife stopped corresponding. This all happened in late May and early June of last year.
The way the operation was run against Colin Kahl sounds familiar. I remembered reading about a similar attempt a while ago and, after some searching, dug up this New Yorker story from last November:
In the fall of 2016, Harvey Weinstein set out to suppress allegations that he had sexually harassed or assaulted numerous women. He began to hire private security agencies to collect information on the women and the journalists trying to expose the allegations. According to dozens of pages of documents, and seven people directly involved in the effort, the firms that Weinstein hired included Kroll, which is one of the world's largest corporate-intelligence companies, and Black Cube, an enterprise run largely by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies. Black Cube, which has branches in Tel Aviv, London, and Paris, offers its clients the skills of operatives "highly experienced and trained in Israel's elite military and governmental intelligence units," according to its literature.
Two private investigators from Black Cube, using false identities, met with the actress Rose McGowan, who eventually publicly accused Weinstein of rape, to extract information from her. One of the investigators pretended to be a women's-rights advocate and secretly recorded at least four meetings with McGowan.
In both cases we see a 'private' Israeli spy company, with deep government connections and operating from London, which uses false identities and meets its targets under false pretense. I bet a cup of coffee that Black Cube is the company behind the attempts to spy on the JCPOA negotiators. The company is notorious for such dirty work.
Compare this from Colin Kahl above:
One day, out of the blue, [my wife] received an email from someone claiming to represent a socially responsible private equity firm in the UK. This "UK person" said "she" was flying to DC soon and wanted to have coffee with my wife to discuss the possibility of including my daughter's school in their educational fund network.
With this from the Weinstein case as described in the New Yorker:
In May, 2017, McGowan received an e-mail from a literary agency introducing her to a woman who identified herself as Diana Filip, the deputy head of sustainable and responsible investments at Reuben Capital Partners, a London-based wealth-management firm. Filip told McGowan that she was launching an initiative to combat discrimination against women in the workplace ...
The same pattern is used: A surprise contact from London pretending to have money from some rich fund to disperse for a good cause the targeted person is known to support. The false person is persistently asking for a personal meeting. There are multiple additional details about the spies approach in both cases that look quite similar.
Black Cube claims to deliver "Creative Intelligence". But to use the same method and false story over and over is not creative at all. The company has had some press lately. The Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Whyle alleges that Black Cube was hired to hack the personal data of Nigerian President Buhari prior to his election to get access to his medical records and private emails. Cambridge Analytica also worked for the Trump campaign.
One wonders why the Observer did not name the Israeli spy company. One also wonders why the story is coming up now. Who leaked it? And is it true?
One of the Guardian/Observer authors of the story is Julian Borger who was long notorious for writing manipulating stories about Iran's nuclear program. Borger is pretty much in the anti-Trump camp and his 'official' sources are sometimes shady. His additional frame piece to the story above reveals nothing new. Who gave him the story? The British government which wants to keep the JCPOA alive?
Could someone have made up the whole story, modeled after the Weinstein case, in an attempt to discredit Trump and his planned termination of the JCPOA deal?
Then again - hiring 'former' spies to dig up dirt about people was actually a specialty of the Clinton campaign. It paid the 'former' British spy Christopher Steele to make up the "Dirty Dossier" about Trump.
It would be hypocritical to now condemn the Trump circles for doing similar stuff.
Update (May 7 12:30pm est):
An hour ago the New Yorker author who wrote the original Black Cube/Weinstein piece confirmed that Black Cube was indeed the company which targeted the Obama administration officials Colin Kahl and Ben Rhodes. Mr. Kahl points to several news-pieces in mid 2017 in which Trump administration officials blamed him and Mr. Rhodes for the Iran deal. It is unclear though how deep the current White House was involved in hiring the spy company. From the new New Yorker piece:
The Observer reported that aides of President Trump had hired Black Cube to run the operation in order to undermine the Iran deal, allegations that Black Cube denies. "The idea was that people acting for Trump would discredit those who were pivotal in selling the deal, making it easier to pull out of it," a source told the Observer. One of the sources familiar with the effort told me that it was, in fact, part of Black Cube's work for a private-sector client pursuing commercial interests related to sanctions on Iran. (A Trump Administration spokesperson declined to comment to the Observer on the allegations.)
It could of course be both. The Trump administration officials Sebastian Gorka and Steve Bannon pushed against the Iran deal and went to news outlets complaining about Kahl and Rhodes. The company denies that the White House hired it. While some private company, (uber-Zionist and casino magnate Sheldon Adelson?), may have paid Black Cube these efforts were likely coordinated. Another target was the pro-Iran deal lobbyist Trita Parsi. The Black Cube spies, and the Trump administration flunkies, insinuated that the Obama people pursued the Iran deal in exchange for personal financial gains. I do not believe that to be the case. But it is interesting that the Trump people can not think of other reasons for making such a strategic deal.
This is the kind of scandal the media will love to dig into. We can thus expect to hear much more about the case. Was a crime committed? I do not see such an angle yet but a good prosecutor may make the case.
Unlike the whole anti-Russia/anti-Trump campaign and investigation, which has no merit at all, this one would be on target. It was and is Israel that is the most influential foreign country in Washington DC and within the Trump administration. Any dirt coming up now will help to make that point more visible to the general public.
Zgodba ima zanimiv zaplet a pozor, it iz not zee Russians...
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
Mr.B ::
Pa da vidimo, ali se bo eu drzala moralne obligacije, in jo pridrzala ter dostavila sodiscu...
President Donald Trump has defended his nominee to head the CIA after she offered to withdraw amid concern over her role in harsh interrogation techniques widely seen as torture
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Današnja inaguracija. Schröderja (pre)poznamo, obkrožen je Matthias Warnig. STASIjevec, putinov morda frend iz vzhodnonemških časov, zdaj CEO Nord Streama. Gerhard je tam predsednik nadzornega sveta. Naj se ve, kaj šteje. Matthias Warnig @ Wikipedia Matthias Warnig @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Unless I'm reading something wrong, the attorney for one of the companies charged in Robert Mueller's trollfarm indictment is attempting to use whataboutism as an actual legal argument.
Unless I'm reading something wrong, the attorney for one of the companies charged in Robert Mueller's trollfarm indictment is attempting to use whataboutism as an actual legal argument.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Unless I'm reading something wrong, the attorney for one of the companies charged in Robert Mueller's trollfarm indictment is attempting to use whataboutism as an actual legal argument.
Pa sej smo, no sem tinnapisal 5000% je delegirane teme, zato da grejo ostale pod radarjem.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Republikanski operativec.
You know, I wonder if there is even a glimmer of self-awareness in the minds of my Republican friends that the Cohen story is only at about in the beginning of its first act. You know after Stormy, it'll be a long chain of other women, and you'll be stuck defending every...single...story.
None of you have the balls to go to him and tell him to confess and get it all out there. You'd rather rub his ho-stank all over your political careers, reveling in service to his Majesty, King Don the Mad.
Get your comms folks write up the talking points now to save time later.
"These new revelations of a payoff to model/escort/actress/reality tv aspirant/adult-film actress change nothing. My loyalty to King Donald is absolute. I ran on a platform of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and family values, and President Trump has never disappointed me, even as a skeezy train of his pathetic affairs followed by payoffs and NDAs has become a constant drumbeat. In related news, I am unconcerned by polls showing me 8 back in my R+10 district.
Nothing to see here. Move along. MAGA."
You know, I wonder if there is even a glimmer of self-awareness in the minds of my Republican friends that the Cohen story is only at about in the beginning of its first act. You know after Stormy, it'll be a long chain of other women, and you'll be stuck defending every...single...story.
None of you have the balls to go to him and tell him to confess and get it all out there. You'd rather rub his ho-stank all over your political careers, reveling in service to his Majesty, King Don the Mad.
Get your comms folks write up the talking points now to save time later.
"These new revelations of a payoff to model/escort/actress/reality tv aspirant/adult-film actress change nothing. My loyalty to King Donald is absolute. I ran on a platform of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and family values, and President Trump has never disappointed me, even as a skeezy train of his pathetic affairs followed by payoffs and NDAs has become a constant drumbeat. In related news, I am unconcerned by polls showing me 8 back in my R+10 district.
Nothing to see here. Move along. MAGA."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Ta isti republikanski operativec.
Just wrapped quite a long call with someone who shouldn't be leaking to me.
But I must say this person, you've made a fine choice.
Imma process this a bit. Y'all hold on.
How's that processing coming?
I have a couple calls out to other people to verify.
Just wrapped quite a long call with someone who shouldn't be leaking to me.
But I must say this person, you've made a fine choice.
Imma process this a bit. Y'all hold on.
How's that processing coming?
I have a couple calls out to other people to verify.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
windigo ::
Rusi se menda grejo uravnoteževanje disruptivnih in destruktivnih ameriških intervencij na evro-afriško-azijski polobli.
Glavni problem pa je zgleda, da razen tistih, ki so zadosti globoko v globokih državah, tega noben ne šteka.![8-O](
Glavni problem pa je zgleda, da razen tistih, ki so zadosti globoko v globokih državah, tega noben ne šteka.
Vazelin ::
Ruska limuzina kao. Izgleda enako kot RR Phantom
Pa zabili so ne vem koliko denarja ha
Ruska limuzina kao. Izgleda enako kot RR Phantom
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
Pac-Man ::
V Kremelj se je menda pripeljal z mečko, nov avto ga je prestavil samo par 100m do prizorišča.
L. 2012 se je zapeljal čez pol Moskve, ampak res da je moral priti iz vladne palače.
Tudi l. 2004 je kruzal čez Moskvo.
L. 2012 se je zapeljal čez pol Moskve, ampak res da je moral priti iz vladne palače.
Tudi l. 2004 je kruzal čez Moskvo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Asanž je ruski patsi.
Defector: WikiLeaks ‘Will Lie to Your Face’
Now the U.K. man who leaked those messages is stepping forward to explain why he turned on the secret-spilling group, which he argues has abandoned its truth-telling mission altogether.
Iain (The Daily Beast has agreed not to use his last name) is a 41-year-old writer, artist, and musician based in Edinburgh who joined a small circle of key WikiLeaks supporters after meeting with Assange in 2013, and remained connected to the group until October 2016.
“I never understood at the time that these people are really quite fanatical, and not in a good way,” said Iain. “They will lie to your face, they will lie on Twitter… The pressure is being piled on, the lies are being piled on.”
In February 2016 Assange offered this this ominous observation: “WL enemies end badly… Sometimes it is because we cause it to happen, other times it seems like fate.”
Iain said he felt compelled to leak the messages after the revelation that Assange held friendly, supportive online conversations with Donald Trump Jr. during the election. Before then Iain had struggled to understand WikiLeaks’ sudden embrace of the alt-right.
He finally found what he sees as a kind of Rosetta Stone into Assange’s thinking in a leaked email Assange wrote way back in 2007 while soliciting support for the nascent WikiLeaks concept. One of the goals for WikiLeaks, Assange wrote, “is total annihilation of the current U.S. regime and any other regime that holds its authority through mendacity alone.”
WikiLeaks baffled some supporters when it started seeding or promoting fake news about Hillary Clinton’s health, Pizzagate, and even Democrats engaging in satanic rituals at the same time it was releasing genuine material stolen from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.
This was not, as it might appear, a cynical bid to garner Donald Trump’s favor; nor was it simple pandering to a new funding base, argues Iain. It was part and parcel of Assange’s alignment with Russian President Vladimir Putin against their common adversary, the United States.
In retrospect, the shift was apparent way back in 2013, during Assange’s failed bid to win a Senate seat in Australia, Iain said. To that end Assange established the country’s WikiLeaks Party, with a platform built on government transparency and libertarianism. But just weeks before the election the party was roiled by a controversy over its ranking of other political parties in Australia’s ranked choice voting, preferencing, in two races, the white-nationalist Australia First Party and the right-wing Shooters and Fishers Party above the liberal favorite, the Australian Greens.
The WikiLeaks Party blamed the choices on an “administrative error,” and Assange took to Australian TV to deny any role in the scandal, saying he was too preoccupied helping Edward Snowden to pay attention to what was happening in the party he led.
But as soon as the election was over, the WikiLeaks Party transformed. Its website was suddenly overrun with posts that would have been at home on Kremlin outlets like RT and Sputnik. “The puppet politicians who Washington intended to put in charge of Ukraine have lost control,” read a post on the Ukraine conflict. “The government of Crimea, a Russian province… has disavowed the illegitimate government that illegally seized power in Kiev and requested Russian protection.” Posts on Syria described the 2013 Ghouta chemical weapons attack by forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad as “unsubstantiated” and “staged.“
“The party’s website content now operated solely to legitimize Russian propaganda by placing it under the umbrella of WikiLeaks’ valuable brand of truth and transparency,” said Iain.
Four months after the election, in December 2013, Assange’s father, John Shipton, led a WikiLeaks Party delegation to Damascus and had tea with Assad. Shipton, the party chair, told a local TV station that the WikiLeaks Party wanted to open an office in Damascus, and after the trip the party tweeted that its members had seen firsthand “how Syrians defeated the conspiracy of more than 86 countries.”
Defector: WikiLeaks ‘Will Lie to Your Face’
Now the U.K. man who leaked those messages is stepping forward to explain why he turned on the secret-spilling group, which he argues has abandoned its truth-telling mission altogether.
Iain (The Daily Beast has agreed not to use his last name) is a 41-year-old writer, artist, and musician based in Edinburgh who joined a small circle of key WikiLeaks supporters after meeting with Assange in 2013, and remained connected to the group until October 2016.
“I never understood at the time that these people are really quite fanatical, and not in a good way,” said Iain. “They will lie to your face, they will lie on Twitter… The pressure is being piled on, the lies are being piled on.”
In February 2016 Assange offered this this ominous observation: “WL enemies end badly… Sometimes it is because we cause it to happen, other times it seems like fate.”
Iain said he felt compelled to leak the messages after the revelation that Assange held friendly, supportive online conversations with Donald Trump Jr. during the election. Before then Iain had struggled to understand WikiLeaks’ sudden embrace of the alt-right.
He finally found what he sees as a kind of Rosetta Stone into Assange’s thinking in a leaked email Assange wrote way back in 2007 while soliciting support for the nascent WikiLeaks concept. One of the goals for WikiLeaks, Assange wrote, “is total annihilation of the current U.S. regime and any other regime that holds its authority through mendacity alone.”
WikiLeaks baffled some supporters when it started seeding or promoting fake news about Hillary Clinton’s health, Pizzagate, and even Democrats engaging in satanic rituals at the same time it was releasing genuine material stolen from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.
This was not, as it might appear, a cynical bid to garner Donald Trump’s favor; nor was it simple pandering to a new funding base, argues Iain. It was part and parcel of Assange’s alignment with Russian President Vladimir Putin against their common adversary, the United States.
In retrospect, the shift was apparent way back in 2013, during Assange’s failed bid to win a Senate seat in Australia, Iain said. To that end Assange established the country’s WikiLeaks Party, with a platform built on government transparency and libertarianism. But just weeks before the election the party was roiled by a controversy over its ranking of other political parties in Australia’s ranked choice voting, preferencing, in two races, the white-nationalist Australia First Party and the right-wing Shooters and Fishers Party above the liberal favorite, the Australian Greens.
The WikiLeaks Party blamed the choices on an “administrative error,” and Assange took to Australian TV to deny any role in the scandal, saying he was too preoccupied helping Edward Snowden to pay attention to what was happening in the party he led.
But as soon as the election was over, the WikiLeaks Party transformed. Its website was suddenly overrun with posts that would have been at home on Kremlin outlets like RT and Sputnik. “The puppet politicians who Washington intended to put in charge of Ukraine have lost control,” read a post on the Ukraine conflict. “The government of Crimea, a Russian province… has disavowed the illegitimate government that illegally seized power in Kiev and requested Russian protection.” Posts on Syria described the 2013 Ghouta chemical weapons attack by forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad as “unsubstantiated” and “staged.“
“The party’s website content now operated solely to legitimize Russian propaganda by placing it under the umbrella of WikiLeaks’ valuable brand of truth and transparency,” said Iain.
Four months after the election, in December 2013, Assange’s father, John Shipton, led a WikiLeaks Party delegation to Damascus and had tea with Assad. Shipton, the party chair, told a local TV station that the WikiLeaks Party wanted to open an office in Damascus, and after the trip the party tweeted that its members had seen firsthand “how Syrians defeated the conspiracy of more than 86 countries.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
c3p0 ::
Bo pa že. Killary se torej ne opoteka kot pijanček in je zdrava kot dren? Emaili so fake? Good to know.
Pac-Man ::
Putin in 2007: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2017"
Putin in 2011: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2021"
Putin in 2012: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2014"
Putin in 2018: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2024" Rusija je na 12. mestu, med Južno Korejo in Avstralijo.
Putin in 2007: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2017"
Putin in 2011: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2021"
Putin in 2012: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2014"
Putin in 2018: "Russia will be one of top 5 global economies by 2024" Rusija je na 12. mestu, med Južno Korejo in Avstralijo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Kako ostati ba oblasti v iraku ? Enostavno....
Iraq corruption watchdog: $320bn stolen over 15 years.
Ampak kako ostati naslednjih 4 leta :
Will the new prime minister be able to tackle corruption and make a fresh start?
Iraq corruption watchdog: $320bn stolen over 15 years.
Ampak kako ostati naslednjih 4 leta :
Will the new prime minister be able to tackle corruption and make a fresh start?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
The Daily Beast can confirm that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a company controlled by Putin-aligned Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.
This is either OK -- or it's not. Binary choice now.
No whataboutism, please.
We know what DoJ says here -- it's up to Americans now to decide how they feel about POTUS being on the payroll of biznismen who are close friends of the Kremlin.
These "secret" Kremlin payments have been going on for years -- and they didn't stop on 20 JAN 2017.
Think about that.
Think about that long and hard, my fellow Americans.
When MSM & Congress finally figure out the TrumpOrg-Sater-Mogilevich-RIS connection, Trump's presidency will be over. So start digging.
In the minds of most Americans, before 2015 Trump was a semi-comic reality TV star, not a serious person. Our media punted on asking obvious -- OBVIOUS -- questions.
Shame on them.
This a serious question: why can’t you just tell us?
I took a lifetime secrecy oath. I cannot, and will, not reveal what I learned in classified channels. Secrecy unto the grave. Which brave Americans have died for.
Fuck you, @Snowden you little Kremlin bitch.
The normies got some disturbing news today about Team Trump and its Kremlin cash nexus. Which the MSM could have told you long ago, but didn't.
When this nightmare is over, maybe somebody can ask the MSM about that.
Odebeljen del je bil spisan 20. februarja 2017.
The Daily Beast can confirm that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a company controlled by Putin-aligned Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.
This is either OK -- or it's not. Binary choice now.
No whataboutism, please.
We know what DoJ says here -- it's up to Americans now to decide how they feel about POTUS being on the payroll of biznismen who are close friends of the Kremlin.
These "secret" Kremlin payments have been going on for years -- and they didn't stop on 20 JAN 2017.
Think about that.
Think about that long and hard, my fellow Americans.
When MSM & Congress finally figure out the TrumpOrg-Sater-Mogilevich-RIS connection, Trump's presidency will be over. So start digging.
In the minds of most Americans, before 2015 Trump was a semi-comic reality TV star, not a serious person. Our media punted on asking obvious -- OBVIOUS -- questions.
Shame on them.
This a serious question: why can’t you just tell us?
I took a lifetime secrecy oath. I cannot, and will, not reveal what I learned in classified channels. Secrecy unto the grave. Which brave Americans have died for.
Fuck you, @Snowden you little Kremlin bitch.
The normies got some disturbing news today about Team Trump and its Kremlin cash nexus. Which the MSM could have told you long ago, but didn't.
When this nightmare is over, maybe somebody can ask the MSM about that.
Odebeljen del je bil spisan 20. februarja 2017.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Mr.B ::
Zgleda , amerika počasi zgublja nadzor v Afganistanu... Ni skoraj tedna/ dneva da kaj ne poči ali da se streljajo...
Afghanistan's Western-backed government is fighting an intensifying war with both the Taliban and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, known as ISIS) that has turned much of Kabul into a high security zone of concrete blast walls and razor wire.
Afghanistan's Western-backed government is fighting an intensifying war with both the Taliban and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, known as ISIS) that has turned much of Kabul into a high security zone of concrete blast walls and razor wire.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
ZDA bodo letos vložile 700 mio $ v vojaško infrastrukturo po Evropi.
L. 2013? je kontinent zapustil zadnji Abrams, zdaj pa to. Ukrajina je ruski Irak.
L. 2013? je kontinent zapustil zadnji Abrams, zdaj pa to. Ukrajina je ruski Irak.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bojesliran ::
Invictus ::
ZDA bodo letos vložile 700 mio $ v vojaško infrastrukturo po Evropi.
Samo ?!?!?!?!
Preklete škrtice...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Pac-Man ::
Večinoma gre za skladišča streliva, razširili bodo par letališč, ponavadi da omogočijo delovanje P-8 (B737), estonski specialci bodo dobili poligon in na poljskem vadbišču se bo izgradil industrijski tir s postajo.
Infrastruktura, ki izboljšuje varnost in bo na voljo tudi drugim.
Infrastruktura, ki izboljšuje varnost in bo na voljo tudi drugim.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bojesliran ::
Infrastruktura, ki izboljšuje varnost in bo na voljo tudi drugim.
Me zanima kaj bi pisal če bi po EU Iran in Rusija gradila take postojanke?
Tvoja bluzenja o temu kako so te baze izboljšajo varnost, pa lepo pokažejo kako ste ideologi daleč od realnosti.
Japan asks U.S. to finally stop military-related rapes, deaths
American working on a U.S. military base in Okinawa was arrested on suspicion of abandoning the body of a woman who disappeared last month.
Pac-Man ::
Varnost je mišljeno kot bolj varno shranjevanje streliva.
Ne gradijo nastanitev.
Ne gradijo nastanitev.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bojesliran ::
Pac-Man ::
Da primerjaš gradnjo infrastrukture s soglasjem držav gostiteljic z ilegalnimi terorističnimi celicami, moraš biti res težek ideolog.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Samuel ::
bojesliran je izjavil:
ZDA bodo letos vložile 700 mio $ v vojaško okupacijo po Evropi.
Sem ti popravil.
Vprašaj gospodarstva okoli teh baz. Ti bodo povedali, koliko profitirajo od tega. Poleg tega pa še poglej, koliko (manj) evropske ekonomije vlagajo v oborožitev, kot bi morale po sporazumu.
In koliko več denarja bi morala dat Slovenija, da bi imela vsaj približno funkcionalno vojsko brez NATA, ker tole kar imamo zdaj je pomilovanja vredno.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Smrekar1 ::
bojesliran je izjavil:
Me zanima kaj bi pisal če bi po EU Iran in Rusija gradila take postojanke?
Kot jih denimo gradi po Gruziji in Armeniji, včasih tudi brez soglasja države?
zmaugy ::
Zanesljiva ruska tehnika triumfira:
"Nov udarec za slovensko vojsko: vojaški ladji Triglav odpovedali motorji"
"Nov udarec za slovensko vojsko: vojaški ladji Triglav odpovedali motorji"
hammock ::
Zanesljiva ruska tehnika triumfira:
"Nov udarec za slovensko vojsko: vojaški ladji Triglav odpovedali motorji"
Motorji so nemski, in s pravilnim vzdrzevanjem prakticno neunicljivi.
Tudi Tomos zariba brez olja.
Fritz ::
Motorji so nemski, in s pravilnim vzdrzevanjem prakticno neunicljivi.
Tudi Tomos zariba brez olja.
Se ne bi mogel bolj strinjati. Zmaugy bi se pa lahko naučil preveriti dejstva, če že visi na spletu, kjer je google le nekaj klikov vstran.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
zmaugy ::
Izdelek - ladja - je ruska. Proizvajalec izdelka je odgovoren za sourcing sestavin. In ne, nisem visel na spletu, slučajno sem prebral med novicami na siolu.
Dejstvo je, da je to prava sramota za slovenske oborožene sile in državo.
Ameriška bojna tehnika deluje desetletja in desetletja, tale ladjica pa ne zmore niti koliko? 8 let?
Dejstvo je, da je to prava sramota za slovenske oborožene sile in državo.
Ameriška bojna tehnika deluje desetletja in desetletja, tale ladjica pa ne zmore niti koliko? 8 let?
Fritz ::
Vsak stroj, vsaka bojna tehnika se pokvari, če se ustrezno ne vzdržuje. MTU motorji so med najbolj priznanimi na svetu in so v številnih vojaških ladjah, tankih ipd. Tudi v HP(Č)L Ankaranu. Kako jim je v Ankaranu uspelo fentat vse tri turbine ne vem. Lahko, da so delali kaj narobe, lahko, da turbine niso bile ustrezno nameščene v ladjo ali kak tretji dejavnik. Dokler ne poznamo dejstev, lahko samo nabijamo ali pa počakamo, da sporočijo, za kaj je šlo (če bodo to naredili).
Naša vojska sicer ima piškav proračun a še vedno prevelikega, dokler zapravlja denar za nepotrebne stvari in posrednikom preplačuje storitve. Višina proračuna ni edini in najbolj mogočen dejavnik. Do iznajdbe ustreznega bojnega AI-ja se nobena še tako dobra bojna tehnika ne pedena sama temveč potrebuje sposobne ljudi. Tudi AI-je in robote bo treba vzdrževati, dokler se ne razvijejo do avtonomne stopnje.
Mimogrede...vojaški proračuni (približno):
ZDA - 650 mlrd. USD (naslednje leto 700 mlrd. USD)
Ruska Federacija - 42 mlrd. USD (2017)
Kitajska - 175 mlrd. USD (toliko priznajo, verjetno je višji)
Naša vojska sicer ima piškav proračun a še vedno prevelikega, dokler zapravlja denar za nepotrebne stvari in posrednikom preplačuje storitve. Višina proračuna ni edini in najbolj mogočen dejavnik. Do iznajdbe ustreznega bojnega AI-ja se nobena še tako dobra bojna tehnika ne pedena sama temveč potrebuje sposobne ljudi. Tudi AI-je in robote bo treba vzdrževati, dokler se ne razvijejo do avtonomne stopnje.
Mimogrede...vojaški proračuni (približno):
ZDA - 650 mlrd. USD (naslednje leto 700 mlrd. USD)
Ruska Federacija - 42 mlrd. USD (2017)
Kitajska - 175 mlrd. USD (toliko priznajo, verjetno je višji)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
nsa_ag3nt ::
Zanesljiva ruska tehnika triumfira:
"Nov udarec za slovensko vojsko: vojaški ladji Triglav odpovedali motorji"
Motorji so od proizvajalca MTU, točen model 16V4000M73L.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
fikus_ ::
Komplet SLO vojska je v k....! Odločiti se moramo, ali rabimo vojsko, če da, kako veliko, kaj bomo imeli in to potem ustrezno financirat (oprema, plače, kader, . . .) Ne tako kot sedaj približno polovica je vojakov fizikalcev, druga polovica pa častniki+pisarniški na ministrstvu!
V glavnem skrpucalo!
V glavnem skrpucalo!
zmaugy ::
Poleg trenutnega profesionalnega sestava bi morali imeti še 3 mesece obveznega usposabljanja za vse (naborništvo) z letnimi osvežitvami.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Skripal (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 32792 (18541) | Pac-Man |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 268652 (228671) | OmegaBlue |