Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove

Pac-Man ::
Prejšnji teden je bila ena večjih novic, da je Tillerson Trumpa oklical za "jebenega kretena". Zdaj se ve zakaj. Doni si je zaželel 10x večjega jedrskega arzenala.
Se najde še kak zagovornik tega razumnega golobčka miru?
President Donald Trump said he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a gathering this past summer of the nation’s highest ranking national security leaders, according to three officials who were in the room.
Trump’s comments, the officials said, came in response to a briefing slide he was shown that charted the steady reduction of U.S. nuclear weapons since the late 1960s. Trump indicated he wanted a bigger stockpile, not the bottom position on that downward-sloping curve.
According to the officials present, Trump’s advisers, among them the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, were surprised. Officials briefly explained the legal and practical impediments to a nuclear buildup and how the current military posture is stronger than it was at the height of the build-up. In interviews, they told NBC News that no such expansion is planned.
The July 20 meeting was described as a lengthy and sometimes tense review of worldwide U.S. forces and operations. It was soon after the meeting broke up that officials who remained behind heard Tillerson say that Trump is a “moron.”
Se najde še kak zagovornik tega razumnega golobčka miru?
- zaklenil: OmegaBlue ()

vostok_1 ::
Jz še vedno ne vrjamem, da je trump predsednik najmočnejše velesile na svetu.
"Moron" je zelo mila beseda za Drumpfa.
Kar je Transformers za moderne gledalce, je Trump za rajo.
Stupid retared shit, that somehow managed to get at the top of the box office.
"Moron" je zelo mila beseda za Drumpfa.
Kar je Transformers za moderne gledalce, je Trump za rajo.
Stupid retared shit, that somehow managed to get at the top of the box office.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

DarwiN ::
Se najde še kak zagovornik tega razumnega golobčka miru?
Seveda.. Vsi tisti, ki živijo v fake vesolju.
Še vedno ima ~35% podporo in tudi tu na slo-techu se najdejo trumptardi.
Impič ni potreben. Naj se požerejo med seboj. Republicuntsi in njihov "survival of the fittest" modus operandi. Naj malo ekonomsko oslabijo državo. Itak so premočni.
p.s.: Tistih nekaj odraslih v Swampu pa naj vseeno drži Trumpa proč od nuklearnih šifer.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

Starodavni ::
Daj daj, atomskega arzenala imajo ZDA že zadosti, kaj retard hoče da bi imele ZDA 75 tisoč kosov jedrskega orožja? (zdaj imajo 7.500?)
Saj sploh ne ve, kaj govori.
Da o stroških vzdrževanja in skrbi za jedrski arzenal ne govorim, za ZDA je boljše, če skupaj z Rusi nadaljujejo nižanje količine jedrskega orožja na recimo spodobnih 1000 kosov, ki so več kot zadosti da uničiš cel svet.
Saj sploh ne ve, kaj govori.
Da o stroških vzdrževanja in skrbi za jedrski arzenal ne govorim, za ZDA je boljše, če skupaj z Rusi nadaljujejo nižanje količine jedrskega orožja na recimo spodobnih 1000 kosov, ki so več kot zadosti da uničiš cel svet.

vostok_1 ::
Kaj mate s tem impičem.
To ne spremeni dejstva, da je moron.
Pripisujejo mu nevem kake pogajalske ali manipulativne sposobnosti.
Težko ja, je manipulirat maso idjotov.
Kot reč, da je transformers box office hit, pretty much says it all.
To ne spremeni dejstva, da je moron.
Pripisujejo mu nevem kake pogajalske ali manipulativne sposobnosti.
Težko ja, je manipulirat maso idjotov.
Kot reč, da je transformers box office hit, pretty much says it all.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

eric_cartman ::
A mu ni hotel senat nekih posebnih zakonov sprejet s katerim bi mu onemogočili, da bi karkoli neumnega naredil?
Še njihov James 'Mad Dog' Mattis, ki uživa v streljanju oz. ubijanju je dejal tole:
Pa čeprav je potem izjavil tudi to:
Skratka.. Zelo verjetno se obeta vojna..
Še njihov James 'Mad Dog' Mattis, ki uživa v streljanju oz. ubijanju je dejal tole:
However, Mattis, speaking to audience of soldiers of all ranks and defense industry executives, highlighted the continuing diplomatic focus of the international community to turn back North Korea's outlawed missile and nuclear programs.
Pa čeprav je potem izjavil tudi to:
"Right now it is a diplomatically led, economic sanctions-buttressed effort to try to turn North Korea off this path," Mattis said following a speech at the annual convention of the Association of the United States Army in Washington. "Now, what does the future hold? Neither you nor I can say, so there's one thing the U.S. Army can do, and that is we have got to be ready to ensure that we have military options that our president can employ if needed."
Skratka.. Zelo verjetno se obeta vojna..

Pac-Man ::
ne spremljam več odkar so prejšnjo temo pacmanu zbrisal.
a je že impičan?
Zna biti kmalu.
“I Hate Everyone in the White House!”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear the President Is “Unraveling”
In recent days, I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.
A pretty interesting convo (if I may say so myself) with @rickklein & @jonkarl on the civil war in the GOP. BLUF: it's real, and it matters.
Kristol je en glavnih svečenikov neokonzervativizma.
William Kristol @ Wikipedia

vostok_1 ::
No. Samo dokaz, da ne moreš kar običnega morona, dat gor za predsednika.
Bush Jr. je bil izjema. Njemu sta viski in koka dala superpowerje.
Trump je just your regular run-of-the mill, rich moron.
Bush Jr. je bil izjema. Njemu sta viski in koka dala superpowerje.
Trump je just your regular run-of-the mill, rich moron.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Markus386 ::
Ekonomija gre gor, nezaposlenost dol, zid se zida, sladoleda sta dve kepici, spola tudi dva, in trumpovi izvolitvi bosta tudi dve.
Je pa res, da gledanost ameriškega "fudbala" pada, ker nihče noče gledat klečečih milijonarjev, prav tako Hollywood, kaže s prstom na vse "trumpove", hvali pa vse "svoje", razen vsake toliko, ko kakega obtožijo kakih posilstev ali česa podobnega, pa še to ne vseh, kar poglejte Pedo^H^H^Holanskega. In ja, avtisti kričijo "REEEEEEEEEE!!!!11ena"
Je pa res, da gledanost ameriškega "fudbala" pada, ker nihče noče gledat klečečih milijonarjev, prav tako Hollywood, kaže s prstom na vse "trumpove", hvali pa vse "svoje", razen vsake toliko, ko kakega obtožijo kakih posilstev ali česa podobnega, pa še to ne vseh, kar poglejte Pedo^H^H^Holanskega. In ja, avtisti kričijo "REEEEEEEEEE!!!!11ena"


DarwiN ::
Iz bele hiše curlja. Mali Dumpo je menda že čist na robu, mentalno nestabilen, v Swampu se vsi depresivni na trnih sprašujejo, s katero igračko zamotit Donnyja, da nekak preživimo.
Medtem Trump in republicuntsi planirajo še dodatno sabotažo Obamacare. RIP, starejši, oboleli in revni Američani. Gawd help you.-
Next up. Tax cuts - za najbogatejših 1%, seveda.
Proračunsko luknjo bodo pa zapolnili z neimenovanimi trupli, courtesy of Trumpcare.
Kot bi spremljal grozljivko.. Kako prikladno za petek 13. :P
Medtem Trump in republicuntsi planirajo še dodatno sabotažo Obamacare. RIP, starejši, oboleli in revni Američani. Gawd help you.-
Next up. Tax cuts - za najbogatejših 1%, seveda.
Proračunsko luknjo bodo pa zapolnili z neimenovanimi trupli, courtesy of Trumpcare.
Kot bi spremljal grozljivko.. Kako prikladno za petek 13. :P
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

Pac-Man ::
I Watched Over 100 Covert Russian Propaganda Videos On YouTube — Here’s What I Saw
The videos encouraged African Americans to stock up on guns and stay home on election day — and that was just the beginning.
I Watched Over 100 Covert Russian Propaganda Videos On YouTube — Here’s What I Saw
The videos encouraged African Americans to stock up on guns and stay home on election day — and that was just the beginning.

Pac-Man ::
Nothingburger, ne?
Manafort je v zadnjih 10ih letih z Deripasko ustvaril vsaj 60 mio $ prometa, lep del v na Ciper nakazanih posojilih brez načrta za odplačevanje.
Pod minimumom gre za resno pranje denarja.
Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, has much stronger financial ties to a Russian oligarch than have been previously reported.
An NBC News investigation reveals that $26 million changed hands in the form of a loan between a company linked to Manafort and the oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire with close ties to the Kremlin.
The loan brings the total of their known business dealings to around $60 million over the past decade, according to financial documents filed in Cyprus and the Cayman Islands.
Deripaska was described in a 2006 U.S. diplomatic cable as “among the 2-3 oligarchs Putin turns to on a regular basis.”
The $7 million loan to LOAV had no specified repayment date, while the $26 million loan to Yiakora was repayable on demand. It’s not known if either sum has ever been repaid.
“Money launderers frequently will disguise payments as loans,” said Stefan Cassella, a former federal prosecutor. “You can call it a loan, you can call it Mary Jane. If there's no intent to repay it, then it's not really a loan. It's just a payment.”
The $33 million uncovered by NBC News wasn't the only set of transactions between the two men to pass through Cyprus. According to a related court case, Deripaska invested another $26 million in a private equity fund earmarked for a Ukrainian telecommunications company.
Highly placed government sources in Cyprus said that the island's police — following an official request by U.S. authorities this past summer — are still gathering evidence in this case and have yet to hand it over to American investigators.
Manafort je v zadnjih 10ih letih z Deripasko ustvaril vsaj 60 mio $ prometa, lep del v na Ciper nakazanih posojilih brez načrta za odplačevanje.
Pod minimumom gre za resno pranje denarja.
Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, has much stronger financial ties to a Russian oligarch than have been previously reported.
An NBC News investigation reveals that $26 million changed hands in the form of a loan between a company linked to Manafort and the oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire with close ties to the Kremlin.
The loan brings the total of their known business dealings to around $60 million over the past decade, according to financial documents filed in Cyprus and the Cayman Islands.
Deripaska was described in a 2006 U.S. diplomatic cable as “among the 2-3 oligarchs Putin turns to on a regular basis.”
The $7 million loan to LOAV had no specified repayment date, while the $26 million loan to Yiakora was repayable on demand. It’s not known if either sum has ever been repaid.
“Money launderers frequently will disguise payments as loans,” said Stefan Cassella, a former federal prosecutor. “You can call it a loan, you can call it Mary Jane. If there's no intent to repay it, then it's not really a loan. It's just a payment.”
The $33 million uncovered by NBC News wasn't the only set of transactions between the two men to pass through Cyprus. According to a related court case, Deripaska invested another $26 million in a private equity fund earmarked for a Ukrainian telecommunications company.
Highly placed government sources in Cyprus said that the island's police — following an official request by U.S. authorities this past summer — are still gathering evidence in this case and have yet to hand it over to American investigators.

Pac-Man ::
Stone hitro poklekne :)
An attorney for Roger Stone says the longtime confidante to President Donald Trump has complied with the House Russia investigators' request for him to provide the identity of his intermediary to WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange.
Reps. Mike Conaway of Texas and Adam Schiff of California, the Republican and Democrat leading the House intelligence panel's Russia investigation, told CNN Thursday they were prepared to subpoena Stone if he did not produce the identity of his intermediary by Friday.
The question of Stone's WikiLeaks intermediary was raised after his closed-door testimony before the intelligence panel last month.
Stone said he had answered all of the committee's questions except about who his intermediary was because that person was a journalist and the conversation was off the record.
An attorney for Roger Stone says the longtime confidante to President Donald Trump has complied with the House Russia investigators' request for him to provide the identity of his intermediary to WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange.
Reps. Mike Conaway of Texas and Adam Schiff of California, the Republican and Democrat leading the House intelligence panel's Russia investigation, told CNN Thursday they were prepared to subpoena Stone if he did not produce the identity of his intermediary by Friday.
The question of Stone's WikiLeaks intermediary was raised after his closed-door testimony before the intelligence panel last month.
Stone said he had answered all of the committee's questions except about who his intermediary was because that person was a journalist and the conversation was off the record.

Pac-Man ::
Ruski trol z zunanjepolitičnega deska je spregovoril. Čakam slabe štose od dežurnih dvornih norčkov.
On October 15, the Russian independent news network Dozhd published the latest development in this ongoing story: an interview with a man who allegedly worked for the IRA from 2014-2015. Meduza summarizes that interview here.
The TV network says Max’s employment records confirm that he spent 18 months at 55 Savushkina in St. Petersburg, working for the Internet Research Agency (IRA), Russia’s infamous “troll factory.” He quit in early 2015, before Donald Trump even announced his presidential candidacy, but not too soon to get a taste of the “factory’s” war on Hillary Clinton.
According to Max, the IRA’s “foreign desk” had open orders to “influence opinions” and change the direction of online discussions.
People in his department, he says, were even trained and educated to know the nuances of American social polemics on tax issues, LGBT rights, the gun debate, and more.
Max says that IRA staff were tasked with monitoring tens of thousands of comments on major U.S. media outlets, in order to grasp the general trends of American Internet users. Once employees got a sense of what Americans naturally discussed in comment forums and on social media, their job was to incite them further and try to “rock the boat.”
According to Max, the Internet Research Agency’s foreign desk was prohibited from promoting anything about Russia or Putin. (...) “Our task was to set Americans against their own government: to provoke unrest and discontent, and to lower Obama’s support ratings.”
Even two years before Americans actually voted on their next president, St. Petersburg trolls were told to attack Hillary Clinton, reminding Internet users about her wealth, her husband’s legacy, and her various corruption scandals.
A separate “Facebook desk” supposedly battled endlessly with the website’s administrators, who regularly deleted their fake accounts just as IRA staff managed to “develop” them into supposedly powerhouse influencers (accounts with many friends and posts). IRA staff challenged these decisions, Max said. Facebook staff would write to them, saying, “You are trolls,” and the agency would respond, invoking the U.S. Constitution, and arguing that they believed in what they were doing, and were entitled to free speech. Sometimes they even won, according to Max.
A separate “Analytics desk” would supposedly supply his department with Excel files containing hyperlinks to news stories and short summaries of how to comment on these articles, in order to incite American Internet users and derail political discussions.
When the U.S. presidential race was just starting, the IRA supposedly conducted classes on which of the early candidates were best for Russian interests. Max says the IRA even maintained a “secret department” that sent staff to the United States for certain undisclosed tasks.
Max says the international desk had about 200 employees, each earning 50,000 rubles ($870) a month. Staff would work two days, then have two days off, before repeating the schedule. People worked 12-hour shifts, he says.
In early 2015, something happened, Max says, and the IRA apparently started burning documents. He didn’t see it himself, but he says he could smell the fire in the office building. Staff were ordered to delete their records, people started being reassigned, “and everything got much worse,” Max claims.
On October 15, the Russian independent news network Dozhd published the latest development in this ongoing story: an interview with a man who allegedly worked for the IRA from 2014-2015. Meduza summarizes that interview here.
The TV network says Max’s employment records confirm that he spent 18 months at 55 Savushkina in St. Petersburg, working for the Internet Research Agency (IRA), Russia’s infamous “troll factory.” He quit in early 2015, before Donald Trump even announced his presidential candidacy, but not too soon to get a taste of the “factory’s” war on Hillary Clinton.
According to Max, the IRA’s “foreign desk” had open orders to “influence opinions” and change the direction of online discussions.
People in his department, he says, were even trained and educated to know the nuances of American social polemics on tax issues, LGBT rights, the gun debate, and more.
Max says that IRA staff were tasked with monitoring tens of thousands of comments on major U.S. media outlets, in order to grasp the general trends of American Internet users. Once employees got a sense of what Americans naturally discussed in comment forums and on social media, their job was to incite them further and try to “rock the boat.”
According to Max, the Internet Research Agency’s foreign desk was prohibited from promoting anything about Russia or Putin. (...) “Our task was to set Americans against their own government: to provoke unrest and discontent, and to lower Obama’s support ratings.”
Even two years before Americans actually voted on their next president, St. Petersburg trolls were told to attack Hillary Clinton, reminding Internet users about her wealth, her husband’s legacy, and her various corruption scandals.
A separate “Facebook desk” supposedly battled endlessly with the website’s administrators, who regularly deleted their fake accounts just as IRA staff managed to “develop” them into supposedly powerhouse influencers (accounts with many friends and posts). IRA staff challenged these decisions, Max said. Facebook staff would write to them, saying, “You are trolls,” and the agency would respond, invoking the U.S. Constitution, and arguing that they believed in what they were doing, and were entitled to free speech. Sometimes they even won, according to Max.
A separate “Analytics desk” would supposedly supply his department with Excel files containing hyperlinks to news stories and short summaries of how to comment on these articles, in order to incite American Internet users and derail political discussions.
When the U.S. presidential race was just starting, the IRA supposedly conducted classes on which of the early candidates were best for Russian interests. Max says the IRA even maintained a “secret department” that sent staff to the United States for certain undisclosed tasks.
Max says the international desk had about 200 employees, each earning 50,000 rubles ($870) a month. Staff would work two days, then have two days off, before repeating the schedule. People worked 12-hour shifts, he says.
In early 2015, something happened, Max says, and the IRA apparently started burning documents. He didn’t see it himself, but he says he could smell the fire in the office building. Staff were ordered to delete their records, people started being reassigned, “and everything got much worse,” Max claims.

Cervantes ::
Max also said "You are an idiot".
Plus he said, "Holy shit, I never said this".
Now, what...?
Plus he said, "Holy shit, I never said this".
Now, what...?

Superboyy ::
Najde se denar za orožje, ki se ne bo nikoli uporabilo in ga je že zdaj preveč, za zdravstvo, šolski sistem in pomoč Portoriku po orkanu pa ne.

janezvalva ::
trump pozna pregovor: "Mir skozi moč"(peace through strength)
tako kot npr. Izraelci, Avstrijci, Švicarji, Finci, itn.
tako kot npr. Izraelci, Avstrijci, Švicarji, Finci, itn.

Pac-Man ::
Bannon's "money doesn't matter" quote is right about Donald Trump and some edge cases, but on the whole, it matters a lot.
Money doesn't matter if you're given 95% of the media coverage airtime.
Money doesn't matter if you have 90% name ID from being a reality TV star.
Money doesn't matter if Fox pounds its audience for you like Harvey Weinstein on a Viagra-Redbull bender.
Money doesn't matter if your GOP primary opponents form a John Woo style circular firing squad.
Money doesn't matter if Sugar Daddy Robert Mercer is stoking checks behind the scenes.
Money doesn't matter if your enterprise is backed by Vladimir Putin's information warfare services.
Money doesn't matter if your party leadership lets Bannon's umber monkey toss shit on its members without consequence.
As for edge cases like Moore in ALSEN, test those cases outside of deep red states and districts and money DOES still matter.
Money doesn't matter if the Senate committee and Senate leadership let Pair-of-Twos Bannon bluff them. Bannon is more anarchist than the most fevered Black Bloc/Antifa ween jerkoffs. His entire enterprise is afloat on Mercer $ including Sturmbart lol. Their shit-talk about burning the world down, ending the GOP crushing the media, blah blah blah is just that...unless the leadership sits on their hands and doesn't punch back twice as hard. Of course, they won't call *me* because I'm haram, but I can think of six weak spots on Mercer and Bannon just off the top. So Rome is going to not only likely welcome the Visigoths with a red carpet and all the local virgins, but fly 'em to in 1st class.
Bannon's "money doesn't matter" quote is right about Donald Trump and some edge cases, but on the whole, it matters a lot.
Money doesn't matter if you're given 95% of the media coverage airtime.
Money doesn't matter if you have 90% name ID from being a reality TV star.
Money doesn't matter if Fox pounds its audience for you like Harvey Weinstein on a Viagra-Redbull bender.
Money doesn't matter if your GOP primary opponents form a John Woo style circular firing squad.
Money doesn't matter if Sugar Daddy Robert Mercer is stoking checks behind the scenes.
Money doesn't matter if your enterprise is backed by Vladimir Putin's information warfare services.
Money doesn't matter if your party leadership lets Bannon's umber monkey toss shit on its members without consequence.
As for edge cases like Moore in ALSEN, test those cases outside of deep red states and districts and money DOES still matter.
Money doesn't matter if the Senate committee and Senate leadership let Pair-of-Twos Bannon bluff them. Bannon is more anarchist than the most fevered Black Bloc/Antifa ween jerkoffs. His entire enterprise is afloat on Mercer $ including Sturmbart lol. Their shit-talk about burning the world down, ending the GOP crushing the media, blah blah blah is just that...unless the leadership sits on their hands and doesn't punch back twice as hard. Of course, they won't call *me* because I'm haram, but I can think of six weak spots on Mercer and Bannon just off the top. So Rome is going to not only likely welcome the Visigoths with a red carpet and all the local virgins, but fly 'em to in 1st class.

petrus ::
Medtem Trump in republicuntsi planirajo še dodatno sabotažo Obamacare. RIP, starejši, oboleli in revni Američani. Gawd help you
Še enkrat, če si socialno ogrožen imaš v ZDA zavarovanje preko medicaid, upokojenci in starejši pa preko medicare.
Skoraj vsaki peti dolar proračuna namenijo zdravstvu! Kolikokrat se ti mora to razložit, preden boš nehal neresnice širit?
Prej boš v naši državi ostal brez zdravstvene oskrbe kot pa v ZDA, kjer ti morajo v vsaki urgenci nudit pomoč zastonj.
stati inu obstati

DarwiN ::
A to misliš ta isti medicaid in medicare, ki ju želijo republicuntsi na vsak način opustošit? 800 milijard, oziroma kakšna je pač trenutna številka.
Ti bi rad prodal nek boogeyman socializem, medtem ko več milijonov Američanov trpi brez zdravstvenega zavarovanja, in to v najbogatejši državi na svetu. Res, ne se šalit. Če še vedno simpatiziraš z republikanci, pol te lahko dam samo na ignore.
Senate Republicans’ budget proposes cutting $450 billion from Medicare
Nekak je treba deficit zapolnit, potem ko bodo najbogatejšim 1-percenterjem napolnili žepe.
Ti bi rad prodal nek boogeyman socializem, medtem ko več milijonov Američanov trpi brez zdravstvenega zavarovanja, in to v najbogatejši državi na svetu. Res, ne se šalit. Če še vedno simpatiziraš z republikanci, pol te lahko dam samo na ignore.
Senate Republicans’ budget proposes cutting $450 billion from Medicare
Nekak je treba deficit zapolnit, potem ko bodo najbogatejšim 1-percenterjem napolnili žepe.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

petrus ::
Brez skrbi, ni še bilo leta, kjer bi zapravili manj za zdravstvo kot prejšnje leto, $10,000 letno za vsakega Američana:
In ne simpatiziram ne z enimi, ne z drugimi, nimam pa politične slepe pege, zame so obojni pokvarjeni, cel establishment.
Za primerjavo, Slovenija zapravi 3000 EUR letno na prebivalca, Nemčija 5000 EUR, Američani pa skoraj dvakrat toliko!
In ne simpatiziram ne z enimi, ne z drugimi, nimam pa politične slepe pege, zame so obojni pokvarjeni, cel establishment.
Za primerjavo, Slovenija zapravi 3000 EUR letno na prebivalca, Nemčija 5000 EUR, Američani pa skoraj dvakrat toliko!
stati inu obstati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: petrus ()

dice7 ::
Slovenec ima bruto mesecno 2000$, nemc 3400$, american pa 4800$, bi bilo malce cudno da bi vsi placevali enako vsoto

Samuel ::
Vplivanje na internetne diskusije in spreminjanje javnega mnenja (gre na vpliv na tistih nekaj % neopredeljenih, ki nato spremenijo tehtnico v eno stran) je ena izmed najcenejših in najučinkovitejših metod, ki ga lahko kdo uporabi. Vse to vidiš tudi na slovenskih portalih (rtvslo/ ko eni in isti ljudje kadarkoli se kakšen "zanimiv" članek pojavi, takoj začnejo z agresivno prorusko in antizahodno propagando.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()

Heavy ::
Slovenec ima bruto mesecno 2000$, nemc 3400$, american pa 4800$, bi bilo malce cudno da bi vsi placevali enako vsoto
Ne pozabi še, kako je cenik postavljen. V Ameriki je vrečka infuzije okoli 800$.
Pa še par primerjav:

xmetallic ::
Ti bi rad prodal nek boogeyman socializem, medtem ko več milijonov Američanov trpi brez zdravstvenega zavarovanja, in to v najbogatejši državi na svetu. Res, ne se šalit. Če še vedno simpatiziraš z republikanci, pol te lahko dam samo na ignore.
Veliko ljudi nima zdravstvenega zavarovanja ker ga ni obvezno imeti. Raje zadržijo nekaj stotakov v denarnici in upajo, da ne zbolijo. Sej v Sloveniji bi bil scenarij popolnoma enak. Če ukinemo obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje bi marsikdo tistih 350EUR - 600EUR zadržal namesto da si sam plačuje zavarovanje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()

DarwiN ::
Veliko ljudi nima zdravstvenega zavarovanja ker ga ni obvezno imeti.
Ni res. Pod Obamacare morajo vsi Američani plačati zdravstveno zavarovanje, sicer so denarno kaznovani v obliki tax penaltyja. Pod določenimi strogimi pogoji se sicer lahko izognajo plačilu te kazni, ampak to so izjeme, ki veljajo povsod.
Podobno kot "preexisting conditions", kjer ti zavarovalnice lahko zavrnejo zavarovanje, če smatrajo, da bodo imele denarne izgube na tebi zaradi tvojih bolezni. Kje si videl, da se to dogaja v razvitem svetu? Tudi to početje je Obamacare onemogočil zavarovalnicam, republikanci pa seveda želijo ponovno omogočiti to prakso - seveda ne direktno, ampak prefinjeno pod mizo, češ da zgolj dajejo proste roke posameznim zveznim državam in naj vsaka država sama vlada.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

DarwiN ::
Res bravo, našel si enega trumptarda, ki raje živi v strahu in stresu brez zavarovanja, da bi prišparal 30% na leto, ob idealnih zdravstvenih pogojih.
Sej bodo Američani kmalu občutili alternativo na lastni koži.. Zdaj jih je 2x z glasovanjem rešil McCain, ker je tip pač na smrtni postelji in se požvižga na svoje donatorje. Ampak nekak bodo republicuntsi že spravili Trumpcare čez kongres. Še imajo leto dni časa.
Sej bodo Američani kmalu občutili alternativo na lastni koži.. Zdaj jih je 2x z glasovanjem rešil McCain, ker je tip pač na smrtni postelji in se požvižga na svoje donatorje. Ampak nekak bodo republicuntsi že spravili Trumpcare čez kongres. Še imajo leto dni časa.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

DarwiN ::
Še vedno ne razumeš.
Tisti tvoj citat o "pre-existing conditions" pomeni, da stopiš v poslovalnico Vzajemne in ti rečejo "Sorry, imate diabetes, povišan pritisk in pred 10 leti ste preboleli raka. Z vami bomo imeli samo izgube, zato fuck off, pejte drugam, oziroma plačajte nam dvojno zavarovalno premijo".
To diskriminatorno početje je Obama preprečil zavarovalnicam. Hvala, da si izpostavil, kako ti je všeč Obamacare, tako kot vsak dan večjemu številu Američanov.
Tisti tvoj citat o "pre-existing conditions" pomeni, da stopiš v poslovalnico Vzajemne in ti rečejo "Sorry, imate diabetes, povišan pritisk in pred 10 leti ste preboleli raka. Z vami bomo imeli samo izgube, zato fuck off, pejte drugam, oziroma plačajte nam dvojno zavarovalno premijo".
To diskriminatorno početje je Obama preprečil zavarovalnicam. Hvala, da si izpostavil, kako ti je všeč Obamacare, tako kot vsak dan večjemu številu Američanov.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

DarwiN ::
Strawman je še samo manjkal. Sicer nenameren, kot rezultat tvojega nerazumevanja, a vendar.
Over and out.
Over and out.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

petrus ::
Samo ker ima Obamacare besedo "affordable" v naslovu še to ne spremeni vode v vino, premije so šle gor, ne dol!
stati inu obstati

dice7 ::
Dejansko imas hiso zavarovano skos, in ne samo kadar ti zagori. Ker se drzava zaveda, da si taksen pajac, da bos slej ko prej povzrocil pozar
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()

DarwiN ::
Samo ker ima Obamacare besedo "affordable" v naslovu še to ne spremeni vode v vino, premije so šle gor, ne dol!
Bi rad videl kogarkoli porihtat zdravstvo v Ameriki, ko imaš republikance za mizo ali v opoziciji. To republikansko stranko premestiš v Slovenijo in bi čez nekaj let polovica Slovencev umrla v velikih dogovih ali brez strehe nad glavo, tako kot se dogaja v Ameriki, kjer te pred smrtjo olupajo do zadnjega koščka dostojanstva. Ranljive skupine pa pogosto tudi prehitro in po nepotrebnem umirajo. Pač survival of the fittest.
Premije so šle gor, ker jim že v osnovi ni uspelo zasnovati zavarovanja do popolnosti in bi bilo treba stvar dodelat. Predvsem pa zaradi Swampa, kjer že celo leto vršijo sabotažo nad Obamacare.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Massacra ::
Brez skrbi, ni še bilo leta, kjer bi zapravili manj za zdravstvo kot prejšnje leto, $10,000 letno za vsakega Američana:
In ne simpatiziram ne z enimi, ne z drugimi, nimam pa politične slepe pege, zame so obojni pokvarjeni, cel establishment.
Za primerjavo, Slovenija zapravi 3000 EUR letno na prebivalca, Nemčija 5000 EUR, Američani pa skoraj dvakrat toliko!
In spet se je statistika v tem primeru pokazala za "vlačugo".
Res je, v povprečju porabijo 10K$/na osebo. Bizarnost te statiskike pa je ta, da nam ne pove, koliko od tega se porabi v "privat ustanovah" za zdravljenje 10% najbogatejših in koliko za zdravljenje 10% najrevnejših, oziroma za 90% ne najbogatejših.

petrus ::
Spet prazno slamo klatiš, nihče ne umira v ZDA na cesti, kjer so dobesedno ilegalci deležni boljše zdravstvene oskrbe kot povprečen zavarovan Slovenec! Še enkrat, revni in upokojenci imajo zavarovanje krito ZASTONJ preko medicaid in care.
Tega niti v Sloveniji ni, kjer če nisi prijavljen na zavodu za zaposlovanje, zavarovanja nimaš kritega, nimamo medicaida.
Spet prazno slamo klatiš, nihče ne umira v ZDA na cesti, kjer so dobesedno ilegalci deležni boljše zdravstvene oskrbe kot povprečen zavarovan Slovenec! Še enkrat, revni in upokojenci imajo zavarovanje krito ZASTONJ preko medicaid in care.
Tega niti v Sloveniji ni, kjer če nisi prijavljen na zavodu za zaposlovanje, zavarovanja nimaš kritega, nimamo medicaida.
stati inu obstati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: petrus ()

petrus ::
Res je, v povprečju porabijo 10K$/na osebo. Bizarnost te statiskike pa je ta, da nam ne pove, koliko od tega se porabi v "privat ustanovah" za zdravljenje 10% najbogatejših in koliko za zdravljenje 10% najrevnejših, oziroma za 90% ne najbogatejših.
Res je? Od kod potem ta mit, da so antisocialna država, če pa namenijo zdravstvu največ na svetu? Bogati si zdravstvo tam sami plačujejo, za javno zdravstvo (Medicaid + Medicaid) pa zapravijo skoraj 30% proračuna, več kot za obrambo!
30% za zdravstvo plus nadaljnih 30% za socialne transferje, ampak vseeno s prstom kažemo na njih.
stati inu obstati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: petrus ()

Massacra ::
V Sloveniji za zdravstvo porabimo najbrž 2000% več, kot za obrambo. Kaj pa sedaj?
Točen podatek pa je skoraj 1% Obramba in zaščita in skoraj 10% Zdravstveno varstvo. Od celotnega slovenskega BDP-ja.
Točen podatek pa je skoraj 1% Obramba in zaščita in skoraj 10% Zdravstveno varstvo. Od celotnega slovenskega BDP-ja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Massacra ()

DarwiN ::
Spet prazno slamo klatiš, nihče ne umira v ZDA na cesti, kjer so dobesedno ilegalci deležni boljše zdravstvene oskrbe kot povprečen zavarovan Slovenec! Še enkrat, revni in upokojenci imajo zavarovanje krito ZASTONJ preko medicaid in care.
Tega niti v Sloveniji ni, kjer če nisi prijavljen na zavodu za zaposlovanje, zavarovanja nimaš kritega, nimamo medicaida.
A ni pol čudno, da Obamacare trenutno uživa največjo podporo ever, medtem ko ljudje protestirajo proti predlaganim spremembam.. Še sami trumptardi so na ulicah s solznimi očmi.
In vsak ima vse zastonj, sure. Zavarovanje gor ali dol.. Opustošenje Medicaid in Medicare budgeta gor ali dol. Vse štima. Američani so vodilni pri zdravstveni oskrbi lastnega prebivalstva.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!


petrus ::
Nič ne uživa Obamacare največje podporo ever, večina prebivalstva ja za repeal, sploh zaposleni del.
Zaposleni ker so v zahvalo dobili dražje pakete z manj kritja:
Obamacare deductibles are on the rise for 2017, along with monthly premiums
Thanks Obama! Kje bi raje bil z rakom, v ZDA ali v Sloveniji? Ta noj sili v ZDA!
Zaposleni ker so v zahvalo dobili dražje pakete z manj kritja:
Obamacare deductibles are on the rise for 2017, along with monthly premiums
Thanks Obama! Kje bi raje bil z rakom, v ZDA ali v Sloveniji? Ta noj sili v ZDA!
stati inu obstati

DarwiN ::
Jah, sej ti pravim, da je Obamacare doomed.. Namesto, da bi ga dopolnili, so ga republikanci sabotirali do skrajnosti, in tega niti ne skrivajo.
Kot revež vsekakor raje pri nas, kot bogataš ZDA, kot srednji sloj pa smo očitno nekje tu-tu.
Kje bi raje bil z rakom, v ZDA ali v Sloveniji? Ta noj sili v ZDA!
Kot revež vsekakor raje pri nas, kot bogataš ZDA, kot srednji sloj pa smo očitno nekje tu-tu.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

petrus ::
Kot revež vsekakor raje pri nas, kot bogataš ZDA, kot srednji sloj pa smo očitno nekje tu-tu.
Pri nas kjer nimaš ne medicaida, ne zavarovanja če nisi na zavodu, kot tudi ne moreš na urgenco namesto h zdravniku.
Ko sem bil jaz brez zavarovanja recimo, nisem mogel legalno do antibiotika prit, nikakor ne, bi bil dosti raje takrat v ZDA.
stati inu obstati

dice7 ::
Kaj ne bi bilo potem bolje te pustiti umreti na cesti?Kot revež vsekakor raje pri nas, kot bogataš ZDA, kot srednji sloj pa smo očitno nekje tu-tu.
Pri nas kjer nimaš ne medicaida, ne zavarovanja če nisi na zavodu, kot tudi ne moreš na urgenco namesto h zdravniku.
Ko sem bil jaz brez zavarovanja recimo, nisem mogel legalno do antibiotika prit, nikakor ne, bi bil dosti raje takrat v ZDA.