Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove

jype ::
Predvsem si je ravnokar pripisal zasluge za to, da letos ni bilo smrti v prometu reaktivnih potniških letal.
Zaradi njega so v ZDA tudi lahko opazovali popoln sončni mrk.
Zaradi njega so v ZDA tudi lahko opazovali popoln sončni mrk.

ZaphodBB ::
Predvsem si je ravnokar pripisal zasluge za to, da letos ni bilo smrti v prometu reaktivnih potniških letal.
Veš kakšna bi bila varnost v prometu šele, če bi imeli "Air Traffic Neutrality".
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

dice7 ::
Vonj po plutoniju ze vihra po ozracju
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the "Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times." Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
Vonj po plutoniju ze vihra po ozracju

ZaphodBB ::
Vonj po plutoniju ze vihra po ozracju
To misliš zato, ker misliš, da so vsi ljudje taki slabiči kot ti.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

ZaphodBB ::
sestra sprašuje če je bil Blumpf že impičan?
Lep pozdrav in srečno 2018.
Skoraj! Tik pred volitvami, s katerimi bo Rebel Alliance prevzel nadzor nad Imperijem lahko pričakuješ bejking njus!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

thom4s ::

ZaphodBB ::
Trump is weak on page table isolation:
Ok! To je blo pa tu mač. Lahko računaš na moj glas jype! Impič!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Pac-Man ::
V zadnjem dnevu ali dveh je bilo par zanimivih novic, Schindler (ex-NSA) pa je veselo komentiral. Začnimo:
Your Kremlin bosses have a lot more pull in Tehran than any US Congress members. Maybe you should talk to them.
Old #GOP: Government is the problem, not the solution.
New #GOP: Government is the problem, unless it's secretly controlled by Russians.
You "protected" the Libyan people into endless war, jihad, and chaos. Don't even mention Syria. Just don't.
CNN is still largely decent journalism. Why Trump hates them. FNC & MSNBC are, with important exceptions, still awash in Kremlin bullshit. Just like FNC, MSBNC is filled with Kremlin-hugging morons who meet their demographic needs. None of it is smart, respectable or patriotic.
Taking down Trump & all his Kremlin-y pals without exposing bad things about lots of others -- left + right -- is not actually a thing. FYI. Kremlin wants maximum chaos in the USA. That means exploiting all sides. I comment on this often, as do others.
His dad, current Kremlin #Natsec Advisor, headed the FSB from 1999 to 2008 . What a coincidence.
POTUS, while in bed with the Kremlin, wants to be our National SSO. Without knowing anything about classification.
Hillary & her inner circle had really crap IT security.
In other news from 2015, Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn.
I wrote about it in 2015-16. Last I checked, Hillary's not living @ 1600 PennAve. Mere Trumpian desperation.
IRL only bona fide security issue lingering from HRC emails is how some v classified SIGINT (TS/SI-G) wound up in it. Everything else is BS.
Israeli classified TS+, even better. #WINNING
Since last January, POTUS has personally run the FAA. Or, he would if he knew what it was.
There are MANY reasons worldwide commercial jet aviation had a crash-free 2017. None of them had anything AT ALL to do with Donald Trump.
Welcome to reality.
Per @GrayConnolly -- if Don from Queens were a regular caller, any radio station in America would have banned him for obvious lunacy already.
Literally every IC professional I know is utterly appalled by Nunes, et al, who are covering up obvious crimes.
I'm sure the ISI will totally get clean now & get out of the terrorism/jihad business. Just kidding.
ISI is so craftily unpleasant the Taliban call them "the Black Snake."
THE TALIBAN think they're untrustworthy assholes.
Trump's got this.
ISI can make life VERY unpleasant for US + NATO in Afghanistan. Watch for it.
Since 1971, Paks considered the USA an unreliable partner. Trump just proved them right. Beijing all the way now! Perhaps I'm been unduly skeptical. Since Trump personally keeps planes from crashing worldwide, maybe he can make Pakistan not Pakistan too.
If Trump's secret mission were to trash America's global alliances & kill off US hegemony, what would he do differently?
Asking 4 a friend.
Yeah, Russia & PRC gonna get RIGHT on that.
Also, maybe just telling whole UNGA to go f*ck itself wasn't so smart.
Trump Brain Trust in action.
There is no US Deep State. Team Trump uses the term to mean "USG employees who put their oath & the Constitution above loyalty to Donnie."
That's one massive gift to the mullahs & Pasdaran there. #HINT: It's not covert action when you tweet about it.
Micronesia, Nauru, Togo & Tonga, Palau, the Marshall Islands, Guatemala & Honduras. Great powers. YUGE countries.
This will shock you, but close US allies don't appreciate being publicly told: "Vote with us or get f*cked, peon."
Hooooo boy
“They’re going to crack Don Jr like an egg on national TV.”
Bannon has many flaws. Stupidity isn't one of them.
How do you know he didn't? :)
If Bannon says that to a journalist, imagine what the ex-USN LT -- who, oddly, isn't on any public Mueller interview lists -- told the #FBI.
Glaringly obvious the FBI had a mole inside Team Trump in 2016. I've said too much already ... :)
Whiskey Steve says Team Trump are a bunch of traitorous morons.
Tough day for the #MAGA crowd.
But at least Hannity has Hillary's emails.
Just like Whiskey Steve, the Confederate Elf is flawed but no fool.
"Steve? Steve who? I know a lot of Steves." This is what a White House in full panic looks like.
Your Kremlin bosses have a lot more pull in Tehran than any US Congress members. Maybe you should talk to them.
Many US politicians say they want to help Iranian protesters. If they're serious, one phone call could get @Google to restore millions of protesters' ability to connect and organize. cc: @tedlieu @ronwyden @justinamash @randpaul
Old #GOP: Government is the problem, not the solution.
New #GOP: Government is the problem, unless it's secretly controlled by Russians.
You "protected" the Libyan people into endless war, jihad, and chaos. Don't even mention Syria. Just don't.
We stand with the Iranian people so much that we won’t let them come here.
CNN is still largely decent journalism. Why Trump hates them. FNC & MSNBC are, with important exceptions, still awash in Kremlin bullshit. Just like FNC, MSBNC is filled with Kremlin-hugging morons who meet their demographic needs. None of it is smart, respectable or patriotic.
Taking down Trump & all his Kremlin-y pals without exposing bad things about lots of others -- left + right -- is not actually a thing. FYI. Kremlin wants maximum chaos in the USA. That means exploiting all sides. I comment on this often, as do others.
His dad, current Kremlin #Natsec Advisor, headed the FSB from 1999 to 2008 . What a coincidence.
Putin receives 40-year old Dmitry Patrushev, CEO of big Rosselkhozbank & son of his national security advisor... Patrushev thanks for recapitalization (for losses) & says how much they credit. No word about efficiency. Rightly so.
POTUS, while in bed with the Kremlin, wants to be our National SSO. Without knowing anything about classification.
Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others
Hillary & her inner circle had really crap IT security.
In other news from 2015, Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn.
I wrote about it in 2015-16. Last I checked, Hillary's not living @ 1600 PennAve. Mere Trumpian desperation.
IRL only bona fide security issue lingering from HRC emails is how some v classified SIGINT (TS/SI-G) wound up in it. Everything else is BS.
Israeli classified TS+, even better. #WINNING
Meanwhile, Trump gave Classified information to the Russians in the Oval Office.
Since last January, POTUS has personally run the FAA. Or, he would if he knew what it was.
There are MANY reasons worldwide commercial jet aviation had a crash-free 2017. None of them had anything AT ALL to do with Donald Trump.
Welcome to reality.
FYI: The FAA Administrator (Michael Huerta) during all of 2017 was an Obama Administration holdover. #ThanksObama
Per @GrayConnolly -- if Don from Queens were a regular caller, any radio station in America would have banned him for obvious lunacy already.
....impartial journalists of a much higher standard, lose all of your phony and non-existent “sources,” and treat the President of the United States FAIRLY, so that the next time I (and the people) win, you won’t have to write an apology to your readers for a job poorly done! GL
Literally every IC professional I know is utterly appalled by Nunes, et al, who are covering up obvious crimes.
I wonder what Clapper thinks of the GOP enablers. Their behavior is as alarming.
I'm sure the ISI will totally get clean now & get out of the terrorism/jihad business. Just kidding.
BREAKING: US is withholding $250 million in assistance from Pakistan, UN Amb Nikki Haley announces, and said Trump is willing to stop all funding from Pakistan if they harbor terrorism.
ISI is so craftily unpleasant the Taliban call them "the Black Snake."
THE TALIBAN think they're untrustworthy assholes.
Trump's got this.
ISI can make life VERY unpleasant for US + NATO in Afghanistan. Watch for it.
Since 1971, Paks considered the USA an unreliable partner. Trump just proved them right. Beijing all the way now! Perhaps I'm been unduly skeptical. Since Trump personally keeps planes from crashing worldwide, maybe he can make Pakistan not Pakistan too.
If Trump's secret mission were to trash America's global alliances & kill off US hegemony, what would he do differently?
Asking 4 a friend.
Yeah, Russia & PRC gonna get RIGHT on that.
Also, maybe just telling whole UNGA to go f*ck itself wasn't so smart.
BREAKING: Ambassador Nikki Haley says U.S. calling for U.N. Security Council and Human Rights Council emergency sessions on Iran
Trump Brain Trust in action.
Eric Trump suggests that Ellen DeGeneres is part of the 'Deep State'
There is no US Deep State. Team Trump uses the term to mean "USG employees who put their oath & the Constitution above loyalty to Donnie."
That's one massive gift to the mullahs & Pasdaran there. #HINT: It's not covert action when you tweet about it.
Such respect for the people of Iran as they try to take back their corrupt government. You will see great support from the United States at the appropriate time!
Micronesia, Nauru, Togo & Tonga, Palau, the Marshall Islands, Guatemala & Honduras. Great powers. YUGE countries.
Trump to throw exclusive party for countries that didn't vote to against his Jerusalem decision
This will shock you, but close US allies don't appreciate being publicly told: "Vote with us or get f*cked, peon."
Hooooo boy
“They’re going to crack Don Jr like an egg on national TV.”
Bannon has many flaws. Stupidity isn't one of them.
How do you know he didn't? :)
Bannon is just as guilty if he didn’t call the FBI the minute he heard the meeting had taken place...
If Bannon says that to a journalist, imagine what the ex-USN LT -- who, oddly, isn't on any public Mueller interview lists -- told the #FBI.
Glaringly obvious the FBI had a mole inside Team Trump in 2016. I've said too much already ... :)
Whiskey Steve says Team Trump are a bunch of traitorous morons.
Tough day for the #MAGA crowd.
But at least Hannity has Hillary's emails.
Just like Whiskey Steve, the Confederate Elf is flawed but no fool.
"He [@Comey] provided some specific information that I think would resolve Senator @alfranken's concerns about the Atty General." Grassley and Feinstein know that Sessions has been cooperating at least since March.
"Steve? Steve who? I know a lot of Steves." This is what a White House in full panic looks like.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Tole je kot kaže res in ni parodija.
Not to be outdone by @Team_Mitch, the McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund goes with the ICYMI + winkey-face press release on Trump slamming Bannon
Team McConnell so happy it is putting emojis in press releases
Today is a really, really, really good day for the NRCC, NRSC, Congressional Leadership Fund/AAN and the Senate Leadership Fund.
Senate Leadership Fund -- the McConnell-aligned super PAC -- just sent out an e-mail reprinting Trump's statement on Bannon in full.
So noži zunaj?
Not to be outdone by @Team_Mitch, the McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund goes with the ICYMI + winkey-face press release on Trump slamming Bannon
Team McConnell so happy it is putting emojis in press releases
Today is a really, really, really good day for the NRCC, NRSC, Congressional Leadership Fund/AAN and the Senate Leadership Fund.
Senate Leadership Fund -- the McConnell-aligned super PAC -- just sent out an e-mail reprinting Trump's statement on Bannon in full.
So noži zunaj?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Tale nevertrump republikanec je tudi dobro branje. Sploh danes :)
Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book
Guess Bannon just moved up on the list
Congrats to Steve Bannon for vaulting himself into contention for the Fake News Awards on Monday. really kind of came out of nowhere on the indie circuit.
This probably sounded less turgid in the original Russian.
Gee, I wonder if they know something's coming...
Steve Bannon, who was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with Trump, listens to his call with Putin along with self-confessed felon Mike Flynn.
Weird. Breitbart only has one tiny little excerpt from another website about the fact that Steve Bannon just got crapped on by Donald Trump. Man, this story is so awkward for team clickservative.
This is the best day of 2018
Pepe world, live shot. I just mentioned that Ivanka was more likely be visiting Jared in Danbury than she is to be president of the United States someday
Old and busted: Steve Bannon is a brave son of the Trump Movement and part of the Revolutionary Vanguard.
New hotness: Steve Bannon is a wrecker, saboteur, hoarder, and filthy kulak.
Bannon becoming a leftist hero after he becomes a cooperating witness in the Mueller investigation in not how I expected 2018 to go.
Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book
Guess Bannon just moved up on the list
I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned!
Congrats to Steve Bannon for vaulting himself into contention for the Fake News Awards on Monday. really kind of came out of nowhere on the indie circuit.
This probably sounded less turgid in the original Russian.
Donald Trump voters are discovering the iniquities of federal US grand jury system: a pseudo-judicial mechanism that has been corrupted to give prosecutors unaccountable powers and indict over 99% of the time.
Gee, I wonder if they know something's coming...
Wikileaks just received orders from Russia, attack the US jury system. In the last 24hrs who else has? This treasonous conspiracy must end, ropes at dawn after a fair trial
Steve Bannon, who was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with Trump, listens to his call with Putin along with self-confessed felon Mike Flynn.
Weird. Breitbart only has one tiny little excerpt from another website about the fact that Steve Bannon just got crapped on by Donald Trump. Man, this story is so awkward for team clickservative.
This is the best day of 2018
Pepe world, live shot. I just mentioned that Ivanka was more likely be visiting Jared in Danbury than she is to be president of the United States someday
I just turned on the TV to hear Brooke Baldwin on @CNN say to @TheRickWilson: "Ouch. Too far?" Rick, you're smiling. What. Did. You. Say.
Old and busted: Steve Bannon is a brave son of the Trump Movement and part of the Revolutionary Vanguard.
New hotness: Steve Bannon is a wrecker, saboteur, hoarder, and filthy kulak.
Bannon becoming a leftist hero after he becomes a cooperating witness in the Mueller investigation in not how I expected 2018 to go.
over at Gab, they're calling it (((Breitbart)))
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
SIREN: "Steve Bannon was certain that after the (July 2016 Trump Tower) meeting, Trump, Jr. had taken the participants to see his father," per excerpts from new Michael Wolff book, "Fire & Fury." Trump has claimed he was unaware any meeting with Russians took place.
Here's the Bannon quote regarding the July 2016 Trump Tower meeting: "The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these Jumos up to his father’s office of the 26th floor is zero,” per "Fire & Fury." (pg. 255)
”Jared & Ivanka had made an earnest deal between themselves: if sometime in the future the time came, she’d be the one to run for president (or the first one of them to take the shot) the first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton, it would be Ivanka Trump.”
Source: Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff (page 69)
Trump appears to dismiss what he was accused of in the dossier, citing his fear of germs. "So would anyone really believe that story? I'm also very much a germaphobe, by the way. Believe me."
Source: Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff, page 39
On March 1 when stories emerged that Jeff Sessions had met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Trump didn't see a problem: When the president was shown the story, he didn't see its significance. "So what?" he said.
Source: Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff, page 151
Mike Flynn “had been told by friends that it had not been a good idea to take $45,000 from the Russians for a speech. “Well it would only be a problem if we won,” he assured them, knowing that it would therefore not be a problem.”
Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff, page 17.
SIREN: "Steve Bannon was certain that after the (July 2016 Trump Tower) meeting, Trump, Jr. had taken the participants to see his father," per excerpts from new Michael Wolff book, "Fire & Fury." Trump has claimed he was unaware any meeting with Russians took place.
Here's the Bannon quote regarding the July 2016 Trump Tower meeting: "The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these Jumos up to his father’s office of the 26th floor is zero,” per "Fire & Fury." (pg. 255)
”Jared & Ivanka had made an earnest deal between themselves: if sometime in the future the time came, she’d be the one to run for president (or the first one of them to take the shot) the first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton, it would be Ivanka Trump.”
Source: Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff (page 69)
Trump appears to dismiss what he was accused of in the dossier, citing his fear of germs. "So would anyone really believe that story? I'm also very much a germaphobe, by the way. Believe me."
Source: Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff, page 39
On March 1 when stories emerged that Jeff Sessions had met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Trump didn't see a problem: When the president was shown the story, he didn't see its significance. "So what?" he said.
Source: Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff, page 151
Mike Flynn “had been told by friends that it had not been a good idea to take $45,000 from the Russians for a speech. “Well it would only be a problem if we won,” he assured them, knowing that it would therefore not be a problem.”
Fire & Fury, by Michael Wolff, page 17.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Today is all because there was never an ideology or unifying purpose to Trump or his campaign. It's always been about personal fulfillment and enrichment, rampant opportunism. There are pockets of individuals who believe things involved, like Bannon with his white supremacy and Trump in his gospel of wealth, but it's never been a cause. In my conversations with Trump campaign members, everyone got onboard for purely selfish purposes. It was about career advancement or future possibilities. It was never a belief in Trump or Trumpism. Everyone wanted to get ahead elsewhere and use the Trump campaign as a stepping stone. The win threw them into the White House, where they couldn't possibly come together because there was nothing for them to come together over.
This was never about making America better, it was about personal enrichment and personal success. Everyone was in business for themselves, whereas nearly all administrations are about helping the country, even if they're wrong in the how. And it's like this because that's who Trump is, and administration take on the personality of their leaders. He's never settled in ideology beyond survival and enrichment, there's no room for philosophy besides constantly changing and surviving. It's like building a house on a foundation of sand. It's never going to settle, it's never going to strengthen, it's only going to fall apart the longer it sits there.
Campaign staffers told me their biggest fear was that Trump might win. They looked at it like a money scheme that would fall apart if they didn't get out in enough time. They didn't get out, and now look at what's happening. Elements of the campaign sought help with Russia, others with fascists, others with white supremacists, some of them with all of the above. Now, it's collapsing in totality with frightening speed.
The big question now isn't whether this thing is falling apart, but what's going to happen when it does. We have a president who is unraveling by the day. His threats of nuclear war shouldn't be taken lightly. Stories leaking from the White House have consistently painted a picture of an unhealthy man who is falling apart. When this stress continues to build, and he continues to paint himself in the corner, we have to ask what could happen.
As Mueller continues to investigate, and people flee this sinking ship, what happens when the captain is still onboard but he's holding the entirety of the US nuclear stockpile? Republicans need to get this thing over with and they need to do it in a hurry. We're watching a car crash. Save those you still can.
Today is all because there was never an ideology or unifying purpose to Trump or his campaign. It's always been about personal fulfillment and enrichment, rampant opportunism. There are pockets of individuals who believe things involved, like Bannon with his white supremacy and Trump in his gospel of wealth, but it's never been a cause. In my conversations with Trump campaign members, everyone got onboard for purely selfish purposes. It was about career advancement or future possibilities. It was never a belief in Trump or Trumpism. Everyone wanted to get ahead elsewhere and use the Trump campaign as a stepping stone. The win threw them into the White House, where they couldn't possibly come together because there was nothing for them to come together over.
This was never about making America better, it was about personal enrichment and personal success. Everyone was in business for themselves, whereas nearly all administrations are about helping the country, even if they're wrong in the how. And it's like this because that's who Trump is, and administration take on the personality of their leaders. He's never settled in ideology beyond survival and enrichment, there's no room for philosophy besides constantly changing and surviving. It's like building a house on a foundation of sand. It's never going to settle, it's never going to strengthen, it's only going to fall apart the longer it sits there.
Campaign staffers told me their biggest fear was that Trump might win. They looked at it like a money scheme that would fall apart if they didn't get out in enough time. They didn't get out, and now look at what's happening. Elements of the campaign sought help with Russia, others with fascists, others with white supremacists, some of them with all of the above. Now, it's collapsing in totality with frightening speed.
The big question now isn't whether this thing is falling apart, but what's going to happen when it does. We have a president who is unraveling by the day. His threats of nuclear war shouldn't be taken lightly. Stories leaking from the White House have consistently painted a picture of an unhealthy man who is falling apart. When this stress continues to build, and he continues to paint himself in the corner, we have to ask what could happen.
As Mueller continues to investigate, and people flee this sinking ship, what happens when the captain is still onboard but he's holding the entirety of the US nuclear stockpile? Republicans need to get this thing over with and they need to do it in a hurry. We're watching a car crash. Save those you still can.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Actually, the scariest bits of the Wolff excerpt are in the explanation for how he got it all. He basically hung out in the WH and recorded everything with zero oversight from anyone. “Wanna see our plan for bombing Pyongyang? Off the record or on or whatever the fuck.” You gotta hand it to Michael Wolff. He spent months going on TV making the anti-anti-Trump case; wrote a gauzy profile of Bannon; got unprecedented access to the White House. Now shanking the Trumpists in a Trumpian-style tabloid instant bestseller. "Only in New York." The macabre irony of this administration and its likely downfall: for all the cornfed populist hoo-ha, it's the story of narcissistic and megalomaniacal slimeballs from either coast flattering and then fucking over one another. I can't think of a more "elitist" time in America.
in še kritičen pogled
Among the many things he’s been called — “blunt,” “pathetic,” “calculating” — the one thing Michael Wolff has never been described as is boring.
A provocateur and media polemicist, Wolff has a penchant for stirring up an argument and pushing the facts as far as they’ll go, and sometimes further than they can tolerate, according to his critics. He has been accused of not just re-creating scenes in his books and columns, but of creating them wholesale.
The fireworks almost certainly guarantee that the book will become a bestseller. But the second-guessing of Wolff’s work has already begun.
Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.
Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”
Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”
Actually, the scariest bits of the Wolff excerpt are in the explanation for how he got it all. He basically hung out in the WH and recorded everything with zero oversight from anyone. “Wanna see our plan for bombing Pyongyang? Off the record or on or whatever the fuck.” You gotta hand it to Michael Wolff. He spent months going on TV making the anti-anti-Trump case; wrote a gauzy profile of Bannon; got unprecedented access to the White House. Now shanking the Trumpists in a Trumpian-style tabloid instant bestseller. "Only in New York." The macabre irony of this administration and its likely downfall: for all the cornfed populist hoo-ha, it's the story of narcissistic and megalomaniacal slimeballs from either coast flattering and then fucking over one another. I can't think of a more "elitist" time in America.
in še kritičen pogled
Among the many things he’s been called — “blunt,” “pathetic,” “calculating” — the one thing Michael Wolff has never been described as is boring.
A provocateur and media polemicist, Wolff has a penchant for stirring up an argument and pushing the facts as far as they’ll go, and sometimes further than they can tolerate, according to his critics. He has been accused of not just re-creating scenes in his books and columns, but of creating them wholesale.
The fireworks almost certainly guarantee that the book will become a bestseller. But the second-guessing of Wolff’s work has already begun.
Wolff, for example, writes that Thomas Barrack Jr., a billionaire friend of Trump’s, told a friend that Trump is “not only crazy, he’s stupid.” Barrack on Wednesday denied to a New York Times reporter that he ever said such a thing.
Katie Walsh, a former White House adviser, has also disputed a comment attributed to her by Wolff, that dealing with Trump was “like trying to figure out what a child wants.”
Even Wolff’s anecdote about Trump being unaware of who Boehner was last year seems a bit suspect. The reason? Trump had tweeted about Boehner multiple times since 2011. In September 2015, for example, Trump tweeted this: “Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show — a real nut job!”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

thom4s ::
Waw, pacman, s svojimi copy pastami si me pa sedaj res prepričal da je Blumpf gotof. Impič! Barni 2018.

ZaphodBB ::
Čakaj, a je Pac-Man pravkar izvedel 180 obrat?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

dice7 ::

ZaphodBB ::
Čakaj, a je Pac-Man pravkar izvedel 180 obrat?
Dejstva ne delajo obratov. Naj te ideologija ne zaslepi
Ker Bannon ni več fašist al zdej podpirate fašizem? Nisem čist na tekočem.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

ZaphodBB ::
Lazna dilema.
Postajala bo čedalje bolj resnična.
Je pa precej smesno se skregati s poster boyom lastne volilne baze
Yeah. If a communist says it, it has to be true.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

thom4s ::

Pac-Man ::
Čakaj, a je Pac-Man pravkar izvedel 180 obrat?
Vsak dan, ko postane bolj splošno sprejeto, da je cesar gol, je dober dan.
Čakamo te.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

ZaphodBB ::
Vsak dan, ko postane bolj splošno sprejeto, da je cesar gol, je dober dan.
A pol Bannon ni več naci al sploh nikol ni bil naci?
Al je samo dober naci?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

thom4s ::

dice7 ::
Lazna dilema.
Postajala bo čedalje bolj resnična
Edino, kar postaja vedno bolj resnicno je nateg oranznega svojih naivnih volilcev. Trump anti-gop, anti-system? Fire everyone being actively against the system!
Scasoma jim bo mogoce jasno, da so v pisarno spravili desnicarsko hillary, kar je slabsa razlicica hillary
Ampak ti se raje prerekas o nekih ideologijah
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()

Pac-Man ::
A pol Bannon ni več naci al sploh nikol ni bil naci?
Al je samo dober naci?
Bannon je anarhist, vsaj tako se je prodajal. Če naci fore pomagajo pri dosegi ciljev, so be it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

ZaphodBB ::
Bannon je anarhist, vsaj tako se je prodajal. Če naci fore pomagajo pri dosegi ciljev, so be it.
Čakaj a prav razumem, da po novem Bannon in jype skupaj kolesarita!?!?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

thom4s ::
Čakaj a prav razumem, da po novem Bannon in jype skupaj kolesarita!?!?
Saj sta že prej, a ne razumeš! jype dice pa pac man so nas ukanili da smo podprli Banona in posledično Blumpfa, da nas bojo sedaj z impičom spravili na rob obupa in bomo vsi naciji šli v merkurja po 3 m štrika. Skrivni viri so mi razkrili in 24 neodvisnih agencij mi je potrdilo da so vsi trije, vključno z Banonom kupili 99% odstotkov delnic v vrvni industriji.
Priznam, dobro ste me, ampak mislim da ni pošteno ker ste zlorabili svoj monopol nad intelektom, ki ga naciji nismo sposobni dosegat. Mislim da ni lepo da ste tako zavajali nas butlje :,(

jype ::
Čakaj a prav razumem, da po novem Bannon in jype skupaj kolesarita!?!?Mhm, anarhisti smo znani po tem, da skupaj ovce pasemo.
Podporniki fašizma ste pa znani po tem, da ne razmišljate prav poglobljeno o teh rečeh.
Now we know!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

ZaphodBB ::
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::
Trump ima prav: Knjiga ne sme biti izdana! Mueller je baraba! Vsi samo tlačijo malega človeka!
Trump ima prav: Knjiga ne sme biti izdana! Mueller je baraba! Vsi samo tlačijo malega človeka!

Massacra ::
Trumptard seveda nadaljuje svoje poslanstvo "slona v trgovini s porcelanom":
Jasno, oseba, ki ne loči med podnebjem in vremenom, zanika tudi naslednje:
Kako se na nivoju visoke politike spopasti z debilom? Težko vprašanje...Rešitev morda mnogo lažja -> Follow the trail on Money.
Jasno, oseba, ki ne loči med podnebjem in vremenom, zanika tudi naslednje:
Kako se na nivoju visoke politike spopasti z debilom? Težko vprašanje...Rešitev morda mnogo lažja -> Follow the trail on Money.

Pac-Man ::
O knjigi, avtor je dobil in, nato pa je administracija za kako leto pozabila, da novinar morda ni del inventarja.
Tako da je lahko zbral material za to.
And, lordy, there are tapes.
The author of a new book that's loaded with explosive anecdotes of a disorganized and chaotic White House is backed up by "dozens of hours" of audio recordings of senior staff, according to a report.
MSNBC reporter Katy Tur also offered a caveat about the book, saying some of the book appears to rely on Wolff's memory or the memories of others that may not have been cross-checked with other sources.
For his latest book, it appears he kept receipts, though in some cases the officials believed they were speaking to Wolff off the record, according to Axios.
Wolff based the book off of about 200 hours of interviews and says he conducted them when he had nearly unfettered access to Trump and his staff—“something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing,” according to a footnote on New York magazine’s excerpt.
v beli hiši je panika, prepovedali so zasebne telefone.
The White House is banning the use of personal cell phones within the West Wing, citing security concerns, a move that has prompted widespread frustration amongst staffers.
"The security and integrity of the technology systems at the White House is a top priority for the Trump administration and therefore, starting next week, the use of all personal devices for both guests and staff will no longer be allowed in the West Wing," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement Thursday morning.
Sanders said staff will continue be able to conduct business on government-issued devices.
The ban on personal cell phones does not apply to the President, a person familiar with the decision says.
Tako da je lahko zbral material za to.
And, lordy, there are tapes.
The author of a new book that's loaded with explosive anecdotes of a disorganized and chaotic White House is backed up by "dozens of hours" of audio recordings of senior staff, according to a report.
MSNBC reporter Katy Tur also offered a caveat about the book, saying some of the book appears to rely on Wolff's memory or the memories of others that may not have been cross-checked with other sources.
For his latest book, it appears he kept receipts, though in some cases the officials believed they were speaking to Wolff off the record, according to Axios.
Wolff based the book off of about 200 hours of interviews and says he conducted them when he had nearly unfettered access to Trump and his staff—“something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing,” according to a footnote on New York magazine’s excerpt.
v beli hiši je panika, prepovedali so zasebne telefone.
The White House is banning the use of personal cell phones within the West Wing, citing security concerns, a move that has prompted widespread frustration amongst staffers.
"The security and integrity of the technology systems at the White House is a top priority for the Trump administration and therefore, starting next week, the use of all personal devices for both guests and staff will no longer be allowed in the West Wing," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement Thursday morning.
Sanders said staff will continue be able to conduct business on government-issued devices.
The ban on personal cell phones does not apply to the President, a person familiar with the decision says.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
So I was one of the 6 guests at the Bannon-Ailes dinner party in January 2017 and every word I've seen from the book about it is absolutely accurate. It was an astonishing night...
Steve Bannon, suddenly among the world’s most powerful men, was running late. It was the evening of January 3, 2017 — a little more than two weeks before Trump’s inauguration — and Bannon had promised to come to a small dinner arranged by mutual friends in a Greenwich Village townhouse to see Roger Ailes.
Bannon veered from James “Mad Dog” Mattis — the retired four-star general whom Trump had nominated as secretary of Defense — to the looming appointment of Michael Flynn as national-security adviser. “He’s fine. He’s not Jim Mattis and he’s not John Kelly … but he’s fine. He just needs the right staff around him.” Still, Bannon averred: “When you take out all the Never Trump guys who signed all those letters and all the neocons who got us in all these wars … it’s not a deep bench.” Bannon said he’d tried to push John Bolton, the famously hawkish diplomat, for the job as national-security adviser. Bolton was an Ailes favorite, too.
“He’s a bomb thrower,” said Ailes. “And a strange little fucker. But you need him. Who else is good on Israel? Flynn is a little nutty on Iran. Tillerson just knows oil.”
“Bolton’s mustache is a problem,” snorted Bannon. “Trump doesn’t think he looks the part. You know Bolton is an acquired taste.”
“Well, he got in trouble because he got in a fight in a hotel one night and chased some woman.”
“If I told Trump that,” Bannon said slyly, “he might have the job.”
Bannon was curiously able to embrace Trump while at the same time suggesting he did not take him entirely seriously. Great numbers of people, he believed, were suddenly receptive to a new message — the world needs borders — and Trump had become the platform for that message.
“Does he get it?” asked Ailes suddenly, looking intently at Bannon. Did Trump get where history had put him?
Bannon took a sip of water. “He gets it,” he said, after hesitating for perhaps a beat too long. “Or he gets what he gets.”
Pivoting from Trump himself, Bannon plunged on with the Trump agenda. “Day one we’re moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Netanyahu’s all-in. Sheldon” — Adelson, the casino billionaire and far-right Israel defender — “is all-in. We know where we’re heading on this … Let Jordan take the West Bank, let Egypt take Gaza. Let them deal with it. Or sink trying.”
“Where’s Donald on this?” asked Ailes, the clear implication being that Bannon was far out ahead of his benefactor.
“He’s totally onboard.”
“I wouldn’t give Donald too much to think about,” said an amused Ailes.
Bannon snorted. “Too much, too little — doesn’t necessarily change things.”
“What has he gotten himself into with the Russians?” pressed Ailes.
“Mostly,” said Bannon, “he went to Russia and he thought he was going to meet Putin. But Putin couldn’t give a shit about him. So he’s kept trying.”
Again, as though setting the issue of Trump aside — merely a large and peculiar presence to both be thankful for and to have to abide — Bannon, in the role he had conceived for himself, the auteur of the Trump presidency, charged forward. The real enemy, he said, was China. China was the first front in a new Cold War.
“China’s everything. Nothing else matters. We don’t get China right, we don’t get anything right. This whole thing is very simple. China is where Nazi Germany was in 1929 to 1930. The Chinese, like the Germans, are the most rational people in the world, until they’re not. And they’re gonna flip like Germany in the ’30s. You’re going to have a hypernationalist state, and once that happens, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle.”
“Donald might not be Nixon in China,” said Ailes, deadpan.
Bannon smiled. “Bannon in China,” he said, with both remarkable grandiosity and wry self-deprecation.
“How’s the kid?” asked Ailes, referring to Kushner.
“He’s my partner,” said Bannon, his tone suggesting that if he felt otherwise, he was nevertheless determined to stay on message.
“He’s had a lot of lunches with Rupert,” said a dubious Ailes.
“In fact,” said Bannon, “I could use your help here.” He then spent several minutes trying to recruit Ailes to help kneecap Murdoch. Since his ouster from Fox over allegations of sexual harassment, Ailes had become only more bitter toward Murdoch. Now Murdoch was frequently jawboning the president-elect and encouraging him toward Establishment moderation. Bannon wanted Ailes to suggest to Trump, a man whose many neuroses included a horror of senility, that Murdoch might be losing it.
“I’ll call him,” said Ailes. “But Trump would jump through hoops for Rupert. Like for Putin. Sucks up and shits down. I just worry about who’s jerking whose chain.”
So I was one of the 6 guests at the Bannon-Ailes dinner party in January 2017 and every word I've seen from the book about it is absolutely accurate. It was an astonishing night...
Steve Bannon, suddenly among the world’s most powerful men, was running late. It was the evening of January 3, 2017 — a little more than two weeks before Trump’s inauguration — and Bannon had promised to come to a small dinner arranged by mutual friends in a Greenwich Village townhouse to see Roger Ailes.
Bannon veered from James “Mad Dog” Mattis — the retired four-star general whom Trump had nominated as secretary of Defense — to the looming appointment of Michael Flynn as national-security adviser. “He’s fine. He’s not Jim Mattis and he’s not John Kelly … but he’s fine. He just needs the right staff around him.” Still, Bannon averred: “When you take out all the Never Trump guys who signed all those letters and all the neocons who got us in all these wars … it’s not a deep bench.” Bannon said he’d tried to push John Bolton, the famously hawkish diplomat, for the job as national-security adviser. Bolton was an Ailes favorite, too.
“He’s a bomb thrower,” said Ailes. “And a strange little fucker. But you need him. Who else is good on Israel? Flynn is a little nutty on Iran. Tillerson just knows oil.”
“Bolton’s mustache is a problem,” snorted Bannon. “Trump doesn’t think he looks the part. You know Bolton is an acquired taste.”
“Well, he got in trouble because he got in a fight in a hotel one night and chased some woman.”
“If I told Trump that,” Bannon said slyly, “he might have the job.”
Bannon was curiously able to embrace Trump while at the same time suggesting he did not take him entirely seriously. Great numbers of people, he believed, were suddenly receptive to a new message — the world needs borders — and Trump had become the platform for that message.
“Does he get it?” asked Ailes suddenly, looking intently at Bannon. Did Trump get where history had put him?
Bannon took a sip of water. “He gets it,” he said, after hesitating for perhaps a beat too long. “Or he gets what he gets.”
Pivoting from Trump himself, Bannon plunged on with the Trump agenda. “Day one we’re moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Netanyahu’s all-in. Sheldon” — Adelson, the casino billionaire and far-right Israel defender — “is all-in. We know where we’re heading on this … Let Jordan take the West Bank, let Egypt take Gaza. Let them deal with it. Or sink trying.”
“Where’s Donald on this?” asked Ailes, the clear implication being that Bannon was far out ahead of his benefactor.
“He’s totally onboard.”
“I wouldn’t give Donald too much to think about,” said an amused Ailes.
Bannon snorted. “Too much, too little — doesn’t necessarily change things.”
“What has he gotten himself into with the Russians?” pressed Ailes.
“Mostly,” said Bannon, “he went to Russia and he thought he was going to meet Putin. But Putin couldn’t give a shit about him. So he’s kept trying.”
Again, as though setting the issue of Trump aside — merely a large and peculiar presence to both be thankful for and to have to abide — Bannon, in the role he had conceived for himself, the auteur of the Trump presidency, charged forward. The real enemy, he said, was China. China was the first front in a new Cold War.
“China’s everything. Nothing else matters. We don’t get China right, we don’t get anything right. This whole thing is very simple. China is where Nazi Germany was in 1929 to 1930. The Chinese, like the Germans, are the most rational people in the world, until they’re not. And they’re gonna flip like Germany in the ’30s. You’re going to have a hypernationalist state, and once that happens, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle.”
“Donald might not be Nixon in China,” said Ailes, deadpan.
Bannon smiled. “Bannon in China,” he said, with both remarkable grandiosity and wry self-deprecation.
“How’s the kid?” asked Ailes, referring to Kushner.
“He’s my partner,” said Bannon, his tone suggesting that if he felt otherwise, he was nevertheless determined to stay on message.
“He’s had a lot of lunches with Rupert,” said a dubious Ailes.
“In fact,” said Bannon, “I could use your help here.” He then spent several minutes trying to recruit Ailes to help kneecap Murdoch. Since his ouster from Fox over allegations of sexual harassment, Ailes had become only more bitter toward Murdoch. Now Murdoch was frequently jawboning the president-elect and encouraging him toward Establishment moderation. Bannon wanted Ailes to suggest to Trump, a man whose many neuroses included a horror of senility, that Murdoch might be losing it.
“I’ll call him,” said Ailes. “But Trump would jump through hoops for Rupert. Like for Putin. Sucks up and shits down. I just worry about who’s jerking whose chain.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

thom4s ::

Samuel ::
LOL, a je lahko še bolj očitno?
ISIS Threatens to Declare War on Hamas
Ko prebereš tole:
"ISIS-linked Salafist group in Gaza threatens to kill 'one by one' all Hamas personnel in retaliation for arrests of some 40 of its members."
je zelo očitno. Ali morebiti mislil, kaj drugega?!?!
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::
The shiz kar se tiče komentarja.
Bannon Banished for Telling Truths About Trump as MAGA Monsters Turn on Each Other
Steve Bannon’s spectacular fall from grace in Trump World is a big, salty, delicious bowl of schadenfreude from the political gods in celebration of the new year.
Bannon wasn’t just one of Trump’s most senior aides and an architect of the destruction of the Republican Party; he was the multi-shirted, red-eyed White House troll, leaking tales of his brilliance to a constellation of reporters in the ostensibly hated mainstream media. His house organ Breitbart and a host of Trump-right websites and news outlets sang praises to his dank genius. Bannon, they proclaimed, was Trumpism in its distilled essence: revanchist, ahistorical, racially inflected, and consumed with an imaginary war on the media and America’s broader society.
Now, like two rats in a bag, Trump and Bannon are tearing at one another in a delicious public spat that has every possible bit of drama, except Bannon drunkenly bellowing for a round of fisticuffs with all comers and Trump offering to compare the length of their relative manhoods on live television. They deserve one another in so many ways.
I’ve written before about the inevitable, tragic dynamic of this brokeback bromance; Trump needs a mindless cheering section screaming hosannas no matter how often he stumbles toward the nuclear and political precipice. Bannon needs an avatar for his Alt-Reich national socialist—oh, sorry, I meant populist—fantasies.
It was easy to be a political arsonist when Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah were writing the checks, but the Mercer money train came to a halt when the Metternich of Alabama, after getting beaten like a cheap drum in the U.S. Senate race, was then quoted boasting to Wolff that the Mercers would be funding his 2020 presidential campaign.
Late Thursday, rumors swept the media world that Bannon was about to be booted from his role as Caudillo of the Breitbart empire. For Bannon, this would be a fate worse the death.
Bannon fronts like Karl von Clausewitz but delivers like George Costanza. Bannon is a terrible, horrible, no-good political strategist; he seeks out the dumbest common-denominator garbage candidates he can find and tries to elevate them using breathless Breitbart pieces praising them as the True Voice of The Conservative Revolution… until, of course, they lose or he abandons them.
One of the most cringeworthy aspects of the Trump era is the mental and moral gymnastics required of conservatives to Trump-splain every new feud, screw-up, and absurdity. By Thursday afternoon, many were slamming Bannon as an apostate to the Trump faith.
Some in the Trump-right were pretending that this titanic rupture in Trumpworld was a devious plan to distract from his masterful handling of Iran and North Korea. (...) No, this isn’t the president playing some form of quantum chess with rules so complex and subtle that it would take a team of physicists and string theorists decades to understand. Trump is a furious, shallow, weak man reacting in a spasm of self-indulgent fury to excerpts from a book repeating the taped, verbatim views of some of his most senior aides.
Their views were consonant with what White House reporters know to be true: shock, contempt, and dismay at Trump’s mental and moral vacuum, and that they’ve pledged themselves to a man so spectacularly incapable of executing his duties as commander in chief they can hardly believe the unique mixture of horror and absurdity they feel toward their boss. This is a White House populated now by the weakest survivors of the “As hire As and Bs hire Cs and Trump hires Omarosa” management philosophy—none of whom have the stature or judgment to control the worst excesses of his behavior.
Trump’s ugly breakup with soon to be Psycho Ex Steve “I Won’t Be Ignored, Don” Bannon came because the Wolff book is too intimate and accurate, not because it’s fake news created by an angry ex-aide.
The American political immune system had a rough year in 2017. In 2018, it looks like it’s stirring to life. I doubt we’re rid of Bannon quite yet. Like a form of drug-resistant political syphilis, Bannon will continue to command a degree of attention and will corrode the world around him, though Republicans can avoid reinfection with a few simple precautions. Practice safe politics, kids.
Watching Bannon fall victim to the claws of the monster he helped create mostly invokes the response of “Alexa, order all the popcorn.” His absurd supervillain persona and Rube Goldberg schemes to redefine American politics were married up to his shit-tier actual political skills. This disaster was always inevitable.
In 2015, Bannon promised to destroy my career because I dared stand up to Trump. He put his minions to work doing just that, even dragging my kids into the fight. Bannon even sent an email to a friend of mine saying, “This is going to be fun.”
Sorry, Steve. I’m still here and still kicking.
You were right about one thing… this is fun. For me, at least.
Bannon Banished for Telling Truths About Trump as MAGA Monsters Turn on Each Other
Steve Bannon’s spectacular fall from grace in Trump World is a big, salty, delicious bowl of schadenfreude from the political gods in celebration of the new year.
Bannon wasn’t just one of Trump’s most senior aides and an architect of the destruction of the Republican Party; he was the multi-shirted, red-eyed White House troll, leaking tales of his brilliance to a constellation of reporters in the ostensibly hated mainstream media. His house organ Breitbart and a host of Trump-right websites and news outlets sang praises to his dank genius. Bannon, they proclaimed, was Trumpism in its distilled essence: revanchist, ahistorical, racially inflected, and consumed with an imaginary war on the media and America’s broader society.
Now, like two rats in a bag, Trump and Bannon are tearing at one another in a delicious public spat that has every possible bit of drama, except Bannon drunkenly bellowing for a round of fisticuffs with all comers and Trump offering to compare the length of their relative manhoods on live television. They deserve one another in so many ways.
I’ve written before about the inevitable, tragic dynamic of this brokeback bromance; Trump needs a mindless cheering section screaming hosannas no matter how often he stumbles toward the nuclear and political precipice. Bannon needs an avatar for his Alt-Reich national socialist—oh, sorry, I meant populist—fantasies.
It was easy to be a political arsonist when Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah were writing the checks, but the Mercer money train came to a halt when the Metternich of Alabama, after getting beaten like a cheap drum in the U.S. Senate race, was then quoted boasting to Wolff that the Mercers would be funding his 2020 presidential campaign.
Late Thursday, rumors swept the media world that Bannon was about to be booted from his role as Caudillo of the Breitbart empire. For Bannon, this would be a fate worse the death.
Bannon fronts like Karl von Clausewitz but delivers like George Costanza. Bannon is a terrible, horrible, no-good political strategist; he seeks out the dumbest common-denominator garbage candidates he can find and tries to elevate them using breathless Breitbart pieces praising them as the True Voice of The Conservative Revolution… until, of course, they lose or he abandons them.
One of the most cringeworthy aspects of the Trump era is the mental and moral gymnastics required of conservatives to Trump-splain every new feud, screw-up, and absurdity. By Thursday afternoon, many were slamming Bannon as an apostate to the Trump faith.
Some in the Trump-right were pretending that this titanic rupture in Trumpworld was a devious plan to distract from his masterful handling of Iran and North Korea. (...) No, this isn’t the president playing some form of quantum chess with rules so complex and subtle that it would take a team of physicists and string theorists decades to understand. Trump is a furious, shallow, weak man reacting in a spasm of self-indulgent fury to excerpts from a book repeating the taped, verbatim views of some of his most senior aides.
Their views were consonant with what White House reporters know to be true: shock, contempt, and dismay at Trump’s mental and moral vacuum, and that they’ve pledged themselves to a man so spectacularly incapable of executing his duties as commander in chief they can hardly believe the unique mixture of horror and absurdity they feel toward their boss. This is a White House populated now by the weakest survivors of the “As hire As and Bs hire Cs and Trump hires Omarosa” management philosophy—none of whom have the stature or judgment to control the worst excesses of his behavior.
Trump’s ugly breakup with soon to be Psycho Ex Steve “I Won’t Be Ignored, Don” Bannon came because the Wolff book is too intimate and accurate, not because it’s fake news created by an angry ex-aide.
The American political immune system had a rough year in 2017. In 2018, it looks like it’s stirring to life. I doubt we’re rid of Bannon quite yet. Like a form of drug-resistant political syphilis, Bannon will continue to command a degree of attention and will corrode the world around him, though Republicans can avoid reinfection with a few simple precautions. Practice safe politics, kids.
Watching Bannon fall victim to the claws of the monster he helped create mostly invokes the response of “Alexa, order all the popcorn.” His absurd supervillain persona and Rube Goldberg schemes to redefine American politics were married up to his shit-tier actual political skills. This disaster was always inevitable.
In 2015, Bannon promised to destroy my career because I dared stand up to Trump. He put his minions to work doing just that, even dragging my kids into the fight. Bannon even sent an email to a friend of mine saying, “This is going to be fun.”
Sorry, Steve. I’m still here and still kicking.
You were right about one thing… this is fun. For me, at least.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Več tvitov z zaslonskimi slikami je na povezavi
On Tuesday night, I, along with many Americans, was shocked when President Donald Trump tweeted that his “Nuclear Button” is “much bigger & more powerful” than North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's.
Having spent the past three months monitoring Trump’s Twitter feed professionally, I also had a good sense of why this spectacle was unfolding. After watching a recording of the previous few minutes of Fox News, my hunch was confirmed: The president was live-tweeting the network’s coverage.
here’s what is shocking: After comparing the president’s tweets with Fox's coverage every day since October, I can tell you that the Fox-Trump feedback loop is happening far more often than you think. There is no strategy to Trump’s Twitter feed; he is not trying to distract the media. He is being distracted. He darts with quark-like speed from topic to topic in his tweets because that’s how cable news works.
Here’s what’s also shocking: A man with unparalleled access to the world’s most powerful information-gathering machine, with an intelligence budget estimated at $73 billion last year, prefers to rely on conservative cable news hosts to understand current events.
On Tuesday morning, for instance, on his first morning back in Washington after an 11-day vacation, the president tweeted what I believe were five consecutive tweets based on Fox’s programming, though he specifically referenced Fox & Friends in only one of them. His tweet urging the imprisonment of Huma Abedin followed a Fox segment on the former Hillary Clinton aide. When he tweeted that “it was just reported” there had been no commercial aviation deaths in 2017, and took credit, the report he cited was from Fox & Friends.
Many of the president’s most vicious tweets, which often baffle observers because they seem to come out of nowhere, make more sense when you realize that they are actually his responses to Fox’s programming. This rule can apply to his attacks on the NFL:
To his claim that the Uranium One deal posed a scandal for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama:
To several of his attacks on the FBI:
Remember that strange moment in October when Trump tried to tweet happy birthday to the country music artist Lee Greenwood? He tagged the wrong handle, deleted the tweet, and sent out a corrected version while the rest of Twitter tried to figure out what was going on. The event is easier to understand if you know that about an hour before Trump sent his initial tweet, Fox & Friends reported it was Greenwood’s birthday:
The timing, by the way, doesn’t always perfectly line up. That’s because, from my observations, Trump also uses his DVR vigorously, often starting at the beginning of a program even if it started hours before he sits down to watch it, then fast-forwarding through commercials and segments that don’t interest him.
On Tuesday night, I, along with many Americans, was shocked when President Donald Trump tweeted that his “Nuclear Button” is “much bigger & more powerful” than North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's.
Having spent the past three months monitoring Trump’s Twitter feed professionally, I also had a good sense of why this spectacle was unfolding. After watching a recording of the previous few minutes of Fox News, my hunch was confirmed: The president was live-tweeting the network’s coverage.
The president just threatened a nuclear strike while live-tweeting a Fox News segment.
Left, Fox, 7:37pm
Right, Trump, 7:49 pm
here’s what is shocking: After comparing the president’s tweets with Fox's coverage every day since October, I can tell you that the Fox-Trump feedback loop is happening far more often than you think. There is no strategy to Trump’s Twitter feed; he is not trying to distract the media. He is being distracted. He darts with quark-like speed from topic to topic in his tweets because that’s how cable news works.
Here’s what’s also shocking: A man with unparalleled access to the world’s most powerful information-gathering machine, with an intelligence budget estimated at $73 billion last year, prefers to rely on conservative cable news hosts to understand current events.
On Tuesday morning, for instance, on his first morning back in Washington after an 11-day vacation, the president tweeted what I believe were five consecutive tweets based on Fox’s programming, though he specifically referenced Fox & Friends in only one of them. His tweet urging the imprisonment of Huma Abedin followed a Fox segment on the former Hillary Clinton aide. When he tweeted that “it was just reported” there had been no commercial aviation deaths in 2017, and took credit, the report he cited was from Fox & Friends.
"It was just reported"...
Left, Fox & Friends, 7:24 am
Right, Trump, 9:13 am
Many of the president’s most vicious tweets, which often baffle observers because they seem to come out of nowhere, make more sense when you realize that they are actually his responses to Fox’s programming. This rule can apply to his attacks on the NFL:
To his claim that the Uranium One deal posed a scandal for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama:
To several of his attacks on the FBI:
Remember that strange moment in October when Trump tried to tweet happy birthday to the country music artist Lee Greenwood? He tagged the wrong handle, deleted the tweet, and sent out a corrected version while the rest of Twitter tried to figure out what was going on. The event is easier to understand if you know that about an hour before Trump sent his initial tweet, Fox & Friends reported it was Greenwood’s birthday:
The timing, by the way, doesn’t always perfectly line up. That’s because, from my observations, Trump also uses his DVR vigorously, often starting at the beginning of a program even if it started hours before he sits down to watch it, then fast-forwarding through commercials and segments that don’t interest him.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dice7 ::
Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
Skoda, sem ze upal, da bo koncno nekdo razkrinkal vse mrtvece in ilegalce, ki bi naj vsako leto volili demokrate
In fact, no state has uncovered significant evidence to support the president's claim, and election officials, including many Republicans, have strongly rejected it.
Skoda, sem ze upal, da bo koncno nekdo razkrinkal vse mrtvece in ilegalce, ki bi naj vsako leto volili demokrate

DarwiN ::
Fire and Fury audiobook, brezplačno na Amazonu, če bi kdo rad poslušal. Ampak ne pozabit odjavit Audible naročnine, ker čez 30 dni bo vaša kartica avtomatsko bremenjena. Najboljše "kupit" knjigo in takoj odjava naročnine.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

DarwiN ::
Ja, žalostno, kaj se dogaja. Ampak jaz bi vseeno označil knjigo kot grozljivko in/ali komedijo. Comedy horror žanr.
Trumptardi pa jo lahko v vsakem trenutku označite za fake news. Mora bit res prikladno, ko lahko sam pišeš svojo realnost in se ti uklanjajo informacije, resnica, dejstva, preprosto po lastnih preferencah.
Trumptardi pa jo lahko v vsakem trenutku označite za fake news. Mora bit res prikladno, ko lahko sam pišeš svojo realnost in se ti uklanjajo informacije, resnica, dejstva, preprosto po lastnih preferencah.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!