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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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Iatromantis ::

A to ni vredu predstavitev dogajanja v Rusiji?

Invictus ::

Putin je samo front men v Rusiji.

Zadaj je najbrž še cel kup ljudi, ki so dovolj močni, da ga odstranijo.

Ampak ga ne, ker deluje v "skupnem" interesu...

Saj ZDA niso nič drugačne. Kar se je lepo videlo na primeru Obame. Nobelov nagrajenec za mir, ki je bil non stop v vojni...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Cervantes ::

Vojna je mir, mir je vojna. Bi rekel Kosovel.
Če nimaš vojne, postane vojaška industrija lahko nervozna.
Kar je potentially shitty.
JFK bi vedel kaj povedat na to temo.
Če bi bil še živ, seveda.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Smrekar1 ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Vojna je mir, mir je vojna. Bi rekel Kosovel.

Blair, ne Kosovel. Eric Arthur Blair, ne Tony.

Če nimaš vojne, postane vojaška industrija lahko nervozna.
Kar je potentially shitty.
JFK bi vedel kaj povedat na to temo.
Če bi bil še živ, seveda.


“I don’t think it’s worth fighting for and I don’t think we can get out. And it’s just the biggest damn mess.”
“What the hell is Vietnam worth to me? ... What is it worth to this country? ... It’s damn easy to get in a war, but it’s going to be awfully hard to ever extricate yourself if you get in.”

-- Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964

Teoretiki zarot so spet malo izumljali zgodovino in ti si nasedel. Saj smo že vajeni.

Poldi112 ::

Daj nas razsvetli, da ne bomo tavali v temi. Kaj se je dejansko dogajalo v Vietnamu?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Daj nas razsvetli, da ne bomo tavali v temi. Kaj se je dejansko dogajalo v Vietnamu?

Isto kot v Koreji. Osvajalski pohod Severnega Vietnama nad Južni Vietnam.

gus5 ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Daj nas razsvetli, da ne bomo tavali v temi. Kaj se je dejansko dogajalo v Vietnamu?

Isto kot v Koreji. Osvajalski pohod Severnega Vietnama nad Južni Vietnam.
Korejci so osvajali Korejo, Vietnamci Vietnam? :)) Južnokorejska in južno-vietnamska gverila sta bili tuji sili? :))

Smrekar1 ::

gus5 je izjavil:

Korejci so osvajali Korejo, Vietnamci Vietnam? :)) Južnokorejska in južno-vietnamska gverila sta bili tuji sili? :))

Severnokorejska vojska je bila v Južni Koreji tuja okupacijska sila, da. Severnovietnamske enote so bile v Južnem Vietnamu tuja okupacijska sila, vsekakor.

Poldi112 ::

Čakaj, če so domačini okupator na lastni zemlji, kaj so potem USA? Staroselci?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

gus5 ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

gus5 je izjavil:

Korejci so osvajali Korejo, Vietnamci Vietnam? :)) Južnokorejska in južno-vietnamska gverila sta bili tuji sili? :))

Severnokorejska vojska je bila v Južni Koreji tuja okupacijska sila, da. Severnovietnamske enote so bile v Južnem Vietnamu tuja okupacijska sila, vsekakor.
Gverili, ki sta ju povabili, pa ne, ne? :))

Mr.B ::

serča da se v Siriji niti ne skrivajo, kaj hočejo. No amerikanci.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

Paxi, tega na twixicu ne bo.... Počasi bo zmankalop držav, ki niso financirale Trumpa, mislim uni držav na drugi strani ...
Documents obtained by US daily show Republican fundraiser drafted plan in hopes of getting payoffs from China and UAE.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Miki N ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

gus5 je izjavil:

Korejci so osvajali Korejo, Vietnamci Vietnam? :)) Južnokorejska in južno-vietnamska gverila sta bili tuji sili? :))

Severnokorejska vojska je bila v Južni Koreji tuja okupacijska sila, da. Severnovietnamske enote so bile v Južnem Vietnamu tuja okupacijska sila, vsekakor.

Kot ponavadi je bilo v resnici tukaj kar nekaj etničnega ozadja, ki ga mi niti nismo zaznali. Znana je recimo žalostna usoda Hmong ljudstva (izg. "mon"). Danes je to pbl. 1 mio ljudi, ločena etnična skupina z lastnim jezikom in zgodovinsko izhajajo iz področja današnje centralne Kitajske. Po koncu vojne doživeli precej neupravičenega šikaniranja in represije s strani oblasti češ, da so sodelovali z Američani in prej še s Francozi. Verjetno so se hoteli zgolj držati stran, ker se pač niso imeli za Vietnamce. Predstavljali so velik delež "ljudi s čolnov", ki so v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja prišli v ZDA (predvsem Kalifornijo) kot begunci zaradi te represije. Kakorkoli, Vietnamska vojna je bila na nek način državljanska vojna (če gledamo J in S del skupaj) v katero so bile vpletene velesile Hladne vojne.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Miki N ()

Iatromantis ::

Kaj pa to? Fox TV v Latviji obtožen ruske cenzure?

Baltic translations for Fox TV undergo Russian censorship

Fritz ::

Miki N je izjavil:

Kakorkoli, Vietnamska vojna je bila na nek način državljanska vojna (če gledamo J in S del skupaj) v katero so bile vpletene velesile Hladne vojne.

Vse vojne, kjer imaš uporništvo in/ali kolaboracijo so tudi državljanske vojne. Pa vendar je bila 1. vietnamska vojna, predvsem vojna za osvoboditev izpod kolonialne oblasti Francije in komunistična revolucija, 2. vietnamska vojna, ki so jo začele ZDA po insceniranem napadu v Tonkinškem zalivu pa vojna za/proti komunistični oblasti S. Vietnama in za/proti diktatorskemu neokolonialnemu režimu J. Vietnama ter de-facto zaključek prve vojne.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Mr.B ::

Kot kaže se je zgodba spremenila. Verjetno je postalo preveč, no so pušnili donija prdeleč, v nevarne explozivne vode, preveč vodikov...bomo videli sedaj ko se fokusira na Iran.
A probe by the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee has found no evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Nič se ni spremenilo. Predsednik komiteja je še vedno Devin Nunes.

V drugih novicah, postsovjetski prostor je čisto sfuzlan.


Former speaker of #Armenia’s parliament had a house built for himself that is a replica of the parliament #nice
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Nič se ni spremenilo. Predsednik komiteja je še vedno Devin Nunes.

V drugih novicah, postsovjetski prostor je čisto sfuzlan.


Former speaker of #Armenia’s parliament had a house built for himself that is a replica of the parliament #nice

Dragi Paxi, vire ki jih TI navajaš so ne samo stari skoraj tri mesece (marsikaj se je v tem času zgodilo), kot tudi ne kotirajo dokaj visoko. pač tako kot slepo verovanje v objave na FB.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Nunes je še vedno trumpov lapdog.

Marec 2017.


At an extraordinary committee hearing last Monday, the FBI director, James Comey, confirmed for the first time that the bureau was investigating Trump associates for possible collusion with Moscow.

At the hearing, Comey refused to name any of the campaign aides under FBI scrutiny. Schiff, the ranking Democrat, said he and Nunes had been given a classified briefing that involved evidence of collusion that “isn’t purely circumstantial”.

Schiff said he had persuaded Nunes to put in a joint request to Comey to share that evidence with the rest of the committee but said he did not know how the FBI director would respond.

Nunes, who served on Donald Trump’s transition team, subsequently put off the second hearing, which would have heard from former intelligence chiefs and a former deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, who was fired by Trump.


Nunes has been under scrutiny over the past week for other reasons. He is reported to have gone missing on Tuesday night, under mysterious circumstances. The Daily Beast reported that Nunes received a message on his phone while travelling in a Uber car with a senior committee staffer in Washington, and then left the car abruptly without telling the staffer where he was going.

The next day he called a press conference, without telling his senior staff what he was going to say, and announced that he had seen “dozens” of intelligence reports that showed US intelligence agencies had “incidentally collected” material on members of the Trump transition team.

//V grobem: ljudje okrog Trumpa so komunicirali z osebami pod nadzorom. But no collusion.

Such incidental collection happens when court-approved surveillance of an intelligence target picks up communications involving US persons who are not the formal target of the surveillance.

Nunes did not share the intelligence material he claimed to have seen with Democratic members of his committee, and instead outraged them further by briefing Trump. He said later: “I had a duty and obligation to tell him because, as you know, he’s taking a lot of heat in the news media.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Nunes je še vedno trumpov lapdog.

Marec 2017.


At an extraordinary committee hearing last Monday, the FBI director, James Comey, confirmed for the first time that the bureau was investigating Trump associates for possible collusion with Moscow.

At the hearing, Comey refused to name any of the campaign aides under FBI scrutiny. Schiff, the ranking Democrat, said he and Nunes had been given a classified briefing that involved evidence of collusion that “isn’t purely circumstantial”.

Schiff said he had persuaded Nunes to put in a joint request to Comey to share that evidence with the rest of the committee but said he did not know how the FBI director would respond.

Nunes, who served on Donald Trump’s transition team, subsequently put off the second hearing, which would have heard from former intelligence chiefs and a former deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, who was fired by Trump.


Nunes has been under scrutiny over the past week for other reasons. He is reported to have gone missing on Tuesday night, under mysterious circumstances. The Daily Beast reported that Nunes received a message on his phone while travelling in a Uber car with a senior committee staffer in Washington, and then left the car abruptly without telling the staffer where he was going.

The next day he called a press conference, without telling his senior staff what he was going to say, and announced that he had seen “dozens” of intelligence reports that showed US intelligence agencies had “incidentally collected” material on members of the Trump transition team.

//V grobem: ljudje okrog Trumpa so komunicirali z osebami pod nadzorom. But no collusion.

Such incidental collection happens when court-approved surveillance of an intelligence target picks up communications involving US persons who are not the formal target of the surveillance.

Nunes did not share the intelligence material he claimed to have seen with Democratic members of his committee, and instead outraged them further by briefing Trump. He said later: “I had a duty and obligation to tell him because, as you know, he’s taking a lot of heat in the news media.”

PAxi danes je skoraj 1 Maj. Torej dva meseca star podatke.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Smrekar1 ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Vse vojne, kjer imaš uporništvo in/ali kolaboracijo so tudi državljanske vojne. Pa vendar je bila 1. vietnamska vojna, predvsem vojna za osvoboditev izpod kolonialne oblasti Francije in komunistična revolucija, 2. vietnamska vojna, ki so jo začele ZDA po insceniranem napadu v Tonkinškem zalivu pa vojna za/proti komunistični oblasti S. Vietnama in za/proti diktatorskemu neokolonialnemu režimu J. Vietnama ter de-facto zaključek prve vojne.

Še eden ki meni, da pozna zgodovino, ampak pozna samo pamflete.

Vojna se je odvijala v Južnem Vietnamu. Ne v Severnem, v Južnem. Še enkrat in počasi: voj-na se je od-vi-ja-la v Juž-nem Vi-et-na-mu, ne v Se-ver-nem. Po kakšni logiki so ZDA, ki so se bojevale na strani Južnega Vietnama, lahko agresor v tej vojni?

Prosim za detajlno razlago, podkrepljeno z zgodovinskimi primeri. Veliko sreče.

Miki N je izjavil:

Kot ponavadi je bilo v resnici tukaj kar nekaj etničnega ozadja, ki ga mi niti nismo zaznali. Znana je recimo žalostna usoda Hmong ljudstva (izg. "mon"). Danes je to pbl. 1 mio ljudi, ločena etnična skupina z lastnim jezikom in zgodovinsko izhajajo iz področja današnje centralne Kitajske. Po koncu vojne doživeli precej neupravičenega šikaniranja in represije s strani oblasti češ, da so sodelovali z Američani in prej še s Francozi. Verjetno so se hoteli zgolj držati stran, ker se pač niso imeli za Vietnamce. Predstavljali so velik delež "ljudi s čolnov", ki so v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja prišli v ZDA (predvsem Kalifornijo) kot begunci zaradi te represije. Kakorkoli, Vietnamska vojna je bila na nek način državljanska vojna (če gledamo J in S del skupaj) v katero so bile vpletene velesile Hladne vojne.

Smolo imajo, da niso Palestinci in se jih zato sme izgnati brez posledic.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Poldi112 ::

Daj no kolega, to še v osnovni šoli razumejo, da če okupiraš tuje ozemlje, si okupator. In točno to je USA bila. Niso se mogli sprijazniti z osamosvojitvijo Vietnama (vsem je bilo jasno, da bo prišlo do unifikacije), pa so še 20 let ostali in posledično pobili miljone.

Po kakšni logiki USA niso agresor v vojni proti svobodi in samoodločanju Vietnamcev v njihovi lastni državi?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::

Par točk:
- okrog spetsnaza zganja malo preveč drame
- NATO artilerija je vrhunska, smo se pa preveč ukvarjali z natančnostjo in premalo s čiščenjem kvadrantov
- MANPADS je uporaben samo v primeru CAS in butastih bomb. Ob uporabi vodenega streliva si BP izven dosega

Sicer odlična analiza.


WHAT DO THE SYRIAN AND UKRAINIAN CONFLICTS TELL US ABOUT CONTEMPORARY WARFARE AND A POTENTIAL WAR WITH RUSSIA? An amalgam of what various experts are saying (including RUSI, CSIS, War on the Rocks, Philip Karber and IISS) - a sliver, not the whole picture.

Wherever Russia seeks to conquer or control a territory, it uses a well-rehearsed strategy that gradually moves from hidden state involvement, to hybrid warfare, to proxy war, to overt action. Direct intervention is always proceeded by subtle subversion.
Spetsnaz and sleeper agents will infiltrate a target country and agitate the local population. Living and operating amongst ordinary people, they'll provoke civil unrest and political instability, then use the situation as an excuse for state intervention. To achieve strategic goals, Russian agents will resort to terror techniques. Expect kidnapping, extortion, assassination, torture and extreme brutality that matches ISIL at its worst. These are the same tactics employed by Stalin. The Geneva convention does not apply.

Russia also likes to employ mercenaries. They're cheap, expendable and give it plausible deniability. Deconfliction agreements will be ignored or reneged on as soon as the need arises. Deception and disinformation will be frequent methods.
While manipulating the situation from behind the scenes, Russia will feign concern and impartiality. When the strategy moves into the open conflict phase, it will rely on surprise and overwhelming force to achieve a ruthless and uncompromising blitzkrieg effect.

The use of mass artillery is one of Russia's primary tactics. It has superiority in numbers of guns, but also in munitions. Canister and thermobaric shells are widely employed. Chemical weapons may be used tactically. Multi-launch rocket systems are also favoured.
Russia's advantage in artillery is a key enabler of divisional manoeuvre. In contrast, NATO's artillery capabilities are out-dated and inferior. We need to develop improved munitions, acquire long-range precision fires, and better counter-battery capabilities.
Given Russia’s dependence on artillery, Tanks and other heavily armoured vehicles remain paramount. Infantry APCs need the same level of protection as tanks. Light vehicles may be too vulnerable. Resilience will depend on the ability of units to rapidly disperse. Tanks must be accompanied by infantry, and vice-versa, especially in in urban areas. Engagements will take place across larger areas as Russian units manoeuvre to achieve a tactical advantage. Areas of responsibility will be larger. Vehicle mobility will be crucial.

Airspaces are likely to be contested. Russia excels at developing layered and integrated air defences. Without using its own aircraft, it decimated the Ukraine Air Force. MANPADs have been decisive. They are to combat jets what hand-held ATGWs are to tanks. C4I systems that enable information manoeuvre will give us an edge - but are vulnerable to EW. Interception and jamming will be common. Expect missile guidance systems to be interfered with. Managing electronic signatures will be key to prevent HQs from being targeted.

Reversionary skills must be relearned. Sub-unit commanders must be able to do basic things like read maps. Russia will target our tech, yet its own forces won't have it. And recent conflicts have done much to practise their basic tactics, techniques and SOPs.

Rear area security must be a priority. Commando units will be used for sabotage and to create confusion. Duplication of systems / infrastructures will be crucial. Traditional front lines no longer exist. The enemy will be everywhere. And they'll look just like us.

Drones are ubiquitous. Russian forces now use them at sub-unit level. Expect constant observation by drones. Expect swarm attacks by drones. Expect drones carrying small thermobaric warheads to seek out ammunition dumps. Meanwhile, drones are difficult to shoot down.

In terms of intensity, we've seen nothing like this since 1939-1945, The combined effect of massive artillery, ATGWs, tank guns, cannons, and small arms fire will produce large numbers of casualties. We will need extensive CASEVAC and medical treatment facilities.

If what I've described seems unfamiliar or scary, it is because it doesn't reflect previous Cold War expectations of modern warfare. Russia has harnessed the tactics of the terrorist. Like ISIL, it doesn't play by our rules. It plays dirty. NATO is unprepared for a war against Russia both militarily and psychologically. Worse still, if we get embroiled in one, Russia has a further ace up its sleeve: the threat of nuclear weapons. So it's far better to deter now than have to counter later.

With nuclear weapons in the background, we may only ever force Russia to back-down or withdraw. An attempt to bring about outright victory may only result in annihilation. We must avoid conflict if we can. To do this we must build credible armed forces that have a strong deterrent effect. If today can be compared to the 1930s, we have a limited time window to persuade Russia that war with the West is not in anyone's interests.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Par točk:
- okrog spetsnaza zganja malo preveč drame
- NATO artilerija je vrhunska, smo se pa preveč ukvarjali z natančnostjo in premalo s čiščenjem kvadrantov
- MANPADS je uporaben samo v primeru CAS in butastih bomb. Ob uporabi vodenega streliva si BP izven dosega

Posebne enote so znan taktični prijem, enako velja za obe strani, tu dramatizirajo brez potrebe.
Topništvo je tako, da imajo Rusi prednost tam, kjer kršijo etične standarde. Termobarne granate so nadležna zadeva. Je pa res, da je to bolj kot ne nadomestilo za natančnost, ki jo NATO ima, Rusija ne.
Pri protiletalski so ustrelili mimo. MANPADS niso bili ključen faktor, temveč so bili na delu večinoma BUK-i, kar je ugotovil tudi nesrečni Malezijski Boeing. Poleg tega niso zdesetkali ukrajinskega letalstva, temveč so sestrelili večino Su-25. Ukrajina ima še kar nekaj MiG-31 in Su-27, ki jih držijo v rezervi, za primer, da gre Rusija v t.i. "Full Retard Mode".

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

T-h-o-r ::

Zanimivo, kako so vsi največji vojaški strokovnjaki na twitterju. Le kako vojske še sploh funkcionirajo
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

Pac-Man ::

Klimatska znanost se je v veliki meri razvila iz ameriškega obrambnega sektorja. Teoretiki zarot, izvolite municije.


How a Soviet A-Bomb Test Launched US Climate Science

On March 23, 1971, the Soviet Union set off three Hiroshima-scale nuclear blasts deep underground in a remote region some 1,000 miles east of Moscow, ripping a massive crater in the earth. The goal was to demonstrate that nuclear explosions could be used to dig a canal connecting two rivers, altering their direction and bringing water to dry areas for agriculture.


On the surface, the reaction to the Soviet tests was somewhat muted. Western countries, including the United States, detected the explosions and lodged a protest alleging a violation of the Limited Test Ban Treaty. Moscow wouldn’t publicly acknowledge the tests for several years.

But in the national security community in Washington, the blasts sparked panic. When intelligence officials briefed Stephen Lukasik, the director of the Pentagon’s secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, he had an immediate reaction: “Holy shit. This is dangerous.”

The Soviet Union, it turns out, had for more than a decade been studying ways to use nuclear weapons to create massive canals to reroute water for irrigation, and the plan involved hundreds of nuclear detonations. “The Soviets wanted to change the direction of some rivers in Russia,” Lukasik, now 87 years old, told me recently in an interview. “They flow north where they didn’t do any good for them and they wanted to turn them around so they would flow south.”

The Pentagon didn’t particularly care which way rivers ran in the Soviet Union, but it cared about how this ambitious act of geoengineering, which would affect waters flowing into the Arctic Ocean, could potentially alter the world’s climate. Lukasik decided that Darpa needed to start a climate research program that could come up with ways to model the effects. The name of this climate program, highly classified at the time, was Nile Blue.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Kot že večkrat rečeno, Stupid Watergate. Z Rusi in enim albino Avstralcem.


PSA: the house intelligence majority report on Russia takes an absurdly long time to run OCR on. The minority report, however, is already encoded as text. take from that what you will.

update: I'm super into the majority's inexplicable decision to include pictures. gives the report a kind of coloring-book vibe
when you admit that collusion doesn't mean anything but then say you couldn't find any evidence of it
if the word doesn't mean anything, why would you trust that asking this question would get you any useful information?
when you're mad that the FBI didn't tell the Trump campaign that the Trump campaign was being investigated
isn't this a potential CFAA violation?
I'm ... pretty sure this is a CFAA violation
why would you include a picture, not redact the picture, but redact the information about what the picture is? especially when the pictures are ... apparently the kremlin and an ominous stock photo
Nunes's whole deal with the memo was that he was outraged about the abuse of FISA to target Carter Page as an agent of a foreign power—but now he wants to expand FISA to give the Deep State even more power to abuse future Carter Pages, I guess
update on Don Jr's conduct and the CFAA: the reason they know he logged into the website is that he ... wrote an email informing the campaign that he logged into the website
everyone reading this thread because of the CFAA tweet should read this great piece by @OrinKerr explaining why that email from Don Jr may have been a very bad idea
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

Daljši kot so tvoji pasti, bolj imaš prav.
Čas, da ostali končno spregledamo.:'(

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Res je.



Almost 30 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia's experimentation with democracy is over. A totalitarian regime has been reinstated and the country has returned to the same state of economic weakness and isolation.
Meanwhile, former Soviet satellites, especially Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic States, have achieved economic success through trade with their European neighbours. Ironically, democracy has transformed them into what Russia after communism ought to have become.
Oppressive state control at home and aggressive expansionist policies abroad have led to economic sanctions and deteriorating relationships with countries that are Russia's natural allies and trading partners. The result is lower living standards for ordinary Russians. The Russian people have been told that the West is to blame for sanctions and their economic woes. This has fuelled resentment that has reinforced Putin's power base. Russia's belligerence also stems from its loss of status. It is now a regional power not a global one.

For the above reasons, Putin has embarked on a mission to restore the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, he doesn't realise that superpower status comes from economic rather than military power. Like Trump, he simply wants to make Russia great again.
However, the difference between Putin and Trump is that the American people get a say in who governs them. And, while in power, there are also enough checks and balances within the US system to ensure that any US President doesn't exceed his or her powers. Yet behind Putin, the mechanics of the Russian state remain the same as they were under Communist rule. It is still a dictatorial and draconian regime. Institutional brutality is as bad as it ever was before. The state simply isn't held accountable for its actions.
The wars in Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine have been costly, both financially and in human terms, but not decisive. Putin has failed to achieve lasting victory in any former Soviet country he has invaded. But he avoids criticism by trying to silence any voices of dissent.
Putin has discredited, arrested or eliminated all opposition. Not content with attacking former Soviet states, he has resorted to hybrid and cyber warfare against Western democracies to destabilise them. Russia has become a rogue state... and one with nuclear weapons.
Sooner or later, the Russian people will realise that Putin is taking them down a path of destruction - either through economic meltdown or conflict with the West. They will demand change which means we could witness a revolution as bloody as that of 1917.
The West must be a catalyst for change by applying continued economic and diplomatic pressure on Russia. We also need a policy of military containment that prevents further land grabs. This can only be achieved via credible armed forces that achieve a deterrent effect. It is important to remember that dictators tend to be rational and predictable, because their ultimate goal is always to hold onto power. Even so, we should remind ourselves that dictators precipitate wars through miscalculation and no one survives a nuclear exchange.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::

Ruska "buffer" zona pred NATOm. Vse zaostalo z diktatorjem na čelu.

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Cervantes ::

Kako vidi sceno David Baldacci:
...too many agencies with too many people writing too many reports, often about the same thing, that no one had time to read anyway. Too many eyeballs watching the wrong things. And, most critical, no one wanted to share information for fear of losing budget dollars or hard-won turf. DHS didn't talk to CIA. DIA didn't interface with the FBI. NSA was its own country. The other alphabet agencies did their own thing. No one, not one person, knew it all, didn't come close to knowing it all. And when one didn't know it all, one made mistakes, enormous ones...
Ampak David seveda pojma nima.
Ga bo že Paco sredu.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

To počneš jebeno pogosto tudi ti.
Dober search!

Pac-Man ::

Kaj sem že rekel. Aha.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kot že večkrat rečeno, Stupid Watergate. Z Rusi in enim albino Avstralcem.


A @RollingStone investigation found that Michael Cohen represented numerous clients who were involved in deliberate, planned car crashes as part of an attempt to cheat insurance companies.
Michael Cohen also did legal work for a medical clinic whose principal was a doctor later convicted of insurance fraud for filing phony medical claims on purported "accident" victims.
Not only did Cohen represent clients in staged accidents, but some of his clients may not have been in the vehicle when the phony crash occurred.

Shit be like


Taken together, a picture emerges that the personal attorney to the president of the United States was connected to a shadowy underworld of New York insurance fraud, a pervasive problem dominated by Russian organized crime that was costing the state's drivers an estimated $1 billion a year.


In one case, Cohen filed a bodily injury lawsuit on behalf of a woman named Tara Pizzingrillo, who was a passenger in a car that was struck by a rented vehicle in 1999 in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn. In the 2002 complaint Cohen drafted and filed, Pizzingrillo sued the driver of the rental, Brian McFarland, claiming that she suffered bulging discs, and demanding $1 million from Enterprise Rent-A-Car's parent company, ELRAC Inc.


Incidentally, Cohen also did legal work for Life Quality Medical P.C., whose principal, according to a ProPublica/WNYC investigation, was Dr. Zhanna Kanevsky. Kanevsky was indicted in 2005 by the New York Attorney General's office on charges of insurance fraud, grand larceny and falsifying business records for her role in a fraud ring that was secretly run by a Ukrainian émigré and his wife.


Several investigations have also found that Russian organized criminals were behind what turned out to be massive insurance fraud operations. A sprawling investigation in Suffolk County, New York that indicted hundreds of people involved in more than 1,000 phony accidents in the early 2000s was known as "Operation BORIS" – an acronym for Big Organized Russian Insurance Scam. The frauds have only grown in subsequent years. A 2012 investigation by the FBI found a Russian organized crime ring (which involved three attorneys) was behind a $275 million auto insurance fraud ring, the largest in history. (One of the defendants in that case, Michael Barukhin, moved into a Trump-branded tower in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida while his case was pending.)

Ruska mafija, policija in obveščevalne službe so eno in isto.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

Our man in Havana.
Pardon, Ljubljana.
This is no fun no more.

Cervantes ::

Še bo hec:
Mueller told Trump legal team a presidential subpoena could be possible, ex-attorney says


Pac-Man ::

Rjavo-rdeča koalicija je živa in zdrava. Več na povezavi.


It's 4 years since a dreadful day in Odessa, Ukraine left 48 people dead. Russia used those terrible events to launch a propaganda blitz that's still happening (+therein is a lesson for the UK). Kharkiv Human Rights Group's @halyapuff looks closer

The propaganda meme is that 42 of those 48 were 'murdered by fascists'. The 2 May Group, a respected bipartisan initiative formed by journalists, scientists and civic activists, found otherwise - and they were backed by the Council of Europe.
"All such material deftly avoids mentioning the attack by pro-Russian activists on peaceful marchers, and seriously distorts the facts about the fire .. there is literally no evidence that anybody was killed while trying to escape as is regularly claimed."

The direct involvement by Russia in violent actions in Odessa in 2014 (the same time that they invaded Donetsk + Luhansk) as well as in Kharkiv was exposed in Sept 2016, and has been further documented since.

All of the 'Odessa massacre' memes refer to 42 deaths that day - ignoring the six pro-Ukrainians that died earlier that day as their 'EuroMaidan' march came under gunfire.
Ukraine has done itself no favours in how it has handled the tragedy, something I wrote about in 2016.

In the UK the reporting on the Odessa events previewed the problematic 'both sides' reporting we're now experiencing over Salisbury and Douma, as BBC Monitouring's @SEEnnis covered at the time.

Bill Browder eloquently summerised the problem when he spoke to a UK Parliament committee in March - the opponent of Newsnight he's talking about is the conspiracist Annie Machon, who the BBC had on three times. (Machon thread https://twitter.com/pauloCanning/status...
The Guardian ran a (viral) piece by John Pilger that cited evidence from obviously faked Russian propaganda about a 'doctor' (the paper added a 'both sides' non-correction to the piece after protests).
Earlier this year 'Ukraine is fascist' theme revived in UK social media in the context of criticism of Labour's Jeremy Corbyn. This is a thread I did at the time on the UK far-left's history on Ukraine over the past four years.

Another thread on how elements of the UK left lined by with fascists over Ukraine.

Here's an 'Odessa Massacre' placard making an appearance outside Downing Street in February (pic @BBCDanielS)
One of the key pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine proponents in the UK was Andrew Murray, the Communist Trade Union Leader who now works closely with Corbyn. He put 'Odessa Massacre' on the cover of his book.
Just leaving this here ...

One of the best examples of how the Chinese Whispers of propaganda end up being absorbed is shown by this tweet from the Defend Corbyn online army. The people died in a Trade Union BUILDING, they weren't 'trade unionists'.
Also showing the horseshoe in action, for the anniversary in Odessa today there's a British 'independent photojournalist' with a Russian Orthodox symbol in his avatar present doing 'reporting'. This guy, here being plugged by a notorious British propagandist for the Kremlin.
And in The Hague yesterday (the Netherlands has long been a target for Russia, from the #MH17 investigation to the EU-Ukraine referendum) a protest demanding 'justice'.
More about the 2nd May group and the film they made about the events in Odessa.

Lessons for the UK? Russia Never Ever Gives Up. The information warfare now being directed at us over #Salisbury/#Douma is not a one-off, a blip in the news cycle, it Will Not Stop. Example? Expect another deluge when the Queen signs the UK's #Magnitsky Act.
To my earlier point up thread about propagandists and wrongly counting the numbers who died, here's the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' from Russian occupied Crimea doing precisely that.
Russia. Does. Not. Stop. https://twitter.com/SputnikInt/status/9...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Rjavo-rdeča koalicija je živa in zdrava. Več na povezavi.


It's 4 years since a dreadful day in Odessa, Ukraine left 48 people dead. Russia used those terrible events to launch a propaganda blitz that's still happening (+therein is a lesson for the UK). Kharkiv Human Rights Group's @halyapuff looks closer

The propaganda meme is that 42 of those 48 were 'murdered by fascists'. The 2 May Group, a respected bipartisan initiative formed by journalists, scientists and civic activists, found otherwise - and they were backed by the Council of Europe.
"All such material deftly avoids mentioning the attack by pro-Russian activists on peaceful marchers, and seriously distorts the facts about the fire .. there is literally no evidence that anybody was killed while trying to escape as is regularly claimed."

The direct involvement by Russia in violent actions in Odessa in 2014 (the same time that they invaded Donetsk + Luhansk) as well as in Kharkiv was exposed in Sept 2016, and has been further documented since.

All of the 'Odessa massacre' memes refer to 42 deaths that day - ignoring the six pro-Ukrainians that died earlier that day as their 'EuroMaidan' march came under gunfire.
Ukraine has done itself no favours in how it has handled the tragedy, something I wrote about in 2016.

In the UK the reporting on the Odessa events previewed the problematic 'both sides' reporting we're now experiencing over Salisbury and Douma, as BBC Monitouring's @SEEnnis covered at the time.

Bill Browder eloquently summerised the problem when he spoke to a UK Parliament committee in March - the opponent of Newsnight he's talking about is the conspiracist Annie Machon, who the BBC had on three times. (Machon thread https://twitter.com/pauloCanning/status...
The Guardian ran a (viral) piece by John Pilger that cited evidence from obviously faked Russian propaganda about a 'doctor' (the paper added a 'both sides' non-correction to the piece after protests).
Earlier this year 'Ukraine is fascist' theme revived in UK social media in the context of criticism of Labour's Jeremy Corbyn. This is a thread I did at the time on the UK far-left's history on Ukraine over the past four years.

Another thread on how elements of the UK left lined by with fascists over Ukraine.

Here's an 'Odessa Massacre' placard making an appearance outside Downing Street in February (pic @BBCDanielS)
One of the key pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine proponents in the UK was Andrew Murray, the Communist Trade Union Leader who now works closely with Corbyn. He put 'Odessa Massacre' on the cover of his book.
Just leaving this here ...

One of the best examples of how the Chinese Whispers of propaganda end up being absorbed is shown by this tweet from the Defend Corbyn online army. The people died in a Trade Union BUILDING, they weren't 'trade unionists'.
Also showing the horseshoe in action, for the anniversary in Odessa today there's a British 'independent photojournalist' with a Russian Orthodox symbol in his avatar present doing 'reporting'. This guy, here being plugged by a notorious British propagandist for the Kremlin.
And in The Hague yesterday (the Netherlands has long been a target for Russia, from the #MH17 investigation to the EU-Ukraine referendum) a protest demanding 'justice'.
More about the 2nd May group and the film they made about the events in Odessa.

Lessons for the UK? Russia Never Ever Gives Up. The information warfare now being directed at us over #Salisbury/#Douma is not a one-off, a blip in the news cycle, it Will Not Stop. Example? Expect another deluge when the Queen signs the UK's #Magnitsky Act.
To my earlier point up thread about propagandists and wrongly counting the numbers who died, here's the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' from Russian occupied Crimea doing precisely that.
Russia. Does. Not. Stop. https://twitter.com/SputnikInt/status/9...

Mosul massacre

It's nine months since the group known as Islamic State was defeated in its stronghold of Mosul in northern Iraq but it's still not clear how many civilians were killed in the battle.

Hundreds of dead bodies belonging to civilians and Islamic State group fighters have been recovered by a group of volunteers in Mosul's Old City.

The team takes pictures with the dead bodies to keep a record.

RAF strikes on IS in Iraq 'may have killed civilians'
By Jonathan Beale
Defence correspondent, BBC News
1 May 2018
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Image caption
Mosul was retaken in December, three years after being seized by IS
A source inside the coalition fighting the Islamic State group has told the BBC he believes civilians have been killed as a result of RAF air strikes.

The claim casts into doubt the Ministry of Defence's statement it has seen "no evidence" that its strikes in Iraq have caused civilian casualties.

Other coalition members have alerted the UK to times when civilians may have been harmed, a BBC investigation found.

The MoD says "everything possible" is done to minimise the risk to civilians.

But it has also been discovered that some RAF bombs have malfunctioned and strayed off target.

Human shields
Estimates for the number of civilians killed in the nine-month battle for Mosul - the last stronghold of the Islamic State group in Iraq - range from more than 1,000 to 10 times that number.

The war against 'Islamic State' in maps and charts
How many bombs has the UK dropped in 2017?
Can civilian deaths be avoided in RAF strikes on IS?
Many were trapped, held hostage by IS who used civilians as human shields.

Some were also the unintended victims of the US-led coalition's bombing campaign, which saw 29,000 munitions dropped or fired in and around the city.

The UK was second to the US in the number of airstrikes it conducted for the coalition, a grouping of 75 countries formed in 2014 to defeat IS.

Only about a dozen members of the coalition conducted airstrikes in and around Mosul, with British warplanes hitting more than 750 targets.

Image copyrightRAF/MOD
Image caption
An RAF Tornado was involved in the January 2017 strike
The source, who has not been named to protect his identity, says it was "impossible" to conduct a bombing campaign in highly-populated areas, like Mosul, without killing civilians.

He said he had seen evidence that British airstrikes had caused civilian casualties "on several occasions".

"To suggest they have not - as has been done - is nonsense," he added.

Careful analysis
The source described a strike on 9 January last year when an RAF Tornado fired a Brimstone missile on what was described as a "lorry bomb" in eastern Mosul.

It caused a large secondary explosion and the source said he believes two civilians were "almost certainly" killed.

The MoD insisted their "very careful analysis" had concluded that those killed were "highly probably" IS fighters.

It refused a request to view the strike footage it filmed from the air and will not release the co-ordinates of other RAF airstrikes. But it did eventually confirm the location of this one strike.

Many potential eyewitness to the strike were in hiding at the time but some say IS fighters were in the area.

And there were reports of civilians being injured too. One man said the "women and men were screaming in the aftermath. Some of them were wounded."

Other factors
The incident highlights the limitations of making assessments only from the air.

Both the MoD and the source describe the target as a "lorry bomb" but those on the ground insist it was smaller - the size of an SUV.

Another source in the coalition said it is possible for two different people looking at the same aerial imagery to reach different conclusions. Aerial surveillance cannot see through walls and rubble.

During the BBC's investigation other factors emerged that might cast some doubt on whether British airstrikes have caused civilian deaths including:

Reports of a number of RAF weapons malfunctions
Instances of some bombs failing to detonate
Occasions when bombs have strayed and exploded hundreds of metres off target - hitting buildings that were not even even under surveillance
The MoD insists a "very low percentage" of weapons have malfunctioned but it has refused to give numbers.

But other coalition members have highlighted, or "flagged", several incidents when UK airstrikes may have caused civilian harm.

On each occasion the MoD says it saw no evidence it caused civilian casualties.

'Precision weapons'
Over the past three and a half years the RAF has dropped more than 3,700 bombs and missiles in the campaign against IS in Iraq and Syria.

Image copyrightMOD
Image caption
Cockpit footage of an RAF air strike on an IS artillery position in Mosul in 2017
It has still not claimed responsibility for a single civilian death.

The MoD says it has done "everything possible" to minimise the risk to civilians.

It highlights the professionalism of the RAF crews involved, their "rigorous targeting" procedures and use of "precision weapons". But it has never had anyone on the ground to investigate allegations of civilian harm.

The MoD has been careful in its choice of words. It has also admitted it cannot completely eliminate the risk to civilians.

In saying it has seen "no evidence" of causing civilian casualties it is not ruling out the possibility that it might have happened.

Yet there is also the danger the public might have also been left with the impression that hundreds of British airstrikes in a heavily-populated city, like Mosul, caused zero civilian deaths.

'Coalition destroyed us'
Back in the tightly packed streets of Mosul's old city, which suffered the heaviest bombardment, there seems to be no doubt that airstrikes by the US-led coalition did kill civilians.

Image caption
Abdel Rahman Ali lost five of his children in a coalition strike
Abdel Rahman Ali lost five of his children, when a bomb hit his home, and says 47 civilians were killed as a result of the air strikes in his street alone.

"Nobody destroyed us except the coalition," he said.

Airwars, a group which has been monitoring civilian casualties, says it is likely that between 1,066 and 1,579 civilians died in the fighting in Mosul.

Of the half a dozen coalition members who carried out airstrikes in the city, so far only the US and Australia have accepted responsibility for causing civilian casualties.

At present the coalition has admitted to causing just over 350 civilian deaths in Mosul.

US Central Command is still working its way through a list of other allegations.

Media captionWhy a group of volunteers is digging out bodies in Mosul's Old City
Chris Woods of Airwars says: "It's simply fanciful to claim no civilians have been harmed by the RAF.

"We don't live in a world of magic bombs and missiles that only kill bad people."

The reality is that while the UK and coalition airstrikes helped rid the city of the scourge of IS the MoD has carried out no investigations on the ground counting the cost to civilian life.

Air Force Once and other White House typos
1 May 2018
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Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
The White House has blamed a "clerical error" for a typo in a news release stating that Iran "has" an ongoing nuclear weapons programme.

It should actually have read "had" - in the past tense - administration officials say.

That's a big difference.

It's no secret that President Donald Trump himself frequently hits "send" on his tweets before editing them for spelling errors.

But ever since winning the election, his White House has been plagued with typos and misspelled words - including on official documents and press releases referring to sensitive diplomatic matters such as US national security.

As long as there is human error, every organisation is prone to an embarrassing gaffe in its written communications. But the Trump presidency seems particularly prone to orthographical mishaps.

Here are some notable examples, with input from the BBC's White House reporter.

The important ones
In response to a speech by the Israeli prime minister that claimed Iran had lied about its nuclear ambitions before a 2015 international pact, the White House released a statement that suggested the alleged programme was still active.

Iran "has a robust, clandestine nuclear weapons program", the statement said.

That would have contradicted assessments by US intelligence agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the UK, France and Germany, which found that Tehran suspended its nuclear activities as part of the agreement three years ago.

The White House later changed the press release's wording online to say that Iran "had" - not "has" - a nuclear programme.

Skip Twitter post by @PeterAlexander

Peter Alexander
Replying to @PeterAlexander
NEW: White House official blames a "clerical error" for wrong tense -- a "mistake" that significantly changed the meaning, especially since the Trump administration, as recently as this month, acknowledged Iran was complying with terms of the nuclear deal.

3:57 AM - May 1, 2018
786 people are talking about this
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End of Twitter post by @PeterAlexander
The White House said the mistake was down to a "clerical error" but some observers, like former Obama adviser Ned Price, thought it was a deliberate attempt to twist the facts.

Skip Twitter post by @nedprice

Ned Price
Not true. The White House quietly revised the language deep in the bowels of http://WH.gov . It still has not formally issued a correction. And that's because its intent from the beginning was clear: to muddy the waters about Iran. http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/... ...

5:20 PM - May 1, 2018

White House adjusts statement that said Iran 'has' secret nuclear weapons program
The White House on Monday night adjusted a public statement it released saying Iran currently has a secret nuclear weapons program, an apparent contradiction of what international observers have...

105 people are talking about this
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End of Twitter post by @nedprice
The diplomatically embarrassing ones
Less than a month after taking office, the White House misspelled the name of British Prime Minister Theresa May three times in a press release announcing her visit.

Her first name was spelled repeatedly with no "h" which, the Independent noted, is the name of a pornographic actress who starred in films including "Whitehouse: The Sex Video" and "Leather Lust".

Mr Trump later made a similar mistake in a tweet, when he tagged a Sussex woman (whose Twitter account had only six followers) with a similar name to the politician.

'Wrong Theresa May' awaits Trump apology
In May 2017, as Mr Trump prepared to travel to Israel, the White House released a list of his goals, including to "promote the possibility of lasting peach" in the Middle East.

Media captionPresident Donald Trump on the invented country of 'Nambia'
The trivial ones
Even as Mr Trump prepared to be sworn into office in January 2017, his inauguration posters declared that "no challenge is to great".

Before his first official State of the Union speech, invitations went out calling it the "state of the uniom", but many noted that Congress was actually responsible for that error.

In a White House list of global terror attacks, the nation of Denmark was misspelled as "Denmakr" along with the word "attaker" to describe the assailants.

Trump 'covfefe' tweet melts internet
10 things Trump's typo could mean
In at least two official schedules, the president's plane is referred to as "Air Force Once".

Mr Trump himself frequently makes spelling errors on Twitter before deleting them and replacing them with corrected tweets.

Some transparency advocates have criticised him for this, arguing that he is essentially destroying official government communiques.

Does it matter?
Analysis by Tara McKelvey, BBC White House reporter

The West Wing is run by a skeleton staff (the president doesn't like "strangers", says one senior official), and I often see officials working late at their desks.

They're overextended, and partly as a result they make mistakes. Some seem trivial - the wrong version of a document being posted online, or the misspelling of a foreign dignitary's name.

Others are comical, like the ongoing goal to achieve "lasting peach".

Unfortunately, though, the typos are emblematic of a larger issue. Unlike their predecessors in the West Wing, many of the Trump administration officials have backgrounds that are unconventional for these roles.

In many cases, they have little experience in the nitty-gritty of policymaking and are not steeped in the details of the issues they're writing about, whether the Middle East, US-UK relations or steel tariffs.

As a result, the documents they release, summarising their policies, often contain schoolboy errors.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Mr.B ()

Mr.B ::

Iran: Netanyahu's 'lies' aimed at influencing Trump
Tehran's dismissal comes as US calls Netanyahu speech 'compelling' even as EU official says no proof Iran violated deal.

1 May 2018

Ilan Pappe: Palestinians don't need US for their statehood
Palestinians face explosive bullets, dangerous gas bombs
Knesset gives power to PM to declare war with single vote backing
Israel's walled-in approach to nationhood
Iran's top officials have bristled at the Israeli prime minister's allegations that Tehran secretly pursued a nuclear weapons programme, dismissing them as "lies" aimed at influencing US President Donald Trump ahead of a crucial deadline for the fate of the Iran nuclear deal.

Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said on Tuesday that Benjamin Netanyahu's speech was a "repetition" of past accusations, which the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has already disproven.

"Netanyahu is trying to affect Trump's upcoming decision about the Iranian 2015 international nuclear deal, or JCPOA, but, Tehran is prepared for any scenario by Trump," Araghchi was quoted by Iran's Mehr news agency as saying.

Bahram Ghasemi, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman, also denounced Netanyahu's "propaganda" show on Tuesday, saying he had "nothing to offer but a pack of lies", according to Mehr news.

In a statement on Wednesday, the IAEA said that the agency found "no credible indications of activities in Iran relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device after 2009".

IAEA noted, however, that "before the end of 2003, an organisational structure was in place in Iran suitable for the coordination of a range of activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device".

It said the the activities "did not advance beyond feasibility and scientific studies, and the acquisition of certain relevant technical competences and capabilties".

Trump faces a May 12 deadline to decide whether to keep the US commitment to the nuclear deal - renew the agreement's prescribed sanctions relief for Iran - or withdraw from it.

Marwan Bishara: No evidence of Iran violation of nuclear deal (3:23)
Following Netanyahu's speech, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif described the Israeli prime minister as the "boy who cries wolf", adding that his presentation had been "coordinated" to effect Trump's May 12 decision.

Netanyahu's speech came against a backdrop of sustained efforts by the Trump administration and its allies at home and in the Middle East to cancel, or at least renegotiate, the 2015 nuclear pact signed between Iran and the US, France, Russia, Germany, China, the UK and the European Union.

The Israeli leader has been a leading critic of the agreement, saying it fails to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons capability.

Following Netanyahu's speech, the White House issued a statement calling it "compelling", even as the European Union (EU) pushed back, saying Iran has not violated the terms of the 2015 deal.

"These facts are consistent with what the United States has long known: Iran had a robust, clandestine nuclear weapons programme that it has tried and failed to hide from the world and from its own people," the statement said.

In a press conference with Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari, Trump also said that "what's happening today, and what's happening in the last little while, and what we've learned has really shown that I've been 100 percent right".

'Netanyahu's performance'
Newly-installed US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also said the documents obtained by Israel "show beyond any doubt that the Iranian regime was not telling the truth".

But the EU's top foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini said Netanyahu's presentation "has not put into question Iran's compliance" with the nuclear deal it signed with world powers.

"I have not seen from Prime Minister Netanyahu arguments for the moment on non-compliance, meaning violation by Iran of its nuclear commitments under the [nuclear] deal," she said.

Mogherini also said that the IAEA has also published at least 10 reports "certifying that Iran has fully complied with its commitments".

WATCH: Rouhani lashes out at Trump, says no changes to nuclear deal (2:29)
She said that if any country has information of non-compliance of the deal, "it can and should address and channel this information to the proper, legitimate, recognised mechanisms" in place to address any concerns.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Jonathan Cristol, of the World Policy Institute, said the Israeli prime minister failed to prove that Iran breached the 2015 agreement.

"Netanyahu has not shown any evidence that Iran has violated its agreement, or anything that comes after July 2015 at all," he said.

"So I am a little bit confused as to what the whole performance was about, beyond really just trying to confuse President Trump, and provide ammunition for him to be able to withdraw from the deal on May 12," Cristol added.

'Nothing new to revelation'
Iran experts said the documents Netanyahu presented pre-dated the nuclear agreement in 2015, when Iran disavowed pursuing a nuclear weapons programme.

Ali Vaez, director of the Iran Project at the International Crisis Group, said what Netanyahu revealed was already "public knowledge", adding it "vindicates" the need for the Iran deal.

"We need the deal to verify [Netanyahu's] claims, without it Iran can do whatever it wants," he wrote on social media.

INSIDE STORY: Can Iranian influence be contained? (25:05)
Under the deal signed in Vienna, Iran scaled back its uranium enrichment programme, and promised not to pursue nuclear weapons. In exchange, international sanctions were lifted, allowing it to sell its oil and gas worldwide. However, secondary US sanctions remain.

Since Trump came to office, he has taken several steps to block the deal. In October, he refused to certify that Iran is living up to the accord. He also targeted several Iranian businesses and individuals with new sanctions.

On January 12, Trump announced he is waiving the US sanctions for the "last time". He said, if his demands to "fix the deal" are not met within 120 days, the US will withdraw from the deal on or before May 12.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

opeter ::

Velika Britanija se je spravila na RT ... nekaj se govori tudi o tem, da bi VB/UK želela prepovedati/zapreti angleško izpostavo:
Britanci zaradi "pristranskega poročanja" o primeru Skripal preiskujejo RT

Tako deluje RT:

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Pac-Man ::

Kaka podoba o Evropi se ustvarja med navadnimi Rusi. 5 minut.

Tista o RT zna bit kar točna.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Cervantes ::

Bravo Mr.B!
Vidim, da znaš tudi ti postat dolge paste.
Ampak tudi tvojih ne bom bral.
Life is too short.

Mr.B ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Bravo Mr.B!
Vidim, da znaš tudi ti postat dolge paste.
Ampak tudi tvojih ne bom bral.
Life is too short.

Poizkusil se copy paste knjigo vojna in mir. Pa je zgleda inžinir, ki je pomagal ustvarjat ta produkt, ni imel vizije, da kdo hoče ta produkt oz.platformo uporabiti za pisanje tračev. Bom poizkusil ponovno objaviti vse pac man twite, morda bo takrat moderatorja prijela zilca zdrave pameti, da se po forumu pac ne sme copy paste vsega kar je na netu, verjetno se krsi tudi kaksno avtorsko delo.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

zmaugy ::

Evo kako članica NATO pakta poskrbi za ljudi, ki so njeni vojski pomagali v Afganistanu. Če povzamem so mu dali en F.ck you.


Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kaka podoba o Evropi se ustvarja med navadnimi Rusi. 5 minut.

Tista o RT zna bit kar točna.

Huje je kot sem mislil.
Rusija je dejansko naslednica nacistične Nemčije.

Mr.B ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kaka podoba o Evropi se ustvarja med navadnimi Rusi. 5 minut.

Tista o RT zna bit kar točna.

Huje je kot sem mislil.
Rusija je dejansko naslednica nacistične Nemčije.

Verjetno se takim uradnim komentarjem, no ki so malo bolj resni mediji reče tudi naciji, samo te so demokratični naciji, kot pa zgornji BS vir...

"They don't have guns. They have knives and instead there's blood all over the floors of this hospital," Trump said. "They say it's as bad as a military war zone hospital ... knives, knives, knives. London hasn't been used to that. They're getting used to that. It's pretty tough."
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cervantes ::

Ja tole nožarjenje se je v zadnjem času kar razpaslo po Londonu.
Nisem pa nikjer zasledil, da bi omenjali kakšno ekstra etnično ali versko entiteto.

Mr.B ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Ja tole nožarjenje se je v zadnjem času kar razpaslo po Londonu.
Nisem pa nikjer zasledil, da bi omenjali kakšno ekstra etnično ali versko entiteto.

Sej sem zato nacij, pač ne smem omenjati rumunske ali albanske mafije, ali še huje balkanskih narodnjakov :))
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

zmaugy ::

Primer uspešne uporabe ruske tehnike v NATO državi (sramota imenovana "bojna" ladja Triglav):


Fritz ::

zmaugy je izjavil:

Primer uspešne uporabe ruske tehnike v NATO državi (sramota imenovana "bojna" ladja Triglav):


Kar nekaj NATO držav je uspešno uporabljalo rusko tehniko. To, da naši ne znajo vzdrževati opreme, nimajo usposobljenega kadra in sredstev za vzdrževanje, pač ne pomeni, da je ladja zanič. Ta ladja je bolj problematična zato, ker je neustrezna..prevelika je za naše morje in premajhna za karkoli drugega.

Je pa večina novih NATO članic počasi opustila rusko oborožitev in tehniko zaradi standardizacije in visokih stroškov posodabljanja na enotne standarde. Določene stvari so pri Rusih dobre in določene slabe, kar načeloma velja za vse proizvajalce iz vseh držav.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
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