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Pac-Man ::
Včeraj je bil objavljen neslavni intervju z osumljencema, danes pa so pri Bellingcatu in The Insiderju prišli do njunih podatkov iz centralnega registra prebivalstva. Legitimnost informacij lahko presoja vsak zase, se je pa na FB že oglasila Zakharova, ki vsega skupaj ni zanikala, ampak se je samo pritoževala, da so v enem dnevu vlomili v register ter da jim mora zato pomagati tuja obveščevalna služba.
Bellingcat trdi, da jim je informacije priskrbel vir z legalnim dostopom.
TL;DR verzija - vse skupaj je zelo sumljivo. En od osumljencev do l. 2009 sploh ne obstaja, od takrat je registriran z notranjim potnim listom, rusko verzijo osebne izkaznice. Nobene zgodovine, čeprav je notranji potni list obvezen za vse Ruse od 14. leta naprej. Zunanji potni list, s katerim je obiskal VB, v bazi ni zabeležen. Zapis je žigosan z "ne izdajaj informacij", pripisana telefonska je za del Moskve, kjer ima sedež GRU.
Za naslednji teden so napovedali nadaljnja razkritja.
Original Russian documents reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider confirm definitively that the two men were registered in the central Russian resident database under the names Alexander Yevgenievich Petrov and Ruslan Timurovich Boshirov, respectively, and were issued internal passports under these names in 2009. However, no records exist for these two personas prior to 2009. This suggests the two names were likely cover identities for operatives of one of the Russian security services.
Aeroflot’s passenger manifest, reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider, discredits Petrov and Boshirov’s claims, made in the RT interview, that they had been planning their visit to Salisbury for a long time. The manifest records the times of booking, check-in, and boarding of each passenger. In the case of the two suspects, they made their initial booking – and checked in online – at 20:00 GMT (22:00 Moscow time) on 1 March 2018, the night before their short trip to London and Salisbury. ...
The person using the name Alexander Petrov does in fact have a passport file, under the name Alexander Yevgenievich Petrov, born on 13 July 1979 in Kotlas, a small town in northern Russia.
This person’s passport photo matches the photos released by the UK authorities and the face of the person calling himself Alexander Petrov in the RT interview. Mr. Petrov’s passport file contains peculiarities that are not found in any other passport file reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider in this and prior investigations.
First, this person’s file lacks any history of address registrations or previous identification documents issued prior to 2009. A standard passport file – such as the files of the other 3 Russian citizens bearing the name Alexander Petrov and born on 13 July 1979, all of which were reviewed by Bellingcat and the Insider before identifying the person of interest – contain a history of previous, expired ID documents, international passports issued to the person (both expired and current), as well as previous address registrations. The first – and only – Russian ID document listed for Mr. Petrov under his file is an internal passport (mandatory for Russian citizens over the age of 14) issued on 26 November 2009, and valid until today. The passport file contains a field called “reason for issue of document”, which typically lists the previous (expired) ID document that the current one substitutes. In Mr. Petrov’s case, the reason for issuance of the new passport is listed simply as “Unsuitable for usage”, a marking typically used when a previous passport has been damaged or found to contain invalid data. A hand-written note in Petrov’s file makes a reference to a pre-existing national passport issued in St. Petersburg in 1999. However, no record of such a passport number exists in the central passport database.
Alexander Petrov’s passport dossier is marked with a stamp containing the instruction “Do not provide any information”. This stamp does not exist in standard civilian passport files. A source working in the Russian police force who regularly works with the central database confirmed to Bellingcat and The Insider that they have never seen such a stamp on any passport form in their career. That source surmised that this marking reserved for operatives of the state under deep cover. Adding additional credence to the hypothesis that Alexander Petrov’s persona is a cover identity comes from another page in his passport file, which is reserved for input of biographical data. In Mr. Petrov’s case, this page is left blank, and in addition to the same stamp “Do not provide information”, a hand-written note is added with the text “There is a letter. S.S.”. Per the same source interviewed for this story, S.S. is a common abbreviation for “sovershenno sekretno”, Russian for “top secret”. Another clue pointing to the non-civilian status of Mr. Petrov is the absence from his passport file of any information about his international passport, which he used to travel to the United Kingdom. The passport number is listed in the Aeroflot passenger manifest reviewed by Bellingcat.
The Russian media outlet Fontanka has previously published information on Boshirov and Petrov’s passport files, indicating that they were separated by only 3 digits (-1294 and -1297), meaning that they were issued at nearly the same time. Bellingcat and The Insider also reviewed passport data for the other two individuals to whom those two passports were issued, with the the passport numbers ending in -1295 and -1296. These two individuals also had peculiar passport dossiers, with incomplete or time-capped data, similar to Alexander Petrov’s passport file.
Zadnji del je malenkost čuden, kako imajo podatke o zunanjih potnih listih, če tega ni v bazi? Za naslednji teden napovedujejo nadaljevanje, morda bo izdan še en vohunski duo?
Tole je odziv Zakharove, gtranslate:
After the "Bellingkat" (there were still co-authors of the sensation, but leave) today published information that according to the "database FMS data" Petrov and Boshirov were agents of the GRU, I have no doubt about their proximity to the special services. That is, "Bellingkata." And moreover, most likely, we are talking about a special office, which under the guise of investigations deliberately merges the deuce.
The FMS base was only hacked today? About Petrova and Boshirova London announced a long time. Even before they began to suspect. And all this time there were no "databases"? No, it was not. Because there was another direction of thought: there are no such people at all. That's what the British police said when they published their photos. And here people were found. They told about craving for beauty in the form of a spire. And immediately bang - "FMS base" was hacked. Spiers - this is to the world of art, so to speak. But with the database the conversation is extremely concrete.
But the main question is different. Why is it easier for Bellingkat for the night to "crack the FMS database" than to obtain at least one proof of the "involvement" of Petrov and Boshirov in poisoning?
Let me remind you that it was Bellingckat who for several years monopolized the "right to truth" in the investigation of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing in the sky over Ukraine. Such details led to the fact that it was not a private company, but a whole scientific research institute would not have managed to collect them!
So why did Bellingkat not present anything to the public for 5 months in the form of photographs, screenshots, videos of Petrov and Boshirova doing something that at least provoked questions?
Yes, because.
In detajl, ki so ga opazili pri Novi Gazeti
Hours later, the newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported that the leaked passport records include yet another piece of evidence linking Petrov to Russia’s intelligence services: below one marking, the phone number 195-79-66 appears. This number, the newspaper says, is linked to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Military Intelligence Directorate.
According to Novaya Gazeta, the automatic telephone station number “195” is tied to Moscow’s Khoroshkovsky District, which is also home to the headquarters of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Military Intelligence Directorate.
The newspaper says the phone number’s connections to the Defense Ministry can also be tested another way: if you take the first five digits of the number and plug them into any online search engine, you’ll find several phone numbers belonging to various subdivisions and affiliated offices of Russia’s Defense Ministry.
For example, the telephone number for the Defense Ministry’s magazine Foreign Military Review is 499-195-79-64 (only a single digit different from the number listed on Petrov’s documents). The magazine’s office is located off Khoroshkovsky Highway, near the GRU
“Most likely, the number on Petrov’s Federal Migration Service certificate is the phone number for the branch office where they served,” a former Russian intelligence worker told Novaya Gazeta.
Bellingcat trdi, da jim je informacije priskrbel vir z legalnim dostopom.
TL;DR verzija - vse skupaj je zelo sumljivo. En od osumljencev do l. 2009 sploh ne obstaja, od takrat je registriran z notranjim potnim listom, rusko verzijo osebne izkaznice. Nobene zgodovine, čeprav je notranji potni list obvezen za vse Ruse od 14. leta naprej. Zunanji potni list, s katerim je obiskal VB, v bazi ni zabeležen. Zapis je žigosan z "ne izdajaj informacij", pripisana telefonska je za del Moskve, kjer ima sedež GRU.
Za naslednji teden so napovedali nadaljnja razkritja.
Original Russian documents reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider confirm definitively that the two men were registered in the central Russian resident database under the names Alexander Yevgenievich Petrov and Ruslan Timurovich Boshirov, respectively, and were issued internal passports under these names in 2009. However, no records exist for these two personas prior to 2009. This suggests the two names were likely cover identities for operatives of one of the Russian security services.
Aeroflot’s passenger manifest, reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider, discredits Petrov and Boshirov’s claims, made in the RT interview, that they had been planning their visit to Salisbury for a long time. The manifest records the times of booking, check-in, and boarding of each passenger. In the case of the two suspects, they made their initial booking – and checked in online – at 20:00 GMT (22:00 Moscow time) on 1 March 2018, the night before their short trip to London and Salisbury. ...
The person using the name Alexander Petrov does in fact have a passport file, under the name Alexander Yevgenievich Petrov, born on 13 July 1979 in Kotlas, a small town in northern Russia.
This person’s passport photo matches the photos released by the UK authorities and the face of the person calling himself Alexander Petrov in the RT interview. Mr. Petrov’s passport file contains peculiarities that are not found in any other passport file reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider in this and prior investigations.
First, this person’s file lacks any history of address registrations or previous identification documents issued prior to 2009. A standard passport file – such as the files of the other 3 Russian citizens bearing the name Alexander Petrov and born on 13 July 1979, all of which were reviewed by Bellingcat and the Insider before identifying the person of interest – contain a history of previous, expired ID documents, international passports issued to the person (both expired and current), as well as previous address registrations. The first – and only – Russian ID document listed for Mr. Petrov under his file is an internal passport (mandatory for Russian citizens over the age of 14) issued on 26 November 2009, and valid until today. The passport file contains a field called “reason for issue of document”, which typically lists the previous (expired) ID document that the current one substitutes. In Mr. Petrov’s case, the reason for issuance of the new passport is listed simply as “Unsuitable for usage”, a marking typically used when a previous passport has been damaged or found to contain invalid data. A hand-written note in Petrov’s file makes a reference to a pre-existing national passport issued in St. Petersburg in 1999. However, no record of such a passport number exists in the central passport database.
Alexander Petrov’s passport dossier is marked with a stamp containing the instruction “Do not provide any information”. This stamp does not exist in standard civilian passport files. A source working in the Russian police force who regularly works with the central database confirmed to Bellingcat and The Insider that they have never seen such a stamp on any passport form in their career. That source surmised that this marking reserved for operatives of the state under deep cover. Adding additional credence to the hypothesis that Alexander Petrov’s persona is a cover identity comes from another page in his passport file, which is reserved for input of biographical data. In Mr. Petrov’s case, this page is left blank, and in addition to the same stamp “Do not provide information”, a hand-written note is added with the text “There is a letter. S.S.”. Per the same source interviewed for this story, S.S. is a common abbreviation for “sovershenno sekretno”, Russian for “top secret”. Another clue pointing to the non-civilian status of Mr. Petrov is the absence from his passport file of any information about his international passport, which he used to travel to the United Kingdom. The passport number is listed in the Aeroflot passenger manifest reviewed by Bellingcat.
The Russian media outlet Fontanka has previously published information on Boshirov and Petrov’s passport files, indicating that they were separated by only 3 digits (-1294 and -1297), meaning that they were issued at nearly the same time. Bellingcat and The Insider also reviewed passport data for the other two individuals to whom those two passports were issued, with the the passport numbers ending in -1295 and -1296. These two individuals also had peculiar passport dossiers, with incomplete or time-capped data, similar to Alexander Petrov’s passport file.
Zadnji del je malenkost čuden, kako imajo podatke o zunanjih potnih listih, če tega ni v bazi? Za naslednji teden napovedujejo nadaljevanje, morda bo izdan še en vohunski duo?
Tole je odziv Zakharove, gtranslate:
After the "Bellingkat" (there were still co-authors of the sensation, but leave) today published information that according to the "database FMS data" Petrov and Boshirov were agents of the GRU, I have no doubt about their proximity to the special services. That is, "Bellingkata." And moreover, most likely, we are talking about a special office, which under the guise of investigations deliberately merges the deuce.
The FMS base was only hacked today? About Petrova and Boshirova London announced a long time. Even before they began to suspect. And all this time there were no "databases"? No, it was not. Because there was another direction of thought: there are no such people at all. That's what the British police said when they published their photos. And here people were found. They told about craving for beauty in the form of a spire. And immediately bang - "FMS base" was hacked. Spiers - this is to the world of art, so to speak. But with the database the conversation is extremely concrete.
But the main question is different. Why is it easier for Bellingkat for the night to "crack the FMS database" than to obtain at least one proof of the "involvement" of Petrov and Boshirov in poisoning?
Let me remind you that it was Bellingckat who for several years monopolized the "right to truth" in the investigation of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing in the sky over Ukraine. Such details led to the fact that it was not a private company, but a whole scientific research institute would not have managed to collect them!
So why did Bellingkat not present anything to the public for 5 months in the form of photographs, screenshots, videos of Petrov and Boshirova doing something that at least provoked questions?
Yes, because.
In detajl, ki so ga opazili pri Novi Gazeti
Hours later, the newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported that the leaked passport records include yet another piece of evidence linking Petrov to Russia’s intelligence services: below one marking, the phone number 195-79-66 appears. This number, the newspaper says, is linked to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Military Intelligence Directorate.
According to Novaya Gazeta, the automatic telephone station number “195” is tied to Moscow’s Khoroshkovsky District, which is also home to the headquarters of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Military Intelligence Directorate.
The newspaper says the phone number’s connections to the Defense Ministry can also be tested another way: if you take the first five digits of the number and plug them into any online search engine, you’ll find several phone numbers belonging to various subdivisions and affiliated offices of Russia’s Defense Ministry.
For example, the telephone number for the Defense Ministry’s magazine Foreign Military Review is 499-195-79-64 (only a single digit different from the number listed on Petrov’s documents). The magazine’s office is located off Khoroshkovsky Highway, near the GRU
“Most likely, the number on Petrov’s Federal Migration Service certificate is the phone number for the branch office where they served,” a former Russian intelligence worker told Novaya Gazeta.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
- premaknil iz Problemi človeštva: AndrejO ()

Pac-Man ::
Povsem možno, da so informacije prišle ven z blagoslovom Kremlja. Show must go on.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

D3m ::
Pretiravaš. Ampak hej važno, da ti je v veselje skakati po plundri in blatu, kot mojemu malemu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::
Ne, samo gledam "intervju" s "turistoma". Tamle zgoraj sta po lastnih besedah do kolen v plundri.
Če te slike ne prepričajo je tu še vremensko poročilo:
Dva dni prej so imeli nekaj centimetrov snega, ko sta gazila po snegu je bilo prijetnih +8°C. Pardon, za Moskovčana nevzdržno mrzlih +8°C.
Tu je še njuna pot tistega dne, potrdile so jo CCTV kamere. Katedrala je desno spodaj, kje sta hodila je levo zgoraj.
V popolnoma nemogočem vremenu, ko je bil ves javni transport paraliziran, sta dobre pol ure hodila v popolnoma napačno smer. Dva dni zapored. Ostala sta v hotelu 90 kilometrov stran od svoje destinacije, rezervirala sta dva leta iz države. Za vsak slučaj, da ne bi v ponedeljek zamudila na delo, kajpada. To menda ja dela vsak turist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Cubaka ::
Včeraj je bil objavljen neslavni intervju z osumljencema, danes pa so pri Bellingcatu in The Insiderju prišli do njunih podatkov iz centralnega registra prebivalstva. Legitimnost informacij lahko presoja vsak zase, se je pa na FB že oglasila Zakharova, ki vsega skupaj ni zanikala, ampak se je samo pritoževala, da so v enem dnevu vlomili v register ter da jim mora zato pomagati tuja obveščevalna služba.
Bellingcat trdi, da jim je informacije priskrbel vir z legalnim dostopom.
TL;DR verzija - vse skupaj je zelo sumljivo. En od osumljencev do l. 2009 sploh ne obstaja, od takrat je registriran z notranjim potnim listom, rusko verzijo osebne izkaznice. Nobene zgodovine, čeprav je notranji potni list obvezen za vse Ruse od 14. leta naprej. Zunanji potni list, s katerim je obiskal VB, v bazi ni zabeležen. Zapis je žigosan z "ne izdajaj informacij", pripisana telefonska je za del Moskve, kjer ima sedež GRU.
Za naslednji teden so napovedali nadaljnja razkritja.
Original Russian documents reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider confirm definitively that the two men were registered in the central Russian resident database under the names Alexander Yevgenievich Petrov and Ruslan Timurovich Boshirov, respectively, and were issued internal passports under these names in 2009. However, no records exist for these two personas prior to 2009. This suggests the two names were likely cover identities for operatives of one of the Russian security services.
Aeroflot’s passenger manifest, reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider, discredits Petrov and Boshirov’s claims, made in the RT interview, that they had been planning their visit to Salisbury for a long time. The manifest records the times of booking, check-in, and boarding of each passenger. In the case of the two suspects, they made their initial booking – and checked in online – at 20:00 GMT (22:00 Moscow time) on 1 March 2018, the night before their short trip to London and Salisbury. ...
The person using the name Alexander Petrov does in fact have a passport file, under the name Alexander Yevgenievich Petrov, born on 13 July 1979 in Kotlas, a small town in northern Russia.
This person’s passport photo matches the photos released by the UK authorities and the face of the person calling himself Alexander Petrov in the RT interview. Mr. Petrov’s passport file contains peculiarities that are not found in any other passport file reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider in this and prior investigations.
First, this person’s file lacks any history of address registrations or previous identification documents issued prior to 2009. A standard passport file – such as the files of the other 3 Russian citizens bearing the name Alexander Petrov and born on 13 July 1979, all of which were reviewed by Bellingcat and the Insider before identifying the person of interest – contain a history of previous, expired ID documents, international passports issued to the person (both expired and current), as well as previous address registrations. The first – and only – Russian ID document listed for Mr. Petrov under his file is an internal passport (mandatory for Russian citizens over the age of 14) issued on 26 November 2009, and valid until today. The passport file contains a field called “reason for issue of document”, which typically lists the previous (expired) ID document that the current one substitutes. In Mr. Petrov’s case, the reason for issuance of the new passport is listed simply as “Unsuitable for usage”, a marking typically used when a previous passport has been damaged or found to contain invalid data. A hand-written note in Petrov’s file makes a reference to a pre-existing national passport issued in St. Petersburg in 1999. However, no record of such a passport number exists in the central passport database.
Alexander Petrov’s passport dossier is marked with a stamp containing the instruction “Do not provide any information”. This stamp does not exist in standard civilian passport files. A source working in the Russian police force who regularly works with the central database confirmed to Bellingcat and The Insider that they have never seen such a stamp on any passport form in their career. That source surmised that this marking reserved for operatives of the state under deep cover. Adding additional credence to the hypothesis that Alexander Petrov’s persona is a cover identity comes from another page in his passport file, which is reserved for input of biographical data. In Mr. Petrov’s case, this page is left blank, and in addition to the same stamp “Do not provide information”, a hand-written note is added with the text “There is a letter. S.S.”. Per the same source interviewed for this story, S.S. is a common abbreviation for “sovershenno sekretno”, Russian for “top secret”. Another clue pointing to the non-civilian status of Mr. Petrov is the absence from his passport file of any information about his international passport, which he used to travel to the United Kingdom. The passport number is listed in the Aeroflot passenger manifest reviewed by Bellingcat.
The Russian media outlet Fontanka has previously published information on Boshirov and Petrov’s passport files, indicating that they were separated by only 3 digits (-1294 and -1297), meaning that they were issued at nearly the same time. Bellingcat and The Insider also reviewed passport data for the other two individuals to whom those two passports were issued, with the the passport numbers ending in -1295 and -1296. These two individuals also had peculiar passport dossiers, with incomplete or time-capped data, similar to Alexander Petrov’s passport file.
Zadnji del je malenkost čuden, kako imajo podatke o zunanjih potnih listih, če tega ni v bazi? Za naslednji teden napovedujejo nadaljevanje, morda bo izdan še en vohunski duo?
Tole je odziv Zakharove, gtranslate:
After the "Bellingkat" (there were still co-authors of the sensation, but leave) today published information that according to the "database FMS data" Petrov and Boshirov were agents of the GRU, I have no doubt about their proximity to the special services. That is, "Bellingkata." And moreover, most likely, we are talking about a special office, which under the guise of investigations deliberately merges the deuce.
The FMS base was only hacked today? About Petrova and Boshirova London announced a long time. Even before they began to suspect. And all this time there were no "databases"? No, it was not. Because there was another direction of thought: there are no such people at all. That's what the British police said when they published their photos. And here people were found. They told about craving for beauty in the form of a spire. And immediately bang - "FMS base" was hacked. Spiers - this is to the world of art, so to speak. But with the database the conversation is extremely concrete.
But the main question is different. Why is it easier for Bellingkat for the night to "crack the FMS database" than to obtain at least one proof of the "involvement" of Petrov and Boshirov in poisoning?
Let me remind you that it was Bellingckat who for several years monopolized the "right to truth" in the investigation of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing in the sky over Ukraine. Such details led to the fact that it was not a private company, but a whole scientific research institute would not have managed to collect them!
So why did Bellingkat not present anything to the public for 5 months in the form of photographs, screenshots, videos of Petrov and Boshirova doing something that at least provoked questions?
Yes, because.
In detajl, ki so ga opazili pri Novi Gazeti
Hours later, the newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported that the leaked passport records include yet another piece of evidence linking Petrov to Russia’s intelligence services: below one marking, the phone number 195-79-66 appears. This number, the newspaper says, is linked to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Military Intelligence Directorate.
According to Novaya Gazeta, the automatic telephone station number “195” is tied to Moscow’s Khoroshkovsky District, which is also home to the headquarters of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Military Intelligence Directorate.
The newspaper says the phone number’s connections to the Defense Ministry can also be tested another way: if you take the first five digits of the number and plug them into any online search engine, you’ll find several phone numbers belonging to various subdivisions and affiliated offices of Russia’s Defense Ministry.
For example, the telephone number for the Defense Ministry’s magazine Foreign Military Review is 499-195-79-64 (only a single digit different from the number listed on Petrov’s documents). The magazine’s office is located off Khoroshkovsky Highway, near the GRU
“Most likely, the number on Petrov’s Federal Migration Service certificate is the phone number for the branch office where they served,” a former Russian intelligence worker told Novaya Gazeta.
Pizda mate eni cajta.

D3m ::
Ko ga je pa novinar Babchenko scat peljal zh svojo fake smrt se je pa Pac-man taktično umaknil iz foruma RTVSLO, S-T in drugje za cca. 3 tedne, da se je prah polegel.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

TheBlueOne ::
Ali ima kdo kaksen kvaliteten vir do te zgodbe? Mali cudno se mi zdi, da tega ne bi povzeli vecji mediji, ce je legitimno, vsaj BBC bi moral zgrabiti oziroma bi od njih to pricakoval.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Iatromantis ::
Prepričanih se ne da prepričat, a vseeno, spodaj je doku iz leta 2005 o ruskih zastrupitvah (torej še pred Litvenkom):

D3m ::
A samo 2005? Sem pričakoval najmanj 15.stoletje.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()

Pac-Man ::
Nova runda.
TL;DR Petrov potni list je 26 serijskih številk oddaljen od potnega lista agenta Širokova/Šišmakova, ki so ga l. 2014 zaradi vohunjenja vrgli iz Poljske, l. 2016 pa je iz Srbije organiziral državni udar v Črni Gori. Petrov ima tudi precej zanimivo zgodovino potovanj, dinamični duo je bil morda aretiran na nizozemskem.
Bellingcat and the Insider have previously investigated and reported on a different GRU officer who also travelled under a cover persona and passport. This was the case of Col. Eduard Shishmakov, a former Russian Military Attaché in Warsaw expelled by Poland in 2014 for espionage. Col. Shishmakov, using an undercover (albeit not very creative) persona and passport in the name of Eduard Shirokov, travelled to Serbia in October 2016 to supervise – as alleged by the Montenegro special prosecutor – a failed coup against the pro-Western government in Podgorica. In a previous report, the Insider identified that Col. Shirokov wired funds to a co-conspirator in Serbia via Western Union, using the address of the GRU headquarters as the “Sender” address.
Bellingcat compared the passport number on Col. Shishmakov’s cover-identity passport, with the numbers of the (cover-identity) passports of “Petrov” and “Boshirov”. The numbers were from the same batch, with only 26 intervening passport numbers between “Petrov”’s (654341297), and “Shirokov”’s (654341323) number. “Shirokov”’s passport was issued in August 2016, implying that Petrov’s and Boshirov’s passports were issued by the same special authority earlier that year. Indeed, as we will see in their international itinerary below, they start travelling in early April 2016, suggesting that only 26 passports were issued by this special authority between April and August 2016. ...
Bellingcat and the Insider have obtained “Petrov”‘s and “Boshirov”s border crossing data for a number of countries in Europe and Asia, for the period of validity of their international passports (mid-2016 through today). ...
The two operatives’ international globe-hopping on their newly issued passport start on April 8th 2016, when “Petrov” (or Petrov and Boshirov, as our investigation tracked only Petrov’s passport data) drives to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to fly out from there to Amsterdam. He arrives in the Netherlands two days after the hotly disputed referendum on Ukraine’s EU accession, and flies back to Moscow 10 days later.
The second trip Petrov takes up is perplexing. On July 11th 2016, he crosses the border from Russia into Kazakhstan by bus, and reports to Kazakh border authorities “Beijing” as his final destination. It is uncertain as to how he planned to reach the capital of China, given the more than 5000 km between the border-crossing point and Beijing. It is possible that he gave that destination as a decoy, or that he planned to ride to Astana and then take a plane to China. Whatever his plans were, we lose track of him for the next 15 days, when he shows up again on a flight back to Moscow – from Israel’s capital Tel-Aviv.
Two months later, Petrov takes a trip to Amsterdam, and from there flies to London – this appears to be his – or their – first trip to the United Kingdom
Petrov’s next trip is again to Amsterdam – two months after returning from London. This time he stays in Europe 12 days, and returns to Moscow on a flight from Paris at the end of November.
Petrov’s next trip is on February 28th 2017, and it is – once again – to the United Kingdom.
Between September 2017 and February 2018, Petrov makes five trips to France and Switzerland, usually landing in Paris and returning from Geneva.
The next trip is their last to Europe – on March 3rd 2018 they both land at Gatwick, having purchased their tickets the previous evening – on the same day Sergey Skripal’s daughter arrives in London.
A source in a Western European law-enforcement agency informed Bellingcat that Petrov and Boshirov were arrested on the territory of the Netherlands. No information was provided as to the time and context of such arrests. European media have previously reported arrests and deportation of two unidentified Russian spies on Dutch soil; leaked police information linked the arrests with attempts by the two to smuggle hacking equipment to Switzerland, with the goal to infiltrate the Spiez laboratory. The Spiez lab worked on investigating the chemical attacks in Syria, and later on determining the poisoning agent in the Skripal case.
Even though the media outlets that broke this story reported that the incident took place in the spring of 2018, they acknowledged that the exact time was unknown. Bellingcat and the Insider will continue to investigate whether the hypothetical arrest of “Petrov” and “Boshirov” on Dutch soil did take place as reported, and if so, whether such arrest was linked to the reported arrests of two spies in the Netherlands.
Tule so opisane prigode agenta Šišrokova. CTRL+F "russian nationals", tretji zadetek:
TL;DR Petrov potni list je 26 serijskih številk oddaljen od potnega lista agenta Širokova/Šišmakova, ki so ga l. 2014 zaradi vohunjenja vrgli iz Poljske, l. 2016 pa je iz Srbije organiziral državni udar v Črni Gori. Petrov ima tudi precej zanimivo zgodovino potovanj, dinamični duo je bil morda aretiran na nizozemskem.
Bellingcat and the Insider have previously investigated and reported on a different GRU officer who also travelled under a cover persona and passport. This was the case of Col. Eduard Shishmakov, a former Russian Military Attaché in Warsaw expelled by Poland in 2014 for espionage. Col. Shishmakov, using an undercover (albeit not very creative) persona and passport in the name of Eduard Shirokov, travelled to Serbia in October 2016 to supervise – as alleged by the Montenegro special prosecutor – a failed coup against the pro-Western government in Podgorica. In a previous report, the Insider identified that Col. Shirokov wired funds to a co-conspirator in Serbia via Western Union, using the address of the GRU headquarters as the “Sender” address.
Bellingcat compared the passport number on Col. Shishmakov’s cover-identity passport, with the numbers of the (cover-identity) passports of “Petrov” and “Boshirov”. The numbers were from the same batch, with only 26 intervening passport numbers between “Petrov”’s (654341297), and “Shirokov”’s (654341323) number. “Shirokov”’s passport was issued in August 2016, implying that Petrov’s and Boshirov’s passports were issued by the same special authority earlier that year. Indeed, as we will see in their international itinerary below, they start travelling in early April 2016, suggesting that only 26 passports were issued by this special authority between April and August 2016. ...
Bellingcat and the Insider have obtained “Petrov”‘s and “Boshirov”s border crossing data for a number of countries in Europe and Asia, for the period of validity of their international passports (mid-2016 through today). ...
The two operatives’ international globe-hopping on their newly issued passport start on April 8th 2016, when “Petrov” (or Petrov and Boshirov, as our investigation tracked only Petrov’s passport data) drives to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to fly out from there to Amsterdam. He arrives in the Netherlands two days after the hotly disputed referendum on Ukraine’s EU accession, and flies back to Moscow 10 days later.
The second trip Petrov takes up is perplexing. On July 11th 2016, he crosses the border from Russia into Kazakhstan by bus, and reports to Kazakh border authorities “Beijing” as his final destination. It is uncertain as to how he planned to reach the capital of China, given the more than 5000 km between the border-crossing point and Beijing. It is possible that he gave that destination as a decoy, or that he planned to ride to Astana and then take a plane to China. Whatever his plans were, we lose track of him for the next 15 days, when he shows up again on a flight back to Moscow – from Israel’s capital Tel-Aviv.
Two months later, Petrov takes a trip to Amsterdam, and from there flies to London – this appears to be his – or their – first trip to the United Kingdom
Petrov’s next trip is again to Amsterdam – two months after returning from London. This time he stays in Europe 12 days, and returns to Moscow on a flight from Paris at the end of November.
Petrov’s next trip is on February 28th 2017, and it is – once again – to the United Kingdom.
Between September 2017 and February 2018, Petrov makes five trips to France and Switzerland, usually landing in Paris and returning from Geneva.
The next trip is their last to Europe – on March 3rd 2018 they both land at Gatwick, having purchased their tickets the previous evening – on the same day Sergey Skripal’s daughter arrives in London.
A source in a Western European law-enforcement agency informed Bellingcat that Petrov and Boshirov were arrested on the territory of the Netherlands. No information was provided as to the time and context of such arrests. European media have previously reported arrests and deportation of two unidentified Russian spies on Dutch soil; leaked police information linked the arrests with attempts by the two to smuggle hacking equipment to Switzerland, with the goal to infiltrate the Spiez laboratory. The Spiez lab worked on investigating the chemical attacks in Syria, and later on determining the poisoning agent in the Skripal case.
Even though the media outlets that broke this story reported that the incident took place in the spring of 2018, they acknowledged that the exact time was unknown. Bellingcat and the Insider will continue to investigate whether the hypothetical arrest of “Petrov” and “Boshirov” on Dutch soil did take place as reported, and if so, whether such arrest was linked to the reported arrests of two spies in the Netherlands.
Tule so opisane prigode agenta Šišrokova. CTRL+F "russian nationals", tretji zadetek:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::
Madonca, prava bonda sta te dva.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

c3p0 ::

tetriandoch ::
Vidim, da OP lepi sovje nebuloze tudi tu. Sprva mi ni bilo nič jasno. Ko sem videl uporabniško ime sem pa hitro ugotovil kam pacman taco moli. Najbrž ne bo nikoli dojel, da če hočeš koga pospraviti to storiš, tako da se sploh ne ve kdo ga je in zakaj oz. preprosto izgine.
Tele Ruse je potrebno takoj ustaviti. Že cel bližnji vzhod so zbombardiral.
Tele Ruse je potrebno takoj ustaviti. Že cel bližnji vzhod so zbombardiral.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: tetriandoch ()

Pac-Man ::
1) Nikoli ne podcenjuj nesposobnosti in inercije (postovjetske) birokracije.
2) V kolikor ti podatki držijo, imajo danes dan žalovanja po precej svetovnih obveščevalnih agencijah. Dvomim, da bi bili pri Bellingcatu prvi, ki so sestavili 1+1.
2) V kolikor ti podatki držijo, imajo danes dan žalovanja po precej svetovnih obveščevalnih agencijah. Dvomim, da bi bili pri Bellingcatu prvi, ki so sestavili 1+1.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Pac-Man ::
En kup jamra.
Vmes se je s primerom pričela ukvarjati še Fontanka. V javno dostopnih bazah so našli še par junakov s sorodnimi številkami potnih listov. Skupne lastnosti? Delijo si registrirano prebivališče nasproti sedeža GRU in ob sumljivih časih radi potujejo na sumljive lokacije. Pogosto v dvoje.
Using the passport information published by Bellingcat and The Insider, the St.-Petersburg-based news website Fontanka searched various databases for people whose passports were likely issued by the same branch of Russia’s Federal Migration Service, both before and after Petrov and Boshirov received their documents. On September 22, Fontanka published the results of its study, revealing that some of these individuals indicated on different documents that their home address was 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway, which is located just around the corner from the GRU’s Moscow headquarters.
According to Fontanka, the building at 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway belongs directly to the GRU, while Russia’s Unified State Registrar of Legal Entities says it’s home to several military units, including Branch Number 45807, whose commanding officer is Igor Korobov, the head of the GRU. According to federal law, Russian soldiers can register their documents at the address of their military unit.
The address “76B Khoroshevskoe Highway” also appears in court records for traffic fines issued to men with the surnames Krymsky and Andreev, whose passport numbers differ from Borishirov’s and Petrov’s by just a single digit. Fontanka says it learned that Andreev, like Eduard Shirokov, flew to Belgrade in the fall of 2016 (weeks before Montenegro announced that it had foiled an attempted coup). Travel records indicate that Andreev was accompanied by another man named Potemkin, who also indicated the GRU’s address in documents when buying real estate outside Moscow and a car.
Additionally, Fontanka managed to reach a man named Alexander Polyakov, whose passport number falls within the range apparently used by the GRU, and who also listed 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway as his address on multiple documents.
Fontanka also asked Polyakov if he’s familiar with a man named Kukharuk, who was issued “an identical passport” (the website offers no additional details about this passport). After a pause, Polyakov told the website that he doesn’t know anyone by that name, before saying, “And what’s next? What’s this got to do with me? These are some strange questions. I’m an ordinary citizen, I haven’t done anything, but you’re putting me in a position where I have to justify myself.”
Vmes se je s primerom pričela ukvarjati še Fontanka. V javno dostopnih bazah so našli še par junakov s sorodnimi številkami potnih listov. Skupne lastnosti? Delijo si registrirano prebivališče nasproti sedeža GRU in ob sumljivih časih radi potujejo na sumljive lokacije. Pogosto v dvoje.
Using the passport information published by Bellingcat and The Insider, the St.-Petersburg-based news website Fontanka searched various databases for people whose passports were likely issued by the same branch of Russia’s Federal Migration Service, both before and after Petrov and Boshirov received their documents. On September 22, Fontanka published the results of its study, revealing that some of these individuals indicated on different documents that their home address was 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway, which is located just around the corner from the GRU’s Moscow headquarters.
According to Fontanka, the building at 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway belongs directly to the GRU, while Russia’s Unified State Registrar of Legal Entities says it’s home to several military units, including Branch Number 45807, whose commanding officer is Igor Korobov, the head of the GRU. According to federal law, Russian soldiers can register their documents at the address of their military unit.
The address “76B Khoroshevskoe Highway” also appears in court records for traffic fines issued to men with the surnames Krymsky and Andreev, whose passport numbers differ from Borishirov’s and Petrov’s by just a single digit. Fontanka says it learned that Andreev, like Eduard Shirokov, flew to Belgrade in the fall of 2016 (weeks before Montenegro announced that it had foiled an attempted coup). Travel records indicate that Andreev was accompanied by another man named Potemkin, who also indicated the GRU’s address in documents when buying real estate outside Moscow and a car.
Additionally, Fontanka managed to reach a man named Alexander Polyakov, whose passport number falls within the range apparently used by the GRU, and who also listed 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway as his address on multiple documents.
Fontanka also asked Polyakov if he’s familiar with a man named Kukharuk, who was issued “an identical passport” (the website offers no additional details about this passport). After a pause, Polyakov told the website that he doesn’t know anyone by that name, before saying, “And what’s next? What’s this got to do with me? These are some strange questions. I’m an ordinary citizen, I haven’t done anything, but you’re putting me in a position where I have to justify myself.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::
Dober članek?
Najprej prizna, da je intervju sumljiv, nato pa se gre blazno dolg "what about airing of grievances", ki so ali niso povezane s primerom.
Ali v C&P obliki:
Whilst the interview may appear unconvincing, the British reaction is clearly irrational and subjective.
If true, the Bellingcat reports could indicate that there is substance behind the British state’s accusations against Russia. However, in order to ascertain whether such meaning can be gleamed from the releases, we must consider the British case against Russia in its entirety, alongside the authenticity of Bellingcat’s documents and their authenticity as a source. In the next two sections I will discuss these questions, before concluding with a discussion of the significance of the political antagonism between British imperialism and Russian capitalism, and the position of communists in relation to it.
Vmes bolj ali manj spregleda, da se s primerom ne ukvarja Higgins, ampak drugi pri Bellingcatu ter da so svoje dodali tudi ruski mediji.
Najprej prizna, da je intervju sumljiv, nato pa se gre blazno dolg "what about airing of grievances", ki so ali niso povezane s primerom.
Ali v C&P obliki:
Whilst the interview may appear unconvincing, the British reaction is clearly irrational and subjective.
If true, the Bellingcat reports could indicate that there is substance behind the British state’s accusations against Russia. However, in order to ascertain whether such meaning can be gleamed from the releases, we must consider the British case against Russia in its entirety, alongside the authenticity of Bellingcat’s documents and their authenticity as a source. In the next two sections I will discuss these questions, before concluding with a discussion of the significance of the political antagonism between British imperialism and Russian capitalism, and the position of communists in relation to it.
Vmes bolj ali manj spregleda, da se s primerom ne ukvarja Higgins, ampak drugi pri Bellingcatu ter da so svoje dodali tudi ruski mediji.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

drvo ::
Dober članek?
Najprej prizna, da je intervju sumljiv, nato pa se gre blazno dolg "what about airing of grievances", ki so ali niso povezane s primerom.
Ali v C&P obliki:
Whilst the interview may appear unconvincing, the British reaction is clearly irrational and subjective.
If true, the Bellingcat reports could indicate that there is substance behind the British state’s accusations against Russia. However, in order to ascertain whether such meaning can be gleamed from the releases, we must consider the British case against Russia in its entirety, alongside the authenticity of Bellingcat’s documents and their authenticity as a source. In the next two sections I will discuss these questions, before concluding with a discussion of the significance of the political antagonism between British imperialism and Russian capitalism, and the position of communists in relation to it.
Vmes bolj ali manj spregleda, da se s primerom ne ukvarja Higgins, ampak drugi pri Bellingcatu ter da so svoje dodali tudi ruski mediji.
in za dodate še avtor, ki sam sebe opiše z besedami: James Bell
Marxist-Leninist writer, poet & critic.

Cubaka ::
Mislite da pacmana kdo placuje da tule sem lima neke spise? Nisem še videl tako motiviranega človeka. Nisem sicer vsega bral ampak pomoje notr nekje puse da je putin osebno posprical s strupom, ker putin je pa res najslabsi. Haha

Pac-Man ::
Nisem sicer vsega bral ampak pomoje notr nekje puse da je putin osebno posprical s strupom, ker putin je pa res najslabsi. Haha
Putin je najslabši, ker gre za narcisa s kriminalnimi povezavami.
In 1992, as Vladimir Putin rose through the ranks of St. Petersburg’s government, he commissioned a film about himself called Vlast, a Russian word meaning “power.” He used the film to reveal a secret about his past, and to make a promise he didn’t keep.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gendale2018 ::
>Tele Ruse je potrebno takoj ustaviti. Že cel bližnji vzhod so zbombardiral.
umiram od smeha
umiram od smeha

ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

Cubaka ::
Nisem sicer vsega bral ampak pomoje notr nekje puse da je putin osebno posprical s strupom, ker putin je pa res najslabsi. Haha
Putin je najslabši, ker gre za narcisa s kriminalnimi povezavami.
In 1992, as Vladimir Putin rose through the ranks of St. Petersburg’s government, he commissioned a film about himself called Vlast, a Russian word meaning “power.” He used the film to reveal a secret about his past, and to make a promise he didn’t keep.
Mene bolj skrbi da je nobelovo nagrado za mir prejel vojni zločinec. Ampak ti si iz tistega tabora, kajne? Tako da to sfiltriraš in te ne skrbi. Dej mojstr, porabi svoj čas bolj konstruktivno.

Pac-Man ::
Mene bolj skrbi da je nobelovo nagrado za mir prejel vojni zločinec.
Theodore Roosevelt @ Wikipedia
Ernesto Teodoro Moneta @ Wikipedia
Henry Kissinger @ Wikipedia
L%C3%AA %C4%90%E1%BB%A9c Th%E1%BB%8D @ Wikipedia
Anwar Sadat @ Wikipedia
Menachem Begin @ Wikipedia
Mikhail Gorbachev @ Wikipedia
Aung San Suu Kyi @ Wikipedia
Nelson Mandela @ Wikipedia
F. W. de Klerk @ Wikipedia
Yasser Arafat @ Wikipedia
Yitzhak Rabin @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Samo poskušam pokazati, da se nobelovo nagrado podeli v določenem trenutku za določen namen.
Ampak vidim, da so to prezahtevni koncepti.
Ampak vidim, da so to prezahtevni koncepti.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::
Samo poskušam pokazati, da se nobelovo nagrado podeli v določenem trenutku za določen namen.
Ampak vidim, da so to prezahtevni koncepti.
Obama filter, pa to..
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Spajky ::
Hudiča, če bi jest podal tak link od kakega bolj "desnega pisca", bi bil takoj označen za pristaša teorij zarote in kmalu brisan članek. Za razliko od nekih copy-paste.

"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

Pac-Man ::
FSB išče odgovorne, s čemer posredno potrjujejo avtentičnost informacij. Za danes pa je napovedana nova runda na Bellingcatu.
On Tuesday, however, Russia’s security agency, the FSB, appeared to be making a belated effort to limit the fallout. According to the Rosbalt information agency, agents had begun to conduct urgent searches at the Interior Ministry – the source, they believe, of the passport information that found its way to Bellingcat.
Immigration and passport data have always been fairly easy to access illicitly from vendors at certain city markets or via online agencies. One detective agency, still accessible online at the time of writing, offers data from the official Rospasport (passport) and Peremescheniye (cross-border travel) databases. Detailed phone records are available to those even more curious. Prices range from 5,000 to 40,000 roubles (£58 to £462), with discounts of up to 40 per cent for “especially loyal customers”.
Up to now, Russia’s security services have not made any serious attempt to close down the data black market. This is despite its proven role in the criminal underworld and in providing intelligence for the murders of prominent public figures like Boris Nemtsov.
According to a security agency source quoted in the Rosbalt report, the Interior Ministry officials who leaked the information may not have been aware of the nature of the documents they were selling. It was a simple “transaction”, he said. Nonetheless, “serious consequences” awaited those who had allowed such a leak.
While apparently confirming the passport application forms were genuine, the source also insisted that the conclusions being drawn by journalists about the Salisbury suspects were “fabrications” and “guesses”.
Gennady Gudkov, an opposition politician who worked in the KGB’s counter-espionage section between 1982 and 1993, told The Independent that he did not recall an intelligence blunder of this magnitude being committed before.
The issue was not so much a lack of professionalism, he said, as “moral and ethical decay” that had entered Russia’s security agencies since the 1990s.
Soviet agents had certainly carried out assassination missions in African countries, he said, but they “stopped short of attacking great powers”.
“Now, it seems that military intelligence is revelling in ever more crazy operations – and it is doing so with the understanding they have the approval of those at the very top.”
On Tuesday, however, Russia’s security agency, the FSB, appeared to be making a belated effort to limit the fallout. According to the Rosbalt information agency, agents had begun to conduct urgent searches at the Interior Ministry – the source, they believe, of the passport information that found its way to Bellingcat.
Immigration and passport data have always been fairly easy to access illicitly from vendors at certain city markets or via online agencies. One detective agency, still accessible online at the time of writing, offers data from the official Rospasport (passport) and Peremescheniye (cross-border travel) databases. Detailed phone records are available to those even more curious. Prices range from 5,000 to 40,000 roubles (£58 to £462), with discounts of up to 40 per cent for “especially loyal customers”.
Up to now, Russia’s security services have not made any serious attempt to close down the data black market. This is despite its proven role in the criminal underworld and in providing intelligence for the murders of prominent public figures like Boris Nemtsov.
According to a security agency source quoted in the Rosbalt report, the Interior Ministry officials who leaked the information may not have been aware of the nature of the documents they were selling. It was a simple “transaction”, he said. Nonetheless, “serious consequences” awaited those who had allowed such a leak.
While apparently confirming the passport application forms were genuine, the source also insisted that the conclusions being drawn by journalists about the Salisbury suspects were “fabrications” and “guesses”.
Gennady Gudkov, an opposition politician who worked in the KGB’s counter-espionage section between 1982 and 1993, told The Independent that he did not recall an intelligence blunder of this magnitude being committed before.
The issue was not so much a lack of professionalism, he said, as “moral and ethical decay” that had entered Russia’s security agencies since the 1990s.
Soviet agents had certainly carried out assassination missions in African countries, he said, but they “stopped short of attacking great powers”.
“Now, it seems that military intelligence is revelling in ever more crazy operations – and it is doing so with the understanding they have the approval of those at the very top.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::
FSB išče odgovorne, s čemer posredno potrjujejo avtentičnost informacij. Za danes pa je napovedana nova runda na Bellingcatu.
On Tuesday, however, Russia’s security agency, the FSB, appeared to be making a belated effort to limit the fallout. According to the Rosbalt information agency, agents had begun to conduct urgent searches at the Interior Ministry – the source, they believe, of the passport information that found its way to Bellingcat.
Immigration and passport data have always been fairly easy to access illicitly from vendors at certain city markets or via online agencies. One detective agency, still accessible online at the time of writing, offers data from the official Rospasport (passport) and Peremescheniye (cross-border travel) databases. Detailed phone records are available to those even more curious. Prices range from 5,000 to 40,000 roubles (£58 to £462), with discounts of up to 40 per cent for “especially loyal customers”.
Up to now, Russia’s security services have not made any serious attempt to close down the data black market. This is despite its proven role in the criminal underworld and in providing intelligence for the murders of prominent public figures like Boris Nemtsov.
According to a security agency source quoted in the Rosbalt report, the Interior Ministry officials who leaked the information may not have been aware of the nature of the documents they were selling. It was a simple “transaction”, he said. Nonetheless, “serious consequences” awaited those who had allowed such a leak.
While apparently confirming the passport application forms were genuine, the source also insisted that the conclusions being drawn by journalists about the Salisbury suspects were “fabrications” and “guesses”.
Gennady Gudkov, an opposition politician who worked in the KGB’s counter-espionage section between 1982 and 1993, told The Independent that he did not recall an intelligence blunder of this magnitude being committed before.
The issue was not so much a lack of professionalism, he said, as “moral and ethical decay” that had entered Russia’s security agencies since the 1990s.
Soviet agents had certainly carried out assassination missions in African countries, he said, but they “stopped short of attacking great powers”.
“Now, it seems that military intelligence is revelling in ever more crazy operations – and it is doing so with the understanding they have the approval of those at the very top.”
Rusi so passe, sedaj je ze nova tema, kitajskega umesavanja v ameriske volitve...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()

Pac-Man ::
Bang bang.
En izmed osumljenih ni prodajalec športne prehrane Ruslan Boširov, temveč Anatolij Čepiga, polkovnik vojaške obveščevalne službe. Decembra 2014 je dobil naziv heroj ruske federacije, najverjetneje za akcije v Ukrajini.
Hero of the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia
Hero of the Russian Federation (Russian: Герой Российской Федерации) is the highest honorary title of the Russian Federation.
The title is awarded to persons for "service to the Russian state and nation, usually connected with a heroic feat of valor". The title is bestowed by decree of the president of the Russian Federation. Russian citizenship or being in the service of the Russian state is not obligatory.
The title was established in 1992, and has been awarded more than 970 times since then, including more than 440 times posthumously.
Bellingcat has been able to confirm the actual identity of one of the two officers. The suspect using the cover identity of “Ruslan Boshirov” is in fact Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga, a highly decorated GRU officer bestowed with Russia’s highest state award, Hero of the Russian Federation. Following Bellingcat’s own identification, multiple sources familiar with the person and/or the investigation have confirmed the suspect’s identity.
Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga was born on 5 May 1979, in the far-eastern village of Nikolaevka in the Amur oblast, population 300, near the Russia-China border. At age 18, he enrolled at a military school just 40 kilometers from his home, the Far-Eastern Military Command Academy in Blagoveschensk, one of Russia’s elite training grounds for marine commandos and Spetsnaz officers.
Anatoliy Chepiga graduated the academy with honors in 2001. He was then assigned to serve in the 14th Spetsnaz Brigade in Russia’s farthest-eastern city of Khabarovsk, one of the elite Spetsnaz units under GRU command. Chepiga’s unit (74854, formerly 20662) played a key role in the second Chechen War, and was also observed near the Ukrainian border in late 2014.
Over the course of his assignment to the 14th Spetsnaz Brigade, Colonel Chepiga was deployed three times to Chechnya. The specific operations he was involved in are not known; however, a website of a far-eastern branch of a state-run military volunteer organization reports that he received over 20 military awards in the course of his service.
In December 2014, Colonel Chepiga was awarded Russia’s highest state award, Hero of the Russian Federation.This award is bestowed personally by the President of Russia “as recognition of services to the state and the people of Russia involving a heroic deed”.
While there is no publicly issued decree – or reference to him on the Kremlin website – the state-run volunteer website specifies that he received the award “in December 2014…for conducting a peace-keeping mission.”
Indeed, the fact that Colonel Chepiga was bestowed the Hero of Russia award is announced on the website of his military school. While most other recipients of the award have a detailed description of the acts that resulted in the recognition, the last two recipients – Anatoliy Chepiga and Alexander Popov – received only a terse statement
Bellingcat began the search with only the two targets’ photographs and their cover identities. Initially we attempted reverse image-search via several online engines, but no matches were found.
Having tried these initial avenues of pursuit, Bellingcat and the Insider approached the search deductively. On the assumption that the two suspects were GRU officers with a focus on West European covert operations
One of the sources we contacted suggested that the school with the best reputation for foreign-language training and overseas clandestine operations at the turn of the century – when the two suspects would have studied – was the Far Eastern Military Command Academy.
We browsed through multiple (incomplete) yearbook photos and reunion galleries of the classes of 2001-2003 but did not find exact matches for either of the suspects. There were several possible – but not certain – matches for the suspect “Boshirov”. One of these was in a group photograph from a 2018 article about the history of the Academy. Near a photograph of Academy graduates deployed in Chechnya, the text referred to “seven school graduates [who] were bestowed with the Hero of Russia Award”.
While testing the hypothesis that the unnamed person at right-most end of the photo might be “Boshirov,” we searched online for references to “DVOKU” (the Russian abbreviation for the Far Eastern Military Command Academy), “Chechnya” and “Hero of the Russian Federation.” This search landed us at the above-referenced Volunteer Union website, which described a certain Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga as linked to all three search terms.
Subsequently, the research team scoured leaked Russian databases for references to Anatoliy Chepiga. A number of leaked residential and/or telephone databases of various Russian cities and regions are freely available as torrents on the internet; data in such databases varies in recency between 2000 and 2014.
The research team was able to find Anatoliy Chepiga in two locations and time periods in the database: in 2003, in Khabarovsk; and in 2012 in Moscow.
In the 2003 database, a certain Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga was listed with a phone number and an address only described as “в/ч 20662“, the Russian abbreviation for Military Unit 20662. 20662 is the Ministry of Defense designation number of Spetsnaz unit of GRU’s 14th Brigade in Khabarovsk. ...
In the 2012 database, one person named Anatoliy Vladirovich Chepiga were listed as residing in Moscow. This man was born on 5 April 1979. ...
To establish if he is, in fact, “Boshirov,” we needed to obtain a photograph. None were available online or in open sources
Bellingcat and The Insider obtained extracts from the passport file of Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga – the man born on 5th April 1978 – from two separate sources with access to databases dated prior to 2014, .
The passport file contained a photograph – dated approximately in 2003, when this passport was obtained – that strongly resembled a younger “Boshirov” as seen in passport photos released by the UK police, with an even stronger resemblance to the cover identity passport photo published in our previous publication on the Skripal suspects.
En izmed osumljenih ni prodajalec športne prehrane Ruslan Boširov, temveč Anatolij Čepiga, polkovnik vojaške obveščevalne službe. Decembra 2014 je dobil naziv heroj ruske federacije, najverjetneje za akcije v Ukrajini.
Hero of the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia
Hero of the Russian Federation (Russian: Герой Российской Федерации) is the highest honorary title of the Russian Federation.
The title is awarded to persons for "service to the Russian state and nation, usually connected with a heroic feat of valor". The title is bestowed by decree of the president of the Russian Federation. Russian citizenship or being in the service of the Russian state is not obligatory.
The title was established in 1992, and has been awarded more than 970 times since then, including more than 440 times posthumously.
Bellingcat has been able to confirm the actual identity of one of the two officers. The suspect using the cover identity of “Ruslan Boshirov” is in fact Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga, a highly decorated GRU officer bestowed with Russia’s highest state award, Hero of the Russian Federation. Following Bellingcat’s own identification, multiple sources familiar with the person and/or the investigation have confirmed the suspect’s identity.
Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga was born on 5 May 1979, in the far-eastern village of Nikolaevka in the Amur oblast, population 300, near the Russia-China border. At age 18, he enrolled at a military school just 40 kilometers from his home, the Far-Eastern Military Command Academy in Blagoveschensk, one of Russia’s elite training grounds for marine commandos and Spetsnaz officers.
Anatoliy Chepiga graduated the academy with honors in 2001. He was then assigned to serve in the 14th Spetsnaz Brigade in Russia’s farthest-eastern city of Khabarovsk, one of the elite Spetsnaz units under GRU command. Chepiga’s unit (74854, formerly 20662) played a key role in the second Chechen War, and was also observed near the Ukrainian border in late 2014.
Over the course of his assignment to the 14th Spetsnaz Brigade, Colonel Chepiga was deployed three times to Chechnya. The specific operations he was involved in are not known; however, a website of a far-eastern branch of a state-run military volunteer organization reports that he received over 20 military awards in the course of his service.
In December 2014, Colonel Chepiga was awarded Russia’s highest state award, Hero of the Russian Federation.This award is bestowed personally by the President of Russia “as recognition of services to the state and the people of Russia involving a heroic deed”.
While there is no publicly issued decree – or reference to him on the Kremlin website – the state-run volunteer website specifies that he received the award “in December 2014…for conducting a peace-keeping mission.”
Indeed, the fact that Colonel Chepiga was bestowed the Hero of Russia award is announced on the website of his military school. While most other recipients of the award have a detailed description of the acts that resulted in the recognition, the last two recipients – Anatoliy Chepiga and Alexander Popov – received only a terse statement

Memorial wall of the Far Eastern Military Command School with Colonel Chepiga as the last name under the Gold Star honor list
Bellingcat began the search with only the two targets’ photographs and their cover identities. Initially we attempted reverse image-search via several online engines, but no matches were found.
Having tried these initial avenues of pursuit, Bellingcat and the Insider approached the search deductively. On the assumption that the two suspects were GRU officers with a focus on West European covert operations
One of the sources we contacted suggested that the school with the best reputation for foreign-language training and overseas clandestine operations at the turn of the century – when the two suspects would have studied – was the Far Eastern Military Command Academy.
We browsed through multiple (incomplete) yearbook photos and reunion galleries of the classes of 2001-2003 but did not find exact matches for either of the suspects. There were several possible – but not certain – matches for the suspect “Boshirov”. One of these was in a group photograph from a 2018 article about the history of the Academy. Near a photograph of Academy graduates deployed in Chechnya, the text referred to “seven school graduates [who] were bestowed with the Hero of Russia Award”.

Photo of DVOKU graduates on assignment in Chechnya, undated. Bellingcat does not claim that the person on the right is Chepiga; photograph included for completeness of research process only
While testing the hypothesis that the unnamed person at right-most end of the photo might be “Boshirov,” we searched online for references to “DVOKU” (the Russian abbreviation for the Far Eastern Military Command Academy), “Chechnya” and “Hero of the Russian Federation.” This search landed us at the above-referenced Volunteer Union website, which described a certain Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga as linked to all three search terms.
Subsequently, the research team scoured leaked Russian databases for references to Anatoliy Chepiga. A number of leaked residential and/or telephone databases of various Russian cities and regions are freely available as torrents on the internet; data in such databases varies in recency between 2000 and 2014.
The research team was able to find Anatoliy Chepiga in two locations and time periods in the database: in 2003, in Khabarovsk; and in 2012 in Moscow.
In the 2003 database, a certain Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga was listed with a phone number and an address only described as “в/ч 20662“, the Russian abbreviation for Military Unit 20662. 20662 is the Ministry of Defense designation number of Spetsnaz unit of GRU’s 14th Brigade in Khabarovsk. ...
In the 2012 database, one person named Anatoliy Vladirovich Chepiga were listed as residing in Moscow. This man was born on 5 April 1979. ...
To establish if he is, in fact, “Boshirov,” we needed to obtain a photograph. None were available online or in open sources
Bellingcat and The Insider obtained extracts from the passport file of Anatoliy Vladimirovich Chepiga – the man born on 5th April 1978 – from two separate sources with access to databases dated prior to 2014, .
The passport file contained a photograph – dated approximately in 2003, when this passport was obtained – that strongly resembled a younger “Boshirov” as seen in passport photos released by the UK police, with an even stronger resemblance to the cover identity passport photo published in our previous publication on the Skripal suspects.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

D3m ::
Jaz sem dilal Herbalife pa me niso označili za heroja.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()

Pac-Man ::
Ti si dilal herbalife za lastno rit, Anatolij pa je v imenu Rusije okupiral Ukrajino.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::
Jaz sem dilal v imenu USA.
Kje je moja medalja, faggot!
Jaz sem dilal v imenu USA.
Kje je moja medalja, faggot!
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Glavna (in najbolj brana) novica na BBC News.
Enako velja za Rusijo.
Never seen independent Dozhd TV trending at #1 in Russian online news. Must be because other mainstream media ignore the busted-GRU story
Zdaj so jo sicer prehitele tri z RT
Enako velja za Rusijo.
Never seen independent Dozhd TV trending at #1 in Russian online news. Must be because other mainstream media ignore the busted-GRU story
Zdaj so jo sicer prehitele tri z RT
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::
Glavna (in najbolj brana) novica na BBC News.
Enako velja za Rusijo.
Never seen independent Dozhd TV trending at #1 in Russian online news. Must be because other mainstream media ignore the busted-GRU story
Zdaj so jo sicer prehitele tri z RT
Zgleda se je mednarodna volilna kampanija zacela... komentar na trumpov govor 😁Donald Trump's me, me, me, me press conference😁
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()

microchip ::
Donald Trump's me, me, me, me press conference&
A to govoriš o Obamovem if fi fi if if if?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()

Pac-Man ::
Še naprej kaplja in curlja.
Kommersant tracks down an acquaintance of Chepiga in his Amur Oblast village, who confirms the @bellingcat/@the_ins_ru identification: "That's him, Tolya. 100 percent him. Almost black eyes, his voice."
Kommersant tracks down an acquaintance of Chepiga in his Amur Oblast village, who confirms the @bellingcat/@the_ins_ru identification: "That's him, Tolya. 100 percent him. Almost black eyes, his voice."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Two people in a village in Russia’s Far East told The Washington Post on Friday that they recognized a suspect in recent nerve-agent poisonings in Britain as a former fellow villager.
“It’s true, he’s our guy,” said Alla, who described herself as a onetime family friend and, like some others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition that she not be fully identified because of the sensitivity of the matter. “For us simple residents, this is all just crazy.”
Irina Ivanova, another Berezovka resident, said in a message to The Post over Russia’s VKontakte social network that Boshirov looked “very similar” to Chepiga.
“Anatoly Chepiga is our countryman. I know him and his family very well,” Ivanova said. “They’re a wonderful, friendly and respected family.”
Alexey, a 37-year-old resident of Berezovka who works in the construction industry, told The Post that the man who called himself Boshirov resembled his former schoolmate Chepiga. Chepiga, Alexey said, went on to study at the Far-Eastern Military Command Academy in the nearby city of Blagoveshchensk and was known by villagers to have received the prestigious Hero of the Russian Federation award.
“People knew he studied at the military academy and that he got the Hero of Russia,” Alexey said in a phone interview, adding that he had not known that Chepiga worked in intelligence. “He was a positive guy — never got into fights or anything.”
Hours after the interview, Alexey wrote to The Post to say he had changed his mind and no longer believed that Chepiga and Boshirov were the same person. “This isn’t proven by anyone or by anything,” Alexey wrote. “It’s just a resemblance of photographs.”
In Berezovka, a village of several thousand people about 3,500 miles east of Moscow, Chepiga’s culpability in the attack appeared to be a matter of dispute.
Alla, the onetime family friend of Chepiga, said she could not imagine him being mixed up in the Skripal affair. She said Chepiga’s parents left the village about five years ago and that she had last seen him no more recently than 10 years ago.
“We are totally at a loss as to how this could have happened — he was raised in the spirit of patriotism,” Alla said. “What happened has absolutely nothing to do with that.”
Before writing to say he had changed his mind, Alexey, Chepiga’s former schoolmate, said he felt both pride and shame that his village was being linked to the poisoning.
“There’s pride in being connected to this — and there’s shame that he got caught,” Alexey said.
Two people in a village in Russia’s Far East told The Washington Post on Friday that they recognized a suspect in recent nerve-agent poisonings in Britain as a former fellow villager.
“It’s true, he’s our guy,” said Alla, who described herself as a onetime family friend and, like some others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition that she not be fully identified because of the sensitivity of the matter. “For us simple residents, this is all just crazy.”
Irina Ivanova, another Berezovka resident, said in a message to The Post over Russia’s VKontakte social network that Boshirov looked “very similar” to Chepiga.
“Anatoly Chepiga is our countryman. I know him and his family very well,” Ivanova said. “They’re a wonderful, friendly and respected family.”
Alexey, a 37-year-old resident of Berezovka who works in the construction industry, told The Post that the man who called himself Boshirov resembled his former schoolmate Chepiga. Chepiga, Alexey said, went on to study at the Far-Eastern Military Command Academy in the nearby city of Blagoveshchensk and was known by villagers to have received the prestigious Hero of the Russian Federation award.
“People knew he studied at the military academy and that he got the Hero of Russia,” Alexey said in a phone interview, adding that he had not known that Chepiga worked in intelligence. “He was a positive guy — never got into fights or anything.”
Hours after the interview, Alexey wrote to The Post to say he had changed his mind and no longer believed that Chepiga and Boshirov were the same person. “This isn’t proven by anyone or by anything,” Alexey wrote. “It’s just a resemblance of photographs.”
In Berezovka, a village of several thousand people about 3,500 miles east of Moscow, Chepiga’s culpability in the attack appeared to be a matter of dispute.
Alla, the onetime family friend of Chepiga, said she could not imagine him being mixed up in the Skripal affair. She said Chepiga’s parents left the village about five years ago and that she had last seen him no more recently than 10 years ago.
“We are totally at a loss as to how this could have happened — he was raised in the spirit of patriotism,” Alla said. “What happened has absolutely nothing to do with that.”
Before writing to say he had changed his mind, Alexey, Chepiga’s former schoolmate, said he felt both pride and shame that his village was being linked to the poisoning.
“There’s pride in being connected to this — and there’s shame that he got caught,” Alexey said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Seems like FSB are out to destroy the last remains of G(R)U...Their proxy newspaper KP is now citing forensic criminal experts saying "Boshirov = Chepiga", while their progaganda-peddler Kots makes fun of GRU's inept lying
Saša Kots je vojni dopisnik/angel smrti. Menda ima zanimivo sposobnost biti na pravem kraju when some serious shit is about to go down.
Wow, someone hacked Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda": "With a strong likelihood, we can say that the two photos depict the same person". At our request, MIA criminologists have analyzed photos of Boshirov and Chepiga, a man from @Bellingcat/@the_ins_ru investigation.
Seems like FSB are out to destroy the last remains of G(R)U...Their proxy newspaper KP is now citing forensic criminal experts saying "Boshirov = Chepiga", while their progaganda-peddler Kots makes fun of GRU's inept lying
Saša Kots je vojni dopisnik/angel smrti. Menda ima zanimivo sposobnost biti na pravem kraju when some serious shit is about to go down.
Wow, someone hacked Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda": "With a strong likelihood, we can say that the two photos depict the same person". At our request, MIA criminologists have analyzed photos of Boshirov and Chepiga, a man from @Bellingcat/@the_ins_ru investigation.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
En od soavtorjev pri Bellingcatu. Drugi je Grozev, citiran zgoraj.
Pro-Kremlin Komsomolskaya Pravda publishes facial analysis from unnamed experts at the Russian Interior Ministry who say... @bellingcat / @the_ins_ru were right, and Boshirov and Chepiga are the same person?
And with pretty high confidence even?
What's happening?
Hard to understate my confusion here - KP is a reliable pro-Kremlin outlet, and this is a source from the Russian Interior Ministry (police). I'd only be more surprised if this came from RIA.
Maybe they're just being comprehensive, as they published other expert opinions before?
If they cited some random, crackpot "independent analyst", then this would not be surprising. That's why they and RT do all the time to push whatever insane conspiracy is the flavor of the week. But they are citing multiple forensic analysts in Russian police. So confused.
Maybe this is the answer -- internal feud against the GRU? Honestly can't think of many other solutions. It's not like KP is full of gumshoe journalists who want to seek the truth no matter the cost.
Pro-Kremlin Komsomolskaya Pravda publishes facial analysis from unnamed experts at the Russian Interior Ministry who say... @bellingcat / @the_ins_ru were right, and Boshirov and Chepiga are the same person?
And with pretty high confidence even?
What's happening?
Hard to understate my confusion here - KP is a reliable pro-Kremlin outlet, and this is a source from the Russian Interior Ministry (police). I'd only be more surprised if this came from RIA.
Maybe they're just being comprehensive, as they published other expert opinions before?
If they cited some random, crackpot "independent analyst", then this would not be surprising. That's why they and RT do all the time to push whatever insane conspiracy is the flavor of the week. But they are citing multiple forensic analysts in Russian police. So confused.
Maybe this is the answer -- internal feud against the GRU? Honestly can't think of many other solutions. It's not like KP is full of gumshoe journalists who want to seek the truth no matter the cost.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.