Forum » Strojna oprema » AMD RX Serije
AMD RX Serije
Temo vidijo: vsi

D3m ::
Evo molko od Guru3D.

Evo molko od Guru3D.
** Update #1: Nvidia released a new driver which massively impacts performance. The results have been updated but we'd not be surprized to see something similar happening with AMD drivers. hence the results today remain subjective. The game is incredible hard to measure objectively.
** Update #2:
After lots of weird results with graphics card that have less then 4 GB of VRAM we found out that one problematic setting is the Shadow cache.
If you have an up-to 4 GB graphics card, please turn it off.
However if you have a 6GB or 8GB card, leave the shadow cache activated. Especially AMD cards benefit there greatly.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Kakšna pa je razlika med Shadow cache 9n pa off, pri dami grafiki in performancu na 8gb grafi?
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

FireSnake ::
Za katere hladilnike na RX 480 so govorili, da se dajo lepo dol sneti in se lahko posesa prah?
Te (ne sliki)?
Ja, tole je menda to (ne cel hladilnik, samo ventilatorji)
Te (ne sliki)?
Ja, tole je menda to (ne cel hladilnik, samo ventilatorji)
Poglej in se nasmej:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: FireSnake ()

AapocalypseE ::
Evo benchmarki najbolj priljubljene strani wctek:
Se spet lepo vidi kako Nvidia dobro izkorišča vram ( 980 ).
4GB ni dovolj za amd kartice z vsem na ON

Ni prvič...

D3m ::
Nope. To kaže na podatek, da je potreben patch od vseh, da se odpravijo anomalije.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

m0LN4r ::
Nope. To kaže na podatek, da je potreben patch od vseh, da se odpravijo anomalije.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

D3m ::
Evo popravljeni rezultati z shadow cache izklopljeno za 4GB karte.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::
v vednost
RX 460 MSI mindfactor 100€ + poštnina
+ BIOS odklep na 1024SP
AMD BIOS Signature Check re-enabled with ReLive, Locks out Polaris BIOS Modders
RX 460 MSI mindfactor 100€ + poštnina
+ BIOS odklep na 1024SP
AMD BIOS Signature Check re-enabled with ReLive, Locks out Polaris BIOS Modders
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

FireSnake ::
ful dobra cena
Škoda, ker osnovni model bidam na ebayu ... če ga ne dobim se bom tepel po glavi :)
Škoda, ker osnovni model bidam na ebayu ... če ga ne dobim se bom tepel po glavi :)
Poglej in se nasmej:

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Tipo ni videl grafov zgoraj od d3m

ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

Buggy ::
LOL kaj pa je to za en spil, ko moja prastara R9 290 nazge 1060 za 10% od GTX 780 je pa 3x hitrej

D3m ::
ful dobra cena
Škoda, ker osnovni model bidam na ebayu ... če ga ne dobim se bom tepel po glavi :)
To se ti pa sedaj že nekam pogosto dogaja?
LOL kaj pa je to za en spil, ko moja prastara R9 290 nazge 1060 za 10% od GTX 780 je pa 3x hitrej![]()
Sam hudič verjetno ve.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Buggy ::
...sem vseen mislu, da se bo Molnar oglasu, tako kot se je na zacetku tega privoscljivega flejmanja z RE7 in Fury...poleg tega zna se nemsko in bi lahko dobili spet kaksne zanimive zakljucke, ki bi nas je vse tiho od popravka ...ajaja

m0LN4r ::
Ni nobene panike, se en spil, ki je kot PCARS in Batman tokrat namesto Gameworksa z Gimping evolved konzol optimizacijo.
Rezultati na najbolj priljubljeni wctek strani se ne ujemajo s tem gurujem
Rezultati na najbolj priljubljeni wctek strani se ne ujemajo s tem gurujem
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: m0LN4r ()

Buggy :: sej men dol visi za te teste, ker vem da je za nase potrebe zaenkrat r9 290/GTX780 celo 2x7950 cist zadosti za spile, ki jih spilamo v bajti.
Mal me je zmotla tvoja privoscljiva pripomba glede AMD, ceprav si sam vedel da gre prej za izjemo kot pravilo. Ne smes bit tako zategnjen
BTW: zakaj si pa svoj podpis z 2x Fury X umaknu...te je bilo sram al kwaj
Nima veze. OT: Kdaj naj bi prisel zdej tisti predviden refresh 4xx serije kot je bilo nekaj govora. Pred Vego al istocasno...kaksen info?
Mal me je zmotla tvoja privoscljiva pripomba glede AMD, ceprav si sam vedel da gre prej za izjemo kot pravilo. Ne smes bit tako zategnjen

BTW: zakaj si pa svoj podpis z 2x Fury X umaknu...te je bilo sram al kwaj

Nima veze. OT: Kdaj naj bi prisel zdej tisti predviden refresh 4xx serije kot je bilo nekaj govora. Pred Vego al istocasno...kaksen info?

m0LN4r ::
BTW: zakaj si pa svoj podpis z 2x Fury X umaknu...te je bilo sram al kwaj
Razocaral me je sistem in nasel sem boljsega.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Pa ravno pozimi, ko bi te lepo greli.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

D3m ::
BTW: zakaj si pa svoj podpis z 2x Fury X umaknu...te je bilo sram al kwaj
Razocaral me je sistem in nasel sem boljsega.
Če imaš bad aiming skill je čisto vseeno kaj imaš.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Napajalc ::
D3m0r4l1z3d je izjavil:
Pa ravno pozimi, ko bi te lepo greli.
Za zimo se uzame gtx 580 ali gtx 780ti, z r9 290 še čaja ne morš prstavit.

Buggy ::
ne vem kaksne imate to vi karte men 290 WF3 OC navita na 1100Mhz ne preseze 76 stopinj (mucenje s kombusterjem...v igrah manj) ter vent ne 60%...isto GTX 780 WF3 OC (default), ki je poleg tega se v majhni sobici, so pa vsa ohisja zracna.
Problem je bil edino Powercolor 7950 boost, ki je imel privzeto cist preveliko voltazo 1250mV in po undervoltu na 1050mV in OC-ju v zaprtem ohisju ne preseze 70 stopinj.
Tko da bolj tezko bi kaj spekel na mojih grafah, razen ce ste pristasi rare priprave zrezka
Problem je bil edino Powercolor 7950 boost, ki je imel privzeto cist preveliko voltazo 1250mV in po undervoltu na 1050mV in OC-ju v zaprtem ohisju ne preseze 70 stopinj.
Tko da bolj tezko bi kaj spekel na mojih grafah, razen ce ste pristasi rare priprave zrezka

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()

D3m ::
To oni gledajo po benchmarkih in se po tem nagibajo.
Nobeden od njih pa ni kurjač ali podobno.
Nobeden od njih pa ni kurjač ali podobno.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Glasnost, človek, glasnost.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

Telbanc ::
D3m0r4l1z3d je izjavil:
Pa ravno pozimi, ko bi te lepo greli.
Za zimo se uzame gtx 580 ali gtx 780ti, z r9 290 še čaja ne morš prstavit.
Maš še retro varijanto, da vzameš za res hladen januar, dve 8800gt v sli, za torrente, maš namesto kamina.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.

SuperVeloce ::
Za eno 290x ali gtx580 rabiš skoraj tri 8800gt, tako da bi te verjetno zeblo

ryzen 5900x, MSI 5700xt Gaming X, 2x16GB 3600CL16, 850evo+860qvo, Fractal Mini C

Sami ::
Novi driverji 17.1.2 :D
Kaj je poanta, da mi v Radeon Settings še vedno ponuja starejše driverje kot "new recommended" in nove kot "new optional"?
Kaj je poanta, da mi v Radeon Settings še vedno ponuja starejše driverje kot "new recommended" in nove kot "new optional"?
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

SuperVeloce ::
Novi driverji 17.1.2 :D
Kaj je poanta, da mi v Radeon Settings še vedno ponuja starejše driverje kot "new recommended" in nove kot "new optional"?
check še niso zrihtali

ryzen 5900x, MSI 5700xt Gaming X, 2x16GB 3600CL16, 850evo+860qvo, Fractal Mini C

Sami ::
SuperVeloce je izjavil:
Novi driverji 17.1.2 :D
Kaj je poanta, da mi v Radeon Settings še vedno ponuja starejše driverje kot "new recommended" in nove kot "new optional"?
check še niso zrihtali. Če imaš beta gor, ti nebi smelo ponujati "zadnjih stabilnih", ki so starejši od tvojih beta
Kje pa piše, da so 17.1.2 Beta? Na strani ne najdem....
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

scipascapa ::
17.1.2 is live
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2 Release Notes
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition is AMD's advanced graphics software for enabling high-performance gaming and engaging VR experiences. Create, capture, and share your remarkable moments. Effortlessly boost performance and efficiency. Experience Radeon Software with industry-leading user satisfaction, rigorously-tested stability, comprehensive certification, and more.
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2 Highlights
Support For
Conan(R) Exiles Beta
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon(R) Wildlands Beta
Fixed Issues
Changing memory clocks with Radeon WattMan with more than one display connected may cause memory clocks to intermittently become stuck at their minimum setting or switch between min and max ranges intermittently causing display flickering.
Diablo(R)III May experience smoke or lighting effects may appear corrupted when using DirectX(R)9 API.
Some applications may experience an intermittent or random runtime crash in atidxx64.dll.
FIFA(R)17 may experience a black screen on launch when using Hybrid Graphics or AMD PowerXpress system configurations.
Watch_Dogs(R)2 may experience an intermittent game crash after extended periods of play on some Radeon RX 300 series products.
Paragon™ may experience flickering in profile or store preview pages after changing graphics settings when using Multi GPU.
Forza Horizon 3 may experience a crash or application hang with the Blizzard Mountain DLC on some select Radeon GCN products.
Known Issues
A small amount of apps may still experience issues with Borderless Fullscreen mode and AMD FreeSync™ technology if other applications or game launchers are running on the primary screen in the background.
Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive and World of Warcraft™ may experience flickering or performance issues the first time the game is launched on a system boot with AMD FreeSync™ technology enabled. Workarounds include exiting and restarting the application or task switching (alt+tab) in and out of the game to fix the issue.
Radeon RX 400 series products may experience scaling issues for some applications when using the display scaling feature.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ may experience an application hang when running in Multi GPU with DirectX(R)12 and performing a task switch.
Mouse cursor corruption may be intermittently experienced on Radeon RX 480.
Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive has incorrect default slider values with Radeon Chill enabled. Users can modify these values to suit the experience they want.
Known Issues for Radeon ReLive
The XBOX™ DVR application may cause conflicts with Radeon ReLive, users are suggested to disable XBOX™ DVR if Radeon ReLive is experiencing issues.
Radeon ReLive may fail to install on AMD APU Family products or experience a system hang or failure to record when using the recording feature on AMD APU Family products.
Radeon ReLive may stop working after hot unplugging of a secondary display.
Battlefield™1 may experience UI flickering and/or performance drops when recording gameplay with Radeon ReLive on graphics products with 4GB or less of VRAM.
Radeon ReLive recordings or overlay may experience flicker when creating a single recording for many hours.
Radeon ReLive may experience minor graphical corruption for the first few recorded frames when launching UWP applications.
Radeon ReLive will not allow recording settings to change with Instant Replay enabled. A workaround is to disable Instant Replay and change settings then enable Instant Replay.
Vulkan™ applications may experience a game hang when using Radeon ReLive to record.
Radeon ReLive will not notify an end user of low disk space during recording.
DayZ may experience an application crash when Radeon ReLive Instant Replay/Recording is active or the feature may not work as expected.
17.1.2 is live
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2 Release Notes
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition is AMD's advanced graphics software for enabling high-performance gaming and engaging VR experiences. Create, capture, and share your remarkable moments. Effortlessly boost performance and efficiency. Experience Radeon Software with industry-leading user satisfaction, rigorously-tested stability, comprehensive certification, and more.
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2 Highlights
Support For
Conan(R) Exiles Beta
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon(R) Wildlands Beta
Fixed Issues
Changing memory clocks with Radeon WattMan with more than one display connected may cause memory clocks to intermittently become stuck at their minimum setting or switch between min and max ranges intermittently causing display flickering.
Diablo(R)III May experience smoke or lighting effects may appear corrupted when using DirectX(R)9 API.
Some applications may experience an intermittent or random runtime crash in atidxx64.dll.
FIFA(R)17 may experience a black screen on launch when using Hybrid Graphics or AMD PowerXpress system configurations.
Watch_Dogs(R)2 may experience an intermittent game crash after extended periods of play on some Radeon RX 300 series products.
Paragon™ may experience flickering in profile or store preview pages after changing graphics settings when using Multi GPU.
Forza Horizon 3 may experience a crash or application hang with the Blizzard Mountain DLC on some select Radeon GCN products.
Known Issues
A small amount of apps may still experience issues with Borderless Fullscreen mode and AMD FreeSync™ technology if other applications or game launchers are running on the primary screen in the background.
Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive and World of Warcraft™ may experience flickering or performance issues the first time the game is launched on a system boot with AMD FreeSync™ technology enabled. Workarounds include exiting and restarting the application or task switching (alt+tab) in and out of the game to fix the issue.
Radeon RX 400 series products may experience scaling issues for some applications when using the display scaling feature.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ may experience an application hang when running in Multi GPU with DirectX(R)12 and performing a task switch.
Mouse cursor corruption may be intermittently experienced on Radeon RX 480.
Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive has incorrect default slider values with Radeon Chill enabled. Users can modify these values to suit the experience they want.
Known Issues for Radeon ReLive
The XBOX™ DVR application may cause conflicts with Radeon ReLive, users are suggested to disable XBOX™ DVR if Radeon ReLive is experiencing issues.
Radeon ReLive may fail to install on AMD APU Family products or experience a system hang or failure to record when using the recording feature on AMD APU Family products.
Radeon ReLive may stop working after hot unplugging of a secondary display.
Battlefield™1 may experience UI flickering and/or performance drops when recording gameplay with Radeon ReLive on graphics products with 4GB or less of VRAM.
Radeon ReLive recordings or overlay may experience flicker when creating a single recording for many hours.
Radeon ReLive may experience minor graphical corruption for the first few recorded frames when launching UWP applications.
Radeon ReLive will not allow recording settings to change with Instant Replay enabled. A workaround is to disable Instant Replay and change settings then enable Instant Replay.
Vulkan™ applications may experience a game hang when using Radeon ReLive to record.
Radeon ReLive will not notify an end user of low disk space during recording.
DayZ may experience an application crash when Radeon ReLive Instant Replay/Recording is active or the feature may not work as expected.

Sami ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
17.1.2 is live
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2 Release Notes
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition is AMD's advanced graphics software for enabling high-performance gaming and engaging VR experiences. Create, capture, and share your remarkable moments. Effortlessly boost performance and efficiency. Experience Radeon Software with industry-leading user satisfaction, rigorously-tested stability, comprehensive certification, and more.
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2 Highlights
Support For
Conan(R) Exiles Beta
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon(R) Wildlands Beta
Fixed Issues
Changing memory clocks with Radeon WattMan with more than one display connected may cause memory clocks to intermittently become stuck at their minimum setting or switch between min and max ranges intermittently causing display flickering.
Diablo(R)III May experience smoke or lighting effects may appear corrupted when using DirectX(R)9 API.
Some applications may experience an intermittent or random runtime crash in atidxx64.dll.
FIFA(R)17 may experience a black screen on launch when using Hybrid Graphics or AMD PowerXpress system configurations.
Watch_Dogs(R)2 may experience an intermittent game crash after extended periods of play on some Radeon RX 300 series products.
Paragon™ may experience flickering in profile or store preview pages after changing graphics settings when using Multi GPU.
Forza Horizon 3 may experience a crash or application hang with the Blizzard Mountain DLC on some select Radeon GCN products.
Known Issues
A small amount of apps may still experience issues with Borderless Fullscreen mode and AMD FreeSync™ technology if other applications or game launchers are running on the primary screen in the background.
Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive and World of Warcraft™ may experience flickering or performance issues the first time the game is launched on a system boot with AMD FreeSync™ technology enabled. Workarounds include exiting and restarting the application or task switching (alt+tab) in and out of the game to fix the issue.
Radeon RX 400 series products may experience scaling issues for some applications when using the display scaling feature.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ may experience an application hang when running in Multi GPU with DirectX(R)12 and performing a task switch.
Mouse cursor corruption may be intermittently experienced on Radeon RX 480.
Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive has incorrect default slider values with Radeon Chill enabled. Users can modify these values to suit the experience they want.
Known Issues for Radeon ReLive
The XBOX™ DVR application may cause conflicts with Radeon ReLive, users are suggested to disable XBOX™ DVR if Radeon ReLive is experiencing issues.
Radeon ReLive may fail to install on AMD APU Family products or experience a system hang or failure to record when using the recording feature on AMD APU Family products.
Radeon ReLive may stop working after hot unplugging of a secondary display.
Battlefield™1 may experience UI flickering and/or performance drops when recording gameplay with Radeon ReLive on graphics products with 4GB or less of VRAM.
Radeon ReLive recordings or overlay may experience flicker when creating a single recording for many hours.
Radeon ReLive may experience minor graphical corruption for the first few recorded frames when launching UWP applications.
Radeon ReLive will not allow recording settings to change with Instant Replay enabled. A workaround is to disable Instant Replay and change settings then enable Instant Replay.
Vulkan™ applications may experience a game hang when using Radeon ReLive to record.
Radeon ReLive will not notify an end user of low disk space during recording.
DayZ may experience an application crash when Radeon ReLive Instant Replay/Recording is active or the feature may not work as expected.
Pa sej to vedno preberem, ne piše da so driverji beta, piše le support for "Conan(R) Exiles Beta, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon(R) Wildlands Beta".
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

D3m ::
Novi driverji 17.1.2 :D
Kaj je poanta, da mi v Radeon Settings še vedno ponuja starejše driverje kot "new recommended" in nove kot "new optional"?
Zato, ker so 16.12.2 WHQL release. Novejši pa tega nimajo.
upam da se s tem driverjom nebo sesuval doom
In si probal?
Drugače pa pohvale AMDju, da izdajajo driverje tako hitro, kot nvidia.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

youPlonker ::
Berem, da imajo nekatere RX 480 fanless način v idle. Ali to velja tudi, če imaš na grafično priklopljena 2 ekrana?

hojnikb ::
youPlonker je izjavil:
Berem, da imajo nekatere RX 480 fanless način v idle. Ali to velja tudi, če imaš na grafično priklopljena 2 ekrana?
najbrž že, sam sigurno nebo aktiven tako dolgo časa kot z enim (hint: amdjovke porabijo dosti več z 2 ekranim)
In si probal?
Drugače pa pohvale AMDju, da izdajajo driverje tako hitro, kot nvidia.
no idea, še nisem updejtal
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: hojnikb ()

Kekec ::
Kje pa piše da so 16.2.2 WHQL, po moje niso, ker ponavadi je jasno ta kratica v imenu datoteke ko jo dol povlečeš. Jaz imam zadnjih par verzij same težave s temi gonilniki, edina igra ki jo igram se mi redno sesuje gonilnik in se ventilator kar ustavi ali pa gre na minimalne obrate. Tako da sem šel nazaj na 16.10.1 ki so bili whql, ti so pa ok.

D3m ::
Načeloma bi morali biti.
Ker meni, kot stabilne certificirane driverje poriva 15.7.1, pač ker imam HD 6000 gpu.
Ker meni, kot stabilne certificirane driverje poriva 15.7.1, pač ker imam HD 6000 gpu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Sami ::
Meni deluje OK od kar imam kartico cca. 1 mesec z vsemi najnovejšimi driverji.
Kaj pa se priporoča "beta"/optional driver ali WHQL?
Pri nVidii sem vedno inštaliral le WHQL driverje, updatee za beta sem izklopil.
Kaj pa se priporoča "beta"/optional driver ali WHQL?
Pri nVidii sem vedno inštaliral le WHQL driverje, updatee za beta sem izklopil.
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

D3m ::
Pri AMDju je načeloma vseeno, ker se beta smatra pri njih, kot final build.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::
Ja kaj pa? Še preden je Raja prevzel vajeti AMD ni zapravljal financ za WHQL certifikat.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Sami ::
ker se beta smatra pri njih, kot final build.
What ?Just... no..
Torej čakam na WHQL izdajo? Ker tudi AMD te driverje označi kot recommended...
Pri nVidia zadnje čase sploh ni bilo BETA driverjev za mojo grafo, sem ravno pogledal...
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

D3m ::
ker se beta smatra pri njih, kot final build.
What ?Just... no..
Torej čakam na WHQL izdajo? Ker tudi AMD te driverje označi kot recommended...
Pri nVidia zadnje čase sploh ni bilo BETA driverjev za mojo grafo, sem ravno pogledal...
Kakor bodo napisali. Če ne BETA pa hotfixi.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Ja, žal je veliko Beta, potem pa odvisno od samega poimenovanja.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Grafična kartica (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 199 200 201 202 )Oddelek: Kaj kupiti | 1261293 (57) | MihaK3 |
» | Gtx 1060 ali RX 480 (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 25 26 27 28 )Oddelek: Kaj kupiti | 211968 (175680) | Predator X |
⊘ | AMD Radeon R9 400 Series (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 118 119 120 121 )Oddelek: Strojna oprema | 731587 (588243) | gddr85 |