Forum » Mobilne tehnologije » Xiaomi mi5, mi5s, mi5 plus
Xiaomi mi5, mi5s, mi5 plus

zzbil ::
Evo ko tole berem res nevem a se splaca mi5...Polno negarivnih komentarjev..

SumTingWong ::
Ne brat komentarje na GSMArena. Redno spremljam, berem komentarje telefonov, ki so mi všeč ali pa pač novih. Samo šinfajo. Ali pa komentirajo pod Samsung J3 "Best phone of the 2016". Predvsem Indijci se mi zdi haha.
@zzbil : Glede ZS, ni govora o Mi5, malo sem le potarnal o EU vs China pošiljanju.
@zzbil : Glede ZS, ni govora o Mi5, malo sem le potarnal o EU vs China pošiljanju.

gregor ::
Xiaomi Mi5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 FULL Comparison Review
Overall, the Samsung Galaxy S7 is a better phone in almost each and every department and it's got the Xiaomi Mi5 beat... but of course it does! But here's the thing, the latest Galaxy phone costs as twice as much as the Mi5.
If you are looking for a phone that has a better build quality, water resistance, higher resolution display, better camera or you just simply want one of the best devices the money can buy - the Galaxy S7 is your choice.
If you are on a budget or simply believe that the S7 is overpriced, go with the Xiaomi Mi5. It is still a great phone. It sports a processing power that easily rivals the S7, its design and display are gorgeous, the UI is running fast and it has tons of features.
At the end of the day, both phones are great at their respective price categories. It all comes to your personal preference - if you need a top-shelf phone for a premium price or saving money is more important for you. Of course, if you don't mind a few shortcomings.

Veron ::
Dobil telefon. Jao ta china rom. Spravljam se naložit global rom (čeprav bugi). Pa mi ni čisto jasno kaj zdej s tem locked/unlocked bootloaderjem

Marko8 ::
naloži tega
ima tudi slovenščino
ima tudi slovenščino
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Marko8 ()

Veron ::
Ne uporabljam slovenščine, tako da bo kr tisti global ok. Čakam samo še popravke tega rom-a in to je to. Daily phone.
Mi je pa kul, da je nabor tem (theme) velik in zanimiv.
Odklepanje s prstnim odtisom res dela hitr, ni tko k pr iphone 6 :)
Mi je pa kul, da je nabor tem (theme) velik in zanimiv.
Odklepanje s prstnim odtisom res dela hitr, ni tko k pr iphone 6 :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Veron ()

evo7 ::
Uporabljam tudi sam global in je res mal kitajščine .(razen na mi account, mi store in včasih na Security).
Glede pa s prstnim vtisom sem dal zadnjič za foro čez prst folijo za zavijanje hrane in mi je prijel , probal z iphonom pa protestiral.
Glede pa s prstnim vtisom sem dal zadnjič za foro čez prst folijo za zavijanje hrane in mi je prijel , probal z iphonom pa protestiral.

vilonja ::
Sem opazil, da je mi5 32gb black in stock, če koga morda zanima, pa niti ni tako dražji, samo 15$

veqlargh ::
Ja, ker se je bel podražil za 30EUR :)
UPS, se popravljam, včeraj sem gledal je bil črn še vedno 370EUR+, zdaj vidim, da je 337EUR.
UPS, se popravljam, včeraj sem gledal je bil črn še vedno 370EUR+, zdaj vidim, da je 337EUR.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: veqlargh ()

kumer ::
Xiaomi Mi 5 and Mi 5 Pro tips and tricks
Xiaomi Mi 5 vs OnePlus 3 comparison
Xiaomi Mi 5 vs OnePlus 3 comparison

Veron ::
anyway, kljub "buggy" global romu (čeprav ne opazim nobene težave sofar - knok knok), very good phone! Dost bolj všečen od ip6. Je pa res, da sem si takoj naložil theme-o ios9 :D Nekako mi všeč ios vizualni vmesnik. Tko da zame top kombinacija

kumer ::
pa smo dočakali še test android centrale:
Xiaomi Mi 5 Bottom line
The Mi 5 is a great phone, offering incredible hardware in the mid-tier segment. Overall refinement is still missing when you compare the Mi 5 to the Galaxy S7, but then again Samsung's offering costs twice as much.
With the Mi 5, you're getting a great display, and the phone's design with its curved glass back is sure to turn heads. However, the software is badly in need of an overhaul, and Xiaomi needs to address availability issues. There's also the camera, which isn't great in low-light conditions, and the battery isn't going to last an entire day.

SumTingWong :: Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

gregor ::
Xiaomi Mi 5 Review
Redefining the affordable smartphone
Redefining the affordable smartphone
Bottom Line
Xiaomi has dotted the i's and crossed the t's with the Mi 5 and delivered an astonishingly impressive smartphone. By offering what is quite possibly the best mobile experience at this price, Xiaomi has yet again redefined what an affordable smartphone should be.
Overall, there's no denying that Xiaomi has made yet another excellent smartphone. The Mi 5 undercuts the best smartphones on the market in price but not nearly as much in features as in previous years. Although its lack of U.S. availability and 4G LTE support are a major hurdle, its low-light camera may be somewhat disappointing, and MIUI could use a few updates, there's certainly a lot to love about the Xiaomi Mi 5.
The Mi 5's design, display, performance, hardware, battery life, camera, and software impressed us overall, which is astonishing at this price point. Xiaomi has yet again raised the bar for what an affordable smartphone should be, and much like previous years, rival OEMs will certainly need to up their game to topple Xiaomi's latest flagship.

knap ::
Xiaomi Mi 5 review: This is how you build a flagship phone
The Mi 5 is a solid performer in just about every department, looks fantastic and comes packed with features. And at just Rs. 24,999 ($376) it beats other flagships from LG and Samsung on price by a mile.
More importantly, Xiaomi has created a seriously desirable device that I'd be glad to own. In addition to its high-end processing power and commendable camera, it's a well crafted piece of hardware that I'll fondly remember years after it's gone.
The only drawback the Mi 5 faces is the same with all Xiaomi phones: it's only available through flash sales, so you'll have to wait your turn if you want to get your hands on one. However, there isn't anything else out that's as fast or as beautiful at this price, so if you're in the market for a new handset, I'd recommend getting in line right away.

ingeniero ::
Če kdo rabi novega Xiaomi mi4c 32GB, ga prodam ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: ingeniero ()

knap ::
da obudim temo 
Xiaomi Mi5 Review: Great Design. Amazing Specs. INSANE Price

Xiaomi Mi5 Review: Great Design. Amazing Specs. INSANE Price
Xiaomi Mi5 Review: Conclusion
Xiaomi is one of those firms which consistently manages to surprise us with its products. The Mi4 was a gorgeous powerhouse that left the Nexus 5 in its wake, while the Redmi Note 2 offered a phablet experience at a bargain basement cost. The more recent Mi4C delivered the same kind of performance as the Nexus 5X at a much lower price, but the Mi5 is perhaps the most striking handset the "Apple of the East" has ever created; it looks amazing, has cutting-edge tech inside and is capable of snapping amazing photos - and all for around half the cost of its big-name Android rivals.
The only sticking points with the Mi5 are its limited support of 4G networks in the UK and the MIUI software it ships with. While the UI is mostly excellent and has a lot of cool ideas I'd like to see incorporated into other phones, it takes a lot of work to get running properly and Xiaomi's changes often produce unexpected problems. The company has confirmed that a global ROM will be arriving for the phone in the near future however, and this could take the sting out of importing one of these devices from the Far East.
Taking the cost of the handset into account, it's easy to live with a few teething troubles, however. For ?275 you're getting a Snapdragon 820-powered behemoth with a crisp screen, super-fast fingerprint scanner, superb 16 megapixel camera, fast charging capability and NFC - in fact, the spec list wouldn't seem out of place on the latest effort from Samsung, Sony or LG. For the time being Xiaomi seems content to sell its devices in China and India, but the fact that it chose to unveil the Mi5 at Mobile World Congress in Spain speaks volumes - the Chinese are coming, and every other Android handset maker should take note.

kumer ::
DXO MARK: Xiaomi Mi 5 Mobile review: Better in bright light

tebodi ::
Uporabljam tudi sam global in je res mal kitajščine .(razen na mi account, mi store in včasih na Security).
Glede pa s prstnim vtisom sem dal zadnjič za foro čez prst folijo za zavijanje hrane in mi je prijel , probal z iphonom pa protestiral.
Čist mimogrede, to s folijo in še vedno prepoznavanjem (ali "prepoznavanjem") odtisa ni nujno samo dobro.
Lahko da je dobro, lahko da ni..
Samo na splošno to dodajam, nikakor nima smisla se spuščat v podrobnosti ali debato.

Jure244 ::
Evo, jaz sm ga kupil pri honorbuy, pa je problem ker ne vleče LTE, očitno ni pravih frekvenc :/

tigrr ::
preveri, če ti sim kartica dobr vstavljena. Vem da ni logike.. ampak meni je LTE tud nekej štrajkal, sim sm dal vn in not, po tem je bilo ok.

kumer ::
cena je prvič padla pod magično mejo 300 eur, če sem prav izračunal je 330 usd - 297 eur
pred tem je bila cela okreog 350 usd
pred tem je bila cela okreog 350 usd
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kumer ()

Ted ::
Manjko 800 mhz LTE-ja je velik minus in glavni razlog proti nekaterim kitajcem... Ko enkrat preklopiš na LTE dostop postaneš razvajen.

fopi ::
če bi imel 800 MHz bi ga takoj kupil ker ima vse, tako pa se ne morem prepričati, da bi dal 350 EUR (po poštnini) za telefon, ki nima polne LTE zmogljivosti...kaj podobnega pametnega do max velikosti 145 mm pa ni
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fopi ()

Bellzmet ::
Ja malo poglej kako je z baznimi postajami. Na tiste, ki sem jaz ponavadi povezan imajo LTE na 1800 mhz kar pa telefon podpira.

Veron ::
Meni tole ne zgleda preveč slabo, je 1800 kr vredu pokrit
Pri Simobilu je pa druga zgodba, imajo večino 800 postaje
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Veron ()

vilonja ::
Vidim da je prišel global dev rom za xiaomi mi5. Mogoče kdo ve, če zatem pride še offical stable rom?
Vidim da je prišel global dev rom za xiaomi mi5. Mogoče kdo ve, če zatem pride še offical stable rom?

gregor ::
glede na to da gre za njihov najboljši telefon, bo tudi global stable rom prišel
vprašanje je samo kdaj
vprašanje je samo kdaj

tigrr ::
fejst čudn, če mene vprašaš.. mi suite kao ne podpira androida 6.0
stanje aprila:
stanje junija:
stanje aprila:
stanje junija:

gregor ::
to pa res nisem vedel, se malo norca delajo
da za njihov "flagship" model ne naredijo popravka v mi suite
da za njihov "flagship" model ne naredijo popravka v mi suite


gregor ::
Xiaomi Mi5 review
Flagship smartphone specs at half the price - so what's the catch?
Flagship smartphone specs at half the price - so what's the catch?

Joze_K ::
as the Mi5 does not support the 800MHz band that O2 uses. It should be stressed that this is a software and not a hardware issue - the phone is perfectly capable of supporting other 4G bands, and should Xiaomi decide to launch the phone in the west, there's a good chance we could see a new ROM appear which solves this issue.

fopi ::
as the Mi5 does not support the 800MHz band that O2 uses. It should be stressed that this is a software and not a hardware issue - the phone is perfectly capable of supporting other 4G bands, and should Xiaomi decide to launch the phone in the west, there's a good chance we could see a new ROM appear which solves this issue.
Pa bi se to dalo z kakim CM rešit?

keitai ::
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