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Xiaomi mi6

kumer ::
GSMArena team, 26 May 2017
Social climber - Xiaomi Mi 6 review
presenteljivo dobra ocena gsm arena, samo cena še mora pasti in to konkretno
Social climber - Xiaomi Mi 6 review
Final words
Xiaomi tried to put everything that's hot right now in a low-fare package and the resulting Mi 6 is an amazing phone for the price. Xiaomi's keen on making a statement with it and challenging the big names in the game. The way the Chinese go about it is probably not the most subtle but in terms of looks and specs, the Xiaomi Mi 6 is the best Mi yet.
Xiaomi Mi 6 review
Clearly building on an all-glass design that originated with the Mi 5, the Xiaomi Mi 6 is not just sturdy now, it's splash-resistant too. The new dual-camera is the highlight of the package. Even if it doesn't get Mi 5 owners craving for an upgrade though, the latest Snapdragon 835 chip and 6GB of RAM might as well.
The Mi 6 succeeds where others would have likely failed, and not just on paper. It has processing power to spare, one of the best designs, a very credible camera, solid battery life, quality stereo sound. Sure, the display resolution could have been higher, but that would've hurt performance. The 5.15" screen is reasonably sharp as it is and the 1080p resolution helps squeeze every drop of power out of the Snapdragon 835.
Xiaomi Mi 6 key test findings
-Premium build and design, dual Gorilla Glass 5 and stainless steel frame, splash-proof.
-The 5.15" 1080p screen is upper-midrange at best, but it's sharp enough and one of the brightest LCDs around, with very good contrast, accurate colors, and superb sunlight legibility.
-The Home key could have been retired instead of the audio jack, but on a positive note, its fingerprint scanner is always-on, very fast and accurate.
-With an 80h Endurance Rating, the Mi 6 is a solid performer and does great in the individual tests of web browsing, video playback, and voice calls, but it has an unusually high power consumption in standby.
-MIUI 8.0 is built on Android 7.1 Nougat and runs fast and fluid; theming and various customization options, including the notification area and app switcher, help you get the look you want.
-The Snapdragon 835 chipset is a beast and the Mi 6 takes full advantage. It outperforms the S835-powered rivals thanks to its lower screen resolution.
-The stereo speakers are loud, with a clean output.
-Audio quality using the supplied 3.5mm audio adapter is excellent with a very loud output.
-The still images from the regular camera show mature processing with accurate colors, high level of detail, and great dynamic range.
-The telephoto samples with depth effect offer good software faux bokeh when shooting people. The effect isn't as good when there is no face in the frame such as when you are shooting everyday objects. It's nice to have a 2x zoom camera in good light even though resolved detail is average. The smaller sensor and smaller aperture make the telephoto camera unusable in low light.
-Good selfies with lots of detail, nice colors, and great contrast.
-The image quality of 4K videos is average across the board - detail, noise, dynamic range. 1080p videos are better with more detail and sharper picture. -The low audio bitrate takes its toll on sound quality in noisier environments.
presenteljivo dobra ocena gsm arena, samo cena še mora pasti in to konkretno

SumTingWong ::
Ja, nikamor ne gre cena :( Res si želim ta mobitel, ampak 450€ je preveč. No, je pa res, da je mobitel šele en mesec zunaj.

kumer ::
bo potrebno še počakat, povpraševanje presega proizvodnjo
morda enkrat poleti, morda jeseni
morda enkrat poleti, morda jeseni

gregor ::
The Xiaomi Mi6 isn't quite an iPhone 7 Plus, but it's not bad

ivanuscha ::

Drmr ::
Ce se ne motim global != international.
Global pomeni da ima global ROM, international pa da podpira B20.
V tem primeru zal ni videti B20 podpore. Dopuscam moznost da se motim.
Global pomeni da ima global ROM, international pa da podpira B20.
V tem primeru zal ni videti B20 podpore. Dopuscam moznost da se motim.

gregor ::
Xiaomi Mi 6 - Recenzija
Xiaomi Mi 6 donosi brojne novosti u odnosu na Mi 5, čak i u odnosu na Mi 5s. Vjerojatno najvažnija je dvostruka kamera, ali nimalo manje vrijedni nisu ni stereo zvučnici i kućište otporno na prskanje.
Odluku da 6 GB RAM-a ima model sa 64 i 128 GB svakako pozdravljamo, no malo smo podijeljeni oko nedostatka 3,5-mm priključka za slušalice. Neki ljudi nikad ne koriste slušalice pa ni neće primijetiti što se dogodilo, ali druga skupina bi mogla negodovati.
S obzirom na kvalitetu prikaza, ne žalimo za izostankom neke vrste OLED zaslona. Baterija je vrlo dobra, a performanse su u vrhu današnje ponude top modela smartfona. Poveznica s Appleovim najnovijim modelima iPhonea ima dovoljno i možda se malo izgubilo na originalnosti, no sigurni smo da se nitko neće previše žaliti.

ivanuscha ::
Ce se ne motim global != international.
Global pomeni da ima global ROM, international pa da podpira B20.
V tem primeru zal ni videti B20 podpore. Dopuscam moznost da se motim.
Točno tako kot praviš, s tem da honorbuy ima pod razdelkom Xiaomi Global version praviloma samo International verzije z B20. Očitno je potem tale Mi6 nekakšna izjema, čeprav se očitno razlikuje od običajne verzije.

papasmrk ::
Pa je tale Xiaomi ze na voljo za nas evropski trg ali pa bo potrebno se malce pocakat? Kje se ga pa da kupit ?

next3steps ::
Za evropski trg še kar nekaj časa ne bo. Je pa na voljo v Kitajski, Indiji in menda Tajvanu. Od tam tudi pošiljke preprodajalcev.

Ergo ::
Xiaomi telefon še kar nekaj let ne bodo na voljo uradno v sloveniji in evropi. Mogoče celo nikoli. Na določenih spletnih straneh(mimovrste) boš našel njihove telefone ampak ti telefoni niso bili narejeni z namenom da bi se prodajali v evropi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ergo ()

knap ::
da malo obudim temo 
Xiaomi Mi 6 benchmarks: Putting the Snapdragon 835 to the test

Xiaomi Mi 6 benchmarks: Putting the Snapdragon 835 to the test
The Mi 6 ticks a lot of right boxes, and is one of the fastest phones in the market today. The phone has a much better design when compared to last year's Mi 5 and Mi 5s, and the software situation has also improved considerably, with the phone running Android 7.1.1 Nougat out of the box.
The dual rear camera configuration is also a significant upgrade from last year, and overall the phone is one of the best that Xiaomi has launched to date.

MacLeod ::
Potem to prodajajo fake International verzijo, ki nima podprtega LTE v Sloveniji?

Drmr ::
Potem to prodajajo fake International verzijo, ki nima podprtega LTE v Sloveniji?
Par postov nazaj je ze bila debata o tem:
Prihaja International verzija Mi6 in to samo za 404€.
Ce se ne motim global != international.
Global pomeni da ima global ROM, international pa da podpira B20.
V tem primeru zal ni videti B20 podpore. Dopuscam moznost da se motim.
Ta international zal ni proper international kot pri Redmi Note npr. Tudi ce pogledas specifikacije ni navedeno da bi podpiral B20.

knap ::
Xiaomi Mi 6 review: A new beginning
samo cena še naj pade na 300 - 350 eur (poštnina vključena)
Xiaomi Mi 6 Bottom line
Simply put, the Mi 6 offers incredible value for its price. The phone has a stunning metal-and-glass design, along with build quality rivaling the best that Samsung and LG have to offer. It has powerful internals that outmatch flagships twice its price, and 6GB of RAM along with 128GB storage should be more than enough for most customers. The dual cameras add a new dimension, and the uptick in battery life is a welcome addition.
However, the same issues that plagued the Mi 5 also affect its successor -- the Mi 6 won't be available in Western markets, and the limited LTE bands make it a non-starter in the U.S. That said, the phone should be heading to India later this year -- Xiaomi's largest market outside of China. The lack of a 3.5mm jack is going to be a dealbreaker for potential customers, but as an overall package, the Mi 6 is one of the best Xiaomi phones to date.
Should you buy it Yes!
The Mi 6 is a well-designed phone with top-notch internals and a capable dual camera system. Combine that with the best iteration of MIUI we've seen in years and all-day battery life, and the Mi 6 continues Xiaomi's tradition of offering great value-for-money phones.
The phone retails for the equivalent of $360 for the 64GB model and $420 in China for the 128GB model, but with sales limited to Xiaomi's home market, you'll have to rely on a third-party retailer to get your hands on one outside the country. Thankfully, GearBest is running a sale, where you can pick up the 64GB variant for $406 by using the code EGMI64.
samo cena še naj pade na 300 - 350 eur (poštnina vključena)

knap ::
Xiaomi Mi 6 review:
The best phone you can't get (unless you're in China)
The best phone you can't get (unless you're in China)

Mavrik ::
Kolikor sem jaz gledal tudi vsi pravijo da ne podpira B20 (800MHz LTE) kar pomeni da bo pri nas bolj slabo delal :/
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

knap ::
nič novega, če res rabiš B20, potem pač to ni telefon za tebe
če pa hočeš tel za cca 300-400 eur ceneje kot npr sgs8, pa je dobra izbira
in cena bo seveda še padla v prihodnjih mesecih...
če pa hočeš tel za cca 300-400 eur ceneje kot npr sgs8, pa je dobra izbira
in cena bo seveda še padla v prihodnjih mesecih...

antiz ::
Bile so špekulacije saj je Xiaomi danes začel s prodajo v Rusiji, kjer nekateri operaterji uporabljajo b20. Ampak kot kaže bo ostal brez.

kumer ::
nekaj novejših testov
nekateri so precej podrobni...
Xiaomi Mi 6 Review
Xiaomi Mi6 Smartphone Review
Xiaomi Mi6 review: The best budget phone you've probably never heard of
Xiaomi Mi 6 Review: Flagship for Less
Xiaomi Mi 6 review: Great value for money, but buyer beware
Xiaomi Mi6 review: Fantastic value... if you can track one down
cena pa nikako ne pade, če se prav spomnim je mi5 veliko hitreje postal cenejši
nekateri so precej podrobni...
Xiaomi Mi 6 Review
Xiaomi Mi6 Smartphone Review
Xiaomi Mi6 review: The best budget phone you've probably never heard of
Xiaomi Mi 6 Review: Flagship for Less
Xiaomi Mi 6 review: Great value for money, but buyer beware
Xiaomi Mi6 review: Fantastic value... if you can track one down
cena pa nikako ne pade, če se prav spomnim je mi5 veliko hitreje postal cenejši

antiz ::
Danes na za 352€! Ima kdo izkušnje s to stranjo? Je skladišče v Španiji ali pošiljajo iz Kitajske?

knap ::
meni nepoznana stran, dvomim da je takšna cena lahko iz EU
če pa gre za EU in je stran zaupanja vredna, pa je to kar poceni
če pa gre za EU in je stran zaupanja vredna, pa je to kar poceni

knap ::

freesty ::
Si ze kdo lasti telefon? Da pove malo s prve roke:)

andyy ::
Si ze kdo lasti telefon? Da pove malo s prve roke:)
Jaz lahko povem iz prve roke, da je super. Napram Mi5 bi rekel, da je bistvena razlika lepši dizajn (zaradi zaobljenih robov boljši oprijem) in pa gumbek za prstni odtis (hiter, natančen in nepokvarljiv). Kamera od Mi5 je za običajne posnetke po mojem mnenju nekoliko boljša - več detajlov (ne me narobe razumet, še vedno dela Mi6 super fotografije), Mi6 pa definitivno zmaga pri fotografiranju portretov (zamegljeno ozadje - zaradi dveh kamer). Performance je primerljiv, MIUI je itak zelo zoptimiziran, bo pa morda opazna razlika pri uporabi split screen zmožnosti, ki pride z MIUI9.. bomo videli.

andyy ::
Kolega mi ga je prinesel iz Kitajske. Pa tam ga je neverjetno težko dobiti. Vsaj po uradni poti preko spleta, ker zaloge poidejo v sekundah. Sem takoj namestil rom, tako da ne vem kako je z OTA.

novitibo ::
kakšne pa ima prednosti rom?
a je že kdo naročil preko aliexpressa (dhl - brez carine)?
a je že kdo naročil preko aliexpressa (dhl - brez carine)?

antiz ::
Naročil preko Goldwaya, prezadovoljen. Prišel v cirka 9 dneh, naložen najnovejši global rom. Tudi omrežje je večino časa 4g (bob).

peterpan55 ::

freesty ::
Kje se trenutno najbolj splaca vzet ta telefon?

novitibo ::
jz gledam in cakam da bojo se padle cene tukaj:

freesty ::
Upam, da bo kmalu kaksna akcija, rad bi ga dobil za 350 s postnino. Ze to mi je malo dosti za telefon.
Jaz se tele deale malo spremljam:
Pa sem zamudil 128 GB ceramic model za 334EUR. Saj mozno, da bi bil problem s carino potem.
Jaz se tele deale malo spremljam:
Pa sem zamudil 128 GB ceramic model za 334EUR. Saj mozno, da bi bil problem s carino potem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: freesty ()

Spock83 ::
Res ne vem zakaj vraga sparajo z B20. A zaradi licenc ali kaj? To mi je tako motece, da se ga bom nekaj casa izogibal.

novitibo ::
za B20 frekvence po SLO je odvisno pri katerem operaterju si:

FireSnake ::
Res ne vem zakaj vraga sparajo z B20. A zaradi licenc ali kaj? To mi je tako motece, da se ga bom nekaj casa izogibal.
Če nisi pripravljen sprejeti še kak drug kompromis, se ga popolnoma izogni.
Za detajle beri xiaomi teme.
Poglej in se nasmej:

Spock83 ::
Saj imam kar nekaj Xiaomi telefonov. Nazadnje je seveda bil nevede polit Mi5S Plus. Škoda. Hotel sem pri nas vzeti Mi6 ampak ni zaloge. No kakorkoli naročil sem OnePlus5.

fopi ::
A je to potem brez davka (DE warehouse na geekbuying)?
Kolko pa je poštnina?
Kolko pa je poštnina?

SumTingWong ::
Tukaj imaš tudi brez davka. Dodaj 20EUR za DHL in dobiš čez teden dni na dom. Končna cena 370EUR.
Tukaj imaš tudi brez davka. Dodaj 20EUR za DHL in dobiš čez teden dni na dom. Končna cena 370EUR.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: SumTingWong ()

Marix ::
Zdravo jaz sem včeraj naročil ta telefon preko AliExpress.
Danes pa sem dobil 3 čudna sporočila od njih, zdaj pa sem čisto zmeden ali je potrebno plačati carino + DDV 22% ali ne :S
Prvo sporočilo:
Xiaomi Sales
17/08/29 03:35
Thanks for your purchasing.
Since you have choose send via DHL.Here are something we need to let you know in advance.
1:Send via DHL may need to clear customs in your country ,and 95% that you need to pay customs taxes.
2:Normally we will declare $45 for each phone, tablet or box mark as phone or tablet PC.We will declare real value for orders(total amount including freight)from Belarus, Israel,Chile,Portugal,South Korea and Greece.
3.If you have any special requirements, plz reply within 12 hours.If no, we will declare according to our experience, if any tax or any issue, you need to bear this.
More detail and info plz check link below
We sincerely hope that you do not use additional import costs or customs clearance delays as a reason for requesting refunds or leaving negative feedback.
Any questions , please contact with us.
Xiaomi Online Store
Drugo sporočilo:
Xiaomi Sales
17/08/29 03:34
Dear friend,
Thank you for your purchasing from us. We will declare it for $45 as our experience since we do not receive your response within 24 hours. I hope you can understand it. If there are still taxes and other fees, you need to pay it.
We will send it soon and then you will get the tracking number on the Aliexpress account after we send out. Please kindly wait for that.
Thank you for your kind understanding and waiting.
Wish you and your family a nice day.
Best Regards.
Tretje sporočilo:
Xiaomi Sales
17/08/28 21:42
Thanks for your purchasing.
Since you have choose send via DHL.Here are something we need to let you know in advance.
1:Send via DHL may need to clear customs in your country ,and 95% that you need to pay customs taxes.
2:Normally we will declare $45 for each phone, tablet or box mark as phone or tablet PC.We will declare real value for orders(total amount including freight)from Belarus, Israel,Chile,Portugal,South Korea and Greece.
3.If you have any special requirements, plz reply within 24 hours.If no, we will declare according to our experience, if any tax or any issue, you need to bear this.
More detail and info plz check link below
We sincerely hope that you do not use additional import costs or customs clearance delays as a reason for requesting refunds or leaving negative feedback.
Any questions , please contact with us.
Xiaomi Online Store
Mi lahko kdo pomaga kaj zdaj naj naredim?
Danes pa sem dobil 3 čudna sporočila od njih, zdaj pa sem čisto zmeden ali je potrebno plačati carino + DDV 22% ali ne :S
Prvo sporočilo:
Xiaomi Sales
17/08/29 03:35
Thanks for your purchasing.
Since you have choose send via DHL.Here are something we need to let you know in advance.
1:Send via DHL may need to clear customs in your country ,and 95% that you need to pay customs taxes.
2:Normally we will declare $45 for each phone, tablet or box mark as phone or tablet PC.We will declare real value for orders(total amount including freight)from Belarus, Israel,Chile,Portugal,South Korea and Greece.
3.If you have any special requirements, plz reply within 12 hours.If no, we will declare according to our experience, if any tax or any issue, you need to bear this.
More detail and info plz check link below
We sincerely hope that you do not use additional import costs or customs clearance delays as a reason for requesting refunds or leaving negative feedback.
Any questions , please contact with us.
Xiaomi Online Store
Drugo sporočilo:
Xiaomi Sales
17/08/29 03:34
Dear friend,
Thank you for your purchasing from us. We will declare it for $45 as our experience since we do not receive your response within 24 hours. I hope you can understand it. If there are still taxes and other fees, you need to pay it.
We will send it soon and then you will get the tracking number on the Aliexpress account after we send out. Please kindly wait for that.
Thank you for your kind understanding and waiting.
Wish you and your family a nice day.
Best Regards.
Tretje sporočilo:
Xiaomi Sales
17/08/28 21:42
Thanks for your purchasing.
Since you have choose send via DHL.Here are something we need to let you know in advance.
1:Send via DHL may need to clear customs in your country ,and 95% that you need to pay customs taxes.
2:Normally we will declare $45 for each phone, tablet or box mark as phone or tablet PC.We will declare real value for orders(total amount including freight)from Belarus, Israel,Chile,Portugal,South Korea and Greece.
3.If you have any special requirements, plz reply within 24 hours.If no, we will declare according to our experience, if any tax or any issue, you need to bear this.
More detail and info plz check link below
We sincerely hope that you do not use additional import costs or customs clearance delays as a reason for requesting refunds or leaving negative feedback.
Any questions , please contact with us.
Xiaomi Online Store
Mi lahko kdo pomaga kaj zdaj naj naredim?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Marix ()
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