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Negotova prihodnost ateizma in prihodnost islamske religije v Evropi 21. stoletja

Negotova prihodnost ateizma in prihodnost islamske religije v Evropi 21. stoletja

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55 / 63

harmony ::

yero7 je izjavil:

Križarji so bili odgovor na širjenje islama, ki se je 400 let širil z meče in ognjem.

Kako se pa danes siri? Nikjer ne vidim meca in ognja, a vseeno je vse vec in vec muslimanov.

boolsheat ::

harmony je izjavil:

boolsheat je izjavil:

Bodo na predavanjih povedali, da so muslimani v sklopu vpadov na našem ozemlju pobili 200 tisoč naših prednikov?

Koliko so ti predniki ubili muslimanov? Krizarji recimo?

Koliko muslimanov so naši križarji pobili pa res ne vem. 200-300?

fantasycamp ::

Kritika deluje v eno smer!

Posledice turških vpadov na slovensko ozemlje so bile za prebivalstvo zelo hude. Po ocenah so Turki do leta 1508 ubili ali odpeljali okoli 200.000 ljudi. Turki so slovenske in druge ujetnike prodajali na trgih za sužnje. Nekateri sužnji so se še naprej ukvarjali s poljedelstvom, saj jim je bilo tako določeno.

Bela krivda očitno deluje tudi če ne spadaš v isti narod... Mi spadamo pod Angleže, križarski pohodi pa to!
Tur%C5%A1ki vpadi @ Wikipedia

Medtem pa ne smemo kritizirat tiste ki zdaj prihajajo k nam v imenu religije ki je tukaj delala točno to kar so črncem delali določeni...

Nam pa govorijo točno to, da smo kolonizatorji, da se moramo sramovati naše preteklosti in vsakič nam naprej vržejo križarske pohode...

Ali bomo res utihnili?

Matako ::

fantasycamp je izjavil:

Medtem pa ne smemo kritizirat tiste ki zdaj prihajajo k nam v imenu religije ki je tukaj delala točno to kar so črncem delali določeni...

Misliš Arabci Afričanom?

Arab slave trade @ Wikipedia

fantasycamp ::

Matako je izjavil:

fantasycamp je izjavil:

Medtem pa ne smemo kritizirat tiste ki zdaj prihajajo k nam v imenu religije ki je tukaj delala točno to kar so črncem delali določeni...

Misliš Arabci Afričanom?

Arab slave trade @ Wikipedia

tud oni,pač ameriški,francoski in angleški belci spadajo zraven,še kdo se najde, problem je ker vse belce, tudi nas enačijo z njimi..

Še nekako razumem te ki so nevedni, manj pa Slovence ki imajo white guilt in se enačijo z njimi, skupimani ki nasgledajo z viška in nas ne vidijo kot iste!

dice7 ::

skupine, ki gledajo druge z viska in jih ne vidijo, kot iste? oh, na pravi forum si prisel!

fantasycamp ::

dice7 je izjavil:

skupine, ki gledajo druge z viska in jih ne vidijo, kot iste? oh, na pravi forum si prisel!

Jah imaš prav povsod je tko tudi med ljudmi v isti državi,samo so tukaj stopnice, nekateri mislijo da so boljši od tebe in te pustijo na miru, muslimani te ne bodo, ni ista ekvivalenca!

Oni hočejo shario in spremembo demokracije, enačit to z egoisti in bogatimi je neumno!

ZaphodBB ::

Kako se pa danes siri? Nikjer ne vidim meca in ognja, a vseeno je vse vec in vec muslimanov.

Isto, Libanon je bil pred 70 leti krščanska dežela.

jest10 je izjavil:

Ja, v manjši meri res.
Bistvo je bilo pa preusmerjanje pozornosti od domačega sranja ter želja po plenjenju.

"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Matako ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Kako se pa danes siri? Nikjer ne vidim meca in ognja, a vseeno je vse vec in vec muslimanov.

Isto, Libanon je bil pred 70 leti krščanska dežela.

Libanon je bil še pred 40 leti čisto v redu miks vsega. Zgledna, resnično napredna multikulti dežela. Ok, mogoče je kak kristijan ali jud malce pojamral nad živahno arabsko demografijo, ampak to so bile akademske debate.

Nakar so ga Hezboti "versko očistili" ISIS stajl. Kdor ni pobegnil, jo je pogosto skupil. Libanon je še ena na zajetnem seznamu dežel, ki jih je islam uničil kot funkcionalne države.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

hoyladri ::

jest10 je izjavil:

_dice7 je izjavil:

jest10 je izjavil:

Tebe malo jebe zaplankanost ane.
Eno je, da si gredo ogledati nek objekt, drugo pa bi bilo, če bi učence naterali v ta objekt k molitvi in k verski vzgoji.

Deklice naj imajo s sabo ruto da se lahko pokrijejo ko vstopija na posvečena ahmedistanska tla.
Imam jim bo razložil kako je muhamed spolno občeval s svojo 8 letno nevesto in zato ni s pedofilijo nič narobe (izključno za kebabe seveda). Isto se lahko penetrira fante, a previdno da ne na homoseksualni način, ker potem sledi smrtna kazen. V religiji miru so stvari komplicirane, sploh ker za razliko od krščanstva na naši zemlji kebabistanci niso počeli drugega kot klanje in fickificki. 1000 let nazaj in danes. Seveda se o temu ne sme govoriti, ker islamofili greste jokat na policijo če se užali vaša čustva, medtem ko posilstva se vam ne sme prepovedati ker je to del vaše bogate, raznolike kulture.

Ohladi se malo, da se res ne srečava na kakšnem sodišču. Pa bomo tam dorekli, kateri del moje kulture so posilstva itd.

Kako hitro se vi muslofilske jokice spreobrnite in začnete groziti, s sodišči, fojbanjem, anti-nacizmom.

Razen če si mislil na šariatska sodišča, kjer se redno odloča da so take stvari a-ok !

harmony je izjavil:

yero7 je izjavil:

Križarji so bili odgovor na širjenje islama, ki se je 400 let širil z meče in ognjem.

Kako se pa danes siri? Nikjer ne vidim meca in ognja, a vseeno je vse vec in vec muslimanov.

Imigracija, out-breeding in naklonjenost EU takim lumpom.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: jest10 ()

Matako ::

Q: Kater šport je relativno varen za geje v islamu?

A: Jadralno padalstvo.

Martin Krpan ::

harmony je izjavil:

boolsheat je izjavil:

Bodo na predavanjih povedali, da so muslimani v sklopu vpadov na našem ozemlju pobili 200 tisoč naših prednikov?

Koliko so ti predniki ubili muslimanov? Krizarji recimo?

Ma nemoj ! Kolk križarjev pa je bilo z naših krajev ?
Link !

Martin Krpan ::

Zagor_tenay je izjavil:

V džamiji sem bil leta 89 v Sarajevu, ko smo bili na ekskurziji po bivši jugi. Takrat niso zahtevali, da se punce v džamiji pokrijejo. Očitno so leta 2016 mnogo bolj fundamentalistični. Žalostno pa je, da se Slovenci po novem prilagajamo muslimanom sredi Slovenije in da je pokrivanje srednješolk že postal del kurikuluma.

Mi smo bili l. 85 v đamiji v Mostarju pa se ni nobena pokrivala in nihče sezuval.
Smo se pa sezuli pri obisku turške hiše. Sem pa pred sezuvanjem vprašal zakaj , pa so rekli da zaradi dragocenih tepihov.
Drugače malo morgen da bi se sezul! 8-)

Ampak takrat se je vedelo kam religije sodijo.:D
Na smetišče zgodovine !

Nismo pa nikoli bili v nobeni drugi cerkvi!:P

Shegevara ::

v Sarajevu dandanes se je kar potrebno pokriti v đamijah, so povsod te opozorilne table na vhodih kaj se mora in kaj ne.

Martin Krpan ::

Ja , civilizacijsko gre(m)do nazaj. Na žalost....

_dice7 ::

harmony je izjavil:

yero7 je izjavil:

Križarji so bili odgovor na širjenje islama, ki se je 400 let širil z meče in ognjem.

Kako se pa danes siri? Nikjer ne vidim meca in ognja, a vseeno je vse vec in vec muslimanov.

Tu imaš spisek za en mesec nazaj:
2016.06.14 Nigeria Kautuva 4 3 Jihadists burn down houses, murder four villagers and kidnap three women.
2016.06.13 India Kud 1 6 Muslim militants open fire from a bus, killing a woman and injuring a child.
2016.06.13 France Magnanville 2 1 A terrorist stabs a couple to death while shouting praises to Allah.
2016.06.12 Cameroon Darak 42 0 The bodies of forty-two fishermen are found a few days after they were captured by Boko Haram.
2016.06.12 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 The Taliban cut out the eyes of a day laborer and skin him alive.
2016.06.12 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A caliphate member executes his own brother for apostasy.
2016.06.12 Libya Sirte 3 7 A suicide bomber detonates at a hospital, taking three others with him.
2016.06.12 Philippines Samal Island 1 0 A Canadian hostage is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2016.06.12 USA Orlando, FL 49 53 An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.
2016.06.11 Iraq Tarmiya 7 0 Three children and two women are among seven family members massacred in their home by sectarian activists.
2016.06.11 Iraq Yathrib 10 0 A grave is discovered containing ten ISIS victims.
2016.06.11 Iraq Sichr 17 0 Seventeen people are allegedly massacred by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.11 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 20 30 A double suicide bombing outside a Shiite mosque leaves at least twenty dead.
2016.06.11 Libya Benghazi 7 8 Seven civilians lose their lives when Islamist shell their neighborhood.
2016.06.11 Afghanistan Haska Mena 6 11 At least six are left dead after Islamic State members fire into a police station.
2016.06.11 Afghanistan Rodat 4 70 Religious extremists plant a bomb in a rival mosque that eliminates four worshippers.
2016.06.10 Egypt Rafah 1 0 A young police recruit is cut down in the prime of life by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three other souls.
2016.06.10 Iraq Fallujah 30 0 Islamists spray machine-gun fire into a crowd of women and children trying to flee the caliphate, killing at least thirty.
2016.06.10 Syria al-Zahraa 1 6 A civilian is killed when terrorists send a rocket into a home.
2016.06.10 Syria Aleppo 3 15 A young girl is among three civilians aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.06.10 Syria Ghandoura 37 0 ISIS members massacre at least thirty-seven villagers, including women and children.
2016.06.10 Nigeria Mairari 4 0 Islamists drag four women out of their homes and slit their throats.
2016.06.10 Somalia Bula Fulay 4 0 A pro-Sharia group beheads one man and shoot three others.
2016.06.10 Pakistan Lahore 3 1 A young couple are honor killed for marrying against their family's wishes along with a friend who helped them.
2016.06.10 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A 62-year-old Hindu monastery worker is hacked to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.06.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is stoned to death in front of a mosque for adultery.
2016.06.09 Iraq Kirkuk 1 5 A mother is killed by an IS IED while leading her family out of the caliphate.
2016.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 19 46 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a commercial district in a Shiite area, killing nineteen.
2016.06.09 Iraq Taji 12 32 A dozen Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.06.09 Somalia Halgan 43 0 Dozens of AU peacekeepers are massacred during an al-Shabaab suicide assault.
2016.06.09 Syria Meydan 5 50 At least five are killed when al-Nusra deliberately shells a civilian area.
2016.06.09 Pakistan Changa Manga 0 1 A Christian man is badly beaten by a Muslim mob for selling food deemed 'unclean' because of his religion.
2016.06.09 Syria Handarat 1 8 A Sunni rocket claims the life of a child.
2016.06.09 Iraq Wilayat Salahuddin 1 0 A man is beheaded for sorcery by the caliphate.
2016.06.08 Iraq Hanbas 3 3 An ISIS bomb blast lays out three Shiites.
2016.06.08 Libya Abu Grein 25 32 Over two dozen defenders are killed during an ISIS assault on a small town.
2016.06.08 Libya Buairat el-Hassun 7 18 An ISIS car bomb claims seven lives.
2016.06.08 Syria Manbij 19 0 Nineteen civilians are killed by the Islamic State.
2016.06.08 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is burnt alive by her conservative mother for eloping without permission.
2016.06.08 Israel Tel Aviv 4 13 Muslims disguised as Orthodox Jews fire into a food and retail market, killing four patrons as they praise Allah.
2016.06.07 Afghanistan Sokhti 11 12 Eleven local security personnel are killed during a Taliban attack.
2016.06.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 12 50 The Taliban stop vehicles along a highway and massacre a dozen occupants.
2016.06.07 Iraq Khazar 5 0 Five displaced persons are further removed by ISIS bombers.
2016.06.07 Iraq Haditha 2 0 Two female factory workers are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.06.07 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 A 69-year-old Hindu priest is hacked to death by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.07 Iraq Karbala 7 20 A Sunni suicide bomber produces seven dead Shiites at a commercial area.
2016.06.06 Jordan Amman 5 0 At least five employees are killed in their office by Islamic militants.
2016.06.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 11 Jihadis bomb a local market, killing two patrons.
2016.06.06 Afghanistan Sari Pul 7 0 A child is among seven gunned down by Taliban fundamentalists.
2016.06.06 Yemen Khormaksar 1 0 A civilian is killed when Muslim extremists fire on an airport.
2016.06.06 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 Four civilians are tortured to death by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.06 Yemen Taiz 8 13 Shiite shells kill eight family members, including three children.
2016.06.06 Nigeria Adamawa 4 0 Four farmers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2016.06.06 Egypt Sadwet 1 0 A young policeman is shot to death in the name of Allah.
2016.06.06 Thailand Narathiwat 3 2 Two villagers are shot point blank by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.06 Iraq Mosul 11 0 Eleven people are executed in front of their families for trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.06.06 Iraq Mosul 65 0 Sixty-five civilians, including university students, are rounded up and executed by caliphate staff.
2016.06.06 Cameroon Darak 10 0 Ten fishermen are cut down by Boko Haram.
2016.06.05 Pakistan Sachal Goth 3 0 Two Hindus are among three slain at a liquor shop by members of a banned terror group.
2016.06.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A female journalist is assassinated by al-Shabaab outside a college campus.
2016.06.05 Pakistan Attock 1 0 A 65-year-old Ahmadi religious minority is gunned down.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Puli Alim 7 23 Islamic hardliners with suicide vests storm a courthouse and murder seven workers.
2016.06.05 Iraq al-Mahouz 3 0 Three civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.06.05 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 A woman is murdered in her home by religious radicals.
2016.06.05 Syria Aleppo 2 27 Two people are killed when Islamists target a church with rockets.
2016.06.05 Bangladesh Natore 1 0 A Christian man is hacked to death at his shop by Islamists.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An NPR journalist and his translator are picked off by Taliban snipers.
2016.06.05 Kazakhstan Aktobe 6 3 Islamic radicals murder six people in two separate attacks.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Kabul 3 3 Fundamentalists set off a bomb outside a house that leaves three dead.
2016.06.05 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 A Jihadi bomb blast ends the lives of three people at a market.
2016.06.04 India Anantnag 2 0 Two cops are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.04 Syria Aleppo 7 33 Seven civilians are killed when Sunni terrorists fire rockets into their section of a city.
2016.06.04 Syria Hamadaniyey 5 47 A well-placed Sunni shell takes out five residents in their own neighborhood.
2016.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 34 15 Thirty-four Iraqis are killed by two Islamic State suicide bombers.
2016.06.04 Iraq Tarmiyah 8 15 A Shahid suicide bomber eliminates eight people waiting at a checkpoint.
2016.06.04 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 Terrorists kill seven Iraqis in two separate attacks on a restaurant and market.
2016.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 400 0 A mass grave is discovered containing at least four hundred victims of ISIS executions.
2016.06.03 Dagestan Ashaga-Stal 1 0 Islamists break into a policeman's home and murder him in front of his wife and children.
2016.06.03 Nigeria Waga 2 3 Boko Haram kill two villagers and abduct three women.
2016.06.03 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Nineteen Yazidi girls are put in cages and burned alive for refusing sex with caliphate members.
2016.06.03 India Bejbehara 3 5 Islamic terrorists ambush and kill three members of a local security convoy.
2016.06.03 Iraq Abu Dsher 3 7 Three Iraqis are reduced to pulp by Mujahid shrapnel.
2016.06.03 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 A suicide bomber targets a family fleeing the caliphate, killing two members.
2016.06.03 Yemen Taiz 17 30 Ten women and a girl are among seventeen shredded by Shiite shrapnel at a market.
2016.06.03 Niger Bosso 32 67 Thirty-two defenders are slain during a massive Boko Haram assault on a small town.
2016.06.03 Iraq Khalis 2 2 A probable premature detonation in a taxi cab leaves two dead.
2016.06.02 Syria Latakia 5 0 Five people are reported killed when a suicide bomber strikes a rival mosque.
2016.06.02 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Muslim youth behead a Christian woman for insulting Muhammad after an argument over religion.
2016.06.02 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Two civilians, taken hostage after being pulled from a bus, are executed by the Taliban.
2016.06.02 Afghanistan Sheikh Ali 3 0 A woman is among three aid workers murdered by religious extremists.
2016.06.02 Pakistan Faqirabad 1 0 A retired man is shot to death by religious radicals.
2016.06.01 Libya Sirte 10 40 Ten Libyans are taken out by two ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.06.01 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six men are executed by the caliphate for selling cigarettes.
2016.06.01 Sudan Singi 1 0 A Janjaweed-linked militia guns down a rival imam.
2016.06.01 Iraq Madain 2 9 Jihadis set off a bomb near a sports arena, taking out two bystanders.
2016.06.01 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 4 Two Iraqis are eliminated by Mujahid bombers.
2016.06.01 Iraq Tal Afar 3 0 Three young men are forced to their knees and then shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2016.06.01 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 13 Fundamentalists storm a court building in a suicide attack that leaves five civilians and one police officer dead.
2016.06.01 Afghanistan Balkh 1 3 A local police chief is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
2016.06.01 Somalia Mogadishu 16 55 Islamists stage a suicide assault on a hotel, killing at least sixteen guests.
2016.06.01 Iraq Nineveh 13 0 Thirteen people are executed for refusing to join the Islamic State.
2016.05.31 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Five Muslim 'separatists' ambush and kill two local security personnel.
2016.05.31 Egypt Qabr Omeir 6 6 Six young police recruits are murdered by an Islamic State linked group.
2016.05.31 Somalia Galgala Hills 2 0 Two Somalis lose their lives to an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2016.05.31 Afghanistan Kunduz 17 30 The Taliban stop four civilian buses and summarily execute seventeen passengers.
2016.05.31 Nigeria Ninte 3 0 Muslim terrorists burn churches and a pastors home, and hack three villagers to death as they slept.
2016.05.31 Iraq Suleiman Bek 4 13 A Holy warrior with a suicide vest obliterates four souls along a city street.
2016.05.31 Mali Gao 4 3 al-Qaeda members murder four UN mission staff.
2016.05.30 Tanzania Tanga 8 0 Eight people are hacked to death in their beds by suspected Islamists.
2016.05.30 Iraq Shaab 11 14 Eleven Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2016.05.30 Iraq Tarmiya 10 24 A Shahid suicide bomber strikes a popular market, killing ten patrons.
2016.05.30 Iraq Sadr City 3 10 Sunnis take down three Shiites with a motorcycle bomb at a market.
2016.05.30 Pakistan Mardan 0 12 Children are among the casualties of a suicide bomber.
2016.05.30 Tunisia Samama Mountain 2 0 Two women collecting herbs are vaporized by an Islamist landmine.
2016.05.30 Afghanistan Helmand 47 40 A massive two-day assault by the Taliban leaves nearly fifty police and citizens dead.
2016.05.30 Kenya Bongwe 3 0 Three village elders are shot to death in their homes by al-Shabaab.
2016.05.30 Syria Palmyra 150 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of one-hundred and fifty victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.05.30 Syria Aleppo 5 21 Five civilians are pulled into pieces by Sunni rockets.
2016.05.29 Iraq Wilayat al-Jazihra 3 0 The caliphate imposes the 'rule of Allah' on three captives by executing them.
2016.05.29 Iraq Mualimeen 7 35 Seven people are slaughtered at a casino by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.05.29 Iraq Karmardi 11 0 A Shahid with a suicide belt sends eleven souls to Allah.
2016.05.29 Iraq Kahriz 2 21 A chlorine gas attack by ISIS on a small village produces two dead children.
2016.05.29 Nigeria Biu 5 0 A woman and her baby are among five people slain by Boko Haram bombers.
2016.05.29 Egypt Sinai 2 3 Fundamentalists kill two local cops with a roadside bomb.
2016.05.29 Mali Savare 5 1 Jihadis ambush and murder five UN peacekeepers.
2016.05.29 Afghanistan Nadi Ali 4 10 Four local security personnel lose their lives to a Taliban assault.
2016.05.29 Niger Pandogari 4 0 A Muslim mob burns churches and kill four people based on a 'blasphemous' post on Facebook.
2016.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 12 8 Islamists machine-gun a dozen fan watching soccer on television.
2016.05.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 20 ISIS shrapnel dismantles two women.
2016.05.28 Philippines Sulu 2 3 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill two people during an attempt to kidnap a female physician.
2016.05.28 Syria Shaddadi 4 18 Three Shahid suicide bombers take out four Kurds.
2016.05.28 Syria Ain al-Dananeer 1 3 A woman is obliterated by an al-Nusra rocket.
2016.05.28 Syria Raqqa 4 0 Four young men are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.05.27 France Saint Julien du Puy 0 1 An off-duty soldier is stabbed by ISIS supporters while jogging.
2016.05.27 Syria Aleppo 1 9 Holy Warriors fire ten rockets into a neighborhood, managing to take down an elderly woman.
2016.05.27 Mali Bamako 5 4 Five UN peacekeepers are killed from a Jihadi landmine and small arms attack.
2016.05.26 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2016.05.26 Iraq Tarmiya 5 3 Five people are killed when ISIS booby-traps a house.
2016.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three shoppers in a retail district are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.
2016.05.26 Iraq Mishada 4 16 Jihadis strike a commercial area with two bomb blasts, laying out four bystanders.
2016.05.26 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Sunni snipers pick off a civilian in a Shiite area.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A transgender is shot by 'conservative elements.'
2016.05.25 India Pulwama 1 1 Muslim terrorists shoot a cop to death and injure a woman.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Patang Chowk 2 1 Islamists fire on a police vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.05.25 Iraq Suleiman Bag 2 6 At least two others are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.05.25 India Kupwara 1 0 A porter is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2016.05.25 Bangladesh Gobindaganj 1 0 A physically disabled Hindu trader's throat is cut by radicalized Muslims.
2016.05.25 Syria Aleppo 7 5 Three women and two children are among seven innocents torn to shreds by Sunni rockets.
2016.05.25 Afghanistan Kabul 11 10 Eleven lives are snuffed out by a suicide bomber on foot targeting a bus carrying court employees.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Religious extremists gun down an Ahmadi religious minority and injure his friend.
2016.05.25 Turkey Hah, Tur Abdin 5 0 At least five people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a checkpoint outside two historic churches.
2016.05.24 Iraq Zafaraniya 2 6 Jihadis bomb a popular restaurant, killing two people.
2016.05.24 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Twelve civilians are hauled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.05.24 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 Sunni extremists are suspected of a university bombing that leaves two dead.
2016.05.23 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 5 4 Five civilians are killed and four others badly wounded by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.05.23 Syria Mayadin 1 0 A teenager is publicly stoned to death on charges of being gay.
2016.05.23 Yemen Jazan 1 3 A Shiite landmine kills a Saudi border guard.
2016.05.23 India Zadibal 2 2 Islamic militants gun down two cops at close range.
2016.05.23 Yemen Aden 45 60 At least forty young people lining up for work are blown to bits by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.05.23 India Tengpora 1 0 A police officer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2016.05.23 Pakistan Bara Bandai 2 0 A peace committee member and his guard are assassinated by Islamist gunmen.
2016.05.23 Syria Jableh 161 300 Children are among one-hundred and sixty innocents incinerated or blown apart by ISIS suicide blasts.
2016.05.22 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Nineteen young women and men are executed by the Islamic State on charges of apostasy.
2016.05.22 Iraq Rataba 8 0 Eight people are burned alive in ovens by the caliphate.
2016.05.22 Sudan Arzini 8 5 Children are among the victims when Arabs fire into a group of Africans at a mosque.
2016.05.22 Syria Tal Tamr 5 0 Two suicide bombers take out five Kurds.
2016.05.22 Syria Qamishli 6 15 Six Assyrians are laid out by Allah-praising suicide bombers targeting a Christian restaurant.
2016.05.22 Afghanistan Herat 1 7 A Taliban rocket claims the life of a civilian.
2016.05.22 Iraq Suleiman Beg 2 11 Two Shiites are taken out by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2016.05.21 Iraq Tarmiya 2 7 Two people are blown to bits by a Mujahideen bomb blast at a market.
2016.05.21 Iraq Dujail 7 28 A Shahid suicide bomber massacres seven patrons at a popular market.
2016.05.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Three local cops are laid out by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2016.05.21 Afghanistan Charchino 6 0 A Taliban insider shoots six local cops in the back.
2016.05.20 Iraq Husseiniya 2 6 A Jihadi bomb blast near a row of shops leaves two dead.
2016.05.20 Syria Sheikh Maqsoud 1 5 A young girl is killed when terrorists bomb her neighborhood.
2016.05.20 Syria Idlib 1 0 A woman is vaporized by an ISIS tank shell.
2016.05.20 Bangladesh Kushtia 1 1 A 55-year-old homoeopathic doctor is hacked to death by Religion of Peace activists.
2016.05.20 Niger Yebi 8 7 Boko Haram set a village on fire and shoot into it, killing at least eight.
2016.05.20 Yemen Wilayet 3 0 Fundamentalists gruesomely execute three men - one by crushing his head with a rock.
2016.05.20 Tanzania Mwanza 3 1 Islamic extremists hack three people at a rival mosque to death with machetes.
2016.05.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 A UN security guard is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2016.05.20 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three civilians are captured and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.05.20 Iran Urmia 5 0 Five Kurdish rights activists are publicly hanged for 'conspiring against Islam'.
2016.05.20 England London 0 4 A Turkish man yelling about Lee Rigby stabs four women in a parking lot on the third anniversary.
2016.05.19 Syria Tabqa 3 0 Three citizens of the Islamic State are executed for apostasy.
2016.05.19 Afghanistan Qalat 8 0 A Taliban in uniform shoots eight unarmed soldiers.
2016.05.19 Afghanistan Baghlan Jadid 11 0 Five children and two women are among a family of eleven exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.05.19 Iraq Taji 3 10 Mujahideen bomb an industrial district, killing three passersby.
2016.05.19 Germany Baden-Württemberg 1 0 A 70-year-old woman is murdered in her home by a young Muslim who leaves a 'religious' note at the scene.
2016.05.18 Mali Kidal 5 3 Five UN peacekeepers are murdered by religious extremists.
2016.05.18 Iraq Mosul 25 0 The caliphate tortures and executes twenty-five people with nitric acid.
2016.05.18 Iraq Latifiya 9 9 The Islamic State kills nine with a booby-trapped home.
2016.05.18 Libya Sirte 24 0 A rights group reports that two dozen people are pulled from their homes by ISIS and 'unlawfully' executed.
2016.05.18 Pakistan Peshawar 1 15 Islamic militants kill a local cop with a bomb.
2016.05.18 Syria Genderes 1 1 A civilian is killed when ISIS members send rockets into a neighborhood.
2016.05.17 Syria Aleppo 1 6 A woman bleeds to death following a Sunni rocket blast.
2016.05.17 Libya Abugrein 4 5 ISIS shrapnel claims four lives.
2016.05.17 Iraq Sadr City 30 57 Thirty people at a market are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.05.17 Iraq Rashid 8 22 Eight Iraqis are reduced to pulp by an ISIS car bombing.
2016.05.17 Iraq al-Shaab 41 75 A female suicide bomber murders over forty people who gathered to help victims of an earlier blast.
2016.05.17 Iraq Habibia 9 0 At least nine patrons are killed when a suicide bomber wades into a packed restaurant and detonates.
2016.05.17 Iraq Daquq 1 0 An ISIS bomb takes out an Australian charity worker trying to protect children.
2016.05.17 Syria Ghouta 4 12 Four civilian bystanders are killed during a clash between rival Islamist groups.
2016.05.16 Libya Buairat el-Hassun 32 50 Thirty-two locals are taken down by ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.05.16 Dagestan Suleiman-Stal 1 0 An accountant is gunned down by suspected Islamists.
2016.05.16 Iraq Khalidiya 5 15 The Islamic State sends a rocket into a small town, taking out five residents.
2016.05.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 17 Two Mujahideen bomb blasts leave four dead.
2016.05.16 India Batapora 1 0 Religious radicals kidnap and execute a carpenter.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Khoshamand 7 4 Seven local cops are machine-gunned in their cars by the Taliban.
2016.05.16 Iraq Bezaas Kanaan 1 0 A farmer is shot to death at his orchard by Sunni extremists.
2016.05.16 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two others are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2016.05.16 Chechnya Grozny 0 6 An ISIS suicide bomber detonates after disguising himself as a goat herder.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Abkhor 4 0 Four guards at a road construction site are blown to bits by Taliban fundamentalists.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three less radical Muslims are shot in the head by ISIS.
2016.05.16 Syria Manbij 1 0 A young man is crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.05.16 Iraq Tahrir 21 0 A 'moral accountability' squad stones a woman and twenty 'youth' over illicit relations.

Berserker ::

A folk dejansko primerja Jihad pa križarske vojne? Sej ne da je bila Palestina, Sirija, Egipt, Mezopotamija, Sudan in Jordanija vsaj 300 let krščansko ozemlje, v Jemnu pa celo židovsko kraljestvo Himyar preden se je Islam sploh pojavil. Da ne omenim zoroastrijske Perzije, Afganistana in ombočje sedanjega Pakistana.

Zgodovina sprememb…

lepepepe ::

jest10 je izjavil:

Ja, v manjši meri res.
Bistvo je bilo pa preusmerjanje pozornosti od domačega sranja ter želja po plenjenju.

Vidim da nekateri že pričenjate s pranjem možganov.
Križarske vojne so bile odziv na muslimansko invazijo v evropo, kjer so počeli, šokantno, popolnoma isto kot počnejo muslimani v evropi dandanes.

Prevod besede islam je pokora. Ne znanost, ne mir, ne dobrota, ne delo... Bistvo muslimanov je držanje drugih ras in žensk pod strogim nadzorom z grožnjo in izvajanjem nasilja. Ker, kot tudi sami dobro vejo, nimajo popolnoma nobenih atributov s katerimi bi se lahko preživeli. Nizek IQ, nizke fizične sposobnosti, manjko čustvene inteligence, prikrajšanost pri estetiki...

Kot Svet počasi ugotavlja ni problem terorizem, problem so muslimani.

jest10 ::

Torej zakaj niso raje preganjali muslimanov iz Evrope? Jp, plenilski pohodi in klanje na bližnjem vzhodu je bilo bolj privlačno.

Berserker ::

jest10 je izjavil:

Torej zakaj niso raje preganjali muslimanov iz Evrope? Jp, plenilski pohodi in klanje na bližnjem vzhodu je bilo bolj privlačno.

Sej so jih. Iberija, Balerski otoki, Sardinija, Sicilija, Apulija, Kreta, Ciper in pomoč Vzhodno Rimskemu cesarstvu.

Sicer pa preberi moj zgornji post.

lepepepe ::

jest10 je izjavil:

Torej zakaj niso raje preganjali muslimanov iz Evrope? Jp, plenilski pohodi in klanje na bližnjem vzhodu je bilo bolj privlačno.

Ker jim muslimanski moški ki so furali jihad, niso predstavljali nobene ovire.

Vojna strategija ni ravno kaj prida pri teh 'mogočnih' bojevnikih, zakaj pa so jih dobili nazaj po pi*ki, pa si preberi govor Papeža Urbana II. Kot da bi bilo pisano danes.

Poglej si muslimanske napade danes po zahodu. V USA je en hotel biti frajer in se je drl alah akbar izven NO GUN cone, so ga pihnili prej kot je kaj islamiziral. Preostali se pa spravljajo na ženske, geje in 8 letnike. Pa še tu mora biti nekako 1:10 da se skorajžijo.
Žalostno da je dobra miljarda takih nesposobnežev na tem planetu. Še aboridžini se vedejo manj zaostalo.

Ko se bojo evropejci naveličali teh parazitov, bo čez 1000 let pa spet kdo pametnoval, kako so zlobni belci izbrisali nedolžne muslimane z obličja zemlje. Poglej Trumpa ko reče 'ban muslim immigration', večje navdušenje kot pa ko govori o 'bild d wall' :D

Da ne omanjam kako se obrača Putin (ko muslimanske ženske na ulicah režejo glave otrokom res ni težko razumeti). Če zavlada Trump, ne bo več dolgo do konca 'begunske' krize.

They Don’t just Dance... Afghan tradition of hiring boys for sex

razerznak ::

lepepepe je izjavil:

jest10 je izjavil:

Torej zakaj niso raje preganjali muslimanov iz Evrope? Jp, plenilski pohodi in klanje na bližnjem vzhodu je bilo bolj privlačno.

Ker jim muslimanski moški ki so furali jihad, niso predstavljali nobene ovire.

Vojna strategija ni ravno kaj prida pri teh 'mogočnih' bojevnikih, zakaj pa so jih dobili nazaj po pi*ki, pa si preberi govor Papeža Urbana II. Kot da bi bilo pisano danes.

Poglej si muslimanske napade danes po zahodu. V USA je en hotel biti frajer in se je drl alah akbar izven NO GUN cone, so ga pihnili prej kot je kaj islamiziral. Preostali se pa spravljajo na ženske, geje in 8 letnike. Pa še tu mora biti nekako 1:10 da se skorajžijo.
Žalostno da je dobra miljarda takih nesposobnežev na tem planetu. Še aboridžini se vedejo manj zaostalo.

Ko se bojo evropejci naveličali teh parazitov, bo čez 1000 let pa spet kdo pametnoval, kako so zlobni belci izbrisali nedolžne muslimane z obličja zemlje. Poglej Trumpa ko reče 'ban muslim immigration', večje navdušenje kot pa ko govori o 'bild d wall' :D

Da ne omanjam kako se obrača Putin (ko muslimanske ženske na ulicah režejo glave otrokom res ni težko razumeti). Če zavlada Trump, ne bo več dolgo do konca 'begunske' krize.

They Don’t just Dance... Afghan tradition of hiring boys for sex

vesoljec nacist fojb
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arnecan1 ::

Meni je pa zanimiv ta citat Alžirca:
Sansal o rodni Alžiriji - država brez kinodvoran in knjigarn

Leta 1962, ko je Alžirija postala samostojna, je bilo v državi 150 kinodvoran in 250 knjigarn. Zdaj v Alžiriji ni več kinodvoran, ostalo pa je le še štiri ali pet knjigarn. Na drugi strani se je v tem času zgradilo na tisoče mošej


Skratka, prihodnost vsake dežele in naroda, ki pride pod islam, je nazadovanje na vseh področjih, od ekonomskega do varnostnega...

fantasycamp ::

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Meni je pa zanimiv ta citat Alžirca:
Sansal o rodni Alžiriji - država brez kinodvoran in knjigarn

Leta 1962, ko je Alžirija postala samostojna, je bilo v državi 150 kinodvoran in 250 knjigarn. Zdaj v Alžiriji ni več kinodvoran, ostalo pa je le še štiri ali pet knjigarn. Na drugi strani se je v tem času zgradilo na tisoče mošej


Skratka, prihodnost vsake dežele in naroda, ki pride pod islam, je nazadovanje na vseh področjih, od ekonomskega do varnostnega...

Res zanimivo, nevem zakaj ta podatek ni mainstream, mogoče je tok tega pa so se že navadili...

arnecan1 ::

fantasycamp je izjavil:

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Meni je pa zanimiv ta citat Alžirca:
Sansal o rodni Alžiriji - država brez kinodvoran in knjigarn

Leta 1962, ko je Alžirija postala samostojna, je bilo v državi 150 kinodvoran in 250 knjigarn. Zdaj v Alžiriji ni več kinodvoran, ostalo pa je le še štiri ali pet knjigarn. Na drugi strani se je v tem času zgradilo na tisoče mošej


Skratka, prihodnost vsake dežele in naroda, ki pride pod islam, je nazadovanje na vseh področjih, od ekonomskega do varnostnega...

Res zanimivo, nevem zakaj ta podatek ni mainstream, mogoče je tok tega pa so se že navadili...

Malo sem pogooglal. . Avtor si je vzel malo umetniške svobode. Sicer ni res, da ni niti ene kino dvorane v Alžiriji, je pa res, da je število dvoran drastično upadlo, kljub temu, da je število prebivalcev drastično narastlo. Skratka, kar je avtor napisal, drži. Ali pa bo držalo v celoti čez par let.

harmony ::

_dice7 je izjavil:

harmony je izjavil:

yero7 je izjavil:

Križarji so bili odgovor na širjenje islama, ki se je 400 let širil z meče in ognjem.

Kako se pa danes siri? Nikjer ne vidim meca in ognja, a vseeno je vse vec in vec muslimanov.

Tu imaš spisek za en mesec nazaj:
2016.06.14 Nigeria Kautuva 4 3 Jihadists burn down houses, murder four villagers and kidnap three women.
2016.06.13 India Kud 1 6 Muslim militants open fire from a bus, killing a woman and injuring a child.
2016.06.13 France Magnanville 2 1 A terrorist stabs a couple to death while shouting praises to Allah.
2016.06.12 Cameroon Darak 42 0 The bodies of forty-two fishermen are found a few days after they were captured by Boko Haram.
2016.06.12 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 The Taliban cut out the eyes of a day laborer and skin him alive.
2016.06.12 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A caliphate member executes his own brother for apostasy.
2016.06.12 Libya Sirte 3 7 A suicide bomber detonates at a hospital, taking three others with him.
2016.06.12 Philippines Samal Island 1 0 A Canadian hostage is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2016.06.12 USA Orlando, FL 49 53 An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.
2016.06.11 Iraq Tarmiya 7 0 Three children and two women are among seven family members massacred in their home by sectarian activists.
2016.06.11 Iraq Yathrib 10 0 A grave is discovered containing ten ISIS victims.
2016.06.11 Iraq Sichr 17 0 Seventeen people are allegedly massacred by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.11 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 20 30 A double suicide bombing outside a Shiite mosque leaves at least twenty dead.
2016.06.11 Libya Benghazi 7 8 Seven civilians lose their lives when Islamist shell their neighborhood.
2016.06.11 Afghanistan Haska Mena 6 11 At least six are left dead after Islamic State members fire into a police station.
2016.06.11 Afghanistan Rodat 4 70 Religious extremists plant a bomb in a rival mosque that eliminates four worshippers.
2016.06.10 Egypt Rafah 1 0 A young police recruit is cut down in the prime of life by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three other souls.
2016.06.10 Iraq Fallujah 30 0 Islamists spray machine-gun fire into a crowd of women and children trying to flee the caliphate, killing at least thirty.
2016.06.10 Syria al-Zahraa 1 6 A civilian is killed when terrorists send a rocket into a home.
2016.06.10 Syria Aleppo 3 15 A young girl is among three civilians aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.06.10 Syria Ghandoura 37 0 ISIS members massacre at least thirty-seven villagers, including women and children.
2016.06.10 Nigeria Mairari 4 0 Islamists drag four women out of their homes and slit their throats.
2016.06.10 Somalia Bula Fulay 4 0 A pro-Sharia group beheads one man and shoot three others.
2016.06.10 Pakistan Lahore 3 1 A young couple are honor killed for marrying against their family's wishes along with a friend who helped them.
2016.06.10 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A 62-year-old Hindu monastery worker is hacked to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.06.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is stoned to death in front of a mosque for adultery.
2016.06.09 Iraq Kirkuk 1 5 A mother is killed by an IS IED while leading her family out of the caliphate.
2016.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 19 46 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a commercial district in a Shiite area, killing nineteen.
2016.06.09 Iraq Taji 12 32 A dozen Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.06.09 Somalia Halgan 43 0 Dozens of AU peacekeepers are massacred during an al-Shabaab suicide assault.
2016.06.09 Syria Meydan 5 50 At least five are killed when al-Nusra deliberately shells a civilian area.
2016.06.09 Pakistan Changa Manga 0 1 A Christian man is badly beaten by a Muslim mob for selling food deemed 'unclean' because of his religion.
2016.06.09 Syria Handarat 1 8 A Sunni rocket claims the life of a child.
2016.06.09 Iraq Wilayat Salahuddin 1 0 A man is beheaded for sorcery by the caliphate.
2016.06.08 Iraq Hanbas 3 3 An ISIS bomb blast lays out three Shiites.
2016.06.08 Libya Abu Grein 25 32 Over two dozen defenders are killed during an ISIS assault on a small town.
2016.06.08 Libya Buairat el-Hassun 7 18 An ISIS car bomb claims seven lives.
2016.06.08 Syria Manbij 19 0 Nineteen civilians are killed by the Islamic State.
2016.06.08 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is burnt alive by her conservative mother for eloping without permission.
2016.06.08 Israel Tel Aviv 4 13 Muslims disguised as Orthodox Jews fire into a food and retail market, killing four patrons as they praise Allah.
2016.06.07 Afghanistan Sokhti 11 12 Eleven local security personnel are killed during a Taliban attack.
2016.06.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 12 50 The Taliban stop vehicles along a highway and massacre a dozen occupants.
2016.06.07 Iraq Khazar 5 0 Five displaced persons are further removed by ISIS bombers.
2016.06.07 Iraq Haditha 2 0 Two female factory workers are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.06.07 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 A 69-year-old Hindu priest is hacked to death by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.07 Iraq Karbala 7 20 A Sunni suicide bomber produces seven dead Shiites at a commercial area.
2016.06.06 Jordan Amman 5 0 At least five employees are killed in their office by Islamic militants.
2016.06.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 11 Jihadis bomb a local market, killing two patrons.
2016.06.06 Afghanistan Sari Pul 7 0 A child is among seven gunned down by Taliban fundamentalists.
2016.06.06 Yemen Khormaksar 1 0 A civilian is killed when Muslim extremists fire on an airport.
2016.06.06 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 Four civilians are tortured to death by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.06 Yemen Taiz 8 13 Shiite shells kill eight family members, including three children.
2016.06.06 Nigeria Adamawa 4 0 Four farmers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2016.06.06 Egypt Sadwet 1 0 A young policeman is shot to death in the name of Allah.
2016.06.06 Thailand Narathiwat 3 2 Two villagers are shot point blank by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.06 Iraq Mosul 11 0 Eleven people are executed in front of their families for trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.06.06 Iraq Mosul 65 0 Sixty-five civilians, including university students, are rounded up and executed by caliphate staff.
2016.06.06 Cameroon Darak 10 0 Ten fishermen are cut down by Boko Haram.
2016.06.05 Pakistan Sachal Goth 3 0 Two Hindus are among three slain at a liquor shop by members of a banned terror group.
2016.06.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A female journalist is assassinated by al-Shabaab outside a college campus.
2016.06.05 Pakistan Attock 1 0 A 65-year-old Ahmadi religious minority is gunned down.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Puli Alim 7 23 Islamic hardliners with suicide vests storm a courthouse and murder seven workers.
2016.06.05 Iraq al-Mahouz 3 0 Three civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.06.05 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 A woman is murdered in her home by religious radicals.
2016.06.05 Syria Aleppo 2 27 Two people are killed when Islamists target a church with rockets.
2016.06.05 Bangladesh Natore 1 0 A Christian man is hacked to death at his shop by Islamists.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An NPR journalist and his translator are picked off by Taliban snipers.
2016.06.05 Kazakhstan Aktobe 6 3 Islamic radicals murder six people in two separate attacks.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Kabul 3 3 Fundamentalists set off a bomb outside a house that leaves three dead.
2016.06.05 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 A Jihadi bomb blast ends the lives of three people at a market.
2016.06.04 India Anantnag 2 0 Two cops are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.04 Syria Aleppo 7 33 Seven civilians are killed when Sunni terrorists fire rockets into their section of a city.
2016.06.04 Syria Hamadaniyey 5 47 A well-placed Sunni shell takes out five residents in their own neighborhood.
2016.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 34 15 Thirty-four Iraqis are killed by two Islamic State suicide bombers.
2016.06.04 Iraq Tarmiyah 8 15 A Shahid suicide bomber eliminates eight people waiting at a checkpoint.
2016.06.04 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 Terrorists kill seven Iraqis in two separate attacks on a restaurant and market.
2016.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 400 0 A mass grave is discovered containing at least four hundred victims of ISIS executions.
2016.06.03 Dagestan Ashaga-Stal 1 0 Islamists break into a policeman's home and murder him in front of his wife and children.
2016.06.03 Nigeria Waga 2 3 Boko Haram kill two villagers and abduct three women.
2016.06.03 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Nineteen Yazidi girls are put in cages and burned alive for refusing sex with caliphate members.
2016.06.03 India Bejbehara 3 5 Islamic terrorists ambush and kill three members of a local security convoy.
2016.06.03 Iraq Abu Dsher 3 7 Three Iraqis are reduced to pulp by Mujahid shrapnel.
2016.06.03 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 A suicide bomber targets a family fleeing the caliphate, killing two members.
2016.06.03 Yemen Taiz 17 30 Ten women and a girl are among seventeen shredded by Shiite shrapnel at a market.
2016.06.03 Niger Bosso 32 67 Thirty-two defenders are slain during a massive Boko Haram assault on a small town.
2016.06.03 Iraq Khalis 2 2 A probable premature detonation in a taxi cab leaves two dead.
2016.06.02 Syria Latakia 5 0 Five people are reported killed when a suicide bomber strikes a rival mosque.
2016.06.02 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Muslim youth behead a Christian woman for insulting Muhammad after an argument over religion.
2016.06.02 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Two civilians, taken hostage after being pulled from a bus, are executed by the Taliban.
2016.06.02 Afghanistan Sheikh Ali 3 0 A woman is among three aid workers murdered by religious extremists.
2016.06.02 Pakistan Faqirabad 1 0 A retired man is shot to death by religious radicals.
2016.06.01 Libya Sirte 10 40 Ten Libyans are taken out by two ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.06.01 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six men are executed by the caliphate for selling cigarettes.
2016.06.01 Sudan Singi 1 0 A Janjaweed-linked militia guns down a rival imam.
2016.06.01 Iraq Madain 2 9 Jihadis set off a bomb near a sports arena, taking out two bystanders.
2016.06.01 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 4 Two Iraqis are eliminated by Mujahid bombers.
2016.06.01 Iraq Tal Afar 3 0 Three young men are forced to their knees and then shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2016.06.01 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 13 Fundamentalists storm a court building in a suicide attack that leaves five civilians and one police officer dead.
2016.06.01 Afghanistan Balkh 1 3 A local police chief is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
2016.06.01 Somalia Mogadishu 16 55 Islamists stage a suicide assault on a hotel, killing at least sixteen guests.
2016.06.01 Iraq Nineveh 13 0 Thirteen people are executed for refusing to join the Islamic State.
2016.05.31 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Five Muslim 'separatists' ambush and kill two local security personnel.
2016.05.31 Egypt Qabr Omeir 6 6 Six young police recruits are murdered by an Islamic State linked group.
2016.05.31 Somalia Galgala Hills 2 0 Two Somalis lose their lives to an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2016.05.31 Afghanistan Kunduz 17 30 The Taliban stop four civilian buses and summarily execute seventeen passengers.
2016.05.31 Nigeria Ninte 3 0 Muslim terrorists burn churches and a pastors home, and hack three villagers to death as they slept.
2016.05.31 Iraq Suleiman Bek 4 13 A Holy warrior with a suicide vest obliterates four souls along a city street.
2016.05.31 Mali Gao 4 3 al-Qaeda members murder four UN mission staff.
2016.05.30 Tanzania Tanga 8 0 Eight people are hacked to death in their beds by suspected Islamists.
2016.05.30 Iraq Shaab 11 14 Eleven Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2016.05.30 Iraq Tarmiya 10 24 A Shahid suicide bomber strikes a popular market, killing ten patrons.
2016.05.30 Iraq Sadr City 3 10 Sunnis take down three Shiites with a motorcycle bomb at a market.
2016.05.30 Pakistan Mardan 0 12 Children are among the casualties of a suicide bomber.
2016.05.30 Tunisia Samama Mountain 2 0 Two women collecting herbs are vaporized by an Islamist landmine.
2016.05.30 Afghanistan Helmand 47 40 A massive two-day assault by the Taliban leaves nearly fifty police and citizens dead.
2016.05.30 Kenya Bongwe 3 0 Three village elders are shot to death in their homes by al-Shabaab.
2016.05.30 Syria Palmyra 150 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of one-hundred and fifty victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.05.30 Syria Aleppo 5 21 Five civilians are pulled into pieces by Sunni rockets.
2016.05.29 Iraq Wilayat al-Jazihra 3 0 The caliphate imposes the 'rule of Allah' on three captives by executing them.
2016.05.29 Iraq Mualimeen 7 35 Seven people are slaughtered at a casino by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.05.29 Iraq Karmardi 11 0 A Shahid with a suicide belt sends eleven souls to Allah.
2016.05.29 Iraq Kahriz 2 21 A chlorine gas attack by ISIS on a small village produces two dead children.
2016.05.29 Nigeria Biu 5 0 A woman and her baby are among five people slain by Boko Haram bombers.
2016.05.29 Egypt Sinai 2 3 Fundamentalists kill two local cops with a roadside bomb.
2016.05.29 Mali Savare 5 1 Jihadis ambush and murder five UN peacekeepers.
2016.05.29 Afghanistan Nadi Ali 4 10 Four local security personnel lose their lives to a Taliban assault.
2016.05.29 Niger Pandogari 4 0 A Muslim mob burns churches and kill four people based on a 'blasphemous' post on Facebook.
2016.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 12 8 Islamists machine-gun a dozen fan watching soccer on television.
2016.05.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 20 ISIS shrapnel dismantles two women.
2016.05.28 Philippines Sulu 2 3 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill two people during an attempt to kidnap a female physician.
2016.05.28 Syria Shaddadi 4 18 Three Shahid suicide bombers take out four Kurds.
2016.05.28 Syria Ain al-Dananeer 1 3 A woman is obliterated by an al-Nusra rocket.
2016.05.28 Syria Raqqa 4 0 Four young men are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.05.27 France Saint Julien du Puy 0 1 An off-duty soldier is stabbed by ISIS supporters while jogging.
2016.05.27 Syria Aleppo 1 9 Holy Warriors fire ten rockets into a neighborhood, managing to take down an elderly woman.
2016.05.27 Mali Bamako 5 4 Five UN peacekeepers are killed from a Jihadi landmine and small arms attack.
2016.05.26 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2016.05.26 Iraq Tarmiya 5 3 Five people are killed when ISIS booby-traps a house.
2016.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three shoppers in a retail district are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.
2016.05.26 Iraq Mishada 4 16 Jihadis strike a commercial area with two bomb blasts, laying out four bystanders.
2016.05.26 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Sunni snipers pick off a civilian in a Shiite area.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A transgender is shot by 'conservative elements.'
2016.05.25 India Pulwama 1 1 Muslim terrorists shoot a cop to death and injure a woman.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Patang Chowk 2 1 Islamists fire on a police vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.05.25 Iraq Suleiman Bag 2 6 At least two others are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.05.25 India Kupwara 1 0 A porter is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2016.05.25 Bangladesh Gobindaganj 1 0 A physically disabled Hindu trader's throat is cut by radicalized Muslims.
2016.05.25 Syria Aleppo 7 5 Three women and two children are among seven innocents torn to shreds by Sunni rockets.
2016.05.25 Afghanistan Kabul 11 10 Eleven lives are snuffed out by a suicide bomber on foot targeting a bus carrying court employees.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Religious extremists gun down an Ahmadi religious minority and injure his friend.
2016.05.25 Turkey Hah, Tur Abdin 5 0 At least five people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a checkpoint outside two historic churches.
2016.05.24 Iraq Zafaraniya 2 6 Jihadis bomb a popular restaurant, killing two people.
2016.05.24 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Twelve civilians are hauled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.05.24 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 Sunni extremists are suspected of a university bombing that leaves two dead.
2016.05.23 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 5 4 Five civilians are killed and four others badly wounded by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.05.23 Syria Mayadin 1 0 A teenager is publicly stoned to death on charges of being gay.
2016.05.23 Yemen Jazan 1 3 A Shiite landmine kills a Saudi border guard.
2016.05.23 India Zadibal 2 2 Islamic militants gun down two cops at close range.
2016.05.23 Yemen Aden 45 60 At least forty young people lining up for work are blown to bits by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.05.23 India Tengpora 1 0 A police officer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2016.05.23 Pakistan Bara Bandai 2 0 A peace committee member and his guard are assassinated by Islamist gunmen.
2016.05.23 Syria Jableh 161 300 Children are among one-hundred and sixty innocents incinerated or blown apart by ISIS suicide blasts.
2016.05.22 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Nineteen young women and men are executed by the Islamic State on charges of apostasy.
2016.05.22 Iraq Rataba 8 0 Eight people are burned alive in ovens by the caliphate.
2016.05.22 Sudan Arzini 8 5 Children are among the victims when Arabs fire into a group of Africans at a mosque.
2016.05.22 Syria Tal Tamr 5 0 Two suicide bombers take out five Kurds.
2016.05.22 Syria Qamishli 6 15 Six Assyrians are laid out by Allah-praising suicide bombers targeting a Christian restaurant.
2016.05.22 Afghanistan Herat 1 7 A Taliban rocket claims the life of a civilian.
2016.05.22 Iraq Suleiman Beg 2 11 Two Shiites are taken out by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2016.05.21 Iraq Tarmiya 2 7 Two people are blown to bits by a Mujahideen bomb blast at a market.
2016.05.21 Iraq Dujail 7 28 A Shahid suicide bomber massacres seven patrons at a popular market.
2016.05.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Three local cops are laid out by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2016.05.21 Afghanistan Charchino 6 0 A Taliban insider shoots six local cops in the back.
2016.05.20 Iraq Husseiniya 2 6 A Jihadi bomb blast near a row of shops leaves two dead.
2016.05.20 Syria Sheikh Maqsoud 1 5 A young girl is killed when terrorists bomb her neighborhood.
2016.05.20 Syria Idlib 1 0 A woman is vaporized by an ISIS tank shell.
2016.05.20 Bangladesh Kushtia 1 1 A 55-year-old homoeopathic doctor is hacked to death by Religion of Peace activists.
2016.05.20 Niger Yebi 8 7 Boko Haram set a village on fire and shoot into it, killing at least eight.
2016.05.20 Yemen Wilayet 3 0 Fundamentalists gruesomely execute three men - one by crushing his head with a rock.
2016.05.20 Tanzania Mwanza 3 1 Islamic extremists hack three people at a rival mosque to death with machetes.
2016.05.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 A UN security guard is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2016.05.20 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three civilians are captured and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.05.20 Iran Urmia 5 0 Five Kurdish rights activists are publicly hanged for 'conspiring against Islam'.
2016.05.20 England London 0 4 A Turkish man yelling about Lee Rigby stabs four women in a parking lot on the third anniversary.
2016.05.19 Syria Tabqa 3 0 Three citizens of the Islamic State are executed for apostasy.
2016.05.19 Afghanistan Qalat 8 0 A Taliban in uniform shoots eight unarmed soldiers.
2016.05.19 Afghanistan Baghlan Jadid 11 0 Five children and two women are among a family of eleven exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.05.19 Iraq Taji 3 10 Mujahideen bomb an industrial district, killing three passersby.
2016.05.19 Germany Baden-Württemberg 1 0 A 70-year-old woman is murdered in her home by a young Muslim who leaves a 'religious' note at the scene.
2016.05.18 Mali Kidal 5 3 Five UN peacekeepers are murdered by religious extremists.
2016.05.18 Iraq Mosul 25 0 The caliphate tortures and executes twenty-five people with nitric acid.
2016.05.18 Iraq Latifiya 9 9 The Islamic State kills nine with a booby-trapped home.
2016.05.18 Libya Sirte 24 0 A rights group reports that two dozen people are pulled from their homes by ISIS and 'unlawfully' executed.
2016.05.18 Pakistan Peshawar 1 15 Islamic militants kill a local cop with a bomb.
2016.05.18 Syria Genderes 1 1 A civilian is killed when ISIS members send rockets into a neighborhood.
2016.05.17 Syria Aleppo 1 6 A woman bleeds to death following a Sunni rocket blast.
2016.05.17 Libya Abugrein 4 5 ISIS shrapnel claims four lives.
2016.05.17 Iraq Sadr City 30 57 Thirty people at a market are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.05.17 Iraq Rashid 8 22 Eight Iraqis are reduced to pulp by an ISIS car bombing.
2016.05.17 Iraq al-Shaab 41 75 A female suicide bomber murders over forty people who gathered to help victims of an earlier blast.
2016.05.17 Iraq Habibia 9 0 At least nine patrons are killed when a suicide bomber wades into a packed restaurant and detonates.
2016.05.17 Iraq Daquq 1 0 An ISIS bomb takes out an Australian charity worker trying to protect children.
2016.05.17 Syria Ghouta 4 12 Four civilian bystanders are killed during a clash between rival Islamist groups.
2016.05.16 Libya Buairat el-Hassun 32 50 Thirty-two locals are taken down by ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.05.16 Dagestan Suleiman-Stal 1 0 An accountant is gunned down by suspected Islamists.
2016.05.16 Iraq Khalidiya 5 15 The Islamic State sends a rocket into a small town, taking out five residents.
2016.05.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 17 Two Mujahideen bomb blasts leave four dead.
2016.05.16 India Batapora 1 0 Religious radicals kidnap and execute a carpenter.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Khoshamand 7 4 Seven local cops are machine-gunned in their cars by the Taliban.
2016.05.16 Iraq Bezaas Kanaan 1 0 A farmer is shot to death at his orchard by Sunni extremists.
2016.05.16 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two others are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2016.05.16 Chechnya Grozny 0 6 An ISIS suicide bomber detonates after disguising himself as a goat herder.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Abkhor 4 0 Four guards at a road construction site are blown to bits by Taliban fundamentalists.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three less radical Muslims are shot in the head by ISIS.
2016.05.16 Syria Manbij 1 0 A young man is crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.05.16 Iraq Tahrir 21 0 A 'moral accountability' squad stones a woman and twenty 'youth' over illicit relations.

Joj, joj...tile muslimani so res krvolocni. Poglej samo tele cifre...

55 milijonov - 2. svetovna vojna, 1937-1945
40 milijonov - režim Mao Zedong na Kitajskem, 1949-1975
40 milijonov - Mongolska osvajanja, 1206-1294
36 milijonov - državljanska vojna na Kitajskem, 756-763
20 milijonov - iztrebljanje ameriških indijancev, 15. do 19. stoletje
20 milijonov - Josef Stalin, 1924-1953
15 milijonov - 1. svetovna vojna, 1914-1918

Vir: http://www.zmaga.com/forum_topic.php?id...

AC_DC ::

Se gremo spet white guilt swj sindrom ?

Te lajne je konec.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: AC_DC ()

harmony ::

Ja kaj sedaj? Bomo samo muslimane obtozevali pobojev? In potem pravimo, da so oni gnide in morilci...

Algerian War pove komu kaj?

AC_DC ::

Dokler se koljete med seboj v svojem zafukistanu, be my guest.

V razvitem svetu teh fekalij ne potrebujemo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: AC_DC ()

harmony ::

AC_DC je izjavil:

Dokler se koljete med seboj v svojem zafukistanu, be my guest.

V razvitem svetu teh fekalij ne potrebujemo.

Ampak vseeno je pa treba izvajat "vojaske vaje" tam dol kjer so fekalije?

ZaphodBB ::

Ampak vseeno je pa treba izvajat "vojaske vaje" tam dol kjer so fekalije?

Ja to se morajo pa dohtarji sami med sabo zment.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Shegevara ::

Nevem zakaj tako na dolgo in široko debatirate o smrtih in pobojih, dejstvo je, da muslimani ne vdirajo v evropo pobijat, ampak se MIROLJUBNO naseljevat kot kaže toliko časa, da bodo v večini vsaj v mnogih pomembnih predelih evrope številčno in kulturno.

Vsi tisti, ki vas tako moti nasilje v koranu in vsej zgodovini obstoja Islama, bi bilo po vašem vse OK, če bi se naselilo v vaše kraje do konca ogromno povsem miroljubnih in liberalnih Japoncev naprimer? Bi vi podpirali, da kulturno iz Slovenije ustvarijo Japonsko 2.0 ker oni pač recimo da niso tako nasilni, kot kakšni muslimani (ki so nasilni po vašem mnenju)?

Zgodovina sprememb…

harmony ::

Shegevara je izjavil:

Nevem zakaj tako na dolgo in široko debatirate o smrtih in pobojih, dejstvo je, da muslimani ne vdirajo v evropo pobijat, ampak se naseljevat po vsej verjetnosti toliko časa, da bodo v večini številčno in kulturno.

Za to je pa spet kriva EU, ki ne spodbuja sirjenje druzine. Ce pogledas eno povprecno tursko familijo v Avstriji ali Nemciji ima le ta 4-6 otrok, medtem ko ostali drzavljani, rojeni tam, po le 1-2 otroka.

Prebivalci EU se rajsi posvecajo karieri, kar ni slabo, ampak po drugi strani ostane komaj 1h na dan za druzino.

Shegevara ::

harmony je izjavil:

Shegevara je izjavil:

Nevem zakaj tako na dolgo in široko debatirate o smrtih in pobojih, dejstvo je, da muslimani ne vdirajo v evropo pobijat, ampak se naseljevat po vsej verjetnosti toliko časa, da bodo v večini številčno in kulturno.

Za to je pa spet kriva EU, ki ne spodbuja sirjenje druzine. Ce pogledas eno povprecno tursko familijo v Avstriji ali Nemciji ima le ta 4-6 otrok, medtem ko ostali drzavljani, rojeni tam, po le 1-2 otroka.

Prebivalci EU se rajsi posvecajo karieri, kar ni slabo, ampak po drugi strani ostane komaj 1h na dan za druzino.

Nisi ravno dobro odgovoril na moje vprašanje.

Dejstvo je, da se tudi priseljencem v Evropi znižuje rodnost. Mogoče ne v 1. generaciji, kjer menda imajo, kot praviš po 4-6 otrok, ampak kasneje se pa z izobrazbo in vključenostjo v družbo to tudi pri priseljencih začne manjšat.

Problem je v tem, ker se potem to nižjo rodnost nadomešča s priseljenci in s tem ustvarjamo začaran krog .

fantasycamp ::

Shegevara je izjavil:

harmony je izjavil:

Shegevara je izjavil:

Nevem zakaj tako na dolgo in široko debatirate o smrtih in pobojih, dejstvo je, da muslimani ne vdirajo v evropo pobijat, ampak se naseljevat po vsej verjetnosti toliko časa, da bodo v večini številčno in kulturno.

Za to je pa spet kriva EU, ki ne spodbuja sirjenje druzine. Ce pogledas eno povprecno tursko familijo v Avstriji ali Nemciji ima le ta 4-6 otrok, medtem ko ostali drzavljani, rojeni tam, po le 1-2 otroka.

Prebivalci EU se rajsi posvecajo karieri, kar ni slabo, ampak po drugi strani ostane komaj 1h na dan za druzino.

Nisi ravno dobro odgovoril na moje vprašanje.

Dejstvo je, da se tudi priseljencem v Evropi znižuje rodnost. Mogoče ne v 1. generaciji, kjer menda imajo, kot praviš po 4-6 otrok, ampak kasneje se pa z izobrazbo in vključenostjo v družbo to tudi pri priseljencih začne manjšat.

Problem je v tem, ker se potem to nižjo rodnost nadomešča s priseljenci in s tem ustvarjamo začaran krog .

Jasamo če že takoj imajo več otrok pa kasneje tud...

Kaj teb pomaga če imašp ovprečno enega ali dva on 4, kasneje maš ti enega on dva...

v vsakem primeru nas prekašajo.

to je statično, kot vidim pa ni konca tem migracijam,tudi če njim pade, jih EU še vedno v nenormalnih količinah sprejema..

Problem kvazi intelektualcev je da mislijo da se taka ogromno skupina ne bo hotela politično dvigniti,amapk se bodo kao asimilirali in množili z ostalimi, ker pač ostale skupine to vidijo delat!

Že zdaj imajo angleži muslimana za župana ki jim shario počasi vleče not..

Ko si enkrat kot skupina tam okol 20% imaš veliko moč, ker je tudi znotraj EU več skupin ki niso homogene, levica vs desnica... razne krščanske,demokratske in ostale politične struje...

Islam je pa skrita politična struja ki se prikazuje samo kot religija, vsi ki jo samo tako vidijo so res neumni!

Muslimani se vidijo kot eno mi se še v svoji državi tako ne vidimo, to ima politične posledice, oni bodo volili svoje in potem ti nič ne pomaga, spremenijo ti ustavo...


Berserker ::

harmony je izjavil:

Ja kaj sedaj? Bomo samo muslimane obtozevali pobojev? In potem pravimo, da so oni gnide in morilci...

Algerian War pove komu kaj?

Francoski zločini ne Slovenski.

harmony ::

Berserker je izjavil:

harmony je izjavil:

Ja kaj sedaj? Bomo samo muslimane obtozevali pobojev? In potem pravimo, da so oni gnide in morilci...

Algerian War pove komu kaj?

Francoski zločini ne Slovenski.

Pozegnani v imenu "Jezusa".

ZaphodBB ::

Pozegnani v imenu "Jezusa".

Kaj? Kaj konkretno je imela Alžirska Vojna s krščanstvom?

Mimogrede v celi zgodovini vojn je bilo samo 7% vojn religiozne narave. Od tega je za polovico zaslužen Islam.

Dejstva so skarjno islamofobna.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Heavy ::

harmony je izjavil:

Ja kaj sedaj? Bomo samo muslimane obtozevali pobojev? In potem pravimo, da so oni gnide in morilci...

Algerian War pove komu kaj?

> Rimski imperij je zasužnjil celotno evropo, severno afriko in bližnji vzhod!!!!!!
> Hitler posledično ni naredil ničesar narobe, pa pravijo da kakšen morilec je bil.

To demonstrira nivo tvojega razmišljanja.

ProGo ::

"Islamofobna" to je nesmiselna beseda, ne uporabljaj je. "Neracionalni strah pred muslimani". Obstaja samo racionalni strah pred muslimani oz. še bolje pred nasilnimi, militantnimi ter ekspanzionističnimi nauki korana.

Berserker ::

harmony je izjavil:

Berserker je izjavil:

harmony je izjavil:

Ja kaj sedaj? Bomo samo muslimane obtozevali pobojev? In potem pravimo, da so oni gnide in morilci...

Algerian War pove komu kaj?

Francoski zločini ne Slovenski.

Pozegnani v imenu "Jezusa".

Ne, požegnan v imenu boja proti separatizmu, ne pozabi, da je Alžirija spadala k metropolitanski Franciji kot del države in ne kot kolonija, počeli so isto, kar si prizadeva Ukrajina, se pravi ohranit celovitost ozemlja.

Še vedno ne vem kje najdeš povezavo z Slovenci? Takrat smo bili del SFRJ uradno kot ateistična država.

harmony ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Ne, požegnan v imenu boja proti separatizmu, ne pozabi, da je Alžirija spadala k metropolitanski Franciji kot del države in ne kot kolonija, počeli so isto, kar si prizadeva Ukrajina, se pravi ohranit celovitost ozemlja.

Aha, torej to je opravicilo, da so pobili vec kot milijon folka - od tega 99% muslimanov. Super razmisljanje.

Berserker je izjavil:

Še vedno ne vem kje najdeš povezavo z Slovenci? Takrat smo bili del SFRJ uradno kot ateistična država.

Tema je sirse narave, ne vem zakaj si fokusiran na Slovenijo.

Negotova prihodnost ateizma in prihodnost islamske religije v Evropi 21. stoletja

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: AC_DC ()

Berserker ::

harmony je izjavil:

Berserker je izjavil:

Ne, požegnan v imenu boja proti separatizmu, ne pozabi, da je Alžirija spadala k metropolitanski Franciji kot del države in ne kot kolonija, počeli so isto, kar si prizadeva Ukrajina, se pravi ohranit celovitost ozemlja.

Aha, torej to je opravicilo, da so pobili vec kot milijon folka - od tega 99% muslimanov. Super razmisljanje.

Seveda ne, ampak motiv ni bil verske narave kot si ti razlagaš.

razerznak ::

harmony je izjavil:

_dice7 je izjavil:

harmony je izjavil:

yero7 je izjavil:

Križarji so bili odgovor na širjenje islama, ki se je 400 let širil z meče in ognjem.

Kako se pa danes siri? Nikjer ne vidim meca in ognja, a vseeno je vse vec in vec muslimanov.

Tu imaš spisek za en mesec nazaj:
2016.06.14 Nigeria Kautuva 4 3 Jihadists burn down houses, murder four villagers and kidnap three women.
2016.06.13 India Kud 1 6 Muslim militants open fire from a bus, killing a woman and injuring a child.
2016.06.13 France Magnanville 2 1 A terrorist stabs a couple to death while shouting praises to Allah.
2016.06.12 Cameroon Darak 42 0 The bodies of forty-two fishermen are found a few days after they were captured by Boko Haram.
2016.06.12 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 The Taliban cut out the eyes of a day laborer and skin him alive.
2016.06.12 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A caliphate member executes his own brother for apostasy.
2016.06.12 Libya Sirte 3 7 A suicide bomber detonates at a hospital, taking three others with him.
2016.06.12 Philippines Samal Island 1 0 A Canadian hostage is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2016.06.12 USA Orlando, FL 49 53 An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.
2016.06.11 Iraq Tarmiya 7 0 Three children and two women are among seven family members massacred in their home by sectarian activists.
2016.06.11 Iraq Yathrib 10 0 A grave is discovered containing ten ISIS victims.
2016.06.11 Iraq Sichr 17 0 Seventeen people are allegedly massacred by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.11 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 20 30 A double suicide bombing outside a Shiite mosque leaves at least twenty dead.
2016.06.11 Libya Benghazi 7 8 Seven civilians lose their lives when Islamist shell their neighborhood.
2016.06.11 Afghanistan Haska Mena 6 11 At least six are left dead after Islamic State members fire into a police station.
2016.06.11 Afghanistan Rodat 4 70 Religious extremists plant a bomb in a rival mosque that eliminates four worshippers.
2016.06.10 Egypt Rafah 1 0 A young police recruit is cut down in the prime of life by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three other souls.
2016.06.10 Iraq Fallujah 30 0 Islamists spray machine-gun fire into a crowd of women and children trying to flee the caliphate, killing at least thirty.
2016.06.10 Syria al-Zahraa 1 6 A civilian is killed when terrorists send a rocket into a home.
2016.06.10 Syria Aleppo 3 15 A young girl is among three civilians aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.06.10 Syria Ghandoura 37 0 ISIS members massacre at least thirty-seven villagers, including women and children.
2016.06.10 Nigeria Mairari 4 0 Islamists drag four women out of their homes and slit their throats.
2016.06.10 Somalia Bula Fulay 4 0 A pro-Sharia group beheads one man and shoot three others.
2016.06.10 Pakistan Lahore 3 1 A young couple are honor killed for marrying against their family's wishes along with a friend who helped them.
2016.06.10 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A 62-year-old Hindu monastery worker is hacked to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.06.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is stoned to death in front of a mosque for adultery.
2016.06.09 Iraq Kirkuk 1 5 A mother is killed by an IS IED while leading her family out of the caliphate.
2016.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 19 46 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a commercial district in a Shiite area, killing nineteen.
2016.06.09 Iraq Taji 12 32 A dozen Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.06.09 Somalia Halgan 43 0 Dozens of AU peacekeepers are massacred during an al-Shabaab suicide assault.
2016.06.09 Syria Meydan 5 50 At least five are killed when al-Nusra deliberately shells a civilian area.
2016.06.09 Pakistan Changa Manga 0 1 A Christian man is badly beaten by a Muslim mob for selling food deemed 'unclean' because of his religion.
2016.06.09 Syria Handarat 1 8 A Sunni rocket claims the life of a child.
2016.06.09 Iraq Wilayat Salahuddin 1 0 A man is beheaded for sorcery by the caliphate.
2016.06.08 Iraq Hanbas 3 3 An ISIS bomb blast lays out three Shiites.
2016.06.08 Libya Abu Grein 25 32 Over two dozen defenders are killed during an ISIS assault on a small town.
2016.06.08 Libya Buairat el-Hassun 7 18 An ISIS car bomb claims seven lives.
2016.06.08 Syria Manbij 19 0 Nineteen civilians are killed by the Islamic State.
2016.06.08 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is burnt alive by her conservative mother for eloping without permission.
2016.06.08 Israel Tel Aviv 4 13 Muslims disguised as Orthodox Jews fire into a food and retail market, killing four patrons as they praise Allah.
2016.06.07 Afghanistan Sokhti 11 12 Eleven local security personnel are killed during a Taliban attack.
2016.06.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 12 50 The Taliban stop vehicles along a highway and massacre a dozen occupants.
2016.06.07 Iraq Khazar 5 0 Five displaced persons are further removed by ISIS bombers.
2016.06.07 Iraq Haditha 2 0 Two female factory workers are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.06.07 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 A 69-year-old Hindu priest is hacked to death by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.07 Iraq Karbala 7 20 A Sunni suicide bomber produces seven dead Shiites at a commercial area.
2016.06.06 Jordan Amman 5 0 At least five employees are killed in their office by Islamic militants.
2016.06.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 11 Jihadis bomb a local market, killing two patrons.
2016.06.06 Afghanistan Sari Pul 7 0 A child is among seven gunned down by Taliban fundamentalists.
2016.06.06 Yemen Khormaksar 1 0 A civilian is killed when Muslim extremists fire on an airport.
2016.06.06 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 Four civilians are tortured to death by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.06 Yemen Taiz 8 13 Shiite shells kill eight family members, including three children.
2016.06.06 Nigeria Adamawa 4 0 Four farmers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2016.06.06 Egypt Sadwet 1 0 A young policeman is shot to death in the name of Allah.
2016.06.06 Thailand Narathiwat 3 2 Two villagers are shot point blank by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.06 Iraq Mosul 11 0 Eleven people are executed in front of their families for trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.06.06 Iraq Mosul 65 0 Sixty-five civilians, including university students, are rounded up and executed by caliphate staff.
2016.06.06 Cameroon Darak 10 0 Ten fishermen are cut down by Boko Haram.
2016.06.05 Pakistan Sachal Goth 3 0 Two Hindus are among three slain at a liquor shop by members of a banned terror group.
2016.06.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A female journalist is assassinated by al-Shabaab outside a college campus.
2016.06.05 Pakistan Attock 1 0 A 65-year-old Ahmadi religious minority is gunned down.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Puli Alim 7 23 Islamic hardliners with suicide vests storm a courthouse and murder seven workers.
2016.06.05 Iraq al-Mahouz 3 0 Three civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.06.05 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 A woman is murdered in her home by religious radicals.
2016.06.05 Syria Aleppo 2 27 Two people are killed when Islamists target a church with rockets.
2016.06.05 Bangladesh Natore 1 0 A Christian man is hacked to death at his shop by Islamists.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An NPR journalist and his translator are picked off by Taliban snipers.
2016.06.05 Kazakhstan Aktobe 6 3 Islamic radicals murder six people in two separate attacks.
2016.06.05 Afghanistan Kabul 3 3 Fundamentalists set off a bomb outside a house that leaves three dead.
2016.06.05 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 A Jihadi bomb blast ends the lives of three people at a market.
2016.06.04 India Anantnag 2 0 Two cops are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.04 Syria Aleppo 7 33 Seven civilians are killed when Sunni terrorists fire rockets into their section of a city.
2016.06.04 Syria Hamadaniyey 5 47 A well-placed Sunni shell takes out five residents in their own neighborhood.
2016.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 34 15 Thirty-four Iraqis are killed by two Islamic State suicide bombers.
2016.06.04 Iraq Tarmiyah 8 15 A Shahid suicide bomber eliminates eight people waiting at a checkpoint.
2016.06.04 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 Terrorists kill seven Iraqis in two separate attacks on a restaurant and market.
2016.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 400 0 A mass grave is discovered containing at least four hundred victims of ISIS executions.
2016.06.03 Dagestan Ashaga-Stal 1 0 Islamists break into a policeman's home and murder him in front of his wife and children.
2016.06.03 Nigeria Waga 2 3 Boko Haram kill two villagers and abduct three women.
2016.06.03 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Nineteen Yazidi girls are put in cages and burned alive for refusing sex with caliphate members.
2016.06.03 India Bejbehara 3 5 Islamic terrorists ambush and kill three members of a local security convoy.
2016.06.03 Iraq Abu Dsher 3 7 Three Iraqis are reduced to pulp by Mujahid shrapnel.
2016.06.03 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 A suicide bomber targets a family fleeing the caliphate, killing two members.
2016.06.03 Yemen Taiz 17 30 Ten women and a girl are among seventeen shredded by Shiite shrapnel at a market.
2016.06.03 Niger Bosso 32 67 Thirty-two defenders are slain during a massive Boko Haram assault on a small town.
2016.06.03 Iraq Khalis 2 2 A probable premature detonation in a taxi cab leaves two dead.
2016.06.02 Syria Latakia 5 0 Five people are reported killed when a suicide bomber strikes a rival mosque.
2016.06.02 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Muslim youth behead a Christian woman for insulting Muhammad after an argument over religion.
2016.06.02 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Two civilians, taken hostage after being pulled from a bus, are executed by the Taliban.
2016.06.02 Afghanistan Sheikh Ali 3 0 A woman is among three aid workers murdered by religious extremists.
2016.06.02 Pakistan Faqirabad 1 0 A retired man is shot to death by religious radicals.
2016.06.01 Libya Sirte 10 40 Ten Libyans are taken out by two ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.06.01 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six men are executed by the caliphate for selling cigarettes.
2016.06.01 Sudan Singi 1 0 A Janjaweed-linked militia guns down a rival imam.
2016.06.01 Iraq Madain 2 9 Jihadis set off a bomb near a sports arena, taking out two bystanders.
2016.06.01 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 4 Two Iraqis are eliminated by Mujahid bombers.
2016.06.01 Iraq Tal Afar 3 0 Three young men are forced to their knees and then shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2016.06.01 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 13 Fundamentalists storm a court building in a suicide attack that leaves five civilians and one police officer dead.
2016.06.01 Afghanistan Balkh 1 3 A local police chief is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
2016.06.01 Somalia Mogadishu 16 55 Islamists stage a suicide assault on a hotel, killing at least sixteen guests.
2016.06.01 Iraq Nineveh 13 0 Thirteen people are executed for refusing to join the Islamic State.
2016.05.31 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Five Muslim 'separatists' ambush and kill two local security personnel.
2016.05.31 Egypt Qabr Omeir 6 6 Six young police recruits are murdered by an Islamic State linked group.
2016.05.31 Somalia Galgala Hills 2 0 Two Somalis lose their lives to an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2016.05.31 Afghanistan Kunduz 17 30 The Taliban stop four civilian buses and summarily execute seventeen passengers.
2016.05.31 Nigeria Ninte 3 0 Muslim terrorists burn churches and a pastors home, and hack three villagers to death as they slept.
2016.05.31 Iraq Suleiman Bek 4 13 A Holy warrior with a suicide vest obliterates four souls along a city street.
2016.05.31 Mali Gao 4 3 al-Qaeda members murder four UN mission staff.
2016.05.30 Tanzania Tanga 8 0 Eight people are hacked to death in their beds by suspected Islamists.
2016.05.30 Iraq Shaab 11 14 Eleven Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2016.05.30 Iraq Tarmiya 10 24 A Shahid suicide bomber strikes a popular market, killing ten patrons.
2016.05.30 Iraq Sadr City 3 10 Sunnis take down three Shiites with a motorcycle bomb at a market.
2016.05.30 Pakistan Mardan 0 12 Children are among the casualties of a suicide bomber.
2016.05.30 Tunisia Samama Mountain 2 0 Two women collecting herbs are vaporized by an Islamist landmine.
2016.05.30 Afghanistan Helmand 47 40 A massive two-day assault by the Taliban leaves nearly fifty police and citizens dead.
2016.05.30 Kenya Bongwe 3 0 Three village elders are shot to death in their homes by al-Shabaab.
2016.05.30 Syria Palmyra 150 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of one-hundred and fifty victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.05.30 Syria Aleppo 5 21 Five civilians are pulled into pieces by Sunni rockets.
2016.05.29 Iraq Wilayat al-Jazihra 3 0 The caliphate imposes the 'rule of Allah' on three captives by executing them.
2016.05.29 Iraq Mualimeen 7 35 Seven people are slaughtered at a casino by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.05.29 Iraq Karmardi 11 0 A Shahid with a suicide belt sends eleven souls to Allah.
2016.05.29 Iraq Kahriz 2 21 A chlorine gas attack by ISIS on a small village produces two dead children.
2016.05.29 Nigeria Biu 5 0 A woman and her baby are among five people slain by Boko Haram bombers.
2016.05.29 Egypt Sinai 2 3 Fundamentalists kill two local cops with a roadside bomb.
2016.05.29 Mali Savare 5 1 Jihadis ambush and murder five UN peacekeepers.
2016.05.29 Afghanistan Nadi Ali 4 10 Four local security personnel lose their lives to a Taliban assault.
2016.05.29 Niger Pandogari 4 0 A Muslim mob burns churches and kill four people based on a 'blasphemous' post on Facebook.
2016.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 12 8 Islamists machine-gun a dozen fan watching soccer on television.
2016.05.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 20 ISIS shrapnel dismantles two women.
2016.05.28 Philippines Sulu 2 3 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill two people during an attempt to kidnap a female physician.
2016.05.28 Syria Shaddadi 4 18 Three Shahid suicide bombers take out four Kurds.
2016.05.28 Syria Ain al-Dananeer 1 3 A woman is obliterated by an al-Nusra rocket.
2016.05.28 Syria Raqqa 4 0 Four young men are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.05.27 France Saint Julien du Puy 0 1 An off-duty soldier is stabbed by ISIS supporters while jogging.
2016.05.27 Syria Aleppo 1 9 Holy Warriors fire ten rockets into a neighborhood, managing to take down an elderly woman.
2016.05.27 Mali Bamako 5 4 Five UN peacekeepers are killed from a Jihadi landmine and small arms attack.
2016.05.26 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2016.05.26 Iraq Tarmiya 5 3 Five people are killed when ISIS booby-traps a house.
2016.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three shoppers in a retail district are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.
2016.05.26 Iraq Mishada 4 16 Jihadis strike a commercial area with two bomb blasts, laying out four bystanders.
2016.05.26 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Sunni snipers pick off a civilian in a Shiite area.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A transgender is shot by 'conservative elements.'
2016.05.25 India Pulwama 1 1 Muslim terrorists shoot a cop to death and injure a woman.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Patang Chowk 2 1 Islamists fire on a police vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.05.25 Iraq Suleiman Bag 2 6 At least two others are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.05.25 India Kupwara 1 0 A porter is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2016.05.25 Bangladesh Gobindaganj 1 0 A physically disabled Hindu trader's throat is cut by radicalized Muslims.
2016.05.25 Syria Aleppo 7 5 Three women and two children are among seven innocents torn to shreds by Sunni rockets.
2016.05.25 Afghanistan Kabul 11 10 Eleven lives are snuffed out by a suicide bomber on foot targeting a bus carrying court employees.
2016.05.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Religious extremists gun down an Ahmadi religious minority and injure his friend.
2016.05.25 Turkey Hah, Tur Abdin 5 0 At least five people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a checkpoint outside two historic churches.
2016.05.24 Iraq Zafaraniya 2 6 Jihadis bomb a popular restaurant, killing two people.
2016.05.24 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Twelve civilians are hauled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.05.24 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 Sunni extremists are suspected of a university bombing that leaves two dead.
2016.05.23 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 5 4 Five civilians are killed and four others badly wounded by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.05.23 Syria Mayadin 1 0 A teenager is publicly stoned to death on charges of being gay.
2016.05.23 Yemen Jazan 1 3 A Shiite landmine kills a Saudi border guard.
2016.05.23 India Zadibal 2 2 Islamic militants gun down two cops at close range.
2016.05.23 Yemen Aden 45 60 At least forty young people lining up for work are blown to bits by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.05.23 India Tengpora 1 0 A police officer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2016.05.23 Pakistan Bara Bandai 2 0 A peace committee member and his guard are assassinated by Islamist gunmen.
2016.05.23 Syria Jableh 161 300 Children are among one-hundred and sixty innocents incinerated or blown apart by ISIS suicide blasts.
2016.05.22 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Nineteen young women and men are executed by the Islamic State on charges of apostasy.
2016.05.22 Iraq Rataba 8 0 Eight people are burned alive in ovens by the caliphate.
2016.05.22 Sudan Arzini 8 5 Children are among the victims when Arabs fire into a group of Africans at a mosque.
2016.05.22 Syria Tal Tamr 5 0 Two suicide bombers take out five Kurds.
2016.05.22 Syria Qamishli 6 15 Six Assyrians are laid out by Allah-praising suicide bombers targeting a Christian restaurant.
2016.05.22 Afghanistan Herat 1 7 A Taliban rocket claims the life of a civilian.
2016.05.22 Iraq Suleiman Beg 2 11 Two Shiites are taken out by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2016.05.21 Iraq Tarmiya 2 7 Two people are blown to bits by a Mujahideen bomb blast at a market.
2016.05.21 Iraq Dujail 7 28 A Shahid suicide bomber massacres seven patrons at a popular market.
2016.05.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Three local cops are laid out by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2016.05.21 Afghanistan Charchino 6 0 A Taliban insider shoots six local cops in the back.
2016.05.20 Iraq Husseiniya 2 6 A Jihadi bomb blast near a row of shops leaves two dead.
2016.05.20 Syria Sheikh Maqsoud 1 5 A young girl is killed when terrorists bomb her neighborhood.
2016.05.20 Syria Idlib 1 0 A woman is vaporized by an ISIS tank shell.
2016.05.20 Bangladesh Kushtia 1 1 A 55-year-old homoeopathic doctor is hacked to death by Religion of Peace activists.
2016.05.20 Niger Yebi 8 7 Boko Haram set a village on fire and shoot into it, killing at least eight.
2016.05.20 Yemen Wilayet 3 0 Fundamentalists gruesomely execute three men - one by crushing his head with a rock.
2016.05.20 Tanzania Mwanza 3 1 Islamic extremists hack three people at a rival mosque to death with machetes.
2016.05.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 A UN security guard is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2016.05.20 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three civilians are captured and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.05.20 Iran Urmia 5 0 Five Kurdish rights activists are publicly hanged for 'conspiring against Islam'.
2016.05.20 England London 0 4 A Turkish man yelling about Lee Rigby stabs four women in a parking lot on the third anniversary.
2016.05.19 Syria Tabqa 3 0 Three citizens of the Islamic State are executed for apostasy.
2016.05.19 Afghanistan Qalat 8 0 A Taliban in uniform shoots eight unarmed soldiers.
2016.05.19 Afghanistan Baghlan Jadid 11 0 Five children and two women are among a family of eleven exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.05.19 Iraq Taji 3 10 Mujahideen bomb an industrial district, killing three passersby.
2016.05.19 Germany Baden-Württemberg 1 0 A 70-year-old woman is murdered in her home by a young Muslim who leaves a 'religious' note at the scene.
2016.05.18 Mali Kidal 5 3 Five UN peacekeepers are murdered by religious extremists.
2016.05.18 Iraq Mosul 25 0 The caliphate tortures and executes twenty-five people with nitric acid.
2016.05.18 Iraq Latifiya 9 9 The Islamic State kills nine with a booby-trapped home.
2016.05.18 Libya Sirte 24 0 A rights group reports that two dozen people are pulled from their homes by ISIS and 'unlawfully' executed.
2016.05.18 Pakistan Peshawar 1 15 Islamic militants kill a local cop with a bomb.
2016.05.18 Syria Genderes 1 1 A civilian is killed when ISIS members send rockets into a neighborhood.
2016.05.17 Syria Aleppo 1 6 A woman bleeds to death following a Sunni rocket blast.
2016.05.17 Libya Abugrein 4 5 ISIS shrapnel claims four lives.
2016.05.17 Iraq Sadr City 30 57 Thirty people at a market are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.05.17 Iraq Rashid 8 22 Eight Iraqis are reduced to pulp by an ISIS car bombing.
2016.05.17 Iraq al-Shaab 41 75 A female suicide bomber murders over forty people who gathered to help victims of an earlier blast.
2016.05.17 Iraq Habibia 9 0 At least nine patrons are killed when a suicide bomber wades into a packed restaurant and detonates.
2016.05.17 Iraq Daquq 1 0 An ISIS bomb takes out an Australian charity worker trying to protect children.
2016.05.17 Syria Ghouta 4 12 Four civilian bystanders are killed during a clash between rival Islamist groups.
2016.05.16 Libya Buairat el-Hassun 32 50 Thirty-two locals are taken down by ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.05.16 Dagestan Suleiman-Stal 1 0 An accountant is gunned down by suspected Islamists.
2016.05.16 Iraq Khalidiya 5 15 The Islamic State sends a rocket into a small town, taking out five residents.
2016.05.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 17 Two Mujahideen bomb blasts leave four dead.
2016.05.16 India Batapora 1 0 Religious radicals kidnap and execute a carpenter.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Khoshamand 7 4 Seven local cops are machine-gunned in their cars by the Taliban.
2016.05.16 Iraq Bezaas Kanaan 1 0 A farmer is shot to death at his orchard by Sunni extremists.
2016.05.16 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two others are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2016.05.16 Chechnya Grozny 0 6 An ISIS suicide bomber detonates after disguising himself as a goat herder.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Abkhor 4 0 Four guards at a road construction site are blown to bits by Taliban fundamentalists.
2016.05.16 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three less radical Muslims are shot in the head by ISIS.
2016.05.16 Syria Manbij 1 0 A young man is crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.05.16 Iraq Tahrir 21 0 A 'moral accountability' squad stones a woman and twenty 'youth' over illicit relations.

Joj, joj...tile muslimani so res krvolocni. Poglej samo tele cifre...

55 milijonov - 2. svetovna vojna, 1937-1945
40 milijonov - režim Mao Zedong na Kitajskem, 1949-1975
40 milijonov - Mongolska osvajanja, 1206-1294
36 milijonov - državljanska vojna na Kitajskem, 756-763
20 milijonov - iztrebljanje ameriških indijancev, 15. do 19. stoletje
20 milijonov - Josef Stalin, 1924-1953
15 milijonov - 1. svetovna vojna, 1914-1918

Vir: http://www.zmaga.com/forum_topic.php?id...

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Berserker ::

harmony je izjavil:

Berserker je izjavil:

Ne, požegnan v imenu boja proti separatizmu, ne pozabi, da je Alžirija spadala k metropolitanski Franciji kot del države in ne kot kolonija, počeli so isto, kar si prizadeva Ukrajina, se pravi ohranit celovitost ozemlja.

Aha, torej to je opravicilo, da so pobili vec kot milijon folka - od tega 99% muslimanov. Super razmisljanje.

Berserker je izjavil:

Še vedno ne vem kje najdeš povezavo z Slovenci? Takrat smo bili del SFRJ uradno kot ateistična država.

Tema je sirse narave, ne vem zakaj si fokusiran na Slovenijo.

Negotova prihodnost ateizma in prihodnost islamske religije v Evropi 21. stoletja

Zato ker retardirani SJW krivijo navadne Slovence za kolonialne zločine Evropski velesil stoletja nazaj, kot odgovor na muslimansko nasilje.

Recimo če napišem da so muslimani pobili vsaj 30mil ljudi med širjenjem Islama v Indiji, se bo našel en retard, ki bo napisal da smo bili "mi" odgovorni za križarske pohode. Pač dajmo SLovence kot slučajno katolike v isti koš z zahodnimi zločinci.

Problem teme je da se hitro obrne v temo levica vs desnica, ampak v resnici smo skeptiki/sekularisti pač folk ki prefira tehnologijo in znanost nad primitivnimi religijami kot sta islam in krščanstvo.

arnecan1 ::

harmony je izjavil:

Berserker je izjavil:

Ne, požegnan v imenu boja proti separatizmu, ne pozabi, da je Alžirija spadala k metropolitanski Franciji kot del države in ne kot kolonija, počeli so isto, kar si prizadeva Ukrajina, se pravi ohranit celovitost ozemlja.

Aha, torej to je opravicilo, da so pobili vec kot milijon folka - od tega 99% muslimanov. Super razmisljanje.

Bluziš. Če bi že radi govorili o žrtvah, potem lahko omenimo tudi 80 mio mrtvih hindujcev, ko so v imenu islama osvajali Indijo. In to je bilo v času, ko ni bilo letal, bomb in strojnic, ampak samo meči. Pa tudi število ljudi nekolikokrat manjše kakor danes.

Aja, pa še vedno neznano število mrtvih črnih sužnjev iz Afrike. Ljudje zaradi white guilt danes nenehno pozabljajo, da je število žrtev s strani islamske trgovine s sužnji za parkrat presega število evropske.

Pa da ne pozabimo milijonov mrtvih, ko so muslimani miroljubno osvajali Bizantinski imperij, Afriko in Španijo do južne Francije. In seveda vsem dobro znani Otomani, ki so harali do Moskve, Dunaja in južne Poljske. Tudi tu lahko naštejemo kar nekaj mio žrtev. Hitler, Stalin in nenazadnje francoski kolonizatorji tega niso počenjali v imenu vere. To je glavna razlika. Ampak prepričaj prepričane v nasprotno.;((

Winston Churchill je bil realist, povedal je kar nekaj misli, ki so se izkazale za preroške. Kot mlad človek je prišel v stik tudi z islamom. Evo njegov citat: Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.

harmony ::

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Hitler, Stalin in nenazadnje francoski kolonizatorji tega niso počenjali v imenu vere.

Torej rezime:
Enako grehov ima zahod, kot muslimani...zakaj torej kriviti samo muslimane za vsa sranja po svetu?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: AC_DC ()

Heavy ::

Ker v zadnjem času muslimani DELAJO vse sranje po svetu.

harmony ::

Heavy je izjavil:

Ker v zadnjem času muslimani DELAJO vse sranje po svetu.

Torej prej niso?

Heavy ::

Seveda so, oni ga stalno.
55 / 63

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