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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl

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Zmajc ::

Potem bojo post release DLCji stand alone igre kot je bilo to pri prvem delu?

Gregor459 ::

2 dlcja z novo zgodbo bosta sledila. Ne vem pa če bosta standalone igri kot Clear sky in Call od pripyat.

Tisti kateri so vzeli season pass bodo imeli še dve dodatni misiji.

yayo ::

Kakšni dlcji so bili v prejšnjih igrah? V smislu, da sta bila CS in CoP dlcja?

Zmajc ::

Ja, Clear Sky in Call of Pripyat sta bila samotojni igri a nista bila pravo nadaljevanje, bolj v smislu večjega stand alone expansiona.

Gregor459 ::

Ja čeprav Call of pripyat je bila še največja igra od prvih treh.

oo7 ::

Šele zdaj sem opazil če stasha ne izprazniš popolnoma se ikona ne izbriše iz zemljevida zato sem tudi mislil, da se stashi pojavljajo na novo :|

yayo ::

Parkrat sem srečal bloodsuckerja in bandite istočasno. Raje se oddaljim in pomagam banditom ubiti mrcino s puško s teleskopom pa potem še bandite pobijem kot obratno. :))

oo7 ::

yayo je izjavil:

Parkrat sem srečal bloodsuckerja in bandite istočasno. Raje se oddaljim in pomagam banditom ubiti mrcino s puško s teleskopom pa potem še bandite pobijem kot obratno. :))

Sem imel že kar nekaj takih primerov :)

oo7 ::

Every day, more and more rookies arrive in the Zone, trying to take their first steps in this dangerous environment. While the team is preparing the next updates, veteran stalkers have gathered the most essential survival tips for beginners in the Zone.

Bandages, anti-rad, condensed milk, and energy drinks -- all of these will come in handy. Check out the basic tips for rookies on our website:

Rookies' Starting Tips


oo7 ::

Stalker 2 vs Stalker Anomaly Custom Graphics Comparison | Unreal Engine 5 vs 17 Yrs old X-Ray Engine

17 let star pogon X-ray še vedno odličen.

drvo ::

Prvega nisem igral. Se zgodba nadaljuje, ali je ok, če bi začel z dvojko?

Zmajc ::

Zgodba se nadaljuje ja. Imaš na youtubu videe, ki ti povejo kaj se je dogajalo v prvih treh igrah. Ni nujno vseeno pa doda k vzdušju če poznaš osebe in dopgodke iz šrejšnjih delov saj se pojavljajo v novi igri.

Evo že padel patch 1.0.3. Upam da anti drunk mod za weird water ne neha delat. :))

Patch 1.0.3 has arrived!
Main and side missions fixes, input lag decrease, and other improvements.
Attention, stalkers!

Thank you for your feedback and support. We continue to work on the game to make the Zone a better place for you to enjoy and explore. The latest 1.0.3 patch we prepared will address following issues:

Crashes and memory leaks:
Multiple LowLevelFatalError crash fixes.

Controls adjustments:

According to your feedback, we adjusted following parameters/values to decrease input lag on keyboard+mouse input:
Mouse Smoothing is disabled by default.
Mouse Acceleration is disabled by default.

Additionally, default values of mouse sensitivity were updated to allow a predictable default experience for our players with new values of two parameters mentioned bellow:
Camera sensitivity: 25%.
Aim sensitivity: 15%.

Main and Side missions:
Fixed issue with Monolithians that were able to chase player outside during the In Search of Past Glory mission.
Fixed an issue where the NPCs would die after trying to enter a building during the mission On the Edge.
Fixed issue with Bayun cat which could despawn before player loots a collar from it during In the Name of Science mission.
Fixed issue with player potentially locking oneself during Dangerous Liaisons mission.
Fixed issue with becoming hostile upon noticing a player during King of the Hill mission.
Fixed an issue when despawns in front of the player after the dialog in the bunker during A Heavy Burden mission.
Fixed issue with NPC's despawning when player successfully finishes Legends of the Zone mission.

Fixed an issue with mutant bodies stretching after a shot from an automatic weapon.
Fixed an issue that caused NPCs to block the doors during the Back to the Slag Heap mission.

Fixed issue with not selling certain ammo types.

Fixed issues with missing player saves after a hard reboot of the PC/Xbox.

Thanks again for your support. We will continue working on future updates, reading your comments and feedback, and fixing “anomalies” if they occur. If you detect any — report them to our Technical Support Hub. That will help us investigate your particular case and implement fixes faster:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

Enaplusdva ::

Uuu že novi patch so pa pridni.

yayo ::

najbrž pol sveta vleče dol patch, ker tako počasi še nikoli.

Predsednik11 ::

Kaj je s to Bayun cat in ovratnico ? Jaz imam to ovratnico že dolgo časa v inventoriju pa je ne morem dati v shrambo prodati je pa nisem probal. Ima pa kljukico tako, da mora biti nekaj pomembnega ?

Zmajc ::

Predsednik11 je izjavil:

Kaj je s to Bayun cat in ovratnico ? Jaz imam to ovratnico že dolgo časa v inventoriju pa je ne morem dati v shrambo prodati je pa nisem probal. Ima pa kljukico tako, da mora biti nekaj pomembnega ?

Je del enega quest chaina.

Gregor459 ::

drvo je izjavil:

Prvega nisem igral. Se zgodba nadaljuje, ali je ok, če bi začel z dvojko?

Se splača preigrati kajti lokacije in osebe se ponavljajo in imajo zgodovino.

drvo ::

Jeba je, ker ni časa, pa tudi volje včasih zmanjka :)

Predsednik11 ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

Predsednik11 je izjavil:

Kaj je s to Bayun cat in ovratnico ? Jaz imam to ovratnico že dolgo časa v inventoriju pa je ne morem dati v shrambo prodati je pa nisem probal. Ima pa kljukico tako, da mora biti nekaj pomembnega ?

Je del enega quest chaina.

Ja samo jaz imam to ovratnico že zelo dolgo časa.
Mogoč ves je del glavnega ali stranskega ?

Zmajc ::


Gregor459 ::

drvo je izjavil:

Jeba je, ker ni časa, pa tudi volje včasih zmanjka :)

Potem si pa poglej zgodbo vseh treh iger na You tube in potem igraj Stalker 2.

oo7 ::

drvo je izjavil:

Prvega nisem igral. Se zgodba nadaljuje, ali je ok, če bi začel z dvojko?

Pred Stallker 2 igro so bile zunaj tri Stalker igre.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (2008)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (2009)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: The Entire Timeline - Full Lore & Story (1960s - 2013)

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