Forum » Programska oprema » SVCD + podnapisi
SVCD + podnapisi

bastadu ::
Imam en film v SVCD formatu, vendar nima podnapisov... Zanima me, če obstaja kakšen tak program, da bi se dali predvajati podnapisi, ki so namenjeni divxom?

ali3n ::
V temu "user manualu" piše da se to dela z vobsub-om... mal preglej - morda ti bo v pomoč.
- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."

ali3n ::
na DVD komponenti pomojem ne; če pa gledaš ta SVCD na računalniku - pa pomojem ja - s kakim softwerom (nimam izkušenj - probi npr. BSPlay, PowerDVD,...). Razumel sem te, da hočeš nardit SVCD s podnapisi - zato sem ti posredoval tist link... mislim pa da boš tam našel tud nekaj softwera (povezave)... mal preglej pejđ, pa beri Help fileje od programov... :-)
- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."

bastadu ::
Ja na PCju bi rad tole predvajal in po moje tudi obstaja kakšen software za to predvajat, sam nikjer ne najdem imena takega programa... Bom še malo pogledal, vseeno hvala!

ali3n ::
Gugl je najdu tole:
SubViewer is a software program that allows you to display subtitles on a computer with your DVD, VCD, and so on. You can also play music and subtitles at the same time, as in a karaoke system. Subtitles can be easily created in text format.
[Freeware] [Size: 1.76MB] [OS: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP] [Date Updated: 15/08/2002]
DVD Video disk can include more than 20 different subtitle language. However there is a lot of DVD that don't even include one subtitle track. DVD Subber was created to display during playback subtitle track that aren't include on the disk. There is lot of site on Internet where you can find subtitle script but playing them along with the DVD was always painful. You are forced to start from the beginning of the movie at a precise sync point,you can't stop, pause, or fast-forward without completely loosing the synchronization between the subtitle and the movie. DVD Subber use the timecode of the DVD to synchronize the subtitle with the movie. You pause, fast forward, go to you favorite scene, the subtitle always will follow you. DVD Subber subtitling engine is more powerful than the standard DVD Video format, where DVD subtitle are limited to 4 colors, DVD Subber give you access to more than 16 millions colors You can even add effect to the subtitle like a shadow or an outline to enhance readability. DVD Subber is compatible with some of the most used subtitle script format like Sub Station Alpha V4, Jacosub and SAMI.
[Download] [Download Help File] [Home Page] [Freeware] [Size: 2MB] [Win 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP] [Date Updated: 29/07/2002]
pa še par jih najdeš tukaj.
...ampak je res neki na tem Guglu
SubViewer is a software program that allows you to display subtitles on a computer with your DVD, VCD, and so on. You can also play music and subtitles at the same time, as in a karaoke system. Subtitles can be easily created in text format.
[Freeware] [Size: 1.76MB] [OS: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP] [Date Updated: 15/08/2002]
DVD Video disk can include more than 20 different subtitle language. However there is a lot of DVD that don't even include one subtitle track. DVD Subber was created to display during playback subtitle track that aren't include on the disk. There is lot of site on Internet where you can find subtitle script but playing them along with the DVD was always painful. You are forced to start from the beginning of the movie at a precise sync point,you can't stop, pause, or fast-forward without completely loosing the synchronization between the subtitle and the movie. DVD Subber use the timecode of the DVD to synchronize the subtitle with the movie. You pause, fast forward, go to you favorite scene, the subtitle always will follow you. DVD Subber subtitling engine is more powerful than the standard DVD Video format, where DVD subtitle are limited to 4 colors, DVD Subber give you access to more than 16 millions colors You can even add effect to the subtitle like a shadow or an outline to enhance readability. DVD Subber is compatible with some of the most used subtitle script format like Sub Station Alpha V4, Jacosub and SAMI.
[Download] [Download Help File] [Home Page] [Freeware] [Size: 2MB] [Win 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP] [Date Updated: 29/07/2002]
pa še par jih najdeš tukaj.
...ampak je res neki na tem Guglu

- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."

Lime ::
Poskusi. Vobsub in podobni programi zahtevajo, da se podnapisi imenujejo enako kot film (seveda drugačna končnica, .sub, .txt, .srt...) in morajo biti v istem direktoriju kot film.
Posnami na CD film in v isti direktorij ali direktno na CD tudi podnapise, inštaliraj npr. Vobsub in zaženi film v npr. bsplayerju, media playerju...
Posnami na CD film in v isti direktorij ali direktno na CD tudi podnapise, inštaliraj npr. Vobsub in zaženi film v npr. bsplayerju, media playerju...

bastadu ::
Lime: Gre se za SVCD in ga ne morem predvajati v raznih DiVX playerjih, uspelo mi ga je predvajati samo v WinDVDju...

ali3n ::
morda pa laufa Vobsub tud z WinDVD?
- kaj pa unadva - DVDSubber in SuBViewer si probal?
- kaj pa unadva - DVDSubber in SuBViewer si probal?
- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
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