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Dvd Podnapisi

Dvd Podnapisi

murks ::

Mam vprašanje, če ve slučajno kdo za kakšen program, ki spreminja podnapisi (*.sub ali *.txt) v podnapisi za DVD.
Res nujno rabim ta program!!!

OmegaBlue ::

Poglej tukaj, sigurno se bo kaj našlo http://www.doom9.org/.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

CaqKa ::

v vobsube ali v takšne ki bodo primerni za katerega od avtoring programov.. če slednje potem še povej za katerega.

murks ::

Nena vem kak se programu reče samo sem slišal da obstaja.

CaqKa ::

ok očitno me nisi razumel..
torej zakaj rabiš podnapise.. kaj boš delal v čem boš delal?
potrudi se in probaj čimbolje obrazložit problem

murks ::

Rad bi spremenil podnapis iz formata divx v podnapis formata dvd.
Rabil bi program ki spreminja podnapise v format podnapisa, ki ga čita DVD.

piskot ::

To ni tko simpl k mislš, ampak vseeno programček za spremembo podnapisov se imenuje Srt2Sup.


murks ::

Si se že ti ukvarjal z tem?

piskot ::

Ja, rabiš pa 4 programčke da ti tole naredi, tko kot ti misliš.


murks ::

In keri so ti programi in čemu so namenjeni?

piskot ::

Daj mi pošlji mail se bova lažje sporazmevala. rogljicek2004@yahoo.com


murks ::


CaqKa ::

z katerim dvd avtoring programom boš delal dvd?
pa z katerim programom boš spekel ta dvd?

Gatsu ::

torej potrebuješ tele programe:

1. vobedit za demuxanje DVD-ja v video, avdio in sub filetke
2. subtitle workshop za sinhronizacijo in konverzijo podnapisov v Sprucev DVD Maestro format
3. chapter extractor - za izvoz chapterjev v textovno datoteko
4.Spruce DVD maestro - za dvd athoring

Vse programe razen Maestra in tutoriale dobiš na Doom9 strani. DVD maestro pa ni zastonj tko da se znajdi sam. Z Ifoeditom se sicer tudi da dodajat svoje podnapise v DVD filme a na žalost program ne mara 3/4 filmov....

CaqKa ::

naj tip rajši najprej pove kater dvd avtoring program ima in mu šele nato povejmo kere programe rabi...
ker da se gre učit novega programa je zlo brezveze.

Gatsu ::

Edino kar meni nagaja je pozicija podnapisov, saj so na DVD komponentah pozicionirani povsem drugje kot v powerdvd-ju in previewu v DVD maestru...

matej1111 ::

Lahko bi iz te strani prevedli kako se to dela!Jaz se trudim pa mi nikakor ne uspeva!


Tu je ves postopek!Vsak malo pa nam bo uspelo!8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O

matej1111 ::

1.)Posnamite programe ki so navedeni na začetku strani!
DVDshrink, Subtitle workshop, Srt2sup, VobEdit 0.6b, IFOEdit, TMPGEnc and BeSweet!
2.)V DVDshrink-u odripate na disk(ponavadi 6-ch english zvok,pa english podnapise)Če imate film v img datoteki vam priporočam Alcohol 120%!

Če sem na začetku kaj pozabil naj me kdo popravi!

Zgodovina sprememb…

Dr_M ::

jest mam en ripan dvd film kjer so rumeni podnapisi in jest bi jih rad spremenu v bele. se to da in s cim ce se?
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::

res nima noben ideje? probu sm neki editorjev, ampak noben nima za spreminjat barv... :\
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

krneki ::

IfoEdit v roke, odpri filmski .ifo (od velikih vobov), izbereš VTS_PGCITI, nato izbereš PGC filma (najdalši čas verjetno), par strani dol imaš tabelo s 16-timi barvami, ki jih uporabljajo sub pictures. Zdaj če so podnapisi rumeni najdi rumeno farbo in jo zamenjaj z belo ...enkrat sem to delal in vem samo to, da sem se jebal ker nisem vedel kakšno barvno paleto zadeva uporablja in sem uglavnem preizkusal razlicne cifre dokler nisem zadel prave barve.

Lime ::

In case you bought a DVD whose language tracks and subtitles don't match the languages you're fluent with, here is a (long) tutorial for adding subtitles to a DVD.

*** Beware, this is definitively not for newbies ***

Tools needed:
- DVD Shrink
- VobEdit 0.6 or higher
- IfoEdit 0.96 or higher
- Str2Sup a4.03 or higher
- BurnAtOnce or Nero...

Material needed:
- Original DVD
- SRT subtitles file for that DVD (check in the DiVX sites)
- about 13GB of disk space
- a few hours...

--------- Step 1 - Ripping ------------
Use DVD Shrink Re-author feature to grab the movie title (no menus, no extras...)

video: no compression
audio: main track only
subtitles: none
Save in: C:\Rip

So you should now have
and a few more VTS_01_x.VOB depending on the size of your movie

--------- Step 2 - Demux ---------------
Use VobEdit 0.6 to demux the Vob files into separate video and audio files.

Create D:\Demux (D: should be an NTFS drive because the m2v file will be over 4GB)
Start VobEdit 0.6
Open c:\Rip\VTS_01_1.VOB
Click on "Demux" button
Check "Demux all Video streams" and "Demux all Audio streams" boxes
Click on "ok"
The target directory is of course D:\Demux

So you should now have

--------- Step 3 - Chapter infos --------
Use IfoEdit 0.96 to retrieve the chapter infos

Start IfoEdit 0.96
Open c:\Rip\VTS_01_0.IFO
In the upper window, double click on VTS_PGCITI.
VTS_PGC_1 appeared right below, click on it.
Now scroll the lower window until you see "PGC Command Table:", click on it.
Go in the main menu: "Tools/Save Celltimes to file"
Navigate in the savebox to save CellTimes.txt in D:\Demux

So you should now have

--------- Step 4 - Converting the subtitles --------
Use Str2Sup a4.03 to convert the Srt subtitles file into a Sup file

Start Str2Sup a4.03
In the main menu, choose SRT File/Open as text
Choose your SRT file.
Now in the dialog box, you can see an "adjust times" area. Usually "0" is fine, but you may have to tweak this a bit...
The easiest way is to open the Srt file in Notepad, look when is the 1st dialogue, then watch in your DVD player the time difference (if any).
Click on "ok".
In the main window, click on "All".
Now click on "Alter Subtitle Layout"
Click on "Global"
Change the colors and font settings to suit your tastes (if you don't, it will be green in the middle of the screen).
My settings are:
Backgnd: Black + Trans
Outline: Gray
Text: White
Antialias: Gray
Vertical Alignment: Bottom
Global Font: Arial 16
Others parameters left to default settings.
Don't forget to choose Screen Format according to the current DVD (PAL or NTSC).
Click on "ok"
Click on "close"
In the main menu, choose SUP File/Save
Target should be D:\Demux\VTS_01_1.20.sup

Write down the informations about the colors and quit, or keep that window open.

So you should now have

--------- Step 5 - Mux back -----------
Use IfoEdit 0.96 to mux what is in D:\Demux\ back into Vob files.

You can now delete C:\Rip.
Create C:\Full
Start IfoEdit 0.96
In the main menu, choose DVD Author/Author New DVD
In the right part, there is a dot button where you can choose the video file.
Choose D:\Demux\VTS_01_1.m2v
In the right part, there is a dot button where you can choose the audio file.
Choose D:\Demux\VTS_01_1.80.ac3
Then click on the ac3 file and choose its language (drop down box in the left part)
In the right part, there is a dot button where you can choose the subtitle file.
Choose D:\Demux\VTS_01_1.20.sup
Then click on the sup file and choose its language (drop down box in the left part)
In the right part, there is a dot button where you can choose the chapters file.
Choose D:\Demux\CellTimes.txt
Last, choose the destination, which of course is C:\Full.
Then click on "ok"
Later, click on "close"

In the upper window double click on VTS_01_0.IFO
Then double click on VTS_PGCITI.
VTS_PGC_1 appeared right below, click on it.
In the lower window, right below a lot of "Sub-picture steam x Status", you'll see "Color 0 Y Cr Cb".
Double click on it.
In the edit window, you'll see: "00000000 00 00 00 ...".
Click on the "00" pairs and fill with the Hex color informations from step 4
Repeat for "Color 1 Y Cr Cb", "Color 2 Y Cr Cb" and "Color 3 Y Cr Cb".
Click on "save", the default name is fine. You can say "yes" to the Bup question.

If you don't want to do Step 6, then quit IfoEdit now.

-------- Step 6 (optional) - Set "Subtitles On" as default ----------
This is only necessary if you want the subtitles to be displayed right at the beginning of the movie.
As we didn't copied the DVD's menus, I think this is quite convenient.

A little bit below the subtitles colors, you'll see "There is no PGC Command Table".
Then right click on that to display the context menu.
Choose "Add PreCommand".
Now you have a small PGC Command Table which ends with "1.Pre Command NOP".
Right click on "1.Pre Command NOP" and choose "Edit command".
In the list, change "NOP" to "(SetSTN) Set Subpicture Stream Nr"
Steam = 0, On/off = On
Click on "ok"
Save again.

D:\Demux is no longer useful, you can delete it.
C:\Full contains IFO and VOB files for our DVD with subtitles.

-------- Step 7 (very often mandatory) - Shrink -------------
Use DVD Shrink 3b5 to shrink our project (now in C:\Full) so it fits a DVD-R

Save it in D:\Shrinked

-------- Step 8 - Burn -------------
Use your favorite software (BurnAtOnce, Nero...) to burn what is in D:\Shrinked

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DVD+dodatni podnapisi (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
22077423 (19559) CaqKa

Kako zapeči?

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
82852 (2786) gruntfürmich

[Nero Burning Rom] peka video DVD-ja?

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
153929 (3448) rikta33


Oddelek: Zvok in slika
131665 (1393) digitalc

Prog. za dodajanje podnapisov DVD-ju

Oddelek: Programska oprema
71477 (1407) Vanquish

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