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Call of duty 4

AngelOfDeath ::
sniper 2x nabojnik zamenja tko da sklepam da ima 100 nabojnikov in v vsakem 1 metek

edit: Slovnica

TzzMeister ::
CoD4 ga seka. Če sm že tko odvisn od CoD 2, kaj bo šele s CoD4. Pa še dobr bojo zaslužl s srvrji. Spet bojo vsi norel za njimi.

bluefish ::
ah, vidim da postajajo franšize vsako leto slabše in manj realistične. Seveda vse samo zaradi ciljne skupine in čim večjega zaslužka.

Rotaidal ::
Kdaj sploh lahko pričakujemo cod4 ?
Co2 v moderni vojni. To je to in nič več. Lepša grafika, verjetno malo fizike, boljša UI mogoče vozila. To je to.
Co2 v moderni vojni. To je to in nič več. Lepša grafika, verjetno malo fizike, boljša UI mogoče vozila. To je to.

rdecaluc ::
Vedno se najde nekdo , ki mu je vse kopija. Pač zgleda podobno. Drugače se mi pa zdijo vsi Bf-ji čudni, povsod je eno leseno premikanje in bv kompliciranje, pa se zatikanje na vogalih ... Priznam res mi ni všeč.
Est modus in rebus. ,typos

Yakuza ::
Tudi jaz sem preigral cod1&2, toda časi se spreminjajo in prihaja COD 4 Modern Warfare !!!
Igra je pobrala ogromno nagrad na E3 (best game, best graphics, sound etc.). Resnično dobr game. Igra naj bi izšla v Torek 6. Novembra 2007
Več info v angleščini
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Official Site:
# Online:
Xbox 360 / PS3: 1 - 16 Players
PC: 32+ Players
Rating: Rating Pending
Last Stand MP Perk HD -
( (Gameplay)
Deep Impact MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Double Tap MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Multiplayer Content Interview HD
The Bog Rescue HD (Gameplay)
Vehicle and Weapon Interview HD
Evolution of Storyline Interview HD
Military Advisor Interview HD
Official Reveal Trailer HD
Will there be Anti-cheat out of box?
Yes, we will have Anti-cheat support for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare out of box. We have not announced which Anti-cheat system we will be using at this point however, but it will be available at launch.
Will there be Mod Tools / Support?
Yes, we do plan on releasing Mod tools and Mod support for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, there may not be mod tools out of box however we are working to ensure that we have Mod tools and support as soon after launch as possible.
Will There Be Http Redirect?
Yes, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will utilize Http redirect.
I read about classes in MP, how does that work in COD4:MW?
In multiplayer there will be five default classes each with a set weapons load out and three default Perks per class. There will also be the option to Create-a-Class which you can unlock through ranking up that allows you to customize your primary weapon, secondary weapon, grenade type, up to three perks, and accessories for your primary and secondary weapons (i.e. scopes, sights, camo schemes).
What are Perks and how do they work?
Perks are a new addition to multiplayer in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which act as special abilities to customize your character to your play style. These perks are broken up into three categories and are limited to only having three active at a time (one per category). There are a vast number of perks available, creating a unique MP experience every match with the large amount of difference combinations available.
A new perk will be revealed each week, check the top of this FAQ in the VIDEOS portion for links to videos showcasing perks as they become available.
What are the confirmed perks?
We will be confirming new ones every week, so far we have confirmed:
* Last Stand: Fall to the ground and pull out your pistol for one last chance to kill the enemy before dying.
* Stopping Power: Increased Bullet Damage.
* Juggernaut: Increased Health.
* Martydom: Drop a grenade when you die. (Anti-Tbag Technology)
* Endurance: Longer Sprint.
* Deep Impact: Increased Bullet Penetration.
* Double Tap: Increased Rate of Fire.
Can Perks or other options be modified or disabled?
Yes, server admins and players will have a large amount of config options to disable / enable as they see fit on their servers. Perks can be disabled and plenty of gameplay options can be modified. Server Admins and players will have a healthy config file to assist them.
Will there be Ranking and how does it work?
Yes, there is a ranking system in multiplayer. As you play the game you gain XP = Experience Points, the more XP you gain the higher you will Rank up.
The Ranking loosely follows military Marine ranks although there are more ranks in the game than there are actual Marine ranks, so there will be multiple levels to each rank.
As you Rank up you will unlock more and more weapons and gear to customize your weapon load out. This includes completely new weapons, new sights, new scopes, new grips, new camo schemes, and more.
Will there be kill cam in Multiplayer?
Yes, Kill-cam will be in multiplayer just like Call of Duty 2.
Is Sprinting a new feature in COD4:MW?
Yes, we have introduced Sprinting to both Single and Multiplayer. This is great for getting to cover quickly while underfire.
In one of the videos I noticed someone stab someone, what was that?
Yep, that is our new and incredibly awesome (if I do say so myself) Knife Melee. When things get crazy and you're within hand to hand combat distance, break out a lethal knife stab / swipe / lunge to take down the enemy with your knife.
How many multiplayer gametypes are there, and are the same ones from Call of Duty 2 there?
We're not announcing all the gametypes just yet, but we have brought back all the gametypes from Call of Duty 2 as well as introduced several new ones. The currently confirmed gametypes include:
* Free-for-All (deathmatch)
* Team Deathmatch
* Capture the Flag
* Search and Destroy
* Headquarters
* Sabatoge
* Oldschool (no details available)
* Domination (no details available)
What is Hardcore mode?
We've introduced a new realism mode for the hardcore players, which you can play along with any of the gametypes. So you can play all the gametypes either standard or Hardcore Mode. When playing Hardcore mode there is no HUD, and weapons do more damage (realistic damage).
Can you throw grenades back in Multiplayer?
Yes, you can throw grenades back in Single and Multiplayer.
Can you cook grenades?
Yes, you can cook grenades in both single player and multiplayer.
hehehe, se vam že cedijo sline ???
Lp Yakuza
Igra je pobrala ogromno nagrad na E3 (best game, best graphics, sound etc.). Resnično dobr game. Igra naj bi izšla v Torek 6. Novembra 2007
Več info v angleščini
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Official Site:
# Online:
Xbox 360 / PS3: 1 - 16 Players
PC: 32+ Players
Rating: Rating Pending
Last Stand MP Perk HD -
( (Gameplay)
Deep Impact MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Double Tap MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Multiplayer Content Interview HD
The Bog Rescue HD (Gameplay)
Vehicle and Weapon Interview HD
Evolution of Storyline Interview HD
Military Advisor Interview HD
Official Reveal Trailer HD
Will there be Anti-cheat out of box?
Yes, we will have Anti-cheat support for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare out of box. We have not announced which Anti-cheat system we will be using at this point however, but it will be available at launch.
Will there be Mod Tools / Support?
Yes, we do plan on releasing Mod tools and Mod support for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, there may not be mod tools out of box however we are working to ensure that we have Mod tools and support as soon after launch as possible.
Will There Be Http Redirect?
Yes, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will utilize Http redirect.
I read about classes in MP, how does that work in COD4:MW?
In multiplayer there will be five default classes each with a set weapons load out and three default Perks per class. There will also be the option to Create-a-Class which you can unlock through ranking up that allows you to customize your primary weapon, secondary weapon, grenade type, up to three perks, and accessories for your primary and secondary weapons (i.e. scopes, sights, camo schemes).
What are Perks and how do they work?
Perks are a new addition to multiplayer in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which act as special abilities to customize your character to your play style. These perks are broken up into three categories and are limited to only having three active at a time (one per category). There are a vast number of perks available, creating a unique MP experience every match with the large amount of difference combinations available.
A new perk will be revealed each week, check the top of this FAQ in the VIDEOS portion for links to videos showcasing perks as they become available.
What are the confirmed perks?
We will be confirming new ones every week, so far we have confirmed:
* Last Stand: Fall to the ground and pull out your pistol for one last chance to kill the enemy before dying.
* Stopping Power: Increased Bullet Damage.
* Juggernaut: Increased Health.
* Martydom: Drop a grenade when you die. (Anti-Tbag Technology)
* Endurance: Longer Sprint.
* Deep Impact: Increased Bullet Penetration.
* Double Tap: Increased Rate of Fire.
Can Perks or other options be modified or disabled?
Yes, server admins and players will have a large amount of config options to disable / enable as they see fit on their servers. Perks can be disabled and plenty of gameplay options can be modified. Server Admins and players will have a healthy config file to assist them.
Will there be Ranking and how does it work?
Yes, there is a ranking system in multiplayer. As you play the game you gain XP = Experience Points, the more XP you gain the higher you will Rank up.
The Ranking loosely follows military Marine ranks although there are more ranks in the game than there are actual Marine ranks, so there will be multiple levels to each rank.
As you Rank up you will unlock more and more weapons and gear to customize your weapon load out. This includes completely new weapons, new sights, new scopes, new grips, new camo schemes, and more.
Will there be kill cam in Multiplayer?
Yes, Kill-cam will be in multiplayer just like Call of Duty 2.
Is Sprinting a new feature in COD4:MW?
Yes, we have introduced Sprinting to both Single and Multiplayer. This is great for getting to cover quickly while underfire.
In one of the videos I noticed someone stab someone, what was that?
Yep, that is our new and incredibly awesome (if I do say so myself) Knife Melee. When things get crazy and you're within hand to hand combat distance, break out a lethal knife stab / swipe / lunge to take down the enemy with your knife.
How many multiplayer gametypes are there, and are the same ones from Call of Duty 2 there?
We're not announcing all the gametypes just yet, but we have brought back all the gametypes from Call of Duty 2 as well as introduced several new ones. The currently confirmed gametypes include:
* Free-for-All (deathmatch)
* Team Deathmatch
* Capture the Flag
* Search and Destroy
* Headquarters
* Sabatoge
* Oldschool (no details available)
* Domination (no details available)
What is Hardcore mode?
We've introduced a new realism mode for the hardcore players, which you can play along with any of the gametypes. So you can play all the gametypes either standard or Hardcore Mode. When playing Hardcore mode there is no HUD, and weapons do more damage (realistic damage).
Can you throw grenades back in Multiplayer?
Yes, you can throw grenades back in Single and Multiplayer.
Can you cook grenades?
Yes, you can cook grenades in both single player and multiplayer.
hehehe, se vam že cedijo sline ???
Lp Yakuza
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Yakuza ()

The_hammer ::
hm,... granate boš lahko nazaj metal, hehe

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: The_hammer ()

Tilen ::
hm,... granate boš lahko nazaj metal, hehe 
Si me spomnil na eno igro [že zelo staro], kjer ti je nekdo vrgel bombo in si mu jo lahko brcnil nazaj, če si bil dovolj hiter. Je bil to Soldier of Fortune? Nisem ravno prepričan.
Glede na release date pa vse bolj kaže da bo november zelo zelo pester.

Si me spomnil na eno igro [že zelo staro], kjer ti je nekdo vrgel bombo in si mu jo lahko brcnil nazaj, če si bil dovolj hiter. Je bil to Soldier of Fortune? Nisem ravno prepričan.
Glede na release date pa vse bolj kaže da bo november zelo zelo pester.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tilen ()

DOOM_er ::
Tilen, postal 2 share the pain
(any1 mp?
Yakuza si jo že igral da lahko rečeš da je dobr game

Yakuza si jo že igral da lahko rečeš da je dobr game

Robots will steal your job. But that's OK
Zgodovina sprememb…
- polepsal: Mavrik ()

Yakuza ::
Hehe ne, sam če si mal pogledaš game play... pa ocene, pa nagrade ka jih je pobrala.. lahka nekak sklepaš, da bo dobr game :)) ziher jo bom kupu
Se streljamo

Se streljamo

sword ::
vse tiste stvari (šprint, kuhanje granat, hardcore mode) so kot multiplayer modes na voljo že od enke naprej...
sam upam, da bodo makerji of WRM mode, naredil tud eno za COD4.... realism forever :D, če koga zanima...
sam upam, da bodo makerji of WRM mode, naredil tud eno za COD4.... realism forever :D, če koga zanima...

The_hammer ::
Doomer, predvsem so se zadne besede nanašale na cod2... Ta špil mi je great in hotu sm povedat, da me (nas) verjetno ne bojo razočarali z novo izdajo cod-a...
In seveda si ga bom defenetivno kupil

StajercSSS ::
Hehe,grafika je tko,kot bi bil spet na paintball tekmi..

Voziš se v formuli, pred tabo je podmornica, za tabo pa vesoljska ladja.
Kako se rešiš iz te situacije?
Rečeš ciganu naj ustavi vrtiljak.
Kako se rešiš iz te situacije?
Rečeš ciganu naj ustavi vrtiljak.

The_hammer ::
woot, za mojim rojstnim dnevom izide
...To bo spet veselja, svežina, nekaj na novo...Se spomnim ko sm začel igrati cod2, celi zatopljen v 15" monitor, geekal cele dneve, čakal na sovražnikov prvi korak, se podajal na nevarne misije, (ukrasti pomemben dokument iz rok krvoločnih nemcev ali pobiti vse sovražnike z snijpo....
). In potem vsak večer zun na cigaret, kjer sma s sosedom nadaljevala svojo strategijo kako uničiti sovražnika
. Oh ja, to je bil life...

The_hammer ::
Skoraj tak se počutim,....
Intel E6420@2950, 7900 gto, 2gb,seagate baracuda 160,Keyboard G11,
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W
Mouse mx518,Mouse surface Razer eXactMat, Speed link Medusa 5.1,
Enermax liberty 500W

miherli ::
Mislite da mi bo Call of Duty 4 delovala vredu?
~ Intel Core Duo e4400
~ 2 GB RAM
~ nVidia GeForce 8500GT
~ Intel Core Duo e4400
~ 2 GB RAM
~ nVidia GeForce 8500GT

OChack ::
ma ne bo ti delal, 4 jedrnika raj nabav
joke......grafična 8500 ni najbol prejšna generacija ala 1950pro je hitrej

joke......grafična 8500 ni najbol prejšna generacija ala 1950pro je hitrej
Int€l inside, IDIOT Outside

Yakuza ::
Igra izide 9. novembra v evropi, 4 dni prej v bushilandu :) .
Demo bo pa verjetno izšel v naslednjih dneh.
Če mal pogledamo kako sta izšla CoD1&2
COD2: September 26th, 2005
(Released: October 25th 2006)
COD1: August 30th 2003
(Released: October 29th 2003)
tko, da pričakujte demo v naslednjih dneh. Drugače pa čekirajte
Lp Yakuza
Demo bo pa verjetno izšel v naslednjih dneh.
Če mal pogledamo kako sta izšla CoD1&2
COD2: September 26th, 2005
(Released: October 25th 2006)
COD1: August 30th 2003
(Released: October 29th 2003)
tko, da pričakujte demo v naslednjih dneh. Drugače pa čekirajte
Lp Yakuza
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tilen ()

frikozoid ::
Zadevo sem stestiral na 360-tki. Ravno se je končalo igranje bete in iz izkušenj povem - zadeva seka v nulo. Ravno pravi čas je sedaj izšel še Halo3 tk, da sem mel za primerjavo 2 konkretna špila. Oba sekata, vsak po svoje - seveda pa se že od nekdaj nagibam bolj k vojaščinam, tako, da je zame cod4 "aleluja game of the year".
Vse kar pogrešam je samo "theatre mode", ki bi kot v halo3 posnel vsaj 4 zadnje matche, na podlagi katerih bi potem lahko delal svoje montaže.
Hitro se bliža 5. november ... zj pa nazaj na cod3 in halo3, potem pa cod4 pwnage!
Zadevo sem stestiral na 360-tki. Ravno se je končalo igranje bete in iz izkušenj povem - zadeva seka v nulo. Ravno pravi čas je sedaj izšel še Halo3 tk, da sem mel za primerjavo 2 konkretna špila. Oba sekata, vsak po svoje - seveda pa se že od nekdaj nagibam bolj k vojaščinam, tako, da je zame cod4 "aleluja game of the year".
Vse kar pogrešam je samo "theatre mode", ki bi kot v halo3 posnel vsaj 4 zadnje matche, na podlagi katerih bi potem lahko delal svoje montaže.
Hitro se bliža 5. november ... zj pa nazaj na cod3 in halo3, potem pa cod4 pwnage!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: frikozoid ()

frikozoid ::
Mislš, da se prave MP igre ne morjo igrat na xboxu? Ti povem, da se! Glede na to kak je comunity ... Klani v Cod4 so že zalaufal, tk da ... Je pa res, če ti ne leži gamepad, da se potemtakem ne strinjaš, čeprav lahk kamot na 360tki špilaš z mišjo in tipkovnico. Je pa res, da tudi sam nikoli nisem prisegal na konzole - vse do 2 leti nazaj sem se držal isklučno PC-ja ... tudi sam sem mislil, da MP prek konzol ne štima kaj dosti, a sedaj, ko je tu LIVE se je moje mnenje povsem spremenilo. Če še vedno vstrajaš na tem te povabm domov na kak GOW, Halo3, cod pwnage k meni domov

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: frikozoid ()

LjubimPeezde ::
Bomo vidil kaksna bo zadeva na PCju, kjer se igrajo prave MP igre.
kera patetična izjava

Otroček, zalaufaj kdaj Halo3 na MP in boš videl kaj je to definicija MP.
Nočem se kregat, samo če ne poznaš zadev se zadrži s takimi debilizmi.
Na konzolah se najde že precej super MP zadev. Tako kot na PCju.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: LjubimPeezde ()

LjubimPeezde ::
Hmmm kaj je tako smešnega?
Najbolj igrana MP igra na Xboxu360. Vsi hvalijo na veliko.
Če nisi igral ne komentiraj. Ampak vsi ki so se strinjajo da je MP božanski
Pejt raje nazaj za Battlefield (ki je meni osebno zanikrn) oz. na poženščen Guild Wars. Guild Wars HAHAHAHHA (se ti ne zdi mal otročje tole?)

Najbolj igrana MP igra na Xboxu360. Vsi hvalijo na veliko.
Če nisi igral ne komentiraj. Ampak vsi ki so se strinjajo da je MP božanski
Pejt raje nazaj za Battlefield (ki je meni osebno zanikrn) oz. na poženščen Guild Wars. Guild Wars HAHAHAHHA (se ti ne zdi mal otročje tole?)

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: LjubimPeezde ()

frikozoid ::
Ne vem zakj eni pluvajo vsepovprek po stvareh, ki jih sploh ne poznajo - ampak pazi - model bo igral GOW na PC in mu bo božanski!
PS: halo3 ocenjen kot best ever FPS MP
Je pa res, da smo s tem že mal zaplaval stran od dotične teme!

PS: halo3 ocenjen kot best ever FPS MP
Je pa res, da smo s tem že mal zaplaval stran od dotične teme!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: frikozoid ()

LjubimPeezde ::
Tako je!
Dejansko majo največ za povedat proti tem igram ravno tisti ki so jo videli le od daleč in si niti ne lastijo konzole.
Jaz se v komentiranje stvari ki jih ne poznam ne spuščam.
Dejansko majo največ za povedat proti tem igram ravno tisti ki so jo videli le od daleč in si niti ne lastijo konzole.
Jaz se v komentiranje stvari ki jih ne poznam ne spuščam.

Mavrik ::
Je pa res, da smo s tem že mal zaplaval stran od dotične teme!
Pa res. Marš nazaj na topic.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

frikozoid ::
No da gremo lažje naprej ...
Sm vidu mal nazaj, da ste pršl do omembe samo 5 kilov ...
- 3 kill streak = UEV (skenira mapo, tk, da veš kje natančno se nasprotnik nahaja),
- 5 kill streak = uletijo bombniki (na mapi pokažeš kaj naj se zbombandira),
- 7 kill streak = helicopter inbound (helikopter leti po mapi in strela nasprotnike - kili se avtomatično štejejo tebi).
Sm vidu mal nazaj, da ste pršl do omembe samo 5 kilov ...
- 3 kill streak = UEV (skenira mapo, tk, da veš kje natančno se nasprotnik nahaja),
- 5 kill streak = uletijo bombniki (na mapi pokažeš kaj naj se zbombandira),
- 7 kill streak = helicopter inbound (helikopter leti po mapi in strela nasprotnike - kili se avtomatično štejejo tebi).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: frikozoid ()
Vredno ogleda ...
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