Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » branje filma na dvd playerju
branje filma na dvd playerju
sokrates9999 ::
Pozdravljeni !
Imam eno težavo, in sicer imam film avi, ki mi na računalniko normalno deluje, ko pa želim film pogledati na JVC-jevem dvdju pa imam problem. Prosim za ustrezno rešitev
Imam eno težavo, in sicer imam film avi, ki mi na računalniko normalno deluje, ko pa želim film pogledati na JVC-jevem dvdju pa imam problem. Prosim za ustrezno rešitev
StratOS ::
Ni važno kakšno končnico ima, važno kako je avdio in video v tem kodiran.
Preglej kakšne filme lahko tvoj player predvaja ( kodeki ) avdio in video.
Preglej kakšne filme lahko tvoj player predvaja ( kodeki ) avdio in video.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
sokrates9999 ::
oznaka dvd playerja JVC, na njem je zapisano, da podpira dvix, mpeg multi chanel, dts..., če je to to??
StratOS ::
Da, to so standardi, vendar pa je nastavitev za vsako vrsto istega/podobnega kodeka v skupini, ki podpira ta standard velika.
Če še razmišljaš, da obstajajo in video in audio kodeki za kodiranje, ti more dekoder (čip) v DVD-ju takšen zapis uspeti razluščiti kateri je ter z ustreznim ( kompatibilnim, če ne gre drugače ) dekoderjem preleviti v avdio oz. video.
Če ne veš kaj tvoj DVD podpira natančno, lahko sam sprobaš, na netu je ogromno Cd-jev, ki se ukvarjajo ravno z to tematiko : Testiranje predvajalnika - Test CD
What’s in the test CD ?
To test your player, parts of trailers have been encoded in a maximum of video and audio formats. You will also find files to test the most common types of pictures and subtitles. Last but not least, we have provided a check-list of functionalities and accessories often integrated or wished by end-users in order to estimate the level of your player’s equipment.
Here is a list of the tests categories :
A_ Medias and Disc type
B_ Options / general Specifications
C_ GUI : Menus options
D_ GUI : Audio and image files options
F_Compatibility : Supported image types
G_Compatibility : Supported audio types
H_Compatibility : Supported video codecs
I_Compatibility : Video containers and “bivx” tests
J_Compatibility : separated subtitle files tests (for *.avi containers)
K_Others unreferenced (optional tests)
A detailed manual is available on the CD itself.
Če še razmišljaš, da obstajajo in video in audio kodeki za kodiranje, ti more dekoder (čip) v DVD-ju takšen zapis uspeti razluščiti kateri je ter z ustreznim ( kompatibilnim, če ne gre drugače ) dekoderjem preleviti v avdio oz. video.
Če ne veš kaj tvoj DVD podpira natančno, lahko sam sprobaš, na netu je ogromno Cd-jev, ki se ukvarjajo ravno z to tematiko : Testiranje predvajalnika - Test CD
What’s in the test CD ?
To test your player, parts of trailers have been encoded in a maximum of video and audio formats. You will also find files to test the most common types of pictures and subtitles. Last but not least, we have provided a check-list of functionalities and accessories often integrated or wished by end-users in order to estimate the level of your player’s equipment.
Here is a list of the tests categories :
A_ Medias and Disc type
B_ Options / general Specifications
C_ GUI : Menus options
D_ GUI : Audio and image files options
F_Compatibility : Supported image types
G_Compatibility : Supported audio types
H_Compatibility : Supported video codecs
I_Compatibility : Video containers and “bivx” tests
J_Compatibility : separated subtitle files tests (for *.avi containers)
K_Others unreferenced (optional tests)
A detailed manual is available on the CD itself.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
sokrates9999 ::
Hvala za tale test, pogledal na spletni strani. Imam player XV-N422 jvc; Sedaj me zanima, kateri program rabim, da ta movie file pretvorim v kodeke, ki bodo mojemu playerju razumljivi. Celotna oznaka fila je sledeča DVDSCR.XVID-FICO.... . Moj model pa tega pri karakteristiki A ne podpira.
Hvala vnaprej
Hvala vnaprej
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | [Divxvid] Quadro predvajalniki (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )Oddelek: Zvok in slika | 54377 (9202) | Spajky |
» | HD codec (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Zvok in slika | 17548 (10433) | GrimReaper |
» | DVD predvajalnik .sub .txtOddelek: Zvok in slika | 1080 (999) | Zorro |
» | [divxvid] Eltax predvajalnikiOddelek: Zvok in slika | 2797 (1985) | Oldi |
» | AVI 2 VCDOddelek: Zvok in slika | 2156 (1947) | marS |