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Ameriška vojska postaja informacijsko agresivnejša

Ameriška vojska postaja informacijsko agresivnejša

The New York Times - Poveljstvo za informacijsko vojskovanje ameriške vojske je v zadnjem letu postalo precej bolj agresivno do Rusije, kot kdajkoli doslej, je ta konec tedna poročal New York Times. Tako naj bi v rusko elektro omrežje uspešno namestili zlobno kodo, potem, ko jim je prehod iz defenzivnega v ofenzivno delovanje - če to zahteva odvračanje ali obramba pred informacijskimi napadi na ZDA - lani poleti odobril tamkajšnji Kongres. Za tako delovanje vojske niti ni več potrebna odobritev predsednika, pač pa zadostuje podpis obrambnega ministra.

Po navedbah tajnega vira so si ZDA za tak vdor prizadevale že vse od leta 2012, v tem trenutku pa se te aktivnosti odvijajo na taki ravni, kot si še nekaj časa nazaj ni bilo mogoče predstavljati. Po njegovih besedah gre za nekakšno nepretrgano navzočnost ZDA znotraj ruske infrastrukture.

Vse skupaj naj bi bilo mišljeno bolj kot opozorilo, kljub temu pa naj bi ameriška infiltracija omogočala tudi paralizirajoče napade, v primeru, da bi med državama prišlo do konflikta. Analitiki ocenjujejo, da je boj agresivna drža ZDA posledica skrbi pred vnovičnim vmešavanjem Rusije v predsedniške volitve leta 2020, pa tudi strah, da bi Rusija uspešno izvedla napad na njihovo kritično infrastrukturo, kot se je to zgodilo z električnim omrežjem v Ukrajini leta 2015. ZDA so sicer lani novembra med svojimi parlamentarnimi volitvami z demonstrativnim DDOS napadom začasno ugasnile delovanje Internet Research Agency, zloglasne tovarne trolov, za katero naj bi gmotno in organizacijsko stale oblasti v Kremlju.

11 komentarjev

filip007 ::

Zdaj se vsaj ve, kdo je sprožil Črnobil. Rusi bodo posneli svojo serijo.
Prenosnik, konzola, TV, PC upokojen.

Pac-Man ::

Dobra nit.


Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but can we take a moment to talk about how this is a spectacularly bad idea?

If the goal is simply to demonstrate that the US has offensive cyber capabilities, this is overkill. Everyone already knew that. The only open question is the circumstances in which we would use them, and this throws no light on that. What it does do, however, is undermine the entire ethos of the post-Crimea approach to Russia: Western governments' beef is meant to be with the Russian government, not the people. The Kremlin sanctioned ordinary Russians. We didn't.

It is impossible to interpret an attack on Russia's electrical grid or other infrastructure -- should one ever occur -- as anything other than attack on millions of ordinary people. How is that in the American interest?

What's worse, the next time there is a breakdown in some critical piece of infrastructure -- which happens quite a bit in Russia -- they can blame it on us. Again, how is that in the American interest?

And you can be guaranteed that this will be front and center in all of the TV broadcasts -- "America targets you!" -- just when public opinion towards the West is finally softening and people are tiring of Putin's posturing. Once more, how is that in our interest?

Per the NYTimes piece, the Pentagon insists that Moscow "doesn't fear" US cyber capabilities. I'm not entirely sure that's true. But even if it is, there are better ways to do this.
Target the comms systems Russia uses in Donbas. Convert all the rubles in Crimean bank accounts to hryvnia. Replace RT's social media avatars with Pride flags. But not this.

Publicizing a capability that everyone knows we have but that no sane government would use (absent a declaration of war) undermines American credibility and undoes years of public diplomacy. To what end?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

srnjak ::

filip007 je izjavil:

Zdaj se vsaj ve, kdo je sprožil Črnobil. Rusi bodo posneli svojo serijo.

Rusi imajo za resnico vedno alternativo. :D

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Dobra nit.


Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but can we take a moment to talk about how this is a spectacularly bad idea?

If the goal is simply to demonstrate that the US has offensive cyber capabilities, this is overkill. Everyone already knew that. The only open question is the circumstances in which we would use them, and this throws no light on that. What it does do, however, is undermine the entire ethos of the post-Crimea approach to Russia: Western governments' beef is meant to be with the Russian government, not the people. The Kremlin sanctioned ordinary Russians. We didn't.

It is impossible to interpret an attack on Russia's electrical grid or other infrastructure -- should one ever occur -- as anything other than attack on millions of ordinary people. How is that in the American interest?

What's worse, the next time there is a breakdown in some critical piece of infrastructure -- which happens quite a bit in Russia -- they can blame it on us. Again, how is that in the American interest?

And you can be guaranteed that this will be front and center in all of the TV broadcasts -- "America targets you!" -- just when public opinion towards the West is finally softening and people are tiring of Putin's posturing. Once more, how is that in our interest?

Per the NYTimes piece, the Pentagon insists that Moscow "doesn't fear" US cyber capabilities. I'm not entirely sure that's true. But even if it is, there are better ways to do this.
Target the comms systems Russia uses in Donbas. Convert all the rubles in Crimean bank accounts to hryvnia. Replace RT's social media avatars with Pride flags. But not this.

Publicizing a capability that everyone knows we have but that no sane government would use (absent a declaration of war) undermines American credibility and undoes years of public diplomacy. To what end?

Kako je kaj stanje v južni Ameriki ? mislim gelde štroma.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

carota ::

A niso ravno izvozniki demokracije pred leti povedali, da bodo smatrali vsakršen cyber napad kot vojno dejanje, ki upravičuje uporabo orožja v obrambo/protinapad?

kuglvinkl ::

carota je izjavil:

A niso ravno izvozniki demokracije pred leti povedali, da bodo smatrali vsakršen cyber napad kot vojno dejanje, ki upravičuje uporabo orožja v obrambo/protinapad?

So, niso pa povedal, da vplivajne v volitve tudi šteje v to kvoto, ker dejansko ne :).
Your focus determines your reallity

Zgodovina sprememb…

fikus_ ::

"A niso ravno izvozniki demokracije pred leti povedali, da bodo smatrali vsakršen cyber napad kot vojno dejanje, ki upravičuje uporabo orožja v obrambo/protinapad?"

To velja za druge, za njih ne, oni samo izvažajo "demokracijo". Se že poznajo posledice tega izvoza! Imajo doma manjko demokracije. :D

Markoff ::

Hackamo rusko energetsko infrastrukturo kot povračilo za odpiranje par 100 računov na twitterjev, preko katerih so trolli agitirali 300 milijonom Američanov, naj ne volijo za Hitlary. Rekel bi, da je to uravnotežen pristop.

Wee klearly good, dem obvioosly baad.
Antifašizem je danes poslednje pribežališče ničvredneža, je ideologija ničesar
in neizprosen boj proti neobstoječemu sovražniku - v zameno za državni denar
in neprofitno najemno stanovanje v središču Ljubljane. -- Tomaž Štih, 2021

jype ::

srnjak je izjavil:

Rusi imajo za resnico vedno alternativo. :D
V tem so na moč podobni ZDA, drži.

LightBit ::

Tako naj bi v rusko elektro omrežje uspešno namestili zlobno kodo

Verjetno sploh ni res, če pa je pa sedaj rusi vejo.

XLapse ::

pravi naš dragi Trump , da je to Fake News, slo-tech fake news portal ? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/sta...

The story in the @nytimes about the U.S. escalating attacks on Russia's power grid is Fake News, and the Failing New York Times knows it. They should immediately release their sources which, if they exist at all, which I doubt, are phony. Times must be held fully accountable! ''
alien technology

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