Na LinuxOrbit so naredili zanimivo primerjavo najnovejših multimedijskih predvajalnikov za Linux. Primerjali so večino trenutno dostopnih izdelkov, od Totema do VLCC, XMMS in Xmovie programov. Ker je tudi med bralci Slo-Techa precej zanimanja za Linux distribucije, bo tudi omenjeni članek verjetno zanimiv. Klik!
Dodatek: RPM pakete za večino v članku opisanih programov za zadnje distribucije RedHat Linuxa (7.2 ter 8.0) najdete na FreshRPMs.
MPlayer: This Mediaplayer is one of the more advanced players available. But unfortunately, it can be difficult to install I am going to leave it out of this review. 'nuff said, ccc...
Mplayer USED to take the stance that source only distribution was preferred, but they have changed. Now, the player self-optimizes for available hardware on the fly, and is GPL'd. In fact, the Mplayer homepage, on the same day you posted your review, has binary RPMs for RedHat or Mandrake available for download. Debian users can use this line in their sources.list