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Dawnwalker: Origins

oo7 ::
Nov Poljski studio Rebel Wolves dela novo igro katera se bo po vsej verjetnosti imenovala Dawnwalker: Origins.
Glavni pri igri je Konrad Tomaszkiewicz kateri je leta 2021 zapustil CD Red Project. Bil je glavni direktor pri igri Witcher 3 Wild Hunt in tudi pri igri Cyberpunk 2077.
Rebel Wolves is a new studio, but our team has years of experience working on some of the most critically acclaimed video games of all times. We co-created titles such as “The Witcher 3”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, and many others.
Že od samega začetka je tudi znano, da bo igra prvi del sage – od tod tudi sklepi o verjetnem naslovu Dawnwalker: Origins .
Razvijalci imajo ambicije revolucionirati žanr in pisati o svoji igri kot o "popolnoma novi AAA RPG sagi, ki bo razvila žanr in postala mejnik v zgodovini iger igranja vlog!"
Igra bo delovala v načinu brez povezave in ne bo ponujala mikrotransakcij. Za razvijalce je ključna zgodba.
Prvi naslov poganja Unreal Engine 5 in na njem dela skoraj 100 ljudi. Studio se nenehno razvija in zaposluje nove ljudi. Trenutno je naslov v alfa fazi.
Vsi igralci so enakovredni – igra bo brez razlik izšla tako za osebne računalnike kot za konzole naslednje generacije
Igra ne bo tako velika kot The Witcher 3, vendar se pričakuje, da bo število nalog impresivno tudi po standardih Geraltovih dogodivščin. Iz izjav Konrada Tomaszkiewicza, direktorja igre, se zdi, da bo naslov po velikosti podoben DLC-ju Blood and Wine.
Igra bi lahko izšla leta 2025.
Dark Open-world RPG From Rebel Wolves is Most Likely Dawnwalker: Origins
Glavni pri igri je Konrad Tomaszkiewicz kateri je leta 2021 zapustil CD Red Project. Bil je glavni direktor pri igri Witcher 3 Wild Hunt in tudi pri igri Cyberpunk 2077.
Rebel Wolves is a new studio, but our team has years of experience working on some of the most critically acclaimed video games of all times. We co-created titles such as “The Witcher 3”, “Cyberpunk 2077”, and many others.
Že od samega začetka je tudi znano, da bo igra prvi del sage – od tod tudi sklepi o verjetnem naslovu Dawnwalker: Origins .
Razvijalci imajo ambicije revolucionirati žanr in pisati o svoji igri kot o "popolnoma novi AAA RPG sagi, ki bo razvila žanr in postala mejnik v zgodovini iger igranja vlog!"
Igra bo delovala v načinu brez povezave in ne bo ponujala mikrotransakcij. Za razvijalce je ključna zgodba.
Prvi naslov poganja Unreal Engine 5 in na njem dela skoraj 100 ljudi. Studio se nenehno razvija in zaposluje nove ljudi. Trenutno je naslov v alfa fazi.
Vsi igralci so enakovredni – igra bo brez razlik izšla tako za osebne računalnike kot za konzole naslednje generacije
Igra ne bo tako velika kot The Witcher 3, vendar se pričakuje, da bo število nalog impresivno tudi po standardih Geraltovih dogodivščin. Iz izjav Konrada Tomaszkiewicza, direktorja igre, se zdi, da bo naslov po velikosti podoben DLC-ju Blood and Wine.
Igra bi lahko izšla leta 2025.
Dark Open-world RPG From Rebel Wolves is Most Likely Dawnwalker: Origins

oo7 ::
CD Projekt Red veteran Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz has been appointed as creative director at Polish studio Rebel Wolves.
Tomaszkiewicz previously spent almost 13 years at CD Projekt, during which time he held roles including lead quest designer on The Witcher 3 and its expansions, and quest director on Cyberpunk 2077.
Tomaszkiewicz previously spent almost 13 years at CD Projekt, during which time he held roles including lead quest designer on The Witcher 3 and its expansions, and quest director on Cyberpunk 2077.

oo7 ::

yayo ::
Btw, Konrad in Mateusz sta brata. Konrad je bil odpuščen kot žrtveno jagnje glede kolobocij z izidom Cyberpunka.

oo7 ::
The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 co-creators reveal first details of their singleplayer, dark, open-world action RPG
The Blood of Dawnwalker is the full title of a dark action RPG from Rebel Wolves studio, founded by CD Projekt RED veterans, including the director of The Witcher 3.
The full reveal of the project on January 13, 2025.
The Blood of Dawnwalker is the full title of a dark action RPG from Rebel Wolves studio, founded by CD Projekt RED veterans, including the director of The Witcher 3.
The full reveal of the project on January 13, 2025.

oo7 ::
Direktor studija Rebel Wolves in tudi direktor te igre je Konrad Tomaszkiewicz kateri je bil direktor pri igri Witcher 3 kot je bilo že zapisano zgoraj.
Pripovedni direktor in pisec zgodbe je Jakub Szamałek kateri je bil tudi pisec pri igri Cyberpunk 2077 in pisec pri zgodbi Witcher 3 in obeh DLCjih Blood and wine in Hearts of stones.
Na igri naj bi delalo nekaj več kot 100 ljudi.
Je pa verjetno igra še odaljena, do izida kakšne 2 ali tri leta.

oo7 ::
So what can you expect to see tomorrow on the livestream?
a cinematic opening of The Blood of Dawnwalker
insights into the game's main concepts -- including the setting, characters, art, and some narrative & gameplay systems
a very small gameplay teaser
So what can you expect to see tomorrow on the livestream?
a cinematic opening of The Blood of Dawnwalker
insights into the game's main concepts -- including the setting, characters, art, and some narrative & gameplay systems
a very small gameplay teaser

yayo ::
Stil malce preveč spominja na Witcherja ampak sem precej zaintrigiran. Gotično, srednjeveško, folklorno.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Trenutno datum izida še ni znan verjetno 2026 ali 2027.
Poleti letos pa bodo pokazali prvi gameplay.
Še trailer v njihovem domačem jeziku.
Na koncu trailerja je nekaj sekund gameplaya.
Poleti letos pa bodo pokazali prvi gameplay.
Še trailer v njihovem domačem jeziku.
Na koncu trailerja je nekaj sekund gameplaya.

oo7 ::
The Blood of Dawnwalker | Details
?New single player third-person fantasy action RPG
?Started development over 2 years ago in Unreal Engine 5, full gameplay reveal coming in Summer 2025
?Led by former Witcher 3 game director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz and ex-Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz
?Focused on "narrative sandbox", no two playthroughs will be identical
?Takes place in 'Vale Sangora' in 14th century medieval Europe
?The setting has been ravaged by plague, famine and social disorder
?Inspired by Eastern European architecture and culture, Polish log houses, Ukrainian and Balkan clothing, 'Romanian defensive churches', and more
?The world has been watched by vampires in the shadows waiting to strike and make their move when humanity is at its lowest and to overthrow the feudal lords
?Day/night cycle plays a big role, wanted the world and villages and buildings to 'feel like a different place' after sunset
?You play as Coen, energetic, becomes a 'dawnwalker' (not human, not vampire, something in between), can traverse both worlds of humanity and creatures of the night
?You fight with swords and weapons by day, and can use vampire abilities in combat at night, explore the environment, etc
?You have 30 in-game days and 30 nights to save your family, wanted a sense of urgency. When you complete an objective/quest, time moves forward. But time doesn't pass in real world time, you can 'manage' how you use time as a resource
?You meet many characters throughout the game with their own goals and ambitions, which may make you friends or put you in opposition to them
?Blood Hunger: Gameplay mechanic where you need to feed throughout your playthrough
?If you talk to someone and have gone long without feeding first, you might lose control and eat them, even 'your best friend' in the game
?Vampire design: In this world, the vampire's teeth don't stop growing, so the older vampires have a lot of teeth. Aren't visible at first, can extend as their mouths open
?Vampires are led by Brencis -a super powerful old vampire that wants to change the world, twisted old religious beliefs and took advantage of social turmoil to turn himself into a sort of messianic figure
?The vampire leadership aren't black and white, but more gray, as they overthrew violent and corrupt feudal lords, but also kill people to eat, conduct blood masses at church, etc
?Brencis is a sort of 'active antagonist' that will react to your actions and decisions, will set edicts in the game that will become obstacles to the player like military checkpoints, etc
?New single player third-person fantasy action RPG
?Started development over 2 years ago in Unreal Engine 5, full gameplay reveal coming in Summer 2025
?Led by former Witcher 3 game director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz and ex-Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz
?Focused on "narrative sandbox", no two playthroughs will be identical
?Takes place in 'Vale Sangora' in 14th century medieval Europe
?The setting has been ravaged by plague, famine and social disorder
?Inspired by Eastern European architecture and culture, Polish log houses, Ukrainian and Balkan clothing, 'Romanian defensive churches', and more
?The world has been watched by vampires in the shadows waiting to strike and make their move when humanity is at its lowest and to overthrow the feudal lords
?Day/night cycle plays a big role, wanted the world and villages and buildings to 'feel like a different place' after sunset
?You play as Coen, energetic, becomes a 'dawnwalker' (not human, not vampire, something in between), can traverse both worlds of humanity and creatures of the night
?You fight with swords and weapons by day, and can use vampire abilities in combat at night, explore the environment, etc
?You have 30 in-game days and 30 nights to save your family, wanted a sense of urgency. When you complete an objective/quest, time moves forward. But time doesn't pass in real world time, you can 'manage' how you use time as a resource
?You meet many characters throughout the game with their own goals and ambitions, which may make you friends or put you in opposition to them
?Blood Hunger: Gameplay mechanic where you need to feed throughout your playthrough
?If you talk to someone and have gone long without feeding first, you might lose control and eat them, even 'your best friend' in the game
?Vampire design: In this world, the vampire's teeth don't stop growing, so the older vampires have a lot of teeth. Aren't visible at first, can extend as their mouths open
?Vampires are led by Brencis -a super powerful old vampire that wants to change the world, twisted old religious beliefs and took advantage of social turmoil to turn himself into a sort of messianic figure
?The vampire leadership aren't black and white, but more gray, as they overthrew violent and corrupt feudal lords, but also kill people to eat, conduct blood masses at church, etc
?Brencis is a sort of 'active antagonist' that will react to your actions and decisions, will set edicts in the game that will become obstacles to the player like military checkpoints, etc

oo7 ::
Trailer je zelo dober pa tudi kar so povedali razvijalci je slišat odlično razen ena stvar me malo skrbi - You have 30 in-game days and 30 nights to save your family, wanted a sense of urgency. When you complete an objective/quest, time moves forward. But time doesn't pass in real world time, you can 'manage' how you use time as a resource.
Tole s časom mi ne diši preveč
Tole s časom mi ne diši preveč

yayo ::
Persona 5 v vampirskem okolju? Tam ti je štelo dneve in si moral vsakega čimbolj učinkovito izkoristiti.

Kayzon ::
Ok uzamemvnazaj pogledu trailer do konca in gameplay nakazuje da postanes vampir? Kar mi ni niti malo vsec,raje bi videl da si neke vrste lovec na vmapirje.

yayo ::
Podnevi si normalen in se tepeš z ljudmi, ponoči imaš vampirske atribute in se tepeš z vampirji. Glavni lik je vampiriziran ampak ne postane full retard vampir, ker je celo življenje delal v rudniku srebra in ima organizem zasičen s srebrom, ki to onemogoča.

yayo ::
Yep, tudi ime daywalker je direkt iz Bladea pobrano. Pa malce mi asocira na prvi Legacy Of Kain, čeprav ga je tam naredil za vampirja čarovnik z urokom. Kain potuje po Nosgotu z nalogo ubiti sedem šefov, ki simbolizirajo sedem Nosgotskih stebrov. Tukaj bodo šefi verjetno pripadniki bande vampirjev katero vidimo v trailerju.

oo7 ::
The Blood of Dawnwalker is child of ,,artistic freedom." CD Projekt RED veterans see ,,huge space for innovation and for evolution in the open-world RPGs"

Gregor459 ::
Yep, tudi ime daywalker je direkt iz Bladea pobrano. Pa malce mi asocira na prvi Legacy Of Kain, čeprav ga je tam naredil za vampirja čarovnik z urokom. Kain potuje po Nosgotu z nalogo ubiti sedem šefov, ki simbolizirajo sedem Nosgotskih stebrov. Tukaj bodo šefi verjetno pripadniki bande vampirjev katero vidimo v trailerju.
Ja v Blade je bil daywalker tukaj pa je dawnwalker ne vem če je čisto isto ?

Izi ::
Tole bo super zadeva. Vsekakor je na moji "wishlisti". 
Tale tema je že precej stara in če kdo ni opazil se je medtem spremenilo ime igre. Sedaj je "The Blood of Dawnwalker". Bo treba spremeniti ime teme.
Evropa 14. stoletje je super lokacija. Praktično direkt v najbolj črnem obdobju človeške zgodovine. Pomrla je vsaj tretjina takratnega prebivalstva.
Kuga imenovana "črna smrt" je kosila na veliko. Kot običajno je prišla iz Kitajske (le kje smo to že videli
) in kot običajno so bili dežurni krivec Židje, ki so po mnenju ljudi na skrivaj zastrupljevali vodnjake. Sledil je prvi veliki pogrom na Židi, ki se s prekinitvami sedaj vleče že celih 7 stoletij. Verjetno so zato Židje postali najodpornejši in najmočnejši narod na svetu. Ironično bo, ko bodo na koncu verjetno edini ki bodo preživeli 3. svetovno vojno.
V tem najtemnejšem obdobju človeštva, ko so bili ljudje polno zaposleni s kugo, so na svoj račun prišli vampirji, ki so lahko končno svobodno zadihali, saj kar naenkrat niso imeli praktično nobenega sovražnika več.
Naš junak bo Coen. Mladenič, ki bo postal Dawnwalker, večno razpet med dnevnim svetom ljudi in nočnim svetom vampirjev.
Morali se bomo ODLOČITI ali bomo poskušali ohraniti svojo človečnost in branili ljudi ali pa se bomo raje prepustili temni strani, ki prinaša velikansko moč s katero bomo lažje zaščitili svoje bližnje in kaznovali sovražnike.
Vedno bo treba biti pazljiv saj so vampirske moči nepredvidljive in mimogrede lahko izgubiš samokontrolo. Če se ne boš redno hranil s krvjo boš lahko v najbolj neprimernem trenutku izgubil kontrolo in sredi prijaznega pogovora nehote ubil svojega najboljšega prijatelja ali sorodnika
Tisti 30 dnevni čas v katerem moramo rešiti svoje bližnje po moje ne bo velik problem. Čas v igri sploh ne bo tekel. Lahko bomo raziskovali naokoli dneve dolgo pa se čas ne bo premaknil nikamor. Kolikor razumem bo čas naprej premaknilo izključno samo končanje questov. Ne ve se še ali samo glavnih questov ali tudi stranskih. Raziskali bomo pa lahko čisto vse po mili volji.
Edina omejitev bo torej, da kot kaže ne bomo mogli končati čisto vseh questov, ker nam bo zmanjkalo časa. Bo pa zato bolj zanimivo večkratno preigravanje.
Verjetno so se odločili za novo besedo, ker je daywalker že precej zlajnana beseda, dawnwalker je pa unikatna in Googlanje bo vedno vodilo do igre.

Tale tema je že precej stara in če kdo ni opazil se je medtem spremenilo ime igre. Sedaj je "The Blood of Dawnwalker". Bo treba spremeniti ime teme.
Evropa 14. stoletje je super lokacija. Praktično direkt v najbolj črnem obdobju človeške zgodovine. Pomrla je vsaj tretjina takratnega prebivalstva.
Kuga imenovana "črna smrt" je kosila na veliko. Kot običajno je prišla iz Kitajske (le kje smo to že videli

V tem najtemnejšem obdobju človeštva, ko so bili ljudje polno zaposleni s kugo, so na svoj račun prišli vampirji, ki so lahko končno svobodno zadihali, saj kar naenkrat niso imeli praktično nobenega sovražnika več.
Naš junak bo Coen. Mladenič, ki bo postal Dawnwalker, večno razpet med dnevnim svetom ljudi in nočnim svetom vampirjev.
Morali se bomo ODLOČITI ali bomo poskušali ohraniti svojo človečnost in branili ljudi ali pa se bomo raje prepustili temni strani, ki prinaša velikansko moč s katero bomo lažje zaščitili svoje bližnje in kaznovali sovražnike.
Vedno bo treba biti pazljiv saj so vampirske moči nepredvidljive in mimogrede lahko izgubiš samokontrolo. Če se ne boš redno hranil s krvjo boš lahko v najbolj neprimernem trenutku izgubil kontrolo in sredi prijaznega pogovora nehote ubil svojega najboljšega prijatelja ali sorodnika

Tisti 30 dnevni čas v katerem moramo rešiti svoje bližnje po moje ne bo velik problem. Čas v igri sploh ne bo tekel. Lahko bomo raziskovali naokoli dneve dolgo pa se čas ne bo premaknil nikamor. Kolikor razumem bo čas naprej premaknilo izključno samo končanje questov. Ne ve se še ali samo glavnih questov ali tudi stranskih. Raziskali bomo pa lahko čisto vse po mili volji.
Edina omejitev bo torej, da kot kaže ne bomo mogli končati čisto vseh questov, ker nam bo zmanjkalo časa. Bo pa zato bolj zanimivo večkratno preigravanje.
Ja v Blade je bil daywalker tukaj pa je dawnwalker ne vem če je čisto isto ?Pomen je enak. Tisti ki hodi podnevi = Tisti ki hodi po vzhodu sonca.
Verjetno so se odločili za novo besedo, ker je daywalker že precej zlajnana beseda, dawnwalker je pa unikatna in Googlanje bo vedno vodilo do igre.

oo7 ::
Kot kaže čas ne bo problem. Raziskovanje sveta ne bo nič časovno omejeno.
V igri imate 30 dni in 30 noči, da rešite svojo družino (glavni cilj)
Ni "trde časovne omejitve" in ni vam treba nič hiteti.
Raziskovanje sveta se ne premika naprej v času.
Naloge, ki jih dokončate, se premikajo naprej v času.
V igri imate 30 dni in 30 noči, da rešite svojo družino (glavni cilj)
Ni "trde časovne omejitve" in ni vam treba nič hiteti.
Raziskovanje sveta se ne premika naprej v času.
Naloge, ki jih dokončate, se premikajo naprej v času.

oo7 ::
Born to a peasant family as the oldest of four siblings, Coen's childhood was not easy. He started working in the silver mines, alongside his father, when he was still a kid.
As a an intelligent and curious child, he dreamt of adventure and travelling out of the valley, away from his chores and family obligations. He never did - he knows his family needs him to survive and he cannot abandon them.
Gaining vampiric powers turns his life upside down and terrifies him, but... it also gives him means to become free from the constraints and duties placed upon him.
Born to a peasant family as the oldest of four siblings, Coen's childhood was not easy. He started working in the silver mines, alongside his father, when he was still a kid.
As a an intelligent and curious child, he dreamt of adventure and travelling out of the valley, away from his chores and family obligations. He never did - he knows his family needs him to survive and he cannot abandon them.
Gaining vampiric powers turns his life upside down and terrifies him, but... it also gives him means to become free from the constraints and duties placed upon him.

oo7 ::
Born in the Roman Empire under the name Caeso Burrienus Laurentius, AD 131, to a noble family who owned massive latifundia, Brencis was destined for greatness.
He joined the rank of Senators and quickly rose to the top of Roman officialdom, with ambitions to become the next consul. He was on the right track to make it happen... if only he was not turned into a vampire. In a blink of an eye, he fell from the very top of the social ladder to its very bottom - but his hunger for power remained.

yayo ::
Po temu kar so pisali, da v zgodbi vampirji prevzamejo oblast lokalnih fevdalcev sklepam, da bo vsak član Brencisove druščine prevzel kako graščino in bo vladal v določenem območju. Zanimivo bi bilo, če bi jih lahko imeli ne le za minbossse v zgodbi ampak tudi za zaveznike, odvisno od odločitev katere sprejmemo. Pa tudi, če bi bila kaka dinamika notranjih spletk za oblast med vampirji, ali. če bi celo en od njih imel vsaj navidezni "death wish" in nas prepričal, da mu pomagamo iztrebiti lastno vrsto. Na koncu pa bi ugotovili, da je morda imel drugačne načrte...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()

Predsednik11 ::
Vprašanje ali je ta Brencis prvi vampir in kako je sploh postal vampir če je prvi. Ali kdo ga je povampiril.

oo7 ::

Kayzon ::

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Some men just want to see the world burn - and Bakir is one of them. As human, he spent decades galloping across the dry steppes of Central Asia, burning, trampling and pillaging as he went. He thirsted for blood even before he was turned.
For centuries, he hid in the shadows - and resented it. Bakir likes being the centre of attention. He wants people to know his name - and tremble as they hear it.

oo7 ::
The Witcher 3's director says he has designed his new vampire RPG to explore 'something in pop culture that nobody yet has done' in videogames: 'We will see how people like it'

oo7 ::
The Blood of Dawnwalker devs say that in their new game romance and magic will be ,,more down-to-earth"

oo7 ::
It's only recently that Ambrus has been turned - and so, he's got something to prove. Ambitious and thrilled with his newly acquired powers, there's nothing he'll shy away from, no red line he won't cross.
His gleaming armor and perfectly coiffed hair make Ambrus look like a nobleman, but his origins couldn't be humbler. His life as a human was hard, full of pain and humiliations. Now, he's more than ready to settle the score with the world and all who spurned him.

oo7 ::
Xanthe is old - older than seems possible. She was a priestess, once, on a remote Greek island, the name of which she has since forgotten.
Her body bears the witness to the ravages of time, as does her mind. Hearing voices from beyond the pale, muttering under her breath, at first glance she might seem insane.
The truth couldn't be more different. She understands the true nature of the world better than anyone. And deep down, she's terrified.

oo7 ::
The Witcher 3 director says he left CDPR to make his own open-world vampire game because "those rules of RPGs" can be bent and "a smaller team is capable of doing more"

Predsednik11 ::
It's only recently that Ambrus has been turned - and so, he's got something to prove. Ambitious and thrilled with his newly acquired powers, there's nothing he'll shy away from, no red line he won't cross.
His gleaming armor and perfectly coiffed hair make Ambrus look like a nobleman, but his origins couldn't be humbler. His life as a human was hard, full of pain and humiliations. Now, he's more than ready to settle the score with the world and all who spurned him.
Hahaha Ambrus moja vas domača :)

oo7 ::
Dawnwalker Will Have Serious Consequences for Both Action and Inaction, Says Dev