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logoix.com, alternativa mailbox.de

logoix.com, alternativa mailbox.de

sbawe64 ::


darkolord je izjavil:

A forwarding imajo tudi za Slovenijo? Kot "pošiljanje" sicer piše EU-wide, za forwarding pa povsod omenjajo samo Avstrijo ...

Ravno se ukvarjam s tem...
Forwarding v Slo je možen.

glede zavarovanja
poglavje "Haftung, Versicherung & Höherversicherung"

//tole stran imajo tipično nefunkcionalno nemško, lahko klikaš kot budala da odpira podpoglavja

sprotni browser translate v ang:
-Liability, insurance & supplementary insurance ->

-Liability in parcel shipping
Are shipping packages insured?
Yes, every package* is insured against loss and damage up to a maximum of EUR500 per package at no extra charge.

*Excluded from this are excluded goods, parcels that are not packaged securely for transport and parcels with collection.

What maximum higher insurance is possible in parcel shipping.
When sending parcels from the LogoiX customer counter in Freilassing: up to a maximum of EUR 20,000 / per shipment

When shipping by forwarding agent from the LogoiX customer counter in Freilassing: up to a maximum of EUR 50,000 / per order

The following applies to all other types of shipping / transport:
- In forwarding transport: up to max. EUR 25,000.00 per order
- In bring-in - post/Austria: up to max. EUR 2,500.00 per shipment.
-SAM-PAK (collective package to Germany): up to max. EUR 2,500.00 for the total value per collective package * dependent on

weight and supplier. These shipments are to be handed over to LogoiX unsealed and with proof of value (proof of purchase, invoice, etc.) for the creation of proof photos and an insurance letter.

-Liability in forwarding transport
Is a forwarding order also automatically insured for transport?
By default, a forwarding order is NOT INSURED.
TIP: A transport insurance can optionally be taken out by the client and is expressly recommended by LogoiX.*

*In the event of a damage settlement, a written confirmation of the damage is nevertheless required when the goods are accepted by the transferee on the transport papers/delivery notes of the carrier.


kalkulator stroškov

tole se pokaže samo ko si prijavljen v račun
nahaja se na
, persönliche Daten -> Paketnachsendung


relevantno za kakšno IT robo:
Glass/Fragile (EU) EUR 10.00 Mandatory for glass/fragile/sensitive carriage - otherwise no liability

tole se vidi samo ko si prijavljen

Minus: dejanske stroške (od logoix do tebe) vidiš šele, ko pošiljka pride do logoix.
Potem plačaš (oz. se izvede avtomatsko če imaš dovolj dobroimetja na "logoix računu") in oni pošljejo naprej do tebe.

poglavje "Nachsende-Service"
oz. prevod
Forwarding service
How can I have a package that has already been stored forwarded to me?
In your LogoiX customer area, please go to "storage packages" (on the right) and click on "view".
Click the "Forwarding" button.
Now enter the address to which the stored shipment should be delivered.
You can now see the total price (storage and shipping costs).
You pay from your LogoiX customer account (provided there is sufficient credit) or by direct debit and the shipment will be sent to you shortly.

original besedilo:
In Ihrem LogoiX-Kundenbereich gehen Sie bitte bei "Lagerpakete" (rechte Seite) auf "ansehen".
Klicken Sie den Button "Nachsendung".
Geben Sie nun die Adresse ein, an welche die eingelagerte Sendung zugestellt werden soll.
Sie ersehen nun den Gesamtpreis (Lager- & Versandkosten).
Sie bezahlen von Ihrem LogoiX-Kundenkonto (ausreichendes Guthaben vorausgesetzt) oder per Lastschrifteinzug und die Sendung wird Ihnen in Kürze zugestellt.

Metode plačanja logoix
1) vpišeš iban in ti trgajo preko sepa plačila (Anmeldung zum Lastschrifteinzug (SEPA Basislastschrift)) ;
prevod "Registration for direct debit (SEPA core direct debit)"
2) napolniš svoj logoix račun (Kontoaufladung):
a) preko SofortÜberweisung https://praxistipps.chip.de/wie-funktio...
na logoix/faq piše tudi:
Bank account in AT or DE with online or internet banking

b) sepa nakazilo,
Verwendungszweck , prva opcija: wenn Sie Ihr Kundenkonto aufladen möchten, primer: KK123456W0

Tu imajo opcijo
Scan & Pay:
· Scan the QR code with the online banking app
· Enter the amount
· Confirm the transfer Make

c) osebno plačilo z gotovino na njihovi lokaciji (Freilassing), na meji z Avstrijo/Salzburg https://tinyurl.com/stevsxmv

2 a) no go
3 no go

2 b)

DE naslov je v obliki:
ime Priimek
123456/ LogoiX
Wasserburger Str. 50a
83395 Freilassing


Za verifikacijo računa (in pošiljanje do tebe) hočejo ob koncu postopka sliko osebne/potnega lista/vozniške.

druga alternativa
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

Melanholija ::

Tale njihova stran je totalno neuporabna, pa znam tekoče Nemško. Zato jih tudi ne mislim najeti. Ta druge pa ne poznam.

sbawe64 ::

Glede na hiter test njihovega kalkulatorja so dražji od mailboxde kot tudi logoix.

40x40x30 cm, do 4 kg, 600 eur paket

FedEx Express, 1-2 working days, 29 EUR / 34 EUR (Drop Shipment/Standard Shipment)

DHL Package Premium, 2-3 working days, 34 EUR / 40 EUR (Drop Shipment/Standard Shipment)

FedEx Economy, 2-3 working days, 38 EUR / 44 EUR (Drop Shipment/Standard Shipment)

UPS Standard, 4-5 working days, 38 EUR / 44 EUR (Drop Shipment/Standard Shipment)

DHL Express, 1-2 working days, 71 EUR / 83 EUR (Drop Shipment/Standard Shipment)
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

sbawe64 ::

mailboxde kalkulator z istimi podatki
40x40x30 cm, do 4 kg

Type of transport..............................Postage incl. VAT ...............................Total
GLS - Insurance up to 1000 EUR ..............14,92 EUR....................... .... 19,59 EUR
Transit time: 3 - 4 working days (MO - FR), currently shipped at 12:00

Type of transport..................... ......................................Postage incl. VAT ........................Total
UPS Standard - Insurance up to 500 EUR................................. 19,68 EUR ....................24,35 EUR
Transit time: 2 - 4 working days (MO - FR)
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

Vredno ogleda ...

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