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Nokia n95 8GB verzija

Nokia n95 8GB verzija


zbjaan ::

ok.. dobro... samo vprašam, ka prej nikol nism kej iz tujine naročil, pa me je pač zanimal če so kake možnosti ipd.

LittleDevil ::

Drugač maš pa tut tuki eno fajn ponudbo :D :D



Zgodovina sprememb…

zbjaan ::

hahaha... ta ne odpiše :D

gori1 ::

Ja sm jst tud neki kontaktiru s temule rain buble.

Najprej je reku naj mu nakažem 200 eur prek western union, in mi nato pošle telefon.
Odgovoril sem mu da nism zihr če mi potem res pošle telefon.
Nato sm mu reku da mi ga naj pošle po hitri pošti in plačam po povzetju.
Nevem če me tip ni razumel al mi ga je naleš poslav prek nekšne online transport firme, ki ima sedeš v londonu, od katere sem dobil e-mail da naj nakažem 225 eur, in nato dobim paket v 4 delovnih dneh.

mislite da je nateg??

http://slike.slo-tech.com/forum/oznake/... ');
javascript:smesko('[:\\\\] ');

zbjaan ::

gori1... če boš naroču pa kej dobil... me prov zanima?! sporoč, če se boš spustil v tako kupčijo :) jst sm tud kontaktiru enga tipa, ampak je bil iz grčije in podobn postopek. ne vem ka je to... cena je res čudna?! noben pa še ni naroču, da bi to res potrdil da gre za nateg ali pač ne... po vsej vrjetnosti gre, ampak se vsi samo pogovarjamo.

Malkec ::

Evo jaz sem tud v kontaktu z njim (rian buble). Meni je še celo sliko poslal:


"Right now i`m in Italy and the phone is with me.I have this price because I have clearance sale in my market because I change profile.
If you want to buy my phone i wait your full name and address where i shipp the package.
The price is 250EUR including all the shipping taxes.
Thank you!"

Potem sem ga vprašal kako je zajamčeno da bom res dobil telefon, odgovor:

"You receive the phone + one year international warranty + Sim card free(Mibitel GSM 3G).The phone is unlocked.
If you want to buy my phone i wait your full name and address so i close the deal today."

Potem sem ga vprašal če lahko osebno dvignem telefon v Milanu:

I`m the bussines man and i don`t have a time to meet you.

LOL a cajt pa ma na mail odpisovat? :D

/* Xaser 3 * 939 dual sata 2 * Opti165 (ccb1e0608mpmw) @2933 MHZ*/
/*TT 120 * X800 XL *1GB Transcend pc 3200 * MAxtor 160 GB SATA II /

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: volkec ()

gori1 ::


Jaz sm mu zdaj poslav e-mail in v njem napisal zakaj mi je poslav po online transport in da ne bom nakazal nobenega plačila v naprej in da če je telefon še v milanu mi ga naj pošle po hitri pošti tako da plačam po povzetju.

lep pozdrav!

gori1 ::

zdravo malkec

Ja sj men je tud čist podobno sporočilo poslav, ampak ko sem ga za ceno vprašal je napisal 200 eur, nato ko sem dobil e-mail od online transport je bila cena 225 eur. Mislim da v tej ceni ni vključena poštnina.

Ja tole kot ti praviš da nima časa za osebni prevzem, se meni tud mal čudn zdi, k e-mail ima pa non stop čas kontrolirat, če imam kakšno sporočilo, ker dvakrat sm dobiv mnde u 10 min po tem odgovor ko sm mu poslav sporočilo.
Tk da če pošle po hitri pošti in plačilo po povzetju še, drgač pa ni vrjante.

lep pozdrav!

Michaelosz ::

@gori Kot business man ma lahk na mobitelu poštni predal... Ta tip je italijan?8-)

Malkec ::

Jaz mu ne verjamem. Nebom nasedel in pika. :D
/* Xaser 3 * 939 dual sata 2 * Opti165 (ccb1e0608mpmw) @2933 MHZ*/
/*TT 120 * X800 XL *1GB Transcend pc 3200 * MAxtor 160 GB SATA II /

gori1 ::

še nekaj nokij n95 8gb se je pojavilo na bolhi za 200 do 260 eur, vendar mislim da je to isti kot zgoraj omenjeni, čeprav piše kraj LJ ali MB ne zna slovensko in v angleščini piše iste stavke kot "rain buble". [img=


gori1 ::


napisal mi je da je iz milana, če pa laže ga pa upraši:D :8)

lep pozdrav!

Good Guy ::

no za vse k niste zih a gre za prevaro al ne

poglejte pri opisu če ma mesto za micro sd kartico, in če jo ma gre za 1000% fejk:D

ker original n95 8 giga nimajo sd mesta
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^

Malkec ::

rovtar: ne, v opisu ne omenja micro sd.

Še en odgovor glede "garancije" kupčije:

"dear sir ,when you pay to the company it is like you pay to a bank
example: i send you the phone then the company contact you,then you make the paymnet to them,they keep the money..then you receive the package at your door,the person that come with the package it is the company agent ,then you open the package and see the product...then if you are agree with the phone you sign the agent paper and after that they giive me the money"

Prava angleščina. To je 100% scam.

EDIT: Sem razmišljal. Ja, plačaš tej firmi pol pa agenta od nikoder :D
/* Xaser 3 * 939 dual sata 2 * Opti165 (ccb1e0608mpmw) @2933 MHZ*/
/*TT 120 * X800 XL *1GB Transcend pc 3200 * MAxtor 160 GB SATA II /

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Malkec ()

zbjaan ::

ja s tem micro sd pa 8gb je blo že govora na nekem forumu se mi zdi... drugač pa jst ko sm kontaktiru ostale na bovhi...mb, lj ko piše ipd. ta edn je bil iz milana, druga dva pa sta kao v grčiji, na poslovnem potovanju in ti ga lahk sam iz tam pošle ... isti postopek... sam folk nategujeo... eni pač živijo od tega...

Michaelosz ::

Mogoče pa se ukvarja s Sopranovimi posli :) Glede na to da je italijan:D

gori1 ::

js sm mu zdej reku nj mi po hitri pošti pošle in plačam po povzetju, pa mi sploh ni odgovoru:D

Michaelosz ::

I think he sleeps with the fishes:D

domennorc ::

Jaz mam pa ene par vprašanj za kakega stručkota za tele nokije. jaz namreč mam N95 8Gb pa me par stvari zanima-

Dr_M ::

Lepo, da te zanima par stvari...
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

domennorc ::

Veš kaj me najbolj zanima:

- kako za screensaver nastavit sliko (recimo iz galerije kjer maš slikane slike)

- pr nokii N95 je kadar je neaktivna trak kjer je zapisan datum in ura v položaju kot za mali ekran, pir N95 8Gb pa v widescreen načinu. Se da to mogoče regulirat?

Ok za začetek bo. Je pa ša kakšno na zalogi!

Hvala za pomoč če bo kdo kej vedu!

Dr_M ::

- pr nokii N95 je kadar je neaktivna trak kjer je zapisan datum in ura v položaju kot za mali ekran, pir N95 8Gb pa v widescreen načinu. Se da to mogoče regulirat?

tole sem ze nekje zasledil, ampak mislim, da so prisli do zakljucka da se ne da spremenit. mogoce je to zgolj napaka, ki bo popravljena v novejsem firmwareu.

pri symbianu so kr precej velike omejitve glede slik (ozadje,screen saver). nism se zasledil, da bi lahko naslavil sliko, pa uporabljam symbian telefone ze kr lep cas.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

rasta2 ::

Js sm tud najdu en oglas na bolhi za nokio n95 gb

Tuki je pa moj pogovor preko maila z njim:

rok wrote: Pozdravljeni!Zanimam se za vaso nokio n95 8gb in me zanima ce ima garancijo da jo lahko nuveljavim pri nas in ce dela na simobil?

Daniel Neumann wrote: Hello,I will write my messages in English because I don't write or speech very good your language, The price and details for the Internet advert are correct The product is brand new in sealed box with warranty The delivery time is around 2 days . We will use TNT Shipping Company for this so we can have a safe deal and your money and my product can be safe. If you are interested please reply me so I can give you more information Thanks for your time and interest.

rok wrote: hey,in advert it says you are from ljubljana is that correct?Does your nokia have any waranty and will it work in my mobile operator?

Daniel Neumann wrote: Hello the warranty works al any nokia dealer,I am from athens greece.All the taxes of shipping will be paid by me so you do not have to worry about more expenses.We will make the deal only through TNT Express.This is the way how it works:
1.First me ( The seller ) and you ( The buyer ) must be agree with the start of the transaction.
2.You will need to send me your full name and address and a phone number to start the transaction with TNT Express.
3.I will leave the product in TNT Express custody,they will contact you with the invoice and details how to complete the transaction.
4.Along with the Shipping Confirmation you will be asked by them to deposit the money to their agent.
5.After you will complete the payment to them and the money is received by them your money will go into a secured account and they will remain there until you receive and test the product.
6.Once you receive the product,the payment will be released to me only if you are completely satisfied with the product.If you will not be satisfied,TNT Express will send the item back to me and they will refund your money.If you accept my terms please send me your full details (full name and full address) and after that TNT Express will contact you with the next steps.Please send me your details only if you are 100% serious and sure that you want the product,because I will spend some time and money to make this transaction,and I don't want too wast time and money if you are not going to buy the product.Thanks in advance and hope to hear back from you soon with an answer!

rok wrote: hy,I called in my nokia servis center and asked if i can use EU waranty and they sed i need a bill(receed) where phone was bough if i don't have that,waranty is no good.So u have it?

Daniel Neumann wrote: Yes I have the bill !!

rok wrote: ok then,i'm 100% sure that i will buy your phone,so you need my adress and name....anything else?

a mislte da je nateg ali ne??:\

Good Guy ::

am nateg..

pošl ga nekam...
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^

zee ::

pa ljudje božji! ste res postali taka teleta, da ne vidite nategov?!

kaj je treba spraševati po forumu, če je očitno, da gre za nateg?!

Nokia N95 ni poceni telefon, ergo če si ga poželite boste pač mogli seči v žep.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zee ()

T0RN4D0 ::

sej pr simobilu ni več tko draga ;)

Sicer pa praktično _vse_ na bolhi kar je v angleščini (oglas pa v polomleni slovenščini po možnosti) je scamm, pa večina pocen robe kjer morš dnar nakazat prek western uniona tudi. Ni se za igrat s takimi stvarmi, splača se recimo naročat iz kakšnih znanih trgovin kjer si lahko precej prepričan da boš zadevo korektno dobil. Dobr da vsaj vprašate tu ker kolkr gledam je že tul precej ljudi prpravljenih kr na blef poslat 300€ nekomu, rajš sploh ne pomislim kolk ljudi jim uspe vsak dan nategnit na ta način. :\

rasta2 ::

tole sem pa dobil TNT mail kao za placat tko:

Welcome to TNT ExpressOur company is the European market leader in global express and international mail services

TNT Express homepage


TNT Express reduces risks associated with Internet transactions by acting as a licensed, trusted, neutral third party for on-line transactions. The Seller leaves the merchandise into TNT Express custody. The merchandise will remain in TNT Express custody until the buyer provides the payment information's to TNT Express. The payment will be made through a Money Order Service. Once the funds are verified by TNT Express, the merchandise will be send to the buyer. Once the buyer receives the merchandise, the payment information's will be released to the Seller only if the buyer is completely satisfied with the merchandise. If the buyer will not be satisfied with the merchandise, TNT Express will send the merchandise back to the Seller and refund the Buyer.
At TNT Express any kind of move is in good hands. This is the case, among other things, due to TNT Express long-term and versatile experience, the know-how and being strongly customer-oriented. And especially due to the solid quality guarantees .TNT Company is in compliance with the ISO-9001: 2000 quality standards. This means security for your move from beginning to end.

TNT provides businesses and consumers worldwide with an extensive range of services for their mail and express delivery needs. TNT serves more than 200 countries and employs around 159,000 people. Over 2006, TNT reported � 10.1 billion in revenues and an operating income of � 1,276 million. TNT N.V. is publicly listed on the stock exchange of Amsterdam.

������� Address Information's:


Name (First Last)
Daniel Neumann
Acropoles Road 12
Postal Code


Name (First Last)
moj ime mac
Postal Code

package Shipment information :

TNT Express Shipping
Shipment ID
Item Condition
Brand New
Description Of Goods
Nokia N95 Mobile Phone
250.00 EURO

Package Details/Description of Goods:

Nokia N95 8GB Nokia Battery BL-6F, 1200 mAh Nokia Travel Charger AC-5 Nokia Music Headset HS-45, AD-54 Nokia Connectivity Cable User Manual /Warranty 1 Year

*Note: You will receive the Tracking Number after the payment is confirmed and the parcel will be in transit.

Through this e-mail we have the pleasure to inform you that the package has been left in our custody and have been verified by our team .Everything is in perfect order and ready for shippingHeated, climate-controlled and well secured warehouses provide excellent accommodation. Until the actual move, the goods will be packed solidly before storage. The exact contents will be indicated accurately on a storage list.
Next step to be taken: The buyer must send the payment to our Agent

Fuel Surcharge
Agent Information's:

Name (First Last)
Robert Mich
Dr.Voltanis Road 64
Postal Code


To submit the payment you must use Western Union Money Transfer :Send the money to our agent,cash at a local Western Union. Click here to locate the Western Union in your area http://www.westernunion.com/info/agentI.... Go to one of them and send the payment to the verified name of our agentWestern Union Money Transfer is the only service that has ultimate authentication of the identity of the receiver of funds. Several IDs and utility bills are required before the funds are paid. Therefore, no one else but our agent can pick up the money. Your payments cannot be lost in the mail, like money orders or checks.

Once the payment was sent, email us (tnt.express24@accountant.com) the following information so we can start the delivery:1. 10 digit MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number):2. Exact sender's name on file with Western Union:3. Your street address on file with Western Union:4. City and country where you sent the money from:5. Amount sent:

This is how the transaction works is 5 easy steps:
Five easy steps to a safe transaction:

Step 1: Buyer and Seller Agree to TermsBoth parties agree to terms of the transaction, which includes a description of the merchandise, sale price, number of days for the Buyer's inspection, and any shipping information.

Step 2: Seller Leave The Package And Documents To Our Custody Our staff verify the package, send to buyer an invoice with details of the transaction

Step 3: Buyer Sends Payment to our Third Party Agency Agent The Buyer submits a payment selecting wire transfer. Our agent verifies the payment. Processing time for payment is 24 hours.

Step 4: Buyer Receive MerchandiseThe Buyer has a set number of days for inspecting the merchandise and the option to accept or reject.

Step 5: Third Party Agency Pays SellerThird Party Agency pays the Seller. The transaction is complete.


Our standards are:

# Be honest.
# Aim to satisfy customers every time.
# Challenge and improve all that we do.
# Be passionate about our people.
# Act as a team.
# Measure success through sustainable profit.
# Work for the world

a mogoce to kej dokazuje da ni scam ali je useen...?kaj se vam zdi?

Dr_M ::

za ~200€ so tej telefoni kvecjemu s kasnega kamiona "padli". Priporocena cena za prosto prodajo je neki cez 500€ brez davka. Zdej pa racunite.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

PrimozR ::

Navadna N95 je pri nas prek 700 €...

Dr_M ::

ubistvu ni vec :)
odkar se je pojavila 8GB se je cena mal znizala.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Bistri007 ::

Mah, bolha je zanič. Uporabi ebay+PayPal, pa kupi od folka, ki imajo dober rating in že kake 10 transakcij za sabo. To ti je najbolj ziher varianta za bolj pocen telefon.

Hatmil ::

Lp. Zanima me Ali obstaja Nokia N95 v sivi barvi?( Če ni samo v črni).Namreč dobil sem ponudbo Nokia N95 Siva 8gb vgrajenega sopmina za 100€ ( s tipom se poznamo etc.) Gre to le za fejk ali je nokia n95 8gb siva možna?

Dr_M ::

N95 8GB obstaja samo v crni barvi.
Verjetno ti ponuja navadno N95 z 8GB kartico.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

infiniteLoop ::

Za tiste, ki so tako naivni (kaj navini to je preblaga beseda - butasti), da bi za nekaj cesa ne drzijo v roki denar nakazali preko Western Uniona ali cesa podobnega. Zanima me ali bi denar poslali v kuverti in upali, da vam bo nekdo poslal telefon? Ce bi, vam cestitam in na vaso zeljo tudi izdam potrdilo o naivnosti (za potrdilo mi prosim nakazite 50$ preko western uniona).

V to so vkljuceni tudi ostali ponudniki podobnih storitev. Ker roko na srce vse kar WU nudi je to da bo denar ziher prisel k osebi kateri ga nakazes. Ce pa imata vidva kaki dogovor, da bo on tebi kaj poslal ali kaj podobnega jih ne zanima.

No pa se en link Western Union - Svarilo pred nategi

Pa lep dan zelim vsem skupaj.

P.S.: Ce ste po tem postu se vedno zainteresirani za nkup telefona s placilom vnaprej preko WU mi prosim posljite zasebno sporocilo. Jaz vam ga prodam za pol cene ;).
None of us is as dumb as all of us.

bxxx ::


Sicer nevem ali je to pravo mesto za moje vprašanje, glede na to, da se samo menite o cenah, ampak bom vseeno poskusil.

In sicer imam omenjeno nokio, problem pa je naslednji.

Večino aplikacij ki jih želim namestiti enostavno ne uspe. Napiše mi nekaj v zvezi z neveljavni certifikatom.

A lahko to preverjanje certifikata izklopim oziroma kak drugače naj rešim ta problem?



Bistri007 ::

Bxxx, obrni se na ponudnika programske opreme. On ti bo znal oziroma moral pomagati, če ne pa zahtevaj denar nazaj.
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...

Dr_M ::

Heh. Dobra.

Pac nimas podpisanih programov. Ce jih kupis, so, ce pa ne, se mors pa sam znajdt. Tuki ti zal ne smemo pomagat.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

kriko1 ::

Tudi freeware aplikacije imajo ponavadi expired certifikat - rešitev je da hackeš telefon (nič kompleksnega) in namestiš selfsigner.
Več kot natančna navodila so na mobisuxu.

Dr_M ::

Provzaprov ni treba ni hekat, samo BiNPDA Security Manager si nalozis in to je to. Delec najbolj preprosta stvar, kar sm jih vidu za symbian 3rd :)
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

kriko1 ::

Sej to je to - potem moraš še povezat telefon na pc in še neki packat, torej ni tako straight-forward.

gasperxp ::


da si na hitro sposodim tole temo. kolega je v zda pa bi mi nabavil iphona.
kako je s tem... a zadeva deluje pri nas, kdo in za koliko se ga odklene?
je res, da so cene od 200$ naprej?

hvala za hiter odgovor.
ps: se opravicujem, tem povezanih z iphonom nisem sel brat.

thanks, lp

Ciklamen ::

200$ z vezavo ja...

Deluje pri nas, lahko nabaviš X-Sim in odkleneš in je to to...
- End of the Post ->

gasperxp ::

tnx za odgovor.
am kakšne pa naj bi ble cene brez vezave?

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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