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Potres 2018 ???

Potres 2018 ???


Znanstveniki opozarjajo: Močan potres v letu 2018 bo ogrozil milijardo ljudi

Znanstveniki opozarjajo, da bi lahko zaradi nihanja v hitrosti rotacije Zemlje lahko prišlo do uničujočih potresov po vsem svetu, zlasti na najbolj poseljenih tropskih območjih.

Massive earthquakes will threaten up to 1B people in 2018: scientists


he new year may bring huge earthquakes across the globe as the speed of earth's rotation fluctuates, scientists warn.

Presenting at the Geological Society of America's annual meeting, Rebecca Bendick of University of Montana and Roger Bilham of University of Colorado explain their findings that tiny variations in earth's rotation may trigger massive energy shifts under the planet's surface, in turn affecting the movement of tectonic plates.

Bilham and Bendick predict the impact may be greater in equatorial regions, home to earth's greatest population concentration—about a billion people.

"The correlation between the Earth's rotation and earthquake activity is strong and suggests there is going to be an increase in numbers of intense earthquakes next year," Bilham told British daily The Guardian. "Major earthquakes have been well recorded for more than a century and that gives us a good record to study."
  • zaklenilo: zee ()

Apofis ::

Pol pravš, da se ne splača z bitcoini začet zafrkavat? Itak bo skorkoncsveta

vostok_1 ::

Če bi folk mal bolj konzervativno razmišljal in gradil potresno varne stavbe, bi potresi bili kvečjemu občasna nadloga.

NLB stolpnici sta baje na neki gumi grajeni, zdržijo tudi velike potrese.
Ironično, bi vrjetno dobre montažne granje boljše prenesle potres kot klasične zidanice. Lahek material, osno žilav in dihajoče spet skupaj.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

konspirator ::

Nove hiše so na plavajoči plošči, če se investitor ne gre ravno največjega skopuštva.Poleg tega je količina ojačitvenega železja (mreže, profili) neprimerno večja kot v starih gradnjah (horizontalne & vertikalne vezi), manjša debelina plošč, streha brez venca.

Zgodovina sprememb…

vostok_1 ::

Vsaj to. Ampak kljub temu, keramične hiše bodo najmanj popokale ob pravem potresu.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

ZloTech ::

Znanstveniki opozarjajo: Močan potres v letu 2018 bo ogrozil milijardo ljudi

Miljarda manj ljudi na svetu ni slaba stvar

Zgodovina sprememb…

AštiriL ::

Je pa vprašanje na katerem delu sveta...
Ostani, ko si, nosi

Starodavni ::

Vir pa neka turška novičarska stran.

Daily Sabah is a Turkuvaz Media Group corporation.

Daily Sabah abides by the rules of press ethics.

Od kje so oni povzeli to klobaso? Najbrž iz kake strani teoretikov zarot.

Nobenega velikanskga potresa ne bo, ki bi ogrozil ali pobil 1 milijardo ljudi, za to niti ni indicev.

Iatromantis ::

Če pogledaš wiki za dailysabah:

Daily Sabah (lit. "Daily Morning") is a Turkish pro-government[2][3][4][5] daily published in Turkey. Published in English, German and Arabic and owned by Turkuvaz Media Group, Daily Sabah published its first issue on 24 February 2014.[6][7] The editor-in-chief of Daily Sabah is Serdar Karagöz.

Daily Sabah has been frequently called a propaganda outlet for the Turkish government and the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).[2][3][4][5][8]
Promoting conspiracy theories

The Daily Sabah has seen particular criticism for promotion of the "mastermind" conspiracy theory coined by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to which an alleged command and control institution, somewhat ambiguously placed with the government of the United States, in a comprehensive conspiracy to weaken or even dismember Turkey allegedly orchestrates multiple political actors perceived hostile by Turkey -- like the Salafi jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Islamist cult with political ambitions around Fethullah Gülen -- to attack Turkey in a well-coordinated campaign.[13]
Spreading hate

In March 2017, after investigating complaints that the Daily Sabah would pursue an editorial agenda of "spreading hate", the president of the European Parliament banned the distribution of the paper at parliament.[14][15]

dice7 ::

Novica je legit, vendar ji manjkajo peer reviewi

balluf ::

Uf, nas je pa malo dvignilo !!!!

connel ::

Je bilo čutit nekaj malega ja, malo streslo za kakšno sekundo.

Potres 17. januarja 2018
Potres magnitude 3,6 v bližini Bovca

V sredo, 17. januarja 2018, ob 11.22 so seizmografi državne mreže potresnih opazovalnic zabeležili potres magnitude 3,6 v bližini Kobarida, 74 km severozahodno od Ljubljane.

Po prvih podatkih so potres čutili prebivalci zahodne Slovenije. Ocenjujemo, da intenziteta (učinki) potresa ni presegla V. stopnje po evropski potresni lestvici (EMS-98).

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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