Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
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Poldi112 ::
Jaz ti pravim, da je zadovoljiva za grožnje, ki obstajajo.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Samuel ::
Jaz ti pravim, da je zadovoljiva za grožnje, ki obstajajo.
Ti praviš potem. Marsikdo v Nemčiji ne pravi tako.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
fikus_ ::
Sicer stara novica in tudi ne čisto nemško znanje:
Torej nekaj se dela na osamosvojitvi od USA.
Torej nekaj se dela na osamosvojitvi od USA.
Mr.B ::
4Trumplowe, kakšen argument. Ne Nemčija imaznaje, samo integracija je pa odvisna od blagoslova ameriške orožarkse industrije. Sedaj pa neha utrujat, pa s paxiejm najta kako je Meteor raketa evropska raketa, in ne plod lastništva ameriške orožarske korporacije.
In dokaz je kje? Ni ga. Ponovno lažeš in si zmišljuješ.
Če bi mislili, da jih rabijo, bi jih imeli, ...
Absolutno. Nemška vojska je v razsulu, ti pa sanjaš o (močni) EU vojski. Dajmo se zbudit no.
4Trump lover,
nakladas samo ti, ker se ti ne sanja v cem je probblem. Zakaj pa poljaki niso ostali z Izraelski sistemom, pa so morali preprlačati amerškega. No namig ti dam, da ga mora ameriška korporacija certificirat da je kompatibilen z Nato opremo.
Ampak ja ti lažeš da lahko Nemci naredijo top za abrams, brez plačila licence ameriški korporaciji...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Poldi112 ::
Jaz ti pravim, da je zadovoljiva za grožnje, ki obstajajo.
Ti praviš potem. Marsikdo v Nemčiji ne pravi tako.
Seveda. Samo so očitno v manjšini, anede? Sicer bi že bili na 2%.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Mr.B ::
Ja, ker v EU nimamo ekvivalentnih obveščevalnih služb? In ker ne bo povračilnih ukrepov?
Nč od tega ni za pričakovat od Evrope. Največja in finančno najmočnejša država EU ima vojsko v razsulu, ti pa sanjaš o EU vojski. Pa koga ti fopaš?
Ne nimajo vojske v rasulu, ker vejo da je rusko železje neefektivno, in kakršenkoli direktni spopad bi prej ali slej eskaliral v jedrski spopad... v nobenem interesu ni rusiji narevidi invazijo na Polsko, ker bi preveč drago stalo...
Po drugi strani, pa je 1/3 ameriškega proračuna v letu 2018 rezerviranega za vojsko, in ja Amerika je začela z drugo hladno vojno in ostale pravljice...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Dobra in bistvo trump-rusija sranja.
Če goniš tovrstne teorije zarot izpadeš precej...butast.
Če goniš tovrstne teorije zarot izpadeš precej...butast.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Juncker na vrhu NATO:
A bi tega tipa že nekdo spravil s položaja in poslal na zdravljenje alkoholizma? Sramota!
A bi tega tipa že nekdo spravil s položaja in poslal na zdravljenje alkoholizma? Sramota!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
zmaugy ::
Ups, Donald did it again:
Tega si niti izmislit ne bi dalo. Res fino, da je skočil v Bruselj in še v London, EU in UK se bosta po tem lažje dogovorili, ker če ti je alternativa Oranžni Pavijan, ki služi Putinu...
Bo pa v Mockbi cel kup banan za nagrado za kretena.
PS: These Americans, they really don’t send us their best people...
PPS: “I really miss the name England, you don’t hear it anymore...”![:))](
PPPS: “The GDP since I’ve taken over has doubled and tripled.” aaaahahahahahahahhahahaha
Tega si niti izmislit ne bi dalo. Res fino, da je skočil v Bruselj in še v London, EU in UK se bosta po tem lažje dogovorili, ker če ti je alternativa Oranžni Pavijan, ki služi Putinu...
Bo pa v Mockbi cel kup banan za nagrado za kretena.
PS: These Americans, they really don’t send us their best people...
PPS: “I really miss the name England, you don’t hear it anymore...”
PPPS: “The GDP since I’ve taken over has doubled and tripled.” aaaahahahahahahahhahahaha
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Pac-Man ::
Ruski diplomati so PNGjani še v Grčiji. Zaradi Makedonije.
Greek government sources: Russian diplomats tried to torpedo the Prespa Agreement (agreement b/n Greece and Macedonia on name change), to prevent Macedonia from being issue-free and acceptable to NATO. They did this via bribes to politicians and via two "Orthodox" orgs:
The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Union, of which I wrote above, but also the Holy Monasteries of Mount Athos. For background on Kremlin's "investment" in Mount Athos, check out
in še
When GRU officer wired money for planned coup in Montenegro to his asset in Serbia via Western Union, he put GRU's HQ address as "sender". Can't make this shit up.
According to the testimony of Sinjelić, published by the Montenegrin prosecutor's office, he was contacted by "Russian nationalists" whom he had previously met when he fought on the side of the separatists in the Donbass in 2014-2015. He met with them in Moscow on September 26, 2016 in the "luxury apartment". [...] "Nationalists" introduced themselves as Eduard Shirokov and Vladimir Popov and made it clear that they were working for the special services.
Sinjelic also stated in court that Shirokov himself had bought him a ticket to Moscow and met him right at the plane. Passport control, they did not pass, so as not to leave traces of the stay of Sinjelić in Russia.
One such evidence is Shishmakov's money transfer to Sinjelich of $ 800, sent on September 25, 2016 - less than a month before the elections in Montenegro. According to the Prosecutor's Office, this emergency transfer is only a small part of the total amount of almost $ 300,000 intended for the planned coup. We carefully look at the sender's address - Moscow, Khoroshevskoe shosse, 76. This address is already familiar to the readers of The Insider for investigation of the downed Boeing MH17 , and the GRU headquarters is located on this address.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Samuel ::
Ja, ker v EU nimamo ekvivalentnih obveščevalnih služb? In ker ne bo povračilnih ukrepov?
Nč od tega ni za pričakovat od Evrope. Največja in finančno najmočnejša država EU ima vojsko v razsulu, ti pa sanjaš o EU vojski. Pa koga ti fopaš?
Ne nimajo vojske v rasulu, ker vejo da je rusko železje neefektivno, in kakršenkoli direktni spopad bi prej ali slej eskaliral v jedrski spopad... v nobenem interesu ni rusiji narevidi invazijo na Polsko, ker bi preveč drago stalo...
Po drugi strani, pa je 1/3 ameriškega proračuna v letu 2018 rezerviranega za vojsko, in ja Amerika je začela z drugo hladno vojno in ostale pravljice...
Da je nemška vojska v riti, to sami Nemci ugotavljajo. Kaj ti meniš, je popolnoma nepomembno.
nakladas samo ti, ker se ti ne sanja v cem je probblem. Zakaj pa poljaki niso ostali z Izraelski sistemom, pa so morali preprlačati amerškega.
No namig ti dam, da ga mora ameriška korporacija certificirat da je kompatibilen z Nato opremo.
Daj ti to podkrepi s kakšnim dokazom kdo komu kaj TOČNO plačuje.
Je pa pravilno, da nekdo certificira opremo. Naj Evropa zahteva takšen center, če ga že nima.
Ups, Donald did it again:
Ups.. zmaugy did it again. Fake news s podkupljenimi Demokratskimi novinarji.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()
Mr.B ::
Ja, ker v EU nimamo ekvivalentnih obveščevalnih služb? In ker ne bo povračilnih ukrepov?
Nč od tega ni za pričakovat od Evrope. Največja in finančno najmočnejša država EU ima vojsko v razsulu, ti pa sanjaš o EU vojski. Pa koga ti fopaš?
Ne nimajo vojske v rasulu, ker vejo da je rusko železje neefektivno, in kakršenkoli direktni spopad bi prej ali slej eskaliral v jedrski spopad... v nobenem interesu ni rusiji narevidi invazijo na Polsko, ker bi preveč drago stalo...
Po drugi strani, pa je 1/3 ameriškega proračuna v letu 2018 rezerviranega za vojsko, in ja Amerika je začela z drugo hladno vojno in ostale pravljice...
Da je nemška vojska v riti, to sami Nemci ugotavljajo. Kaj ti meniš, je popolnoma nepomembno.
nakladas samo ti, ker se ti ne sanja v cem je probblem. Zakaj pa poljaki niso ostali z Izraelski sistemom, pa so morali preprlačati amerškega.
No namig ti dam, da ga mora ameriška korporacija certificirat da je kompatibilen z Nato opremo.
Daj ti to podkrepi s kakšnim dokazom kdo komu kaj TOČNO plačuje.
Je pa pravilno, da nekdo certificira opremo. Naj Evropa zahteva takšen center, če ga že nima.
Ups, Donald did it again:
Ups.. zmaugy did it again. Fake news s podkupljenimi Demokratskimi novinarji.
Dej ne utrujaj.
ne samo da ne znaš razložiti zakaj niso poljaki smeli kupiti Izraelske opema, pa so ful prijatelji. ane. Verjetno niso nori te izraleci, in dali dostop ameriskim amaterjem...
Enako sledi tvoje nakladanje o nivoju usposobljenosti nemške vojske..
Tvoji odgovori so na nivoju blodenj, ki jih lahko slepo sledijo samo 4Trump loversi. No na primer take izjave...
"A very nice note from Chairman Kim of North Korea. Great progress being made," Trump said in a tweet that also included a copy of the correspondence from Kim
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
nsa_ag3nt ::
Smo že spet pri tipični Slotechovi debati ane, Poldi.
German army problems 'dramatically bad', report says
Nemška vojska je v razsulu.
To dejstvo nima veze z Natom, temveč z vsesplošnim varčevanjem, ki se ga gre DE vlada zadnjih 13 let pod Angelco...
Pri DE MO je potrebno dodati še kup nesposobnih ministrov, ki jim nebi zaupal niti dveh ovc na paši, kaj šele MO.
Nemce ogrožajo samo domači uvoženi islamisti, ne Rusi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
zmaugy ::
Ja, ker v EU nimamo ekvivalentnih obveščevalnih služb? In ker ne bo povračilnih ukrepov?
Nč od tega ni za pričakovat od Evrope. Največja in finančno najmočnejša država EU ima vojsko v razsulu, ti pa sanjaš o EU vojski. Pa koga ti fopaš?
Ne nimajo vojske v rasulu, ker vejo da je rusko železje neefektivno, in kakršenkoli direktni spopad bi prej ali slej eskaliral v jedrski spopad... v nobenem interesu ni rusiji narevidi invazijo na Polsko, ker bi preveč drago stalo...
Po drugi strani, pa je 1/3 ameriškega proračuna v letu 2018 rezerviranega za vojsko, in ja Amerika je začela z drugo hladno vojno in ostale pravljice...
Da je nemška vojska v riti, to sami Nemci ugotavljajo. Kaj ti meniš, je popolnoma nepomembno.
nakladas samo ti, ker se ti ne sanja v cem je probblem. Zakaj pa poljaki niso ostali z Izraelski sistemom, pa so morali preprlačati amerškega.
No namig ti dam, da ga mora ameriška korporacija certificirat da je kompatibilen z Nato opremo.
Daj ti to podkrepi s kakšnim dokazom kdo komu kaj TOČNO plačuje.
Je pa pravilno, da nekdo certificira opremo. Naj Evropa zahteva takšen center, če ga že nima.
Ups, Donald did it again:
Ups.. zmaugy did it again. Fake news s podkupljenimi Demokratskimi novinarji.
Mala težavica, hillbilly, to ni zgolj poročanje o Pavijankotu, lahko Opico kar lepo poslušaš kako sere klamfe, in person. Poglej si video. Je pa res, da bo potem jutrišnji dan povsem drugačen...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Pac-Man ::
Rusija vodi nekatere od najbolj glasnih poljskih in ukrajinskih skrajnih desničarjev. Ki se pred kamerami pljuvajo, za njimi pa drug drugemu pazijo otroke. Cirkus.
The Chekist worldview that forms Putin’s mental furniture is cynical and cunning to a degree that naïve Westerners—and from the Kremlin point of view pretty much all Westerners are naïve and easily exploited—find difficult to believe.
The cornerstone of the Chekist worldview is provocation, what the Russians call provokatsiya.
Nationalist passions collide in the border city of Przemyśl, just inside Poland, a short drive from Lviv. Like clockwork, Polish nationalists hold rallies in Przemyśl where they chant “Death to Ukrainians,” and in response Ukrainian nationalists march amid cries of “Death to Poles.”
It’s no secret that far-right Polish nationalists include Russian operatives. The local rabble-rouser in Przemyśl is Mirosław Majkowski, a history buff who has attracted attention for his pro-Putin utterances, amid his ritual denunciations of anything and everything Ukrainian.
These passions reached their peak around 2015, when Majkowski found an ideal foil in Artyom Lutsak, a Ukrainian nationalist and right-winger who breathed anti-Polish hatred. Majkowski and Lutsak fed off each other perfectly, and Przemyśl became a tinderbox. Lutsak, the regional commander of Right Sector
Questions arose about what was really going on. In the first place, PS—just like the Polish far-right—is known to be penetrated by Kremlin agents provocateurs. Many suspected that Majkowski was acting on Moscow’s orders, while examination of Lutsak revealed troubling facts. The Polish investigative reporter Marcin Rey, who has unmasked several secret Russian operations in Poland, uncovered that Lutsak was born in 1972 in Moscow, and did not move to Ukraine until 2008. He did not obtain Ukrainian citizenship until 2012 (and does not seem to have ever abandoned his Russian citizenship), at the time he was running a Moscow-based security company of the kind that usually has connections to Russia’s Federal Security Service or FSB. Lutsak did his military service in Russia between 1991 and 1993, just after the Soviet collapse, in a border guard unit that was transitioning from the control of the KGB to that of the FSB. Rumors that Lutsak’s father was a KGB official remain unconfirmed, but Lutsak’s ties to what Moscow calls its “special services” are established.
Moreover, Rey discovered, at the height of the unpleasantness in Przemyśl, which Lutsak was co-directing from the PS regional office in Lviv, that Lutsak moved his wife and children to safety in the unlikely location of… Przemyśl. One might not think Lutsak’s family would be safe, much less welcome, in that city, but that discounts the warm relationship they had with none other than Mirosław Majkowski. Lutsak’s son Bohdan was close enough to his supposed archenemy to call Majkowski “Uncle,” while the two attended a rally in Warsaw on November 11, 2015, a Polish Independence Day event that has become a far-right gathering. Majkowski and the younger Lutsak appeared together in a photo amid weapons and anti-immigrant slogans.
The Chekist worldview that forms Putin’s mental furniture is cynical and cunning to a degree that naïve Westerners—and from the Kremlin point of view pretty much all Westerners are naïve and easily exploited—find difficult to believe.
The cornerstone of the Chekist worldview is provocation, what the Russians call provokatsiya.
Nationalist passions collide in the border city of Przemyśl, just inside Poland, a short drive from Lviv. Like clockwork, Polish nationalists hold rallies in Przemyśl where they chant “Death to Ukrainians,” and in response Ukrainian nationalists march amid cries of “Death to Poles.”
It’s no secret that far-right Polish nationalists include Russian operatives. The local rabble-rouser in Przemyśl is Mirosław Majkowski, a history buff who has attracted attention for his pro-Putin utterances, amid his ritual denunciations of anything and everything Ukrainian.
These passions reached their peak around 2015, when Majkowski found an ideal foil in Artyom Lutsak, a Ukrainian nationalist and right-winger who breathed anti-Polish hatred. Majkowski and Lutsak fed off each other perfectly, and Przemyśl became a tinderbox. Lutsak, the regional commander of Right Sector
Questions arose about what was really going on. In the first place, PS—just like the Polish far-right—is known to be penetrated by Kremlin agents provocateurs. Many suspected that Majkowski was acting on Moscow’s orders, while examination of Lutsak revealed troubling facts. The Polish investigative reporter Marcin Rey, who has unmasked several secret Russian operations in Poland, uncovered that Lutsak was born in 1972 in Moscow, and did not move to Ukraine until 2008. He did not obtain Ukrainian citizenship until 2012 (and does not seem to have ever abandoned his Russian citizenship), at the time he was running a Moscow-based security company of the kind that usually has connections to Russia’s Federal Security Service or FSB. Lutsak did his military service in Russia between 1991 and 1993, just after the Soviet collapse, in a border guard unit that was transitioning from the control of the KGB to that of the FSB. Rumors that Lutsak’s father was a KGB official remain unconfirmed, but Lutsak’s ties to what Moscow calls its “special services” are established.
Moreover, Rey discovered, at the height of the unpleasantness in Przemyśl, which Lutsak was co-directing from the PS regional office in Lviv, that Lutsak moved his wife and children to safety in the unlikely location of… Przemyśl. One might not think Lutsak’s family would be safe, much less welcome, in that city, but that discounts the warm relationship they had with none other than Mirosław Majkowski. Lutsak’s son Bohdan was close enough to his supposed archenemy to call Majkowski “Uncle,” while the two attended a rally in Warsaw on November 11, 2015, a Polish Independence Day event that has become a far-right gathering. Majkowski and the younger Lutsak appeared together in a photo amid weapons and anti-immigrant slogans.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Paxi, sej vemo ukrajinski naciji so ruski agenti, poljski naciji so ruski agenti, nemski naciji so ruski agenti, potem uk brexit team so ruski agenti.... ejga nasli so flasko z Novichok vsebino, ruski..... no tedva sta zagotova ruska agenta ki to hranita doma...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Nove obtožnice za vpletene pri Gucciferju 2.0/vlomu v DNC. Povsem slučajno 12 ruskih obveščevalcev.
Both DC Leaks and Guccifer 2.0 are specifically named in the indictment as fronts for Russian GRU agents. The indictment also alleges that Guccifer 2.0 was contacted by the campaign staff for a Republican Congressional candidate, and responded by releasing further documents through private channels.
While some of the details had previously been laid out in a DNC lawsuit, Friday's blockbuster indictment is the first official blow-by-blow from the US government. It makes clear the attack was coordinated and run by the Russian military, the hacking team commonly known by the moniker Fancy Bear, which Mueller's indictment names publicly for the first time as two specific units of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian General Staff--known by the acronym GRU--that are called Unit 26165 and Unit 74455.
The indictment includes the specific allegations that between 4:19 and 4:56 pm on June 15, 2016, the defendants used their Moscow-based server to search for the same English words and phrases that Guccifer 2.0 used in "his" first blog post, where "he" claimed to be a lone Romanian hacker and claimed to be solely responsible for the attacks on Democratic targets.
The indictment carefully traces how the scheme unfolded, including the "spearphishing" by four of the GRU officers targeting the Clinton campaign in March 2016--which enabled the Podesta email theft--and how the officers spoofed their email,, to make it appear to be from Google.
Oh, *now* I understand.
It's a "-vich" hunt!
Both DC Leaks and Guccifer 2.0 are specifically named in the indictment as fronts for Russian GRU agents. The indictment also alleges that Guccifer 2.0 was contacted by the campaign staff for a Republican Congressional candidate, and responded by releasing further documents through private channels.
While some of the details had previously been laid out in a DNC lawsuit, Friday's blockbuster indictment is the first official blow-by-blow from the US government. It makes clear the attack was coordinated and run by the Russian military, the hacking team commonly known by the moniker Fancy Bear, which Mueller's indictment names publicly for the first time as two specific units of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian General Staff--known by the acronym GRU--that are called Unit 26165 and Unit 74455.
The indictment includes the specific allegations that between 4:19 and 4:56 pm on June 15, 2016, the defendants used their Moscow-based server to search for the same English words and phrases that Guccifer 2.0 used in "his" first blog post, where "he" claimed to be a lone Romanian hacker and claimed to be solely responsible for the attacks on Democratic targets.
The indictment carefully traces how the scheme unfolded, including the "spearphishing" by four of the GRU officers targeting the Clinton campaign in March 2016--which enabled the Podesta email theft--and how the officers spoofed their email,, to make it appear to be from Google.
Oh, *now* I understand.
It's a "-vich" hunt!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
barny988 ::
Za vse so krivi ruski hekerji!!! :) :)
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes"
zmaugy ::
Nisem vedel, da hekerji hendlajo bojne strupe. These Russians, they don't send us their best people...
zmaugy ::
Ne pravijo zastonj, da Putin podpira skrajne desničarje po Evropi. These Russians, they really don't send us their best people...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
zmaugy ::
Glede na to, kako butasti so skrajni desnaki (samo poglej si frise Trump združbe in poslušaj njihove zarukane izjave), je bolj verjetno da se prostituirajo za drobiž.
Saj bi Putin kupil Hillary, samo je bila verjetno predraga. Po drugi strani 4 krat zbankrotiranega klošarja s kravatami, zrezki in fake univerzo je verjetno dobil @ bargain price.
Saj bi Putin kupil Hillary, samo je bila verjetno predraga. Po drugi strani 4 krat zbankrotiranega klošarja s kravatami, zrezki in fake univerzo je verjetno dobil @ bargain price.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
zmaugy ::
zmaugy ::
Očitno so zadeli svojo ciljno publiko - desnake...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Pac-Man ::
Iz obtožnice, več na
Nekdo je bil v sistemu ruskih obveščevalcev, operacijo so financirali (tudi) z rudarjenjem kriptovalut, wikileaks ni več organizacija za transparentnost, ampak so aktivno rušili "Killary".
Very impressive visibility on the part of the US Intelligence Community, just one of many examples More impressive detail on activities of individual GRU operators, likely from a technical source (not from a human source). Many details mentioned in the indictment were already know. Some weren't. Para 35 nicely ties together the larger operations, and shows how hard it is to run a large, complex operation with bulletproof OPSEC. The details underlined in red have not been revealed before. Company 1 [Crowdstrike] is looking pretty good today. This is jaw-droppingly impressive forensic work: the indictment doesn't just show Guccifer 2 was managed by a specific GRU unit—it *reconstructs the internet searches made while some GRU officer was drafting the first post as Guccifer 2* ... "On or about August 15, 2016" it was abundantly clear to anybody paying attention that Guccifer 2 was a Russian front—and if you are "a candidate for the US Congress" requesting stolen documents from Guccifer 2, then you have been paying attention ... More tying together of the larger operation, this time through the re-use of a VPN account. No surprise, still good to have. Use of Wikileaks: we already knew GRU passed material to Wikileaks, but now we know *how* and *when*—and that WL was repeatedly in touch with G2 over weeks, actively chasing them, asking for "any new material."
Were DNC and Podesta leaks in one archive? Unclear, but likely. Yet again tying the various components of the bigger operation together, this time through purchase infrastructure and personas. Again: no surprise, but good to have.
Aha, ker je bil cel kup drame okrog dostopa organov pregona do DNC serverja. FBI je kot kaže dobil v roke vsaj nekaj
Nekdo je bil v sistemu ruskih obveščevalcev, operacijo so financirali (tudi) z rudarjenjem kriptovalut, wikileaks ni več organizacija za transparentnost, ampak so aktivno rušili "Killary".
Very impressive visibility on the part of the US Intelligence Community, just one of many examples More impressive detail on activities of individual GRU operators, likely from a technical source (not from a human source). Many details mentioned in the indictment were already know. Some weren't. Para 35 nicely ties together the larger operations, and shows how hard it is to run a large, complex operation with bulletproof OPSEC. The details underlined in red have not been revealed before. Company 1 [Crowdstrike] is looking pretty good today. This is jaw-droppingly impressive forensic work: the indictment doesn't just show Guccifer 2 was managed by a specific GRU unit—it *reconstructs the internet searches made while some GRU officer was drafting the first post as Guccifer 2* ... "On or about August 15, 2016" it was abundantly clear to anybody paying attention that Guccifer 2 was a Russian front—and if you are "a candidate for the US Congress" requesting stolen documents from Guccifer 2, then you have been paying attention ... More tying together of the larger operation, this time through the re-use of a VPN account. No surprise, still good to have. Use of Wikileaks: we already knew GRU passed material to Wikileaks, but now we know *how* and *when*—and that WL was repeatedly in touch with G2 over weeks, actively chasing them, asking for "any new material."
Were DNC and Podesta leaks in one archive? Unclear, but likely. Yet again tying the various components of the bigger operation together, this time through purchase infrastructure and personas. Again: no surprise, but good to have.
Aha, ker je bil cel kup drame okrog dostopa organov pregona do DNC serverja. FBI je kot kaže dobil v roke vsaj nekaj
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Poldi112 ::
Nekdo je bil v sistemu ruskih obveščevalcev, operacijo so financirali (tudi) z rudarjenjem kriptovalut, wikileaks ni več organizacija za transparentnost, ampak so aktivno rušili "Killary".
A če s transparentnostjo ruši Hillary potem niso za transparentnost?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
A če s transparentnostjo ruši Hillary potem niso za transparentnost?
Če svoj vir kontaktiraš z, citiram iz obtožnice,
On or about June 22, 2016, Organization I sent a private message to Guccifer 2.0
to "[s]end any new material [stolen from the DNC] here for us to review and it will have a much higher impact than what you are doing." On or about July 6, 2016, Organization 1 added, "if you have anything hillary related we want it in the next tweo [sic] days prefable [sic] because the DNC [Democratic National Convention] is approaching and she will solidify bernie supporters behind her after." The Conspirators responded, "0k . . . i see." Organization 1 explained, "we think trump has only a 25% chance of winning against conflict between bernie and hillary is interesting."
se ne boriš za transparentnost temveč nekaj drugega.
Zraven spada še
In the summer of 2016, as WikiLeaks was publishing documents from Democratic operatives allegedly obtained by Kremlin-directed hackers, Julian Assange turned down a large cache of documents related to the Russian government, according to chat messages and a source who provided the records.
WikiLeaks declined to publish a wide-ranging trove of documents — at least 68 gigabytes of data — that came from inside the Russian Interior Ministry, according to partial chat logs reviewed by Foreign Policy.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Še ena iz regije Alpe-Donava-Jadran.
Wow. Remember Malofeev, and his role in ensuring Kremlin proxy Dodik won 2014 elections in Srpska? Turns out, last month he was PNGed from Bosnia, and turned back from border. He insisted he had an appointment with the president. Despite Dodik's calls to border, he was deported. Despite President's pleas to border police, police honored Sarajevo's MFA instructions to deport him as "threat to national security". Failure by Srpska's police to honor Srpska's president's intervention is noteworthy.
But the most curious part is why Malofeev was arriving to Banja Luka. He was planning to purchase 200 m Euro of sovereign (!) Republika Srpska bonds. That would be a transaction as commercial as buying snow for next year's skiing. BiH prevented this transaction on natsec grounds. After failing to visit Dodik and consummate their transaction, Srpska had to sell its bonds naturally went to the Austrian stock market where an unknown buyer bought 170 m in bonds. Am trying to identify the buyer. Original news lead from
Ok. this is very fishy.
May 29: Malofeev turned back from border, 200bn RU injection into Srpska fails
June 24: Prospectus for bond placement in Austria created (!), as seen from document properties
June 28: Someone pays 168 m in auction to buy bonds. Of Srpska . It's been a while since I traded bonds, but pls help me, bankers: is it plausible buyer(s) would jump in on 4.75% RS bonds having had 2 days to review 17 page prospectus? The reason this is relevant is, if this was a block transaction (=pre-agreed b/n buyer and seller), then buyer would have to be linked to Malofeev, and that would be a very serious breach of EU sanctions.
Wow. Remember Malofeev, and his role in ensuring Kremlin proxy Dodik won 2014 elections in Srpska? Turns out, last month he was PNGed from Bosnia, and turned back from border. He insisted he had an appointment with the president. Despite Dodik's calls to border, he was deported. Despite President's pleas to border police, police honored Sarajevo's MFA instructions to deport him as "threat to national security". Failure by Srpska's police to honor Srpska's president's intervention is noteworthy.
But the most curious part is why Malofeev was arriving to Banja Luka. He was planning to purchase 200 m Euro of sovereign (!) Republika Srpska bonds. That would be a transaction as commercial as buying snow for next year's skiing. BiH prevented this transaction on natsec grounds. After failing to visit Dodik and consummate their transaction, Srpska had to sell its bonds naturally went to the Austrian stock market where an unknown buyer bought 170 m in bonds. Am trying to identify the buyer. Original news lead from
Ok. this is very fishy.
May 29: Malofeev turned back from border, 200bn RU injection into Srpska fails
June 24: Prospectus for bond placement in Austria created (!), as seen from document properties
June 28: Someone pays 168 m in auction to buy bonds. Of Srpska . It's been a while since I traded bonds, but pls help me, bankers: is it plausible buyer(s) would jump in on 4.75% RS bonds having had 2 days to review 17 page prospectus? The reason this is relevant is, if this was a block transaction (=pre-agreed b/n buyer and seller), then buyer would have to be linked to Malofeev, and that would be a very serious breach of EU sanctions.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
se ne boriš za transparentnost temveč nekaj drugega.
Saj se nagajanje hillary in transparentnost med seboj ne izključujeta. Don't shoot the messenger?
In the summer of 2016, as WikiLeaks was publishing documents from Democratic operatives allegedly obtained by Kremlin-directed hackers, Julian Assange turned down a large cache of documents related to the Russian government, according to chat messages and a source who provided the records.
Ja? In kateri dokumenti so bili to?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
Saj se nagajanje hillary in transparentnost med seboj ne izključujeta. Don't shoot the messenger?
Se. Wikileaks ideja je bila, da imajo anonimni dropbox za whistleblowereje, prejeto pa nato preverijo, obdelajo in spravijo v medije. Ko vire kontaktiraš z
"Imate kaj o tem in tem, da zadevo objavimo v najbolj (ne)prijetnem trenutku" si se oddrsal daleč od izvoza za transparentnost.
Ja? In kateri dokumenti so bili to?
Vse je na povezavi, menda ne smem preveč kopirat. Ampak okej.
In 2014, the BBC and other news outlets reported on the cache, which revealed details about Russian military and intelligence involvement in Ukraine. However, the information from that hack was less than half the data that later became available in 2016, when Assange turned it down.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Piše tudi, da je bil material že objavljen. Nato pa naj bi kasneje Assange-u poslali razširjeno verzijo (vsaj 2x več). Nikjer pa ne piše, kaj točno je bilo ono več. In to me zanima, da vidim, kaj konkretno so "zamolčali".
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
zmaugy ::
Za Trumpa je EU sovražnik. Glede na njegove izjave hujši od Rusije in Kitajske.
Ajde ZDA fenbojčki, kdaj smo se že pogovarjali o tem?
Ajde ZDA fenbojčki, kdaj smo se že pogovarjali o tem?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
vostok_1 ::
A to je že kdo postal?
Niste se zadnjič kregali ali bi lahko evropa se sama branila?
Hint: No fucking way.
Ne zgolj, da imamo nekoherentno, undermanned vojsko. Ne zgolj, da EU trenutno visi na nitki.
Predvsem zato, ker današnja zahodna evropa je polna soybojsev, ki bi ob prvem strelu porazbežali in se jokali.
Vojna ni za mehkonožce.
Niste se zadnjič kregali ali bi lahko evropa se sama branila?
Hint: No fucking way.
Ne zgolj, da imamo nekoherentno, undermanned vojsko. Ne zgolj, da EU trenutno visi na nitki.
Predvsem zato, ker današnja zahodna evropa je polna soybojsev, ki bi ob prvem strelu porazbežali in se jokali.
Vojna ni za mehkonožce.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
zmaugy ::
To, da rabimo ZDA za lastno varnost, je neodgovorno igranje z usodo in življenji Evropejcev, kot nam sedanjost lepo kaže.
Takoj ko EU ekonomsko pogleda čez ZDA, nam ZDA lahko na vse načine potegnejo "tepih izpod nog" - ekonomsko so to naredile leta 2008, zdaj to delajo znova, politično in vojaško pa so to naredile leta 2015 in delajo zdaj.
Sami smo odgovorni za svojo obrambo in Slovenija mora začeti pri sebi. Kot prvo s tem, da za obrambni resor ne postavimo neke barbike, ki nima pojma. Kot drugo da nehamo zmanjševati denar za obrambo. Kot tretje da nehamo spodkopavat lastno državo na vse možne načine - smo v Sloveniji, šibka Slovenija je v interesu zgolj izdajalcev in okupatorjev.
Kot tretje in nikakor ne zadnje pa je treba gojiti dobre odnose in sodelovanje s sosedi. Kar pomeni konec instigiranja sporov za potrebe notranje političnih obračunov. To pa je lažje dosegljivo ob dosezenih prvih dveh pogojih.
Slovenski politiki se naj vzamejo v roke, se zresnijo in začnejo pogovarjati, drugače smo vsi v riti. Življenje v izgnanstvu tudi za politike, ki spizdijo pravočasno in z nekaj denarja, ni pravljica. Tega bi se morali zavedati vsi.
Takoj ko EU ekonomsko pogleda čez ZDA, nam ZDA lahko na vse načine potegnejo "tepih izpod nog" - ekonomsko so to naredile leta 2008, zdaj to delajo znova, politično in vojaško pa so to naredile leta 2015 in delajo zdaj.
Sami smo odgovorni za svojo obrambo in Slovenija mora začeti pri sebi. Kot prvo s tem, da za obrambni resor ne postavimo neke barbike, ki nima pojma. Kot drugo da nehamo zmanjševati denar za obrambo. Kot tretje da nehamo spodkopavat lastno državo na vse možne načine - smo v Sloveniji, šibka Slovenija je v interesu zgolj izdajalcev in okupatorjev.
Kot tretje in nikakor ne zadnje pa je treba gojiti dobre odnose in sodelovanje s sosedi. Kar pomeni konec instigiranja sporov za potrebe notranje političnih obračunov. To pa je lažje dosegljivo ob dosezenih prvih dveh pogojih.
Slovenski politiki se naj vzamejo v roke, se zresnijo in začnejo pogovarjati, drugače smo vsi v riti. Življenje v izgnanstvu tudi za politike, ki spizdijo pravočasno in z nekaj denarja, ni pravljica. Tega bi se morali zavedati vsi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
gruntfürmich ::
Nimaš fakine veze o čem pišeš. Raje debatiram s petletnikom, kot pa s tabo.
Verjetno si mislil 3 letnike? Ker 5 letnik po mojem že pogrunta, da nabijaš.
Poldi, ti si naslednji revček na tem forumu. Brez vsebine, samo megla je od tebe.
Dogovor je bil 2% BDPja. Se tega držimo? NE, se ne.
bebasti raji ni jasno da se je dogovorov treba držati in jih spoštovati. to je tudi že trump pred volitvami govoril, da evropa plačuje premalo na NATO.
zdaj pa jok in stok in gnev... pa še prostovoljno se države vključujejo v NATO, tudi slovenija...
zdaj pa razumi ta bebast folk, ki se požvižga na lastne obljube. kako jih boš sploh resno jemal?
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
zmaugy ::
Dogovor in "obljuba" je bila, da se bojo članice do leta xyz poskušale približati 2 %. Kar je povsem neobvezujoče in se nima kdorkoli kaj za kurčit na to temo, lahko pa poskuša dogovor spremeniti na dostojen način. Ampak ja, kaj za pričakovat od primitivca, ki ZDA spreminja v vukojebino...?
Od tega do tega da je EU sovražnik ZDA je pa...?
Saj stvar je že leta očitna, samo EU bebcem in Amerikanofilčkom to ne potegne (Amerikanofilčki so morda zato plačani - vsaj nekateri). A jim bo potegnilo, ko bo sultan jurišal na Balkan in Putin na Baltik in bomo brez gat na riti...?
Od tega do tega da je EU sovražnik ZDA je pa...?
Saj stvar je že leta očitna, samo EU bebcem in Amerikanofilčkom to ne potegne (Amerikanofilčki so morda zato plačani - vsaj nekateri). A jim bo potegnilo, ko bo sultan jurišal na Balkan in Putin na Baltik in bomo brez gat na riti...?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
BigBong ::
Ampak ja, kaj za pričakovat od primitivca, ki ZDA spreminja v vukojebino...?
Kako vukojebino? A manjša brezposelnost pomeni da si večji šithol?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
zmaugy ::
To je proces. Traja nekaj časa, da pozitivne trende obrneš navzdol, ko bo ukinil demokracijo, kar je tudi proces, s katerim se zelo trudi, bo sledilo vse, kar temu običajno sledi. Počasi a sigurno.
Čez 10 - 15 let, ko bo oblast prevzel eden od otrok, bojo vsi ploskali napredku, kot na kakšnem partijskem kongresu v Severni Koreji.
In tudi "napredek" bo podoben.
Čez 10 - 15 let, ko bo oblast prevzel eden od otrok, bojo vsi ploskali napredku, kot na kakšnem partijskem kongresu v Severni Koreji.
In tudi "napredek" bo podoben.
BigBong ::
BigBong ::
zmaugy ::
Približno tako kot je Hitler delal v "dobrobit" Nemčije. Vsi vemo kako se je to končalo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
BigBong ::
Približno tako kot je Hitler delal v "dobrobit" Nemčije. Vsi vemo kako se je to končalo.
Zanimivo da se sedaj ponavlja popolnoma ista zgodba. S to razliko da imamo ljudje na voljo še kak medij več kot te ki se derejo kako jih Drumpf zatira ker jim ne dostavi pe-pe posnetka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Fritz ()
Poldi112 ::
Zanimivo. In katere so te reforme, ki so v dobrobit USA?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
BigBong ::
Zanimivo. In katere so te reforme, ki so v dobrobit USA?
Če jim grejo plače gor in se manjša brezposelnost, potem ne moreš trditi da so slabe?
Samo za vas komije so edine dobre reforme kjer sledi nadomestilo belcev z migranti bež barve. S tvojega vidika je Trump definitivno slab
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Fritz ()
zmaugy ::
Komur ne potegne, ko posluša pet minut Trumpovih neumnosti, da gre za šarlatana in prevaranta, ta naj kar lepo naprej študira na njegovi fakulteti, je njegove zrezke in nosi njegove kravate
... in se gre razne catch-the-cash sheme...
BigBong ::
Komur ne potegne, ko posluša pet minut Trumpovih neumnosti, da gre za šarlatana in prevaranta, ta naj kar lepo naprej študira na njegovi fakulteti, je njegove zrezke in nosi njegove kravate... in se gre razne catch-the-cash sheme...
Potem ti pa ne bo težko argumentirati, kjer ga boš z dokazi podbil.
Veš, nismo vsi tako visoko intelektuanalistični da bi spregledali. To je tvoja naloga, da nas poučiš o temu kako smo v zmoti.
Drumpf nas vodi ko ovce, zakaj ga ne ustaviš?
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Skripal (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 32852 (18601) | Pac-Man |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 268868 (228887) | OmegaBlue |