Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
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Mr.B ::
Pac je bil no bi moral biti govornik nekje v glavnem mestu amerik... ampak ker ni uradna oseba spada v kategorijo ljudi, kjub temu da so po uradni dolznosti morali iti v iran, prepovedali vstop...
But its obama not donny kriv za ta problem..
Citizens from 38 countries who had visited Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen would be prevented from entering the US. While the measure does not apply to government officials, Solana has withdrawn from his official duties since 2013.
But its obama not donny kriv za ta problem..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
zmaugy ::
Pac je bil no bi moral biti govornik nekje v glavnem mestu amerik... ampak ker ni uradna oseba spada v kategorijo ljudi, kjub temu da so po uradni dolznosti morali iti v iran, prepovedali vstop...
Citizens from 38 countries who had visited Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen would be prevented from entering the US. While the measure does not apply to government officials, Solana has withdrawn from his official duties since 2013.
But its obama not donny kriv za ta problem..
Za to pa obstajajo uradniki en nivo višje, ki ugotovijo, da bivšemu vodji NATO pakta pač ne bi bilo treba skozi vse te butaste procedure. To bi seveda držalo, če bi NATO pakt imel kakšen pomen ali smisel. Ker ga nima in ga zarukani Trumplek že ves čas hoče demontirat, je pač drugače in prav je tako, da tudi najvišja EU kasta na lastni koži občuti odnos ZDA do EU. Nothing beats personal experience.
Še enkrat bom pa rekel, da je za EU dobro, da so hillbillyi izvolili tega kretena na oblast, ker smo tako predčasno dobili nedvoumne signale - boljše kot da bi nam Hillary sporočila, da naj se jebemo takrat, ko bi imeli na svojih mejah kakšno z ameriškim orožjm opremljeno sovražno vojsko.
Pac-Man ::
Russian facial-search app FindFace is closing down. It's developers will focus on "providing services to government" instead. FindFace was one of the important tools online researchers used to identify Russian military deployed in Ukraine. The service was immensely popular and in fact, profitable. The only logical explanation for terminating this project is instruction by the government.
FindFace was one of the key apps we used to track down 12 Russian officers involved in the shelling of Mariupol.
Russian facial-search app FindFace is closing down. It's developers will focus on "providing services to government" instead. FindFace was one of the important tools online researchers used to identify Russian military deployed in Ukraine. The service was immensely popular and in fact, profitable. The only logical explanation for terminating this project is instruction by the government.
FindFace was one of the key apps we used to track down 12 Russian officers involved in the shelling of Mariupol.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
O paxi živjo, še vedno misliš da bo kdaj krim pristal nazaj v Ukrajinskih rokah ? Veš posle je le posel, tako da.. no ne skrbi..
Želim ti pa veliko sreče, ko boš naslednjič objavil prisluhe pogovorov dveh oseb, mi sporoči koliko čas se boš prosto sprehajal po sloveniji..
Želim ti pa veliko sreče, ko boš naslednjič objavil prisluhe pogovorov dveh oseb, mi sporoči koliko čas se boš prosto sprehajal po sloveniji..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
zmaugy ::
Ameriški novinarji se praskajo po glavi ob popolnoma norih izjavah Trumpleka, ki predlaga Macronu, naj Francija zapusti EU. Kdaj bomo rekli bobu bob in Trumpovim ZDA do EU in vseh nas v Evropi sovražna sila?
Smrekar1 ::
Ameriški novinarji se praskajo po glavi ob popolnoma norih izjavah Trumpleka, ki predlaga Macronu, naj Francija zapusti EU. Kdaj bomo rekli bobu bob in Trumpovim ZDA do EU in vseh nas v Evropi sovražna sila?
Preveč se oziraš nanj. Trumpa je potrebno ignorirati, to ga bo razjezilo in tudi škode ne bo več počel take.
Samo carine uperjene proti industrijam, ki bodo prizadele njegovo volilno bazo, inšpektorje vseh branž v njegove hotele in nobenih novic o njem. Ko pride na obisk nobenih množic, nobenih sprejemov, mogoče kak lokalni radijski novinar in to je to.
Po dveh mesecih takega tretmaja ga bo izdalo srce.
Smrekar1 ::
Trumpv 'dosežek' v Severni Koreji.
Last Thursday morning, the bombshell dropped: U.S. intelligence agencies now suspect that North Korea has gone back on its word and has expedited nuclear production. Citing the latest security briefings, officials say there is "unequivocal evidence" that North Korea is now "trying to deceive the U.S." with its nuclear program, an immediate reversal of all the assurances made at the Singapore summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump.
Best negotiatior ever!
Last Thursday morning, the bombshell dropped: U.S. intelligence agencies now suspect that North Korea has gone back on its word and has expedited nuclear production. Citing the latest security briefings, officials say there is "unequivocal evidence" that North Korea is now "trying to deceive the U.S." with its nuclear program, an immediate reversal of all the assurances made at the Singapore summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump.
Best negotiatior ever!
Zheegec ::
A man and woman found unconscious in Wiltshire were poisoned by Novichok - the same nerve agent that poisoned ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal, police say.
cca 10km stran od prejšnjega incidenta, ki se je zgodil nekaj mesecev nazaj. Novichok razpade v cca ~1 uri, če koga zanima.
There was "nothing in their background" to suggest the pair were targeted, the Met Police said.
cca 10km stran od prejšnjega incidenta, ki se je zgodil nekaj mesecev nazaj. Novichok razpade v cca ~1 uri, če koga zanima.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Mr.B ::
A man and woman found unconscious in Wiltshire were poisoned by Novichok - the same nerve agent that poisoned ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal, police say.sam sedaj bodo nasli ruske napise... al pa da sta ruska agenta ki sta zastrupila... pa sta se igrala...
There was "nothing in their background" to suggest the pair were targeted, the Met Police said.
cca 10km stran od prejšnjega incidenta, ki se je zgodil nekaj mesecev nazaj. Novichok razpade v cca ~1 uri, če koga zanima.
Tole je bbc-jev naslov..
Wiltshire pair poisoned by Novichok nerve agent
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Samuel ::
Trumpv 'dosežek' v Severni Koreji.
Last Thursday morning, the bombshell dropped: U.S. intelligence agencies now suspect that North Korea has gone back on its word and has expedited nuclear production. Citing the latest security briefings, officials say there is "unequivocal evidence" that North Korea is now "trying to deceive the U.S." with its nuclear program, an immediate reversal of all the assurances made at the Singapore summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump.
Best negotiatior ever!
Nepreverjeni viri, lažnivi podatki, satelitske slike, ki so nastale neznani dan etc etc.. FAKE news narrative in revčki na forumih, ki ne znajo preveriti ničesar.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Mr.B ::
Trumpv 'dosežek' v Severni Koreji.
Last Thursday morning, the bombshell dropped: U.S. intelligence agencies now suspect that North Korea has gone back on its word and has expedited nuclear production. Citing the latest security briefings, officials say there is "unequivocal evidence" that North Korea is now "trying to deceive the U.S." with its nuclear program, an immediate reversal of all the assurances made at the Singapore summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump.
Best negotiatior ever!
Nepreverjeni viri, lažnivi podatki, satelitske slike, ki so nastale neznani dan etc etc.. FAKE news narrative in revčki na forumih, ki ne znajo preveriti ničesar.
sorry , sej vem da ni foxi ...
A man and woman found unconscious in Wiltshire were poisoned by Novichok - the same nerve agent that poisoned ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal, police say.sam sedaj bodo nasli ruske napise... al pa da sta ruska agenta ki sta zastrupila... pa sta se igrala...
There was "nothing in their background" to suggest the pair were targeted, the Met Police said.
cca 10km stran od prejšnjega incidenta, ki se je zgodil nekaj mesecev nazaj. Novichok razpade v cca ~1 uri, če koga zanima.
Tole je bbc-jev naslov..
Wiltshire pair poisoned by Novichok nerve agent
se moram popraviti tako kot pri Trumpiju so za neumnost naroda krivi Rusi:
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
Samuel ::
sorry , sej vem da ni foxi ...
Saj vem, CNN zdaj kar naenkrat ni več zionističen medij, kne?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Mr.B ::
sorry , sej vem da ni foxi ...
Saj vem, CNN zdaj kar naenkrat ni več zionističen medij, kne?
Hm, mentalni doseg ti pa ni nekako visok.
Potem torej, če bi potrdil s satelitskimi posnetki »ps tudi v linku« potrdili tvoji viziji Trumpija, bi bil pa to anti zionistični medij. Al čak, no sej se še praskam po glavi, kaj si točno hotel povedati »CNN zdaj kar naenkrat ni več zionističen medij«, zagotovo nekaj s čemer se bom danes ko bom zapiral vrata, še celi dan ukvarjal s poizkusom razumevanja….
No čakamo še paxija.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
cca 10km stran od prejšnjega incidenta, ki se je zgodil nekaj mesecev nazaj. Novichok razpade v cca ~1 uri, če koga zanima.
Razpade tudi v manj kot sekundi, če so pogoji pravi - recimo 2 milijona stopinj Celzija, kot na površini Sonca.
V kakšnih pogojih razpade v 1 uri?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
joze67 ::
Težko reči, ker edino, kar vemo o tem strupu ali skupini strupov je, kar povedo britanske oblasti. To pa je:
O taki stvari razpravljati v smislu, "pod katerimi pogoji razpade v eni uri," je nesmiselno. V eni uri razpade v ustreznih pogojih, ki so znani posvečenim in niti niso fiksni.
- 10x močnejši od VX
- Ubije ob dotiku
- Ali kako drugače
- Ampak bo kar dotik, so našli na kljuki
- Torej potrebuje 5,6 ur za delovanje neodvisno od fizične pripravljenosti (spol, starost, teža, ...) tarče
- Deluje hitreje in manj močno, če si policist
- Se pa ne prenaša čez pribor, posodo, ... karkoli česar sta se dotaknila v 5h vandranja (samo policijski dotik je izvzet)
- Menda slabo obstojen na vlagi ("zato" so z vodo polivali celo traso)
- Ampak se pojavi par mesecev kasneje, zahvaljujoč suhi angleški klimi
- ...
O taki stvari razpravljati v smislu, "pod katerimi pogoji razpade v eni uri," je nesmiselno. V eni uri razpade v ustreznih pogojih, ki so znani posvečenim in niti niso fiksni.
Smrekar1 ::
Težko reči, ker edino, kar vemo o tem strupu ali skupini strupov je, kar povedo britanske oblasti. To pa je:
- 10x močnejši od VX
- Ubije ob dotiku
- Ali kako drugače
- Ampak bo kar dotik, so našli na kljuki
- Torej potrebuje 5,6 ur za delovanje neodvisno od fizične pripravljenosti (spol, starost, teža, ...) tarče
- Deluje hitreje in manj močno, če si policist
- Se pa ne prenaša čez pribor, posodo, ... karkoli česar sta se dotaknila v 5h vandranja (samo policijski dotik je izvzet)
- Menda slabo obstojen na vlagi ("zato" so z vodo polivali celo traso)
- Ampak se pojavi par mesecev kasneje, zahvaljujoč suhi angleški klimi
- ...
O taki stvari razpravljati v smislu, "pod katerimi pogoji razpade v eni uri," je nesmiselno. V eni uri razpade v ustreznih pogojih, ki so znani posvečenim in niti niso fiksni.
Večina zgoraj navedenih točk je precej normalnih bojni strup iz družine organofosfatov. Vzemimo denimo VX:
Zadeva je zelo šibko polarna, zato se topi v maščobah. To pomeni, da lahko prestopi kožo, kar traja nekaj ur.
Veš česa ne more prestopiti? Lateksa in nitrila.
Veš na kaj je še odporen? Na vodo. Čistiš ga z milnico. Velike količine vode ga sicer sperejo, ampak počasi, zelo, zelo počasi.
Mr.B ::
Težko reči, ker edino, kar vemo o tem strupu ali skupini strupov je, kar povedo britanske oblasti. To pa je:
- 10x močnejši od VX
- Ubije ob dotiku
- Ali kako drugače
- Ampak bo kar dotik, so našli na kljuki
- Torej potrebuje 5,6 ur za delovanje neodvisno od fizične pripravljenosti (spol, starost, teža, ...) tarče
- Deluje hitreje in manj močno, če si policist
- Se pa ne prenaša čez pribor, posodo, ... karkoli česar sta se dotaknila v 5h vandranja (samo policijski dotik je izvzet)
- Menda slabo obstojen na vlagi ("zato" so z vodo polivali celo traso)
- Ampak se pojavi par mesecev kasneje, zahvaljujoč suhi angleški klimi
- ...
O taki stvari razpravljati v smislu, "pod katerimi pogoji razpade v eni uri," je nesmiselno. V eni uri razpade v ustreznih pogojih, ki so znani posvečenim in niti niso fiksni.
Večina zgoraj navedenih točk je precej normalnih bojni strup iz družine organofosfatov. Vzemimo denimo VX:
Zadeva je zelo šibko polarna, zato se topi v maščobah. To pomeni, da lahko prestopi kožo, kar traja nekaj ur.
Veš česa ne more prestopiti? Lateksa in nitrila.
Veš na kaj je še odporen? Na vodo. Čistiš ga z milnico. Velike količine vode ga sicer sperejo, ampak počasi, zelo, zelo počasi.
nazadnje so kazali agleške policiste brez rokavic, ako so bili in stali pred hišo... Tole je že smešno ker razen če nsio odpirali kakšnih zaprtih kanistrov s cirilico, zadeva ne mre biti tako trdoživa da bi na protem ostala .... Ampak je pustimo se presenetiti... z zgodbo financiranja rusov v brexit kampanijo, že videno, je potrebno nači način kako narod prepričat, tistih nekaj procentov za ponovni brexit...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
nazadnje so kazali agleške policiste brez rokavic, ako so bili in stali pred hišo...
Organofosfati (sarin, ciklosarin, tabun, soman, VX, RVX, Novičok in kopica drugih) so olja, ne plini. Če se niso dotikali ničesar kontaminiranega se jim ni imelo kaj zgoditi.
Tole je že smešno ker razen če nsio odpirali kakšnih zaprtih kanistrov s cirilico, zadeva ne mre biti tako trdoživa da bi na protem ostala ....
Glavna taktična uporaba organofosfatov ni v tem, da zastrupiš sovražne vojake. To je dobrodošel bonus, glavni način uporabe je, da zagiftaš določeno območje, ki je zaradi kontaminacije potem za sovražnika neuporabno še tedne in mesece. Taktična uporaba je podobna minskim poljem, ne topništvu.
Klor, pruska kislina in podobno imajo drugačne lastnosti, tisto je primerno za npr. čiščenje bunkerjev in strelskih jarkov pred naskokom. Organofosfati za kaj takega niso primerni.
Ampak je pustimo se presenetiti... z zgodbo financiranja rusov v brexit kampanijo, že videno, je potrebno nači način kako narod prepričat, tistih nekaj procentov za ponovni brexit...
To so že storili.
Skripala so zastrupili približno na koncu grafa, leto dni po tem ko se je javno mnenje obrnilo proti Brexitu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Mr.B ::
Ne razumem, če trdiš da lahko ostane aktiven recimo 3 mesece ? potem je uporaba nesmiselna, ker moraü potem okolico sterilizirati. Torej je bolj humano okolico sterilizirati že na zažetku, in opraviti s tistim ostankom ki bi prezivel..
Organofosfati (sarin, ciklosarin, tabun, soman, VX, RVX, Novičok in kopica drugih) so olja, ne plini. Če se niso dotikali ničesar kontaminiranega se jim ni imelo kaj zgoditi.
Tole je že smešno ker razen če nsio odpirali kakšnih zaprtih kanistrov s cirilico, zadeva ne mre biti tako trdoživa da bi na protem ostala ....
Glavna taktična uporaba organofosfatov ni v tem, da zastrupiš sovražne vojake. To je dobrodošel bonus, glavni način uporabe je, da zagiftaš določeno območje, ki je zaradi kontaminacije potem za sovražnika neuporabno še tedne in mesece. Taktična uporaba je podobna minskim poljem, ne topništvu.
Klor, pruska kislina in podobno imajo drugačne lastnosti, tisto je primerno za npr. čiščenje bunkerjev in strelskih jarkov pred naskokom. Organofosfati za kaj takega niso primerni.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Ne razumem, če trdiš da lahko ostane aktiven recimo 3 mesece ?
Aktiven ostane dalj časa, odvisno od marisčesa, med drugim tudi vremena.
potem je uporaba nesmiselna, ker moraü potem okolico sterilizirati.
Zakaj sterelizirati? Gre za kemikalijo, ne biološki agens. Uporaba je še kako smiselna.
Area denial weapon @ Wikipedia
Poglej kaj je podano kot moderen primer.
nsa_ag3nt ::
Butec in butec II, glavna vlogi imata Boris in Tereza.
Pac-Man ::
Spet mnenje.
It occurs to me that many Americans don't understand why it's a problem to work for Russia Today, thinking that objections to the network are all the product of Russophobia spurred by Trump's “collusion,” and so on. Here are my thoughts.
I used to lament that people in the West wouldn't talk to RT, believing that this deprived us of important cross-cultural dialogue and set a bad “media blacklisting” precedent. Surely we shouldn't turn on backs on opportunity for engagement? After all, Russia Today's reporting in the U.S. is thoroughly anti-establishment, and everyone knows how partisan and godawful network/cable news is in America. Who cares who's funding the whole monster, right?
I didn't start seeing things differently until I got to know some of the Russian journalists forced out in the December 2013 liquidation of RIA Novosti and creation of Rossiya Segodnya. This was a watershed moment. It killed Russia's nascent independent public media. Russia Today isn't just “active measures” and lousy reporting — it's part of a cancer that did enormous damage to Russian journalism, spreading corruption, chasing away talent, and setting back the whole profession.
Talk to someone like @Alexey__Kovalev, or read this interview and try to understand what RT's significance is in the country where it actually wields influence.
Here's what I wish more Americans understood: Russia Today isn't dog shit because it's a threat to your democratic sovereignty. It's dog shit because it's part of the Kremlin's campaign against good journalism in Russia.
It occurs to me that many Americans don't understand why it's a problem to work for Russia Today, thinking that objections to the network are all the product of Russophobia spurred by Trump's “collusion,” and so on. Here are my thoughts.
I used to lament that people in the West wouldn't talk to RT, believing that this deprived us of important cross-cultural dialogue and set a bad “media blacklisting” precedent. Surely we shouldn't turn on backs on opportunity for engagement? After all, Russia Today's reporting in the U.S. is thoroughly anti-establishment, and everyone knows how partisan and godawful network/cable news is in America. Who cares who's funding the whole monster, right?
I didn't start seeing things differently until I got to know some of the Russian journalists forced out in the December 2013 liquidation of RIA Novosti and creation of Rossiya Segodnya. This was a watershed moment. It killed Russia's nascent independent public media. Russia Today isn't just “active measures” and lousy reporting — it's part of a cancer that did enormous damage to Russian journalism, spreading corruption, chasing away talent, and setting back the whole profession.
Talk to someone like @Alexey__Kovalev, or read this interview and try to understand what RT's significance is in the country where it actually wields influence.
Here's what I wish more Americans understood: Russia Today isn't dog shit because it's a threat to your democratic sovereignty. It's dog shit because it's part of the Kremlin's campaign against good journalism in Russia.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Spet mnenje.
It occurs to me that many Americans don't understand why it's a problem to work for Russia Today, thinking that objections to the network are all the product of Russophobia spurred by Trump's “collusion,” and so on. Here are my thoughts.
I used to lament that people in the West wouldn't talk to RT, believing that this deprived us of important cross-cultural dialogue and set a bad “media blacklisting” precedent. Surely we shouldn't turn on backs on opportunity for engagement? After all, Russia Today's reporting in the U.S. is thoroughly anti-establishment, and everyone knows how partisan and godawful network/cable news is in America. Who cares who's funding the whole monster, right?
I didn't start seeing things differently until I got to know some of the Russian journalists forced out in the December 2013 liquidation of RIA Novosti and creation of Rossiya Segodnya. This was a watershed moment. It killed Russia's nascent independent public media. Russia Today isn't just “active measures” and lousy reporting — it's part of a cancer that did enormous damage to Russian journalism, spreading corruption, chasing away talent, and setting back the whole profession.
Talk to someone like @Alexey__Kovalev, or read this interview and try to understand what RT's significance is in the country where it actually wields influence.
Here's what I wish more Americans understood: Russia Today isn't dog shit because it's a threat to your democratic sovereignty. It's dog shit because it's part of the Kremlin's campaign against good journalism in Russia.
potem nebi bilo takih vsebin...
Ukraine parliament proudly displays 1941 independence act pledging allegiance to Hitler
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
7tom1ja ::
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
Pac-Man ::
Standing room only at the Amesbury public meeting to answer residents’ questions on the nerve agent investigation. Senior figures here from local emergency services, public health, council, the MP, and MET police. I’ll be tweeting updates on this thread
MET's Asst Commissioner Neil Basu, head of counter-terrorism: "Dawn's loss will be felt very deeply in this community. This is murder, we know it is murder". Goes on to say there's NO evidence Dawn or Charlie visited any of the sites which had been decontaminated in March
He also tells the meeting there are 100 counter-terror officers working around the clock on this case. The bus they traveled on has been recovered, but showed no trace of the nerve agent. A transit van is still undergoing tests.
Paul Cosford from @PHE_uk: "the single most important piece of advice at the moment: people in Amesbury & Salisbury that nobody should pick up any foreign objects which could have contained liquid or gel... If you didn't drop it, don't pick it up". But overall risk low.
Some of the public questions & answers...
Q: Was it a gas, liquid or powder? A: definitely liquid
Q: What if it got thrown away & is in landfill? A: relatively safe but will take 50 yrs to degrade if still sealed
Q: Could there be more than 1 container? A: yes, it's possible
Asst Comm Neil Basu on why the forensic search takes so long: this week it has been 40 degrees in the forensic tents, before even putting the suits on when gets much hotter. Teams can only take 15 mins before dangerously overheating (was six hours in March temperatures!)
Standing room only at the Amesbury public meeting to answer residents’ questions on the nerve agent investigation. Senior figures here from local emergency services, public health, council, the MP, and MET police. I’ll be tweeting updates on this thread
MET's Asst Commissioner Neil Basu, head of counter-terrorism: "Dawn's loss will be felt very deeply in this community. This is murder, we know it is murder". Goes on to say there's NO evidence Dawn or Charlie visited any of the sites which had been decontaminated in March
He also tells the meeting there are 100 counter-terror officers working around the clock on this case. The bus they traveled on has been recovered, but showed no trace of the nerve agent. A transit van is still undergoing tests.
Paul Cosford from @PHE_uk: "the single most important piece of advice at the moment: people in Amesbury & Salisbury that nobody should pick up any foreign objects which could have contained liquid or gel... If you didn't drop it, don't pick it up". But overall risk low.
Some of the public questions & answers...
Q: Was it a gas, liquid or powder? A: definitely liquid
Q: What if it got thrown away & is in landfill? A: relatively safe but will take 50 yrs to degrade if still sealed
Q: Could there be more than 1 container? A: yes, it's possible
Asst Comm Neil Basu on why the forensic search takes so long: this week it has been 40 degrees in the forensic tents, before even putting the suits on when gets much hotter. Teams can only take 15 mins before dangerously overheating (was six hours in March temperatures!)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Standing room only at the Amesbury public meeting to answer residents’ questions on the nerve agent investigation. Senior figures here from local emergency services, public health, council, the MP, and MET police. I’ll be tweeting updates on this thread
MET's Asst Commissioner Neil Basu, head of counter-terrorism: "Dawn's loss will be felt very deeply in this community. This is murder, we know it is murder". Goes on to say there's NO evidence Dawn or Charlie visited any of the sites which had been decontaminated in March
He also tells the meeting there are 100 counter-terror officers working around the clock on this case. The bus they traveled on has been recovered, but showed no trace of the nerve agent. A transit van is still undergoing tests.
Paul Cosford from @PHE_uk: "the single most important piece of advice at the moment: people in Amesbury & Salisbury that nobody should pick up any foreign objects which could have contained liquid or gel... If you didn't drop it, don't pick it up". But overall risk low.
Some of the public questions & answers...
Q: Was it a gas, liquid or powder? A: definitely liquid
Q: What if it got thrown away & is in landfill? A: relatively safe but will take 50 yrs to degrade if still sealed
Q: Could there be more than 1 container? A: yes, it's possible
Asst Comm Neil Basu on why the forensic search takes so long: this week it has been 40 degrees in the forensic tents, before even putting the suits on when gets much hotter. Teams can only take 15 mins before dangerously overheating (was six hours in March temperatures!)
Itak je znano že od prvega napada, da Rusija nima nič zzdraven.
Pac-Man ::
Gre za sovjetski tank KV-2, ki ga je 29. junija 1941 pri Dubnem uničila napisana nemška enota. Na zapuščen tank so ukrajinski nacionalisti nalepili Heil Hitler/Slava Ukrajini list, ki so ga Švabi kasneje strgali dol.
Zakaj bi teden po začetku Operacije Barbarossa ukrajinski nacionalisti slavili Hitlerja in sovražili SZ? Ne vem, morda zato:
Dubno @ Wikipedia
Retaken by Poland in 1918 and finally granted to that state in the Peace of Riga
In 1937, its population was app. 15,500, out of which Jews made 45%, Ukrainians 29%, and Poles 26%.
Occupied by the Soviet Union following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, it was subject to harsh policies of the NKVD. The uncompleted prison was taken over by the NKVD in December 1939 and was used for political prisoners from all parts of Soviet-annexed Poland. Between 1500 and 3000 prisoners were kept there in harsh conditions, with new inmates arriving after the previous ones were successively transported to Gulag and other Soviet prisons. In 1940 most of the local Poles were arrested and resettled to various Soviet Gulags and prisons throughout the USSR. In 1941, following the outbreak of Soviet-German War, on June 24 and June 25, 1941, approximately 550 prisoners of the Dubno prison were executed by the withdrawing NKVD while only 8 of them survived. About that time in the vicinity of the town (and around Lutsk and Brody) a large tank battle was fought. In the Battle of Brody (1941) the German 1st Panzer Group under Ewald von Kleist managed to break the counter-attack by Soviet 9th and 19th Mechanized Corps, and 8th Mechanized Corps.
Ampak dajmo jokat o lažnih novicah. Kontekst šteje.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
7tom1ja ::
aha, se pravi, da "slava ukrajini" le ima nekaj z nacizmom; ne tako kot to trdi sedaj ukrajinska vlada, da je ta izraz enak "God save the queen" he he
Mimogrede ali so bili ukrajinski pazniki v koncentracijskih taboriščih tudi vsi iz Dubna ?
Mimogrede ali so bili ukrajinski pazniki v koncentracijskih taboriščih tudi vsi iz Dubna ?
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()
Pac-Man ::
Ruski diplomati so PNGjani še v Grčiji. Zaradi Makedonije.
The Greek government has decided to expel two Russian diplomats, and ban the entry into Greece of two more
Through monetary rewards they are trying to influence municipalities, metropolitans in the Greek Orthodox hierarchy, and to gain influence in Mount Athos.
They point to the effort by Russia to intervene in a sensitive domestic issue like the agreement between Greece and FYROM over the name, and by doing so negatively affect Greece's role in the Balkans.
The Greek government has decided to expel two Russian diplomats, and ban the entry into Greece of two more
Through monetary rewards they are trying to influence municipalities, metropolitans in the Greek Orthodox hierarchy, and to gain influence in Mount Athos.
They point to the effort by Russia to intervene in a sensitive domestic issue like the agreement between Greece and FYROM over the name, and by doing so negatively affect Greece's role in the Balkans.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
windigo ::
Slišim, da se bo NATO na tem srečanju preimenoval v NAGO. Northamerican Arms, Gas and Oil.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: windigo ()
zmaugy ::
Ma naj že tega primitivnega pavijana dajo na njegov avion in pošljejo k Putinu. Pa status PNG naj dobi v EU, primitivno govedo eno.
Dejmo it ven iz pofukanga NATO pakta, ali pa še boljše, izključimo to opico in njegovo državo ven.
Dejmo it ven iz pofukanga NATO pakta, ali pa še boljše, izključimo to opico in njegovo državo ven.
Mr.B ::
Ma naj že tega primitivnega pavijana dajo na njegov avion in pošljejo k Putinu. Pa status PNG naj dobi v EU, primitivno govedo eno.
Dejmo it ven iz pofukanga NATO pakta, ali pa še boljše, izključimo to opico in njegovo državo ven.
Država od opice prispeva največ... Raje naj EU ustanovi svojo vojsko, Britanija bo pa itak z Opico ostala..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
SimplyMiha ::
Ta primitivni pavijan dela točno to, za kar je bil izvoljen in plačan. Kaj? Ste mislili, da predsednik ZDA dela za svoje ljudstvo? Če pod "ljudstvo" mislite močne lobije, potem imate prav!
zmaugy ::
Ma naj že tega primitivnega pavijana dajo na njegov avion in pošljejo k Putinu. Pa status PNG naj dobi v EU, primitivno govedo eno.
Dejmo it ven iz pofukanga NATO pakta, ali pa še boljše, izključimo to opico in njegovo državo ven.
Država od opice prispeva največ... Raje naj EU ustanovi svojo vojsko, Britanija bo pa itak z Opico ostala..
Država od opice se je skregala z vsemi zaveznicami. Mislim da je to odlična priložnost, da se NATO zmanjša za eno članico ali pa da se jih vsak suspendira, dokler se ne prilagodijo demokratičnim standardom razvitega in civiliziranega sveta.
Senat je kravjeku dal popotnico:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
zmaugy ::
Tukaj, klofuta senata Duceju pred njegovimi sestanki z NATO, UK in Putinom. Po mojem imajo vsi oranžne roke od sredstva za umetno porjavitev:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
7tom1ja ::
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
zmaugy ::
Kje ste zdaj amerikanofilčki, ki ste se pred kakšnim letom smejali trditvam, da se bi lahko EU in ZDA razšli in da so ZDA sovražniki EU? Vse je potihnilo, a se čaka na navodila iz bivše CTK?
Good riddance. Lepšega darila nam pavijan ne bi mogel dati. Imamo NATO, ameriške kadre je treba pometat ven in se oborožiti z orožjem in opremo EU proizvajalcev (nemškimi tanki, eurofighterji, ...).
Zapret vse ameriške baze v EU in pognat ameriško bando ven.
Morda bi Kanada hotela ostat notri, ven je treba fuknit še Turke, notri povabiti Srbe in se nehat kregat z Rusi. Morda se povezat tudi s Kitajci, Indijci, Avstralci.
Pavijan in njegovi hillbillyi pa naj se derejo iz svojega drevesa čez Atlantik.
Good riddance. Lepšega darila nam pavijan ne bi mogel dati. Imamo NATO, ameriške kadre je treba pometat ven in se oborožiti z orožjem in opremo EU proizvajalcev (nemškimi tanki, eurofighterji, ...).
Zapret vse ameriške baze v EU in pognat ameriško bando ven.
Morda bi Kanada hotela ostat notri, ven je treba fuknit še Turke, notri povabiti Srbe in se nehat kregat z Rusi. Morda se povezat tudi s Kitajci, Indijci, Avstralci.
Pavijan in njegovi hillbillyi pa naj se derejo iz svojega drevesa čez Atlantik.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Poldi112 ::
Veliko sreče pri prepričevanju Poljske in Baltskih držav. :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
Samuel ::
Kje ste zdaj amerikanofilčki, ki ste se pred kakšnim letom smejali trditvam, da se bi lahko EU in ZDA razšli in da so ZDA sovražniki EU? Vse je potihnilo, a se čaka na navodila iz bivše CTK?
Good riddance. Lepšega darila nam pavijan ne bi mogel dati. Imamo NATO, ameriške kadre je treba pometat ven in se oborožiti z orožjem in opremo EU proizvajalcev (nemškimi tanki, eurofighterji, ...).
Zapret vse ameriške baze v EU in pognat ameriško bando ven.
Morda bi Kanada hotela ostat notri, ven je treba fuknit še Turke, notri povabiti Srbe in se nehat kregat z Rusi. Morda se povezat tudi s Kitajci, Indijci, Avstralci.
Pavijan in njegovi hillbillyi pa naj se derejo iz svojega drevesa čez Atlantik.
Kaj enega dreka se nabere na forumu, samo kakšen teden me ni.
Zmaugy je prešaltal na MSNBC, na ta drugo plačano trobilo Demokratov. Nič novega...
Pravilno, da gredo Američani iz NATA. V NATU so države, ki nočejo plačevati za obrambo toliko, kot smo podpisali ob pristopni izjavi (to je 2% BDP).
Slovenija je mislim da nekje izpod enega procenta. Saj vsi vemo, da v kolikor pride do kakšne večje pizdarije, bodo že Američani poskrbeli za obrambo.
In zakaj naj bi Američani to plačevali? Kaj pa imajo od tega? Prav nič nimajo. Samo en kup stroškov. Celo to se piše, da so Američani naši okupatorji, ja. WTF!?
Trumpu je to jasno. Tebi Zmaugy pa ni.
In ko bo prva večja pizdarija v Evropi in Američani ne bodo hoteli posredovati (spomnimo se samo Bosne, kaj je počela Evropa), potem bodo takšne pezdetine kot ti Zmaugy prve spizdile iz Evrope.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
zmaugy ::
Ameriška peta kolona se je oglasila. Nič pametnega, kot vedno. Americans don't send us their best people...
Pac-Man ::
popolna slika, sam še Paco manjka![]()
Pa dajmo. Citiram s povezave:
These are just examples of what flags people were carrying during the Maidan coup in Ukraine: (just do a Google Search and you will find thousands more):
ex 1:
1) Fotomontaža. Original: 2) Fotografija ni z majdana (dec-feb), ampak deluje jesenska, morda zgodnjepomladanska.
ex 2:
Najde se jo v tem članku iz Kyiv Posta, datiranem marec 2010
s pripisom
A youth with his face painted with the colors of the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) carries a portrait of Stepan Bandera, the founder of the UPA, during an ultra-nationalist march in Kyiv on Oct. 14, 2009.
Spet fake news pa to.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Samuel ::
Ameriška peta kolona se je oglasila. Nič pametnega, kot vedno. Americans don't send us their best people...
Nimaš fakine veze o čem pišeš. Raje debatiram s petletnikom, kot pa s tabo.
German army problems 'dramatically bad', report says
"Germany spent EUR37bn ($45bn; ?33) in 2017 on defence - about 1.2% of GDP, well short of the Nato target of 2%."
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()
Truga ::
Ze 1.2% se mi zdi nekam veliko. Americani majo 3.5% pa so totalni vojnonorci, nemci pa samo 3x manj? zaskrbljujoce.
Poldi112 ::
Nimaš fakine veze o čem pišeš. Raje debatiram s petletnikom, kot pa s tabo.
Verjetno si mislil 3 letnike? Ker 5 letnik po mojem že pogrunta, da nabijaš.
Lahko pa razložiš, kakšen smisel ima, da mi plačujemo za ameriški imperij?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
Samuel ::
Nimaš fakine veze o čem pišeš. Raje debatiram s petletnikom, kot pa s tabo.
Verjetno si mislil 3 letnike? Ker 5 letnik po mojem že pogrunta, da nabijaš.
Poldi, ti si naslednji revček na tem forumu. Brez vsebine, samo megla je od tebe.
Dogovor je bil 2% BDPja. Se tega držimo? NE, se ne.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Poldi112 ::
Dogovor je očitno fleksibilen. Sicer bi nas že vrgli ven, skupaj z večino ostalih. Sorry, pač nismo militarističen narod, tako kot USA. Tako da nimamo potrebe po taki vojski. Škoda sredstev.
Mimgrede, kako kaj napreduje naša vojna proti terorju? A je že kakšna ocena, kdaj bomo zmagali, oz. je to sploh planirano?
Mimgrede, kako kaj napreduje naša vojna proti terorju? A je že kakšna ocena, kdaj bomo zmagali, oz. je to sploh planirano?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
Mr.B ::
popolna slika, sam še Paco manjka![]()
Pa dajmo. Citiram s povezave:
These are just examples of what flags people were carrying during the Maidan coup in Ukraine: (just do a Google Search and you will find thousands more):
ex 1:
1) Fotomontaža. Original: 2) Fotografija ni z majdana (dec-feb), ampak deluje jesenska, morda zgodnjepomladanska.
ex 2:
Najde se jo v tem članku iz Kyiv Posta, datiranem marec 2010
s pripisom
A youth with his face painted with the colors of the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) carries a portrait of Stepan Bandera, the founder of the UPA, during an ultra-nationalist march in Kyiv on Oct. 14, 2009.
Spet fake news pa to.
Paxi preden pišeš in linkaš bedarije, ti pomagam let me google that for you : ukraine does not want to distance itself from Nazism
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
zmaugy ::
Ameriška peta kolona se je oglasila. Nič pametnega, kot vedno. Americans don't send us their best people...
Nimaš fakine veze o čem pišeš. Raje debatiram s petletnikom, kot pa s tabo.
German army problems 'dramatically bad', report says
"Germany spent EUR37bn ($45bn; ?33) in 2017 on defence - about 1.2% of GDP, well short of the Nato target of 2%."
V glavnem, 97 ameriških senatorjev se ne strinja s pavijanom (in tabo). Tako da je jasno, kdo nima pojma.
PS: Normalno da rajši debatiraš s petletnikom kot z mano, to je vedno tako z vrstniki.
PPS: Kot rečeno, Americans don't send us their best people...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Samuel ::
Dogovor je očitno fleksibilen. Sicer bi nas že vrgli ven, skupaj z večino ostalih. Sorry, pač nismo militarističen narod, tako kot USA. Tako da nimamo potrebe po taki vojski. Škoda sredstev.
Mimgrede, kako kaj napreduje naša vojna proti terorju? A je že kakšna ocena, kdaj bomo zmagali, oz. je to sploh planirano?
Poldek, Evropa se ne drži dogovora. Njena obramba sloni na Američanih. Trump tega več noče plačevat. To je zelo na kratko. Petletnik to zastopi. Zmaugy pač ne.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Skripal (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 32785 (18534) | Pac-Man |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 268328 (228347) | OmegaBlue |