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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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Pac-Man ::

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Konkurenca in domača proizvodnja silita Gazprom (Rusijo) v nižanje cen. Prostor za to imajo, ampak pred tem ni bilo potrebe.

Za info: Rusija izvozi v Evropo okrog 100 bcm plina/leto.

The Iberian Peninsula is considered an “island market” with poor interconnection to the rest of Europe, so the delivery of US LNG into the region is not likely to be seen as a sign that it will take hold in the wider European market.

Spain has an annual LNG regasification capacity of 43 million mt/year (59 Bcm/year) at its six LNG terminals.


There is evidence that the pricing elements of long-term contracts with the likes of Gazprom and Sonatrach have been tinkered with to incentivize buyers to take more pipeline gas into Europe. There could also be seller-nominated gas flowing to European hubs.

Russia clearly does have the option to undercut the US LNG price to ensure it keeps its share of its key European markets and could flood the market with cheap gas, maximizing revenues and cash flow at a time when producers worldwide are suffering from the impact of such low prices.

S&P Global Ratings in a July credit update said it expected Gazprom to cut prices to its European customers. “We assume Gazprom will have to provide discounts to its European customers to compete with supplies from other geographies,” it said.


Algeria also proved a number of naysayers wrong in 2016, boosting its gas exports despite concern over whether it would be capable amid crushingly low prices and rampant domestic demand growth.

According to data from Platts Analytics, Algeria exported a total of just over 49 Bcm of gas and LNG in 2016, well up on the previous year’s 37 Bcm.

This was broken down into 18 Bcm of pipeline gas to Italy, 16 Bcm of pipeline gas to Spain (with some flowing onward to Portugal) and 15 Bcm of LNG exports.


Industry officials believe Gazprom is almost certainly headed down the market share defense route in a bid to stave off US competition.

Russia – like Saudi Arabia in oil – is the only country with significant spare production capacity, estimated at 170 Bcm/year, so Moscow can take a strategic view.

It has flexibility on the volumes it can export, and also flexibility on the prices it charges its customers given how low its production costs are. This dual flexibility puts Gazprom in an enviable position.

A move by Russia to maximize European exports seems increasingly likely, not least as Moscow begins to quietly suggest that its future gas supplies to China may not be as big as previously expected and its LNG export projects face renewed delays.


And it is not just in Western Europe where Gazprom has shown signs of becoming increasingly competitive – in Romania there could also be a market share battle underway. Russian imports have regularly been cheaper than domestic production in 2016, which has led Romania to import significant volumes of Russian gas, especially since the summer.

Romania’s energy regulator ANRE said last year that the country could completely eliminate Russian gas imports in 2016 because its domestic production was able to meet its falling demand.

But if Russian contract prices to Romania fall below the price of local output, then Russian gas again becomes the logical choice.

So with Europe firmly in Russia sights, the key question is how Gazprom continues to respond to the startup of US LNG.

Gazprom’s reaction to Lithuania’s move to import LNG at the end of 2014 – offering a discount of 23% on pipeline gas supplies – is evidence that Russia does not want to
give up its market share. And Russia has also discounted supplies to Ukraine in the recent past to try to make its price competitive with European gas now that Kiev can import gas
from the west.

Clearly there is much to gain by having the optionality that Lithuania, Ukraine and now Poland – with its brand new LNG import facility – have.

For Russia, the key is that it can afford to cut prices to its European customers – like Saudi Arabia with oil, Russia has among the lowest gas production costs in the world.


Russia could face competition from other new sources of gas too, albeit mostly targeting markets in southeast Europe.

The huge volumes of gas discovered in the East Mediterranean could find their way to Europe, and then there are Iran and Iraq – two countries with vast gas reserves but not much in the way of export infrastructure yet.

Iran has plans to send 30-35 Bcm/year to Europe and Turkey after 2020, while a pipeline with 20 Bcm/year capacity will link the northern Iraqi region of Kurdistan to Turkey and Europe by around the same time.

And Azerbaijan can also offer optionality to southern Europe once the Shah Deniz 2/TANAP/TAP integrated gas projects come on stream toward the end of the decade.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Legitimnost je vprašljiva, ampak takle mamo.


A Belarusian escort with close ties to a powerful Russian oligarch said from behind bars in Bangkok on Monday that she had more than 16 hours of audio recordings that could help shed light on Russian meddling in United States elections.


“If America gives me protection, I will tell everything I know,” Ms. Vashukevich said on Monday. “I am afraid to go back to Russia. Some strange things can happen.”


In the interview at the immigration center on Monday, Ms. Vashukevich said that she had often recorded conversations between Mr. Deripaska and his associates, and that she had 16 to 18 hours of recordings, including conversations about the United States presidential election.

“They were discussing elections,” she said. “Deripaska had a plan about elections.”

But, she added, “I can’t tell you everything.”

Some of the conversations were with three people who spoke English fluently and who she thought were Americans, she said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pospravljanje izdajalcev je še vedno v modi, saj jih ni nihče po prstih.


A man who is critically ill after being exposed to an unknown substance in Wiltshire is a Russian national convicted of spying for Britain, the BBC understands.
Sergei Skripal, who is 66, was granted refuge in the UK following a "spy swap" between the US and Russia in 2010.


He and a woman, aged in her 30s, are both in intensive care at Salisbury District Hospital.
A number of locations in the city centre were cordoned off and the A&E department was closed as teams in full protective gear used hoses to decontaminate the street.


One female eyewitness told the BBC it looked like the two people had taken "something quite strong".
She said: "On the bench there was a couple, an older guy and a younger girl. She was sort of leant in on him, it looked like she had passed out maybe.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

Super prispevek.
In to dokazuje... kaj?

Pac-Man ::

Trumplandia je šla totalno cray cray. Shiz be like


The poisoned Russian.
The escort with tapes.
The second dossier and a Russian preferred Secretary of State.
The hotel ripped of its name.
The friend willing to go to jail.
The lawyer waiting for a porn payment reimbursement.


Things Sam Nunberg said on TV:

-Carter Page colluded with Russia
-Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting in advance
-Mueller may have something on Trump.
-Trump bodyguard told him Emin Agalarov offered to send women to Trump's Moscow hotel room in 2013

Za več poglej zadnjih par ur tvitov na

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Vazelin ::


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Pac-Man ::



Russia's Patriarch Kirill attended Bulgaria's 140 anniversary of its liberation from Ottoman rule.
Now the Patriarch is very upset as Bulgaria's president "thanked all nationalities in the Russian empire's army" for their contribution. Says should have been "Russia" only.


“I was very aggrieved by the fact that, according to (Bulgarian) state representatives’ official rhetoric, Poland, Lithuania and Finland had played almost the same role as Russia,” Kirill said on Sunday at the end of a three-day visit to Bulgaria.

During the solemn celebrations Bulgarian President Rumen Radev expressed the highest respect for Kirill’s participation, saying Bulgarians honour the memory of “every warrior who fought in the Russian army under Tsar Alexander II’s flag and died for Bulgarian freedom, regardless of his nationality.”


“No political correctness can justify a false historical interpretation,” said Kirill, adding that Russian regiments stationed in countries such as Finland and Poland took part in the war.

“Neither the Polish Sejm (the country’s lower chamber of parliament), nor the Lithuanian Sejm took the decision to start the war,” said the head the influential Church, resurgent since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.

“The brightest page of my visit is related to Shipka - we did not see either Finnish or Polish flags. We saw only the flags of Russia and the flags of Bulgaria, and ... the enthusiasm of Bulgarian people.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

Samantha Power je že obtožila Ruse za zmago desnega centra v Italiji.

Smrekar1 ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Samantha Power je že obtožila Ruse za zmago desnega centra v Italiji.

Desnega centra?


Povezave z desničarskimi teroristi so zate centristična zadeva?

Pac-Man ::

"Influenced by" je daleč od obtožiti za zmago.


Italy’s joins long list of elections influenced by Russia. Sputnik will do what Sputnik does. The question is: what are our democracies going to do about it? Will voters repudiate candidates who seek to benefit from Russian interference?

Ima prav, tvit je komentar na


According to an analysis of 1,055,774 posts from 98,191 social media profiles to which EL PAÍS has had access, a network of anti-immigration and anti-NGO activists has been sharing links of stories published mostly by Sputnik, a media organization owned by the Russian government and operating in Italian among other languages, in order to propagate a false image of Italy.


A few examples of stories run by Sputnik include: “In 2065, quota immigrants in Italy could exceed 40% of the total population,” and “Migrant chaos, the beginning of a social war.”


The Russian misinformation networks used the same pattern in this case as in the past: questionable sources, biased experts and sensationalist headlines that were shared by tens of thousands of accounts with the goal of making the content viral and amplifying the perceived problem.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


Was having tea with a Russian ex secret service officer today. Asked him for opinion on who's behind Nastya's shenanigans:
"Every little Kremlin turret is playing their own game against other turrets. Foreign victims are collateral damage. Objective truth is almost unknowable"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

"Influenced by" je daleč od obtožiti za zmago.


Italy’s joins long list of elections influenced by Russia. Sputnik will do what Sputnik does. The question is: what are our democracies going to do about it? Will voters repudiate candidates who seek to benefit from Russian interference?

Ima prav, tvit je komentar na


According to an analysis of 1,055,774 posts from 98,191 social media profiles to which EL PAÍS has had access, a network of anti-immigration and anti-NGO activists has been sharing links of stories published mostly by Sputnik, a media organization owned by the Russian government and operating in Italian among other languages, in order to propagate a false image of Italy.


A few examples of stories run by Sputnik include: “In 2065, quota immigrants in Italy could exceed 40% of the total population,” and “Migrant chaos, the beginning of a social war.”


The Russian misinformation networks used the same pattern in this case as in the past: questionable sources, biased experts and sensationalist headlines that were shared by tens of thousands of accounts with the goal of making the content viral and amplifying the perceived problem.

A ti to resno lepiš Tvite Samanthe Powers ???? :))

Ona vidi Ruse 24 ur na dan še ko gre spat sanja o Rusih.

Itak pa vemo, da so Rusi krivi za ameriške volitve, za Francoske, Za angleške, Za italjanske za Brexit, za TEŠ 6 za potres v Italiji pred 1 letom za poplave v Sloveniji 10 let nazaj...

Cervantes ::

Rusi so res od hudiča.
Ameri so pa angels.

Pac-Man ::

Omiljeni ruski politik v Italiji je Matteo Salvini.

Matteo Salvini iz Severne Lige, ki niso ravno ljubitelji slovenske manjšine.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Omiljeni ruski politik v Italiji je Matteo Salvini.

Matteo Salvini iz Severne Lige, ki niso ravno ljubitelji slovenske manjšine.



V Italiji bodo imeli v senatu prvega temnopoltega senatorja in to v stranki LIGA





Kar se pa tiče manjšin pa je povsod enako v vseh državah.


Je pa dobra novica, da se Liga in 5 zvezd zavzemajo za končanje sankij za rusijo katere so uvedli Američani


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ADIJOOO1 ()

Smrekar1 ::

Razlika med NATO in Rusijo.


Rusija načrtno bombardira civiliste in potem zanika vpletenost ter poskuša incident podtakniti ZDA.
ZDA bombardira ISIS, ki uporablja človeške ščite in se opraviči za žrtve.

Kako gre to skupaj z ruskimi pravljicami tudi vemo.


Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Razlika med NATO in Rusijo.


Rusija načrtno bombardira civiliste in potem zanika vpletenost ter poskuša incident podtakniti ZDA.
ZDA bombardira ISIS, ki uporablja človeške ščite in se opraviči za žrtve.

Kako gre to skupaj z ruskimi pravljicami tudi vemo.

Samo prebral sem UN pa nehal. FAKE NEWS

Itak pa že vemo, da so rusi krivi za vse tudi za kolero, AIDS, če Etna eruptuira bo zaradi Ruskih hekerjev... vemo vemo rusija je kriva za vse tudi zato, da sonce ne sije več tako kot je včasih in, da beli nosorogi izumirajo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ADIJOOO1 ()

Smrekar1 ::

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

Samo prebral sem UN pa nehal. FAKE NEWS

Zanimivo. Torej po tvoje ZDA niso zadele civilistov? Kul.

Pac-Man ::

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

Kul, strica Toma imajo. Si se vprašal zakaj ga potrebujejo?

Sam sem bilj ciljal na stvari kot


Severna liga je dvignila vik in krik zaradi novinarske konference o fojbah in dnevu spominjanja, ki jo v poslanski zbornici za danes napoveduje poslanka Sinistra italiana (Italijanska levica) Serena Pellegrino. Ligaše ne moti toliko vsebina srečanja kolikor dejstvo, da bo na njem, poleg raziskovalca Davideja Contija, govorila furlanska zgodovinarka in založnica Alessandra Kersevan. Za ligaše je nedopustno, da bo o tem vprašanju govorila zgodovinarka, »ki zanika fojbe, eksodus Italijanov iz Istre in vse tragedije na italijanski vzhodni meji.«


»Matteo Salvini je dobrodošel v petek na fojbi pri Bazovici, kjer bomo počastili dan spominjanja za fojbe in na eksodus Italijanov iz Istre.« Vodji Severne lige je dobrodošlico zaželel predsednik ezulskega združenja Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia (ANVGD) Renzo Codarin, ki obžaluje, da na petkovi osrednji prireditvi na fojbi ne bo najvišjih predstavnikov italijanske države.


Slovenija naj ne vstopi v Evropo sama, ampak skupaj z ostalimi južnoslovanskimi republikami. To je stališče tržaške Severne lige, ki ga je v nedeljo objavil dnevnik Trieste oggi.


Volilna zmaga v severni Italiji je opogumila tudi Severno ligo v Furlaniji-Julijski krajini. Njen deželni tajnik Pietro Fontanini sedaj računa na veliko evro ali makroregijo, ki naj bi segala od Bavarske do Lombardije. V tem projektu bosta Slovenija in Hrvaška igrali vse bolj marginalno vlogo, je prepričan Fontanini, ki je tudi predsednik videmske pokrajinske uprave.


Spričo postavljanja slovenske ograje na meji s Hrvaško in pričakovane postavitve avstrijske ograje na meji s Slovenijo se je oglasila do priseljencev sovražna italijanska stranka Severna liga. Boji se, da Italiji sedaj grozi “invazija beguncev” in zahteva, da se ograja zgradi tudi na meji v Furlaniji-Julijski krajini.


Praktično vsi begunci, ki v Slovenijo prihajajo iz Hrvaške, sicer pot nadaljujejo naprej v Avstrijo in proti Italiji se odpravi le malokdo. A v skrajno desni in ksenofobni Severni ligi očitno domnevajo, da se bo to spričo ograj na mejah sosednjih držav spremenilo in terjajo “svojo” ograjo.


Spodletela potegavščina senatorja Severne lige Massima Bitoncija, ki je hotel z državnimi prispevki za slovensko manjšino razpisati referendum za neodvisnost Veneta, ni imela nobenega odmeva na italijanski politični sceni. Pač pa je sprožila nekaj polemik v Venetu.


»Za vas je slovenska manjšina očitno pomembnejša od usode Veneta,« je jezno dejal senator Severne lige, čigar predlog, če ga lahko tako sploh imenujemo, so v senatu podprli le njegovi privrženci, vsi ostali na desnici in levici pa so glasovali proti.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

Kul, strica Toma imajo. Si se vprašal zakaj ga potrebujejo?

Vprašaj italjane, ki so ga volili. Pač Salvini hoče poskrbeti za Italjane in zavarovati meje kot vsak normalen politik ni izvoljen zato, da bo lezel Američanom v rit ali gledal kaj je prav sosednjim državam.
Italija first
Tako kot bi morala biti Slovenija first

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

Samo prebral sem UN pa nehal. FAKE NEWS

Zanimivo. Torej po tvoje ZDA niso zadele civilistov? Kul.

UN ni kredibilen vir.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ADIJOOO1 ()

Pac-Man ::

Troli so na vsak način poskušali ustvariti rasne nemire.


In new 1.5 hour "film" interview, Putin says "I am not disappointed in @realDonaldTrump ...I am disappointed in the US system. It's unpredictable. It's difficult to do deals with them"

Among other gems in the movie, Putin says "USA cheated me with Ukraine in an unprecedented way.,.They called me to ask that I intervene and prevent Yanukovich from using lethal force...and several days later, a coup happened. They didn't even call me to apologize"

..and for dessert, says "there was never Russian army presence in Ukraine"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac man,
na malo bolj relevanten info, ker res ne vem kako se v tvoji glavi povezae Nato & Rusija z dedicirano temo o Ukrajini, ti že veš..

We cannot see how the European Union, friends, and allies in Nato, can be a threat to national security in the US," she said.

...in Ekonomija 101 : root cause of the problem with steel and aluminium is "global overcapacity" propped up by "massive state subsidies... under non-market conditions.........

Pac -ma podobni, to ni izjavil ne Ruski domoljubec..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Nova runda - Navalni vs. Šuvalov in postsovjetska arhitektura. Angleški podnapisi, 10 minut.

Igor Shuvalov @ Wikipedia

Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov (born 4 January 1967) is a Russian lawyer and politician. Since May 2012 he has served as First Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's Cabinet. Previously, he served in the same capacity in Vladimir Putin's Second Cabinet.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Globoka o Skripalu


Serious Q: If Russia did it, at what point do we legally have to consider World Cup tickets, advertising, participation, as sponsorship of chemical terrorism?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::

Seriously: IF.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Globoka o Skripalu


Serious Q: If Russia did it, at what point do we legally have to consider World Cup tickets, advertising, participation, as sponsorship of chemical terrorism?

Smrekar1 ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Seriously: IF.


Bivšega ruskega izdajalca in njegovo hči so zastrupili z živčnim strupom. Kdo od preostalih, ki so imeli motiv za se ga znebiti, ima dostop do živčnih strupov? Glede na to, da je skupila tudi hči smo razne žene in podobno že izključili, mafija tudi nima dostopa do živčnih strupov.

Pac-man ima kar prav, obisk svetovnega prvenstva je postalo enakovredno financiranju terorizma.

Cervantes ::

Meni pa to deluje kot kristalno jasen setup.
Ja, država ima dostop do živčnih strupov.
Samo katera?
Povezava s fuzbalom je na mestu.
Prvenstvo, ki bi lahko Rusijo malce de-demoniziralo, je treba na vsak način onemogočiti.

Sploh, tile strupi, zanimivo...
Zaplinili so Assada.
Zaplinili so Kima.
Zaplinili tega Dvojnega.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Povezava s fuzbalom je na mestu.
Prvenstvo, ki bi lahko Rusijo malce de-demoniziralo, je treba na vsak način onemogočiti.

Misliš tako kot Soči?

Ruski nogometni navijači so tudi precej slavni.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Transliteriran naslov na RIA Novosti, mislim da se razume


"Koziy yazyk ne ponimayu": v Donbasse voditel' avtobusa otkazalsya govorit' po-ukrainski

če ne:

"I do not understand Goat": the bus driver refused to speak Ukrainian in Donbass

To je bilo okrog Mariupola, v delu pod nadzorom vlade.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


Olga Litvinenko spent the summer of 1997 as a teenager at her father's dacha outside St. Petersburg. But it wasn't your usual summer of mushroom hunting and firing up the samovar.

She says she spent the summer helping her father, Vladimir Litvinenko, the newly installed rector of the National Mineral Resources University, write a candidate's dissertation for a political up-and-comer, Vladimir Putin.


Despite her background, Olga Litvinenko has been a harsh critic of Putin and of her father for several years. She lives in Poland and has charged that her father is keeping her 8-year-old daughter, Ester-Maria Litvinenko, unlawfully. For his part, Vladimir Litvinenko has filed a police report that Olga was kidnapped.

In January, a St. Petersburg court annulled Olga's passport, a move she says her father arranged to prevent her from returning to Russia.


Vladimir Litvinenko, who has been dubbed "the richest rector in Russia," became rector of the National Mineral Resources University (also called the St. Petersburg Mining University) in 1994. He owns nearly 15 percent of the PhosAgro phosphate-mining company, which was once partly owned by dispossessed former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and is worth at least $850 million.


Putin insider and CEO of state-owned Rosneft Igor Sechin got his degree from the National Mining University in 1998. Former Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, a longtime Putin associate who is now chairman of Gazprom's board, got his degree from the university in 2000.

Olga Litvinenko says an entire "criminal group" was formed that included professors, lecturers, and scientists tasked with producing the dissertations and pushing them through the defense process.


In addition to his academic work and business interests, Vladimir Litvinenko was the St. Petersburg head of Putin's presidential campaign in 2000, 2004, and 2012. This year, he is one of four local co-chairmen.

Ko diktoriraš iz ekonomije na rudarskem inštitutu. Uradna biografija:


His career rise was rapid. In March 1997, he was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office and Chief of Main Control Directorate. Busy with work as he was, he still found time to defend his doctoral thesis on economics at the St Petersburg State Mining Institute.

Brookings je precej očitno zgrešil letnico.


According to official sources, Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a degree of candidate of economic science (incorrectly described on the English-language version of his website as a “Ph.D in economics”), awarded by the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1996. Putin never actually attended the institute, however, and the topic of the dissertation he submitted and defended was one in which he had no previous background.

Saint Petersburg Mining University @ Wikipedia

The Saint Petersburg Mining University (Russian: Санкт-Петербургский горный университет), is Russia's oldest technical university,[2] and one of the oldest technical colleges in Europe. It was founded on October 21, 1773, by Empress Catherine the Great, who realised an idea proposed by Peter the Great and Mikhail Lomonosov for training engineers for the mining and metals industries.


The university was renamed the Saint-Petersburg State Mining University in 2011, and, after merging with the North-West Open Technical University in 2012, it was known as the National Mineral Resources University. The university was renamed the Saint Petersburg Mining University in 2016.


Vladimir Litvinenko, who has been rector since 1994 and has close links to Vladimir Putin, who defended his doctoral thesis at the institute in 1996. Litvinenko oversaw Putin's work, which is alleged to include significant amounts of plagiarism and is speculated perhaps to have not even been written by Putin (i.e. that he paid somebody to write it for him). Litvinenko has been criticised for not spotting the plagiarism.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Od kategoričnega zanikanja smo prišli do "in kaj potem" ter "Kremelj nima nič s tem". Precej natančno sledi krimskemu scenariju.


President Vladimir Putin said in an interview released Friday that he "couldn't care less" if fellow Russian citizens sought to meddle in the 2016 US presidential election, insisting such efforts could not be tied to the Kremlin.

"Why have you decided the Russian authorities, myself included, gave anybody permission to do this?" Putin asked in the often-combative interview with NBC television.


"So what if they're Russians?" Putin said of the allegations.

"There are 146 million Russians. So what?... I don't care. I couldn't care less... They do not represent the interests of the Russian state."


"It's not our goal to interfere. We do not see what goal we would accomplish by interfering. There's no goal," Putin said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::

Rusija je div s malim penisom, a Hrvati joj se uporno dive

JEDNA slika, 1000 riječi. Ova karta prikazuje rusku ekonomiju lociranu na zapadnom, europskom prostoru; nominalni BDP Rusije iznosi otprilike 1,4 trilijuna dolara, što je jednako otprilike ekonomiji Nizozemske i Belgije.

Pametni Rusi otvoreno kritiziraju Rusiju

Rusija je ustvari veliki div s malim pimpekom. 140 milijuna ljudi produktivno je u istoj mjeri kao 30-ak milijuna Nizozemca i Belgijanca, a stvarnost postaje još šokantnija kad usporedite veličinu teritorijalnih područja, pa samim time i geopolitički potencijal. Ovo je otprilike kao da vi imate ragbijsko igralište na kojem cijela vaša familija proizvodi 3 vreće krumpira, dok vaš susjed ima metar kvadratne zemlje te sam proizvodi 16 vreća krumpira.

Pametan Rus osjeća sram kad se suoči s ovom činjenicom, no za sram je potrebna poniznost, a budući da je većina Slavena nacionalistički nastrojena (naročito Balkanci i Rusi), umjesto poniznosti su u stanju iskazati isključivo ponos, pa će tako većina Rusa i dalje ponosno veličati svoje nakaradne režime svih vrsta i oblika, dok će ona manjina - kao što je primjerice Gari Kasparov - ponizno priznati greške svoje države i otvoreno je kritizirati pritom priznajući istinu koju mnogi nemaju hrabrosti priznati - zapad je stoljećima ispred ostatka svijeta, ma koliko god pljuvačke malodušnih kritičara pokušale osporiti njegov ugled.

Zašto Rusija toliko zaostaje za zapadom?

Razlozi su, prije svega, povijesni; Rusi su stoljećima bili pod apsolutističkim carističkim režimom, te su od malih nogu odgajani da je car doslovce Kristov namjesnik na zemlji, pa samim time i ličnost lišena odgovornosti pred zakonom. Rečenicu koju je izrekao francuski kralj Luj XIV. ,,Država, to sam ja" bila je formula po kojoj se ponašala većina apsolutističkih monarha, a ruski nisu bili iznimka u tom pravilu. No, dok su francuski revolucionari svoju monarhiju zamijenili idealima prosvjetiteljstva (među koje se uklapa i ideja ekonomskih sloboda), 100 godina kasnije ruski su revolucionari svoju monarhiju srušili i zamijenili ideologijom komunizma.

Jedina razlika između Lenjinovog i Staljinovog rukovođenja državnim aparatom bio je broj žrtava, no metode su bile identične; planska ekonomija bez privatnog vlasništva pa samim time i koncepta osobne odgovornosti, snažna partijsko-administrativna uloga u društvu, kreiranje neprohodne birokracije i logora za neistomišljenike, ideja kolektiva ispred pojedinca te brisanje - dakako, silom ili milom - bilo kakvih idejnih natruha o demokraciji, transparentnosti i slobodi.

Stoljeće kolektivizma ostavilo je svoje tragove na mentalitetu ruskog naroda, na sličan način na koji je stoljeće kolektivizma ostavilo tragove i na mentalitetu našeg naroda. Također, sličan scenarij koji je zadesio Rusiju - moglo bi se čak reći i identični, samo na većoj razini - zadesio je i Hrvatsku. Raspadom komunizma bivši partijci koji su još '89. poslušno služili režimu, '91. su postali velike Hrvatine i katolici, a iznenadno nacionalno i vjersko osvještenje doživjeli su i sovjetski političari. Ono što je nekoć predstavljao Franjo Tuđman u hrvatskom polupredsjedničkom modelu danas predstavlja Vladimir Putin u ruskom polupredsjedničkom modelu; na papiru nema diktature, no zna se tko je na vlasti, na papiru višestranačnost, no zna se koja je stranka vladajuća, na papiru nema kulta ličnosti, no mora se znati koga je dragi Bog poslao da spasi narod, na papiru postoji sloboda govora, no zna se kako završavaju kritičari režima. Drugim riječima, sve što stoji na papiru, na papiru i ostaje.

Bivši KGB-ov špijun kao spasitelj nacije

Bivši KGB-ov špijun je tako postao dominantna ikona konzervativno-pravoslavene post-komunističke ruske revolucije koja ima za cilj osloboditi ,,ujedinjenu Rusiju" od ,,zapadnih imperijalista", no pitanje koje se zaista nameće je sljedeće; kako to da Vladimir Putin ima toliko obožavatelja i na zapadu? Što to toliko imponira prosječnom čovjeku rođenom na zapadu da svog političkog idola vidi u čovjeku koji je stvorio zemlju u kojoj je od homoseksualca opasnije biti jedino novinar?

Rusija, taj kulturološki div, ta zemlja Dostojevskog, Turgenjeva i Tolstoja, danas je po indeksu slobode medija rangirana na 148. mjestu, i to od 179 zemalja u kojima se provode istraživanja, što znači da je Rusija blizu samog začelja. Dok se navedeni velikani pisane riječi okreću u grobu, razmislite o sljedećem: u kojoj je mjeri važna sloboda medija u građanskom društvu može se vidjeti i na primjeru Indexa. Koliko je puta ulogu koja bi trebala pripadati represivnim i pravosudnim organima odigralo istraživačko novinarstvo? Posljedica manjka slobode govora je manjak novinara s profesionalnim i moralnim impulsom koji reagiraju na negativne pojave u svom društvu, pa tako po indeksu percepcije korupcije Rusija također ostvaruje poražavajuće rezultate; nalazi se na 137. mjestu, a Lijepa Naša - općenito poznata po korumpiranosti - nalazi se na 55. mjestu. Drugim riječima, Rusija je duplo korumpiranija država od Hrvatske. Stoljeće gušenja političkih i ekonomskih sloboda ostavilo je rana i na današnju, autokratsku Rusiju; nalazi se na 107. mjestu na rangu ekonomskih sloboda. Jedino žalosnije od navedenih poražavajućih činjenica jest ta da postoje ljudi koji su genetskom privilegiranošću rođeni na zapadu, a veličaju Putinov režim.

Zapad je daleko najbolje mjesto za život

Ako zapadnu zemlju definiramo kao parlamentarnu demokraciju pristojnog životnog standarda u kojoj svaki čovjek ima političke i ekonomske slobode te temeljna građanska prava, onda se za Putina zaista može reći da je oslobodio Rusiju od ,,zapadnih imperijalista koji nameću zapadne vrijednosti". Cijeli svijet treba težiti zapadnjačkim vrijednostima, pa tako i mi, jer unatoč svoj količini neospornih mana, zapad je i dalje statistički daleko najpogodnije mjesto za život. Bez zapadnjačke kulture, znanosti, umjetnosti i ekonomije čovječanstvo bi bilo daleko nazadnije, primitivnije i uzaludnije. Ako postoje Slaveni na koje se trebamo ugledati, to su onda Poljaci i Česi, koji su doslovce spremni instinktivno ispraviti turiste koji njihove zemlje nazovu "istočnoeuropskima" umjesto "zapadnima". I dobro je da ih vrijeđa kad ih ne svrstate u zapad; tako se ponašaju osobe s ispravnim vrijednostima, prije svega moralnim, a tek onda političkim.

Prosječan Hrvat obožava Putina, a posao traži u Njemačkoj ili Americi

Svi Putini, Kim Jong-unovi, Chavezi, Miloševići i ko-sve-ne mrze zapad zbog istog razloga zbog kojeg vi mrzite svog susjeda koji ima veću kuću, bolji auto i ljepšu ženu od vas; jednostavno zato što je - bolji od vas. Budite zahvalni što ste rođeni u zemlji koja barem pokušava ličiti na zapad iako je od zapadnjačkih ideala itekako udaljena jer, ako vi ne pokažete zahvalnost, budite sigurni da će vaša djeca biti zahvalna zapadu u kojem će raditi i živjeli dostojanstvenim životnim standardom. Ma koliko god se prosječan Hrvat izdrkavao na Putina, taj isti Hrvat traži posao u Njemačkoj, Irskoj, Velikoj Britaniji, Australiji, Švedskoj, Kanadi ili Americi. Nemojmo pljuvati po ruci koja nas hrani.

Savršen primjer licemjerstva iz prakse predstavljaju Srbi, poznati po svojoj bratskoj ljubavi s Rusijom koliko i po svojoj otvorenoj mržnji prema Americi. Znate li koliko Srba živi u Rusiji? Nešto manje od 5000. Znate li koliko Srba živi u Americi? Preko 200,000.

Treba li išta više reći?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

pa saj znamo samo što nije enako kot Kina. Pa ti to sve znaš.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Avtor je imel v 90ih v lasti rusko radio postajo oz. njih mrežo.


You send letter to Putin saying you want to see beautiful women in Moscow. Then in Moscow you get offered to have beautiful women sent to your room. Chances you snubbed offer with "oh but we don't do such things"? Pretty close to zero.
To clarify: I'm not saying he accepted the offer. I am saying Keith Schiller's version of events "we just laughed it off" is implausible. You don't get out of such offer by oligarchs THAT easily. Basically you must pretend you're dead-drunk or gay. (spoken from experience, and I have no idea what my exit would be if I had written to my host's President that I'm looking forward to seeing beautiful women)

Seriously...just imagine Putin's first thought when the hand-written part of the letter was reported to him. (...the one right after "what an idiot")
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

pa saj znamo samo što nije enako kot Kina. Pa ti to sve znaš.

Savršen primjer licemjerstva iz prakse predstavljaju Srbi, poznati po svojoj bratskoj ljubavi s Rusijom koliko i po svojoj otvorenoj mržnji prema Americi. Znate li koliko Srba živi u Rusiji? Nešto manje od 5000. Znate li koliko Srba živi u Americi? Preko 200,000.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::


Remember how an Obama aide said they "choked," in dealing with Russian inference? Here are some more details, and they are ugly. "`Stand down': How the Obama team blew the response to Russian meddling'

Infuriated by the US hacking & election meddling Victoria Nuland proposed to publicly disclose Putin's daughter secret accounts in Latvian banks, facts on Putin's money in Russian internet resources, mistresses of Russian senior officials.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

BBC o volitvah in Sobčakovi, 19 minut. Za nestrpne je najbolj zanimiv del kaka minuta ali dve po 7:00.

In avstralski film o protestih v Sankt Peterburgu na putinov 65. rojstni dan. 44 minut.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man ,
če ti misliš da so volitve v ameriki kaj drugega kot šov, potm si res lol.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Je Trump proti vsem pričakovanjem zmagal?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Vazelin ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Pac-Man ,
če ti misliš da so volitve v ameriki kaj drugega kot šov, potm si res lol.

Rus je dal zapreti edinega resnega tekmeca. Mal razlike pa je kajne:))

Cervantes ::

Navalni resni tekmec?
Ti se zresni.
Soroš troll.

Vazelin ::

zgleda je resen, če se Tsar usral a ne?:)) No, vsaj v očeh Tsarja je zgleda predstavljal alternativo

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Je Trump proti vsem pričakovanjem zmagal?

Ej bo bolje ce recem : Sej v piranu je tut crnec zmagal.

Al si sposoben resne debate, ker me res zanima, kaj si ti , ki navajas samo kao verodostojne vire predstavljas z +- nekaj procentov " vsemi pricakovanji".
Morda bi moral pogledati tisti dokumentarec, ki sem ga vceraj prilepil, no v celoti.

Vazelin je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Pac-Man ,
če ti misliš da so volitve v ameriki kaj drugega kot šov, potm si res lol.

Rus je dal zapreti edinega resnega tekmeca. Mal razlike pa je kajne:))

Hm, glede na to da pluralnost Slovenskih medijev strmoglavlja, bi ti dav primer JJ, ampak vem da nebi razumel sarkazma.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Mr.B ()

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Lahko pogledaš 2. video, o protestu, @ 31:30. Organizirali so ga v parku marsovo polje. In ravno takrat, v soboto ob 6ih zvečer, so komunalci začeli z renovacijami. Kdo tu koga farba?

Medtem imaš v ZDA nov PAC, ki postavlja politično nekorektne jumbo panoje.


Trumpu bodo nabili "Impeachment Now" direktno na ruti iz letališča do Mar-a-laga.

Ampak ne more nič, čeprav bi to zagotovo rad preprečil.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Bi pote raje debatiral o tem, da so bile volitve v ZDA, kot sam praviš, toss-up, v Rusiji pa sistem eliminira vsakega konkurenta Groznemu Vladimirju?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Bi pote raje debatiral o tem, da so bile volitve v ZDA, kot sam praviš, toss-up, v Rusiji pa sistem eliminira vsakega konkurenta Groznemu Vladimirju?

Hm razmišljam o odgovoru, ki bi bil na nivoju, ki bi ka ti razumel. Morda ko Trumpi govori o Alienih, hoče prehiteti
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
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