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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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7tom1ja ::

ej Pac, kaj bo bi si ti odprl sam eno temo; samo smetiš s proamero twiter linki, ki jih noben ne gleda, povej svojim delodajalcem da "quantity is not quality"
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Smrekar1 ::

Rusko gospodarstvo ima novo težavico: kitajsko orožje je dovolj dobro, da tekmuje z ruskim in edina izvozna panoga, ki je v Rusiji vsaj za silo razvita in ki ni primarni sektor, se zna sesesti v prah.


D3m ::

Glej da posesaš svoj prah v hiši, da ne boš preveč se z drugimi sekiral.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Sputnik je f.ed.


The FBI recently questioned a former White House correspondent for Sputnik, the Russian-government-funded news agency, as part of an investigation into whether it is acting as an undeclared propaganda arm of the Kremlin in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

As part of the probe, Yahoo News has learned, the bureau has obtained a thumb drive containing thousands of internal Sputnik emails and documents — material that could potentially help prosecutors build a case that the news agency played a role in the Russian government “influence campaign” that was waged during last year’s presidential election and, in the view of U.S. intelligence officials, is still ongoing.


The investigation appears to center on whether Sputnik should be covered by the foreign agents registration law, a 1938 act passed by Congress to combat Nazi propaganda. The law mandates that foreign entities seeking to influence American public opinion and engage in lobbying must file detailed reports with the Justice Department on their funding and operations. If the Justice Department concludes that Sputnik is covered by the law, its executives in the U.S. could face criminal charges and fines, while the news agency’s reports would have to be explicitly labeled as foreign propaganda rather than presented as news.

There is an exemption under the law for media organizations that engage in legitimate news-gathering activity. But Feinberg, the former Sputnik reporter, said the FBI agent and Justice prosecutor who interviewed him focused their questions on how Sputnik determined what stories it would cover, where its directions came from and what he knew about its sources of funding.

Pac-Man ::



At polling station no. 333 in the Russian city of Vladikavkaz, Reuters reporters only counted 256 voters casting their ballots in a regional election on Sunday.


When the official results for polling station no. 333 were declared, the turnout was first given as 1,331 before being revised up to 1,867 on Tuesday. That is more than seven times higher than the number of voters counted by Reuters - with 73 percent of the votes going to United Russia, the party of President Vladimir Putin.

Election officials at the polling station said their tally was correct and there were no discrepancies.

Reuters reporters were there when the polls opened at 08:00 until after the official count had been completed. They saw one man, who said he was a United Russia election observer, approaching the ballot box multiple times and each time putting inside voting papers.

“We must ensure 85 percent for United Russia. Otherwise, the Tsar will stop providing us with money,” the man, Sergei Lyutikov, told a reporter, in an apparent reference to Putin.


Reuters reporters observed the vote at six polling stations on Sunday. At all six the reporters found discrepancies, of varying sizes, between the official vote tally and the number of voters the reporters counted.

The reporters were present for the entire voting day except for in one place where a reporter missed the start because they were initially not allowed in.

Pac-Man ::


Russia Sought A Broad Reset With Trump, Secret Document Shows

In the third month of Donald Trump’s presidency, Vladimir Putin dispatched one of his diplomats to the State Department to deliver a bold proposition: The full normalization of relations between the United States and Russia across all major branches of government.

The proposal, spelled out in a detailed document obtained by BuzzFeed News, called for the wholesale restoration of diplomatic, military and intelligence channels severed between the two countries after Russia’s military interventions in Ukraine and Syria.

The broad scope of the Kremlin’s reset plan came with an ambitious launch date: immediately.


“It just ignores everything that caused the relationship to deteriorate and pretends that the election interference and the Ukraine crisis never happened,” said Angela Stent, a former national intelligence officer on Russia during the George W. Bush administration who also reviewed the document.


In pushing its reset plan, Moscow seemed to underestimate the political blowback the Trump administration would face if it carried out a large scale rapprochement amid high-profile investigations by the FBI and Congress into allegations of collusion with Russia.

“Putin doesn’t seem to understand that Trump’s powers are not the same as his,” said Steven Pifer, a Russia expert at the Brookings Institution. “The checks and balances, the special prosecutor and congressional investigations have tied Trump’s hands in ways that didn’t occur to Putin.”


“When the Russians submitted this proposal, they were under the impression that Trump would do what he said he would do: Make a deal with Putin and normalize relations,” said Stent, who is also director of Eurasian studies at Georgetown University.

“That’s a reflection of the way their own system works,” she said. “If Putin wants something done, the Duma is compliant, the Ministry of Defense is compliant. But in the US, a lot of these things aren’t in the purview of the White House even if you have a president who is inclined.”

Samuel ::

ZDA ter Rusija bi morali biti naravni zaveznici proti Kitajski. Tako pa je Ukrajina ter ruska proti NATO retorika vse skupaj zakomplicirala. Kitajska bo pojedla Rusijo v 20-30ih letih. Dobesedno.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Samuel ::

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Smrekar1 ::

Samuel je izjavil:

ZDA ter Rusija bi morali biti naravni zaveznici proti Kitajski. Tako pa je Ukrajina ter ruska proti NATO retorika vse skupaj zakomplicirala. Kitajska bo pojedla Rusijo v 20-30ih letih. Dobesedno.

Točno tako. Rusijo bo njihov tretji rajh še drago stal.

Pac-Man ::

Tole je pa praktičen primer ruskega astroturfinga na FB.


Purged Facebook Page Tied to the Kremlin Spread Anti-Immigrant Bile

 Posts taken from “Secured Borders,” a Kremlin-tied Facebook page that posed as an American activist group and spread provocative anti-immigrant messages.

Posts taken from “Secured Borders,” a Kremlin-tied Facebook page that posed as an American activist group and spread provocative anti-immigrant messages.


A report by the Russian media outlet RBC last March, however, identified the Secured Borders page as the work of the Internet Research Agency, a St. Petersburg firm that employs hundreds of so-called trolls to post material in support of Russian government policies. A Facebook official confirmed that Secured Borders was removed in the purge of Russian fakes.

The Secured Borders page, a search for archived images shows, spent months posing as an American activist group and spreading provocative messages on Facebook calling immigrants “scum” and “freeloaders,” linking refugees to crime and praising President Trump’s tough line on immigration. The page attracted more than 133,000 followers before it was shut down.

Pac-Man ::

Navalnijev ekspoze poslov in "poslov" okrog Čajke, ruskega vrhovnega tožilca. 2015, 40 min, angleški podnapisi, kvalitetna produkcija. Priporočam ogled na to dolgočasno soboto.

Čisti gangsterland.

habibi ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


A mi kot šiptar lahko zaupaš kdaj boste gangstalbanci nehali delati kriminal na obali?

Ali je kaj v Šiptarskem DNAju, da niste sposobni obstoja drugače kot s kriminalom? Pa še statistiko posilstev ste nam zjebali v Slovaniji. 25 posilstev, 12 je bilo Albancev.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Starodavni ::

po kakšni logiki pa si zdaj označil pac-mana za albanca/šiptarja?

A je on to izrecno javno omenil ali kaj.

Pac-Man ::

Ruska strategija v Nemčiji:

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ruska strategija v Nemčiji:

Hm, jaz sem pa mislil da je Merklica "ZA" konec snkcij Rusiji, saj posledično trpijo Nemška podjetja vezana na energetske projekte...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cervantes ::

Jaz recimo na RT nisem zasledil ene objave, ki bi favorizirala AfD ali karkoli proti Angelci.
Mokre sanje rusofobov.

fikus_ ::

Še ne dolgo nazaj so še Nemci in Avstrijci postavili proti USA, ki so želela/ukazala dodatne sankcije proti Rusiji na področju energetike-plin!
S sankcijami proti Rusiji največ izgublja EU, Američani to skoraj ne občutijo. Rusi so pač nekaj letih usposobili npr. kmetijstvo do te mere, da so iz uvoznikov žita, začeli le to izvažati! Tako da na nekaterih področjih je to za njih +.

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Jaz recimo na RT nisem zasledil ene objave, ki bi favorizirala AfD ali karkoli proti Angelci.
Mokre sanje rusofobov.

Hehe, tajming. Napačen TV, RT snubi levake.


konspirator ::

Zahod ne razume ruske mentalitete, jih podcenjuje in vedno znova doživlja poraze, saj se ne obnašajo po njihovi teoriji.
Če so preživeli oktobrsko revolucijo, Stalina, ww2, bodo tudi Eu "sankcije".

ZDA zelo dobro ve, kaj dela, Eu je tako še dodatno oslabljena, da ne omenjam clusterfucka, ki so skupaj (zda+eu) skuhali na BV, samo da posledice občuti v 99&% samo Eu.
Pri takih prijateljih kot je ZDA, ne potrebuješ sovražnikov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

fikus_ ::

Konspirator, sedaj pa malo počakaj, da te bodo Amerofili / Rusofobi popljuvali! in te prepričevali, da si v zmoti!

Pac-Man ::

Zanimiv detajl. Sovjetska zveza je okrog leta 1950 podpirala nacistično stranko v Zahodni Nemčiji. Primer moralne fleksibilnosti, ki je tipična tudi za današnjo Rusijo.


Germany has shut down neo-Nazi parties before. In 1952, the authorities banned the Socialist Reich Party, which saw itself as Hitler’s heirs and was staffed by former Nazis. It also had the secret backing of Soviet intelligence, which sought to manipulate West German politics during the Cold War.

Socialist Reich Party @ Wikipedia

It was established on 2 October 1949 in Hameln by Otto Ernst Remer, a former Wehrmacht major general who had played a vital role in defeating the 20 July plot


According to Martin A. Lee, the SRP never openly criticised the Soviet Union[4] because the Soviet Union funded the SRP as it held anti-American and pro-Soviet views. The Communist Party of Germany, on the other hand, did not receive Soviet funds because it was viewed as "ineffectual".[5][6] Remer said that if the USSR ever did invade Germany, he would "show the Russians the way to the Rhine" and that SRP members would "post themselves as traffic policemen, spreading their arms so that the Russians can find their way through Germany as quickly as possible".

Pac-Man ::

Sry, dolgo in ne ravno na temi, ampak pomembno pri celi meddling sceni. Avtor je profesor novinarstva & prava in bivši kriminalist? / odvetnik.

Manjše ribe na ameriški strani celotne operacije se bodo počasi začele sprehajati po sodiščih.


The single most important fact in the Trump-Russia investigation is a never-discussed one. This thread discusses it. Please share.

Investigators are now trying to determine *exactly* when every member of the Trump campaign found out Russia was working to elect Trump. These dates are of legal importance because they establish a "mens rea" (mental state) for possible crimes committed by Trump and others. Once Trump, his family, and/or his campaign aides knew Russia was committing crimes to assist Trump, certain actions became *prohibited*.

For instance, once Trump had this knowledge, he could not publicly deny it without running afoul of federal Aiding and Abetting statutes. For instance, once Don Jr. had this knowledge he couldn't take any action in furtherance of a plan to benefit from Russia's illegal acts.

Knowledge of Russian illegalities—even broadly—is a necessary precursor to what we colloquially call "collusion" (not a legal term here). This is why *all* of Trump's most audacious lies—and his family's, and his aides'—center on their *knowledge* of what Russia was doing.

Paul Manafort's excuse for not knowing Russia was working to elect Trump? (a) he didn't check his email; (b) he was looking at his phone. Jared Kushner's excuse for not knowing Russia was working to elect Trump? (a) he left a big meeting early; (b) he didn't check his email.

What do the Trump aides who changed the GOP platform last July say in response to charges they were executing a quid pro quo for Russia? They say (a) they were executing orders Trump gave March 31, 2016; (b) but don't blame Trump, because he didn't know what we were doing.

What's *Trump's* excuse as to Russia working to elect him—after *admitting* he knew and then *getting briefed on it* on August 17, 2016? Why, he just didn't *believe* what U.S. intel agencies said, of course! He just didn't *believe* the mountains of evidence we all saw!

Now ask yourself: does Bob Mueller believe any of these lies? Does the FBI? Does the DOJ? Do American voters? Would a duly-seated jury?

FACT: Don was directly told by a trusted friend that Putin was working to elect his dad. He knew this as of the first week of June 2016. Now consider: despite the way the Russia issue blew up after June 2016, Don says he *never told his dad* Putin was working to elect him.

Don, Jared, and Manafort say they *never* discussed the issue again—with *anyone*—and deliberately plotted to keep this info from Trump. Do *you* believe that? Do you think Mueller does? Or the FBI? The DOJ? Most American voters? Most American Congressmen? Future jurors?

You think Don sat there watching Russia news every single day for *months*, yet never told daddy Putin was confirmed as "in his corner"?

Do you believe that—once the Russia news broke shortly after June 2016—Kushner and Manafort *never went back to look at their emails*?

Do you think Kushner and Manafort were—start to finish—in the dark about who Veselnitskaya was, who she worked for, and what she wanted?

Do you believe *none* of the Russia news between June 2016 and this summer caused Kushner *or* Manafort to reflect back on that meeting?

Why did Trump witness-tamper with his son—exposing himself/Don to *prison*—with false statements on the meeting? Why? Knowledge matters. This explains fantastical tales of phone-checking/email-ignoring at the *exact* moments knowledge—legally speaking—could be established. This explains Trump's increasingly grotesque and deranged denials of reality on Russian interference: if he says otherwise, *knowledge*. This is why the news that Don and Ivanka were about to be charged with felony fraud matters. It goes to their honesty—which is now key. Don/Ivanka *repeatedly lied to consumers* about how many Trump SoHo units had sold. So do you think they'd lie to save dad's presidency?

And this is why every single lie Trump tells is legally relevant on the question of his reputation/propensity for honesty versus deceit. Trump admitted Russia was helping—then was briefed on it—then reversed course and said otherwise when he saw the danger of an admission. But his reputation for deceit—it's legendary—would prompt an investigator or juror to presume his initial briefing sealed his knowledge.

The danger *now* is non-attorney journalists confusing evidence of Aiding and Abetting with "evidence of a cover-up." They're different. There's evidence of a cover-up—Mueller could get Trump on Obstruction with a jury right now—but also Aiding and Abetting a Russian plot.

The evidence of a cover-up overlaps in many particulars with the evidence Trump and his team knew Russia was interfering, then aided it. For instance, it *isn't* legal for Trump to learn on August 17th, 2016 that Russia was committing crimes against the U.S., and *then* send his chief foreign policy aide—Sessions—to negotiate *unilateral sanctions-lifting* with Russia's ambassador three weeks later. So let's stop talking collusion—a vague and meaningless term in this legal scenario—and instead discuss "knowledge of illegal activity."

Don, Jared, and Manafort were on *legal notice* that Russia was illegally stealing information from June 9, 2016 onward—at the *latest*. So no, Don wasn't entitled to take that meeting—given what he'd been told. And Manafort couldn't push a GOP platform change weeks later.

Indeed, arguably, the *entire campaign* was on notice Russia aimed to secretly negotiate with and aid Trump from March 24, 2016 onward. On that date, Papadopoulos told seven senior Trump staffers that Putin wanted to meet with Trump—and felt Trump could improve relations. On that basis, *any* subsequent revelation that Russia was committing crimes should've been read by the campaign as a pro-Trump proffer.

Note that, in this analysis, I'm approaching this as a former criminal attorney and former criminal investigator—we *do* think this way. The media can't—it feels—call Trump a liar when he lies to (dis)establish his legal knowledge. But as an attorney, I see it differently.

But as we enter the intermediate stages of the Mueller probe, we *all* must be thinking in legal terms—as we're in the legal sphere now. So if you want to talk Russia on social media, I'd suggest focusing on the date each actor had knowledge of Russia's illegal acts.

Pac-Man ::

Če gre verjet ruski nacionalki predvčerajšnjim na zahodu nismo počeli nič drugega, kot praznovali putinov 65. rojstni dan. Ker smo take sorte ljudje, da radi praznujemo življenjske jubileje voditeljev, sploh tujih, ne?

Za razliko od nekih bolj lokalnih pizd, ki so nekaj protestirale.


A da tega niste počeli, pravite?


A waitress at Lucy’s, a Mexican restaurant near Penn Station in New York, told Russian state media that the five-patty burger, served with chips, sauce and salad, weighed exactly 1,952 grams, a reference to the year Putin was born in Leningrad.

“We believe that Vladimir Vladimirovich is an outstanding politician and a historical figure,” said a barmaid, identified as both Tamara and Tatiana by various Russian media outlets. The video was produced by Ruptly, a company owned by RT, the Kremlin-backed television channel. “We decided to devote one day a year to [Putin],” said another barmaid, identified by state media as Darya.


“Our restaurant has never celebrated Vladimir Putin’s birthday in any way, shape or form and has never offered a Putin burger,” Sean Ryan, a spokesman for Lucy’s Cantina Royale, told the Guardian in emailed comments. “Lucy’s completely disavows the statements made in the video, which are false.”

As for the barmaid featured in the state media report – apparently the same woman to whom Kovalev spoke – Ryan said: “She in fact does work for us and she lied about filming a project for school.”

Ryan said he was speaking to the restaurant’s attorneys about the incident.

Critics say the incident is a perfect example of how Kremlin-sponsored fake news operates. “This whole ridiculous story betrays the deep insecurity of both Putin, his loyal media and supporters,’ said Kovalev, who runs the website The Noodle Remover.

“They crave western attention and recognition so much that they’re prepared to resort to outright fakery to show that ordinary people in the west are in awe of the great Vladimir Vladimirovich. It’s just sad, really.”


Ruptly did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday. On Monday it released a statement saying it had removed the report from its website because “upon further review, it did not meet Ruptly’s editorial standards”.


D3m ::

Za marketing še nisi slišal? :))
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Marketing so putinove usnjene jakne na začetku TV prispevka.

Ki jih skoraj zagotovo za 10k € prodajajo ruski klienteli. Ker nekateri Rusi mislijo, da je patriotizem s putinom brandana usnjena jakna made in France iz škotskega usnja za 10k €.

Takle mamo.

Cervantes ::

Politika je umetnost možnega.
In vsak počne, kar lahko.
Putin to recimo ve. KGB je svoje kadre odlično šolal.
Trump, malo manj, morda se motim.
Milošević je to prepozno spoznal, recimo.
Evidentno tudi kumrovški faks ni bil tako eliten.
BTW, danes sem preletel RT stran. Da je obletnica smrti Johna Lennona sem prebral, nikjer pa nisem zasledil vesti, da ima Putin rojstni dan.
Vseeno, še na mnoga leta, Vladimir!

Zgodovina sprememb…

7tom1ja ::


Russian-linked campaign used Pokémon Go to meddle in election
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Cervantes ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:


Russian-linked campaign used Pokémon Go to meddle in election

Končno, prvi resen dokaz!

D3m ::

Prilagam še slikovni dokaz.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Končno, prvi resen dokaz!

Jup, dotard special.


One Russian-linked campaign posing as part of the Black Lives Matter movement used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and Pokémon Go and even contacted some reporters in an effort to exploit racial tensions and sow discord among Americans, CNN has learned.


Specifically, the Don't Shoot Us contest directed readers to go to find and train Pokémon near locations where alleged incidents of police brutality had taken place. Users were instructed to give their Pokémon names corresponding with those of the victims. A post promoting the contest showed a Pokémon named "Eric Garner," for the African-American man who died after being put in a chokehold by a New York Police Department officer.

Winners of the contest would receive Amazon gift cards, the announcement said.


Just a day after the shooting of Philando Castile by police in a suburb of Saint Paul, Minnesota in July 2016, local activists in Minnesota noticed a Facebook event for a protest being shared by a group they didn't recognize.

Don't Shoot Us was publicizing a protest outside the St. Anthony Police Department, where Jeronimo Yanez, the officer who shot Castile, worked. Local activists had been protesting outside the Minnesota Governor's Mansion.

When an activist group with ties to a local union reached out to the page, someone with Don't Shoot Us replied and explained that they were not in Minnesota but planned to open a "chapter" in the state in the following months.

The local group became more suspicious. After investigating further, including finding the website registration information showing a mall address, they posted on their website to say that Don't Shoot Us was a "total troll job."


In June 2016, someone using the Gmail address that had been posted as part of the Pokémon Go contest promotion reached out to Brandon Weigel, an editor at Baltimore City Paper, to promote a protest at a courthouse where one of the officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray was due to appear.

The email made Weigel suspicious. "City Paper editors and reporters are familiar with many of the activist groups doing work in Baltimore, so it was strange to receive an email from an outside group trying to start a protest outside the courthouse," Weigel told CNN.

Weigel wasn't the only reporter to be on the receiving end of communications from Don't Shoot Us. Last January, someone named Daniel Reed, who was described as the "Chief Editor" of DoNotShoot.Us, gave an interview to a contributor at the now defunct International Press Foundation (IPF), a website where students and trainee journalists regularly posted articles.


"Reed" sent the answers to IPF's questions in a four-page Microsoft Word document. The document, which outlined what "Reed" described as problems with the American justice system and police brutality, was written entirely in English.

However, when CNN examined the document metadata, "Название," the Russian word for "name," was part of the document properties.

Two cybersecurity experts who reviewed the document's metadata told CNN that it was likely created on a computer or a program running Russian as its primary language.

Cervantes ::

Pa to je še boljš, kot če ti Putin osebno telefonira in ti ukaže, koga volt!

Pac-Man ::

Ker Putina na zahodu ne jemljemo pretirano resno, imaš celo prav.

Cervantes ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ker Putina na zahodu ne jemljemo pretirano resno, imaš celo prav.

No, upam da vi zahodnjaki resno jemljete vsaj Trumpa.
A ja sori. On je itak zmagal s pomočjo pokemonov iz Rusije.
Odbit svet!
Or what?

Samuel ::

Čemu se tako posmehuješ, ata? Pokemon je bil leta 2016 ena najbolj popularnih iger v ZDA in če hočeš dosečt kar se da čimveč populacije, vplivaš na ljudi tudi preko takšnih stvari. Čudno bi bilo, da se ne bi vplivalo na to.

Sicer pa, Putinova podpora neo nazijem na zahodu je že prav deguntantna.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Čemu se tako posmehuješ, ata? Pokemon je bil leta 2016 ena najbolj popularnih iger v ZDA in če hočeš dosečt kar se da čimveč populacije, vplivaš na ljudi tudi preko takšnih stvari. Čudno bi bilo, da se ne bi vplivalo na to.

Sicer pa, Putinova podpora neo nazijem na zahodu je že prav deguntantna.

A oprosti, sem mislil da glede na to da židje v Ameriki nadzirajo verjetno večino inofrmacij ki jih plasirajo narodu. Se nebi čudil, da mislijo američani da so problem pokemoni.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Židje so tudi v Rusiji.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Židje so tudi v Rusiji.

Se strinjam, treba je pripraviti mentalni teren,ki bo zadovoljil amerikance ko bodo odsrtanili predsednika kot nesposobneža.. Izstop iz unesca, ker je žide označil za "Fašiste" pa poroblem irana so zgolj posledica.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cervantes ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Čemu se tako posmehuješ, ata? Pokemon je bil leta 2016 ena najbolj popularnih iger v ZDA in če hočeš dosečt kar se da čimveč populacije, vplivaš na ljudi tudi preko takšnih stvari. Čudno bi bilo, da se ne bi vplivalo na to.

Sicer pa, Putinova podpora neo nazijem na zahodu je že prav deguntantna.

Sinko, posmehujem se takim bayby-punkom, ki nasedejo vsaki propagandni fori strička Samuela.
Eden pač mora bit kriv za njihove tegobe, in Rusjaki so dežurni.
Pa seveda pokemoni.

Mr.B ::

Ker ima lego of legends več igralcev, je potrebno najti zgodbo, kako to implementirati. S Pokemoni so itak Rusi porbrali preveč osebnih podatkov.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Sinko, posmehujem se takim bayby-punkom, ki nasedejo vsaki propagandni fori strička Samuela.
Eden pač mora bit kriv za njihove tegobe, in Rusjaki so dežurni.
Pa seveda pokemoni.:))

Rusija aktivno in odprto podpira nacistične stranke na Zahodu. To je dejstvo. Celo nekatere izmed njih odprto financira. Preusmeri svojo pozornost raje v to, ker vemo kakšne so bile posledice nacizma v e1vropski zgodovini. Tvoje hahlanje tega ne more izpodbit.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Sinko, posmehujem se takim bayby-punkom, ki nasedejo vsaki propagandni fori strička Samuela.
Eden pač mora bit kriv za njihove tegobe, in Rusjaki so dežurni.
Pa seveda pokemoni.:))

Rusija aktivno in odprto podpira nacistične stranke na Zahodu. To je dejstvo. Celo nekatere izmed njih odprto financira. Preusmeri svojo pozornost raje v to, ker vemo kakšne so bile posledice nacizma v e1vropski zgodovini. Tvoje hahlanje tega ne more izpodbit.

Nacizem podpirajo Američani v Ukrajini. PA po mojem na polskem tudi ni kaj daleč no je bolj Fašizem, ampak ja...
Lahko pa namesto uporabe "zahoda" v istem stavku uporabiš Trumpi in Fašizem.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Američani ne podpirajo nacizma v Ukrajini, ga pa Rusi po Evropi. Ko ti bo nekdo iz naci avstrijske stranke s podporo Putina rabil glavo tam, kjer živiš zdele, se bo tvoj pogled obrnil za 180st. Do takrat boš pa širil rusonazi propagando.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Američani ne podpirajo nacizma v Ukrajini, ga pa Rusi po Evropi. Ko ti bo nekdo iz naci avstrijske stranke s podporo Putina rabil glavo tam, kjer živiš zdele, se bo tvoj pogled obrnil za 180st. Do takrat boš pa širil rusonazi propagando.

Ojej sej znam delo revije tudi jaz brati, to üw ne pomeni da berem zgolj medije v lasti židov. Ampak ti boš že vedel.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Ja, Židi gor in Židi dol. Kot da bi poslušal kakšnega Nacija. Aja, saj nič novega. Podporniki Putina ste tako ali tako odkriti ali pritlehni Naciji.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Poldi112 ::

Ne vem če si zasledil, ampak Trump tudi odkrito podpira nacizem...
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Cervantes ::

Grow up. Have a life!
Danes je veliko politčnih gibanj tisto, kar bi ti imenoval nazi.
Naravni odziv organizma, ki se brani.
Kot nemčija l. 32.
Hitler se v Nemčiji ne bi nikoli zgodil, če Antanta po WWI ne bi uvedla takih nemogočih reparacij (sankcij) proti Reichu.
No, po WWII so že znali malo bolje.
Ampak pustimo "ta če bi...", "ko bo..."
Pri ocenjevanju globanih dogajanj je treba imeti malo poznavanja zgodovine in predvsem dovolj širine, da ne izpadeš takoj kot napumpan bedak.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Ja, Židi gor in Židi dol. Kot da bi poslušal kakšnega Nacija. Aja, saj nič novega. Podporniki Putina ste tako ali tako odkriti ali pritlehni Naciji.

Odpri si temo racimo upravičen izstop Amerike iz unesca. Pa začni argument s fallback "Kot da bi poslušal kakšnega Nacija".
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Trumpa ni bilo nikjer leta 2014. Za Nacije je pa znano, da se vedno spotikajo v Žide. Tako kot to dela Mr. B.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Trumpa ni bilo nikjer leta 2014. Za Nacije je pa znano, da se vedno spotikajo v Žide. Tako kot to dela Mr. B.

Glej že tvoj edini argument naciji && Antisemitist, je bolj čuden. Razen če hočeš reči da so tam Naciji nastali zaradi Putlerja ? Verjetno je tudi razlog, da tam ne objavljajo antisemitističnih novic.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Glej že tvoj edini argument naciji && Antisemitist, je bolj čuden.

Vežde je čuden, pa druge svetovne vojne tudi ni bilo, ane... zgodovina se ponavlja, naciji prihajajo v Nemčijo in Avstrijo.. soon.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
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