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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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D3m ::

A si bil med njima in gledal v ekran?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Bil je Stonov snemalec, torej si lahko tudi ti. Vzelo ti bo samo 41 sekund.

D3m ::

Si prepričan, da pravilno tolmačiš, kar vidiš?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Pojasni mi, kje se motim. 41 sekund.

D3m ::

Jaz vidim, da mu razlaga na kakšen način tudi sami opravljajo svoje bojne helikopterje.

Manjka ti pa celotni pogovor.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

D3m je izjavil:

Jaz vidim, da mu razlaga na kakšen način tudi sami opravljajo svoje bojne helikopterje.

Manjka ti pa celotni pogovor.

Potem vidiš nekaj drugega, kot putinov tiskovni predstavnik.


Meanwhile, the Kremlin has maintained that the footage comes from the Russian defense ministry.

"I can confirm: these are materials of our defense ministry," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as saying by the news agency Interfax. "This is part of a report to the president. The defense minister gave that to the president."

He declined to identify the owner of the smartphone, saying only that the device belonged to one of the president's staffers.

Se bojim, da si padel v isto luknjo kot Stone. Putin can do no wrong.

D3m ::

Pravim, da imaš premalo informacij-
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

In na čem baziraš to trditev?

Prepis pogovora med Putinom in Stonom:


Putin: That’s how our air forces are operating.

Oliver Stone: Who’s on the ground?

Putin: These militants are running with arms, not just machine guns. But they have some serious weaponry at their disposal which they used to destroy army vehicles. The pilot said that he’s going to make another attempt.

Oliver Stone: They don’t have Stingers?

// Rogue Stingerji so 30 let star problem. Danes so v modi ruske igle ali njihove kitajske kopije.

Putin: Certainly right now they are running some risks.

Oliver Stone: These people have fought you before in Afghanistan.

// Spet 30 let stara zgodba, Oliver si ne more pomagat, vse je krivda ZDA. Bolj malo teroristov v tretjem svetu ima dovolj dolgo življenjsko dobo in resurse, da bi se lahko borili v dveh tako časovno in geografsko oddaljenih konfliktih.

Putin: Who knows where they fought – these are international terrorists.

Oliver Stone: So they were surprised.

Putin: It’s an attempt at entering Syria from the Turkish side.

Oliver Stone: I think it would be a good… it’s an anti-recruitment poster for ISIS. You wouldn’t want to join ISIS if you saw that.

// Če bi mu bil video predstavljen realno, bi Oliver skoraj zagotovo komentiral, da gre za ameriški imperializem, ki pomaga pri rekrutaciji teroristov. Ker misli, da gre za rusko operacijo, je vse kul.

Da, padel si v isto luknjo kot Oliver Stone. Rabiš vrv?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Putin: It’s an attempt at entering Syria from the Turkish side.

The Putin Interviews @ Wikipedia

The series was created from several interviews of Vladimir Putin by Oliver Stone between 2015 and 2017.

Stavim desno jajce, da je bil ta del posnet enkrat med sestrelitvijo Su-24 in poskusom državnega udara v Turčiji.

Pac-Man ::

Peskov told state news agency Itar-Tass on Wednesday that the Kremlin could prove the authenticity of the clip Putin played to Stone, though did not say how.

“These were genuine materials of the Ministry of Defense, part of the briefing to the president, which was shown by the president to Oliver Stone,” Peskov added, underscoring that the reports were “untrue and inappropriate.”

In a similar statement to the Interfax news agency, Peskov said that Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had personally given Putin the briefing that came with the footage.

Precej jasne izjave ruskim tiskovnim agencijam, torej ne gre za "zahodne laži". Počakajmo, kako bodo pojasnili ali pozabili. Zadeva je šla precej daleč.


Reports that the video sequences shown by President Vladimir Putin to director Oliver Stone were wrong in Syria are untrue. This was stated by Dmitry Peskov, the presidential press secretary.

"This statement is wrong," he said, saying that he could confirm the reliability of the video that Putin showed. "These were really materials of the Defense Ministry, part of their report to the president, which was demonstrated by President Oliver Stone," he added. According to him, other speculation is "wrong and inappropriate".

In the film of American director Oliver Stone, Vladimir Putin shows the real cadres of Russian aviation in Syria, said Dmitry Peskov, the presidential press secretary.

"I can confirm that this is really the materials of our Ministry of Defense, which is part of the report to the president, the defense minister gave it to the president, some part was demonstrated by President Oliver Stone," Peskov told journalists.

Pac-Man ::

Da so RTji v zahodnih jezikih zganjali totalno paniko okrog beguncev, vemo. Medtem njihova arabska edicija:


German researcher is showing me how RussiaToday Arabic systematically exaggerated/oversold Germany as refugee destination for Syrians

Is the research published?

no he works for the government. i believe i will get it in next couple of days

Članki za ključno besedo Nemčija


Odpri&prevedi v Chromu.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Da so RTji v zahodnih jezikih zganjali totalno paniko okrog beguncev, vemo. Medtem njihova arabska edicija:


German researcher is showing me how RussiaToday Arabic systematically exaggerated/oversold Germany as refugee destination for Syrians

Is the research published?

no he works for the government. i believe i will get it in next couple of days

Članki za ključno besedo Nemčija


Odpri&prevedi v Chromu.

Pričakujem dež obsodb RT, ker sistematično slabša begunsko krizo v Evropi. Kje ste anti-imigrantski heroji? Tole je medij, ki bi ga po vaše morali najmanj sežgati na grmadi.

D3m ::

Nahhhh ni potrebe.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

D3m je izjavil:

Nahhhh ni potrebe.

Imigranti so kul, ker pomagajo uničevati Evropo, ampak jim je treba nasprotovati, da ne uničijo Evrope.

Zanimiv ideološki položaj, ni kaj.

Master_Yoda ::

Podoben hinavski polozaj kot tisti ki promovirajo open borders na veliko, zivijo pa na posesti v bajti obdani z 3 metrskim zidom in privatnimi varnostniki.

dice7 ::

Ej kolega, enacis nediskriminatoren pretok ljudi z totalno opustitvijo zasebne lastnine

Master_Yoda ::

Mogoce res kolega, ampak sem imel v mislih razlicne razmere v katerih ti bogatasi, ki oglasujejo open borders zivijo - Poslji enega z druzino ziveti v stanovanje sredi kaksnega taksnega geta, pa me zanima ali bo spremenil svoje mnenje cez cas. Seveda mora uporabljati javni prevoz, nakupovati v lokalnih trgovinah (oziroma poslati svojo privlacno zeno v mini krilu), se zabavati v lokalnem kinu, knjiznici, barih, ter njegovi otroci morajo hoditi v javno solo tja kot vsi ostali iz tistega kraja.

P.S. Odgovor za tistega ki misli reci da so taksna in drugacna geto obmocja ze prej obstajala: Ali zato moramo pustiti da se kreirajo nova ?

dice7 ::

Geto obmocja se ne kreirajo zaradi migrantov ampak nepravicnih socialnih razmer, drugace slovencev ne bi bilo v getih

D3m ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Geto obmocja se ne kreirajo zaradi migrantov ampak nepravicnih socialnih razmer, drugace slovencev ne bi bilo v getih

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|


Mesto Detroit je en velik geto zakaj?

Belci populacija

1910 - 98%
2010 - 10%

Črnci populacija

1910 - 1,2%
2010 - 82%

dice7 ::

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Mesto Detroit je en velik geto zakaj?
Kapitalizem. No razen ce si mnenja, da so za celotni rust belt krivi drugace obarvani

Pac-Man ::

Fino branje. Tudi pomoč pri Afganistanu ni bila nujno ravno iskrena. So dobro poznali to črno luknjo.


How Moscow's Spies Keep Duping America—Over and Over Again

The White House wants to warm up to Moscow, eventually. But CIA veterans say we tried that.


Over glasses of cognac and the occasional shot of chilled vodka, the Russian and American officers sat across from each other at a long conference table, in what turned into an interrogation instead of the hoped-for bridge-building exercise. The Russians probed the Americans to find out where their sources were, how big their networks were and any potential weaknesses to exploit later.

“It was worse than a polygraph,” one former senior intelligence officer told The Daily Beast. “They used different people to ask us the same questions over and over, each time phrased in slightly different ways, as if to see whether we were lying,” and to trick information out of them.

That interaction is emblematic of 20 years of U.S. attempts to reach out to Moscow, with the initially Pollyannaish new American administration seeking cooperation, and the Russians using each opportunity to gather intelligence on their enemy to advance their own interests.


Half a dozen former intelligence officers at the spook-heavy Cipher Brief conference in Georgia spoke to The Daily Beast, as did other former CIA officers, describing their Russian interactions during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama years.

They described a consistent pattern: the U.S. engages with Moscow on a tough problem like terrorism, and Russia comes through at first. After a matter of months, the U.S. finds the cooperation is short-lived or has plenty of strings attached. The moment a disagreement over something like Ukraine or Syria intrudes, everything the Americans have shared with the Russians gets turned into a weapon against them.


When the relationship breaks down, counterterrorist officials who’ve visited Moscow and therefore revealed their identity to the Russians find themselves added to Russia’s worldwide terrorist watch list, and pulled aside at airports of Russia-friendly nations for harassing questioning. That’s just one of a dozen ways U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials have paid for putting their trust even briefly in Russia, another former senior intelligence officer said.

"Or they will get our counterterrorism experts together and then target them,” Hall said, using whatever they found out at meetings to coerce the Americans into spying for Russia. “Vulnerabilities like are they drinkers, do they need money, are they pro-Russia? Anything that they can use to get some sort of leverage to try to recruit somebody.”


“Every time there’s a new president, a new director of the CIA, there’s always this thought: ‘We can make it right with Russia,’” said Hall. “But it rarely ends up working. The Russians see us coming and take us to the bank every time.”

Former director of the CIA’s clandestine service Michael Sulick declared himself “skeptical” of a warming trend with Russia, recalling what Putin said when Trump was first elected. “Putin’s first congratulatory words were, ‘I hope we can improve relations and the United States can correct the mistakes of the past,” said Sulick in an interview.

He was also former Chief of CIA Counterintelligence and wrote about the CIA’s decades-long battle against American turncoats that Russia had convinced to spy for Moscow. “In other words, all the concessions would be from our side, and we’re the ones who made all these mistakes,” he said.


“After Berlin Wall went down, you've never seen such nice Russians,” said Jim Woolsey of his early interactions with Russian officials before becoming President Bill Clinton’s CIA director.


As Clinton took office in 1993, “It was reasonably cordial, but beginning to chill," Woolsey said in an interview. The FSB was created in 1994 as a successor to the Soviet KGB or Committee for State Security.


By the time Yeltsin resigned and nominated his Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as acting president, the transformation was complete, he said.

"The Russians are never not interfering," said Woolsey, who briefly advised the Trump campaign but declined to comment on conversations with Trump about Russia.


The Bush administration came in with fresh eyes, and the same slightly egotistical presumption that they could do it better than the last guy.


“In a very American way, a lot of people who did not deal with the Russians day-to-day just assumed they would be natural allies,” said former CIA officer Sipher of the days just after the attacks. “Those of us who had been working on Russia for years and years had become pretty jaded because the Russians are sort of a police state… writ large,” with American spies and diplomats there subject to full-time surveillance and harassment.


“It was Putin who picked up the phone and called Bush and said we didn't know anything about this and we'll help you anyway we can,” Dannenberg said in an interview. “Three days later, we had a team of Russian intelligence officials back in Langley.”

“It turned out, they didn't have as much as we thought, or it was dated and wasn't as useful,” despite Russia’s long military occupation of Afghanistan, Dannenberg said.

But U.S. officials still headed to Moscow, to that mansion a short drive from the Kremlin for an intelligence and law enforcement summit with the FSB and the SVR, Russia’s external intelligence service.


Despite the wining and dining, the meeting produced only short-term cooperation, Dannenberg said. The Russians were less interested in the “Global War on Terrorism,” as the Bush administration called it, than what CIA officers came to call the “Global War on Chechnya,” where Russia was engaged in a bloody years-long fight against Muslim Chechen separatists.

“Where our view of the war on terror and their view overlapped, the Russians were happy to cooperate because it was in their interest,” he said. “Where we wanted them to give us information on… an Al Qaeda cell in Jakarta, for example, we found them completely unresponsive.”

But the Russians did offer practical logistical assistance, including access to Russian airspace that helped the U.S. deploy hundreds of CIA and special operators into a country they hadn’t operated in for years.

“We would never have been able to run operations in Afghanistan had we not had Russian cooperation at the outset,” he said. “They came through.”


“It was very clear early on that our Russian interlocutors were focused on a whole different purpose,” said one of the CIA officers on the 2007 trip. “We were interested in a very American notion of cooperation, even with an adversarial state, against an existential adversary.” That could eventually spell information sharing, or the sharing of leads in terrorism cases, if the other side agreed. They didn’t.

“They were using this as a tremendous opportunity to essentially do broad and general intelligence collection on the U.S. plans and intentions on terrorism,” the former spy said. “The Russians were trying to figure out what we knew, what we didn't know and from what we knew, how did we know it. They wanted us to share intelligence and terrorism contact information.”


A few months later, a Russian delegation came to Washington, D.C., and they gave it one more try.

The Russians insisted on only meeting at their embassy, which is legally Russian sovereign territory, in a vast compound in the upscale Glover Park neighborhood.


The former U.S. intelligence official said the same pattern of aggressive questioning they’d experience in Moscow resumed.

“It was all about influence, manipulation, intimidation. Typical,” the former spy said with a shake of his head. “They wanted to establish a superior-subordinate relationship, right from the beginning.”

“No thanks,” he said, summing up the feelings of the American delegation. Once again, the Americans called it off.


The Obama administration went through that learning curve a few times over. Agreements that looked successful at the outset turned out to be more complicated or incomplete, like the attempt to strip Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad of weapons of mass destruction.


it's now clear Assad kept some stocks or some manufacturing capacity intact, capability that U.S. officials say Russian military advisors in Syria must have been aware of, though they deny it. Russian forces are co-located on the base where Syrian planes took off to attack the Syrian rebel town of Idlib in April, loaded with the nerve agent sarin.


“I never met with the Russians. Not worth it,” said Michael Morell, former acting CIA Director in the Obama administration. He said Russia wants to be seen as equal to the United States, a goal most nations would seek to reach by growing their influence through their economy.

“They’ve got nothing to work with,” Morell said in an interview. “Their economy is a disaster. Their demographics are a disaster. Their politics are a disaster. So they go with the second step, which is to undermine us, everywhere they can.”

7tom1ja ::

Project Veritas releases video of CNN producer admitting entire Russia hysteria is bullshit and simply for ratings
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Smrekar1 ::

Brezplačna ruska pomoč je predraga. To so ugotovili vsi, ki so kdaj delali z njimi, od ZDA do Indijcev, od Gruzijcev do Ukrajincev.

Eni še vedno mislijo, da so najboljšejši zavezniki ever.

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Project Veritas releases video of CNN producer admitting entire Russia hysteria is bullshit and simply for ratings

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

7tom1ja ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Brezplačna ruska pomoč je predraga. To so ugotovili vsi, ki so kdaj delali z njimi, od ZDA do Indijcev, od Gruzijcev do Ukrajincev.

Eni še vedno mislijo, da so najboljšejši zavezniki ever.

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Project Veritas releases video of CNN producer admitting entire Russia hysteria is bullshit and simply for ratings

čestitam Smrekar, 24 sekund:)
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Smrekar1 ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

čestitam Smrekar, 24 sekund:)

V bistvu še manj, tvoj komentar se je pojavil medtem ko sem tipkal svojega in sem samo dodal odgovor.

Vsekakor je zanimivo, da te je tvoj lastni vir diskreditiral.

7tom1ja ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

čestitam Smrekar, 24 sekund:)

V bistvu še manj, tvoj komentar se je pojavil medtem ko sem tipkal svojega in sem samo dodal odgovor.

Vsekakor je zanimivo, da te je tvoj lastni vir diskreditiral.

Prosim ?

John Bonifield
Supervising Producer, CNN Health
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

7tom1ja ::

celotna verzija
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Smrekar1 ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Prosim ?

John Bonifield
Supervising Producer, CNN Health

Prosim obrazloži kako je novinar, ki piše članke o tem, kako niso upokojili skupine šimpanzov, ki jih uporabljajo za poskuse, kvalificiran da razlaga kakšna je uredniška politika glede geopolitike in Rusije. Hvala! :)

7tom1ja ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Prosim ?

John Bonifield
Supervising Producer, CNN Health

Prosim obrazloži kako je novinar, ki piše članke o tem, kako niso upokojili skupine šimpanzov, ki jih uporabljajo za poskuse, kvalificiran da razlaga kakšna je uredniška politika glede geopolitike in Rusije. Hvala! :)

poglej si video in ti bo jasno
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Smrekar1 ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

poglej si video in ti bo jasno

Jasno je, da video govori o vplivu Rusije na volitve v ZDA, ne o tem kako Rusi zlorabljajo zavezništva za lastno korist, o čemer je govora v tej temi.

Več sreče prihodnjič :))

7tom1ja ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

poglej si video in ti bo jasno

Jasno je, da video govori o vplivu Rusije na volitve v ZDA, ne o tem kako Rusi zlorabljajo zavezništva za lastno korist, o čemer je govora v tej temi.

Več sreče prihodnjič :))

aha, napačna tema, ja hvala lepa, he he
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša


7tom1ja je izjavil:

celotna verzija

ravnokar gledam to smo nekateri vedeli že dolgo nazaj a rusofobi se še vedno ne bodo sprijaznili, da amerika laže kot pes teče.

Cervantes ::

Saj ne lažejo.
Samo CNN si rating dviguje, kaj je tu narobe?


Cervantes je izjavil:

Saj ne lažejo.
Samo CNN si rating dviguje, kaj je tu narobe?

Lažejo lažejo.

Berserker ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Prosim ?

John Bonifield
Supervising Producer, CNN Health

Prosim obrazloži kako je novinar, ki piše članke o tem, kako niso upokojili skupine šimpanzov, ki jih uporabljajo za poskuse, kvalificiran da razlaga kakšna je uredniška politika glede geopolitike in Rusije. Hvala! :)

Jaz se to sprašujem za večino tega foruma? Kaj točno te napravi kredibilnega da piseš rusofobične poste in postaš pač random linke ki bildajo tvoj ego.

Smrekar1 ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Kaj točno te napravi kredibilnega da piseš rusofobične poste in postaš pač random linke ki bildajo tvoj ego.

Najprej si razjasni kaj pomenijo pojmi:
- kredibilen
- rusofoben (in ne rusofobičen)
- random
- ego

Ko si boš to razjasnil pridi nazaj in vprašaj kar te zanima. Hvala! :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Pac-Man ::


Boris Nemtsov @ Wikipedia

On 16 December 2010, in response to the question "Nemtsov, Milov and Ryzhkov and others, what do they really want?" in a live television broadcast, Putin stated, that during the 1990s, "they dragged a lot of billions along with Berezovsky and those who are now in prison... They have been pulled away from the manger, they had been spending heavily, and now they want to go back and fill their pockets".[50] In January 2011, Nemtsov, Milov and Ryzhkov brought suit over Putin's statement before the Moscow City Court, but the following month the suit was dismissed. According to the judge, Tatiana Adamova, the names of Nemtsov, Milov and Ryzhkov were used merely as common names to refer to a certain class of politicians.


Pac-Man je izjavil:


Boris Nemtsov @ Wikipedia

On 16 December 2010, in response to the question "Nemtsov, Milov and Ryzhkov and others, what do they really want?" in a live television broadcast, Putin stated, that during the 1990s, "they dragged a lot of billions along with Berezovsky and those who are now in prison... They have been pulled away from the manger, they had been spending heavily, and now they want to go back and fill their pockets".[50] In January 2011, Nemtsov, Milov and Ryzhkov brought suit over Putin's statement before the Moscow City Court, but the following month the suit was dismissed. According to the judge, Tatiana Adamova, the names of Nemtsov, Milov and Ryzhkov were used merely as common names to refer to a certain class of politicians.

In kaj točno si zdaj hotel s tem povedat ???

Pac-Man ::

Da je Rusija banana republika.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Da je Rusija banana republika.

Se mi je zdelo, da ne veš kaj si spet prekopiral z wikipedije.

Pac-Man ::

Kako pa ti rečeš državi, kjer predsednik osebe obtoži kraje milijard, ko ga te tožijo zaradi klevetanja pa sodišče tožbo po hitrem postopku zavrže, češ da je šlo za splošno oznako "določene skupine politikov"?

Lahko zaradi klevetanje tožiš sodnika?

Cervantes ::

Težko boš danes našel državo, ki ni bolj ali manj bananasta.
Če ste kaj spremljali dogajanje okoli izdatkov Pentagona pred ene pol leta, je bilo zanimvo. Je pa hitro utihnilo.
Sploh ne vem, koga bi dal za zgled.
Včasih bi rekel, morda Islandija. Pa vsi vemo, kaj se je tam dogajalo.
Tako da, pozabi.
Power corrupts. Neglede na lokacijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kako pa ti rečeš državi, kjer predsednik osebe obtoži kraje milijard, ko ga te tožijo zaradi klevetanja pa sodišče tožbo po hitrem postopku zavrže, češ da je šlo za splošno oznako "določene skupine politikov"?

Lahko zaradi klevetanje tožiš sodnika?

potem je tudi amerika banana država če jhe to kriterij za banano državo.

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Power corrupts. Neglede na lokacijo.

Hudič je v detajlih.

Whataboutism @ Wikipedia

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

potem je tudi amerika banana država če jhe to kriterij za banano državo.

Ameriški predsedniki nimajo navade obtoževanja državljanov za krajo milijard iz državne blagajne. Po možnosti med njihovo vladavino.

To je šit za tožilstvo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Power corrupts. Neglede na lokacijo.

Hudič je v detajlih.

Whataboutism @ Wikipedia

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

potem je tudi amerika banana država če jhe to kriterij za banano državo.

Ameriški predsedniki nimajo navade obtoževanja državljanov za krajo milijard iz državne blagajne. Po možnosti med njihovo vladavino.

To je šit za tožilstvo.

To delajo strici iz ozadja, ki so še veliko hujši.

Pac-Man ::

Oh, "strici iz ozadja".

Pa vendar je Doni predsednik ZDA.
Pa vendar imamo Brexit.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Cervantes ::

Brez skrbi, nekdo bo zaslužil v obeh primerih.

Ameriški predsedniki?
The Clinton Fundation, halo?

Zgodovina sprememb…


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Oh, "strici iz ozadja".

Pa vendar je Doni predsednik ZDA.
Pa vendar imamo Brexit.

Doni je predsednik, ker je tako odločilo ljudstvo. so pa hoteli strici z ozadja definitivno Klintonov ona bi bila njihov pupet kot je bil Obama.

Ta video nič ne pove še vedno je več 10 mio ljudi za izstop iz EU

Pac-Man ::

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Ta video nič ne pove še vedno je več 10 mio ljudi za izstop iz EU.
Pove, da ni težko najti idiotov, ki so preveč upov polagali v "strice iz ozadja".

Tako je, če želiš biti kul in padeš iz brzog vlaka. Boli.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
11 / 67

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Skripal (strani: 1 2 3 )

Oddelek: Loža
13132793 (18542) Pac-Man

Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 433 34 35 36 )

Oddelek: Problemi človeštva
1787268682 (228701) OmegaBlue

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