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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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Vanich ::

Pac-Man ::

GRU ti bo moral nuditi še malo izobraževanja v photoshopu. Vsaj 10 let.

Pac-Man ::

Morda pa ti premalo resno? Lepiš zelo bedne šale. V izvedbi in vsebini.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

No, to se je zgodilo


Črna Gora je polnopravna NATO članica.

SimplyMiha ::

Proti volji ljudstva.

konspirator ::

Kot domobranci leta 45 na LJ štadionu ;).
Nato je postal sam sebi namen, Varšavskega pakta že zdavnaj ni več.

mtosev ::

čestitke črni gori. welcome to nato.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Smrekar1 ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Proti volji ljudstva.

Montenegro%E2%80%93NATO relations @ Wikipedia

Ruski propagandi in tradicionalnim povezavam navkljub je večina črnogorcev NATO videla kot pozitivno za razvoj države.

Starodavni ::

Črnogorci so izbrali boljšo pot, samo jaz mislim da se ne bo kaj dosti spremenilo. Črnogorci bodo še naprej pač črnogorski :)

Saj tudi Slo je članica NATA, pa nismo zaradi tega kaj več porabili za vojsko, kvečjemu manj in potem pogledaš kakšna je naša vojska. Prava žalost so :) Še afriške milice so bolje oborožene in izurjene kot naši vojaki.

Cervantes ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

Črnogorci so izbrali boljšo pot, samo jaz mislim da se ne bo kaj dosti spremenilo. Črnogorci bodo še naprej pač črnogorski :)

Saj tudi Slo je članica NATA, pa nismo zaradi tega kaj več porabili za vojsko, kvečjemu manj in potem pogledaš kakšna je naša vojska. Prava žalost so :) Še afriške milice so bolje oborožene in izurjene kot naši vojaki.

Imajo tudi boljše financerje.

Pac-Man ::

Krasni sosedi. Totalni antifašisti.


Swedish neo-nazi extremists received military training in Russia. The training was organised by Russian reserve officers. #säkpol #turpo

janex ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

neo-nazi extremists

Twin turbo quantum extreme-extreme-extreme KKKKKK neo-Ubernazis!

Švedi vsak dan na ulici križajo kakšne 3 ljudi, smo zato ker imajo več barve v koži od njihovega jamskega okostnjaka!

D3m ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Krasni sosedi. Totalni antifašisti.


Swedish neo-nazi extremists received military training in Russia. The training was organised by Russian reserve officers. #säkpol #turpo

U mater.

Kaj je bil šele naš inštruktor, ki je bil v tujski legiji?

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::



Bomb suspected Nazis were trained in Russia

The Nazis suspected of a bomb attack against a refugee settlement in Gothenburg received paramilitary training in Russia. The three men are all linked to the Nordic resistance movement, but the prosecutor does not classify the bombing as a terrorist offense.

Pac-Man ::


švedsko tožilstvo, gtranslate:

In November 2016 exploding a bomb on Upper House Street in Gothenburg. In January 2017, a bomb exploded on Axel Adler's street in Västra Frölunda, where a person suffered life-threatening injuries. On January 25, a bomb was found at Lilleby camping in Torslanda, which, due to a construction error, never detonated.

Three men are now prosecuted for their respective involvement in the crimes. One person is prosecuted because he, among other things, has manufactured all three bombs and in any case placed the bomb at one point. A person is prosecuted for providing explosives and other vital parts to the bombs on Axel Adler's street and at Lilleby camping. A person is prosecuted for taking various measures for the deployment of the bomb in Lilleby.


All three men have links with the Nordic resistance movement. However, the prosecutor can not see that the act in question has any direct connection with the organization.

"It seems rather that there are indications that they were dissatisfied with the leadership of the Nordic resistance movement because they did not want to use violence in the same extent as they themselves. We can also see that two of the suspects have received military education in Russia just before the attack. On the other hand, we have not estimated that it is a terrorist offense.


The two #Russia-trained #terrorists are to the left in this picture. Picture from #Sweden #Police

Screendump of the #Partizan paramilitary training center in #Russia, where these two #Sweden #NeoNazi #terrorists trained before attacks

Pac-Man ::

Navalny organizira novo rundo protikorupcijskih protestov, danes je praznik, dan Rusije. V Moskvi je bil plan imet oder, ozvočenje, pač urejeno, ampak noben od ponudnikov ni želel sodelovat. Menda grožnje iz županske pisarne.

Zato je Navalny dal komando, da se mašira po glavni ulici v Moskvi. Uradni odgovor včeraj zvečer:

Vreče peska in tankovske barikade.

Russian TV counting down to Putin's annual "direct line" with a number to call w your personal request for the man


What to watch out for in Russia’s June 12 protests? Size (including in regions), gov’t response, use of National Guard, & int’l response.

The top story is likely to be size of the protests. Anything less than the ~100k from March’s protests will be seen as a disappointment. Numbers in the regions will be key. Liberal elites frequently protest. Kremlin has a counter-narrative. Not for protests in the regions. One issue will be calculating the size. It’s far from a science & both sides have a big incentive to be “creative” with the calculations. The main impact will come from the gov’t response. Leave the protesters alone and embolden them. Crack down too hard and more will join. What is a lax response? Arresting fewer than a hundred. A harsh response would be arresting thousands and/or using substantial force. A danger Putin faces is authorities outside of Moscow & St. Petersburg overreacting or losing control of the situation. He'll be blamed. The protests will be a test for the recently created National Guard. Does it take a leading role? Do its tactics differ from the police? Lastly, how do the US and EU react to a crackdown? A weak response is likely to encourage harsher treatment of arrested protesters.


As Navalny calls on protesters to march on Kremlin, Russian state TV reports on bus wreck in Siberia, politics in US, UK, France, Kosovo.

Russian prosecutors warn that Navalny's plan to march in Moscow is "direct violation of law" and will be stopped.

A colleague I talk to in Siberia's capital Novosibirsk: "What do we have to be afraid of? It's not like they can ship us off to Siberia."

On Novosibirsk's Lenin Square, free buckwheat porridge and tea for all who come to city's official celebration of Russia Day holiday.

Meanwhile, on Novosibirsk's embankment along Ob River, citizens assemble heeding Navalny's call to protest corruption.

Thousands rally on Ob River in Novosibirsk under banner "Corruption is robbing us of a future," shouting "Putin is a thief."


#RussiaProtests: several hundred residents joined anti-corruption #protest in #Vladivostok, #Russia

In #Kazan, #Russia, ~200 joined anti-corruption #protest despite the 7am (!!!) start. #RussiaProtests

#RussiaProtests: in #Blagoveshchensk, #Russia, there are reports of #protesters being detained by police

#RussiaProtests: ~100 residents joined today's #protest in #UlanUde (above) & ~200 in #Khabarovsk (below) in eastern #Russia

#RussiaProtests: anti-corruption protest in #Khabarovsk, #Russia happening today

Detentions also reported in Vladivostok after anti-corruption protests took place in areas not sanctioned by Russian authorities.

In #Vladivostok, #Russia, police detains #protesters. #RussiaProtests Photos via @StalkerVrk

 Star Lexus? z volanom na desni. Japonska je blizu.

Star Lexus? z volanom na desni. Japonska je blizu.

In #Barnaul, #Russia, hundreds at anti-corruption #protest today

#Police deployed to disperse protesters in #Vladivostok, #Russia

Fun fact: Russian MIA started social ad campaign reminding to youth of the nation participation in rallies will lead to anal rape by inmates

Looks like a beautiful day for anti-corruption #protests across #Russia. Crowds already gathering in Vladivostok & Kazan. Via @navalny

In #Irkutsk, #Russia, hundreds join anti-corruption #protest

In #Novosibirsk, #Siberia, #Russia, ~2,000 residents joined anti-corruption #protest today:

In #Krasnodar, south #Russia, hundreds joined anti-corruption #protest despite morning rain & 9am start:

In #Tomsk, #Siberia, #Russia, hundreds joined anti-corruption #protest today: #RussiaProtests

Residents in #Irkutsk (left) & #Yakutsk (right), both in #Siberia, #Russia, joined anti-corruption #protests today:

#Moscow, #Tverska where @navalny wants to protest blocked "until 12" at entrance fr/Bulvarnoye. NKVD guy looks fine)

In #Kazan, #Tatarstan, #Russia, several hundred joined anti-corruption #protest; 4 activists detained by police

In #Omsk, #Russia, several hundred residents joined anti-corruption #protest:

Mene pa zanima, kdaj bodo začeli protestirat na Krimu.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Mene pa zanima, kdaj bodo začeli protestirat na Krimu.

Najbrž bo še malo trajalo, Krim je občutljivo območje, kjer v imenu boja proti fašizmu takoj ustrelijo vsakega, ki podvomi v vsemogočno dobrohotnost predsednika in njegovega pristopa enega ljudstva, države in vodje.

RedDrake ::

Paco, umiri se malo.
Da te ne bo RU kontraobveščevalna "samo-izginila" na kak lep sončen dan, slučajno.
(Ni grožnja, nimam 0 z Rusi, samo dobronameren nasvet, lovke Rusov so dolge, in na tem forumu so zagotovo ljudje, ki zelo globoko simpatizirajo z RU)

r3dkv1c4 ::

ljudje zamegljeni s t.i. zahodno oh in sploh super demokracijo uporabljajo ta izraz za vsakega , ki jim ni povšeči.

Realnost pa je vse prej , kot to.
Vsaka stvar ima svojo mejo.

You can ban me, but you can't shut me down!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: r3dkv1c4 ()

D3m ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Mene pa zanima, kdaj bodo začeli protestirat na Krimu.

Najbrž bo še malo trajalo, Krim je občutljivo območje, kjer v imenu boja proti fašizmu takoj ustrelijo vsakega, ki podvomi v vsemogočno dobrohotnost predsednika in njegovega pristopa enega ljudstva, države in vodje.

Koliko tisoč mrtvih je sedaj na ulici?

Boš dal link, kot Paco?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

D3m ::

Kje je na tisoče mrtvih po ruskih ulicah?

Kar si podal je samo vaba in nič drugega.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

Spet mr. NSA, ki je v 90ih delal na jugi. Nekatere vzporednice z trenutno rusko hibridno taktiko se ponujajo same od sebe.


The Return of Frankie and The Iceman

For the last 24 years, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, based in The Hague, has attempted to mete out justice to those accused of war crimes in the ugly conflicts which engulfed Southeastern Europe from 1991 to 1999. The track record of this UN-mandated court, termed the ICTY for short (said as ick-tee by Balkan cognoscienti) can be fairly assessed as mixed.


Although—full disclosure alert—I’ve aided the ICTY as an expert witness in more than one case, I’ve been a skeptic too. A South African-style Truth and Reconciliation model might have served the Balkans better than justice imported by outsiders.

The problem seemed to be resolving itself, however, as the ICTY was slated to shut its doors imminently since it had few cases left to try.


The tribunal has been given new life, though, by a sensational trial slated to start this week which aims to prosecute two of the most sinister and shadowy of all the Balkan warlords who perpetrated crimes back in the 1990s. They are Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović, who a quarter-century ago were top officers of Serbia’s secret police.


Both men were career officers of Communist Yugoslavia’s secret police, the notorious UDBA. Although Marshal Tito and his renegade Red regime got good Western press during the Cold War, when Yugoslavia was valued by NATO for its usefulness in blunting Soviet aims in Southern Europe, UDBA was every bit as unpleasant as the KGB.

Indeed, Yugoslav spies were in many ways even nastier than their Soviet counterparts during the Cold War. When the KGB got out of the assassination business abroad in the late 1950s—what Kremlin spies termed “wetwork”—because the associated political risks were too great, UDBA went into that sinister field with gusto.

Between the mid-1960s and the collapse of Yugoslavia a quarter-century later, UDBA assassinated about a hundred Yugoslav émigrés in the West. Most of these hits took place in Western Europe, but they spanned the globe, including a dozen assassinations in the United States (none of which were ever prosecuted). Western intelligence services, including American ones, averted eyes to this unpleasantness since Tito was strategically useful in the Cold War.

In a nasty innovation, UDBA outsourced much of its wetwork to Balkan mafiosi, who were skilled at murder and were perfectly content to kill for Belgrade in exchange for leniency about other crimes. Tito’s secret police thereby created cadres of career criminals experienced in state-sanctioned murder—a development which would have fateful consequences when the country fell apart a decade after Tito’s death in 1980.

In the months before Yugoslavia finally came apart at the seams in the summer of 1991, Milošević employed Serbia’s secret police to arm ethnic kin in Croatia and Bosnia in preparation for rebellion and war. That work was overseen by Stanišić and Simatović, who created a hush-hush program termed the “military line” to raise paramilitaries under UDBA auspices for the coming wars which Serbia was egging on.

Known as The Iceman (for his preternaturally cool demeanor) and Frankie, respectively, in Serbian intelligence and organized crime circles—the line between them, blurry under Tito, disappeared altogether under Milošević—Stanišić and Simatović raised a covert army of criminals to do Belgade’s dirty work. The former was the head of Serbia’s powerful secret police from 1991 to 1998 while the latter was his factotum, especially for war and wetwork.

Together they raised linked paramilitaries like the Special Operations Unit (the JSO, informally called the Red Berets) and the Serbian Volunteer Guard, led by the charismatic Željko Ražnatović, who went by the underworld nickname Arkan (Wildcat). Many of the recruits were veteran criminals, including Arkan, who was a legendary UDBA assassin responsible for hits across Europe in the 1970s and 1980s.

Beginning in mid-1991, Arkan and his Tigers, as he called his bandit brigade, along with the JSO and associated paramilitaries, a few thousand men in all, commenced a four-year spree of theft, plunder, and murder across Croatia and Bosnia. Although it was politic to pretend that these criminals were freebooters, it was understood by anyone who wanted to that they answered to Belgrade—which meant they belonged to Frankie and The Iceman. Western intelligence agencies in the 1990s were fully aware of the key role played by Stanišić and Simatović in raising, training, equipping, and operating secret units of Serbian criminals who committed war crimes across much of the former Yugoslavia.


Defeated in war, the ailing Milošević regime held on for another year, finally succumbing to popular protests in October 2000.

By that point, many of the most-wanted war criminals were already conveniently dead. In a series of bloody mafia wars in the last years of Milošević’s rule, dozens of Serbian mobsters and security officials were murdered under mysterious circumstances. A prominent victim was the flamboyant Arkan, who was gunned down in a Belgrade hotel at the beginning of 2000. The regime was ensuring that big fish weren’t alive to testify against Milošević and his henchmen in The Hague.


The trial set to begin this week, therefore, may reveal unpleasant truths about the criminal nature of Communist Yugoslavia and the even more unpleasant regime which took its place in Belgrade under Slobodan Milošević. Certainly, Frankie and The Iceman have quite a story to tell, if they can be coaxed into telling it, since they know where all the Balkan bodies are buried – literally as well as figuratively.

There’s a rub here for the United States, however. As I’ve tried to get across for years, in articles, documentaries, and books, the real story of the Balkan wars of the 1990s is a lot murkier than the standard accounts would have you believe. Western governments were aware of many unpleasant events which they did little, if anything to stop, while American involvement in messy Balkan affairs was deeper than the public realized.

One of the facts which may complicate the new trial is Jovica Stanišić’s longtime relationship with American intelligence. Throughout the 1990s, when he headed Serbia’s sinister secret police, The Iceman was an agent of the CIA, as Langley has admitted.
His CIA case officer maintains that having such a valuable back-channel to the very top security circles in Belgrade “did a whole lot of good” at preventing ugly Balkan wars from getting even worse. That may be true, but one hardly need be a congenital skeptic to have questions about what Washington knew about war crimes as they happened in something like real time, orchestrated by The Iceman’s subordinates.

Mr.B ::

Sedej boste pa nasega titota v isti kos metali kot ostale diktatorje...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Definicija vate :)

Video s ponedeljka, angleški podnapisi.


janex ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Mene pa zanima, kdaj bodo začeli protestirat na Krimu.

Najbrž bo še malo trajalo, Krim je občutljivo območje, kjer v imenu boja proti fašizmu takoj ustrelijo vsakega, ki podvomi v vsemogočno dobrohotnost predsednika in njegovega pristopa enega ljudstva, države in vodje.

Pejd v Germanistan rečt da Hijtler did nathing wrong, ali pa v UK da muslim did fikifiki alot, ali pa v Cucknadistan da tvoj sin ni punca. Če v UK skušaš preprečit da ti religiozni mirovnik posili hčer, je 5 let resta...

Morda si zamešal Rusijo pa Izrael?

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Zna bit Ruska verzija Iran kontre.


HUGE SCOOP: Money Sergei Magnitsky exposed & was killed over has now been linked to Syrian chemical weapons program. Money flowed from Kluyev's bank to Perepilichnyy's company acct in Switzerland to Cyprus acct of person linked to Syrian chemical weapons.


According to a contract and bank records from late 2007 and early 2008, a company tied to a state-backed Russian mafia group, according to U.S. officials, agreed to pay more than $3 million to a company called Balec Trading Ventures, Ltd — supposedly for high-end "furniture."


Balec Ventures is owned by Issa al-Zeydi, a Russian whom the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned in 2014 for his connection to the Scientific Studies and Research Center, the hub of Syria's nonconventional weapons program, including its manufacture of Sarin and VX nerve agents and mustard gas.

According to U.S. Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice, a band of Russian mafia called the Klyuev Group consists of past and present officials in the Russian Interior Ministry, two Moscow tax bureaus and the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the domestic intelligence service and successor body to the Soviet KGB.


The Syria-born Issa al-Zeydi does not have a conspicuous public profile in Russia, apart from a largely inactive social media page on VKontake, the Russian version of Facebook, which CNN has confirmed belongs to the man who owns Balec Ventures.

He graduated in 1964 from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, where he studied engineering.

According to corporate registration records in Russia, al-Zeydi is also the owner and/or CEO of several small companies with next to no capital.

One of these, Aldzhamal Interneshal, claims to work in "non-specialized wholesale trade," "the production of petroleum products" and the "manufacture of industrial gases."

He was also the director of Enterprises Ltd. and Fruminenti Investments Ltd., two companies that the U.S. sanctioned in 2014 for their connection to the Scientific Studies and Research Center, Syria's government agency responsible for developing and producing non-conventional weapons and ballistic missiles," according to the US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Issa je vsekakor zanimiva oseba. Morda rojen v Rusiji, l. 1939.
“Issa Al-Zeydi is the sole ultimate beneficiary of the account, holds a Russian passport, was born in Syria and maintains a Russian address,” EY said in their report. A review revealed that Al-Zeydi’s passport listed Moscow, as his address. Balec’s operating address was Office 31, House 14, Gubkina Street, Moscow, Russia, according to the EY report.

Pac-Man ::


The last question Kelly asked Putin, which was not aired, was startling in its pandering. “We have been here in St. Petersburg for about a week now. And virtually every person we have met on the street says what they respect about you is they feel that you have returned dignity to Russia, that you’ve returned Russia to a place of respect. You’ve been in the leadership of this country for 17 years now. Has it taken any sort of personal toll on you?”

A former CIA Russia analyst who spoke to HuffPost was taken aback by the last question Kelly asked. “I can’t begin to tell you what this did for Putin’s ego, and I wouldn’t put it past the Kremlin to use it for propaganda purposes. Putin’s obsession is, by his definition, making Russia great again. He’s obsessed with the idea that he has returned the country to what he sees as the glory days of the USSR. He feels that since the breakup of the USSR, Russia has too often ceded ground where it shouldn’t have. And he’s obsessed with people seeing him as the one who brought dignity back to Russia.”

D3m ::



|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mr.B ::

Že jokajo : New US Russia sanctions bill riles Germany and Austria
Še en korak Donalda, da bodo USA first, ostala samo še na papirju, vajeti bo pa prezela kitajska.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Brane22 ::


Premirejeva osebna vojska ("plačani civili") so se v koordinirani akciji spravili nad Navalnyja in vsakega novinarja, ki bi si upal približati prizorišču:



Edit: Ups, zajeb. Gre za "demokratično" izbranega predsednika Srbije.

Ampak to ni tema očitno za nikogar izven Srbije. Dokler tip obdeluje zastavljeni seznam, je "demokrat".

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Brane22 ::

In BTW, če se že učiš iz srspkih primerov, kaj ko bi malo širše obdelal sceno ?

Poglej malo tokove denarja- kako so srpski demokrati plačani ( po novem mora biti financiranje NVOjev javno znano), poglej sezname projektov, za katere so plačani, nato poglej timetable kojekakvih akcij, demonstracij in nastopov.

Poleg tega, se ti ne zdijo kadri posrečeni ? Kot da fotke niso nastale slučajno, iz rok mimoidočih, ampak je nekdo koreografsko postavljal in sebe in sceno.

Polno enih naporov da bi čimbolj raztegnili število udeležencev. Low-angle shoti itd itd.

Pac-Man ::

D3m je izjavil:

98,1% ni 100%. Clintonova je dobila 3 mio več glasov, Trump je zmagal s 77000 več glasovi v treh ključnih zveznih državah.


Več o zgornji finančni verigi zaradi katere je umrl Magnitski.


I investigated the bank mentioned here a few years ago. Linked it to cashflow from cigarette contraband to Russian and Bulgarian officials and other cash flows ending up in Syria...which corroborates @CNN's scoop. This from a 2015 intelligence memo.

A total of $508 m were "traded" by companies having same address as BALEC...all with Russian and/or Syrian linkage

One of Moscow-based Syrians used in funding channel to Assad did not feel comfortable in assigned role, had his son abducted by Chechens. I just can't remember if it's this same Issa from the story, or another one...next week I'll have a chance to refresh my memory.

D3m ::

Cry me a river Paco.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…


Pac-Man je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

98,1% ni 100%. Clintonova je dobila 3 mio več glasov, Trump je zmagal s 77000 več glasovi v treh ključnih zveznih državah.

Seveda jih je dobila saj je z avtobusi vlaki ladjami in avijoni vozila ilegalce na volišča.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Osebe napoto Putinu pogosto umrejo v zelo kreativnih samomorih. Sploh v VB.


His nuclear research helped a judge determine that former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko had been assassinated – likely on Putin’s orders. Just months after the verdict, the scientist himself was found stabbed to death with two knives. Police deemed it a suicide, but US intelligence officials suspect it was murder.


The murder detective who attended the scene would tell his inquest that she was shocked to witness injuries that were “so extensive”. Still, the police and coroner declared it a suicide – concluding that Dr Matthew Puncher had somehow managed to stab and slash himself repeatedly with two separate knives before succumbing to his wounds. Suicide by stabbing is rare – and cases with multiple wounds are exceedingly so. But this case was still more unusual.

Puncher, a renowned government radiation scientist, had played a key role in uncovering one of the most shocking assassinations in a century: the death of Alexander Litvinenko, a defector from the Russian security services in London. Puncher was part of a team of scientists whose research discovered a vital clue that helped a British inquiry conclude Litvinenko’s murder was likely ordered by the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

Police were quick to close the case on Puncher's death, determining that there were no grounds for suspicion, despite his role in that international controversy and research trips he subsequently made to Russia on behalf of the British and American governments.

Now, BuzzFeed News can reveal that Puncher is among at least 14 people US intelligence officials suspect were killed in the UK by Russian mafia groups or secret services, two forces that sometimes work together, since Putin’s rise to power. Four American intelligence officials said US spies have gathered intelligence about the scientist’s death and believe that he “was assassinated”. They said they have passed MI6, Britain’s secret intelligence service, information connecting Puncher’s death – and 13 others – to Russia. Yet the British police have ruled out suspicions in all those cases and shut down any further investigation.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Osebe napoto Putinu pogosto umrejo v zelo kreativnih samomorih. Sploh v VB.


His nuclear research helped a judge determine that former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko had been assassinated – likely on Putin’s orders. Just months after the verdict, the scientist himself was found stabbed to death with two knives. Police deemed it a suicide, but US intelligence officials suspect it was murder.


The murder detective who attended the scene would tell his inquest that she was shocked to witness injuries that were “so extensive”. Still, the police and coroner declared it a suicide – concluding that Dr Matthew Puncher had somehow managed to stab and slash himself repeatedly with two separate knives before succumbing to his wounds. Suicide by stabbing is rare – and cases with multiple wounds are exceedingly so. But this case was still more unusual.

Puncher, a renowned government radiation scientist, had played a key role in uncovering one of the most shocking assassinations in a century: the death of Alexander Litvinenko, a defector from the Russian security services in London. Puncher was part of a team of scientists whose research discovered a vital clue that helped a British inquiry conclude Litvinenko’s murder was likely ordered by the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

Police were quick to close the case on Puncher's death, determining that there were no grounds for suspicion, despite his role in that international controversy and research trips he subsequently made to Russia on behalf of the British and American governments.

Now, BuzzFeed News can reveal that Puncher is among at least 14 people US intelligence officials suspect were killed in the UK by Russian mafia groups or secret services, two forces that sometimes work together, since Putin’s rise to power. Four American intelligence officials said US spies have gathered intelligence about the scientist’s death and believe that he “was assassinated”. They said they have passed MI6, Britain’s secret intelligence service, information connecting Puncher’s death – and 13 others – to Russia. Yet the British police have ruled out suspicions in all those cases and shut down any further investigation.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Depresiven AF, ampak tak je postal po službenem potovanju v Rusijo.


The inquest also heard the father-of-three had 'become obsessed' with a coding error he made in his research which he feared could 'land him in prison' for breaking a contract with the US Government, while his wife said his mood had 'completely changed' following a trip to Russia.


He had been given sole responsibility over a contract with the US Federal Government for a programme measuring polonium levels inside people who previously worked on the USSR's nuclear weapons.

Head of department at Harwell, George Etherington, described Dr Puncher's concerns that his 'miscalculation' of the effects of the radiation on the workers would land him prison as 'irrational'.


'In February 2016 he attended a meeting in Russia and when he returned he appeared to be quiet and more confined and people told me mistakes made in mathematical analysis came to light during this meeting.


The inquest heard Dr Puncher had told other workers about the error in his paper which was rectified in an addendum but that was something he believed was a way of 'fudging it.'

D3m ::

Pred leti sem bil v bližini meje s Kaliningrad.

Včeraj me je začela boleti glava verjetno je to zaradi Rusov.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

Iatromantis ::

If you're a Russian young person, this exchange may have been the most important and revealing in Putin's entire 4-hour-long telethon today.

The teenager who asked Putin about corruption says the president's response was unsatisfying

Smrekar1 ::

Iatromantis je izjavil:

If you're a Russian young person, this exchange may have been the most important and revealing in Putin's entire 4-hour-long telethon today.

The teenager who asked Putin about corruption says the president's response was unsatisfying

Wikileaks je bil tu celo koristen.


Rusija je mafija, ki ima državo.


Če je rusija mafijska država potem je USA narko teror mafija na kubik.

Pac-Man ::

Putka je tak nadčloveški KGBjevec, da pade na poceni fejk njuz. Ampak mu tega nihče v njegovem krogu ne upap povedat. Ker je tak nadčloveški KGBjevec. Kavelj 22. ;)


In part three of Oliver Stone’s “The Putin Interviews”, the Russian president shows the director a video on a cell phone, showing what he calls “how our air force operates,” with ISIS fighters running away “with weapons.” However, this video does not show Russian aircrafts firing at ISIS fighters in Syria. Putin is actually showing an old video of a U.S. Apache helicopter firing at Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. The Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) open source collective compared the two clips, showing that they were identical, but set to a different audio track.

The original video can be seen below:

The overlaid audio, as shared on Noodle Remover News by Alexey Kovalev, is from a conversation between two Ukrainian pilots carrying out a mission over the Donbas in May 2014.

With the content from U.S. and Ukrainian videos mashed and combined, the event Putin describes to Oliver Stone is not what is depicted in the video he presents as evidence. The falsified video Putin watched can be seen below, uploaded on March 9, 2016, by a YouTube user named “Edelveis Ararat.”



UPDATE: Meduza asked Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, about the clip showing the American helicopter. Peskov’s response was:
“It’s not like that. Complete nonsense.”

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

še lepa primerjava. 41 sekund

Cervantes ::

Paco spet lima politično korektna stališča.
God help us!

Pac-Man ::

Resnica je "politično korektna"?

Tudi prav.


Putin bi moral biti predsednik EU

Pac-Man ::


@TheOliverStone comments on Putin's video: "The bloggers say this, the bloggers say that... Why would he fake it?

Ker ima zakrknjen KGBjevec točno 0 spoštovanja do "izdajalcev?" Beden (ne)izgovor, dejstvo ostaja, da je fejkal.

SimplyMiha ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Resnica je "politično korektna"?

Tudi prav.

There is no truth. There is only perception. Gustave Flaubert

Pac-Man ::

Vladimir Putin je Oliverju Stonu na svojem mobilnem telefonu pokazal "dashcam" ameriškega AH-64 v Iraku z zvočnim posnetkom ukrajinske vojske na doneškem letališču maja 2014. To je pospremil s komentarjem, da gre za rusko vojsko v Siriji.


Kako in zakaj je do tega prišlo pa spada v percepcijo.

Putin ni opazil napisov v angleščini&latinici ter ukrajinsko naglašene Ruščine oz. Ukrajinščine? V tem primeru - kaki so njegovi viri informacij? Podobno zanesljivi kot Trumpovi - nekdo na internetu? Je z njegovim dojemanjem realnosti precej narobe - spet - podobno kot pri Trumpu?

Je to storil nalašč? Zakaj? Ker mu je šlo samo za propagandni efekt, resnica ni važna? Ker nima spoštovanja do "izdajalcev" katerekoli narodnosti?

Sploh prvi odstavek so zanimiva vprašanja za tuje obveščevalne agencije.
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