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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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Pac-Man je izjavil:

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Ta video nič ne pove še vedno je več 10 mio ljudi za izstop iz EU.
Pove, da ni težko najti idiotov, ki so preveč upov polagali v "strice iz ozadja".

Tako je, če želiš biti kul in padeš iz brzog vlaka. Boli.

Nigel Farage ni stric iz ozadja.

Pac-Man ::

Em, "strici iz ozadja" naj bi preprečili Brexit, kljub idiotskim odločitvam volilnega telesa.

Vse odločeno v naprej pa to. Sploh razumeš koncept stricev iz ozadja?


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Em, "strici iz ozadja" naj bi preprečili Brexit, kljub idiotskim odločitvam volilnega telesa.

Vse odločeno v naprej pa to. Sploh razumeš koncept stricev iz ozadja?

Kdo pa si ti, da boš sodil kako so se odločili VB volilci?

Volilci so se odločili za Brexit imeli so popravni izpit na volitvah volici so spet podprli Brexit z izvolitvijo konzervativcev tukaj so strci iz ozadja nemočni večina je zmagala.

Strici iz ozadja so bankirji, miljarderji in podobni patroni, ki upravljajo z politiki. Vladimir Putin nima stricev z ozadja, ker ima lastno hrbtenico in zna udariti po mizi in se ne podreja stricom iz ozadja tako, kot se je npr Obama, ki je bil navadna cunja ali spužva.

Pac-Man ::

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Kdo pa si ti, da boš sodil kako so se odločili VB volilci?

Pismena opravilno sposobna oseba z dostopom do interneta.

United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016 @ Wikipedia

Pa ti?


Pac-Man je izjavil:

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Kdo pa si ti, da boš sodil kako so se odločili VB volilci?

Pismena opravilno sposobna oseba z dostopom do interneta.

United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016 @ Wikipedia

Pa ti?

17,410,742 ljudi ali 51,89% je zglasovalo za brexit pa če se postaviš na glavo ali jih še ne vem kako žališ tega ne boš spremenil.

Jaz samo lahko rečem, da so se odločili pametno

Pac-Man ::

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

17,410,742 ljudi ali 51,89% je zglasovalo za brexit pa če se postaviš na glavo ali jih še ne vem kako žališ tega ne boš spremenil.

In kje so strici iz ozadja? Establišment je bil za remain.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

17,410,742 ljudi ali 51,89% je zglasovalo za brexit pa če se postaviš na glavo ali jih še ne vem kako žališ tega ne boš spremenil.

In kje so strici iz ozadja? Establišment je bil za remain.

Ne skrbi strici iz ozadja bodo že poskrbeli zase, da bo prav za njih.

Pac-Man ::

Tsargrad TV. Se počutim kot pokvarjena lajna, ampak dajmo spet. Konstantin Malofeev @ Wikipedia, Aleksandr Dugin @ Wikipedia, Igor Strelkov (officer) @ Wikipedia, 2015%E2%80%9316 Montenegrin crisis @ Wikipedia, v glavnem center ciklona.


In a video on its social media channels this week, Tsargrad TV called on gay people to compete for a one-way plane ticket overseas.

"Just recently, California - the most liberal state in the USA by the way - proposed to facilitate the granting of green cards to Russian perverts," said TV host Andrei Afanasyev.


"The staff of Tsargrad TV support this initiative. Moreover, we are ready to pay for a one-way ticket to anyone who plans to emigrate in complete earnest, and can provide a medical certificate proving that they are sodomites or have other forms of perversion," he added.


A few people have expressed their interest in taking up the offer, though it is unclear how serious they are.

"It looks like my winning ticket to get out of this frigging country. What should I submit?" asked one.

Pac-Man ::

Amerikanizacija Rusije se nadaljuje po programu. Zdaj imajo svojo afero Blackwater. Me zanima odziv.


On June 30, a video surfaced on the Internet showing Russian-speaking armed men beating another man with a sledge hammer and calling him an ISIS fighter. Another man was either beheaded or dug into earth/poured over with concrete up to his neck.

After analyzing the video, we came to a conclusion that it shows fighters of Russian "Wagner" PMC. The video was likely filmed in the desert in eastern Syria.


The song in the video is called "I'm Russian Spetsnaz". The song is about the Chechen wars, in which many "Wagner" fighters participated. Its author is unknown, but its text is available online. We provide the translation of the first 8 lines:

A village is burning, a Chechen mother is running
And does not want to give her child to me.
I take my heavy assault rifle from my shoulder,
Take the child and kill the mother.

I'm Russian Spetsnaz,
I don't give a damn about anything.
Holding an assault rifle,
I go killing.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Amerikanizacija Rusije se nadaljuje po programu. Zdaj imajo svojo afero Blackwater. Me zanima odziv.


On June 30, a video surfaced on the Internet showing Russian-speaking armed men beating another man with a sledge hammer and calling him an ISIS fighter. Another man was either beheaded or dug into earth/poured over with concrete up to his neck.

After analyzing the video, we came to a conclusion that it shows fighters of Russian "Wagner" PMC. The video was likely filmed in the desert in eastern Syria.


The song in the video is called "I'm Russian Spetsnaz". The song is about the Chechen wars, in which many "Wagner" fighters participated. Its author is unknown, but its text is available online. We provide the translation of the first 8 lines:

A village is burning, a Chechen mother is running
And does not want to give her child to me.
I take my heavy assault rifle from my shoulder,
Take the child and kill the mother.

I'm Russian Spetsnaz,
I don't give a damn about anything.
Holding an assault rifle,
I go killing.

Kakašna je pa durova lestvica za to pesem?

Pac-Man ::

Gre za PMC Wagner, privatno vojsko/varnostno organizacijo v stilu Blackwaterja. Lastnik je putinov najljubši kuhar, ki fura tudi trol farmo v Sankt Peterburgu. Ravno pred kratkim je prišlo ven, da jim je Assad obljubil 25% vse osvobojene nafte.



Še navalnijev video o tipu. Angleški podnapisi so za vklopit.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Malo solate s komentarjem.


Overall highlights of Russian FM Lavrov's eye-popping speech yesterday in below thread (link to full speech)


 Russia takes credit for ending Cold War, rebuilding Europe security/prosperity (whatevs); says West bungled it, created new instability.

Russia takes credit for ending Cold War, rebuilding Europe security/prosperity (whatevs); says West bungled it, created new instability.

 Kremlin says values of the West created expansion of terrorism (you'll note echoes of Trump speeches here, on purpose)

Kremlin says values of the West created expansion of terrorism (you'll note echoes of Trump speeches here, on purpose)

 This pretty much explains exactly what the Kremlin is doing to the rest of us. Kremlin always says what it does clearly

This pretty much explains exactly what the Kremlin is doing to the rest of us. Kremlin always says what it does clearly

 Admits pushing for new world order to undermine American power (couched in supposed democratic principles that Kremlin does not believe)

Admits pushing for new world order to undermine American power (couched in supposed democratic principles that Kremlin does not believe)

 This could also be a paragraph from a Trump campaign speech. But instead it's Kremlin admitting they will do anything to take apart NATO

This could also be a paragraph from a Trump campaign speech. But instead it's Kremlin admitting they will do anything to take apart NATO

 "All against all" my friends. Don't believe this drivel of rainbows and unicorns for all.

"All against all" my friends. Don't believe this drivel of rainbows and unicorns for all.

 Admits Kissinger is acting as some kind of back channel.

Admits Kissinger is acting as some kind of back channel.

 Amazing: Lavrov admits Russia is a combatant in Eastern Ukraine, despite years of pretending otherwise. This is huge

Amazing: Lavrov admits Russia is a combatant in Eastern Ukraine, despite years of pretending otherwise. This is huge

 Doubles down, admits they invaded Ukraine, and don't regret it. Nazis Nazis everywhere, nor any drop to drink...

Doubles down, admits they invaded Ukraine, and don't regret it. Nazis Nazis everywhere, nor any drop to drink...

 In this bizarre story -- we should all remember Russia is the liar with the shitty cards, but we keep thinking they have a winning hand

In this bizarre story -- we should all remember Russia is the liar with the shitty cards, but we keep thinking they have a winning hand

 Brilliantly re-defines seeing the Russian threat as some sort of oppressive ideology "of the minority"

Brilliantly re-defines seeing the Russian threat as some sort of oppressive ideology "of the minority"

Lavrov also went on and on about needing better relations with US Congress. Theme this week. Beware. Also, throughout speech, what is clear is Kremlin's version of "democracy" has the state as the base unit, not individuals.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Vse je okej. Samo par steklih cuckov, ki izkazujejo predanost vodji krdela.


Another of Navalny's regional HQs, this time in Krasnodar, is attacked by local thugs. They tore up the place & left behind a Putin sticker.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

 Russia takes credit for ending Cold War, rebuilding Europe security/prosperity (whatevs); says West bungled it, created new instability.

Russia takes credit for ending Cold War, rebuilding Europe security/prosperity (whatevs); says West bungled it, created new instability.

Tale je dobra. Saj ne, da so bile sile SZ tam zato, da se Nemčiji ne bi združili. Zdaj Rusi trdijo, da je združitev Nemčij dobro delo Rusije?

Ubožca so sile kolonije SZ komaj uspele rešiti pred zlemi imperialisti. Še dobro, da je umrl preden mu je uspelo priti čez, za njegovo dobro je šlo.

D3m ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Vse je okej. Samo par steklih cuckov, ki izkazujejo predanost vodji krdela.


Another of Navalny's regional HQs, this time in Krasnodar, is attacked by local thugs. They tore up the place & left behind a Putin sticker.


So prepričani, da so jih napadli. :))
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::


July 3: RU terminates indictment against London-based fugitive entrepreneur accused of funneling 10 bn RUB out of state coffers
July 5th: Said newly care-free entrepreneur commits suicide in London.
March 3: Andrey Lugovoy, MP, accuses said entrepreneur of siphoning money. Lugovoy happens to be main suspect in Litvinenko's murder
A Russian news site asked SledCom days ago why they withdrew Interpol red notice on suspect. They got no answer
Per site's sources, "Although out of Russia, he was still linked to big business in Russia. Many vectors ended up with him"
June 15: during Q&A telethon, Putin says "In Russia we don't apply capital punishment. Although, sometimes...you know what I mean"

Here's a good backgrounder on him in English (from before he was suicided)

Comment: possibly intra-FSB troubles. in 2016, a branch of FSB (8 division) apparently certified only 1 company for fiscal cash registers. Formally, Scherbakov was the sole owner of that company. Informally, highly likely a front for siloviki & politicians. FSB's 8th Division is "Information Security Unit" - the same one that had several of its bosses arrested for "treason" earlier this year.

Cervantes ::

Da je Navali! Sorošev pljačanec je jasno vsakomur, razen tistemu, ki je suicidalno slep.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

D3m je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Vse je okej. Samo par steklih cuckov, ki izkazujejo predanost vodji krdela.


Another of Navalny's regional HQs, this time in Krasnodar, is attacked by local thugs. They tore up the place & left behind a Putin sticker.


So prepričani, da so jih napadli. :))

Obstaja video. Z angleškimi podnapisi na vklop. Moram se pa popravit - večinoma so bile ostarele psice.


In Krasnodar, people calling themselves “Putin’s Troops” attacked Navalny’s local campaign headquarters for the ninth time in the past several weeks. On July 4, roughly 20 people descended on the office, flipping furniture, tearing up banners and other campaign materials (destroying paraphernalia worth tens of thousands of rubles, the campaign says), and posting portraits of Vladimir Putin. Some of the vandals shouted, “There will be no separatists or extremists in the Kuban!” and chanted “Our Putin! Our Putin!”


“Not a day goes by without one of our people [in different cities] getting beaten up or attacked, or something of ours being broken,” Leonid Volkov, Navalny’s campaign manager, told Meduza.

For example, on June 26, unknown persons vandalized the car of Navalny’s campaign coordinator in Rostov, slashing his tires. That same day in Barnaul, someone tried to set fire to Navalny’s local headquarters.


Early on July 5, police arrived at Navalny’s local headquarters in Novosibirsk, looking for “illegal campaign materials.” (...) They said they'd call an investigative team and threatened arrests, but after 12 hours of waiting, no investigators ever showed up, and they never produced a warrant to enter the premises,” Volkov said.

By the afternoon, the police had a new story: the building that housed Navalny’s headquarters had received a bomb threat. Officers now broke down the door to the office, detaining three people inside, including two campaign volunteers.


Navalny’s volunteers managed to save almost all 250,000 copies of their campaign newspaper, passing them out through a back window to other volunteers, who then drove them away to other locations.


Anton Surnin, the head press officer for Russia’s Interior Ministry in Novosibirsk, told Meduza that he wasn’t “prepared to comment” on the actions of the police.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Berserker ::

Pacman kje pobiraš vse to gradivo? Sem te zadnjič že vprašal pa nisi odgovoril.

Pac-Man ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|


Danes bo pa srečanje vseh srečanj. Eden najboljših predsednikov v zgodovini Amerike Donald trump in verjetno najboljši predsednik v celotni zgodovini sveta Vladimir Putin.

D3m ::

In Slovenija ni mogla biti kraj srečanja.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|


D3m je izjavil:

In Slovenija ni mogla biti kraj srečanja.


Saj je boljše, da ni, ker drugače bi levi skrajneži uničevali Slovenska mesta tako kot danes Humburg.

Smrekar1 ::

Kot kaže bo nočna mora v Ukrajini postala realnost.


Država uspešno izpoljnuje težke naloge reform uničujočega podedovanega sistema, gospodarstvo spet počasi raste, zaupanje v denar se vrača, investitorji se vračajo. Nekje do leta 2020 bo Ukrajina na dobri poti k člantvu v EU in NATO in za vedno iztrgana iz uničujoče ruske orbite.

Nočna mora za Putina, seveda.


Leta 2020 EU sploh ne bo več :))

D3m ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Kot kaže bo nočna mora v Ukrajini postala realnost.


Država uspešno izpoljnuje težke naloge reform uničujočega podedovanega sistema, gospodarstvo spet počasi raste, zaupanje v denar se vrača, investitorji se vračajo. Nekje do leta 2020 bo Ukrajina na dobri poti k člantvu v EU in NATO in za vedno iztrgana iz uničujoče ruske orbite.

Nočna mora za Putina, seveda.


|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::

Za to boste pa morali bombardirati Lugansk in Donetsk. Potlej se boste pa lahko pridružili. :))
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Same snežinke.


City authorities in the Petrogradsky District of St. Petersburg reportedly rejected a request to allow 10 activists to display Navalny’s presidential campaign materials not far from St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Pointing out that the church is visited by large numbers of Russian Orthodox believers, “including children,” the local officials claimed, “Carrying out a public event could offend the religious believers’ feelings.”

City officials also argued that the 10-person rally could disrupt traffic on adjacent highways, by distracting drivers and pedestrians, possibly even leading to road collisions.

Cervantes ::

Navaln! je sorošev borec za demokracijo.
Vemo, kako se to konča. Failed state.
Marš v Sirijo. Ma tud Libija bo OK. Al pa Irak.
Živela demokracija! Made in USA.

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Navaln! je sorošev borec za demokracijo.
Vemo, kako se to konča. Failed state.
Marš v Sirijo. Ma tud Libija bo OK. Al pa Irak.
Živela demokracija! Made in USA.

Soros & njegove fundacije je nekako tako kot IMF. Delajo z basketcase primeri, kjer je solidna verjetnost za fail. Ne (nujno) po njihovi krivdi.


After eight years and more than USD 25 million spent, the Slovene branch of George Soros's Open Society Institute (OSI) is closing its doors as of 31 December. The decision was announced earlier this year, after the World Bank declared Slovenia to be a "developed" country no longer eligible for development loans. The OSI was intended to assist countries in transition, and now the organization feels that Slovenia no longer qualifies.

The Ljubljana-based Mirovni Inštitut (Peace Institute) has signed an agreement with the OSI by which it will continue to carry out OSI projects and receive OSI funding for at least one more year.


The OSI has racked up an impressive list of accomplishments in Slovenia. It founded multimedia centers in Maribor and Koper and the Center for Contemporary Art in Ljubljana. The OSI was also responsible for creating the Ljubljana Digital Media Lab (Ljudmila), which serves as a central homepage for more than 300 websites for Slovene non-governmental and non-profit organizations.

More than 50 Slovene students have received OSI stipends to study in American and British universities, 66 for postgraduate work at the Central European University in Budapest and 50 for summer courses there.

The OSI has also co-financed the Ljubljana University Faculty of post-graduate Humanistics, the Academy of Music, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), the Faculty of Architecture, the Institute for National Questions as well as study trips for Slovene academics, artists and journalists abroad and for foreigners to come to Slovenia.

Samuel ::

D3m je izjavil:

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Kot kaže bo nočna mora v Ukrajini postala realnost.


Država uspešno izpoljnuje težke naloge reform uničujočega podedovanega sistema, gospodarstvo spet počasi raste, zaupanje v denar se vrača, investitorji se vračajo. Nekje do leta 2020 bo Ukrajina na dobri poti k člantvu v EU in NATO in za vedno iztrgana iz uničujoče ruske orbite.

Nočna mora za Putina, seveda.



kaj bi rad povedal s tem??

Cervantes je izjavil:

Navaln! je sorošev borec za demokracijo.
Vemo, kako se to konča. Failed state.
Marš v Sirijo. Ma tud Libija bo OK. Al pa Irak.
Živela demokracija! Made in USA.

vseeno boljš kot trenutna ruska "demokracija"
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Cervantes ::

Demokracija je itak idiotizem.
In se konkretno reducira na 4-letno medstrankarsko psovanje in zavajanje volilcev z neizpolnjivimi obljubami.
Vmes se 4 leta ne dogaja nič pametnega, ker koalicijske stranke (plus seveda opozicijske) druga drugi ne pustijo nič naredit, ker bi to enim pač pomenilo prednost na nasldnjih volitvah.
Kar se tega tiče je kraljevina bolj efektna rešitev.
Churchill je sicer rekel marsikaj pametnega, ampak tisto o demokraciji je pa BS.
Platon: Država.
Kralj in filozofi. To.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mr.B ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Demokracija je itak idiotizem.
In se konkretno reducira na 4-letno medstrankarsko psovanje in zavajanje volilcev z neizpolnjivimi obljubami.
Vmes se 4 leta ne dogaja nič pametnega, ker koalicijske stranke (plus seveda opozicijske) druga drugi ne pustijo nič naredit, ker bi to enim pač pomenilo prednost na nasldnjih volitvah.
Kar se tega tiče je kraljevina bolj efektna rešitev.
Churchill je sicer rekel marsikaj pametnega, ampak tisto o demokraciji je pa BS.
Platon: Država.
Kralj in filozofi. To.

Turki, kot gleda so se prov odločili.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cervantes ::

Kralja imajo.
Ampak, kje so ostali filozofi?

Mr.B ::

Filozofi pač prej s kraljem diskutirajo, kaj smejo reči in ideje nakazati...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Brane22 ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Tale je dobra. Saj ne, da so bile sile SZ tam zato, da se Nemčiji ne bi združili. Zdaj Rusi trdijo, da je združitev Nemčij dobro delo Rusije?

Ja. Po tem, kar so naredili po Rusiji, se lahko zahvalijo njihovi dobri volji, da so sploh obstajali.
In delitev Nemčije je bila naravnost zastonj v primerjavi s to ceno.
In njena združitev, ja, ta je bila v veliki meri dobra volja Rusije.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Cervantes ::

Očitno gre tudi brez filozofofov.
Ampak recimo Erdoganu, Putinu ali pa npr Xiju ne bi bil problem zgraditi 26km drugega tira.
Da ne omenjam kakšnega zidu z Mehiko.

7tom1ja ::

D3m je izjavil:

Za to boste pa morali bombardirati Lugansk in Donetsk. Potlej se boste pa lahko pridružili. :))

to že počnejo
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

D3m ::

Dokončno sem mislil.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

nurmaln ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Demokracija je itak idiotizem.

Demokracija je zelo fajn vsaj z enega vidika - po vsakih volitvah imaš na oblasti folk (genialce ali totalne idiote, nima veze), ki ga podpira večina prebivalstva. To pomeni, da se tisti ki so izgubili zavedajo, da so v manjšini in je veliko manjša verjetnost (ali potreba) za kakšne državne udare ali kaj podobnega. Nekdo ki bi pa vedel da ima za sabo 70% prebivalstva bi pa hitro dobil idejo o kakšnem prevratu. Običajno je bolje vztrajati v sub-optimalni situaciji kako leto ali dve do naslednjih volitev, kot pa gledati stotine ali tisoče mrtvih po ulicah.

Je pa seveda res, da običajno pa najbolj pametne odločitve se pa ne sprejemajo, ker mora biti vsaka odločitev stvar kompromisa.
"I will be quoted in someone's signature,
even if I have to do it myself!" - nurmaln

Berserker ::

Najboljši sistem je benevolent dictatorship, kjer bi teoretično državi vladala podkovana intelektualna elita ne glede na izvor.

S tem bi se posledično izognil politični igri, manevrom, populističnim obljubam in praznim reformam.

Parlamentarna ureditev je zame nič druga kot blaga oblika državljanske vojne, kjer se več frakcij večno bori za oblast nad državo in posledično ni vidnih sprememb, ker posamezna stranke ne more dominirat države več kot štiri leta brez stalnih kompromisov.

nurmaln ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Najboljši sistem je benevolent dictatorship, kjer bi teoretično državi vladala podkovana intelektualna elita ne glede na izvor.

In ko bi 90% prebivalstva imelo občutek da jih "elite" zatirajo? Palice in nože v roke pa gre benevolent diktator rakom žvižgat in na oblast dobiš tistega ki je največji manipulator ali pa največji nasilnež. Pa imaš Venezuelo.
"I will be quoted in someone's signature,
even if I have to do it myself!" - nurmaln

nurmaln ::

Ali pa pa eden od sodelavcev benevolent diktatorja porine nož benevolent diktatorju v hrbet. In potem imaš novega diktatorja (ne izvoljenega), ki je malo manj benevolent in ima absolutno oblast. Ni prav dobra ideja to.
"I will be quoted in someone's signature,
even if I have to do it myself!" - nurmaln

Pac-Man ::

Z aprila, spet en s steno, clippingi in precej volne.


Putin's former chief of staff known as a political genius & “power behind the throne” is on Yandex Supervisory Board.
Here is why @yandex tags were placed in @BreitbartNews code as soon as @Stevenkbannon went to work for Trump.
 Alexander Voloshin: Svengali-like political genius who masterminded the handover of power to Putin in 2000

Alexander Voloshin: Svengali-like political genius who masterminded the handover of power to Putin in 2000

 According to US Senate's 2005 investigation, the Putin-Voloshin link is the strongest link in the political game

According to US Senate's 2005 investigation, the Putin-Voloshin link is the strongest link in the political game

 Voloshin, who was known as Putin's shadow president (Russia's own Bannon), has been on Yandex's board since 2010

Voloshin, who was known as Putin's shadow president (Russia's own Bannon), has been on Yandex's board since 2010

 After Voloshin left Kremlin in 2004, w/VEB and Putin's help, he became Chairman of Deripaska's company

After Voloshin left Kremlin in 2004, w/VEB and Putin's help, he became Chairman of Deripaska's company

 Voloshin also served as chairman of the board of Uralkali from 2010 to 2014 (Dmitry Rybolovlev's company)

Voloshin also served as chairman of the board of Uralkali from 2010 to 2014 (Dmitry Rybolovlev's company)

 Voloshin, Abramovich and Deripaska's father IL were part of Yeltsin's inner circle who put Putin in power. Why? $$$$

Voloshin, Abramovich and Deripaska's father IL were part of Yeltsin's inner circle who put Putin in power. Why? $$$$

 Putin was a mid-level KGB agent until mastermind Voloshin made him president & Yeltsin's inner circle filthy rich.

Putin was a mid-level KGB agent until mastermind Voloshin made him president & Yeltsin's inner circle filthy rich.

//tu zgreši, cela 90ta je bil v javni upravi, eno leto celo direktor FSB. Je bil pa nonejm, to drži.

Before we get back to – Voloshin and Yandex – remember #Hostkey hackers?
 So, Voloshin, former shadow president of Putin is now at Yandex. Check out address of Yandex and #Hostkey hackers. I don't care what anyone says, THIS is not a coincidence.

So, Voloshin, former shadow president of Putin is now at Yandex. Check out address of Yandex and #Hostkey hackers. I don't care what anyone says, THIS is not a coincidence.

 Meet 2 more members of Yandex Board: 1) Trump's friend Herman Gref 2) Former head of Trump's fave lender Charles Ryan

Meet 2 more members of Yandex Board: 1) Trump's friend Herman Gref 2) Former head of Trump's fave lender Charles Ryan

 Sockpuppets & Breitbart: How Russia Orchestrated a Massive Social Media Influence Campaign

Sockpuppets & Breitbart: How Russia Orchestrated a Massive Social Media Influence Campaign

Yandex tags ––> Breitbart code: Puppet master Voloshin is putting another Russian money maker in office – Trump.

Pac-Man ::

Pozna sceno, v 90ih je imel v Rusiji radio, lansko leto so ga PNGjali in ne sme nazaj.


Interesting lawyer, that one @DonaldJTrumpJr, Kushner and Manafort met at Trump Tower in June 2016. She's wife of ex Moscow Deputy AG. In addition to chasing revocation of Magnitsky Act, she has been trying to get US to extradite a Russian journalist/activists who disclosed her and her husband's corruption schemes. He defected to US in 2013, after Moscow court indicted him over his "unfounded accusations" in his investigations. Andrey Stolbunov. Watch this name. Let's make sure he doesnt' NOW get extradited.

Idea that this woman was in US to discuss *Russian orphans* is offensive to anyone's intelligence. That Jr. is saying that is mind-boggling.


Andrei Stolbunov, whose clients have included a muckraking journalist who was beaten nearly to death in a case that sparked international outrage, said he applied for U.S. asylum earlier this year because Russian authorities intend to prosecute him on "fabricated" extortion allegations.


Stolbunov is accused of colluding with his associates to extort $22.5 million from Pyotr Katsyv, the wealthy former minister of transportation in the Moscow region, according to a copy of a September 16 document outlining the charges against him and purportedly signed by a senior Russian Investigative Committee official.


Other alleged victims in the list of charges include Katsyv's son, Denis Katsyv, whom U.S. prosecutors accuse of benefiting from an elaborate scheme to steal $230 million from Russian state coffers that was revealed by Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.

Stolbunov, head of the nongovernmental organization Spravedlivost (Justice), is accused in the alleged extortion plot of spreading "false" information about the elder Katsyv's purported illegal role in the takeover of a factory, according to the document.

He says the group's investigations into Katsyv's dealings, which he published on the Spravedlivost website, were accurate and aimed at exposing malfeasance in the government of the Moscow region, a federal subject that surrounds but does not include the Russian capital.


Stolbunov's most famous client was Mikhail Beketov, a journalist and environmental activist who claimed to have uncovered massive corruption in the construction of a controversial Moscow-St. Petersburg highway.

In 2008, Beketov was savagely beaten in his hometown of Khimki, outside Moscow. The attack left him with severe brain damage, and he died on April 8, 2013. No one has been charged in the assault.

Cervantes ::

Včasih imam občutek, da si plačan po dolžini prispevka.
Paste, paste, paste.
Kakšen dolgcajt.

Berserker ::

Ja men se zdi tudi škoda časa ki ga namenja Pacman za te prispevke o dejstvih katere že poznajo Putin boti.

nurmaln je izjavil:

Berserker je izjavil:

Najboljši sistem je benevolent dictatorship, kjer bi teoretično državi vladala podkovana intelektualna elita ne glede na izvor.

In ko bi 90% prebivalstva imelo občutek da jih "elite" zatirajo? Palice in nože v roke pa gre benevolent diktator rakom žvižgat in na oblast dobiš tistega ki je največji manipulator ali pa največji nasilnež. Pa imaš Venezuelo.

Potem takem ni več "benevolent" a ne? Eno so populistična gibanja banana diktatur, ki slej ko prej vodijo v korpucijo in nepotizem, drugo je model Singapurja, Tajvana in nekaj časa celo CCCP, PRC in SFRJ v začetnik letih, ko sta splošna blaginja in razvoj bila pogoj za industrijski in vojaški razvoj. Neuki kmeti ti pač nebojo znali sestavit balistične raktete in jet motorja za reaktivce, tako dobi vladajoča elita motivacijo za razvoj države.

nurmaln je izjavil:

Ali pa pa eden od sodelavcev benevolent diktatorja porine nož benevolent diktatorju v hrbet. In potem imaš novega diktatorja (ne izvoljenega), ki je malo manj benevolent in ima absolutno oblast. Ni prav dobra ideja to.

Tak sistem seveda nebi bil v rokah posameznika. Ni to Rim, kjer pospraviš tirana in se legitimno razglasiš za novega vladarja.

D3m ::

Naj odpre svoje uredništvo.

Že na RTVSLO ga je dosti pa tukaj tudi.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

nurmaln ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Potem takem ni več "benevolent" a ne? Eno so populistična gibanja banana diktatur, ki slej ko prej vodijo v korpucijo in nepotizem, drugo je model Singapurja, Tajvana in nekaj časa celo CCCP, PRC in SFRJ v začetnik letih, ko sta splošna blaginja in razvoj bila pogoj za industrijski in vojaški razvoj. Neuki kmeti ti pač nebojo znali sestavit balistične raktete in jet motorja za reaktivce, tako dobi vladajoča elita motivacijo za razvoj države.

Zgodovine Singapurja ne poznam prav dobro, Tajvan, CCCP, PRC in SFRJ pa precej dobro in me straši ideja iskanja "splošne blaginje" na način kot so to delale te države v svojih zgodnjih letih.

Berserker je izjavil:

Tak sistem seveda nebi bil v rokah posameznika. Ni to Rim, kjer pospraviš tirana in se legitimno razglasiš za novega vladarja.

Zakaj Rim? Točno to se je zgodilo v CCCP, PRC in ostalih državah v katerih so prišli na oblast benevolent diktatorji.
"I will be quoted in someone's signature,
even if I have to do it myself!" - nurmaln

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: nurmaln ()
12 / 67

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