Forum » Problemi človeštva » NATO in Rusija
NATO in Rusija
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
Koliko Rusija/SZ upošteva svoje "partnerje"?
The agreement between President Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev I I I was a personal understanding between the two leaders, never embodied in a public document. It was agreed that all offensive weapons, inclu ding missiles and IL-28 Beagle strike aircraft would be removed. In return, the United States promised not to I invade the island or support other groups attempting to do so.
Castro felt betrayed by the USSR because Khrushchev had dealt directly with the United States without consulting him w anted to confront the United States and was incensed when Moscow backed away from the crisis Disillusioned and angry, Castro sought to broaden his relations with the non-industrialized world in order to gain sources of support independent of the Soviet Un i on. He wished to spread his revolution throughout Latin America by violent means, a course in direct opposition to the official policy of ''peaceful coexistence" followed by the Kremlin at the time After the 1966 Tri-Continental Conference, where Castro b r oke openly with Moscow over the question of support for world revolution, relations between the USSR and Cuba reached an all-time low
Pac-Man ::
Priporočam v branje:
Iz komentarjev:
Then there was the “trampling on the inherent rights of ethnic minorities and turning English-speaking residents of Quebec into de facto second-rate citizens”, which actually, you know, happened already. Google “Bill 101”. Guess what, anglophone Quebeckers weren’t rounded up into camps, the rest of Canada didn’t feel the need to roll the tanks in. and the anglos didn’t blow up the Assemblee Nationale in Quebec City. Not that anglos didn’t protest in the streets, but everyone seems to have been able to put down the AK-47s.
And then separatist Quebec governments tried to secede from Canada. There were several referendums of extremely dubious legality, but funnily enough, the Quebec government didn’t end up with a bunch of covert foreign francophone troops with automatic rifles roving around to “help” people. Then the separatists lost the referendums, and lost popular support over the years because they seemed much more interested in bitching about the English than fixing the potholes.
The worst violence during all this was when a cell of separatists, the FLQ, kidnapped and killed a Quebec minister, Pierre Laporte in 1970. This did make the Prime Minister of Canada invoke the War Measures Act and actually send in the troops (under Quebec government command) to keep order. Instead of this spiraling out of control into a civil war, everybody kept their heads, the violent separatists lost almost all popular support, and the separatists committed themselves to political means and not violence.
It’s amazing how other parts of the world can bumble through significant political disputes without shelling apartment buildings.
And the guy who sent in the troops was none other than Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the father of present Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
In še en twitter jajček,
You are a world class fucking imbecile, aren’t you? Is your mother also your sister?
ki ima 3 objave
@kinash888 Nov 8
@kinash888 Aug 19
jebite se z vašimi twiti, a nimate bolj pametnega dela? #riovnas
@kinash888 Apr 2
nothing. #fuckukraine
Blog je skoraj gotovo našel preko povezav, ki jih lepim, najverjetneje na MMCju. Se bi kdo pofočkal?
Sem bil površen, stvar postane boljša ko pogledaš še odgovore
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
killzone ::
Ruska moč je samo mit, velika predstava. Nič ne dela prav nič je samo pobarvana rja. Nato rabi mit o ruski moči živ za strašenje in za vojaško-industrijski kompleks. Zato je Nato izbral Rusijo za svojo sovražnico, ker brez nje ne more opravičiti svojega obstoja. Rusija nikoli ni bila grožnja. In tudi nikoli ne bo.
D3m ::
Smo videli pri američanih in sand niggerjih to superiornost.
COD 4 se ne šteje.
COD 4 se ne šteje.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
34054 ::
> Situacija v Ukrajini je povsem prozorna, saj za razliko od Gruzije in Kosova tam ni bilo nikakršnega etničnega konflikta, temveč so ga pridelali dobesedno ruski specialci in plačanci.
Nisem bral naprej. Ojej, kakšna analiza. Na ravni otrok v vrtcu. Takšna nabijanja bi se morala kar zakleniti, očitno Slo-Tech ni dozorel za nobene politične debate.
Nisem bral naprej. Ojej, kakšna analiza. Na ravni otrok v vrtcu. Takšna nabijanja bi se morala kar zakleniti, očitno Slo-Tech ni dozorel za nobene politične debate.
Smrekar1 ::
Tole iz Pac-manovega linka si zasluži razstavo.
In the delusional minds of Putin, Lavrov, and a whole host of pro-Kremlin “political technologists” and “geopolitical analysts,” the only reason why countries side with America is because their people are weak-willed and bought off. The only way to avoid such a label is by doing whatever Moscow asks of you.
Odličen opis ruskega pristopa k zunanji politiki.
In the delusional minds of Putin, Lavrov, and a whole host of pro-Kremlin “political technologists” and “geopolitical analysts,” the only reason why countries side with America is because their people are weak-willed and bought off. The only way to avoid such a label is by doing whatever Moscow asks of you.
Odličen opis ruskega pristopa k zunanji politiki.
D3m ::
Samo "delusional" sem prebral ostalo pa spustil, ker je sporočilo fantazija in si ne zasluži nadaljnega branja.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Smrekar1 ::
To ne odgovarja CNN-ovim cifram niti približno. Nazadnej so imeli cifro od manj kot 1%.
Pozabil sem omeniti, da so ankete pravilno napovedale kdo bo dobil več glasov volivcev, razlika je bila samo v elektroskih glasovih. V Črni gori tega nimajo.
Preprosto povedano, Brane22 pravi da so ankete netočne, ker so točno napovedale rezultat volitev v ZDA.
D3m ::
To ne odgovarja CNN-ovim cifram niti približno. Nazadnej so imeli cifro od manj kot 1%.
Pozabil sem omeniti, da so ankete pravilno napovedale kdo bo dobil več glasov volivcev, razlika je bila samo v elektroskih glasovih. V Črni gori tega nimajo.
Preprosto povedano, Brane22 pravi da so ankete netočne, ker so točno napovedale rezultat volitev v ZDA.
Pravilno navedi v narekovajih, ker smo videli magične rezultate.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Smrekar1 ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Seveda bo pa čas pokazal kako velik projekt to je.
Za 66 milijonov evrov prav gotovo ne zelo velik.
Širjenje Heathrowa denimo, ki vključuje samo novo stezo in terminal, bo stalo okoli 20 milijard evrov.
Scaramouche je izjavil:
bo več letal čez nekaj let tam ali manj?
Manj jih je težko, več po vsej verjetnosti tudi ne.
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Kubanci so hoteli Ruse,
Kubanski poglavar, ki si je državo podredil z okovanimi škornjem in strelskim vodom, si je želel ruse. Kubancev ni nihče vprašal, če se je kdo pritoževal pol tako glasno kot se tule ti je šla kar lepo glavca preč.
Zanimivo, da je to problem samo kadar to delajo Muslimani. Komunistom se to mirno tolerira. Heh.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Cervantes ::
Po neki idiotski logiki so tudi vse slovenske vojašnice in drugi objekti, kjer so slovenski vojaki, NATO baze, sploh če je NATO dal zraven dal kak EUR.
Eni tle debatirate, kot da Slovenija ni NATO članica.
Eni tle debatirate, kot da Slovenija ni NATO članica.
Smrekar1 ::
Cervantes ::
Po neki idiotski logiki so tudi vse slovenske vojašnice in drugi objekti, kjer so slovenski vojaki, NATO baze, sploh če je NATO dal zraven dal kak EUR.
No strinjam se s tabo. Vsaj s pridevnikom, ki opisuje tvojo logiko, no.
Vidim, da ti je problem prebrati in razumeti trivrstični post.
In potem drugim daješ nazive ala Illiterati.
Smrekar1 ::
Vidim, da ti je problem prebrati in razumeti trivrstični post.
Niti ne. Namesto tega dva stavka nekaterim očitno predstavljata nepremostljivo oviro.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Pac-Man ::
Iz dokumentov, ki jih je objavil Buzzfeed
Snitches get stiches?
Sechin's chief of staff found dead in a car in Moscow.
Snitches get stiches?
Pac-Man ::
S tem si je Putin zagotovil mesto jelcinovega naslednika.
How State-Sponsored Blackmail Works in Russia
In January 1999, Prosecutor General Yury Skuratov was summoned to the Kremlin by then-President Boris Yeltsin’s chief of staff, who showed him a videotape of “a man who looked like” Skuratov frolicking in bed with two prostitutes. Then he asked Skuratov to resign, even though the prosecutor was in the middle of investigating Yeltsin’s administration for taking bribes from a Swiss firm trying to secure lucrative contracts for Kremlin renovations. It was a grainy tape and Skuratov would later say it was fake, but he submitted his resignation nonetheless.
What happened next was one of the most decisive battles in determining who would replace Yeltsin when his second presidential term expired in 2000. Skuratov’s resignation had to be confirmed by the Federation Council, the upper chamber of the Russian parliament—back when it had not yet become a Kremlin rubber stamp. The Federation Council balked and asked Skuratov to testify, but the day before he appeared on the floor, RTR TV ran the tape on its evening news, calling the segment “Three in a Bed.” When the Federation Council continued to resist the Kremlin, and Skuratov tried to go back to work as if nothing happened, the tape was played on TV again, this time on the program of the notorious media hit man Sergei Dorenko. Allowing children to see the tape, Dorenko said, would make it harder for parents to raise them patriotically; this was, after all, the prosecutor general of the Russian Federation, “not Mick Jagger, who can run around the beach with a naked behind.”
The tape is rumored to have been delivered personally to the head of RTR by “a man who looked like the head of the FSB,” who at the time was none other than Vladimir Putin.
Soon afterward, on April 7, 1999, Putin went on TV himself to claim the tape authentic—that the “man who looked like” Skuratov was indeed Skuratov—and called not only for Skuratov’s resignation, but for a more robust criminal investigation.
S tem si je Putin zagotovil mesto jelcinovega naslednika.
In Skuratov’s case, the kompromat-black PR combination proved a killer one-two punch, one that helped change the political trajectory of post-Soviet Russia and helped make Putin president in 2000. In April 1999, Skuratov was fired by Yeltsin’s presidential fiat, and Skuratov’s political patron, Yevgeni Primakov—who had pushed for the Swiss bribery investigation, but was also often and openly referred to by Yeltsin as his successor—was knocked out of the running by Putin and his political patrons. It also allowed Putin to show loyalty to the deeply corrupt Yeltsin family, and eventually resulted in the agreement at the foundation of the transfer of power to Putin: don’t investigate The Family, as Yeltsin and his daughter and son-in-law were known.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Iz istega članka
Opozicija je bila takrat že pregnana na rob družbe, ne vem če so sploh imeli kak stol v dumi. Vseeno jih je bilo treba potisnit še nižje.
Zgleda so objavili tole
5 minutk, zgleda resna produkcija s studijskimi segmenti in konzerviranim smehom.
In the spring of 2010, a Kremlin youth group called Nashi was apparently behind the release of a greatest hits sex reel. In it, various prominent members of the already sidelined, utterly irrelevant Russian opposition were seen cavorting with a prostitute nicknamed Moomoo, who had lured each of them into the same apartment, which was bugged to the hilt. One of them, a prominent (married) journalist, did a few lines of coke with Moomoo before they retired to the bedroom; another, a Russian nationalist, twirls a fedora as he prepares to have his way with Moomoo. Still another, a Russian comedian named Viktor Shenderovich, who had been targeted by Putin in 2002 for his satirical show “Kukly” (“Dolls”) that skewered Putin and earned his ire, is seen timidly expressing his gratitude to Moomoo for finding an old man like him attractive. The video dropped two days before Shenderovich’s daughter’s wedding.
Opozicija je bila takrat že pregnana na rob družbe, ne vem če so sploh imeli kak stol v dumi. Vseeno jih je bilo treba potisnit še nižje.
Zgleda so objavili tole
5 minutk, zgleda resna produkcija s studijskimi segmenti in konzerviranim smehom.
Scandal Katya Mumu (Katya Mumu, Mumugeyt) - discussed in the blogosphere incident in 2010 , when it emerged that a number of prominent opposition politicians and bloggers ( Shenderovich , Yashin , Limonov , Aleksandr Belov ) slept with Katya Gerasimova, nicknamed "Mumu".
Yashin and Dobrokhotov suggested that this - planned provocation organized by secret services. It is felt that the scandal created by the secret services for sexual discredit the Russian opposition. [1] [2] Yashin applied to the Prosecutor General's Office with a statement, in which he demanded to open a criminal case against the distributors of incriminating video, and check to see whether participated in these acts of Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov and the head Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakimenko . [3]
The incident involving Yashin wrote the German newspaper «Die Welt». [4] On the provocations against Shenderovich wrote «The Times». [5] According to this publication, Shenderovich blamed the incident on the FSB, and the representative of Mr. Putin said he did not know anything about the incident.
Pac-Man ::
ko te naslednjič prime vstavit enačaj med zahod in Rusijo, se spomni na to:
Russian man arrested under anti-terror law after talking about philosophy of yoga
A Russian yoga teacher has been arrested for "illegal missionary activity" under controversial new laws designed to combat terrorism.
Dmitry Ugay is said to have fallen foul of the country’s anti-terror measures, dubbed a ‘Big Brother' law by Edward Snowden, while giving a talk about the philosophy of yoga at a St Petersburg festival.
Mr Ugay’s arrest comes after he was accused by fellow festival-goer, Nail Nasibulin, of recruiting young people to join his “pseudo-Hindu organisation".
The 44-year-old claims he was bundled into a police car and ordered to sign a blank piece of paper, which he refused to do.
Two months after his arrest and subsequent release, he now faces a fine at a court hearing next week in St Petersburg, state news agency Rapsi reported.
But Mr Ugay, who admits following Hinduism, strenuously denied the other claims, telling the Meduza news agency: “I did not name a single religious organisation in my speech, nor did I use a single religious book, and did not name a single religious figure apart from Christ and Buddha.”
Pac-Man ::
Spet je čas za povzetek kiselevih "vesti nedeli"
Kettle's on. Need lots of tea. It's Kiselev's marathon TV show (the anchor named by US intelligence report as "Putin's chief propagandist")
On Russian TV Kiselev's take is mirror image of Western media: portrays Obama admin as immoral/corrupt, Trump as upstanding/victim of "lies"
Tonight Russian state TV anchor Dmitry Kiselev quoted a UK newspaper article. But left a bit out.
Kiselev on Obama's presidency: "a disgrace...destructive...bloody... catastrophic". Kiselev on Trump: "plain-talking...a man of his word".
Russian TV's Kiselev likens the US intelligence report on alleged Russian hacking to "a mouse excreting something, it's pathetic"
Russian state TV's Kiselev dismisses the Trump dossier as "the crazy story of an English spy: this is real meddling in US affairs".
Russian TV: "They're throwing so much dirt at Trump, it's as if from Day 1 they're going to start preparations to impeach him"
Russian TV on Putin/Trump meeting: "Preparations already problems so serious it's unlikely meeting will be delayed for long"
Russian TV's Kiselev has a reputation for slamming western leaders (Obama, Merkel, Hollande, May). But he defends/praises Donald Trump.
Tonight Russian TV accused US of same things US accuses Russia of: corruption, aggression, turning country into a 'besieged fortress'.
Smrekar1 ::
Stratfor je objavil zanimivo analizo naslednjih nekaj let ruske politike.
Kremelj rabi sovražnika. Trumpa bo težko kar tako predelal v sovražnika, ker ga kremeljski tisk kako leto dni koval v zvezde. Novi sovražnik bo tako verjetno prišel iz države same - aktivisti za spoštovanje človekovih pravic so po novem lahko sovražniki naroda.
Očitno se gre za vrnitev NKVD in ČK. V Rusiji bo verjetno res grdo.
Kremelj rabi sovražnika. Trumpa bo težko kar tako predelal v sovražnika, ker ga kremeljski tisk kako leto dni koval v zvezde. Novi sovražnik bo tako verjetno prišel iz države same - aktivisti za spoštovanje človekovih pravic so po novem lahko sovražniki naroda.
Očitno se gre za vrnitev NKVD in ČK. V Rusiji bo verjetno res grdo.
D3m ::
Stratfor je objavil zanimivo analizo naslednjih nekaj let ruske politike.
Kremelj rabi sovražnika. Trumpa bo težko kar tako predelal v sovražnika, ker ga kremeljski tisk kako leto dni koval v zvezde. Novi sovražnik bo tako verjetno prišel iz države same - aktivisti za spoštovanje človekovih pravic so po novem lahko sovražniki naroda.
Očitno se gre za vrnitev NKVD in ČK. V Rusiji bo verjetno res grdo.
USA tudi. Pa Izrael, Kitajska, Japonska, Britanija, Francija, Slovenija.
Your point?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Smrekar1 ::
Zanimiva analiza moči ruskega gospodarstva.
Kljub trkanju kremeljskih klovnov po prsih kako so ustavili recesijo ostaja dejstvo, da bo morebitna gospodarska rast v tem letu lahko zgolj posledica višjega trošenja državnega proračuna. Do rasti investicij ni prišlo, zato srednjeročno rasti realnega sektorja ne bo. Če bo cena nafte ostala dovolj visoka jim bo morda uspelo leto prebroditi brez da bi izčrpali vse proračunske rezerve.
Kakršnekoli reforme, ki bi situacijo lahko začele izboljševati, bodo tako zamaknjene še vsaj za 14 mesecev.
Vmes se je brent stabiliziral pri 55 dolarjih na sod. Če bo Trump res omogočil povečanje obsega proizvodnje v ZDA bo verjetno hitro spet strmoglavil ...
Kljub trkanju kremeljskih klovnov po prsih kako so ustavili recesijo ostaja dejstvo, da bo morebitna gospodarska rast v tem letu lahko zgolj posledica višjega trošenja državnega proračuna. Do rasti investicij ni prišlo, zato srednjeročno rasti realnega sektorja ne bo. Če bo cena nafte ostala dovolj visoka jim bo morda uspelo leto prebroditi brez da bi izčrpali vse proračunske rezerve.
Kakršnekoli reforme, ki bi situacijo lahko začele izboljševati, bodo tako zamaknjene še vsaj za 14 mesecev.
Vmes se je brent stabiliziral pri 55 dolarjih na sod. Če bo Trump res omogočil povečanje obsega proizvodnje v ZDA bo verjetno hitro spet strmoglavil ...
Smrekar1 ::
A nisi govoril, da bi morale biti vse rezerve že porabljene?
Letos do konca leta, ja. Odvisno od cen nafte - če bi te ostale pri 40 dolarjih za sod bi to bilo junija, pri 50 dolarjih za sod decembra, pri 55 dolarjih za sod pa jim znajo zdržati do volitev.
Takrat enkrat jih bo seveda nepreklicno konec.
Smurf ::
Mah sej treba se je zavedati, da Rusija ni vec velesila (od kar je razpadla USSR), ampak le lokalna sila (recimo primerljiva Turciji, Franciji), gor jih se nekoliko drzi zgodovina. Edina trenutna velesila so ZDA, s casoma bodo sem prisli tudi Kitajci. Verjetno bo cez 10, 20 let bolj zanimiva debata NATO vs Kitajska.
Scaramouche ::
Mah sej treba se je zavedati, da Rusija ni vec velesila (od kar je razpadla USSR), ampak le lokalna sila (recimo primerljiva Turciji, Franciji), gor jih se nekoliko drzi zgodovina. Edina trenutna velesila so ZDA, s casoma bodo sem prisli tudi Kitajci. Verjetno bo cez 10, 20 let bolj zanimiva debata NATO vs Kitajska.
Kaj pa ima tručija? Letalstvo? Flote ? dej poglej malo kaj sploh imajo?
Modern equipment of the Turkish Land Forces @ Wikipedia
Francija je druga liga, smešno jih dajat skup z Turki!
Pa poglej kako gre Franciji proti Rusiji!
Smrekar1 ::
Pa si prepričan, da bo zmanjkalo?
Ti gledaš devizne rezerve. Tisto sicer lahko tudi porabijo, ampak bo rezultat nekoliko nezaželjen - Rubelj bo poskočil in izbrisal konkurenčno prednost nizke cene (Rusija je cenejša od Srbije, zato sploh gospodarstvo še deluje), to bo gospodarstvu zadalo resen udarec, nato bo strmoglavil in sledil bo še skok cen.
Isto se jim je zgodilo že v začetku leta 2015.
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Pa poglej kako gre Franciji proti Rusiji!
Tjah, če enačiš Kuznetsova Charlesom de Gaulom in ignoriraš razne Mistrale ter enačiš Dassault Rafale z Aero L-39 Albatrosi se Rusi lahko primerjajo s Francijo, ja.
Če tega ne delaš se ta primerjava sesede na celi črti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Smurf ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Mah sej treba se je zavedati, da Rusija ni vec velesila (od kar je razpadla USSR), ampak le lokalna sila (recimo primerljiva Turciji, Franciji), gor jih se nekoliko drzi zgodovina. Edina trenutna velesila so ZDA, s casoma bodo sem prisli tudi Kitajci. Verjetno bo cez 10, 20 let bolj zanimiva debata NATO vs Kitajska.
Kaj pa ima tručija? Letalstvo? Flote ? dej poglej malo kaj sploh imajo?
Modern equipment of the Turkish Land Forces @ Wikipedia
Francija je druga liga, smešno jih dajat skup z Turki!
Pa poglej kako gre Franciji proti Rusiji!
Je razlika med Francijo in Turcija. Ampak obedve sta mocni lokalni sili (tako kot Rusija). Francija iztopa proti Turciji/Rusiji v tej smeri, da celo lahko udari kaksno manjso vojasko kampanijo na vecji razdaljo (Rusija/Turcija pa sta omejeni na sosednje drzave).
D3m ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Mah sej treba se je zavedati, da Rusija ni vec velesila (od kar je razpadla USSR), ampak le lokalna sila (recimo primerljiva Turciji, Franciji), gor jih se nekoliko drzi zgodovina. Edina trenutna velesila so ZDA, s casoma bodo sem prisli tudi Kitajci. Verjetno bo cez 10, 20 let bolj zanimiva debata NATO vs Kitajska.
Kaj pa ima tručija? Letalstvo? Flote ? dej poglej malo kaj sploh imajo?
Modern equipment of the Turkish Land Forces @ Wikipedia
Francija je druga liga, smešno jih dajat skup z Turki!
Pa poglej kako gre Franciji proti Rusiji!
Je razlika med Francijo in Turcija. Ampak obedve sta mocni lokalni sili (tako kot Rusija). Francija iztopa proti Turciji/Rusiji v tej smeri, da celo lahko udari kaksno manjso vojasko kampanijo na vecji razdaljo (Rusija/Turcija pa sta omejeni na sosednje drzave).
Sirija meji na Rusijo?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Mah sej treba se je zavedati, da Rusija ni vec velesila (od kar je razpadla USSR), ampak le lokalna sila (recimo primerljiva Turciji, Franciji), gor jih se nekoliko drzi zgodovina. Edina trenutna velesila so ZDA, s casoma bodo sem prisli tudi Kitajci. Verjetno bo cez 10, 20 let bolj zanimiva debata NATO vs Kitajska.
Kaj pa ima tručija? Letalstvo? Flote ? dej poglej malo kaj sploh imajo?
Modern equipment of the Turkish Land Forces @ Wikipedia
Francija je druga liga, smešno jih dajat skup z Turki!
Pa poglej kako gre Franciji proti Rusiji!
Je razlika med Francijo in Turcija. Ampak obedve sta mocni lokalni sili (tako kot Rusija). Francija iztopa proti Turciji/Rusiji v tej smeri, da celo lahko udari kaksno manjso vojasko kampanijo na vecji razdaljo (Rusija/Turcija pa sta omejeni na sosednje drzave).
LOL, torej Rusi nimajo mornarice in ne morejo vojske prepeljati dlje od meje naslednje države, osmešil si se že ko si dal Tručijo v isto ligo z Rusi!
Mah sej treba se je zavedati, da Rusija ni vec velesila (od kar je razpadla USSR), ampak le lokalna sila (recimo primerljiva Turcijiijo!
in še vedno nočeš pogledati link ki pokaže kako ''velika'' je Turčija...
Smrekar1 ::
Kako izgleda prijateljstvo z Rusi odlično opiše 2. točka poročila:
Smrekar1 ::
xxxul ::
Smrekar, Rusija dostavlja plin Ukrajini po kaki ceni? glede na to da sta v vojni pa to...
pa kaksna je bla cena ko nista bli v vojni?
ce primerjas stvari 50 let nazaj, pol jih lohk tud za 200 let nazaj, pa reces kako so USA prasci delal z sužnji.
pa kaksna je bla cena ko nista bli v vojni?
ce primerjas stvari 50 let nazaj, pol jih lohk tud za 200 let nazaj, pa reces kako so USA prasci delal z sužnji.
D3m ::
In kaj si s tem hotel prikazati?
Razlog zakaj Rusi tako težko dobijo prijatelje, zakaj države rinejo stran od Rusije in jih morajo držati na vajetih z grožnjami in orožjem in zakaj države okoli Rusije rinejo v NATO.
Povedano drugače, zakaj Rusija na dolgi rok nima nobenih možnost.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Smrekar1 ()
Smrekar1 ::
Smrekar, Rusija dostavlja plin Ukrajini po kaki ceni?
Cena je pred vojno vključevala tudi to, da ima Rusija veto na ukrajinske zunanjepolitične odločitve.
Poleg finančne cene ruskega plina je Ukrajina zanj plačala tudi približno 150% povečanje DBP. Povedano drugače, cena je bila nekje 6-8% DBP letno.
Meni se zdi to neznosno drag špas. Tebi ne?
xxxul ::
ti si pisal da je SZ prodajala surovine zaveznicam dražje kot so jih dobili iz "sovražne" Francije. (so ti zbrisal post?)
trenutno prodajajo plin Ukrajini po isti ceni kot v Evropo čeprav so v vojni, samo popust so jim ukinil.
Si pa lepo posplošil da so za vse Ukrajinske težave krivi Rusi, svaka čast.
trenutno prodajajo plin Ukrajini po isti ceni kot v Evropo čeprav so v vojni, samo popust so jim ukinil.
Si pa lepo posplošil da so za vse Ukrajinske težave krivi Rusi, svaka čast.
fikus_ ::
"Cena je pred vojno vključevala tudi to, da ima Rusija veto na ukrajinske zunanjepolitične odločitve. "
" . . . nekje 6-8% DBP letno."
So si sami krivi, ker pokurijo toliko plina! Lahko gredo na npr. obnovljive vire energije!
" . . . nekje 6-8% DBP letno."
So si sami krivi, ker pokurijo toliko plina! Lahko gredo na npr. obnovljive vire energije!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
Scaramouche ::
Rusi so poseben narod, oni lahko zdržijo z štruco in vodko, ostali ne morejo, večina bi raje umrla kot se priključila Amerom..
Poleg tega se njihovi znanstveniki ki bi lahko v tujini zaslužili velik denar raje ukvarjajo za praktično nič, za veliko Rusijo...
Ponos imajo, niso kot določeni ki bi se takoj predali...
Mogoče je to celo slabo, samo ne spremeni dejstva da v svojem ogromnem bunkerju zdržijo veliko več kot ostali..
Prej se bo EU razpadla kot Rusija...
Poleg tega se njihovi znanstveniki ki bi lahko v tujini zaslužili velik denar raje ukvarjajo za praktično nič, za veliko Rusijo...
Ponos imajo, niso kot določeni ki bi se takoj predali...
Mogoče je to celo slabo, samo ne spremeni dejstva da v svojem ogromnem bunkerju zdržijo veliko več kot ostali..
Prej se bo EU razpadla kot Rusija...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Scaramouche ()
Smrekar1 ::
Pac-Man ::
Russophobia: a condition prone to outbreaks whenever Kremlin invades neighboring countries, shoots down civilian aircraft, bombs cities etc
Starodavni ::
Ni brez naključja omemba rusofobija se povečala ravno z letom 2014![:))](
Vse se je začelo z napadom na Ukrajino, po olimpijskih igrah v Soči (2014).
Od takrat marsikdo ne zaupa več Rusom. Preprosto
Vse se je začelo z napadom na Ukrajino, po olimpijskih igrah v Soči (2014).
Od takrat marsikdo ne zaupa več Rusom. Preprosto
xmetallic ::
NATO je organizacija sama sebi namen. Koliko se lahko zanesemo na zvezo, ki je prisegla da bo varovala svoje članice smo lahko videli v času migrantske krize. Vojske od nikoder, da bi branila meje svojih članic, ko je na vrata le teh trkalo milijon migrantov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()
Pac-Man ::
neko TL;DR orgijo sem, to se je zgodilo
Dober teden nazaj, se pravi po aretacijah, ampak preden sta prišli v javnost, je BBCjevec tvitnil
Konec decembra se je zgodilo tudi to
Še en potencialni vir za Steelov dosje. Enkrat moram narediti seznam sumljivih smrti vplivnih Rusov v zadnjem letu ali dveh, ponavadi gre za srčne kapi. Iz glave 2 iz antidoping organov, par FSB/GRUjevcev in par generalov, katerih enote so se šle cosplay po Ukrajini.
OK, to je to, pojdimo na malo višji LVL
Najprej prideta na sceno en ruski milijarder in njegov privatni A319 z registracijo M-KATE
Avionček je oktobra/novembra precej sumljivo sledil MAGA ekspresu po ne ravno velikih poslovnih/turističnih atrakcijah v ZDA
trumpov koledar:
Njegov lastnik je tale Rybolovlev
krasen partner za predsednika ZDA
Dmitry Rybolovlev @ Wikipedia
še več:
Ruska mafija je imela v lasti stanovanje direktno pod trumpovim penthousom v NY. Nato upoštevamo
in dejstvo, da kabli ponavadi vodijo dol...
čisto BTW, tale mafija se je morda že izkazala za državotvorno
2002 Winter Olympics figure skating scandal @ Wikipedia
Ruslan Stoyanov, head of computer incidents investigation at Kaspersky Lab, was arrested over treason charges, Russian media reported on Wednesday.
Stoyanov is said to have actively cooperated with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and his arrest may be linked to arrest of one of the FSB department heads, the Kommersant newspaper reported citing a source close to FSB.
Both Stoyanov and the FSB employee were arrested in December.
Maj. Ruslan Stoyanov, Chief of Cyber Crime at Kaspersky, arrested along with FSB Cyber Security Deputy Chief Ser. MIhailov since December.
Sergey Mihailov was arguably the top internet authority at FSB, holding huge sway over the internet business in RU. It seems Mihailov is charged with treason for "passing information to foreign information for money brokered by top cyber security company officer (=Stoyanov)
So the story is taking shape. Kaspersky's Stoyanov convinced (bribed) FSB top internet sec officer to share data on RU hacking. With whom?
Clearly "Steele" is one poss. answer. But it might be directly to CIA. Remember what Clapper said on FoxNews last week?
Kaspersky confirmed arrest of its cyber-crime chief on charges for treason, He access to state secret due to co's collaboration with FSB.
Dober teden nazaj, se pravi po aretacijah, ampak preden sta prišli v javnost, je BBCjevec tvitnil
MI6 source tells me "a lot lot of people are feeling exposed in Moscow", under suspicion of giving Chris Steele the info in his Trump memos
Konec decembra se je zgodilo tudi to
Oleg Erovinkin, 61, the head of Rosneft administration and ex-head of Igor Sechin’s Secretariat died in his car in the center of Moscow, Life reports. His body was found in the center of the capital on December 26.
A representative of the oil company has confirmed death of Rosneft top manager to RBC: "It was not a murder, but a natural death. Oleg Erovinkin was in a car, where, according to preliminary data, he died of a heart attack", - he said to RBC.
According to RBC sources in Rosneft, leaving the post of acting chief of staff, Erovinkin stayed in Rosneft structure and remained close to Sechin.
According to Life, Erovinkin was a General of the FSB. In 1980, he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR n.a. Dzerzhinsky. He had been working in the KGB for 20 years, and later was in charge of state secrets in the Presidential Administration
Še en potencialni vir za Steelov dosje. Enkrat moram narediti seznam sumljivih smrti vplivnih Rusov v zadnjem letu ali dveh, ponavadi gre za srčne kapi. Iz glave 2 iz antidoping organov, par FSB/GRUjevcev in par generalov, katerih enote so se šle cosplay po Ukrajini.
OK, to je to, pojdimo na malo višji LVL
Najprej prideta na sceno en ruski milijarder in njegov privatni A319 z registracijo M-KATE
It turns out that the aircraft belongs to a company called Sophar Property Holding BVI (British Virgin Islands, I believe). The history of this company is somewhat mysterious, because some years ago it was bought by the Russian potash mining company called Uralkali, the head of Uralkali being a Russian oligarch called Dmitry Rybolovlev. At the time that it was bought, its only assets were an option to buy two private jets: a much smaller Falcon and this A319.
Somehow, when Dmitry lost his position in Uralkali, it seems that he was rather attached to these jets, so apparently he bought them back (effectively buying Sophar Property Holding at the value of the two aircraft). If this is so, then he can travel around in either of them.
Avionček je oktobra/novembra precej sumljivo sledil MAGA ekspresu po ne ravno velikih poslovnih/turističnih atrakcijah v ZDA
trumpov koledar:
Njegov lastnik je tale Rybolovlev
krasen partner za predsednika ZDA
Dmitry Rybolovlev @ Wikipedia
In October 2006, a freshwater spring began flowing into one of Uralkali's mines under the city of Berezniki, and the walls and pillars supporting the ceilings of large underground caverns dissolved.[13] Unable to stop the growing flow, Uralkali decided to flood the mine and abandon it.[14] As a result of the mine's collapse, large sinkholes appeared around the mine and in the city of Berezniki, forcing some 12,000 residents to evacuate their homes.[15] New sinkholes continue to appear regularly, and the latest one has been reported in February 2015.[16]
In September 1996, Evgeny Panteleymonov, Director of Neftekhimik, a company partly owned by Rybolovlev, was shot by a killer at the staircase of his own house. In May 1996, Rybolovlev was officially indicted and arrested for the contract killing of Panteleymonov. According to the prosecution, Rybolovlev himself, " without a corresponding license", purchased in August 1995 2 pistols TT that he kept and carried, and later gave to the killers "for the premeditated murder of Panteleymonov".
Rybolovlev was however set free 11 months later, after the only living witness recanted his testimony and the intervention in Rybolovlev's favor of Andrey Pokhmelkin, brother of Vladimir Pokhmelkin, a prominent congressman representing Perm District in the Duma, as well as of local Governor Gennady Igumnov.[50][51] In 1997 Rybolovlev was acquitted by courts of law at three levels, including the Presidium of the Supreme Court.
In 2008 Ekaterina Rybolovlev's trust bought the 18 bedroom Maison de L'Amitié in Palm Beach, Florida, from the American businessman Donald Trump.[59][62] Amidst concerns during his campaign about rubbing shoulders with Russian officials, Trump has claimed that the sale of Maison de L'Amitié, which he purchased for $40 million and sold to Rybolovlev for $100 million, is the only dealing he has done with a Russian.
#Rybolovlev's Airbus,now in Moscow,was w #Trumputin in Vegas10/30,Concord11/3,Charlotte 11/4+w MCohen,Hamptons,8/6
you're missing one. Rybovlovlev was in Saint Martin last week of Dec, Cohen was in st Bart's... a 45 mins ferry ride away
Rybolovlev's yacht Anna has its own helicopter... and is currently moored in St. John's in the Caribbean.
še več:
Sergey Millian (here @realDonaldTrump), head of RU-US Trade Chamber, was one source for #GoldenLeaks dossier, says @WSJ. This is important because he is a vocal Trump supporter, and helped Trump market properties to Russians; helped organize his trip to RU in 2007. Furthermore he worked with @MichaelCohen212 to sell "tens of Trump properties to extremely rich Russians 2008-2010". That is, given his proximity to Trump's dealings w Russia AND his positive attitude, he would be credible & even counter-interested to lie
Millian about Trump, April 2016: "He is one of the few mega businessmen who has not a single conflict with business-people in Russia. He registered his trademark in RU in 1993...he may not have any current investment there, but he keeps Moscow high in his marks for future. He will settle relations w RU over Ukraine and Syria. It's crucial to keep good relations as he sees Russians as clients for his business"
So Milliian has "exclusivity to sell Trump properties to Russians, by his own words. But then, HE sold Trump's 62 m Palm beach mansion to #Rybolovlev. Who apparently coincidentally flew to the least likely of locations in the US.. where Trump happened to be campaigning.
Did I say 62 m? Sorry, it was $95 m. Trump sold it to him in 2008. Here it is
Now, let's remember that Rybolovlev ex-wife sued him for $3.6 b (at divorce) for "serially organizing orgies for billionaires".
What Trump sold Rybolovlev turned out to be a 95 m lemon. 5 m ago Palm Beach authorities voted to demolish mansion
I wish someone would write a book. Now this: ANOTHER Ru mobster, this one
ALSO bought mold-infested prop from Trump.
FoxNews, 2013:
The indicted gambling shark mentioned in this story - in hiding from US in Russia - was in the VIP section with @POTUS at Miss Universe 2013
Ruska mafija je imela v lasti stanovanje direktno pod trumpovim penthousom v NY. Nato upoštevamo
Q: Why are there strong connections between Russian intel & organized crime?
A: Who do you think organized them?
in dejstvo, da kabli ponavadi vodijo dol...
čisto BTW, tale mafija se je morda že izkazala za državotvorno
2002 Winter Olympics figure skating scandal @ Wikipedia
Smrekar1 ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Prej se bo EU razpadla kot Rusija...
Rusija je že razpadla leta 1917 in potem še enkrat leta 1991 in potem še enkrat delno, ampak so z brutalno vojaško ofenzivo separatiste spravili nominalno nazaj v Rusijo. Več kot nominalno sicer ne, ampak važno je, da zgleda v redu. Njihov kvaziimperij je razpadel še enkrat, ko se je Ukrajina odločila, da bi rada imela kontakte še s kom drugim, ne samo z Rusijo. Ta dva dogodka bomo šteli za 0,5 razpada vsak.
V razpadanju v preteklem stoletju torej Rusija vodi 3:0, odkar obstaja EU 2:0. No, vsaj v nečem so res dobri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
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