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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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windigo ::

Alternativna špekulacija o smrti Erovinkina je, da je komu kaj preveč obljubljal v zvezi z nedavno prodajo deleža v Rosneftu.
Meni se zdi bolj verjetna od prepevanja Steelu. Je pa timing tehle aretacij v zvezi z izdajo zelo zanimiv in daje določeno kredibilnost nečemu, kar bi dober PR sicer lahko odpisal kot navadne trače.

Pac-Man ::

KGB naj bi l. 1976 poskusil njim neljubega demokratskega kandidata iz predsedniške tekme odstraniti s ponarejenimi FBI dokumenti, ki govorijo o njegovi homoseksualnosti in so jih razposlali medijem. Na žalost je edini primarni vir, ki ga najdem "s kavča", knjiga o mitrokhinovem arhivu, se pravi s SZ strani. Bi moralo bit enostavno potrdit.



Then in 1976, the Soviets actively attempted to discredit a hawkish Democratic Senator from Washington state, Henry Jackson, after he won a primary election. “And so there was an effort made to discredit him; a campaign of disinformation. Soviet KGB sent forged FBI letters to newspapers in the United States claiming that Jackson was a homosexual, a closet gay man, implying that he was unfit to be president.”


Fearing Jackson's stance on the Soviet Union and believing he would be the Democratic nominee, the KGB launched active measures to discredit him as a Zionist and homosexual. First, Service A forged an FBI document claiming that Jackson was gay. Copies were sent to the Chicago Tribune, The L.A. Times, the Topeka Capital and Jimmy Carter's campaign HQs. Then, in April 1976, after Jackson stated on television that "homosexuality leads to the destruction of the family", The KGB sent said statement and forged documents alleging Jackson was a member of a gay sex club to various people and entities including: Senator Edward Kennedy, columnist Jack Anderson, and the Playboy and Penthouse magazines. The KGB continued POROK despite Jackson failed to obtain the Democratic nomination in 1977 one of POROK's goals was to have the gay press attack Jackson as a hypocritical, closet homosexual. A forged document was sent to a California magazine called "Gay Times." The entire operation, however, was largely a failure and had no clear effect on Jackson's career.

še par drugih operacij


The KGB’s First Main Directorate (the foreign intelligence directorate) included a special unit known as Service A, which orchestrated a wide range of mostly nonviolent measures to destabilize the United States and undermine its influence in the world. Service A, formed in the 1950s, almost immediately set to work spreading disinformation, producing forgeries, transmitting propaganda, and disrupting U.S. and Western public diplomacy.

The unit attempted to spread disinformation that supposedly linked the U.S. government to JFK’s assassination. The KGB funded the publication of conspiracy-mongering books by Western authors and forged documents and letters that tied the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, to the CIA and FBI.

Service A also sought to discredit high-ranking U.S. officials such as Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover and key figures outside the government, notably Martin Luther King Jr. The Soviet unit forged homophobic letters to the editor of U.S. newspapers claiming that Hoover was a gay transvestite who was seeking to establish a “network of like-minded homosexuals” within the FBI.


King came under attack from the KGB, in part because he declined to embrace a Communist agenda for the civil rights movement, and in part because his hard-won achievements threatened one of Service A’s main selling points. The entrenchment of racial segregation and racial discrimination in the United States had been a severe burden on U.S. foreign policy, belying the government’s claims to be promoting democracy. Many State Department officials came to support the civil rights movement for this reason, sensing that an end to segregation would improve America’s image abroad.

For the KGB, however, the calculus was the opposite. Soviet propaganda had long highlighted the iniquities of racial discrimination in the United States, and Soviet officials were well aware of the potency of this issue in tarnishing U.S. leadership in the world. Congressional passage of civil rights legislation, the KGB feared, would eliminate one of the Soviet Union’s major lines of attack. As Soviet officials became increasingly worried about the success of the civil rights movement, Service A used forgeries to try to discredit King and other civil rights activists, depicting them as “Uncle Toms” who were secretly colluding with the government. The unit also fabricated documents and spread disinformation that President Johnson had taken secret steps with King’s implicit approval to ensure the continued subordination of blacks.

In later years, the KGB tried to stir up racial tensions in New York City by sending inflammatory forged publications to black activist groups and by setting off a bomb in a “Negro section of New York” and blaming it on the militant Jewish Defense League. Service A resorted to similar provocations throughout the 1970s and well into the 1980s, viewing race relations as the issue most likely to destabilize the U.S. political system.

Krepki del se popolnoma sklada z delovanjem RT l. 2017, razen direktnega ponarejanja se ne gredo.

Podpirali so (Soros sponsored) Occupy Wall Street, ko so isti ljudje, spet z indirektno finančno podporo Sorosa, protestirali ta vikend, je bilo vse narobe. Sploh s Sorosom si dajo zadnje dni ogromno opraviti


Podpirali so BLM, v kratkem lahko pričakujemo paniko pred črnim nasiljem. Pri naftovodih bomo videli, v interesu jim je, da niso izgrajeni.

Nobene konsistentnosti, samo slab PR za zahod in še posebej ZDA.

zmaugy ::

Pred časom je bila debata o možnosti nove izdaje pod Trumpom - kot je bila tista na Yalti. Evo, se že piše:


zmaugy ::

Američani so kot kaže vedno padali na poceni patetiko. Ampak bistvo je to, da se obeta nova delitev, kjer bo oranžni napihnjenc zakartal vse in se mu bo zdelo kako dober deal je naredil.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Pac-Man ::

Belorusi imajo veliko vojaško vajo, samo da se tokrat ne pripravljajo na nevarnost z zahoda, temveč z vzhoda.


Odnos Belorusija-Rusija že dalj časa poka, macola je bil pa verjetno ta intervju z Rešetnikovom


Bomo videli, ni še krize, ampak trend je negativen.

Smrekar1 ::

Hm, zanimivo. Tule je še analiza Belorusko-Ruskih odnosov.


Zadnja točka je ključna - beloruski poglavar želi biti suveren in neodvisen od Moskve. To je lahko zelo težko ali zelo lahko. Če denimo sprejme politične reforme in v državi začne počasi gojiti demokracijo mu zna uspeti. Največja nevarnost je seveda ta, da bodo lokalni varilci in rudarji pobesneli, ker bodo dobili politične pravice in zasedli mesto ali dve in takoj začeli s proizvodnjo najmodernejšega ruskega orožja, da bi se ubranili pred fašizmom.

D3m ::

Russia economy is equal to Germany. their GDP PPP is about the same. The non PPP GDP figures are completely wrong (hoax) for Russia because they're based in dollars and Russia is a net exporter budget surplus nation not budget deficit which means it doesn't deal with dollars and makes its own goods priced in Rubles thus GDP priced in dollars is irrelevant to Russia.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

sivistol ::


putin reku da bi se lahko srecala z trumpom v ljubljani hahahha sicer legendarno a bo spet cela slovenija na lock down ahhahahah

D3m ::

Moj oče je par dni nazaj sanjal, da pride Putin v Ljubljano in da je preprečil atentat nad njim.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Dve mali epizodi iz hladne vojne.


Offtopic: had a fascinating dinner with ex-Eastern Bloc spy who was temporarily stationed in Cuba in the 80's. James Bond stuff. There was this huge surveillance center run by KGB, with @ 100 TV screens and 10 "surveyors" per shift, each had to follow 10 US TV channels. He was introduced to FIdel's most trusted henchmen; 2 twins;"extremely charming killers"; were sent to oversee puppet Noriega in Nicaragua. They set up the export business for Cuban cigars via Panama ("all communist regimes used Panama for clearing hard currency via fronts"). Then Castro found out they had shaved off USD 7 m of Cuban clandestine exports, brought them back and executed them. Anyone know the names?

Usmrčen je bil samo en.

Tony de la Guardia @ Wikipedia

Pac-Man ::

Snowden bo mogoče FedEx-an v ZDA. Z mašnjico.


Pac-Man ::

Guardian se ne gre ravno fikcije. L. 2010.


Putin also said he knew the names of those who betrayed the agents. "It was the result of treason," he said, predicting a grim future for those responsible. "It always ends badly for traitors: as a rule, their end comes from drink or drugs, lying in a ditch. And for what?"

Pac-Man ::



Steven L. Hall retired from the CIA in 2015 after thirty years of running and managing Russian operations.

priporočam v branje kot celoto, sicer

Intelligence Sharing With Russia: A Practitioner’s Perspective


Ministry of Interior and other Russian law enforcement entities, do not find the Western approach to intelligence sharing compelling; in fact, they find it quaint and perhaps a bit naive. For the Russians, information truly is raw power, and sharing it—even inside the Russian government—is viewed first and foremost through a political lens.

Senior Russian intelligence officers have expressed incredulity over the American model, where all-source analysis is conducted using information from across the intelligence community.


Russian intelligence officers, not known for their cultural sensitivity, have noted, half jokingly, that Americans make the mistake of thinking Russians operate in accordance with common Western values. The clear implication is that while Russians look European, they do not necessarily act European. “You don’t make this mistake with the Chinese,” one senior Russian intelligence officer once chuckled.


Given how the Russian government sees intelligence—as a power mechanism for internal political use as well as for informing Kremlin leaders—Russian politics also often complicates and in the end derails meaningful intelligence sharing. For years, the FBI has made good-faith efforts to cooperate with the Russian security services on law enforcement issues that presumably would be in both sides’ interest to pursue. Child pornography, organized crime, and cybercrime are good examples, and during the initial stages, joint investigations often go well. Both sides share information, delegations are sent to each others’ capitals, and experts and working-level officers collaborate. Often, however, after months and sometimes years of work, the Russian side will suddenly inform the Americans that the joint effort can no longer continue. The FBI is left with the strong sense that the investigation was getting too close to individuals or organizations in Russia with ties to the Russian government. When the Russians understand the direction of the investigation (and if a Russian government insider or other influential party is implicated), they can (and will) warn the Russian target. When the FBI, after a significant investment in time and resources, pushes the Russians, the response is often something akin to, “We will take care of it ourselves from here.”


Recall that for Putin, complicating U.S. initiatives serves a purpose—it projects Russia’s great power image, as well as Putin’s own image as a great leader.

And so while it is easy to exclaim, “Surely there must be some area on which Russia and the United States can agree and share intelligence,” as is often the case with Russia, it is much more complicated than that. Russia understands our Western, optimistic, hope-to-share approach, and will use it to what Putin views as his advantage, in a way the United States and the West would find mind-boggling. Especially with terrorist threat information, American intelligence agencies have an obligation to search out new ways to share—even with Russia—but the U.S. government also has an obligation to its citizens not to be naive in this endeavor. Doing so with Russia will result in the serious compromise of national security down the road.

vostok_1 ::

Trump je zame itak že odpisan. Snowden si zasluži bodisi opravičilo, bodisi simbolično kazen.

Vse ostalo zgolj pove, koliko je neka administracija pripravljena biti transparentna in v službi ljudi.
Hint...Trump niti malo. On bo kvečjemu samo še pohitril avtokracijo v katero hitijo/hitimo.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

xmetallic ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Trump je zame itak že odpisan. Snowden si zasluži bodisi opravičilo, bodisi simbolično kazen.

Vse ostalo zgolj pove, koliko je neka administracija pripravljena biti transparentna in v službi ljudi.
Hint...Trump niti malo. On bo kvečjemu samo še pohitril avtokracijo v katero hitijo/hitimo.

Kdo je omogočil Trumpa? Če bi šla takrat ameriška, in evropska politika v korak z zahtevami Evropejcev se Trump ne bi zgodil. Tudi brexit ne. Vsaki akciji sledi reakcija.

Trumpu je za ljudi vseeno in dela za kapital. Ampak je pravilno, da je prišel na oblast. Kot zgled vsem, ki bodo v prihodnje skušali delovati proti državljanom. Če je ne, je ne. Pa če na Afriko in Azijo padajo jedrske bombe, naša celina, naše zahteve, in če Evropejci rečemo da migracij ne želimo se to mora upoštevat. Če se to ne upošteva se zgodijo Trumpi in brexiti. Vse to je posledica neupoštvanja zahtev državljanov. Dam roko v ogenj, da bi EU bila še danes enotna, skupaj z VB, če bi se meje takrat zaprle.

Pac-Man ::

Sovjetski učbenik za angleški jezik, 1959


Eno malenkost ideološko obremenjen ;)

Žiiiga ::

xmetallic je izjavil:

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Trump je zame itak že odpisan. Snowden si zasluži bodisi opravičilo, bodisi simbolično kazen.

Vse ostalo zgolj pove, koliko je neka administracija pripravljena biti transparentna in v službi ljudi.
Hint...Trump niti malo. On bo kvečjemu samo še pohitril avtokracijo v katero hitijo/hitimo.

Kdo je omogočil Trumpa? Če bi šla takrat ameriška, in evropska politika v korak z zahtevami Evropejcev se Trump ne bi zgodil. Tudi brexit ne. Vsaki akciji sledi reakcija.

Trumpu je za ljudi vseeno in dela za kapital. Ampak je pravilno, da je prišel na oblast. Kot zgled vsem, ki bodo v prihodnje skušali delovati proti državljanom. Če je ne, je ne. Pa če na Afriko in Azijo padajo jedrske bombe, naša celina, naše zahteve, in če Evropejci rečemo da migracij ne želimo se to mora upoštevat. Če se to ne upošteva se zgodijo Trumpi in brexiti. Vse to je posledica neupoštvanja zahtev državljanov. Dam roko v ogenj, da bi EU bila še danes enotna, skupaj z VB, če bi se meje takrat zaprle.

1. evropejci smo množično proti zapiranju meja
2. Brexit je dobra stvar

Mr.B ::

brexit bo Nemčijo stal okoli 1 mijarde dolarjev, glede na rekorni lanskoletni izvoz, se to lahko šteje v smislu promilov.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

D3m ::

So financirali Brexit?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Mr.B ::

D3m je izjavil:

So financirali Brexit?

Uporabi goggle trnaslate...Warum der Brexit Deutschland eine Milliarde (!) Euro kosten könnte
Google : brexit deutschland eine milliarde
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

mtosev ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Sovjetski učbenik za angleški jezik, 1959


Eno malenkost ideološko obremenjen ;)
lol. obsedenost z kapitalismom>:D
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

xmetallic ::

Žiiiga je izjavil:

1. evropejci smo množično proti zapiranju meja
2. Brexit je dobra stvar

1. Javno mnenje, portali, ipd. ne izražajo tega. Evropejci smo množično proti migrantom. Vedno večja podpora anti-migration političnim strankam to tudi potrjuje.
2. Zagotovo. Predstavlja začetek konca EU.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: xmetallic ()

Looooooka ::

Eh. Mogoče bomo pa končno prst pokazali Nemčiji in podobnim bafoonom pa se bo potem stanje umirilo.
Konec koncev kje pa piše, da je politika poceni, neizobražene, primitivne delovne sile edina rešitev za gospodarske težave. Nataliteto se da verjetno dvigniti tudi drugače, kot, da uvažaš primitivce iz zaostalih držav z verskimi prepričanji iz leta 3000 pred našim štetjem. Laično bi znalo biti rihtanje služb lokalcem rešitev, ki bi dolgoročno rešila oba problema...finančno preskrbljen evropejec se verjetno lažje odloči za potomce.
Ne vem zakaj si nekateri odprte meje predstavljajo kot odprte meje za cel svet. Politiki bi morali Merklovo in podobne genijalcr ustaviti takoj, ko so začeli s tem tonom in to obliko tolmačenja.

Pac-Man ::

Treba se bo navadit, da živimo v postmodernem svetu, kjer se trditve dajejo na slepo. Vse preveri, sploh če je v ruskem interesu.


German soldiers stationed in Lithuania have been the target of false rape claims, German news magazine "Spiegel" first reported on Thursday. NATO diplomats told Spiegel that they viewed this as an attack aimed at undermining the presence of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Eastern Europe, likely perpetrated by Russia.

Emails claiming that German soldiers had raped an underage Lithuanian girl were sent to the president of the Lithuanian parliament and various Lithuanian media outlets on February 14.

Lithuanian authorities investigated the charges and found no evidence that any of the claims made in the emails were true.


Some smaller local news outlets reported on the charges, according to Spiegel, but Lithuanian officials quickly discounted the accusations.

Lithuanian police is investigating the incident. The address from which the emails accusing the soldiers were sent no longer exists, according to the German defense ministry, but authorities are looking to track the IP-address.


For many Germans, the alleged misinformation campaign in Lithuania echoes the "Lisa case". In early 2016, Russian media outlets picked up the story of a 13-year old Russian-German girl named Lisa who claimed that she had been abducted and raped by Arab refugees in Berlin – a lie the girl had made up in order to not get in trouble with her parents after spending the night at male friend's place. Hundreds of Russian-Germans took to the street in protests in response to the reports, claiming that German authorities were neglecting the "Lisa case" for political reasons.

Pac-Man ::

ArmsControlWonk zagovarja tezo, da z namestitvijo balističnih raket v Evropi opomnimo Ruse, naj se držijo podpisanih sporazumov.

En problem - kolikor vem, nimamo primernih raket. Quick&dirty fix bi bili tomahawki na tovornjakih, nekaj kar je obstajalo v 80ih, do prepovedi.

BGM-109G Ground Launched Cruise Missile @ Wikipedia
The BGM-109G was developed as a counter to the mobile medium- and intermediate- range ballistic nuclear missiles (SS-20 Saber) deployed by the Soviet Union in Eastern Bloc European countries. The GLCM and the U.S. Army's Pershing II may have been the incentives that fostered Soviet willingness to sign the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF treaty), and thus possibly reduced the threat of nuclear wars in Europe.


Ok, let's talk about this story indicating that Russia is deploying a new cruise missile in violation of the 1987 INF treaty.

Despite the "N" in INF, it bans all land-based "intermediate- and shorter-range" missiles, not just nuclear.

There are 2 problematic missiles: One is the RS-26 Rubezh -- a nuclear-armed IRBM that circumvents INF.

The "violation" is a new ground-launched cruise missile, which I think is the 9M729 for the Iskander-M.

"9M729" comes from a now deleted announcement. The number implies the missile is for the Iskander.

In Nov 2013, @joshrogin reported that Congress was briefed on an unknown INF violation on 27 Nov 2012. (6/25)

In Jan 2014, Michael Gordon reported the US raised the violation with Moscow in May 2013, later briefed NATO. (7/25)

In July 2014, Gordon reported that the US had not concluded there was a compliance concern until 2011. (8/25)

Gordon then had a bunch more stories through 2016 about Moscow's refusal to correct the violation. (9/25)

This all ends with a meeting of the INF Special Verification Commission in November 2016. (10/25)

Today's @nytimes story indicates that the Russians went ahead with deploying the missile anyway, which the US called the SSC-X-8. My guess is the SSC-X-8/9M279 is a ground-based variant of Russia's 2500km Kalibr naval cruise missile.

Russia makes a 300km variant called the Klub for export that complies with the MTCR. This is a good video.

The Iskander-M carries an INF compliant 500km range cruise missile that looks like Klub. Simple inference is big one is like Kalibr. This is a treaty compliance nightmare. First, if 9M729 is launched from Iskander, all the Iskander launchers seem to be violations.

And good luck separating that treaty compliant naval- or reduced range-versions from the treaty violating 9M729. We should revisit the original 1979 NATO dual-track response -- new deployments AND arms control efforts.

The Soviets thought NATO was too divided to respond. The ability of NATO to complete on a politically hard deployment shocked them. The Euromissiles crisis was hard. But successfully navigating the politics demonstrated to Moscow that it underestimated NATO unity. It also helped that Gorbachev assumed power and described GLCM and Pershing-2 as a "gun to his head." YMMV with Putin. My argument has been that we need to remind Moscow why it agreed to the INF treaty, an argument that Obama officials seemed to like.

That said, I think the response should be conventional, not nuclear, and it is not quite time to withdraw from the INF treaty. Putin wants to divide NATO, and Russian disinformation suggests he thinks nuclear issues are divisive.
No, the US is not moving nuclear weapons from Turkey to Romania. For one thing, there are no WS3 vaults at Deveselu -- or anywhere in Romania -- to store the B61s. For another, would run afoul of political commitments in NATO-Russia Founding Act.

I suspect the Russians are just stirring up anxiety about the Aegis Ashore site at Deveselu. Russia often asserts the US intends to secretly arm missile defense interceptors with nuclear warheads to circumenvent the INF Treaty.

The point of a new dual-track decision is to make sure that Moscow gets the blame it deserves for circumventing and violating INF. Our goal is to make Russia's nuclear policies strengthen NATO unity and isolate Moscow. It's tricky, but we've done it before..

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::

Pač bodo naredili "drone", ki bo air lif platforma za raketo. Tega takrat zagotovo ni bili v sporazumu. Kot kaže so v NATU ugotovili da vsa ta investicija v raketni ščit ni kaj dosti uporabna, ker vse ostale ti kamelojebce, itak prej zbombandirarajo, magar z uranom v kameno dobo, preden bi bili sposobni karkoli poslati proti evropi. KAr pa jih skrbi je verjetno, da bi to prišlo v roke Kitajcem. Sicer bomo videli, kako kaj deluje Donald patrulja proti Kitajcem, sedaj so že v akciji. Morda bomo pa lahko videli, kako se potopi letalonoslika, večjega kalibra...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Rusko zunanje ministrstvo se je pričelo ukvarjati z razkrivanjem lažnih novic.


Razkrivanje lažnih novic v Rusiji pomeni, da čez zaslonsko sliko vržeš debel rdeč FAKE žig in spodaj pripišeš "V tem članku so navedena dejstva, ki se ne skladajo z realnostjo." Takole:

Problem rešen.

Odgovori na kaj, kje, kako in zakaj so nepomembni. Ministrstvo je spregovorilo :D


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Rusko zunanje ministrstvo se je pričelo ukvarjati z razkrivanjem lažnih novic.


Razkrivanje lažnih novic v Rusiji pomeni, da čez zaslonsko sliko vržeš debel rdeč FAKE žig in spodaj pripišeš "V tem članku so navedena dejstva, ki se ne skladajo z realnostjo." Takole:

Problem rešen.

Odgovori na kaj, kje, kako in zakaj so nepomembni. Ministrstvo je spregovorilo :D


Zadnja poved je še posebej pomenljiva:

Headlines about Russian officials hacking the U.S. election and anything about President Donald Trump’s connection to Russia are absent.

Pac-Man ::

Spet en ruski leak in spet jih pred večjo medijsko izpostavljenostjo rešujeta Ruščina in grabljice. Tako bo potrebno verjet Christu.


Just spoke with Usovsky, the for-hire RU active-operations guy whose mail archive was leaked yesterday.
Says "most of leaked mails authentic" but, predictably says most crucial disclosures, incl. about Montenegro role, are "faked by those geniuses in Ukraine". Which is good, as it leaves us with the limited task of verifying if those bits are technically fake-able.

"Who, Malofeev interfered in Montenegro? Never! He is a saint. I put my hand on my heart when I tell you this"

In 2008-2009, Kremlin allocated "anti-orange revolution grants" to anti-EU media in Ukraine

This is from a leaked proposal from members of Putin's electoral campaign to Kremlin, for a project to "disrupt Ukraine's preference for EU"

In 2012, the Kremlin received this confidential proposal:

iz dokumenta

In less than three years of operation, the organization has united in its ranks more than 10,000 social activists from dozens of foreign countries, established over 50 contacts with protest groups around the world and continues to successfully build capacity. Among them, are well-known action groups such as:


Evropski pokret Naši k orjeni - Slovenia

Prvič slišim, zgleda so tile


NVO Evropski pokret – naši korjeni usvojila Deklaraciju o vojnoj neutralnosti Crne Gore u kojoj se navodi da je vojna neutralnost najbolji način da država očuva mir, suverenitet i nezavisnost.

Ne vem, zakaj je zadev v Angleščini. OK, gremo naprej.

in 2015&2016, this took place:

Here's how much a fake Polish anti-Ukraine protest organizer costs.

2014: Russia offers money to Jobbik to organize anti-Ukraine rally. Jobbik: "not before elections, immediately after - with pleasure!"

and here's another 2000 Euro for another faked Polish protest.

Tale s fotografijo dokumenta je precej neprofesionalna, ampak fotoaparat ima vsak, skenerji so pa precej redki. Če pač nujno rabiš potrdilo...

Obsedenost s Sorosom pa pa vedno bolj zgleda kot težek primer projekcije.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Spet en ruski leak in spet jih pred večjo medijsko izpostavljenostjo rešujeta Ruščina in grabljice. Tako bo potrebno verjet Christu.

Christo Grozev je naredil angleški povzetek leaka in takoj prišel "na nišan" malofejeve Cargrad TV, Rešetnikova in Dugina. Nekaj mora početi prav...

Malofejev je Ruski ultrakonzervativni milijarder, ki je obtežen financiranja sranja na Krimu in Donbasu, povezujejo ga tudi z jesensko štalo v Makedonijo/Srbiji.
Konstantin Malofeev @ Wikipedia

Rešetnikov je ex KGB general, uradno direktor inštituta za strateške študije, neuradno operativec tajnih služb. Po situaciji na Balkanu je izgubil službo.
A few days after the would-be coup, a former intelligence officer, Leonid Reshetnikov, who ran a hawkish research institute in Moscow, was relieved of his duties by Putin. The Russian Institute for Strategic Studies has a branch office in Belgrade, and Reshetnikov had given strong backing to the anti-Nato opposition party in Montenegro.

Dugin bi moral biti poznan
Aleksandr Dugin @ Wikipedia


Some in Russia are so scared of our investigation on RU meddling in the Balkans that they have done a hilarious hit-job on me in Tsargrad TV under the royal headline "Christo Grozev - a Russophobic Empire of Lies". I feel promoted. I am also apparently a S.O.R.O.S agent. Story ends by saying my next target of destruction is Belarus. This after I apparently created a fake Putin - Trump connection. Call me Tarkin.

Ex KGB General Reshetnikov calls me a "Rabid dog"...

Host: "So is Grozev an MI6 or a CIA agent?" Reshetnikov: "Could be both. They are known to share assets. He has no principles"

In the third TV hit-job on me on Russian tv, in 3 days, this is, apparently, me.

"A 16 he was infatuated by radio and democracy (?), which defined his career & hobby, turning a not-bad businessman into a bad propagandist"

4th day, 4th hitjob on me on Malofeev's TV. Next: a fuzzy hotel sex video? Looking forward.

And now I'm also assassinated on Dugin's site...THAT should now destroy my reputation.

The day I called Malofeev's "special project manager" to get comments on involvement in Srpska/Montenegro, his TV began daily attacks on me

The good news...now I will get my fantasy-CV translated by them in all world languages..here already in Italian

Pac-Man ::

Ni problem samo twitter, ampak tole


On 2 October 2014, a short announcement appeared on the website of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The matter-of-fact alert was titled “Entry of nationals of the Russian Federation”


This odd news item was the police’s attempt at calming the public, after local media had reported an unusual number of burly Russian men, all dressed in Cossack uniform, popping up in the tiny Balkan country in the weeks leading up to presidential elections on October 12. More alarmingly, the nation’s Federal TV had identified some of the Cossack visitors – in particular their leader, Nikolay Djakonov, as having led a paramilitary Cossack unit during the accession of Crimea earlier that year.


The purported reason for the Cossacks’ arrival was to take part in a folklore performance on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. However, local media quickly discovered that none of the sheep-skin hatted dancers seemed to know when the planned performances were going to be, nor how long they planned to stay in the country. Nor, for that matter, could they dance.


Some of the arriving Cossacks crossed the border in vehicles owned by Republika Srpska special police forces, and were stationed at the special police training barracks in Laktasi, near Banja Luka. The public behavior of the men was also reminiscent of that of the so-called “polite people” popping up in Crimea in the weeks before the annexation – they made their presence ostentatious but refused to talk to the media.


On election day, Oct 12th, after casting his vote for himself at 15:10, Milorad Dodik was driven directly to the secluded posh Kalderra Hotel, a 15-minute ride from Banja Luka. There, he met his wealthy and influential Russian guest. (...) His name was Konstantin Malofeev.
 Leader of Cossacks in Banja Luka, Nikolay Djakonov (second left on left photo) at Donbass Veterans Congress,  4 November 2016, At President Hotel in Moscow

Leader of Cossacks in Banja Luka, Nikolay Djakonov (second left on left photo) at Donbass Veterans Congress, 4 November 2016, At President Hotel in Moscow

 Putin’s adviser Surkov (Center), together with Russian neo-Nazi volunteer in Donbass Alexey Milchakov (second from left),  Boroday (fourth from left), and others.

Putin’s adviser Surkov (Center), together with Russian neo-Nazi volunteer in Donbass Alexey Milchakov (second from left), Boroday (fourth from left), and others.

 Malofeev’s employee and former “DNR Prime Minister” Alexander Boroday (far left), with paramilitary commander Nikolai Diakonov (far right), at a Donbass Volunteer Congress in Rostov, Russia; photo taken on 10-10-2016

Malofeev’s employee and former “DNR Prime Minister” Alexander Boroday (far left), with paramilitary commander Nikolai Diakonov (far right), at a Donbass Volunteer Congress in Rostov, Russia; photo taken on 10-10-2016


While all of Malofeev’s initiatives in Ukraine were, formally, privately organized and funded, intercepted phone calls between him and his lieutenants on the ground in Ukraine, as well as hacked email correspondence, showed that he closely coordinated his actions with the Kremlin, at times via the powerful Orthodox priest Bishop Tikhon whom Malofeev and Putin (in their own words) share as spiritual adviser; at other times via direct coordination between Malofeev and Putin’s advisers Surkov and Glazyev, but also via Malofeev’s close collaboration with RISS – the Kremlin-owned Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, chaired by former KGB/SVR Gen. Leonid Reshetnikov. In addition, a recent email hack that we have reviewed suggests that at least one employee of Malofeev’s participated in non-public sessions of the Russian government.


On October 7th 2014, Alexander Dugin, the extreme-right, expansionist ideologue on Malofeev’s payroll who had played a key role in recruiting Russian volunteers for the war in Eastern Ukraine, emailed Malofeev a draft for an article in which he outlined Russia’s national interest in steering events in Republika Srpska towards Dodik’s victory


Dugin’s warning was published in several Serbian-language and Russian websites in the days preceding the election, as was seen from Dugin’s emailed report on channels of dissemination on Oct 11., the day before the election.


As seen in a recent mail dump leaked by Ukrainian hacker group CyberJunta, on October 23th 2014, Ms. Alena Sharoykina, publicly an anti-GMO activist and CEO of Malofeev’s TV channel Tsargrad TV, and privately Malofeev’s project manager for false-flag operations in Eastern Europe, emailed an urgent task to one of her agents whom Malofeev had been financing to plant disinformation and organize pro-Russian and anti-Ukraine rallies in CEE. The agent’s name was Alexandr Usovsky, a chronically penniless, Belarus-born struggling novelist, and member of a number of Russian extreme-right nationalist organizations (including the infamous NSO-North which was responsible for at least 27 hate-motivated murders”. Usovsky appears also closely linked to European Neo-Nazi parties, whose assistance he generously offered to Malofeev, who in turn was seeking for agents of influence (or proxies of disruption) in Europe. Usovsky frequently offered Malofeev the cooperation of the Polish neo-Nazi party OWP, Ľudová strana Naše Slovensko in Slovakia, as well as with the outlawed paramilitary arm of Jobbik in Hungary, Hungarian Guard. He often began his emails to his closer friends “Sieg Heil”.

Sharoykina’s email to Usovsky was titled “Republika Srpska”, and instructed Usovsky to conduct a “small special operation” – a controlled leak into the Polish news space of Malofeev’s secret hotel meeting with Dodik on election day.
 Email from Sharoykina to Usovsky, requesting leak of photo of Malofeev meeting Dodik on election day, via bloggers in Poland

Email from Sharoykina to Usovsky, requesting leak of photo of Malofeev meeting Dodik on election day, via bloggers in Poland

The leaker was to imply the hypothesis that the billionaire’s arrival to Banja Luka was linked to the presence of Russian spetznaz in guise of Cossack dancers, and that he was there to oversee a Crimea-like scenario in case of negative electoral outcome. Sharoykina sent Usovsky the paparazzi-style photo of Malofeev and Dodik and asked that it be leaked as well.
 Dodik and Malofeev, election day

Dodik and Malofeev, election day

Usovsky chose to distribute the message via his trusted contact Dawid Berezicki, functionary of the extreme-right anti-Semitic Polish People’s Party.

Usovsky reports back to Malofeev’s associate that he sent a proposed text for the leak, and asked him to choose ideally a “liberal blogger” as a leak destination.


Whatever the goal was, putting the Cossack dance troupe in action (other than the psychological impact of 143 menacing, uniformed Russian men roaming the streets on election day) was never required. On October 28th, the final vote tally showed that Dodik won the election by just under 7000 votes.


Bellingcat and The Insider separately attempted to obtain comments as to the purpose of the leaked emails – and the underlying intent of the Cossacks’ arrival to Banja Luka – from Ms. Sharoykina and Mr. Usovksy. (...) He told Bellingcat that Mr. Malofeev was a “saint man whose only international activities are related to assisting the Orthodox church”. However, in an interview with The Insider, Usovsky did admit to receiving funding for operations in Central and Eastern Europe from Konstantin Malofeev “in the period May-October 2014”, and subsequently one small tranche from “Malofeev’s assistant”, presumably Sharoykina.


Several months following the elections, in June 2015, freshly re-elected Milorad Dodik awarded Konstantin Malofeev, Leonid Reshetnikov, and Putin’s adviser and close friend of Malofeeev, Igor Shtegolev, Orders of Njegos – First Degree for contribution to the “formation of the Republika Srpska”.
 President Dodik awards Gen. Reshetnikov the Order of Njegos – Ist Degree; 29-6-2015

President Dodik awards Gen. Reshetnikov the Order of Njegos – Ist Degree; 29-6-2015


In Part 2 of this investigation Bellingcat and The Insider review evidence for the role of Konstantin Malofeev, Kremlin’s think-tank RISS and GRU in the failed coup attempt in Montenegro.


Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Usovsky chose to distribute the message via his trusted contact Dawid Berezicki, functionary of the extreme-right anti-Semitic Polish People’s Party.

Gremo kidat to gnojno jamo.

Verjetno je mišljena Polish National Party @ Wikipedia , Polish People%27s Party @ Wikipedia zgleda košer.

Intervju z Dawidom na strani PNP:

Polish National Party @ Wikipedia
The Polish National Party (Polish: Polska Partia Narodowa) is a fringe nationalist and ultra-conservative political party in Poland led by Leszek Bubel. Its motto is: "I am Polish, therefore I have Polish obligations"


At the beginning of 2008 chairman of the party Leszek Bubel appeared on YouTube with the song "Longinus Zerwimycka".[5] The song made fun of Jews in Poland and told them to go to the United States. The act provoked numerous protests. Despite the protests Bubel released another offensive video clip: "Bzykający Rabin"[6] ("Buzzing Rabbi"). The word "bzykać" in Polish slang means to engage in sex.


Dawid Berezicki: Z Igorem Striełkowem o Polsce i Polakach

 Igor Girkin - Strelkov

Igor Girkin - Strelkov

Dawid Berezicki OWP - Potrzebna jest samoobrona przeciw banderowskiej hydrze!


Pomoc dla dzieci w Donbasie


Obóz Wielkiej Polski bez medialnego szumu, oraz bez środków finansowych jakie posiadają podejrzane organizacje sponsorujące banderowskie bataliony, pomaga na miarę swoich możliwości i gorąco zachęca do tego samego wszystkich, którym nie jest obojętny los Polaków w Donbasie.”- powiedział prezes Obozu Wielkiej Polski Dawid Berezicki

Help for children in the Donbas


Camp Great Polish without the media hype, and without the funds they have suspicious sponsoring organizations Banderovite battalions, helps to measure their abilities and strongly encourages the same all who are not indifferent to the fate of Poles in Donbas. "- Said the president of the Camp of Great Polish Dawid Berezicki

Camp of Great Poland (association) @ Wikipedia

The Camp of Great Poland (Obóz Wielkiej Polski; OWP) - Polish national-democratic and nationalist association with legal personality (2012). It was founded in 2003 by Marcin Markowski as an ordinary association in Wroclaw. It “continues Roman Dmowski’s policies", as stated on the Camp website.


Leaders of the organization include Dawid Berezicki and Maciej Wydrych.


The current Camp emphasizes the necessity of strengthening Poland’s position on the Baltic coast, alludes to Neoslavism, advocates the system of economic freedom, fights anti-Polish propaganda.[5] It is also a firm opponent of the European Union and expresses skepticism about NATO.


The OWP is known for its high-profile direct action, such as a demonstration "against the defamation of the Polish Nation" at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw (June 26, 2009)[6][7][8] and humanitarian aid for Serbs in Kosovo (May 2011).


The OWP regularly takes part in actions focused on the support for the Serbian Kosovo.[15] It fights against the glorification of genocide perpetrators, members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 1943-45), organizing or co-organizing numerous protests.


The OWP has numerous and regular international contacts, especially with organizations of nationalist profile from Slavic countries: Slovak Revival Movement (Slovenské Hnutie Obrody), Serbian National Movement (Српски Народни Покрет 1389), National Council (Народный Собор) in Russia. The OWP activists took part in the Serbian Cerski March (2011).[18] They often visit Slovakia for paramilitary training,[19] mountain expeditions [20] and Slavic gatherings.[21] OWP also cooperates with the Union Polish Associations and Organisations in Latin America, which leader Jan Kobylanski is the honorary chairman of the OWP, and other smaller Polish organizations. For several years the Camp has been supporting John Kobylanski’s slander lawsuits against officials like minister Radosław Sikorski.[22]

Pac-Man ::


ima da dela preko bit.ly :)



"People's Cathedral" (the full name of the All-Russian public movement "People's Cathedral") - Russian Public Movement [4] [5] [6] , based on the idea of national patriotism and Orthodoxy [4] [7] [8] and engaged in social protection morality and traditional family values

People's Council, which opposes the propaganda of homosexuality [10] , has become famous in particular, protests against the concert of Madonna [10] , supporting the LGBT community , as well as his claim that nearly ended with imprisonment for the curators of the exhibition " Forbidden Art " Yuri Samodurov and Andrei Yerofeyev [11] [12] . In 2003, after another of the exhibition "Caution, Religion!" Activists "People's Cathedral" defeated the Center Sakharov , and in May of 2012 picketed an exhibition of Marat Gelman's "Homeland"


His goal of "People's Council" puts transform Russia based on "traditional spiritual and moral values of the Russian civilization."

"People's Council" opposes " Russophobia ", "uncontrolled immigration", " totalitarian sects ", lawlessness, corruption, gay parades and any other action "aimed at undermining the country, its spiritual and moral values of the culture."


the movement "People's Cathedral" in early 2013 to work on the creation of a special wing of the monitoring and detection of sects in Russia, designed to help law enforcement agencies in the fight against sectarianism.


Notable initiatives

"Hillary List" as a response to the "Magnitsky List" (2012) [28] .
Russian religious procession "The memory of grateful descendants" (2012), dedicated to the 400 th anniversary of the victory of the People's Militia led by the Nizhny Novgorod Zemsky elder Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky magistrates [29] .
Initiation of the collection of signatures under the appeal to the deputies of the Moscow City Duma, containing a request to the city of parliament to pass a bill banning the propaganda of homosexuality (2012) [30] .

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Turki so v preiskavi umora ambasadorja aretirali madam ruskega porekla. ČE, še enkrat, velik ČE, najdejo povezavo bo šlo tole bolj na račun mafije kot islamizma.


Turkish media report a 33 y.o. Russian hooker have been detained who were in contacts /w the RUS amb killer, suspecting her involvement.

Hurriet: 33 y.o. Russian Ekaterina B was in contact with the RU amb killer via WhatsApp & calls but never met in person.

A Haber: Detained Russian woman called the amb killer in Nov 2016. Made call(s?) to #Russian Cultural Centre where assassination took place

The detained Russian woman is not a hooker but runs an escort service in Ankara's Five Star hotel.

Smrekar1 ::

Tule sta dva članka o prihodnosti Rusije.

Povprečen Rus ne bo živel nič bolje vsaj do leta 2035:


Rusija je bistveno manjša grožnja kot izgleda:


Če se v Rusiji nič ne sprmeni bo tole sranje z Rusijo v roku desetletja ali dveh podobno sranju na korejskem polotoku.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

papasmrk ::

Že naslov članka Why Russia is far less threatening than it seems pove, da članek cilja na tisti odstotek glupih amerov in amerofilov, ki se ob omembi Rusije podelajo v gate. Očitno obstaja folk, ki dejansko verjame "da rusi samo što nisu napali Poljsku".

Smurf ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Tule sta dva članka o prihodnosti Rusije.

Povprečen Rus ne bo živel nič bolje vsaj do leta 2035:


Rusija je bistveno manjša grožnja kot izgleda:


Če se v Rusiji nič ne sprmeni bo tole sranje z Rusijo v roku desetletja ali dveh podobno sranju na korejskem polotoku.

Nic novega, vsakemu vsaj kancek pameti in znanja ekonomije, bi mu morala te nastete stavri ze prej jasne. Rusija z bdpjem ne bo morala niti blizu konkurirati ZDA, EU in Kitajski, logicno bo posledice cutila tudi njihova vojska.

Mr.B ::

Zgodba podobna kot na kitajjskem. Amerji so provocirali in nakladali ter stopnjevali pritisk, zato da so lahko sedaj postavili thaad rakete praktiöno na mejo s Kitajsko. JA zakaj pa Kitajci niest sodelovali :))
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Starodavni ::

@Smrekar @Smurf

Itak, Rusija je ekonomsko v zelo slabem položaju in vsako leto bo samo slabše, ker cena nafte ne bo nikoli več 100 $ za sodček. Pa tudi če bi bila toliko, bi to Rusiji dalo par let več časa pol pa bi bili na istem.

Pač dejstvo je, da bi Rusija se morala korenito reformirati in ubrati politiko - manj je več.
Opustiti napadalno retoriko, se osredotočiti na obrambno funkcijo države, opustiti regije, ki si jih je prisvojila, ker so samo strošek in izguba za državo kratkoročno in dolgoročno.

Morali bise osredotočiti na izboljšanje ekonomske situacije, zdravstvenega sistema in izobraženosti ter delovno kvalificiranim migrantom, ki bi delali v Rusiji in tudi živeli tam.

Samo kaj, ko so Rusi miselno nekje v 19. ali 20. stoletju, ko so mislili da več ko imaš ozemlja, bolj si bogat in močan.

Ta miselnost nima več prostora v 21. stoletju, ko se je vse spremenilo. Dvomim, da bo za Ruse kaj bolje po letu 2035, pomoje jih čaka dolgoročno hiranje in bodo vsako dekado slabše razviti, na drugi strani pa bodo druge države jih presegle in postajale vse bolj bogate, pa so na ravni standarda na istem kot Rusija danes ali slabše.

Topovi pač ne bood nahranili prebivalstva, ker tudi rabiš hrano za izdelavo topov. Brez hrane je konec.

Pac-Man ::

Za dobro jutro se grem rumenega špijona, originalna ideja je lennutrajektoor-jeva.


Pamela Anderson in Assange sta par.


Pamela Anderson yesterday visited Julian Assange in London for at least the sixth time in five months, as rumours build that they are in a relationship.

Zgodba bi se lahko začela okrog septembra 2014.


7. decembra 2015, malo pred neslavno RTjevo 10. obletnico (10.12. - medijski blitz?), kjer sta Flynn in Steinova sedela skupaj s Putinom, se je zgodilo to


‘Eternal Playmate’, Baywatch star and animal rights activist Pamela Anderson went right to ‘the top’ in Russia, participating in a round-table discussion in the Kremlin on Monday.

The meeting, which focused on the protection of nature, was hosted by President Putin's head of office, Sergey Ivanov.

“We want to support Russia in any way we can. That was exciting to talk about [it] and it's nice to hear about the great things that Russia's doing for wildlife and wildlife conservation [both] in and outside of Russia,” Anderson told RT after the meeting with the senior official.

“I like to go to the top, I like to go to the most powerful people,” she added.

Speaking about why she had chosen Russia to head up an international animal rights movement, Anderson told RT that she feels "that in Russia things get done."

"Sometimes in America things get lost, and here everything happens so fast," she said, adding that she was also impressed with Russians' concerns about climate change.


"Russia has proven to be a nation unafraid to take action where action is needed," she said, adding that "compassion for animals unites nations ... and where Russia leads others will follow."

Ker ko pomisliš na zaščito pravic živali in boj proti podnebnim spremembam, je prva asociacija vedno Rusija. Vsaj če f***š Assanga.

Hopla, kaj pa če je vse res?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::


The star of a 2012 documentary about a pro-Putin activist has received a green card to live in America. She's en route to U.S. citizenship.

cel film

Smrekar1 ::

Tule je zanimiva analiza s(r)tanja v Rusiji.


Rusija je fašistična država, ki zaenkrat še ni dosegla nivoja Hitlerijanskega Nacizma. Kot kaže ga zaenkrat še ne bo. Za Putinom bo sledil potop, ker se bo sistem podrl. Civilizirani svet mora Rusijo odvrniti od večjih neumnosti in počakati, da ljubljeni vodja zagrize v prah. Če bo šlo vse po sreči mu bo Rusija kmalu sledila.

Pac-Man ::


Raised in East Germany, Jack Barsky abandoned his mother, brother, wife and son to spy for the KGB. In America, he started a second family. And then it all came crashing down...

On a chilly morning in December 1988, computer analyst Jack Barsky embarked on his usual morning commute to his office on Madison Avenue in Manhattan, leaving his wife and baby daughter at home in Queens. As he entered the subway, he caught sight of something startling: a daub of red paint on a metal beam. Barsky had looked for it every morning for years; it meant he had a life-changing decision to make, and fast.

Barsky knew the drill. The red paint was a warning that he was in immediate danger, that he should hurry to collect cash and emergency documents from a prearranged drop site. From there, he would cross the border into Canada and contact the Soviet consulate in Toronto. Arrangements would be made for him to leave the country. He would cease to be Jack Barsky. The American identity he had inhabited for a decade would evaporate and he would return to his former life: that of Albrecht Dittrich, a chemist and KGB agent, with a wife and seven-year-old son waiting patiently for him in East Germany.

Barsky thought of his American daughter, Chelsea: could he really leave her? And, if he didn’t, how long could he evade both the KGB and US counterintelligence?

Pac-Man ::

Epidemija kapi med Kremlju problematičnimi Rusi je vsaj malo sumljiva.

Ex-minister Pochinok in 2014: Crimea will cost more than Olympics and war in Dagestan. Five days later he was dead.

Alexander Pochinok @ Wikipedia

Alexander Petrovich Pochinok (Russian: Алекса́ндр Петро́вич Почино́к; 12 January 1958 – 16 March 2014) was a Russian economist and politician. He was the minister of taxes and levies from 1999 to 2000 and minister of labor and social development from 2000 to 2004.


Pochinok died of hemorrhagic stroke at the age of 56.

Pac-Man ::

Priprti direktor Roskozmosa je zaradi vbodnih ran umrl v priporu.

Ex chief of Russia space program found dead in detention cell with two knife wounds in heart, severed throat, police say it MIGHT be murder

The Investigative Committee carries out a check on the fact of finding the body of a man with knife wounds in the Moscow SIZO


According to a source in law enforcement agencies, it is about the death of the former executive director of Roskosmos Vladimir Evdokimov, who is accused of fraud for 200 million rubles.

December 2016:
Roscosmos COO Vladimir Evdokimov has been arrested Thursday on fraud charges. He has been accused of stealing over $3 Mln, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported from the court proceedings on Thursday.


Evdokimov faces up to 10 years of imprisonment under large scale fraud charges if found guilty. The investigation has found that Evdokimov has committed fraud, stealing more than $3 million from the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG.


Evdokimov himself said that he does not admit his guilt. He pointed out that he provide his testimony and is willing to cooperate with the investigation.

Žvižganje v Rusiji močno skrajša pričakovano življenjsko dobo. Če si ujet, častno odsedi svoje. Za domovino! Za Putina!

Pac-Man ::


New details have been unveiled during the investigation of the criminal case of theft from MiG that features Roskosmos CEO Vladimir Evdokimov and JSC Nauchno Tehnichesky Center ex-CEO Aleksandr Zolin as defendants.


For instance, investigators found the Roscosmos CEO possessed an expensive mansion in Razdory village that is in Rublevo residence near Barvikha.

Roman Putin @ Wikipedia

Roman Igorevich Putin (Russian: Роман Игоревич Путин, born 10 November 1977) is a Russian businessman and president of the Russian Taekwondo Federation.

Roman Putin's grandfather, Alexander, was the uncle of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.


Roman Putin graduated with honors from the Volsk branch of the Military Academy of Logistics in 2001, and then for two years worked as an FSB officer.


Roman Putin is the chairman of Group MRT and co-owner of three other Russian companies: Gazstroiholding, Modernizatsiya Rechnogo Transporta (Modernization of River Transport), and Frantsuzskie Aviatsionnye Technologii (French Aviation Technologies).


Putin owns a large house in the village of Razdory. He is also an owner of a 44-acre estate in Napa and a villa in London.[14][15][16] In September 2015 Putin bought the luxury yacht Silverfast for $90 million during the Monaco Yacht Show.[17] Putin also owns a 38-acre island in the Bahamas where he bought for $75 million.

Kaj hočeš, sposobna družina, še bolj kot Janševi.

Pac-Man ::

Zelo sposobna družina.

Igor Putin @ Wikipedia

Igor Alexandrovich Putin (Russian: Игорь Александрович Путин; born 30 March 1953 in Leningrad) is a Russian businessman and politician, former Vice President of Master Bank. He is a cousin of former Russian Prime Minister and current Russian President Vladimir Putin


In September 2010 Igor Putin became a Vice President of Master Bank. In the same month the bank received a lucrative contract with Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. Still Igor Putin held the Vice President position only a few months and retired in December 2010. His retirement coincided with a criminal investigation in which over 30 million Russian roubles was allegedly stolen from the bank by its employees using IT technologies. (...) In March 2011, five days after conclusion of the investigations Igor Putin returned to the bank as a director.


A story by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project discussed how a number of banks associated with Putin were involved in a massive money laundering scheme dubbed "The Laundromat".[4] The system moved money through Putin's and other banks using fake loans between offshore, paper companies, bribed Moldovan judges and Moldovan and Latvian banks to move money out of Russia and into Europe.

Putin%27s Kleptocracy @ Wikipedia

Za knjigo obstaja PDF s čez 1000 stranmi, ampak ga ne bom linkal, travniške fore.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

januar 2014


Just outside Moscow, there is a cluster of houses that, at first glance, resembles a scene from the English countryside. Red-brick villas overlook lush, landscaped parks. Property brochures are filled with pictures of grazing cattle, trickling streams and the promise of “old English style” architecture.


These mansions are part of a new development, yet to be named by its developer, Parcel, that is being built on the edge of Razdory, the first main village from Moscow along the Rublyovo-Uspenskoye highway, a route that has long attracted wealthy Muscovites.


Vladimir Putin and Roman Abramovich both own houses near the Rublyovo-Uspenskoye Road. Last year, realty estate entrepreneur Vladislav Doronin was said to be building a house in the shape of a spaceship for his (now former) girlfriend, supermodel Naomi Campbell.


Real estate on the Rublyovo-Uspenskoye highway is now the most expensive in Russia. For $2m to $3m, it is possible to buy a “cottage” in a purpose-built village encircled by a steel fence or wall, but it is not uncommon for prices to reach $40m.


Local residents shop at the Barvikha Luxury Village, an upmarket shopping centre built in 2005, where they can pick up Baccarat Crystal or a Ferrari. Moscow has more dollar billionaire residents than any other capital in the world apart from New York – according to a report released this year by Forbes – and they invariably desire country homes nearby.

Za elito vile, za neumite mase nacionalni ponos.

Berserker ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

@Smrekar @Smurf

Itak, Rusija je ekonomsko v zelo slabem položaju in vsako leto bo samo slabše, ker cena nafte ne bo nikoli več 100 $ za sodček. Pa tudi če bi bila toliko, bi to Rusiji dalo par let več časa pol pa bi bili na istem.

Pač dejstvo je, da bi Rusija se morala korenito reformirati in ubrati politiko - manj je več.
Opustiti napadalno retoriko, se osredotočiti na obrambno funkcijo države, opustiti regije, ki si jih je prisvojila, ker so samo strošek in izguba za državo kratkoročno in dolgoročno.

Morali bise osredotočiti na izboljšanje ekonomske situacije, zdravstvenega sistema in izobraženosti ter delovno kvalificiranim migrantom, ki bi delali v Rusiji in tudi živeli tam.

Samo kaj, ko so Rusi miselno nekje v 19. ali 20. stoletju, ko so mislili da več ko imaš ozemlja, bolj si bogat in močan.

Ta miselnost nima več prostora v 21. stoletju, ko se je vse spremenilo. Dvomim, da bo za Ruse kaj bolje po letu 2035, pomoje jih čaka dolgoročno hiranje in bodo vsako dekado slabše razviti, na drugi strani pa bodo druge države jih presegle in postajale vse bolj bogate, pa so na ravni standarda na istem kot Rusija danes ali slabše.

Topovi pač ne bood nahranili prebivalstva, ker tudi rabiš hrano za izdelavo topov. Brez hrane je konec.

Sej to ravno počne. Aktivna obramba, četudi na račun tujih držav.

Poglej malo zemljevide, Rusija še nikoli ni bila v tako majhnem obsegu vse od Katerine Velike.

Napad na Gruzijo je onemogočil tej državi članstvo v NATU, enako je za Ukrajino, z osvojitvijo Krimeje so NATU onemogočili pomorsko izkrcanje tik pred Moskvo, skratka ne bodo več ponovili iste napake kot pri Baltiku.

Ta miselnost je še kako živa. Če misliš da se bo z 21.stoletjem kaj spremenilo se motiš.

Enako čaka naš po 2035, saj nismo nič kaj boljši od Rusov po demografiji.

Starodavni ::


Sej to ravno počne. Aktivna obramba, četudi na račun tujih držav.

To potem ni obrambna politika, temveč kar lepo napadalnost. Nemčija in Francija imata primer obrambne politike, pa ne nameščata vojske ob meji in druga drugo okupirata države Beneluksa ali Švico.

Poglej malo zemljevide, Rusija še nikoli ni bila v tako majhnem obsegu vse od Katerine Velike.

Da imajo zmanjšani obseg se lahko zahvalijo Rusi sami sebi. Velika država in špilanje imperialistične politike bo pač vodilo v končni rezultat krčenja države. Poglej primere držav: Napoleonova Francija, Velika Britanija s kolonijami. Nemški imperij pred 1. svet vojno, Švedski imperij pred vojnami z Rusijo in nemškimi državicami v 17. ali 18. stoletju. Pa primerjaj te države danes in boš videl, da so se sprijaznile s tem, da ne bodo več regionalne in ali supersile, zato pa več vlagajo v svojo državo in višanje standarda, tudi če nimajo ogromno ozemlja ali kolonij. Pa poglej kdo je na boljšem. Te moderne države ali Rusija, ki se skuša spet oklepati miselnosti 19 stoletja in lažnega občutka da so supersila.

Napad na Gruzijo je onemogočil tej državi članstvo v NATU, enako je za Ukrajino, z osvojitvijo Krimeje so NATU onemogočili pomorsko izkrcanje tik pred Moskvo, skratka ne bodo več ponovili iste napake kot pri Baltiku.

Napad na Gruzijo ni ničesar storil drugega, kot samo poglobil sovraštvo med Rusijo in Gruzijo in dokončno vodil v to, da se Gruzija osredotoči raje proti Evropi kot proti Rusiji. Pa še ukradli so jim 2 regiji. Abkhazijo in Južno Osetijo. Obe regiji pa trenutno še bolj životarita kot sta pod Gruzijo, kar kaže samo na to da so Rusi zelo slabi gospodarji z novo pripojenimi ozemlji ali vazalnimi kolonijami.

NATO je pa prvenstveno obrambno zavezništvo, vsaka članica se je pridružila prostovoljno in NATO je že v preteklosti predlagal Rusiji članstvo,d a bi potem skupaj sodelovali. Rusi so pričakovano zavrnili članstvo.

Tudi samem NATU ni v interesu da bi napadal Rusijo in izvajal okupacijo nad obsežnim,a slabo razvitim ozemljem, kjer bi bil deležen številnih gverilskih napadov.

S strateškega vidika je napad na Rusijo nesmisel, ne prinese ničesar, kot samo uničujoče visoke stroške.
To da ima Rusija občutek, da je obkrožena in da jo napadajo je pa navaden mit. Tako je življenje s sosedami in zato moraš pač graditi odnose takšne da bodo dobri. Tudi z našimi sosedi delamo dobre sosedske odnose, ker vemo da se nam dolgoročno splačajo, kot pa da si z vsakim sosedom v slabih ali celo vojnih odnosih.

Ta miselnost je še kako živa. Če misliš da se bo z 21.stoletjem kaj spremenilo se motiš.

Ta miselnost Rusov je vodila v dva velika propada - Caristična Rusija in Sovjetska Rusija in tudi kmalu bo sledil propad Putinove Rusije.

Rusov pač ne izuči to, da z miselnostoj 19. stoletja ne boš prosperiral v 21. kaj šele 22. stoletju. Svet se je od takrat drastično spreenil in več je poudarka na ekonomski prepletenosti držav, prostem pretoku idej in ljudi in informatizaciji. Pa tudi ljudje ne bodo več tako potrpežljivi glede njihovega bednega standarda in kratenja svoboščin.

Enako čaka naš po 2035, saj nismo nič kaj boljši od Rusov po demografiji.

To je res, a za razliko od Rusov nimamo obsežnega ozemlja, ki ga je potrebno kontrolirati. Naša država lahko preživi če nas bo tam samo 1 milijon ali 500 tisoč. Rusija pa že zdaj škripa s populacijo, ki je zgolj 120 mio, kako bo šele ko jih bo 100 ali 80 milijonov. Cele regije bodo še manj naseljene in praktično izbrisane.

Regija, ki nima ljudi in propada je veliko breme, saj ni ekonomije in s tem davkov, ki jih država rabi za svoj obstoj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

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