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NATO in Rusija

NATO in Rusija

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dice7 ::

Jaz nisem tvoj RSS feed. Priporocam pa obisk sirsega nabora spletnih strani

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

Mr.B ::

Pocakmo, zagotovo bomon brali o nekem ruskem robotu, ki je twixal o tem :)).... prpravimo kokice.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Poldi112 ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Prakticno vsi mediji so pisali o tem shodu nacionalistov. Verjetno nisi prej opazil, ker rumeni tist se je takrat spotikal na udelezbo antife

Pisali so že, samo poglej recimo ta spin od Dnevnika:
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

dice7 ::

Mogoce pa sedaj vlada desnicarska narativa, tako kot je menda v casu begunske krize vladala levicarska, in je pac potrebno prikriti neprijetne podrobnosti

Mogoce pa nic od zgoraj zapisanega ne drzi

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

Pac-Man ::

Asanž je ruska kurva. Asanž ve, da je ruska kurva. Asanž noče biti znan kot ruska kurva.



After this point, Trump Jr. ceased to respond to WikiLeaks’s direct messages, but WikiLeaks escalated its requests.

“Hey Don. We have an unusual idea,” WikiLeaks wrote on October 21, 2016. “Leak us one or more of your father’s tax returns.” WikiLeaks then laid out three reasons why this would benefit both the Trumps and WikiLeaks. One, The New York Times had already published a fragment of Trump’s tax returns on October 1; two, the rest could come out any time “through the most biased source (e.g. NYT/MSNBC).”

It is the third reason, though, WikiLeaks wrote, that “is the real kicker.” “If we publish them it will dramatically improve the perception of our impartiality,” WikiLeaks explained. “That means that the vast amount of stuff that we are publishing on Clinton will have much higher impact, because it won’t be perceived as coming from a ‘pro-Trump’ ‘pro-Russia’ source.” It then provided an email address and link where the Trump campaign could send the tax returns, and adds, “The same for any other negative stuff (documents, recordings) that you think has a decent chance of coming out. Let us put it out.”

Trump Jr. did not respond to this message.

WikiLeaks didn’t write again until Election Day, November 8, 2016. “Hi Don if your father ‘loses’ we think it is much more interesting if he DOES NOT conceed [sic] and spends time CHALLENGING the media and other types of rigging that occurred—as he has implied that he might do,” WikiLeaks wrote at 6:35pm, when the idea that Clinton would win was still the prevailing conventional wisdom.


WikiLeaks wrote on December 16 to Trump Jr., who was by then the son of the president-elect. “In relation to Mr. Assange: Obama/Clinton placed pressure on Sweden, UK and Australia (his home country) to illicitly go after Mr. Assange. It would be real easy and helpful for your dad to suggest that Australia appoint Assange ambassador to [Washington,] DC.”

WikiLeaks even imagined how Trump might put it: “‘That’s a real smart tough guy and the most famous australian [sic] you have!’ or something similar,” WikiLeaks wrote. “They won’t do it but it will send the right signals to Australia, UK + Sweden to start following the law and stop bending it to ingratiate themselves with the Clintons.”

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Brane22 ::

Fluff with no real meat. Twitter account...blabla...he will ask around...etcetc.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Pac-Man ::

Material, ki so ga odvetniki Donalda Jr. predali senatni komisiji.

Brane22 ::

Dobro, predpostavimo da je vse res.

So what ? Kaj je _dejanjska_ teža tega ?

In BTW, kako je Asanž "ruska kurva" ?

A ni ameriška, potem ko so ga stisnili v veleposlanstvo ?

In je iz njega snel ostarelo kravo, ki ne bi imela problemov nadenj poslati dron ?

Who was who's bitch again ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Mr.B ::

Putin je kriv za rezultat volitev v britaniji , ker je marija in ajebala 8-) http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-419...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Iatromantis ::

Dobra, Don Jr. navdahnjen s transparenco zaradi WikiLeaks?

"Hi Don. Sorry to hear about your problems," WikiLeaks wrote. "We have an idea that may help a little. We are VERY interested in confidentially obtaining and publishing a copy of the email(s) cited in the New York Times today," citing a reference in the paper to emails Trump Jr had exchanged with Rob Goldstone, a publicist who had helped set up the meeting....

The message was sent at 9:29 am on July 11. Trump Jr. did not respond, but just hours later, he posted the emails himself, on his own Twitter feed.

Ali je Don Family navdahnila WikiLeaks za netransparenco?

Shout-out to this gem by Wikileaks on Reddit 1 year ago: ( https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/... )

The allegations that we have colluded with Trump, or any other candidate for that matter, or with Russia, are just groundless and false.


Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

In BTW, kako je Asanž "ruska kurva" ?

Imaš prav, Pac-Man se v tem primeru moti. Pravilna beseda je "suka", v grabljicah "сука".

Pac-Man ::

Ena zanimiva epizoda. Na MMC je bil podana ta povezava kot dokaz, da Marina Porošenko krade denar za otroke.


Gre za medij brez podatkov o uredništvu, s kontaktom na gmail (glej kolofon). Reklame so mrtve, klik ne pelje nikamor.

Edini zadetek na googlu je promoviran, nad pravimi zadetki:


Originalen je samo članek o Marini, vse ostalo je pokradeno od drugod. Npr. :





Zadnji v 1. odstavku celo omenja Guardian. :)

Močno smrdi po delu sanktpeterburške trol farme. Umetno ustvarjen "medij", samo za lansiranje lažne novice.

Mr.B ::

glede na te stevilke, je financno nesmiselno investirati s strani rusije v hitro adaptacijo nove opreme. V bistvu ce se rusi odlocijo narediti pohod ns berlin, jim bo, ce imajo nadzor nad nebom, le pehoto, s strani nata ki se bo zoperstavila zelezju...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

O Trumpu, SZ in njihovih obveščevalnih službah v 80ih. Manjša možnost je, da je Čurkina kap, ker je preveč vedel. Organiziral je namreč Donaldov obisk v SZ l. 1987. Pri branju imejte v mislih, da se KGB-jeve operacije in same metode niso končale l. 1991, temveč jih je prevzel FSB. Priporočam v celoti, sicer pa


It was 1984 and General Vladimir Alexandrovich Kryuchkov had a problem. The general occupied one of the KGB’s most exalted posts. He was head of the First Chief Directorate, the prestigious KGB arm responsible for gathering foreign intelligence.


Kryuchkov faced several challenges. First, a hawkish president, Ronald Reagan, was in power in Washington. The KGB regarded his two predecessors, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, as weak. By contrast Reagan was seen as a potent adversary.


In addition to shifting politics in Moscow, Kryuchkov’s difficulty had to do with intelligence gathering. The results from KGB officers abroad had been disappointing. Too often they would pretend to have obtained information from secret sources. In reality, they had recycled material from newspapers or picked up gossip over lunch with a journalist.


Kryuchkov sent out a series of classified memos to KGB heads of station. Oleg Gordievsky—formerly based in Denmark and then in Great Britain—copied them and passed them to British intelligence.


In January 1984 Kryuchkov addressed the problem during a biannual review held in Moscow, and at a special conference six months later. The urgent subject: how to improve agent recruitment. The general urged his officers to be more “creative.” Previously they had relied on identifying candidates who showed ideological sympathy toward the USSR: leftists, trade unionists and so on. By the mid-1980s these were not so many. So KGB officers should “make bolder use of material incentives”: money. And use flattery, an important tool.


There were, of course, different stages of recruitment. Typically, a case officer would invite a target to lunch. The target would be classified as an “official contact.” If the target appeared responsive, he (it was rarely she) would be promoted to a “subject of deep study,” an obyekt razrabotki. The officer would build up a file, supplemented by official and covert material. That might include readouts from conversations obtained through bugging by the KGB’s technical team.

The KGB also distributed a secret personality questionnaire, advising case officers what to look for in a successful recruitment operation. In April 1985 this was updated for “prominent figures in the West.”


The most revealing section concerned kompromat. The document asked for: “Compromising information about subject, including illegal acts in financial and commercial affairs, intrigues, speculation, bribes, graft … and exploitation of his position to enrich himself.” Plus “any other information” that would compromise the subject before “the country’s authorities and the general public.” Naturally the KGB could exploit this by threatening “disclosure.”

Finally, “his attitude towards women is also of interest.” The document wanted to know: “Is he in the habit of having affairs with women on the side?”


At this point it is unclear how the KGB regarded Trump. To become a full KGB agent, a foreigner had to agree to two things. (An “agent” in a Russian or British context was a secret intelligence source.) One was “conspiratorial collaboration.” The other was willingness to take KGB instruction.

According to Andrew and Gordievsky’s book Comrade Kryuchkov’s Instructions, targets who failed to meet these criteria were classified as “confidential contacts.” The Russian word was doveritelnaya svyaz. The aspiration was to turn trusted contacts into full-blown agents, an upper rung of the ladder.


Trump’s chatty version of events is incomplete. According to Natalia Dubinina, the actual story involved a more determined effort by the Soviet government to seek out Trump.


Dubinina said she picked up her father at the airport. It was his first time in New York City. She took him on a tour. The first building they saw was Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, she told Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. Dubinin was so excited he decided to go inside to meet the building’s owner. They got into the elevator. At the top, Dubinina said, they met Trump.

The ambassador—“fluent in English and a brilliant master of negotiations”—charmed the busy Trump, telling him: “The first thing I saw in the city is your tower!”

Dubinina said: “Trump melted at once. He is an emotional person, somewhat impulsive. He needs recognition. And, of course, when he gets it he likes it. My father’s visit worked on him [Trump] like honey to a bee.”


In The Art of the Deal, Trump writes: “In January 1987, I got a letter from Yuri Dubinin, the Soviet ambassador to the United States, that began: ‘It is a pleasure for me to relay some good news from Moscow.’ It went on to say that the leading Soviet state agency for international tourism, Goscomintourist, had expressed interest in pursuing a joint venture to construct and manage a hotel in Moscow.”

There were many ambitious real estate developers in the United States—why had Moscow picked Trump?

According to Viktor Suvorov—a former GRU military spy—and others, the KGB ran Intourist, the agency to which Trump referred. It functioned as a subsidiary KGB branch. Initiated in 1929 by Stalin, Intourist was the Soviet Union’s official state travel agency. Its job was to vet and monitor all foreigners coming into the Soviet Union.


Soviet spy agencies were always interested in cultivating “young ambitious people,” he said—an upwardly mobile businessman, a scientist, a “guy with a future.”

Once in Moscow, they would receive lavish hospitality. “Everything is free. There are good parties with nice girls. It could be a sauna and girls and who knows what else.” The hotel rooms or villa were under “24-hour control,” with “security cameras and so on,” Suvorov said. “The interest is only one. To collect some information and keep that information about him for the future.”

These dirty-tricks operations were all about the long term, Suvorov said. The KGB would expend effort on visiting students from the developing world, not least Africa. After 10 or 20 years, some of them would be “nobody.” But others would have risen to positions of influence in their own countries.

Suvorov explained: “It’s at this point you say: ‘Knock, knock! Do you remember the marvelous time in Moscow? It was a wonderful evening. You were so drunk. You don’t remember? We just show you something for your good memory.’”


By January 1987, Trump was closer to the “prominent person” status of Kryuchkov’s note. Dubinin deemed Trump interesting enough to arrange his trip to Moscow. Another thirtysomething U.S.-based Soviet diplomat, Vitaly Churkin—the future U.N. ambassador—helped put it together. On July 4, 1987, Trump flew to Moscow for the first time, together with Ivana and Lisa Calandra, Ivana’s Italian-American assistant.

Moscow was, Trump wrote, “an extraordinary experience.” The Trumps stayed in Lenin’s suite at the National Hotel, at the bottom of Tverskaya Street, near Red Square. (...) The hotel was linked to the glass-and-concrete Intourist complex next door and was— in effect—under KGB control. The Lenin suite would have been bugged.


Nothing came of the trip—at least nothing in terms of business opportunities inside Russia. This pattern of failure would be repeated in Trump’s subsequent trips to Moscow. But Trump flew back to New York with a new sense of strategic direction. For the first time he gave serious indications that he was considering a career in politics. Not as mayor or governor or senator.

Trump was thinking about running for president.

Brane22 ::

Ehh, agenti:

Kako spoznaš agenta
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Mr.B ::

Kot kaze je za tezave z rusenjem diktatorja in vpeljavo demokracije v Zimbabve kriv kitajc, se raje pa kak ruski twix ali po novem agent. Bo pax-man ze nasel...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Mr.B ::

Dodatek, po novem je za Tursko namigovanje izstopa iz nato pakta kriv Putin. Dober je to naredil, rabil samo en avion in dava mrtva.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

D3m ::

Ni potrebno veliko. Samo en twit pa bo potrjeno, da so rusi. :))
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Mr.B ::

D3m je izjavil:

Ni potrebno veliko. Samo en twit pa bo potrjeno, da so rusi. :))

Sej je en twit RTnekaj erdogan. Pa je sedaj 70% za istop iz nata.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Tole je pa ameriški program botov in trolov


The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.


The Centcom contract stipulates that each fake online persona must have a convincing background, history and supporting details, and that up to 50 US-based controllers should be able to operate false identities from their workstations "without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries".


He said none of the interventions would be in English, as it would be unlawful to "address US audiences" with such technology, and any English-language use of social media by Centcom was always clearly attributed. The languages in which the interventions are conducted include Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Pashto.

Centcom said it was not targeting any US-based web sites, in English or any other language, and specifically said it was not targeting Facebook or Twitter.


Centcom's contract requires for each controller the provision of one "virtual private server" located in the United States and others appearing to be outside the US to give the impression the fake personas are real people located in different parts of the world.

It also calls for "traffic mixing", blending the persona controllers' internet usage with the usage of people outside Centcom in a manner that must offer "excellent cover and powerful deniability".

The multiple persona contract is thought to have been awarded as part of a programme called Operation Earnest Voice (OEV), which was first developed in Iraq as a psychological warfare weapon against the online presence of al-Qaida supporters and others ranged against coalition forces. Since then, OEV is reported to have expanded into a $200m programme and is thought to have been used against jihadists across Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle East.


last year, General David Petraeus, then commander of Centcom, described the operation as an effort to "counter extremist ideology and propaganda and to ensure that credible voices in the region are heard". He said the US military's objective was to be "first with the truth".


Persona management by the US military would face legal challenges if it were turned against citizens of the US, where a number of people engaged in sock puppetry have faced prosecution.

Last year a New York lawyer who impersonated a scholar was sentenced to jail after being convicted of "criminal impersonation" and identity theft.

Cervantes ::

Včasih pogledam tole temo, da vidim, če je kdo zapisal kaj pametnega.
Pa nič.
Samo pacotovi pasti.

Pac-Man ::

Raša be cray


"Čehoslovaki" so jezni, zato so Rusi članek izbrisali.


On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Lubomír Zaorálek slammed the Russian article as twisting and misinterpreting historical facts and made clear such articles were no way forward for good relations with Russia. Defence Minister Martin Stropnický called the story “outright lies” and expressed regret it had come during an official state visit by the Czech head of state. Online, some readers wondered in related threads why the head of state didn’t cut short his official visit in protest.

Instead, President Zeman has made clear he will seek an apology. He also didn’t mince words, calling the author of the article in question a journalistic madman who was “completely brainwashed”. President Zeman will push for the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to distance himself from the article in question; earlier, the TV station Zvezda, which is run by the Russian Defense Ministry stressed that the opinions expressed in the article were the author’s own.

Avtor, Maslovsky, piše še za Zavtro,


rusko skrajno desno publikacijo.

Tudi na Zvezdi ima še vedno precej alternativnih norosti o veliki Rusiji


npr., Gtranslate:


Until 1949, aid to the countries of Eastern Europe was one-sided: from the side of the USSR. For example, the crop failure of 1947 could plunge Czechoslovakia into economic difficulties, from which the country could not escape for a number of years. Damage from the crop failure of 1947 is estimated at 13 billion h / c of crowns. Only thanks to the disinterested assistance of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia not only failed to survive the food crisis, but left it without a serious passive balance.

Saj ne, da je SZ klientkam prepovedala sodelovanje v maršalovem programu

Pac-Man ::

Ruska vlada je diktirala poročanje o ameriških predsedniških volitvah na državnih medijih. Sicer notranje tržišče, ampak na BBC-ju bi se kaj takega začelo in končalo s kotalečimi glavami.

Del proti koncu pojasni tudi razne "Hehe, izvolili smo Trumpa." Notranji štosi.


On a recent Saturday in November, Dimitri Skorobutov, a former editor at Russia’s largest state media company, sat in a bar in Maastricht, a college town in the Netherlands, with journalists from around the world and discussed covering Donald Trump. Skorobutov opened a packet of documents and explained that they were planning guides from Russian state media that showed how the Kremlin wanted the 2016 U.S. Presidential election covered.


In his telling, it was the 2011-2012 protests in Moscow that changed everything. Those protests, which Putin blamed on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, spooked the Russian President, according to Skorobutov. “People were imprisoned. Media were taken under control of the State. Censorship introduced,” he said.


During the 2016 election, the directions from the Kremlin were less subtle than usual. “Me and my colleagues, we were given a clear instruction: to show Donald Trump in a positive way, and his opponent, Hillary Clinton, in a negative way,” he said in his speech. In a later interview, he explained to me how the instructions were relayed. “Sometimes it was a phone call. Sometimes it was a conversation,” he told me. “If Donald Trump has a successful press conference, we broadcast it for sure. And if something goes wrong with Clinton, we underline it.”

Skorobutov said in his speech that the pro-Trump perspective extended from Kremlin-controlled media to the Moscow élite.

“There was even a slogan among Russian political élite,” he said. “ ‘Trump is our president.’ And, when he won the elections, on 9th November, 2016, Russian Parliament or State Duma even applauded him and arranged a champagne party celebrating the victory of Donald Trump.” That night, Skorobutov and his colleagues played clips of the party on the news.

In Skorobutov’s opinion, Putin’s effort to make Trump a reliable ally ultimately failed. He said that Trump’s airstrike in Syria in April ended the romance for Russian élites. “Russian authorities failed with their hopes that financial and media support will make Trump really Russian,” he said. “They were wrong as they didn’t take into consideration the U.S. political system and mentality. Russian authorities hoped—literally—to buy Donald Trump, using bribes and tricks. But they failed.”

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::

Pa ej vemo da je Doni Stalinov agent, tako kot je bil Tito, njega so tud zamenjali...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Ne, Doni je samo idiot, ki ga je prekleto enostavno manipulirat s komplimenti in denarjem.

7tom1ja ::


Italijanski novinarji; tale bo pa težka Paco, hitro na posvet k Eliottu kako spinat
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Smrekar1 ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:


Italijanski novinarji; tale bo pa težka Paco, hitro na posvet k Eliottu kako spinat

Ce corps qui s'appelait et qui s'appelle encore le saint empire romain n'était en aucune manière ni saint, ni romain, ni empire.
-- Voltaire

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Pac-Man ::

Off, druga stran filma "Houston, We Have a Problem!" ;)


The United States Central Intelligence Agency believed that Yugoslavia was on the brink of becoming a nuclear-armed state in 1975, due partly to assistance from Washington, according to newly declassified documents. The documents, which date from 1957 to 1986, were unearthed by Dr Filip Kovacevic, a Montenegrin expert on American foreign policy who teaches at the University of San Francisco in California.


The papers unearthed by Dr Kovacevic suggest that in 1975 the CIA was convinced that Yugoslavia was technically and financially capable of building an atomic weapon within four years. In a study entitled “Prospects for Further Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”, the spy agency said that Belgrade had made remarkable technical strides in the area of nuclear research and production in 15 years, partly with America’s support. The only question was whether the Yugoslav leadership would decide to go nuclear, something that the CIA’s analysts warned that it would be difficult to ascertain, as President Tito was unpredictable in his decision-making.

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Italijanski novinarji; tale bo pa težka Paco, hitro na posvet k Eliottu kako spinat

Prvi strel je enostaven - Berlusconi TV.

Sicer je twitter nekaj piskal o italijanskih novinarjih, ampak se nisem poglabljal. Več sledi, ko bo kaj več časa.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Se je zgodilo, ampak bi med drugim kvarilo optiko kritiziranja ameriških problemov z gibanjem za državljanske pravice. Zato so poskrbeli, da ni prišlo v javnost.


On June 2, 1962, Soviet soldiers fired on a demonstration by workers demanding better living conditions and lower prices. The shooting took place in downtown Novocherkassk, an industrial city near Rostov-on-Don. More than 25 people were killed, and more than 85 people were injured. For decades, the Soviet authorities kept the incident a secret, executing another seven demonstrators and sentencing another 100 participants to 10 years in prison.

Novocherkassk massacre @ Wikipedia

Cervantes ::

Soviet authorities?
A je to res tema NATO in Rusija?
A bi mogoče začeli še s tem, kako so eni tam čez lužo zgenocidirali staroselce?
Neverjetno sprenevedanje.

Mr.B ::

Pac-man, kaj se nisi nasel erdoganovega twita, kako je jebal kozo, pa je zato vpoklical nazaj svoje vojake.
Ti psihoza sovjetske zveze deluje, ni kej. Kaj mislis komu ta psihoza in dnevno fox news informacija koristi ? Pa ja ne najvec ameriskim korporacijami, ker se resnicno nebi radi americani zaceli spprasevati, da ta natisnjen denar po bushu, ki je presegel ves dotedaj natisnjen dolar, nekdo nekomu posoditi, in ta nekdo lahko nekega dne zahteva tudi kaksne rezultate. A se ti morda ne zavedas, da je amerika dolzna skoraj toliko, da lahko tisti kateremu je dolzna pokupi vse ameriske korporacije. Dovolj je da samo malo kihnes, ne rabis da se dolar sesuje, pac ni v interesu... no verjetno bo tvoj fox news odgovor nekako v smislu, dala ga je americanom, da so si zgradili hise, iz tega natisnjenega denarja.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

7tom1ja ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Soviet authorities?
A je to res tema NATO in Rusija?
A bi mogoče začeli še s tem, kako so eni tam čez lužo zgenocidirali staroselce?
Neverjetno sprenevedanje.

ali pa dejmo pogledat malo novejšo zgodovino; operation Gladio; kako so amerji zganjali terorizem po Italiji in pobijali levo usmerjene politike.
Očitno Pacu zmankuje materiala; glede na to da je verjetno plačan na post je treba nekaj prilepiti
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Samuel ::

Ja, poglejmo si jo:
Operacija Gladio @ Wikipedia

"so organizacije Gladio delovale predvsem na notranje-političnem področju z akcijami, ki naj bi preprečile uveljavljanje komunističnih in drugih levičarskih sil."

kontraobveščevalna, z drugimi besedami
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Starodavni ::

Pa še en pomemben faktor:

Resolucija Evropskega parlamenta o Gladiu
Evropski parlament je 22. novembra 1990 sprejel resolucijo [3] s katero je obsodil Gladio in zahteval polno preiskavo - ki še ni opravljena - ter popolno odstranitev teh paravojaških struktur.

Kje boš videl da bo Rusija ukrepala zoper FSB ali kako drugo skrivno organizacijo, ki tudi izvaja napade na lastno prebivalstvo po naročilu vlade.

Ne boš ga videl. Rusija je za razliko od zahodnih držav nekaj veliko hujša in slabša opcija. Če Zahod pade je konec z nami in s človekovimi pravicami.

Sam vi pro-rusi mislite da so Rusi boljša opcija, če bi bili, zakaj je na tisoče, milijone ljudi sploh izobraženih bežalo iz Rusije v času ZSSR, kolapsa ZSSR, mlade in zdaj Putinove Rusije.

Odgovor je na dlani, Rusija sama ni rajska država za tiste, ki razmišljajo z lastnim umom. Za enoumno in podrejeno rajo pa je kulska država, ker jim ni treba razmišljat z glavo. Samo slepo sledijo ukazu vodij, trenutno je to pač Putler.

pa sploh ne vidijo, da jih vodi direktno čez prepad, saj se je standard v Rusiji poslabšal in svoboščine so se močno zmanjšale.

Bolestna je ta ignoranca in slepota rusov in predvsem pro-rusov. A kaj čmo, američani in zahodne države so pač očitno hujše zlo, čeprav so slednji veliko več naredili na zmanjšanju nečloveških praks in izboljšanju humanosti. Rusija pa je ena in ista zgodba že več desetletij in nič ne kaže da se bo spremenilo.

D3m ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

Pa še en pomemben faktor:

Resolucija Evropskega parlamenta o Gladiu
Evropski parlament je 22. novembra 1990 sprejel resolucijo [3] s katero je obsodil Gladio in zahteval polno preiskavo - ki še ni opravljena - ter popolno odstranitev teh paravojaških struktur.

Kje boš videl da bo Rusija ukrepala zoper FSB ali kako drugo skrivno organizacijo, ki tudi izvaja napade na lastno prebivalstvo po naročilu vlade.

Ne boš ga videl. Rusija je za razliko od zahodnih držav nekaj veliko hujša in slabša opcija. Če Zahod pade je konec z nami in s človekovimi pravicami.

Sam vi pro-rusi mislite da so Rusi boljša opcija, če bi bili, zakaj je na tisoče, milijone ljudi sploh izobraženih bežalo iz Rusije v času ZSSR, kolapsa ZSSR, mlade in zdaj Putinove Rusije.

Odgovor je na dlani, Rusija sama ni rajska država za tiste, ki razmišljajo z lastnim umom. Za enoumno in podrejeno rajo pa je kulska država, ker jim ni treba razmišljat z glavo. Samo slepo sledijo ukazu vodij, trenutno je to pač Putler.

pa sploh ne vidijo, da jih vodi direktno čez prepad, saj se je standard v Rusiji poslabšal in svoboščine so se močno zmanjšale.

Bolestna je ta ignoranca in slepota rusov in predvsem pro-rusov. A kaj čmo, američani in zahodne države so pač očitno hujše zlo, čeprav so slednji veliko več naredili na zmanjšanju nečloveških praks in izboljšanju humanosti. Rusija pa je ena in ista zgodba že več desetletij in nič ne kaže da se bo spremenilo.

Farbaj koga drugega.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

7tom1ja ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Ja, poglejmo si jo:
Operacija Gladio @ Wikipedia

"so organizacije Gladio delovale predvsem na notranje-političnem področju z akcijami, ki naj bi preprečile uveljavljanje komunističnih in drugih levičarskih sil."

kontraobveščevalna, z drugimi besedami

ta tema je za 18+

Starodavni je izjavil:

Pa še en pomemben faktor:

Resolucija Evropskega parlamenta o Gladiu
Evropski parlament je 22. novembra 1990 sprejel resolucijo [3] s katero je obsodil Gladio in zahteval polno preiskavo - ki še ni opravljena - ter popolno odstranitev teh paravojaških struktur.

Kje boš videl da bo Rusija ukrepala zoper FSB ali kako drugo skrivno organizacijo, ki tudi izvaja napade na lastno prebivalstvo po naročilu vlade.

Ne boš ga videl. Rusija je za razliko od zahodnih držav nekaj veliko hujša in slabša opcija. Če Zahod pade je konec z nami in s človekovimi pravicami.

Sam vi pro-rusi mislite da so Rusi boljša opcija, če bi bili, zakaj je na tisoče, milijone ljudi sploh izobraženih bežalo iz Rusije v času ZSSR, kolapsa ZSSR, mlade in zdaj Putinove Rusije.

Odgovor je na dlani, Rusija sama ni rajska država za tiste, ki razmišljajo z lastnim umom. Za enoumno in podrejeno rajo pa je kulska država, ker jim ni treba razmišljat z glavo. Samo slepo sledijo ukazu vodij, trenutno je to pač Putler.

pa sploh ne vidijo, da jih vodi direktno čez prepad, saj se je standard v Rusiji poslabšal in svoboščine so se močno zmanjšale.

Bolestna je ta ignoranca in slepota rusov in predvsem pro-rusov. A kaj čmo, američani in zahodne države so pač očitno hujše zlo, čeprav so slednji veliko več naredili na zmanjšanju nečloveških praks in izboljšanju humanosti. Rusija pa je ena in ista zgodba že več desetletij in nič ne kaže da se bo spremenilo.

mater me kar prime, ko preberem eno tako sranje"

poberi se v Libijo in sužnjelastnikom razloži o zahodnih "človekovih pravicah"
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Pac-Man ::

Conyers je demokratski kongresnik obtožen spolnega nadlegovanja. Pelosijeva ga je čez vikend branila češ da je ameriška ikona.

John Conyers @ Wikipedia

NSA guy:

Probably a good time to remind that John Conyers was affiliated with the World Peace Council, a notorious KGB front, during the Cold War. #Resistance people really worried about Kremlin spies should be careful -- some of their lefty "icons" were too.

World Peace Council @ Wikipedia

If you're in the #Resistance because you hate Republicans, not because you actually care about Kremlin espionage, I got some bad news 4 you. If you think the coming takedown of Kremlin spy-influence networks in DC will only bag people you dislike, consider hiding in a cave now.

Why did Conyers call the Ukrainian army "Neo-Nazis" on the floor of Congress? Which got picked up by Kremlin media.

Somehow Conyers also "forgot" to mention that the SAM that shot down MH17 over Ukraine, killing 299 innocent people, was, you know, Russian.

I have no idea what (if anything) inappropriate Conyers did with women.
I know he's been -- at best -- a Kremlin dupe for several decades.
Not my kind of "icon."

"Rep. Conyers should disclose which lobbyist cajoled him into becoming a cog in Putin’s propaganda machine.".. Agree.

in l. 2015, ampak za povezavo Manafort-Conyers je potrebno verjeti Mosičjuku:

During Cold War, Rep Conyers was tight with World Peace Council, a well known KGB front. Some things never change.
WOW: Anti-Ukraine HR resolution by @repjohnconyers was mastered by Yanukovych's US lobbyist

Pac-Man ::

30. novembra 1939 je SZ napadla Finsko in med drugim okupirala Karelijo, ki je še vedno del Rusije.

Winter War @ Wikipedia

4. decembra 1939 je Molotov ligi narodov poslal tole:


The Soviet Union is not in a state of war with Finland and does not threaten the people of Finland with war. Therefore, the reference to Article 11, Paragraph 1, of the Covenant of the League of Nations is incorrect. The Soviet Union maintains peaceful relations with the Democratic Republic of Finland, with whose Government on Dec. 2 of this year a treaty on mutual assistance and friendship was concluded. Through this treaty, all questions on which negotiations were unsuccessfully conducted with the delegates of the former government of Finland, which has now resigned its authority, have been regulated.

Potem je tu še to, ampak ne najdem avtoritativnega vira, tako da bo moral blog zadostovati. Upam, da drži.


The Democratic Republic was used as the excuse by the Soviet Union to invade Finland, Pravda's front page read "Only the Soviet Union, which rejects the principle of violent seizure of territory and enslavement of nations, would agree to place its armed might at disposal, not for the purpose of attacking Finland or enslaving her people, but securing Finland's independence."

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Farsa je še hujša.

Finnish Democratic Republic @ Wikipedia

The Finnish Democratic Republic was a short-lived puppet government created and recognised only by the Soviet Union. Headed by Finnish politician Otto Ville Kuusinen, the Finnish Democratic Republic was Joseph Stalin's planned means to conquer Finland.


The Finnish Democratic Republic was established on 1 December 1939 in the Finnish border town of Terijoki (now Zelenogorsk, Russia). During its tenure Otto Ville Kuusinen was prime minister and head of government. The cabinet was made up of Soviet citizens and leftist Finns who had fled to Soviet Russia after the Finnish Civil War.


The Soviet government entered into diplomatic relations with the "people's government". On the first day of its existence, the new regime agreed to lease the Hanko Peninsula; to cede a slice of territory on the Karelian Isthmus; and to sell an island in the Gulf of Finland, along with sections of the Kalastajasaarento near the Arctic Ocean to the Soviet Union.


Kuusinen and Molotov signed a mutual assistance agreement and a secret protocol on 2 December 1939 in Moscow. (...) According to the new agreement, the Soviet Union would cede a much larger area, Eastern Karelia, except for the Murmansk railroad, in exchange for the same territories that the Soviets had demanded in earlier negotiations from the Republic of Finland.

Mr.B ::

Sej pac-man vem da je tema problemi clovestva. Pa se tebi nezdi smiselno kdpreti teme Ruski todaj ter drugo temo kowboy usa.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

He said they said, ampak takle mamo. Če Rodčenkov ne laže, je šla ta obsedenost čez vse meje.


Emphasizing how central the sport of biathlon was in the nation’s cheating, Dr. Rodchenkov said that Mr. Nagornykh had asked him to incriminate a Ukrainian athlete, Vita Semerenko, during a competition in Moscow leading up to the Olympics.

“He was particularly concerned with Ukrainian female biathletes, who posed the most serious challenge to Russia’s relay team during the Sochi Games,” Dr. Rodchenkov said, going on to add that the deputy minister had asked him to “make the sample dirty” to disqualify Ms. Semerenko. Dr. Rodchenkov did not comply, he said, convincing the minister that a retest of the drug sample would show the drugs had been spiked into the sample rather than passed through a human body.

Pac-Man ::

Ruska teorija je, da je Rodčenkov na lastno pest vodil cel doping program, zdaj jih pa z WADO in Švicarji poskuša okriviti.


The tests also refuted the conclusions of McLaren and the School of Criminology, University of Lausanne, that anti-doping security bottles BEREG-KIT could be tampered. According to Russian experts, these bottles cannot be tampered, including by the methods described by McLaren and the university staff members.

"On the contrary, it was found out that Rodchenkov himself provided athletes and coaches with drugs, although he did not know their true qualities, and by destroying the athletes’ doping tests and accusing Russia of pursuing a doping program, he concealed the results of his criminal activity in the Anti-Doping Center. Particular facts of his crimes, related to manipulations with the results of the athletes’ doping tests, are being established during the investigation," she said.

Dirka v Moskvi je bila aprila 2013, ko sta bila naroda še bratska.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Ravno ob prvih novicah o ruskem programu je Rodčenkov sodeloval pri filmu o Lanceu Armstrongu. Seveda se je scenarij malo spremenil.

Pac-Man ::

Dobro pozna Rusijo.


Kremlin insiders say Putin decided to take on the world when he saw Bush "needing to explain himself" after Katrina. He suddenly realized how weak a POTUS can be. Just think what plans must be going thru his head with *this* self-explainer-in-chief.

Double_J ::

Kaj bi rekel...

Najbolje za Rusijo bi bilo, ce bi se integrirala v EU in NATO. V tem primeru bi bila celotna severna polobla povezana in kmalu bi mogla slediti se Kitajska in ostale drzave. Vendar Putin raje gradi svojo koalicijo diktatorskih drzav na obmocju bivse sovjetske zveze. Razlog oziroma opravicilo za to naj bi bilo, da bi v evroatlantskih integracijah Rusija izgubila svojo moc. No to pa bi moralo biti predmet pogajanj. Clanice evroatlantskih povezav bi morale uzivati precej suverenosti. Zakaj? Ce se eni drzavi slucajno zmesa in pocne grozne stvari, da jo ostale clanice lahko blokirajo in ustavijo.

Putin bo vodil Rusijo se en mandat. Edini primeren naslednik se mi zdi Medvedov, ki upam da bo naredil kaj v tej smeri kot sem zgoraj napisal.
Dve šivanki...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Double_J ()

konspirator ::

Najbolje za Rusijo bi bilo, ce bi se integrirala v EU in NATO.

Eu še Romunije ne more spraviti na raven zahodnih držav, kaj bo potem Rusijo.
Da ne omenjam dejstva, da ne zmore varovati svojih zunanjih meja in spuščajo noter vsakega, ki ima pet minut časa.
Poleg tega imajo Rusi čisto eno drugo mentaliteto in tega Eu ne razume, vključno s sabo.

Nato je nastal kot protiutež Varšavskemu paktu, ki ga že dolgo ni več, Nato je organizacija brez pomena.

Tvoje "rešitve" so krneki.

Vendar Putin raje gradi svojo koalicijo diktatorskih drzav na obmocju bivse sovjetske zveze.

Diktatorske države ? Nastavi si ogledalo po "demokratičnem zahodnem svetu" in poglej notri.

Double_J ::

Tvoji argumenti niso smiselni in se mi zdijo rasisticni do Rusov.

Kar se tice Putina redko najdem kaj pozitivnega o njem, vendar moram izpostaviti dve pomojem pozitivni stvari.


Dve šivanki...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Double_J ()

Pac-Man ::

konspirator je izjavil:

Nato je nastal kot protiutež Varšavskemu paktu, ki ga že dolgo ni več, Nato je organizacija brez pomena.

Iz protiuteži je postal prva obrambna linija bivšega varšavskega pakta. NATO ima pomen.

fikus_ ::

Ne vem, koliko je resnice, ampak Rusi naj bi že spraševali za/ponujali partnerstvo v NATO. Nekje je posnetek mislim da Lavrova, ki to omenja. Ali je bilo v šali, ali zares?????

Pac-Man ::

Z ruske strani zgleda nikoli.

NATO%E2%80%93Russia relations @ Wikipedia
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