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The Last of Us 2
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oo7 ::

yayo ::
zelo težko je primerjati grafiko iz open world iger z linearnimi, "setpiece" zadevami, ker se pri open worldu engine neprimerno bolj muči z izrisovanjem. Razen če misli biti TLoU2 tudi open world igra.

scipascapa ::
Lepo linearna z malo raziskovanja in 20 urami, PLEASE. Pa grounded trofeja, da jo 3x obrnem :)

oo7 ::
The Last Of Us Part II: Theory Sheds Some Light On Possible Story Details
We know that The Last Of Us Part II will feature time jumping , which essentially means that we will be able to witness both past and present events from the perspective of the character, which in this case is Ellie.
We know that The Last Of Us Part II will feature time jumping , which essentially means that we will be able to witness both past and present events from the perspective of the character, which in this case is Ellie.

chucki ::
A bo VR? :/
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti

oo7 ::
Sem bil kar malo presenečen, da TLOU 2 igre ni bilo na Sony E3 konferenci.
Direktor igre Neil Druckmann: Believe me, we're super excited to show you more of Ellie and Joel's 2nd journey, but right now it's Chloe and Nadine's time to shine.
Direktor igre Neil Druckmann: Believe me, we're super excited to show you more of Ellie and Joel's 2nd journey, but right now it's Chloe and Nadine's time to shine.

yayo ::
Sem bil kar malo presenečen, da TLOU 2 igre ni bilo na Sony E3 konferenci.
Direktor igre Neil Druckmann: Believe me, we're super excited to show you more of Ellie and Joel's 2nd journey, but right now it's Chloe and Nadine's time to shine.
Ja, če si te dneve pogledal Twitter od Naughty Doga ali trailer za Uncharted Lost Legacy na YT je pod komentarji bilo eno samo pizdenje zaradi pomanjanja novic o TLOU 2. Očitno tako antipatično in nespoštljivo, da se je oglasil sam Druckman.

oo7 ::
Ja, v ospredju pa sta, z leve, Nadine in Chloe.
Na tisti sliki sta Nadine in Chloe? Potem je Claudia Black posodila samo glas ta desna blonda je pa igrala Chloe ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

yayo ::
Ta desna je Claudia, ki je trenutno blontna (ker se je morala pobarvat za vlogo v seriji Containment, katera je bila skenslana po eni sezoni).

oo7 ::
Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part II May Be Set in Seattle, Washington

D3m ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
tole ni Ellie.
To je ziher njena mat.
Ker ji je rekla: "You are nested, with sin!"
Zih je noseča.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

oo7 ::
TLOU se začne v Joelvem stanovanju z hčerko tisti dan se začne ra epedemija. Potem pa se Joel zbudi 20 let kasneje. Ellie je takrat stara 14 let če se ne motim. Če je to res njena mat se pravi je to še bolj pri začetku epedemije.

oo7 ::

Gatsu ::

oo7 ::
Prequel? Upam, da ne bodo pretiravali z temi novimi liki in jim dajali preveč časa. Naj se več posvetijo Ellie in Joelu.

oo7 ::
Malo več kot polovica igre je trenutno končane. Drugo leto na E3 bodo pokazali prvi gameplay. Se pravi 2019-20

oo7 ::
The Last of Us Part 2 omission from awards suggests 2019 release date

oo7 ::
The Last of Us II Playtest Completed, Troy 'Joel' Baker Says; Game is Looking "Awesome"

oo7 ::
The Last of Us 2: Trailers, story details, and everything you need to know
The Last of Us 2 has been in the works for a long time
The Last of Us 2 story is set five years after the original
The Last of Us 2 is being co-written by one of Westworld's writers
The Last of Us 2 visuals will be stunning with the most advanced character models to ever hit PS4
Drugi trailer mi ni bil preveč všeč, ker so bili sami neznani liki ampak važno je tole :)
The Last of Us 2 plot is definitively about Joel and Ellie
The Last of Us 2 has been in the works for a long time
The Last of Us 2 story is set five years after the original
The Last of Us 2 is being co-written by one of Westworld's writers
The Last of Us 2 visuals will be stunning with the most advanced character models to ever hit PS4
Drugi trailer mi ni bil preveč všeč, ker so bili sami neznani liki ampak važno je tole :)
The Last of Us 2 plot is definitively about Joel and Ellie

oo7 ::
The Last of Us Part 2 Could Surprise By Launching This Year; Won't Be Out any Later Than 2019, Says Pachter

oo7 ::
RUMOR: The Last of Us Part 2 2018 Release Date Suggested by Australian Retailer
Že letos ? Potem bo pa imel GOW resno konkurenco za GOTY 2018
Že letos ? Potem bo pa imel GOW resno konkurenco za GOTY 2018

Gatsu ::
Jao ne verjet vsakmu rumorju no. Dejte mal zdravo pamet uporabit, da ni možno tako hit narest tako igro. Sploh pa ni Sony nor da bo dal igro ven letos oktobra al pa novembra ko bo itak ves folk kupu CoD, RDR2, Fifa 19 in BF5.

drvo ::
Jao ne verjet vsakmu rumorju no. Dejte mal zdravo pamet uporabit, da ni možno tako hit narest tako igro. Sploh pa ni Sony nor da bo dal igro ven letos oktobra al pa novembra ko bo itak ves folk kupu CoD, RDR2, Fifa 19 in BF5.
Zakaj pa nebi bilo možno? Če se ne motim je bil prvi del izfal 2013. Torej so imeli časa 5 let.

Gatsu ::
Sej ne da so vmes delal in izdal Uncharted 4 in Uncarted: Lost Legacy. Že res da medtem ko delajo eno igro že laufa predprodukcija naslednje, nikakor pa niso tako veliki da bi delali 2 igri sočasno. Pa kot sem rekel ni Sony nor da bi tako igro dal ven med oktobrom in decembrom 2018. Enostavno se ciljna publika prekriva z tisto od RDR2 in še marsičem kar prihaja konec leta.

link_up ::
No tukaj se lepo vidi tendenca gluposti. The last of us...pazi zdej, drugi dio! Pa ce sta last...kaksen drugi dio??? Legende. :)
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