Forum » Igre » Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)

Tr0n ::
Ne deluje, ker je bil v prvem trailerju viden concept art iz AC4. So se opravicili in spremenili trailer.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End | Heads or Tails | PS4
Čez praznike pride celoten trailer :)
Čez praznike pride celoten trailer :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Barabe na delu
Copies Of Uncharted 4 Were Stolen While In Transit
Yesterday we reported that it seemed that people were selling copies of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End earlier than expected. The game was scheduled for a launch on the 10th of May, but yet for some reason over in the UK, there were people who were selling what they claimed to be legitimate copies of the game.
However it turns out that these copies were stolen.

Copies Of Uncharted 4 Were Stolen While In Transit
Yesterday we reported that it seemed that people were selling copies of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End earlier than expected. The game was scheduled for a launch on the 10th of May, but yet for some reason over in the UK, there were people who were selling what they claimed to be legitimate copies of the game.
However it turns out that these copies were stolen.

AapocalypseE ::
Tako kaže glede fps:
SP: 1080p @ 30fps
MP: 900p @ 30+fps
Osebno sem PS4 prodal in čakam na PS4.5 da se bo dalo z bolj kulturnimi fpsji igrat.
SP: 1080p @ 30fps
MP: 900p @ 30+fps
Osebno sem PS4 prodal in čakam na PS4.5 da se bo dalo z bolj kulturnimi fpsji igrat.

yayo ::
Nova konzola verjetno ne bo pred božičem, drugače sem Uncharted 4 prednaročil iz UK za 55€ skupaj s poštnino, ni nek deal, glede na to da jo en slo prodajalec ponuja za 58€+poštnino.

sandmodnigga ::
AapocalypseE je izjavil:
Tako kaže glede fps:
SP: 1080p @ 30fps
MP: 900p @ 30+fps
Osebno sem PS4 prodal in čakam na PS4.5 da se bo dalo z bolj kulturnimi fpsji igrat.
Ne bo se, pričakuj stare igre s starimi fpsji.

opeter ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
ker bo delalo na istih fpsjih :)
Kaj pa, če bo na PS 4.5 nove igre delale z višjim FPS-jem, na starih PS4-kah pa iste igre z manjšo resolucijo in seveda ustrezno manjšim (beri ~30) fps-jem.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

AapocalypseE ::
Pomoje se bo poznalo na resoluciji in fpsjah, ker drugače ni smiselno sploh upgrejdat konzolo.

oo7 ::
Prve ocene:
Arcade Sushi 10/10
CGMagazine 10/10
Telegraph 10/10
GameSpot 10/10
God is a Geek 10/10
PlayStation Universe 10/10
PlayStation LifeStylec 10/10
Game Rant 5/5
TheSixthAxis 10/10
Push Square 10/10
GamingTrend 10/10
GamingBolt 10/10
DualShockers 10/10
NZGamer 9.8/10
GamesBeat 98/100
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 9,5/10
Destructoid 9,5/10
Game Informer 9,5/10
High-Def Digest 4,5/5
Polygon 9/10
Hardcore Gamer 4,5/5
EGM 9/10
Digital Chumps 9/10
Post Arcade 9/10
Shacknews 9/10
TrustedReviews 4,5/5
Paste Magazine 8/10
VideoGamer 8/10
GamesRadar+ 4/5
Arcade Sushi 10/10
CGMagazine 10/10
Telegraph 10/10
GameSpot 10/10
God is a Geek 10/10
PlayStation Universe 10/10
PlayStation LifeStylec 10/10
Game Rant 5/5
TheSixthAxis 10/10
Push Square 10/10
GamingTrend 10/10
GamingBolt 10/10
DualShockers 10/10
NZGamer 9.8/10
GamesBeat 98/100
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 9,5/10
Destructoid 9,5/10
Game Informer 9,5/10
High-Def Digest 4,5/5
Polygon 9/10
Hardcore Gamer 4,5/5
EGM 9/10
Digital Chumps 9/10
Post Arcade 9/10
Shacknews 9/10
TrustedReviews 4,5/5
Paste Magazine 8/10
VideoGamer 8/10
GamesRadar+ 4/5

oo7 ::
Same odlične ocene. Je kje že kakšna akcija?
Tujina ima najbrž kaj ceneje drugače pa pri nas okoli 60 eur.
Ali pa kaj takega

Gregex ::
Tole pri playgame je za menjavo igre. Drgač pa najceneje, kar sem našel.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gregex ()

yayo ::
Jaz sem naročil pri thegamecollection in me je prišlo 43.50 GBP s poštnino. Ima pa sedaj tudi Zavvi prednaročilo za 42.99 GBP, s tem, da je standard shipping pri njih zastonj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()

Tr0n ::
This is one of the most fully-realized action campaigns of all time, and it sets a new bar of quality for what's possible in the genre. - Dan Ryckert, Giant Bomb
Aww yeah, se par dni. :)
43.50 GBP je vec, kot ce bi na ameriskem PS store-u kupo (52 EUR). Pa verjetno se kaj ceneje na kaksnem drugem PS store-u. :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()

oo7 ::

AapocalypseE ::

scipascapa ::

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Evo ravnokar dobil od poštarja Uncharted 4 
Ampak bom lahko sprobal šelče čez 1 uro, ker je update velik 5 gb

Ampak bom lahko sprobal šelče čez 1 uro, ker je update velik 5 gb

yayo ::
Prišel domov iz popoldanskega turnusa v službi in našel pošiljko pošteno zagozdeno v poštni nabiralnik. Kljub temu, da se je poštar pošteno potrudil, da poškoduje zadevo je le ta preživela izživljanje. Teče update igre. ;)
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