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The Last of Us 2
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oo7 ::
Naughty Dog is working on The Last of Us 2 – rumour

According to the C.V. of a former Naughty Dog employee, The Last of Us 2 is a thing.
The Linkedin profile of Michael Knowland, who worked as a lead character artist for Uncharted and The Last of Us developer Naughty Dog, reveals that the developer has been working on a sequel to The Last of Us since early this year.
Knowland has left Naughty Dog recently. During his time there, he was working on Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us 2.
Here’s what the profile page says, in case it gets removed:
That “Last of Us 2″ bit was added recently, previously it just said “Unannounced AAA game.” Which is still what it says on the profile Frank Tzeng, who’s a current Naughty Dog staffer.
It may be too early for us to hear about a sequel to The Last of Us during next year’s E3, but we can hope.
Men osebno ena najboljših iger tako, da upam še na eno dogodivščino z Ellie in Joel-om.
Popolnoma zaupam v Naughty dog, da naredijo še eno mojstrovino
Kaj bi vi najraje videli, da bi se zgodba nadaljevala ali, da bi se zgodba odvijala pred TLOU se pravi tistih 20 let po smrti hčerke in predno je spoznal Ellie ali čisto nova zgodba z drugimi liki?

According to the C.V. of a former Naughty Dog employee, The Last of Us 2 is a thing.
The Linkedin profile of Michael Knowland, who worked as a lead character artist for Uncharted and The Last of Us developer Naughty Dog, reveals that the developer has been working on a sequel to The Last of Us since early this year.
Knowland has left Naughty Dog recently. During his time there, he was working on Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us 2.
Here’s what the profile page says, in case it gets removed:
That “Last of Us 2″ bit was added recently, previously it just said “Unannounced AAA game.” Which is still what it says on the profile Frank Tzeng, who’s a current Naughty Dog staffer.
It may be too early for us to hear about a sequel to The Last of Us during next year’s E3, but we can hope.
Men osebno ena najboljših iger tako, da upam še na eno dogodivščino z Ellie in Joel-om.
Popolnoma zaupam v Naughty dog, da naredijo še eno mojstrovino

Kaj bi vi najraje videli, da bi se zgodba nadaljevala ali, da bi se zgodba odvijala pred TLOU se pravi tistih 20 let po smrti hčerke in predno je spoznal Ellie ali čisto nova zgodba z drugimi liki?

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:

oo7 ::
Nolan North totally just confirmed The Last of Us 2

Tr0n ::
UPDATE 30/6/15 9.55am: The Last of Us lead actor Troy Baker has said he knows nothing of a sequel to the game, despite word today from Uncharted lead Nolan North that The Last of Us 2 would be made.
"I know nothing. I don't know if we're gonna do another one or not. If we do, then I trust Neil [Druckmann, creative director] and Bruce [Straley, game director] and everyone at Naughty Dog to tell a story that needs to be told," Baker said during a panel at Indy PopCon last weekend.

oo7 ::
Ali so Troy Bakerja utišali ali pa Nolan north preveč govori
Ampak glede na to kako je bila prva igra uspešna in se je dobro prodajala ni hudič, da ne bi naredili drugi del

Ampak glede na to kako je bila prva igra uspešna in se je dobro prodajala ni hudič, da ne bi naredili drugi del

Tr0n ::
Zelo verjetno ja. Spil se je koncal tako, da bi ga komot lahko nadaljevali, ali pa zaceli popolnoma novo zgodbo z novimi junaki. Opcij je veliko.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()

oo7 ::
'The Last Of Us 2' Could Be Loaded With New RPG Feature
The sequel of the famous action- adventure game developed by Naughty Dog, "The Last Of Us," which is referred as "The Last of Us," 2 might be getting loaded with the RPG feature to create a mass effect on its fans. The feature will provide a dialogue option to the players to enable them to choose their answers, decide what to do next and even alter the course of the narrative in real time.
Though rumors about addition of the new feature in "The last of Us 2" are going viral on the internet, confirmation regarding the final release date and the game's development are yet to be revealed.
The dialogue option feature was recently shown in the trailers of the upcoming action-adventure game "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End," by Naughty Dog, for PlayStation 4 video game console. The trailers demonstrated the breath-taking display and graphics, introduction to the new characters, a brief idea of the story and the added features.
The best feature was the addition of dialogue option which appears when Sam asks Nathan about the best part of his life, reported MoviePilot. It was noted that this added feature was a little odd to be included in the games by Naughty Dog Inc. Moreover, dialogue option feature, which is quite frequent in RPG games, has not been inserted in any other previous game titles of "The Last of Us" and "Uncharted."
The inclusion of the dialogue option in "The last of Us" 2 could be an incredible experience for the players as they would be allowed to decide on the course of the story. They would have more control on the game and the progress of the game will depend on the player's preferences in some dialogues or situations.

oo7 ::
Does 'Uncharted 4' Easter egg tease 'The Last Of Us 2' title?

chucki ::
Bolano... Komaj cakam :)
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti

YesMan ::
ohoho.. to pa je bil zaključek konference.. mislim, da sem doživel rahel šok :D ne morem verjet, da res pride... Čeprav nisem ravno siguren, saj si po eni strani seveda grozno želim nadaljevanje, po drugi strani pa mislim, da je TLoU bila čist perfektna standalone igra, katera nadaljevanja za moje pojme ne rabi... Ampak Naughty Dog je Naughty Dog. Je edini razvijalec zraven From Software-a in CDPR-a, kateremu slepo zaupam in če oni rečejo, da lahko z nadaljevanjem izkušnjo obogatijo, potem jim tudi verjamem :P
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: YesMan ()

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
A si morate predstavljati, da bi lahko igrali oba karakterja kot v Dishonored 2?
Možno je vse :)
Važno, da so končno najavili TLOU 2 zdaj pa samo še datum izida igre in potem se tudi tisto leto najbrž ve kam gre GOTY

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Predno so igro najavili je rekel, da je igra še v zgodnji fazi kar pomeni, da bo izšla tam enkrat 2018-19?

YesMan ::
Glede na lanske in letošnje najavljenje igre (skupaj z že izdanimi dragulji kot so npr. Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Ratchet & Clank) mislim, da bo ta kurčev "Greatness" končno prispel :D S par letno zamudo sicer, ampak jebeš, bolje pozno kot nikoli.

oo7 ::
Glede na lanske in letošnje najavljenje igre (skupaj z že izdanimi dragulji kot so npr. Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Ratchet & Clank) mislim, da bo ta kurčev "Greatness" končno prispel :D S par letno zamudo sicer, ampak jebeš, bolje pozno kot nikoli.
No ja saj bo vmes kar še nekaj PS ekskluziv za preigrati ;)

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
No v videu direktor igre pove, da je Ellie v TLOU 2 stara 19 let v prvem delu je bila 14 let torej se dogaja 5 let kasneje.
V drugem delu bomo igrali kot Ellie.

oo7 ::
The Last of Us Part 2 Won't Avoid 'Personal Politics' says Druckmann

YesMan ::
The Last of Us Part 2 Won't Avoid 'Personal Politics' says Druckmann
Hahah, se popolnoma strinjam s tisto izjavo "Please take a picture with me but please don't be in it."

oo7 ::
The Last Of Us 2 : Joel And Ellie Discover Each Others Dark Past , 2018 Release Date Highly Likely
Komaj čakam na tale TLOU 2
Komaj čakam na tale TLOU 2

scipascapa ::
upajmo na 20 ur + več težavnosti + trofeja grounded in grounded+...tako, da jo vsaj 2-3 preigram :)
upajmo na 20 ur + več težavnosti + trofeja grounded in grounded+...tako, da jo vsaj 2-3 preigram :)

YesMan ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
upajmo na 20 ur + več težavnosti + trofeja grounded in grounded+...tako, da jo vsaj 2-3 preigram :)
Pa še tudi na pravtako dober in precej unikaten multiplayer, kot je bil v enki :P

oo7 ::
The Last Of Us II's Story Is "Going To Be Amazing" Says Naughty Dog President
The Last Of Us II is probably one of the most highly anticipated PS4 exclusives , and if its anywhere near as good as the first game we might just have a masterpiece on our hands.
The Last Of Us II is probably one of the most highly anticipated PS4 exclusives , and if its anywhere near as good as the first game we might just have a masterpiece on our hands.

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
Lesbo scene? :)
To je bilo že nakazano v DLC-ju left behind.

oo7 ::
Naughty Dog Wants "To Top" Horizon Zero Dawn's Graphics; "This is the Bar Now"
Horrizon ima res dobro grafiko ampak če me spomin ne vara ima Uncharted 4 še lepšo ?
Horrizon ima res dobro grafiko ampak če me spomin ne vara ima Uncharted 4 še lepšo ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Gatsu ::
Druckmann je posebej povdaril rastlinje. Sicer je res že dolgo kar sem igral U4 ampak meni se zdi da je grafika vsaj na PRO boljša kot je bila v U4 na peasant PS4 :)