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Lords of the Fallen 2

Lords of the Fallen 2


oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen 2 in Development

Work has begun on a sequel to this year's Dark Souls-like role-playing game, developer confirms.

A sequel to October's Dark Souls-esque role-playing game Lords of the Fallen is in development, it was confirmed Wednesday by the game's developer, Deck 13. The project is still very much in the early stages of development, producer Tomasz Gop said.

"We're now working on a vision and concepts for Lords 2," Gop told Eurogamer, declining to go into further specifics about the game. Platforms were not specified, though Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC are likely.


oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen 2 is still on the cards but it sounds like there's a lot to do and not a lot of people to do it. "We have a very small team working on Lords of the Fallen sequel," Tyminski said.

Nonetheless, Tyminski was optimistic the game could arrive within two years.

"I wouldn't say it's a couple of years away," he said. "We've been working quite a lot on Lords of the Fallen 2, we really did a lot. It's really finding the best teams who can work on that game together, and when we have that setting, we pretty much know what we want to do."


Se pravi 2019/20 če bo vse po sreči.

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen 2 Now in Development at Defiant Studios

Lords of the Fallen 2 is finally happening. Publisher CI Games sent out a press release this morning, announcing the partnership with independent team Defiant Studios, founded in 2016 by the former head of studio and game director of Avalanche Studios New York (who worked on Just Cause 3).


oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen 2's new dev is starting from scratch after taking over development from The Surge's Deck 13.

New-York based Defiant Studios is starting over with Lords of the Fallen 2, scrapping any pre-production work on the game made by series creator Deck 13. The game officially moved to Defiant earlier this year.

"It's really a reset, it's a fresh start. It's a new engine - Unreal 4 - and a new team" David Grijns, Defiant Studios managing director, told Eurogamer. "A team which does not have a long and illustrious background in action RPG development, but we actually see it as a strength."


Se pravi bo še trajalo predno izide igra.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

BivšiUser2 ::

Naj traja, samo, da bo kvaliteten špil.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Ja prvi del je bil dober z zelo lepo grafiko. Edini problem je bil, da igra v prvih mesecih na Pc-ju ni bila igralna crash za crashom.

Alien123 ::

Jaz sem jo kupil takoj, ko je prišla vun, pa nisem imel nobenih problemov. Isto na pcju.

BivšiUser2 ::

Meni je prvi del pomagal, da se sem se vrnil v Souls serijo, potem, ko sem na DS1 po Demon's Souls obupal.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Zgodovina sprememb…

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen 2 ditches developer and hits the ropes again
CI Games and Defiant Studios at loggerheads. ;((


2014 naj bi začeli delati na igri
2018 nov studio začel delati na igri
2019 iščejo nov studijo

scipascapa ::

naj nehajo že

oo7 ::

CI Games: Lords of the Fallen 2 "Mainly" in Development for PS5 and XSX as Well as for PC


Kot kaže se spet nekaj dogaja ampak izida igre še ni pričakovati kmalu.

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Lords of the Fallen 2 ditches developer and hits the ropes again
CI Games and Defiant Studios at loggerheads. ;((


2014 naj bi začeli delati na igri
2018 nov studio začel delati na igri
2019 iščejo nov studijo

Našli nov studijo to je Hexworks, ki bo naredil igro Lords of Fallen 2 za naslednjo generacijo konzol in PC.

Hexworks, it's a brand new studio based in both Barcelona and Bucharest and comprised of around 25 veteran staff with triple-A game development experience.

acookook ::

Vse igre ki so bile tako dolgo v development hellu so na koncu ble nikakve.

oo7 ::

acookook je izjavil:

Vse igre ki so bile tako dolgo v development hellu so na koncu ble nikakve.

Odvisno ali bodo nadaljevali ali bodo začeli od začetka. Prey igra je bila dobra.

oo7 ::

Logo igre

Lords of the Fallen 2 bo največji projekt studija CI Games.

acookook ::

lepo, da je še projekt med živimi, sem ravno prejšje tedne gledal walkthroughje 1ke in me mika, da bi sam še enega naredil, kdaj bo pa release oz. se kaj več ve?

oo7 ::

acookook je izjavil:

lepo, da je še projekt med živimi, sem ravno prejšje tedne gledal walkthroughje 1ke in me mika, da bi sam še enega naredil, kdaj bo pa release oz. se kaj več ve?

Če ti je všeč serija Dark Souls potem ti bo tudi ta.

Kar se tiče izida igre pa verjetno ne še kmalu. Letos kmalu naj bi izdali igro Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2. Potem pa se bodo verjetno v celoti posvetili igri Lords of the fallen 2. Studijo šteje 62 ljudi.

Jaz bi rekel, da 2022 težko verjetno 2023 ali celo 2024.

acookook ::

Ja, saj sem napisal, da mi je prvi del pomagal nazaj v Souls serijo....

oo7 ::

Oglaševalka kampanija za igro Lords of the fallen 2 se bo začela v prvi polovici leta 2022.

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen 2 je v planu, da izide drugo leto in bo uporabljal Unreal engine 5.

oo7 ::

The Lords of the Fallen - Announcement Trailer | gamescom 2022

Kot kaže brez dvojke v naslovu ampak en THE več :)

Komaj čakam trailer je dober.

Točnega datuma izida igre še ni.

Izi ::

Stari prvi "Lords of the Fallen" se je preimenoval v "Lords Of The Fallen 2014"
Novi prihajajoči "Lords of the Fallen 2" pa se je pa preimenoval v "The Lords of the Fallen"

Vsa ta preimenovanja verjetno pomenijo, da ne nameravajo narediti nadaljevanje ampak bodo ponovno štartali od začetka.

oo7 ::

Ja šlo bo za reboot.

oo7 ::

The Lords of the Fallen - Gameplay Teaser Trailer

Zgleda hudo :)

oo7 ::

Nekaj novih slik

oo7 ::

The Lords of the Fallen is expected to be more similar to Elden Ring than we think. Reportedly, the developers themselves were surprised by the similarity of the reboot to FromSoftware's work.


oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen - State of Unreal Technical Showcase Trailer GDC | Wishlist: PC, PS5 & Xbox X/S

oo7 ::

Nekaj novih podrobnosti o igri LOTF 2

The developers of Lords of the Fallen have revealed details of the game's save system and New Game Plus mode.


In Lords of The Fallen players will be able to light their own bonfires - which are a method of saving the game state - in virtually any place.

Of course, such a solution without any restrictions in a soulslike game would spoil the fun, and the devs do not intend to make this mistake. Thus, lighting a bonfire will require a few special seeds, which will be obtained only while exploring the dimension known as Umbral - an alternative and much more dangerous version of the world of Lords of the Fallen - and killing the enemies inhabiting that reality.

Not every enemy killed in Umbral will bring us seeds, so this will be a very valuable resource.

Players will only be able to have one active campfire of their own - any new one will result in the removal of the previous one.

This system is meant to give players more freedom of action, and the need to collect seeds will motivate them to go on expeditions to Umbral at the same time.

However, the game will also feature pre-lit bonfires like in typical soulslike games, where we will be able to save our progress.

Lords of the Fallen will offer a New Game Plus mode, and in it these ready-made bonfires will be removed - lighting your own will be the only way to save the game.

oo7 ::

The Lords of the Fallen promises to fix the most frustrating aspects of Soulslikes
This doesn't mean you're getting an easy mode.


Bo kdo igral ? :)

ales85 ::

Jaz bom sigurno. Upam, da popravijo kar me je motilo pri prvi verziji, ker mi sploh ni sedla. Je bila preveč okorna.

oo7 ::

ales85 je izjavil:

Jaz bom sigurno. Upam, da popravijo kar me je motilo pri prvi verziji, ker mi sploh ni sedla. Je bila preveč okorna.

Največji problem prve igre so bili hrošči.

Je pričakovati drugačno igro, ker igro dela drug studijo kot prvo.

ales85 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

ales85 je izjavil:

Jaz bom sigurno. Upam, da popravijo kar me je motilo pri prvi verziji, ker mi sploh ni sedla. Je bila preveč okorna.

Največji problem prve igre so bili hrošči.

Je pričakovati drugačno igro, ker igro dela drug studijo kot prvo.

Meni ne... Je bila sama igra izredno okorna. Nekako tako kot obe The Surge. Me je zanimalo, ampak nisem mogel igrati zaradi tega.

oo7 ::

ales85 je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

ales85 je izjavil:

Jaz bom sigurno. Upam, da popravijo kar me je motilo pri prvi verziji, ker mi sploh ni sedla. Je bila preveč okorna.

Največji problem prve igre so bili hrošči.

Je pričakovati drugačno igro, ker igro dela drug studijo kot prvo.

Meni ne... Je bila sama igra izredno okorna. Nekako tako kot obe The Surge. Me je zanimalo, ampak nisem mogel igrati zaradi tega.

Men so pa v spominu predvsem ostali hrošči čeprav grafika je bila zelo dobra.
Ja Lords of the Fallen in Surge 1 in 2 je naredil isti studio. Lords of the fallen 2 pa dela čisto nov studio upajmo, da jim uspe narediti dobro igro.

oo7 ::

Možen izid igre 13 oktober 2023.

oo7 ::

LORDS OF THE FALLEN - Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer || Pre-Order Now on PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X|S

lojz123 ::

Nič Pre-Order počakam na ocene da ne bo spet kakšna polomija

ales85 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

LORDS OF THE FALLEN - Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer || Pre-Order Now on PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X|S

Ce je tole gameplay reveal sem pa jaz papez. Vecinoma neki pol sekundni posnetki, kar nekaj.

Po videnem sicer izgleda, da bo morda precej manj lesen karakter kot prej, kar mi ustreza, ker prej si lahko kavo pil zraven vsakega udarca.

oo7 ::

Ja čas bi bil, da bi dali ven tudi en video s čistim gameplayom. Ampak verjamem, da bodo tudi to pred izidom igre. Verjetno junija, ko bodo te konference namesto E3

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen PC Requirements


OS: Windows 10 64bit
Processor: intel i5 8400 | AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: 6GBs VRAM | NVIDIA GTX-1060 | AMD Radeon RX 590
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 45 GB available space
Additional Notes: 720p Low Quality Settings | SSD (Preferred) | HDD (Supported)


OS: Windows 10 64bit
Processor: intel i7 8700 | AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: 8GBs VRAM | NVIDIA RTX-2080 | AMD Radeon RX 6700
DirectX: Version 12
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 45 GB available space
Additional Notes: 1080p High Quality Settings | SSD Required

oo7 ::

Tole res dobro zgleda :)

LORDS OF THE FALLEN - 'Dual Worlds' Gameplay Showcase || Pre-Order Now on PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X|S

oo7 ::

LORDS OF THE FALLEN - Extended Gameplay Presentation

Tole zgleda hudo dobro :)

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen: Tancred and Reinhold Boss Fight Gameplay

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen: What Starting Class Should You Pick?


Blackfeather Ranger

Starting Gear:

Axe, Bow, Oak Arrows, Poison Arrows, Light Shield, Medium Armor


Starting Gear:

Broken Bucket Fist Weapon, Throwing Rocks, Light armor

Dark Crusader (Deluxe Edition Class)

Starting Gear:

Crusader Greatsword, Crusader Heavy Armor, Rosary Catalyst

Exiled Stalker

Starting Gear:

Two Daggers, Medium Stalker Armor, Throwing Daggers, Poison salts

Hallowed Knight

Starting Gear:

Short Sword, Knight Shield, Heavy Armor, Grenades, Healing-over-time consumable.

Mournstead Infantry

Starting Gear:

Spear, Light Shield, Heavy Armor, Throwing Javelins, Healing-over-time consumable.

Orian Preacher

Starting Gear:

Hammer, Light Shield, Radiant Catalyst, Healing Radiance Spell, Light Armor, Small Manastone consumable.


Starting Gear:

Flail, Knight Shield, Crossbow, Heavy Armor, Unripe Berries for Stamina regen.

Pyric Cultist

Starting Gear:

Cultist Staff Polearm, Rhogar Catalyst, Infernal Orb Spell, Medium Armor, Small Manastone consumable

Udirangr Warwolf

Starting Gear:

Long Sword, Throwing Axes, Medium Armor, Fire Salts

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen: A Video Deep Dive Into the Umbral Realm

oo7 ::

Prvih 13 minut

The Lords of the Fallen: The First 13 Minutes of Gameplay

opeter ::

Škoda, da ne delajo več navadnih akcijskih igre tipa Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2, Prince of Persia ipd., ki jih lahko igrajo tudi čisto povprečni igralci.
Tu pa tam se najde še kakšen Assassin's Creed ipd., ampak zaradi odprtega sveta so te igre razvlečene do kraja.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: opeter ()

oo7 ::

opeter je izjavil:

Škoda, da ne delajo več navadnih akcijskih igre tipa Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2, Prince of Persia ipd., ki jih lahko igrajo tudi čisto povprečni igralci.
Tu pa tam se najde še kakšen Assassin's Creed ipd., ampak zaradi odprtega sveta so te igre razvlečene do kraja.

Saj je v izdelavi trenutno 8 ali koliko Assassin s creed iger.

Primankuje dobrih iger v Souls žanru.

oo7 ::

Meet the Enemies of Lords of the Fallen


oo7 ::

LORDS OF THE FALLEN - Official Story Trailer (Extended Version)

oo7 ::

Lords of the Fallen has gone gold. It looks like the October release of the soulslike by studio Hexworks will take place as planned.

Vredno ogleda ...

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Lords of Fallen

Oddelek: Igre
275971 (4841) scipascapa

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