Forum » Igre » Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

oo7 ::
Men je delala kar vredu edino, ko sem prišel v tisti veliki grad na obzidju mi je začelo štekati.
Kakšno grafično pa imaš ?
Kakšno grafično pa imaš ?

oo7 ::

yoco ::
Ne vem, če si prišel do dela, ko napadeš en kamp v gozdu. Meni je tam začel tko štekat, da sem imel slideshow. Takrat sem zbrisal igro. Upam, da bo zj bolje.

oo7 ::
Ne vem, če si prišel do dela, ko napadeš en kamp v gozdu. Meni je tam začel tko štekat, da sem imel slideshow. Takrat sem zbrisal igro. Upam, da bo zj bolje.
Prišel sem v mesto Rattay. Vse skupaj sem igral 8,6 ure tako, da najbrž nisem tako daleč kot ti.
Še predno pa spet začnem igrati pa bom moral malo pogledati MOD-e ki jih je res že veliko za to igro.

oo7 ::
Kingdom Come Deliverance 1.7.1 Update
- The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon fixes -
A big part of second DLC - No Rest for the Wicked quest is now available from the Charlatan. The quest is available even with completed Amorous Adventures DLC so there is no need to reload to previous state.
Infinite fader during dialogue with Hans Capon after failing Next to Godliness fixed.
No Rest for the Wicked quest now properly reacts to the player killing the guys he was supposed to scare.
Player now correctly receiAves Musk of Infinite Allure on completion of No Rest for the Wicked.
It is now possible to finish active Game of Throws quest even when player initiates Vranik battle.
Rare crash when arriving at gamblers' den fixed.
Game of Throws journal text bug fixed.
It is no longer possible to break Honeyed Words quest by closing door in front of Hans Capon a moment before he forces dialogue on player.
Infinite fader after rapid skipping of Capon's dialogues fixed.
Player will no longer be harassed for not having a lit torch during encounter with butcher and his men in Honeyed Words quest.
- Tournament fixes -
During Epilogue, the first Tournament now starts automatically one hour after the player skips time far enough from Rattay (eg Neuhof). It is no longer necessary to start the accompanying quest of Samopesh blacksmith.
The second and any other Tournament now always periodically occurs every 7 days even when the player is close by. It is now possible to wait right next to the Herald.
Guards will no longer attempt to frisk you during active tournament, which caused the Tournament to fail.
Tournament will no longer delete some items of players who have huge amounts of items in their inventory.
Possible infinite fader during later Tournament stages fixed.
- Other fixes -
It is now possible to start Miracles While You Wait even if you refuse Charlatan multiple times.
It is now much easier to hit the topping out during Miracles While You Wait quest.
Fixed bug in Miracles While You Wait that sometimes broke the ending if the player completed the whole quest without saving or loading.
Rare crash during escape from Skalitz fixed.
Absurdly bright screen caused by persisting effect of Nighthawk potion during daylight hotfixed. Any remaining issues can be solved by drinking another Nighthawk potion and waiting for a few hours.
- The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon fixes -
A big part of second DLC - No Rest for the Wicked quest is now available from the Charlatan. The quest is available even with completed Amorous Adventures DLC so there is no need to reload to previous state.
Infinite fader during dialogue with Hans Capon after failing Next to Godliness fixed.
No Rest for the Wicked quest now properly reacts to the player killing the guys he was supposed to scare.
Player now correctly receiAves Musk of Infinite Allure on completion of No Rest for the Wicked.
It is now possible to finish active Game of Throws quest even when player initiates Vranik battle.
Rare crash when arriving at gamblers' den fixed.
Game of Throws journal text bug fixed.
It is no longer possible to break Honeyed Words quest by closing door in front of Hans Capon a moment before he forces dialogue on player.
Infinite fader after rapid skipping of Capon's dialogues fixed.
Player will no longer be harassed for not having a lit torch during encounter with butcher and his men in Honeyed Words quest.
- Tournament fixes -
During Epilogue, the first Tournament now starts automatically one hour after the player skips time far enough from Rattay (eg Neuhof). It is no longer necessary to start the accompanying quest of Samopesh blacksmith.
The second and any other Tournament now always periodically occurs every 7 days even when the player is close by. It is now possible to wait right next to the Herald.
Guards will no longer attempt to frisk you during active tournament, which caused the Tournament to fail.
Tournament will no longer delete some items of players who have huge amounts of items in their inventory.
Possible infinite fader during later Tournament stages fixed.
- Other fixes -
It is now possible to start Miracles While You Wait even if you refuse Charlatan multiple times.
It is now much easier to hit the topping out during Miracles While You Wait quest.
Fixed bug in Miracles While You Wait that sometimes broke the ending if the player completed the whole quest without saving or loading.
Rare crash during escape from Skalitz fixed.
Absurdly bright screen caused by persisting effect of Nighthawk potion during daylight hotfixed. Any remaining issues can be solved by drinking another Nighthawk potion and waiting for a few hours.

Lojzze ::
dejstvo da v izboru za game of the year ni bil niti omenjen je sramotno! hands down best RPG letos

oo7 ::
Je bila pa vsaj prodaja dobra kljub temu, da so nekateri hoteli igro sabotirati : On release day, the game topped the Steam top-sellers list. Game director Daniel Vávra stated that the game sold 500,000 copies during its first two days, of which 300,000 were on Steam. Within two weeks of release, the game sold over a million copies in total across all platforms.

yayo ::

Izi ::
Ne pretiravajmo, nobene zarote ni v ozadju. Igra je zelo dobra s povprečnimi ocenami nekje od 75 do 80/100, ampak proti pravim težkokategornikom vseeno ni konkurenca.
Letošnji glavni GOTY kandidati:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
God of War
Red Dead Redemption 2
Jaz sem Kingdom Come: Deliverance preigral dvakrat od začetka do konca. Sem užival, ampak realno gledano moram reči, da v konkurenco gornjih treh omenjenih iger ne sodi. Kljub dobri zgodbi je izvedba še vedno precej lesena.
Letošnji glavni GOTY kandidati:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
God of War
Red Dead Redemption 2
Jaz sem Kingdom Come: Deliverance preigral dvakrat od začetka do konca. Sem užival, ampak realno gledano moram reči, da v konkurenco gornjih treh omenjenih iger ne sodi. Kljub dobri zgodbi je izvedba še vedno precej lesena.

kitl76 ::
No jaz sem jo nekje na sredini nehal igrati ravno zaradi te lesenosti. Po mojem okusu si prvo mesto daleč najbolj zasluži Red Dead Redemption 2 drugo mesto pa Asssasins Creed Odyssey.

yoco ::
Ne me linčat, ampak res ne razumem kaj folk vidi v AC Odyssey? Trenutno igram (20 ur), in me igra nikakor ne prepriča. Dialog je preveč "cringe", pravtako animacije, AI je pa glup "ko točak".

Ang3lo ::
Definitivno ena najboljših iger letos, ki odstopa od ustaljenih konceptov. Za hrošče me niti ne briga toliko, če se lahko vživim v svet in igralno mehaniko. Tudi po tej plati me spominja na Gothic, ki je moj absoluten favorit.

sentiš ::
Meni je škoda, da je igra dobila tak slab glas zaradi slabega prvega vtisa. Igram na verziji 1.6 z nekaj modi in mi je super. Upam, da dobi še večjo podporo za modanje in večjo sceno.

oo7 ::
Saj je bila igra dobro sprejeta ? Edino kar je bilo nekaj bugov in kar so nekaj sjw cvilili ostalo pa nisem slišal nič slabega.,

lonewolf_ ::
Jaz sem dal na low, ker mi je dokurčlo štekanje po mestih, sedaj pa imam 100+ fps pa še ne zgleda tako slabo kot bi mislil :D Drugače, kako se rešite napada, ko jih je recimo ene 5? jaz se z lokom rešim... sicer napišem v konzolo "wh_pl_showfirecursor 1", ampak te opciije ne najdem v nastavitvah... Lok je drugače en sam glavobol :D
R7 5700G + NH-U12P SE2 | Ballistix 2x8Gb 3000MHz
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S

sentiš ::
Če si v system.cfg napišeš wh_pl_showfirecursor = 1 ti to ostane vsakič ko prižgeš igro.
Drugače pa, se mi zdi da je veliko bilo negativnosti oziroma posmehovanja glede stanja igre of izzidu, vsi bugi, ki so bili so bili zelo napihnjeni s strani Twitch Streamerjev in Youtuberjev. Veliko preberem komentarjev, da so igro refundali ipd.
Drugače pa, se mi zdi da je veliko bilo negativnosti oziroma posmehovanja glede stanja igre of izzidu, vsi bugi, ki so bili so bili zelo napihnjeni s strani Twitch Streamerjev in Youtuberjev. Veliko preberem komentarjev, da so igro refundali ipd.

Kurzweil ::
Pa tudi, če bi bili nevem kakšni bugi je to za manjši studio in za takšen RPG kar normalna stvar. Malce se počaka in igra dobi popravke, potem pa je ready za čisti užitek, ki ga ta igra ponuja. Jaz osebno pri nobeni igri, pa naj si bo to film, glasba, igre,... ne upoštevam nekih recenzij in ocen, sploh pa ne od te generacije neučakanih otrok. Prav bolano je danes so vsi neučakani in nepotrpežljivi, potem pa iz prve zagrabijo nek hype ali negativno mnenje in ga potem samo podpihujejo in širijo. Vsak ima svojo glavo in prav bi bilo, da bi vsak tudi mislil s svojo glavo in si ustvarjal mnenja. Edina objektivna ocena si lahko sam, ali pa nek zanesenjak, ki pozna razvoj iger in je po možnosti preigral RPGje praktično od samega začetka.
Sicer pa kot je že M-Power omenil. Nek SJW community je svoje frustracije v nekem momentu zlival po tej igri, folk si je namišljal, da je igra popolna katastrofa in da se ne prodaja. Potem pa vidiš po pol leta, ko je jasno kot beli dan, da je bila igra v vseh pogledih uspešna in kar je najbolj pomembno, sedaj bodo tako investitorji, kot tudi ljudje (recimo crowfundanje) še bolj verjeli v to ekipo in projekt za v bodoče.
Sicer pa kot je že M-Power omenil. Nek SJW community je svoje frustracije v nekem momentu zlival po tej igri, folk si je namišljal, da je igra popolna katastrofa in da se ne prodaja. Potem pa vidiš po pol leta, ko je jasno kot beli dan, da je bila igra v vseh pogledih uspešna in kar je najbolj pomembno, sedaj bodo tako investitorji, kot tudi ljudje (recimo crowfundanje) še bolj verjeli v to ekipo in projekt za v bodoče.

lonewolf_ ::
Če si v system.cfg napišeš wh_pl_showfirecursor = 1 ti to ostane vsakič ko prižgeš igro.
Drugače pa, se mi zdi da je veliko bilo negativnosti oziroma posmehovanja glede stanja igre of izzidu, vsi bugi, ki so bili so bili zelo napihnjeni s strani Twitch Streamerjev in Youtuberjev. Veliko preberem komentarjev, da so igro refundali ipd.
Pod kateri linijo pa?
R7 5700G + NH-U12P SE2 | Ballistix 2x8Gb 3000MHz
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S

yayo ::
Večina iger, ki prihajajo iz slovanskih držav je bila na začetku precej hroščatih, ker so bile delane v pogojih, ki so daleč od idealnih. Tako bo verjetno še nekaj časa. So pa meni nekatere veliko bolj ljube od super-duper brezdušnih ameriških iger. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Witcher, Metro serija...

Kurzweil ::
Večina iger, ki prihajajo iz slovanskih držav je bila na začetku precej hroščatih, ker so bile delane v pogojih, ki so daleč od idealnih. Tako bo verjetno še nekaj časa. So pa meni nekatere veliko bolj ljube od super-duper brezdušnih ameriških iger. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Witcher, Metro serija...
Se nekako ne bi strinjal. Dejansko naštevaš RPGje (oz. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. je shooter/rpg), ki so kot žanr vedno polni bugov pa ni važno ali gre za velike studie, AAA ali indie naslove, tu je nekako vseeno ali igra izvira iz slovanskega ali kakšnega drugega področja. Dejansko sta bila S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in Witcher še dobra, kar se bugov tiče...

sentiš ::
Če si v system.cfg napišeš wh_pl_showfirecursor = 1 ti to ostane vsakič ko prižgeš igro.
Drugače pa, se mi zdi da je veliko bilo negativnosti oziroma posmehovanja glede stanja igre of izzidu, vsi bugi, ki so bili so bili zelo napihnjeni s strani Twitch Streamerjev in Youtuberjev. Veliko preberem komentarjev, da so igro refundali ipd.
Pod kateri linijo pa?
Jaz jo imam pred wh_sys_version, mislim pa da nima veze kam jo daš, ker imam naprej še nekaj komand ki malo spremenijo "target lock" med bojem in dela normalno.

yayo ::
Ena zanimivost za katero sem šele zvedel: Avtorji Kingdom Come Deliverance so navdih za svojo igro dobili pri poljskem pisateju Andrzeju Sapkowskemu katerega poznamo po sagi o Witcherju, po kateri je poljski studio CDPR naredil svoje tri igre. Ko je končal zgodbo o Geraltu, Yenefer in Ciri je Sapkowski napisal takoimenovano Husitsko trilogijo, cikel romanov, ki se dogajajo v Srednji Evropi v zgodnjem petnajstem stoletju in, ki imajo za ozadje takoimenovane severne križarske vojne v katerih je rimokatoliška cerkev s pomočjo evropskih vladarjev skušala zatreti versko-politično reformo katero je na Českem uveljavil Jan Hus. KC:D še nisem preigral, zato pa berem Husitsko trilogijo. (in vem katera igra me čaka v kratkem)

yayo ::
v srbščini, v latinici. Pred letom dni je bila prevedena prva knjiga Narrenturm - Stolp Norcev, pred kratkim pa še ostali dve, Božji Bojevniki in Lux Perpetua. Drugače obstaja nemški prevod, pa španski, se mi zdi.
Na 7minut 6sekund omenja Sapkowskega:
Na 7minut 6sekund omenja Sapkowskega:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()

filip007 ::
Še nisem uspel kaj dosti igrati, jo imam za PS4, a so hrošče uspeli popraviti, zadnji je omenjal še DLC?
Prenosnik, konzola, TV, PC upokojen.

nejko8 ::
Jaz ne igram dosti iger, ko pa sem pred kakšnim mesecem tole zasledil, me je zelo pritegnila! Igram na PC, trenutno je verzija 1.72 se mi zdi, hroščev ni veliko, edino kar mi gre na jetra je zatikanje pri hoji (ne morem normalno po štengah, če padem v potok zelo težko pridem ven ipd.). Ko razjaham konja, se občasno zataknem, če je v blizu ovira in potem mi ne preostane drugega kot da reloadam zadnji save game...
Nekdo je omenjal mode, lahko kaj svetujete kateri so dobri?
Ter še vpraśanje za tiste, ki igrate veliko iger: Ali je Assassin's Creed Odissey podobna Kingdom Come? Da vem, če se splača kupit?
Nekdo je omenjal mode, lahko kaj svetujete kateri so dobri?
Ter še vpraśanje za tiste, ki igrate veliko iger: Ali je Assassin's Creed Odissey podobna Kingdom Come? Da vem, če se splača kupit?

Izi ::
še vpraśanje za tiste, ki igrate veliko iger: Ali je Assassin's Creed Odissey podobna Kingdom Come? Da vem, če se splača kupit?
Jaz sem v dvakrat v celoti preigral obe. Takole bom rekel: Splača se kupit obe, ampak nista pa ravno primerljivi igri.
Odyssey je precej bolj akcijski (fantazijski), lepo tekoč, ko se boriš je kot da bi plesal naokoli, nikoli se ne utrudiš, tudi če naokoli pol ure mahaš z veliko 20 kilsko sekiro. Z lokom streljaš po 2 puščici na sekundo. Jesti in spati ni treba. Naš junak je pol-bog, prisotna je magija, zdravljenje brez napitkov, ...
Deliverance pa je močno lesen (realen), kar čutiš težo svoje sabljice in ko trikrat zamahneš si tako upehan, da moraš malo počiti preden lahko spet mahaš naprej. Z lokom streljaš 1 puščico na 5 sekund. Boj 1 na 1 pa lahko traja tudi po več minut. Treba je jesti in spati, drugače umreš, ...
Obe igri pa sta primerljivi v dobri zgodbi s pomembnimi odločitvami med pogovori in da lahko vsako nalogo delaš na kup različnih načinov. Pri obeh igrah lahko vse rešiš na skrivaj brez pobijanja ali pa na "Rambo" način.

oo7 ::
Nekdo je omenjal mode, lahko kaj svetujete kateri so dobri?
Odvisno katere rabiš. Malo poglej -

sentiš ::
Sem čez praznike poupdejtala na 1.7.2 in mode tudi. Sicer modanje igre ni zahtevno, je čisto lahko spremeniti parametre v nekaj kar ti bolj odgovarja.
Sama trenutno uporabljam:
- pokaže kurzor med streljanjem z lokom
- softer combat lock
- no depth of field in conversations
- longer view distance for light sources
To se samo doda v system.cfg ki jo najdete v osnovni mapi igre. Sem pripravila pastebin:
Od ostalih modov imam neko svojo kombinacijo treh "overhaul" modov, če koga zanima lahko naložim in proba.
- Better Combat and Immersion Compilation
- Ultimate Realism Overhaul
- Immersive balance
- Better visible quest markers
Sem spremenila, da je ohranjen vanilla X checkmarker na mapi, ker mi je lepši kot ta od moda.
- Retexture ure
- Bolj vidne rastline za nabiranje
- Hitrejše puščice Recommended verzija
- Hud Cassidy Sem spremenila, da pokaže zelen ščit med Perfect blockom in spremenila osnovni kurzor. Lahko naložim če kdo želi. Uporabljam vanilla ikone, ne te od moda.
- Kombinacija modov večjo frekvenco random eventov: Random Encounters XXXL in More Wanderers and Ambushes
- Več loading sličic
- Avtomatsko skrivanje HP in Stamine, se pokažejo samo ko pade pod 95% HP ali ko si v boju
- Perkaholic za 1.7.2
- Manjša ikona igralca na mapi, ne uporabljam ostalih manjših ikon tega moda, ker so mi premajhne
- Preskoči intro videje. Je treba odpreti zzz_skipintro.pak in preimenovati intro.usm v intro_pc.usm, da bo delovalo za 1.7.2
- Ostani čist dalj časa
- Retextura ključavnic, verzija brez simbolov
- Shrani brez uporabe Saviour Schnappsa
- A sorted inventory, mnogo lažji pregled stvari
Sem naložila mode na Mega. Samo dati jih morate v pravilne mape.!OL4j0QRY!m0fVoAisigjvtQUzI8SKJw
-system.cfg gre v osnovno mapo
-Mods mapa gre v osnovno mapo, če je še nimate narejene (naprimer C:\Game\Kingdom Come Deliverance\Mods)
-v Data mapo gre pak.cfg, na koncu so dodani modi ki jih želite pognati. Če katerega ne želite ga samo izbrišite iz pak.cfg
-v Lokalization gre nadomestni English_xml.pak, v katerem so dodana združena file, da pravilno delujeta Perkaholic in A Sorted Inventory.
Sama trenutno uporabljam:
- pokaže kurzor med streljanjem z lokom
- softer combat lock
- no depth of field in conversations
- longer view distance for light sources
To se samo doda v system.cfg ki jo najdete v osnovni mapi igre. Sem pripravila pastebin:
Od ostalih modov imam neko svojo kombinacijo treh "overhaul" modov, če koga zanima lahko naložim in proba.
- Better Combat and Immersion Compilation
- Ultimate Realism Overhaul
- Immersive balance
- Better visible quest markers
Sem spremenila, da je ohranjen vanilla X checkmarker na mapi, ker mi je lepši kot ta od moda.
- Retexture ure
- Bolj vidne rastline za nabiranje
- Hitrejše puščice Recommended verzija
- Hud Cassidy Sem spremenila, da pokaže zelen ščit med Perfect blockom in spremenila osnovni kurzor. Lahko naložim če kdo želi. Uporabljam vanilla ikone, ne te od moda.
- Kombinacija modov večjo frekvenco random eventov: Random Encounters XXXL in More Wanderers and Ambushes
- Več loading sličic
- Avtomatsko skrivanje HP in Stamine, se pokažejo samo ko pade pod 95% HP ali ko si v boju
- Perkaholic za 1.7.2
- Manjša ikona igralca na mapi, ne uporabljam ostalih manjših ikon tega moda, ker so mi premajhne
- Preskoči intro videje. Je treba odpreti zzz_skipintro.pak in preimenovati intro.usm v intro_pc.usm, da bo delovalo za 1.7.2
- Ostani čist dalj časa
- Retextura ključavnic, verzija brez simbolov
- Shrani brez uporabe Saviour Schnappsa
- A sorted inventory, mnogo lažji pregled stvari
Sem naložila mode na Mega. Samo dati jih morate v pravilne mape.!OL4j0QRY!m0fVoAisigjvtQUzI8SKJw
-system.cfg gre v osnovno mapo
-Mods mapa gre v osnovno mapo, če je še nimate narejene (naprimer C:\Game\Kingdom Come Deliverance\Mods)
-v Data mapo gre pak.cfg, na koncu so dodani modi ki jih želite pognati. Če katerega ne želite ga samo izbrišite iz pak.cfg
-v Lokalization gre nadomestni English_xml.pak, v katerem so dodana združena file, da pravilno delujeta Perkaholic in A Sorted Inventory.

oo7 ::
Photorealistic Modding - Ultimate Immersion KCD ENB | Kingdom Come: Deliverance Ultra Graphics
Naslednjič, ko naložim igro bom probal te mode. Hvala
Sem čez praznike poupdejtala na 1.7.2 in mode tudi. Sicer modanje igre ni zahtevno, je čisto lahko spremeniti parametre v nekaj kar ti bolj odgovarja.
Sama trenutno uporabljam:
- pokaže kurzor med streljanjem z lokom
- softer combat lock
- no depth of field in conversations
- longer view distance for light sources
To se samo doda v system.cfg ki jo najdete v osnovni mapi igre. Sem pripravila pastebin:
Od ostalih modov imam neko svojo kombinacijo treh "overhaul" modov, če koga zanima lahko naložim in proba.
- Better Combat and Immersion Compilation
- Ultimate Realism Overhaul
- Immersive balance
- Better visible quest markers
Sem spremenila, da je ohranjen vanilla X checkmarker na mapi, ker mi je lepši kot ta od moda.
- Retexture ure
- Bolj vidne rastline za nabiranje
- Hitrejše puščice Recommended verzija
- Hud Cassidy Sem spremenila, da pokaže zelen ščit med Perfect blockom in spremenila osnovni kurzor. Lahko naložim če kdo želi. Uporabljam vanilla ikone, ne te od moda.
- Kombinacija modov večjo frekvenco random eventov: Random Encounters XXXL in More Wanderers and Ambushes
- Več loading sličic
- Avtomatsko skrivanje HP in Stamine, se pokažejo samo ko pade pod 95% HP ali ko si v boju
- Perkaholic za 1.7.2
- Manjša ikona igralca na mapi, ne uporabljam ostalih manjših ikon tega moda, ker so mi premajhne
- Preskoči intro videje. Je treba odpreti zzz_skipintro.pak in preimenovati intro.usm v intro_pc.usm, da bo delovalo za 1.7.2
- Ostani čist dalj časa
- Retextura ključavnic, verzija brez simbolov
- Shrani brez uporabe Saviour Schnappsa
- A sorted inventory, mnogo lažji pregled stvari
Sem naložila mode na Mega. Samo dati jih morate v pravilne mape.!OL4j0QRY!m0fVoAisigjvtQUzI8SKJw
-system.cfg gre v osnovno mapo
-Mods mapa gre v osnovno mapo, če je še nimate narejene (naprimer C:\Game\Kingdom Come Deliverance\Mods)
-v Data mapo gre pak.cfg, na koncu so dodani modi ki jih želite pognati. Če katerega ne želite ga samo izbrišite iz pak.cfg
-v Lokalization gre nadomestni English_xml.pak, v katerem so dodana združena file, da pravilno delujeta Perkaholic in A Sorted Inventory.
Naslednjič, ko naložim igro bom probal te mode. Hvala

oo7 ::
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Band of Bastards Teaser
Band of Bastards releases on February 5th
Ready for a new adventure? The roads aren't safe anymore and now a new threat has reared its ugly head. As Sir Radzig's loyal servant, you, Henry, will have to deal with it. But you are not alone - for better or worse, you will ride with an infamous band of mercenaries charged with bringing order to the domain. But what if the cure is worse than the disease?
Band of Bastards releases on February 5th
Ready for a new adventure? The roads aren't safe anymore and now a new threat has reared its ugly head. As Sir Radzig's loyal servant, you, Henry, will have to deal with it. But you are not alone - for better or worse, you will ride with an infamous band of mercenaries charged with bringing order to the domain. But what if the cure is worse than the disease?

oo7 ::
Kingdom Come Deliverance Patch 1.8.1 Release Notes
- New features -
New better overlays which explain content and technical specification for launching content of each DLC
Added new item in menu concerning all DLCs and their overlays
Added lamps and other lights in taverns make it easier to see dice at night in dice minigame
If player is overloaded and can't mount a horse, a notice to that effect is displayed
In some inns, player can find a caste of gamblers, who have special dice and more money to lose
Notification about reputation (gained or lost) is now displayed in top left corner of screen with regard to influence of quest or dialogue situations
Added bell toll sound in Pribyslavitz
Fixed an issue that caused Hans Capon to get stuck after The Prey quest.
- Quest bugs fixed -
Fixed issue of missing pitcher sometimes making it impossible to complete Next to Godliness quest
Fixed missing instruction during Bernard's master-strike training
Fixed dialogue with Margaret in Hare Hunt now allows completing objective
Fixed issue that sometimes caused master-strike training to end instantly
Chest in Rattay in The Queen of Sheba's Sword quest can now be opened
Fixed quest markers in Fight Club in Skalitz
Fixed issue of Captain Bernard and Hans Capon sometimes getting stuck on horses during quest Robber Baron
Fixed rare issue that made escape from Vranik impossible
Fixed rare issue that cutscene didn't launch after killing Runt, preventing further progress in quest
Marker added in Epilogue quest to help player find Hans Capon
Hans Capon no longer returns to Rattay after arriving at his camp in Epilogue
Fixed missing UI prompts in dialogue with Circator John
Fixed wrong weather during battle in quest Cold Steel, Hot Blood
Fixed issue of inability to finish At your Service, My Lady quest due to crime in archery competition
Fixed issue of inability to complete Playing with the Devil quest after beating woodcutter unconscious
Fixed dialogue after cutscene with villagers in Miracles While You Wait quest now starts when player is outside
Fixed redundant marker without description during A Rainy Day quest
- Other bugs fixed -
Fixed issues which sometimes caused game crash after load
Animation of woman getting up from seated position is improved
Innkeepers now more often throw player out of a bed he hasn't paid for
Fast travel is accessible even with bow armed
Fixed some issues with clipping hoods in clothing system
Fixed issue that sometimes prevented player from entering dice game
Bushes now have proper sounds when collided with
Fixed master-strike issue that prevented player from completing training with Bernard
Fixed issue that caused player to be unable to dismount horse after riding on auto-guide
Fixed issue of occasional slow loading of game during Tournament
NPCs no longer collide with outhouses when using them
Street traders now properly call out and gesticulate
Fixed some issues of guards attacking player due to crime even after paying a fine
Fixed flickering torch during sprint or horse riding
Fixed issue that sometimes allowed player to use free attacks even when locked to an opponent
Fixed issue of price pointer moving out of screen during haggling
Horse reins no longer glitching when horses are grazing
Fixed stuttering vegetation animations
Fixed issue of item unequipped for repair showing as equipped in player stats - a cosmetic issue in UI that did not affect in-game stats
- From the Ashes DLC -
Sir Divish no longer undressed in final cutscene if player invited him to Pribyslavitz while he slept
All NPCs in Pribyslavitz now have a place to sleep
Fixed behaviour of Innkeeper causing unnatural movement
issue of upgraded blacksmith unable to repair heavily damaged weapons or armor
Musk of Infinite Allure no longer persists in player inventory after handing over to Capon
Fixed issue of bonuses for Fritz and Matthew persisting in ledger in Pribyslavitz after killing them
- The Amorous Adventures DLC -
Fixed issue that triggered an infinite fader after picking up Sir Hans Capon at castle
Fixed issue of missing facial animation due to distance in the balcony scene.
When player learns how to read after being sent by Hans Capon, a new objective is added afterwards to direct him back to Capon
After player has successfully fled from Sir Anselm, he now stops pursuing the player and it is possible to interact with him during quest
Fixed issue of player facing away from opponent at start of duel after dice game
It is no longer possible to call your horse inside secret tunnel and get stuck when mounting it
Guards can now properly navigate to secret tunnel when they have heard Henry
Fixed issue of player facing in a different direction after cutscene upon entering camp
Fixed issue in journal of objective to bury Lev's remains still being active after selling bones to Charlatan
After completing quest, trespass area near the revenant's grave now disappears
Fixed persisting second objective after learning wild animal calls
Fixed issue of pressing Esc not canceling coloring water with fake blood
Trigger area for burying Lev's remains is extended
Redundant objective to talk to Charlatan is removed
Fixed issue of objective "Go and see the Charlatan in the morning" duplicated in journal
After failing quest it is no longer possible to ask Charlatan "How is the haunting going?"
After successfully completing rotten food objective, butcher shop is now closed
If player was jailed for killing brave guys, Charlatan is still angry that he did it
Fixed issue of Charlatan's recipe fable appearing too soon in quest log
Fixed quest logic so that if brave guys flee from combat to the village, they report the player's crime and the quest is failed
Fixed issue making it impossible to continue after player kills brave guys
Fixed issue of persisting "Provoke Fearless Felix" objective after player has killed brave guys
- Tournament DLC -
Fixed infinite fader that sometimes occurred before third opponent in Tournament
Tournament will no longer fail because of low reputation with NPCs or guards who remember player's old crimes
Redefined dialogue with Tourney Master in Rattay, so the player is better informed about Tournament availability
Fixed rare issue of player being teleported from arena during tournament
Fixed issue of Tournament not starting after accepting quest from Sir Hans or Blacksmith
Combatants no longer running from arena and teleporting back when practicing
During combat, chickens no longer walk around in arena
Pruda no longer comes to tournament undressed
Fixed issue of missing visual effect of lowered visor with new tournament helmets
Added new autosave after player wins combat with Black Peter in arena
Fixed issue that during Black Peter's ambush he hasn't a poisoned sword
Fixed issue of tourney master missing calling animations
- New features -
New better overlays which explain content and technical specification for launching content of each DLC
Added new item in menu concerning all DLCs and their overlays
Added lamps and other lights in taverns make it easier to see dice at night in dice minigame
If player is overloaded and can't mount a horse, a notice to that effect is displayed
In some inns, player can find a caste of gamblers, who have special dice and more money to lose
Notification about reputation (gained or lost) is now displayed in top left corner of screen with regard to influence of quest or dialogue situations
Added bell toll sound in Pribyslavitz
Fixed an issue that caused Hans Capon to get stuck after The Prey quest.
- Quest bugs fixed -
Fixed issue of missing pitcher sometimes making it impossible to complete Next to Godliness quest
Fixed missing instruction during Bernard's master-strike training
Fixed dialogue with Margaret in Hare Hunt now allows completing objective
Fixed issue that sometimes caused master-strike training to end instantly
Chest in Rattay in The Queen of Sheba's Sword quest can now be opened
Fixed quest markers in Fight Club in Skalitz
Fixed issue of Captain Bernard and Hans Capon sometimes getting stuck on horses during quest Robber Baron
Fixed rare issue that made escape from Vranik impossible
Fixed rare issue that cutscene didn't launch after killing Runt, preventing further progress in quest
Marker added in Epilogue quest to help player find Hans Capon
Hans Capon no longer returns to Rattay after arriving at his camp in Epilogue
Fixed missing UI prompts in dialogue with Circator John
Fixed wrong weather during battle in quest Cold Steel, Hot Blood
Fixed issue of inability to finish At your Service, My Lady quest due to crime in archery competition
Fixed issue of inability to complete Playing with the Devil quest after beating woodcutter unconscious
Fixed dialogue after cutscene with villagers in Miracles While You Wait quest now starts when player is outside
Fixed redundant marker without description during A Rainy Day quest
- Other bugs fixed -
Fixed issues which sometimes caused game crash after load
Animation of woman getting up from seated position is improved
Innkeepers now more often throw player out of a bed he hasn't paid for
Fast travel is accessible even with bow armed
Fixed some issues with clipping hoods in clothing system
Fixed issue that sometimes prevented player from entering dice game
Bushes now have proper sounds when collided with
Fixed master-strike issue that prevented player from completing training with Bernard
Fixed issue that caused player to be unable to dismount horse after riding on auto-guide
Fixed issue of occasional slow loading of game during Tournament
NPCs no longer collide with outhouses when using them
Street traders now properly call out and gesticulate
Fixed some issues of guards attacking player due to crime even after paying a fine
Fixed flickering torch during sprint or horse riding
Fixed issue that sometimes allowed player to use free attacks even when locked to an opponent
Fixed issue of price pointer moving out of screen during haggling
Horse reins no longer glitching when horses are grazing
Fixed stuttering vegetation animations
Fixed issue of item unequipped for repair showing as equipped in player stats - a cosmetic issue in UI that did not affect in-game stats
- From the Ashes DLC -
Sir Divish no longer undressed in final cutscene if player invited him to Pribyslavitz while he slept
All NPCs in Pribyslavitz now have a place to sleep
Fixed behaviour of Innkeeper causing unnatural movement
issue of upgraded blacksmith unable to repair heavily damaged weapons or armor
Musk of Infinite Allure no longer persists in player inventory after handing over to Capon
Fixed issue of bonuses for Fritz and Matthew persisting in ledger in Pribyslavitz after killing them
- The Amorous Adventures DLC -
Fixed issue that triggered an infinite fader after picking up Sir Hans Capon at castle
Fixed issue of missing facial animation due to distance in the balcony scene.
When player learns how to read after being sent by Hans Capon, a new objective is added afterwards to direct him back to Capon
After player has successfully fled from Sir Anselm, he now stops pursuing the player and it is possible to interact with him during quest
Fixed issue of player facing away from opponent at start of duel after dice game
It is no longer possible to call your horse inside secret tunnel and get stuck when mounting it
Guards can now properly navigate to secret tunnel when they have heard Henry
Fixed issue of player facing in a different direction after cutscene upon entering camp
Fixed issue in journal of objective to bury Lev's remains still being active after selling bones to Charlatan
After completing quest, trespass area near the revenant's grave now disappears
Fixed persisting second objective after learning wild animal calls
Fixed issue of pressing Esc not canceling coloring water with fake blood
Trigger area for burying Lev's remains is extended
Redundant objective to talk to Charlatan is removed
Fixed issue of objective "Go and see the Charlatan in the morning" duplicated in journal
After failing quest it is no longer possible to ask Charlatan "How is the haunting going?"
After successfully completing rotten food objective, butcher shop is now closed
If player was jailed for killing brave guys, Charlatan is still angry that he did it
Fixed issue of Charlatan's recipe fable appearing too soon in quest log
Fixed quest logic so that if brave guys flee from combat to the village, they report the player's crime and the quest is failed
Fixed issue making it impossible to continue after player kills brave guys
Fixed issue of persisting "Provoke Fearless Felix" objective after player has killed brave guys
- Tournament DLC -
Fixed infinite fader that sometimes occurred before third opponent in Tournament
Tournament will no longer fail because of low reputation with NPCs or guards who remember player's old crimes
Redefined dialogue with Tourney Master in Rattay, so the player is better informed about Tournament availability
Fixed rare issue of player being teleported from arena during tournament
Fixed issue of Tournament not starting after accepting quest from Sir Hans or Blacksmith
Combatants no longer running from arena and teleporting back when practicing
During combat, chickens no longer walk around in arena
Pruda no longer comes to tournament undressed
Fixed issue of missing visual effect of lowered visor with new tournament helmets
Added new autosave after player wins combat with Black Peter in arena
Fixed issue that during Black Peter's ambush he hasn't a poisoned sword
Fixed issue of tourney master missing calling animations

ahac ::
THQ Nordic acquires award-winning Warhorse Studios, the studio behind Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Slo-Tech Discord -

Izi ::
Po moje je za nas igralce ta prodaja pozitivna novica.
Edino cene mi niso jasne. Warhorse Studios je imel za leto 2018 neto prihodkov za 42 milijonov €, kar mu je prineslo okoli 28 milijonov € čistega dobička. Prodali pa so se zgolj za 33,2 milijona €. Nekam poceni so se prodali.
Edino cene mi niso jasne. Warhorse Studios je imel za leto 2018 neto prihodkov za 42 milijonov €, kar mu je prineslo okoli 28 milijonov € čistega dobička. Prodali pa so se zgolj za 33,2 milijona €. Nekam poceni so se prodali.

xxxul ::
računaj da so prej delal 5 let špil na puf, 2018 so pokasiral, zdej pa vprasanje kdaj bodo spet (DLCji sicer neki prinesejo, ampak 2 del bo pa verjetno traju par let razvoja;) verjetn so si še lastniki izplacal neki dobicka vmes ? v bistvu so placal 20 mio za KCD pravice...
nism zihr ce je dobr za igralce, men je Kingdom dogaju ker je hardcore, pa brez nekih fantazijskih elementov; izkusnje me ucijo da velki izdajateljinhocjo spile za cim vecjo populacijo...
nism zihr ce je dobr za igralce, men je Kingdom dogaju ker je hardcore, pa brez nekih fantazijskih elementov; izkusnje me ucijo da velki izdajateljinhocjo spile za cim vecjo populacijo...

oo7 ::
Zdaj ne bodo več odvisni od Kickstarterja. Ampak kupil jih je ravno Koch Media, ki je zaslužen za Metro igro, da je šla k Epicu

sentiš ::

xxxul ::
za 28. Maj je napovedan KDC Royal edition za PS4 (z vsemi dlc-ji)
uganjujen da bo tudi za PC podobno?
uganjujen da bo tudi za PC podobno?
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 14 15 16 17 )Oddelek: Igre | 52570 (11) | oo7 |
» | Tomb Raider 4 (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 8095 (399) | oo7 |
⊘ | Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Oddelek: Igre | 524 (369) | BigWhale |
» | Mordhau (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 9388 (3138) | cias |
» | Kam izginjajo, oz. so izginili določeni žanri?Oddelek: Igre | 3128 (2129) | Berserker |