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Dark Souls II

oo7 ::
Men ni še uspelo premagat Vendrika in Acient Dragon-a čeprav nista obvezna za ubit. Se moram še malo nadgradit jih bom pa probal še pred drugim DLC-jem.
Za Vendrika imam sicer 4 duše velikanov čeprav bi bilo lažje s petimi samo ne vem kje sem zapravil peto dušo.
Acient dragon pa sem probal sam in z pomočjo še 2 igralcev pa je slabše če sta še 2 zdraven je zmaj dosti bolj nepridvidljiv. Vedno me ujame z tistim ognjem
Za Vendrika imam sicer 4 duše velikanov čeprav bi bilo lažje s petimi samo ne vem kje sem zapravil peto dušo.
Acient dragon pa sem probal sam in z pomočjo še 2 igralcev pa je slabše če sta še 2 zdraven je zmaj dosti bolj nepridvidljiv. Vedno me ujame z tistim ognjem

Rokm ::
Ancient Dragon dropa peto Soul of a Giant.
V primeru da ti ne uspe Ancient Dragona ubit lahko peto Soul of a Giant dobis tudi tako, da Bonfire Ascetic na Black Gulch Mouth bonfire in se enkrat buijes dva velikana, ki dropata Soul of a Giant.
V primeru da ti ne uspe Ancient Dragona ubit lahko peto Soul of a Giant dobis tudi tako, da Bonfire Ascetic na Black Gulch Mouth bonfire in se enkrat buijes dva velikana, ki dropata Soul of a Giant.

oo7 ::
Ancient Dragon dropa peto Soul of a Giant.
V primeru da ti ne uspe Ancient Dragona ubit lahko peto Soul of a Giant dobis tudi tako, da Bonfire Ascetic na Black Gulch Mouth bonfire in se enkrat buijes dva velikana, ki dropata Soul of a Giant.
Hvala tega pa nisem vedel. S petimi dušami bo pa najbrž Vendrick že bolj oslabljen

Zdaj na polno farmam v Iron Keep, ker res puščajo veliko duš. Zdaj imam pa problem v petič ubit smelter Demona mater je zaj...

Ga moram ubit, da bom lahko v šestič začel level farmat, ker tisti rdeči vitezi pustijo v level 5 nekaj čez 8 tisoč duš 1 greš čez to sobo od enega bonfire do drugega pa imaš takoj v žepu okoli 70 tisoč duš

todman74 ::
Ja ampak tega človeka moraš trikrat srečat, zadnjič naj bi ga ravno za temi vrati v The Gutter, kjer ti da ring, potem te transportira in moraš trikrat zmagat proti botom. Za tem dobiš boj z darklurkerjem.
To, kje ga zadnjič srečaš je popolnoma vseeno...sam sem ga v votlini, kjer so tiste žabe, malo stran pa tisti "ptič-človek", ki je tudi ene vrste kovač...nato, ti šele ponudi, da vstopiš v "njegovo" covenanto, da odpre portal. Moraš pa počistiti vse tri lokacije ja, pa prižgat ogenj in preden sem to poguntal, sem zapravil že lepo število "humanity".
Nima pa to nobene veze s tem, da ti giant dropne "forgotten key" v Black gulchu, s katerim odpreš vrata eno lokacijo prej.
Men ni še uspelo premagat Vendrika in Acient Dragon-a čeprav nista obvezna za ubit. Se moram še malo nadgradit jih bom pa probal še pred drugim DLC-jem.
Vendrik je šala mala, ne rabiš za njega nobenih giant souls, sam ene 20 minut koncentracije, da te slučajno ne zadane več kot enkrat zaporedoma.
Ancient dragon pa je druga njega rabiš poseben predmet, ki ti zelo olajša delo. Namig...bonfire +1, nato preiščeš megleno območje..

phantompoop ::
Nč od tega ne rabš za Ancient Dragona. Sam vedt morš kje stat. Jst sm ga šu delat naked samo z weaponom. Ko veš kje stat je zadeva zlo izi. Isto Vendrik, sam vedt morš kje stat :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: phantompoop ()

oo7 ::
No ja 20 minut z Vendrikom mi ne bo uspelo ker mi je že 5 minut problem tako, da bom šel kar še po 5 dušo.
Imam tisti ščit, ki je z kamna in edina stvar, ki blokira 100% je ogenj ampak mi ni supelo premagat zmaja.
Bom pa probal tole
Imam tisti ščit, ki je z kamna in edina stvar, ki blokira 100% je ogenj ampak mi ni supelo premagat zmaja.
Bom pa probal tole

todman74 ::
phantompoop je izjavil:
Nč od tega ne rabš za Ancient Dragona. Sam vedt morš kje stat. Jst sm ga šu delat naked samo z weaponom. Ko veš kje stat je zadeva zlo izi. Isto Vendrik, sam vedt morš kje stat :)
Ancient dragona sta dva....prvi je lahek in ga komot premagaš , če uporabljaš ščit z 100% fire defense, pri drugem ti nobena zaščita proti ognju ne pomaga...zmaj je skoraj skoz v zraku in bruha ogenj, ki se razlega po pol ploščadi vem, kje bi dejansko lahko stal, ne da bi te ogenj dobil...
Sem ga pa sam tudi premagal brez oklepa, zato, da sem hitreje bežal, ko se je dvignil v zrak in začel bruhat ogenj.

todman74 ::
ne vem, kje bi dejansko lahko stal, ne da bi te ogenj dobil.
Po ogledu videa, ki ga je M-Power prilepil, pa obstaja možnost, da se prsti stat, pa res nikoli nisem probal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: todman74 ()

oo7 ::
ne vem, kje bi dejansko lahko stal, ne da bi te ogenj dobil.
Po ogledu videa, ki ga je M-Power prilepil, pa obstaja možnost, da se prsti stat, pa res nikoli nisem probal.
Sem danes probal 2x tako kot je v videu bil sem brez vsega samo imel sem lahki meč in zmaj je vedno skočil v zrak in zaćel bruhati ogenj. Sem si podrobno pogledal video pa mi ni uspelo vedno me dobi z ognjem. Sem se postavil med njegove prste pa ne vem zakaj pri meni odskoči v v zrak pri tistem v videu pa samo dviguje noge.
Pa še moj karakter je sestavljen kot čisti mečevalec tako, da imam faith in inteligence tako kot na začetku kar pomeni, da nimam niti malo fire resit.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Rokm ::
Meni se ni dalo urejat opreme za fire resist, tako da pac poskrbis da te ne zadene nikoli, seveda je trajalo kar par poskusov :)
Poskusas baitat napad ko bruha ogenj spredaj, takrat lahko naredis najvec dmg. Ko pa skoci v zrak, letis stran iz dosega tistega napada. Gledas pa na to, da preden vzleti se zaplapota s krili, tako imas vec casa za tek.
Poskusas baitat napad ko bruha ogenj spredaj, takrat lahko naredis najvec dmg. Ko pa skoci v zrak, letis stran iz dosega tistega napada. Gledas pa na to, da preden vzleti se zaplapota s krili, tako imas vec casa za tek.

oo7 ::
Meni se ni dalo urejat opreme za fire resist, tako da pac poskrbis da te ne zadene nikoli, seveda je trajalo kar par poskusov :)
Poskusas baitat napad ko bruha ogenj spredaj, takrat lahko naredis najvec dmg. Ko pa skoci v zrak, letis stran iz dosega tistega napada. Gledas pa na to, da preden vzleti se zaplapota s krili, tako imas vec casa za tek.
Ko skoči v zrak in bruha ogenj v tla takrat tečeš proti repu?

todman74 ::
Sleci svoj karakter, da boš čim hitrejši, uporabljaj samo meč, ter stvari za stamina regeneration in tole , oziroma več kopij tega. Ko je na tleh, ga tepeš po zadnjih nogah, ter paziš, da ti zmeraj ostane nekaj stamine za bežanje proti repu, ko se dvigne v zrak.

oo7 ::
Sleci svoj karakter, da boš čim hitrejši, uporabljaj samo meč, ter stvari za stamina regeneration in tole , oziroma več kopij tega. Ko je na tleh, ga tepeš po zadnjih nogah, ter paziš, da ti zmeraj ostane nekaj stamine za bežanje proti repu, ko se dvigne v zrak.
Tega prstana sploh še nisem našel hvala lepa bom šel iskat

No včeraj sem šel po peto dušo k velikanom tako, da je Vendrick padel kot za med. Premagal sem ga z great shildom in ultra great swordom brez problema bil sem pa non stop ob njegovi nogi.
Tisti, ki ste že ubili Vendrika in zdaj igrate dodatek greste lahko nazaj v tisto sobo kjer ste se borili in vstopite v njegov spomin tako kot je bilo z velikani.
Kaj se bolj splača narediti z Vendrikovo dušo prodati ali kupiti meč ali ščit? Pa seveda s tistimi petimi dušami od velikanov zdaj jih najbrž ne bom rabil več, ko je Vendrick mrtev?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

phantompoop ::
Jaz sem stal med prsti in sam menjal med eno in drugo zadnjo nogo. Mislim da ni nikoli vzletel.

jizzer ::
Čemu je podoben ta špil? Zamikalo me je nekaj igrat, pa malo forum prebiram in sem se odločil da se za DS2 malo pozanimam.

oo7 ::
Čemu je podoben ta špil? Zamikalo me je nekaj igrat, pa malo forum prebiram in sem se odločil da se za DS2 malo pozanimam.
Če imaš rad iziv in težko igro potem je to to

Če boš začel igrati samo ne obupati na začetku, ko ti enkrat zalaufa je igra fenomenalna

Tisti, ki igrate že dalj časa Dark Souls 2 kolikokrat ste že umrli?

To pa lahko vidite na tistem spomeniku v Majuli, kjer vam kaže koliko smrti je worldwide če pa greste v igro offline vam pokaže pa samo vaše smrti

Jaz imam odigranih 162 ur in sem umrl 689x

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

jizzer ::
Najbolj pomembno mi je da je vredu in zanimiv combat system, z veliko različnimi movi (potezami), lahko al težko mi je vseeno :) Pa da ni glih free roam z ogromno mapo (ala Skyrim to sem nazadnje nekaj igral), ker mi mine hodit od enga do drugega konca.
Mislil sem bol če je to RPG špil al kak?
Mislil sem bol če je to RPG špil al kak?

oo7 ::
Najbolj pomembno mi je da je vredu in zanimiv combat system, z veliko različnimi movi (potezami), lahko al težko mi je vseeno :) Pa da ni glih free roam z ogromno mapo (ala Skyrim to sem nazadnje nekaj igral), ker mi mine hodit od enga do drugega konca.
Mislil sem bol če je to RPG špil al kak?
Combat sytem je odličen in je odvisen od tega kakšno orožje držiš in tega je ogromno

Dark souls 2 weapons :
Igra je razdeljena v več map in v vsaki mapi je vsaj en bonfire to je edina varna točka v igri ampak, ko si enkrat tam se sovražniki obnovijo. Ko imaš enkrat prižgan bonfire v mapi potem lahko potuješ med njimi kolikor hočeš samo, da ob vsakem bonfire se sovržanik obnovi.
Tukaj je opis igre, da si boš bolje predstavljal.

phantompoop ::
Čemu je podoben ta špil? Zamikalo me je nekaj igrat, pa malo forum prebiram in sem se odločil da se za DS2 malo pozanimam.
Predstavljaj si, da te nekdo lepo boža po hrbtu. Potem ti pa kar naenkrat z vso silo potisne 4 prste v rit. To je Dark Souls 2.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: phantompoop ()

Lonsarg ::
phantompoop je izjavil:
Predstavljaj si, da te nekdo lepo boža po hrbtu. Potem ti pa kar naenkrat z vso silo potisne 4 prste v rit. To je Dark Souls 2.

Vglavnem če se ti "ne da" na drug konec mapa pri Skyrimu dvomim da se ti bo dal par ur zabijat za eno in isto pot do nekega bosa, ko ga skušaš ubiti.

oo7 ::
26 Avgusta 2014 pride drugi dodatek Crown of The Old Iron King
Dark Souls 2 - Crown of The Old Iron King - Preview Gamescom 2014

Dark Souls 2 - Crown of The Old Iron King - Preview Gamescom 2014

oo7 ::
Crown of the old Iron King že dela
Sem šel danes v Majuli do tistega spomenika in ti, da namig kje se začne DLC in igra že dela čeprav naj bi bilo zunaj šele 26 Avgusta
Malo prehitevam vrata so zaklenjena

Sem šel danes v Majuli do tistega spomenika in ti, da namig kje se začne DLC in igra že dela čeprav naj bi bilo zunaj šele 26 Avgusta

Malo prehitevam vrata so zaklenjena

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Je že igral kdo drugi DLD Crown of the old Iron King?
Eden od šefov mi je načel že vse živce
Tisti vitez, ki ima 2 meča sem ga premagal v enem 10 poiskusu. Potem sem pa šel k tistemu ptiču in sem porabil dušo za napačno orožje
čisto sem pozabil, da je ena duša za 1 orožje in uporabil dušo za tamal meč namesto, da bi za Greatsword, ki mi, da oceno S.
Tako, da sem pri tisem bonfire uporabil bonfire ascetic in resetiral šefa, da dobim še eno dušo in zdaj mi ga pa nikakor ne uspe prmegat tudi z dvema fantomoma ne po moje me je že ene 20x ubil
Eden od šefov mi je načel že vse živce

Tisti vitez, ki ima 2 meča sem ga premagal v enem 10 poiskusu. Potem sem pa šel k tistemu ptiču in sem porabil dušo za napačno orožje

Tako, da sem pri tisem bonfire uporabil bonfire ascetic in resetiral šefa, da dobim še eno dušo in zdaj mi ga pa nikakor ne uspe prmegat tudi z dvema fantomoma ne po moje me je že ene 20x ubil

oo7 ::
The third DLC chapter for Dark Souls 2 has been delayed on all formats.
Originally due September 24, Crown of the Ivory King will now arrive September 30 on Steam and Xbox Live, and October 1 on PlayStation Network.
Publisher Namco Bandai did not offer any explanation for the delay.
Originally due September 24, Crown of the Ivory King will now arrive September 30 on Steam and Xbox Live, and October 1 on PlayStation Network.
Publisher Namco Bandai did not offer any explanation for the delay.

todman74 ::
Še nisem nobenega za kaj?
V DS 1, je bil v dodatku najmočnejši boss "Manus"...po mojem mnenju sploh najbolj zanimiv v celi Dark Souls seriji.
V DS 1, je bil v dodatku najmočnejši boss "Manus"...po mojem mnenju sploh najbolj zanimiv v celi Dark Souls seriji.

oo7 ::
Še nisem nobenega za kaj?
V DS 1, je bil v dodatku najmočnejši boss "Manus"...po mojem mnenju sploh najbolj zanimiv v celi Dark Souls seriji.
Če ti je igra Dark Souls 2 všeč potem ti bodo tudi DLC-ji.
Prvi DLC je zelo težak že zaradi tega, ker je vse zastrupljeno drugi DLC je pa malo lažji ampak ima pa enega najbolj zaj... šefea, ki mi je načel vse živce

Tretji DLC sem pa probal danes in je kot v kakšni zimski pravljici

Berserker ::
Malo bi bilo smiselno vprašati starše, če so pri zdravi pameti za igro, ki je PEGI 18.
Kdo sploh to upošteva.
Glede špil, osebno bom počakal na vse DLC-je, ker bo potem dosti več kontenta za preigrat.

oo7 ::
Data provided by From Software reveals that the Fume Knight from Crown of the Old Iron King is statistically the most punishing boss in Dark Souls 2, defeating challengers almost 93 percent of the time. The Fume Knight's toughness is consistent with a general increase in boss difficulty after Dark Souls 2's main campaign. Of the five bosses most likely to defeat players on a per-encounter basis, four originate in the Lost Crowns DLC: Elana the Squalid Queen, Sir Alonne, Sinh the Slumbering Dragon, and the dreaded Fume Knight.

oo7 ::
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin - Announcement Trailer
Dark Souls 2 players on last-gen systems will receive the free 1.10 update on February 5, ahead of the upcoming release of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin, introducing a new character, a plethora of improvements and online multiplayer adjustments.
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin - the remastered version of Dark Souls 2 combined with the Three Crowns DLC - is coming April 7 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. In the meantime, current Dark Souls 2 players on last-gen systems will receive a free patch of "new story elements to prepare for The Scholar of the First Sin" and all of the improvements that developer FromSoftware "can possibly give."
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin - the remastered version of Dark Souls 2 combined with the Three Crowns DLC - is coming April 7 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. In the meantime, current Dark Souls 2 players on last-gen systems will receive a free patch of "new story elements to prepare for The Scholar of the First Sin" and all of the improvements that developer FromSoftware "can possibly give."
This includes a multitude of matchmaking and online tweaks and additions, such as the bonfire warp selection screen will highlight the top three active areas and players on their first playthrough will be able to match with other players who are on their second or further playthrough.
Invading players also won't be able to use items that invite more enemies and the effect of the Human Effigy can be cancelled out at bonfires. The addition of a new item called the Agape ring, which absorbs souls during online play, allows users to "control their online matchmaking experience by limiting their total souls collected."
Added new character, The Scholar of the First Sin.
Additional item description text.
Choosing to enter the Covenant of Champions will now allow enemies to continue to respawn after being defeated.
Choosing to enter the Covenant of Champions will now cause enemies to inflict more damage to the player.
Players will gain access to a new item: The Agape Ring. When players equip the new Agape Ring, souls collected from kills during online play will be absorbed by the ring rather than the player. This allows players to control their online matchmaking experience by limiting their total souls collected.
Increased effect of Rusted Coin.
Awestones now dropped more often.
The bonfire warp selection screen will now highlight the top three areas where players will have the best change to connect with other players online.
White phantoms will remain in other players' worlds for longer periods of time.
White phantoms will no longer return to their world if time runs out during a boss battle.
Players on their first play through can now match with players on their 2nd or further play through.
Made it easier for players to match online in general.
Made it so that invading players cannot use items which invite more enemies.
NPC conversation text is now displayed more prominently than online notices.
Players may now choose to cancel out the effect of the Human Effigy at bonfires.
When a player cannot take part in online play due to the effect of the Human Effigy, made it so that the player can still write signs. (They still cannot summon during this period.)
The Imitation spell now affects normal enemies.
The Hush spell is now more effective on normal enemies.
Load times shortened (PS3 only).
Calibrations no longer saved each time before the title screen.
Fixed issue causing map name listed on save data and actual map name after loading to not match.
Made it possible to skip the ending sequence the 2nd time through and beyond.
Removed the blur effect used when looking through the binoculars.
Rouge Water, etc.: Fixed issue causing the user not to recover spell usages for spells only able to be used once.
Made Old Iron King's Crown's effect function consistently throughout the game.
Adjusted price for Crown of the Ivory King, Ivory King Armor, Ivory King Gauntlets, Ivory King Leggings.
Fixed Issue whereby the sign in the Iron Keep was not displayed as intended once the player spoke to Lucatiel of Mirrah in Harvest Valley.
Corrected issue whereby users could not use Bonfire Ascetics at Undead Crypt Entrance Bonfire.
Adjusted timing for Licia of Lindeldt to become the player's enemy.
Adjusted conditions for lighting Majula map from "Defeat Nashandra" to "Defeat Throne Defender and Throne Watcher."
To prevent invasion after defeating area bosses, made the Human Effigy effect function in this situation automatically.
Made it possible to get the reward items after defeating area bosses even if your inventory is full at the time. (Items will drop in front of the player.)
Made it possible to get the reward items after using Crushed Eye Orb and defeating Licia of Lindeldt even if your inventory is full at the time. (Items will drop in front of the player.)
In Black Gulch, made it possible to receive Forgotten Key after defeating a Giant when the player has 99 Souls of a Giant.
In Grand Cathedral, made it possible to still receive the item you are supposed to get when talking to Alsanna, Silent Oracle even if your inventory is full.
At the Ending, if the player has fulfilled the conditions to receive Illusory Ring of a Conqueror and Illusory Ring of the Exalted but their inventory is full, made it possible to receive the rings properly. (Players will receive the rings as soon as space is opened in their inventory.)
Adjusted rewards in online play:
(Normal Online Play)
Host vanquishes invading dark phantom or arbiter spirit: Human Effigy
Host vanquishes a dark phantom summoned through red sign: Human Effigy
Host vanquishes invading grey spirit (Bell Keeper): (1 of the following) Titanite Chunk, Titanite Slab, Twinkling Titanite, Petrified Dragon Bone.
Vanquish host you invade at the covenant "Rat King" area: Added Smooth & Silky Stone in addition to Pharros' Lockstone
(Covenant "Blue Sentinels")
Vanquish dark phantom when summoned as help by a Way of Blue host: Devotion to covenant up +1.
(Covenant "Rat King")
Vanquish client summoned to Rat King area: Added Smooth & Silky Stone in addition to Pharros' Lockstone.
(Covenant "Bell Keeper")
Vanquish host when invading as grey phantom: (1 of the following) Titanite Chunk, Titanite Slab, Twinkling Titanite, Petrified Dragon Bone.
(Covenant "Pilgrims of Dark")
Host vanquishes abyss spirit in Dark Chasm of Old: added Human Effigy to Bonfire Ascetic.
(Covenant "Brotherhood of Blood") IGN Logo
When invading, vanquish Blue Sentinel summoned as help: Devotion to covenant up +2.
Dark Souls 2 players on last-gen systems will receive the free 1.10 update on February 5, ahead of the upcoming release of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin, introducing a new character, a plethora of improvements and online multiplayer adjustments.
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin - the remastered version of Dark Souls 2 combined with the Three Crowns DLC - is coming April 7 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. In the meantime, current Dark Souls 2 players on last-gen systems will receive a free patch of "new story elements to prepare for The Scholar of the First Sin" and all of the improvements that developer FromSoftware "can possibly give."
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin - the remastered version of Dark Souls 2 combined with the Three Crowns DLC - is coming April 7 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. In the meantime, current Dark Souls 2 players on last-gen systems will receive a free patch of "new story elements to prepare for The Scholar of the First Sin" and all of the improvements that developer FromSoftware "can possibly give."
This includes a multitude of matchmaking and online tweaks and additions, such as the bonfire warp selection screen will highlight the top three active areas and players on their first playthrough will be able to match with other players who are on their second or further playthrough.
Invading players also won't be able to use items that invite more enemies and the effect of the Human Effigy can be cancelled out at bonfires. The addition of a new item called the Agape ring, which absorbs souls during online play, allows users to "control their online matchmaking experience by limiting their total souls collected."
Added new character, The Scholar of the First Sin.
Additional item description text.
Choosing to enter the Covenant of Champions will now allow enemies to continue to respawn after being defeated.
Choosing to enter the Covenant of Champions will now cause enemies to inflict more damage to the player.
Players will gain access to a new item: The Agape Ring. When players equip the new Agape Ring, souls collected from kills during online play will be absorbed by the ring rather than the player. This allows players to control their online matchmaking experience by limiting their total souls collected.
Increased effect of Rusted Coin.
Awestones now dropped more often.
The bonfire warp selection screen will now highlight the top three areas where players will have the best change to connect with other players online.
White phantoms will remain in other players' worlds for longer periods of time.
White phantoms will no longer return to their world if time runs out during a boss battle.
Players on their first play through can now match with players on their 2nd or further play through.
Made it easier for players to match online in general.
Made it so that invading players cannot use items which invite more enemies.
NPC conversation text is now displayed more prominently than online notices.
Players may now choose to cancel out the effect of the Human Effigy at bonfires.
When a player cannot take part in online play due to the effect of the Human Effigy, made it so that the player can still write signs. (They still cannot summon during this period.)
The Imitation spell now affects normal enemies.
The Hush spell is now more effective on normal enemies.
Load times shortened (PS3 only).
Calibrations no longer saved each time before the title screen.
Fixed issue causing map name listed on save data and actual map name after loading to not match.
Made it possible to skip the ending sequence the 2nd time through and beyond.
Removed the blur effect used when looking through the binoculars.
Rouge Water, etc.: Fixed issue causing the user not to recover spell usages for spells only able to be used once.
Made Old Iron King's Crown's effect function consistently throughout the game.
Adjusted price for Crown of the Ivory King, Ivory King Armor, Ivory King Gauntlets, Ivory King Leggings.
Fixed Issue whereby the sign in the Iron Keep was not displayed as intended once the player spoke to Lucatiel of Mirrah in Harvest Valley.
Corrected issue whereby users could not use Bonfire Ascetics at Undead Crypt Entrance Bonfire.
Adjusted timing for Licia of Lindeldt to become the player's enemy.
Adjusted conditions for lighting Majula map from "Defeat Nashandra" to "Defeat Throne Defender and Throne Watcher."
To prevent invasion after defeating area bosses, made the Human Effigy effect function in this situation automatically.
Made it possible to get the reward items after defeating area bosses even if your inventory is full at the time. (Items will drop in front of the player.)
Made it possible to get the reward items after using Crushed Eye Orb and defeating Licia of Lindeldt even if your inventory is full at the time. (Items will drop in front of the player.)
In Black Gulch, made it possible to receive Forgotten Key after defeating a Giant when the player has 99 Souls of a Giant.
In Grand Cathedral, made it possible to still receive the item you are supposed to get when talking to Alsanna, Silent Oracle even if your inventory is full.
At the Ending, if the player has fulfilled the conditions to receive Illusory Ring of a Conqueror and Illusory Ring of the Exalted but their inventory is full, made it possible to receive the rings properly. (Players will receive the rings as soon as space is opened in their inventory.)
Adjusted rewards in online play:
(Normal Online Play)
Host vanquishes invading dark phantom or arbiter spirit: Human Effigy
Host vanquishes a dark phantom summoned through red sign: Human Effigy
Host vanquishes invading grey spirit (Bell Keeper): (1 of the following) Titanite Chunk, Titanite Slab, Twinkling Titanite, Petrified Dragon Bone.
Vanquish host you invade at the covenant "Rat King" area: Added Smooth & Silky Stone in addition to Pharros' Lockstone
(Covenant "Blue Sentinels")
Vanquish dark phantom when summoned as help by a Way of Blue host: Devotion to covenant up +1.
(Covenant "Rat King")
Vanquish client summoned to Rat King area: Added Smooth & Silky Stone in addition to Pharros' Lockstone.
(Covenant "Bell Keeper")
Vanquish host when invading as grey phantom: (1 of the following) Titanite Chunk, Titanite Slab, Twinkling Titanite, Petrified Dragon Bone.
(Covenant "Pilgrims of Dark")
Host vanquishes abyss spirit in Dark Chasm of Old: added Human Effigy to Bonfire Ascetic.
(Covenant "Brotherhood of Blood") IGN Logo
When invading, vanquish Blue Sentinel summoned as help: Devotion to covenant up +2.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Matjaž1 ::
Mogoče kdo ve odgovor na tole vprašanje: ali imajo DLCji tudi težavnostne stopnje (NG, NG+, ++ ...). Kaj se zgodi, če v DLC vstopiš iz NG+? Bo tudi DLC na NG+?
Mogoče kdo ve odgovor na tole vprašanje: ali imajo DLCji tudi težavnostne stopnje (NG, NG+, ++ ...). Kaj se zgodi, če v DLC vstopiš iz NG+? Bo tudi DLC na NG+?

oo7 ::
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin - A New Darkness
Če že imate igro na Steamu jo lahko nadgradite za 14,99 eur ampak save game z starejše verzije žal ne ostane.
This is the enhanced 64-bit version, with updated graphics and added features.
Online play, saves and achievements between these two versions are incompatible. Purchasing one version will not get you access to the other version. System requirements also differ. Please compare the individual game pages for more details.
About This Game
Gamers are in for a big surprise in DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin. An unforgettable journey awaits you in a breathtaking world where each dark corner and unexpected encounter will test your resolve. Go beyond what you thought was possible and discover incredible challenge and intense emotional reward. Whether you've previously played DARK SOULS™ II, or are new to the award-winning franchise, you are in for an entirely different experience with this exclusive, "Director's Cut" version of the game.
- The definitive edition of DARK SOULS™ II. DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin includes all the DARK SOULS™ II content released to-date in one package and much more!
- A brand new experience and challenge. Enemy placement has been overhauled, resulting in a completely different play dynamic than experienced before. The safe zones that some players remembered are no longer safe! A new NPC invader called Forlorn will also play a key role in changing the gameplay experience. Hardened players will have to forget everything they thought they knew about DARK SOULS™ II.
- Online play has been enhanced with the addition of a special item to regulate souls acquired in battle - it's now possible to match up more consistently online. The number of players who can participate in an online session has also been increased, from 4 to 6 people, completely changing the online play dynamic.
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin brings the franchise's renowned obscurity & gripping gameplay to a new level. Join the dark journey and experience overwhelming enemy encounters, diabolical hazards, and unrelenting challenge.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit
Processor: AMD(R) A8 3870 3,6 Ghz or Intel(R) Core ™ i3 2100 3.1Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA(R) GeForce GTX 465 / ATI Radeon TM HD 6870
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 23 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 11 sound device
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit
Processor: AMD(R) FX 8150 3.6 GHz or Intel(R) Core™ i7 2600 3.4 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 750, ATI Radeon™ HD 7850
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 23 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 11 sound device
Če že imate igro na Steamu jo lahko nadgradite za 14,99 eur ampak save game z starejše verzije žal ne ostane.
This is the enhanced 64-bit version, with updated graphics and added features.
Online play, saves and achievements between these two versions are incompatible. Purchasing one version will not get you access to the other version. System requirements also differ. Please compare the individual game pages for more details.
About This Game
Gamers are in for a big surprise in DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin. An unforgettable journey awaits you in a breathtaking world where each dark corner and unexpected encounter will test your resolve. Go beyond what you thought was possible and discover incredible challenge and intense emotional reward. Whether you've previously played DARK SOULS™ II, or are new to the award-winning franchise, you are in for an entirely different experience with this exclusive, "Director's Cut" version of the game.
- The definitive edition of DARK SOULS™ II. DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin includes all the DARK SOULS™ II content released to-date in one package and much more!
- A brand new experience and challenge. Enemy placement has been overhauled, resulting in a completely different play dynamic than experienced before. The safe zones that some players remembered are no longer safe! A new NPC invader called Forlorn will also play a key role in changing the gameplay experience. Hardened players will have to forget everything they thought they knew about DARK SOULS™ II.
- Online play has been enhanced with the addition of a special item to regulate souls acquired in battle - it's now possible to match up more consistently online. The number of players who can participate in an online session has also been increased, from 4 to 6 people, completely changing the online play dynamic.
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin brings the franchise's renowned obscurity & gripping gameplay to a new level. Join the dark journey and experience overwhelming enemy encounters, diabolical hazards, and unrelenting challenge.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit
Processor: AMD(R) A8 3870 3,6 Ghz or Intel(R) Core ™ i3 2100 3.1Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA(R) GeForce GTX 465 / ATI Radeon TM HD 6870
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 23 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 11 sound device
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit
Processor: AMD(R) FX 8150 3.6 GHz or Intel(R) Core™ i7 2600 3.4 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 750, ATI Radeon™ HD 7850
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 23 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 11 sound device

yoco ::
Začel sem igrat Scholar of the first Sin, in me zanima, kako veš kdaj si končal z okolico v kateri trenutno si. Sem začel z Forrest of the Fallen Giants. Ustavilo se mi je ko sem prišel do enih črnih vrat, ko pa se jim približaš ti pa izpiše da naj bi en kip kralja predstavil oz. nekaj takega. A to pomeni, da se potem enkrat vrnem?

oo7 ::
Začel sem igrat Scholar of the first Sin, in me zanima, kako veš kdaj si končal z okolico v kateri trenutno si. Sem začel z Forrest of the Fallen Giants. Ustavilo se mi je ko sem prišel do enih črnih vrat, ko pa se jim približaš ti pa izpiše da naj bi en kip kralja predstavil oz. nekaj takega. A to pomeni, da se potem enkrat vrnem?
Tista vrata če se prav spomnem boš odprl šele proti koncu, kop boš dobil mislim, da kraljevi prstan drugače pa ni problema, ker se vedno lahko vrneš kamorkoli hočeš samo prižgati moraš bonefire.
Kdaj boš končal z okolico je pa odvisno od tebe koliko se ti bo dalo raziskovati. Vsakič, ko počivaš ob bonfire se sovražniki v tisti okolici resetirajo. Če jih pobiješ 12x se potem nič več ne resetirajo. Jaz sem skoraj pri vsaki stopnji 12x vse pobil in tako nafarmal ogromno duš.
Lahko pa tudi pri bonfire uporabiš Bonfire Ascetic, ki ti, da novih 12 resetov ampak vsakič ko zakuriš so sovražniki močnejši in tudi puščajo veliko več duš.
Kakšna je pa kaj grafika pri Scholar of the first Sin?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

yoco ::
Hvala za odgovor! 
Meni je igra za sedaj zelo všeč, probal sem tudi prvi del ampak me nekak ni pritegnil, zmeraj sem samo prsu do polovice potem sem pa odnehal!
Včasih ko ubiješ močnega nasptronika dobiš dušo na kateri piše da ti lahko da "zelo veliko duš ali pa..." Je to bolje uporabit za duše al je item za kaj drugega?

Meni je igra za sedaj zelo všeč, probal sem tudi prvi del ampak me nekak ni pritegnil, zmeraj sem samo prsu do polovice potem sem pa odnehal!
Včasih ko ubiješ močnega nasptronika dobiš dušo na kateri piše da ti lahko da "zelo veliko duš ali pa..." Je to bolje uporabit za duše al je item za kaj drugega?

oo7 ::
Včasih ko ubiješ močnega nasptronika dobiš dušo na kateri piše da ti lahko da "zelo veliko duš ali pa..." Je to bolje uporabit za duše al je item za kaj drugega?
To so šefovske duše, ki jo lahko zamenjaš za različna orožja, uroke ali ščite, ki ga je uporabljal ta šef, ki si ga porazil.
Ampak, če hočeš to orožje moraš iti, do določene osebe, ki ti lahko zagotovi to orožje tukaj si lahko prebereš kako poteka in katera so orožja za določeno dušo :

yoco ::
Neki ne razumem. kako uoprabiš spelle? Sm šu do bonfirerja in sm odpru un atune, izbral spell. Spell se mi pokaže vednar ne vem kako naj ga uporabim! Imam dovolj velik lvl.

oo7 ::

yoco ::
Jz tudi tako igram, ampak sem na YT videeih videl, da znajo prav pridt pri kakšnem range fajtu.

oo7 ::
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Dark Souls 3 (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 7 8 9 10 )Oddelek: Igre | 99661 (838) | oo7 |
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» | Dark Souls PC (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 16030 (8012) | scipascapa |
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