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Dark Souls II

todman74 ::
Neki ne razumem. kako uoprabiš spelle? Sm šu do bonfirerja in sm odpru un atune, izbral spell. Spell se mi pokaže vednar ne vem kako naj ga uporabim! Imam dovolj velik lvl.
Če nimaš "čarobne palčke" aka katalizator, ne bo nič. Saj imaš lepo napisano, eni so za "miracle", eni pa za spelle.Pa pyromancy ma tud svojega...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: todman74 ()

Matjaž1 ::
Dobil Scholarja PS3 in sem precej razp****/razočaran. Lahko bi rekel, da morda celo po lastni krivdi ker se mi ne da viset na tisočerih spltenih straneh, ki igro napovedujejo. Vse, kar sem prebral, je bilo tole: Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin - the remastered version of Dark Souls 2 combined with the Three Crowns DLC - is coming April 7 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.
Že res, le da v splošnem opisu nikjer ne piše, da na PS3 dobimo zgolj DS2 in vse tri DLC-je. Okej, pa Scholarja na koncu. Kje je "new enemy placement", kje so novi fantomi, kje je višja težavnost? WTF!!! Zaradi tega sem igro naročil!
Že res, le da v splošnem opisu nikjer ne piše, da na PS3 dobimo zgolj DS2 in vse tri DLC-je. Okej, pa Scholarja na koncu. Kje je "new enemy placement", kje so novi fantomi, kje je višja težavnost? WTF!!! Zaradi tega sem igro naročil!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matjaž1 ()

scipascapa ::
daj ne jokaj, ps3 je zgodovina. imaš internet, vse bi lahko po forumih 100x vnaprej vprašal.

Matjaž1 ::
Scipascapa, zakaj bi? In kaj naj bi vprašal? Če se morda za istim imenom špila skrivata dve različni vsebini? Pametno, res.

Ales320 ::
Iz uradne strani:
What is the difference between Dark Souls II, along with all of the Lost Crowns DLC and Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin?
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin is a "Director's Cut" of all Dark Souls II content that includes additional features. Content from all DLC packs is included along with the original game. The DirectX11, Xbox One, and PS4 versions of the game will also include:
New enemy placement, map shortcuts, and gameplay design.
Graphics, sound, and performance upgrade.
New weapons and armor for players to experiment with.
New NPC invading player's world.
Max online players up from 4 to 6.
It is a fresh new experience that even grizzled veterans will find surprising and challenging!
What is the difference between Dark Souls II, along with all of the Lost Crowns DLC and Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin?
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin is a "Director's Cut" of all Dark Souls II content that includes additional features. Content from all DLC packs is included along with the original game. The DirectX11, Xbox One, and PS4 versions of the game will also include:
New enemy placement, map shortcuts, and gameplay design.
Graphics, sound, and performance upgrade.
New weapons and armor for players to experiment with.
New NPC invading player's world.
Max online players up from 4 to 6.
It is a fresh new experience that even grizzled veterans will find surprising and challenging!

oo7 ::
Hej. Mogoče kdo ve, kateri oklep uporablja?
Zgornji del oklepa je podoben Lucatiel's Set.
Lucatiel vest
Tukaj imaš vse oklepe:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Aphanisis ::
Ali je kdo koncač DS2 scholar (main in DLCje) brez da bi 1x vprašal Google, kako kaj narediti?
Recimo v Scholar ti ključe za vrata v DLC ne spawna v inventory, zato najbrž rabiš 150 ur igranja samo za to, da ga sam dobiš ...
Recimo v Scholar ti ključe za vrata v DLC ne spawna v inventory, zato najbrž rabiš 150 ur igranja samo za to, da ga sam dobiš ...

oo7 ::
Jaz sem končal original Dark Souls 2 z vsemi tremi dodati rabil sem nekaj več kot 200 ur in sem večkrat pogledal na google in youtube

oo7 ::
Dark Souls 2 community plans to flood the servers with new and returning players
From February 25 to March 11, Dark Souls 2 will spring back to life. That's the plan, at least.
From February 25 to March 11, Dark Souls 2 will spring back to life. That's the plan, at least.

oo7 ::

acookook ::
zaenkrat samo SotFS verzija
Drugače boljši špil DS3 in DS1
....and that online features for the base version of the game (on DirectX 9) will return "at a later date.
Drugače boljši špil DS3 in DS1

oo7 ::
Dark Souls 2 gets a 24GB AI-upscaled HD Texture Pack/Mod -
Vredno ogleda ...
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