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Luxuris & Forex
Temo vidijo: vsi
qaqo ::
Midva nimava pojma, ti si pa bogataš, ne?
Najbolj smešni so pa tisti, ki razlagajo, kako je mogoče služiti na forexu, ko jih vprašaš, koliko so zaslužili in koliko časa porabili, se pa izkaže, da je urna postavka slabša kot na študentskem servisu.
Si pa res smešen. Kakorkoli že, teh stvari načeloma ne boš našel na spletu. Najboljši hedge fundi večinoma nimajo niti URL naslova.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: qaqo ()
qaqo ::
Prisotnost promocijskega youtube videa neglede na vsebino - jasno da gre za Chumpatron za striženje ovc. FX nič kriv.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: qaqo ()
Tilen ::
Na Financah so pisali, da je pri Luxuris zgodbi zraven še ena Mojca, ki bi lahko imela tudi v tej temi veliko za povedati. Slučaj ali ne, presodite sami.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tilen ()
mojca ::
Ja, je. Mojca Cvetko, ampak tista ni pisala na forum, razen če je uporabljala drug sinonim. (Si me že prestrašil, da so na Financah širili lažne govorice, da so forumaši imeli kaj zraven prevare.)
Coincidence or not ... dejansko je Luxuris na našem faksu iskal študente (Obvezna potrebna znanja: PHP, MYSQL, AJAX, JQUERY, JAVA SCRIPT in HTML/CSS; znanje angleškega jezika). Tako da ne bi bilo povsem nemogoče, da bi se znašla na kakšnem njihovem razgovoru ;)
Coincidence or not ... dejansko je Luxuris na našem faksu iskal študente (Obvezna potrebna znanja: PHP, MYSQL, AJAX, JQUERY, JAVA SCRIPT in HTML/CSS; znanje angleškega jezika). Tako da ne bi bilo povsem nemogoče, da bi se znašla na kakšnem njihovem razgovoru ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: mojca ()
fxman11 ::
Ker nam naši moderatorji ne verjamejo o vpletenosti Luxuris družbe z NOVO NASTALO družbo, ki že posluje pod novim imenom 4-SG ( sem pač našel povezavo med njima :-)
Večinski lastnik 4-SG d.o.o. je gospod Goraz Mušič
Tukaj pa se omenja kot sponzorja RK Velika Nedelja v imenu Luxuris :-))
Večinski lastnik 4-SG d.o.o. je gospod Goraz Mušič
Tukaj pa se omenja kot sponzorja RK Velika Nedelja v imenu Luxuris :-))
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: Gandalfar ()
čombe ::
haja, tale 4-sg je bil ustanovljen 28.1.2014 (samo 7.500 eur os. kapitala), na njihovi spletni strani pa lahko zasledimo, da trgujejo že več kot 3 leta...... ??????????
Mesečna poročila, ki so objavljena na njihovi spletni strani pišejo amaterji.
Jah, ni kej: pohlep, prevara, egotrip itd.......
upam, da bodoči investitorji berejo tale forum.........
imejte se lepo
Mesečna poročila, ki so objavljena na njihovi spletni strani pišejo amaterji.
Jah, ni kej: pohlep, prevara, egotrip itd.......
upam, da bodoči investitorji berejo tale forum.........
imejte se lepo
mojca ::
Vsaj to jim morate priznati, da:
- zdaj izplačujejo Equity (beri: če imajo enako sposobne trgovalce kot Luxuris, bodo stranke po pol leta takoalitako pristale na 20% začetnega vložka, ampak vsaj uradno ostalim vlagateljem ne bo potrebno kriti razlike za izstop tazgodnjim)
- ničesar ne garantirajo, torej ne bodo imeli takih težav kot Luxuris, ki se je zavezal k vračilu 70%; ko bodo vse popušili (ni važno, ali s krajo ali z nesposobnim trgovanjem), vlagateljem ne bo potrebno niti na policijo ali sodišče, saj ni nikjer klavzule, da bi morali vlagatelji sredstva ali del njih sploh še kdaj videti
- nižje vstopne provizije, nič trgovalne provizije (razen za "High Risk" opcijo)
Seveda pa so poskrbeli za:
- nižji minimalni vložek, da bodo lahko skubili tudi manjše ribe (velikih je počasi zmanjkalo?)
- še vedno pri proviziji obračunavajo high watermark princip
- sredstva niso vezana, da jim ne bodo očitali Ponzija
- v treh letih lahko pričakujete 1200% profita (oziroma 2790% "od začetka", karkoli že to pomeni)
Spodnji citat je iz poročila, poslanega konec marca 2014:
To, da ne znajo izpisati decimalk (kar me hudo spominja na težave pri Luxurisu, kjer tudi niso znali pravilno sprogramirati makrov v Excelu - niso znali prikazati trgovanj čez vikend ali poslati izpiskov za nazaj) in to, da so šele od aprila letos sposobni strankam prikazati, koliko dejansko imajo na računu ... naj si interpretira vsak po svoje.
- zdaj izplačujejo Equity (beri: če imajo enako sposobne trgovalce kot Luxuris, bodo stranke po pol leta takoalitako pristale na 20% začetnega vložka, ampak vsaj uradno ostalim vlagateljem ne bo potrebno kriti razlike za izstop tazgodnjim)
- ničesar ne garantirajo, torej ne bodo imeli takih težav kot Luxuris, ki se je zavezal k vračilu 70%; ko bodo vse popušili (ni važno, ali s krajo ali z nesposobnim trgovanjem), vlagateljem ne bo potrebno niti na policijo ali sodišče, saj ni nikjer klavzule, da bi morali vlagatelji sredstva ali del njih sploh še kdaj videti
- nižje vstopne provizije, nič trgovalne provizije (razen za "High Risk" opcijo)
Seveda pa so poskrbeli za:
- nižji minimalni vložek, da bodo lahko skubili tudi manjše ribe (velikih je počasi zmanjkalo?)
- še vedno pri proviziji obračunavajo high watermark princip
- sredstva niso vezana, da jim ne bodo očitali Ponzija
- v treh letih lahko pričakujete 1200% profita (oziroma 2790% "od začetka", karkoli že to pomeni)
Spodnji citat je iz poročila, poslanega konec marca 2014:
Dodatno pojasnilo glede spremljanja dnevnih poročil (Daily Report) in prikaza realnega stanja Equity (v BackOffice)
Za račune pod 10.000 EUR ta poročila ne odražajo dejanskega stanja. V poročilih se namreč vse zaokrožuje na 2 decimalki, dejansko pa se na računih kupuje in nakupe obračunava na 6 decimalk natančno. Žal za to težavo trenutno še nimamo rešitve. Pravilno stanje lahko preverite preko vašega internetnega profila (Back Office) na spletni strani FinFX.
Na novo je urejeno tudi, da stanje Equity kaže realno vrednost (v BackOffice). To je vrednost, ki bi bila izplačana v primeru celotne prekinitve trgovanja.
To, da ne znajo izpisati decimalk (kar me hudo spominja na težave pri Luxurisu, kjer tudi niso znali pravilno sprogramirati makrov v Excelu - niso znali prikazati trgovanj čez vikend ali poslati izpiskov za nazaj) in to, da so šele od aprila letos sposobni strankam prikazati, koliko dejansko imajo na računu ... naj si interpretira vsak po svoje.
webmaher ::
kdor misli obogateti čez noč naj igra loto... kdor pa se misli iti forex naj pa to počne sam najprej z mikro loti ... vsak je lahko med unimi 5% procenti srečnežev, ki delajo profit iz meseca v mesec... 20% letno z DrawDownom pod 1% se da, sam požrešen ne smeš biti preveč
Detektiv1234 ::
evo jih na novo, nova firma od 2013, direktor poznani akter iz Šenčurja.....tko kot je en povedal na drugem forumu: "kmnalu bo ponudnikov toliko, da boš enega skoraj moral izbrati"......looooooooool
evo jih na novo, nova firma od 2013, direktor poznani akter iz Šenčurja.....tko kot je en povedal na drugem forumu: "kmnalu bo ponudnikov toliko, da boš enega skoraj moral izbrati"......looooooooool
Okapi ::
Zadeva je po svoje precej logična. Mnogi še vedno uspejo nekaj prišparati, marsikdo dobi kaj podedovano ... Na drugi strani so obresti na bančne depozite nikakve, nepremičnin (vanje se je včasih pretakala večina takšnih "viškov" denarja) pa si ljudje ne upajo kupovati, ker jih že pet let strašijo s strašnim padcem. In potem se zastavlja vprašanje, kaj narediti z denarjem. Skratka, čas je zelo primeren za prodajo takšnih finančnih "produktov".
mojca ::
Pa še policija nima pooblastil, da bi kogarkoli preganjala ali vsaj preverila, če zakonito trgujejo, dokler denar uradno ne izpuhti.
mojca ::
Hvala. Zavod za zaposlovanje vsaj v grobem preveri kredibilnost podjetja, preden pozove stranke (oz. iskalce opozori, če podjetje doslej ni bilo reden plačnik). MojeDelo pa niti nima interesa, da bi umikali plačane sporne oglase. Še Bolha je bolj vestna pri brisanju spornih oglasov in uporabnikov brez naslova.
(Stavim, da ima Luxuris tudi kakšen oglas na študentskih servisih, kjer sicer ni objavljenih imen podjetij. Primerni oglasi se najdejo, čeprav ni rečeno, da ne gre za kakšno drugo mrežnomarketniško ponudbo s plačilom po dogovoru, beri: učinku.)
(Stavim, da ima Luxuris tudi kakšen oglas na študentskih servisih, kjer sicer ni objavljenih imen podjetij. Primerni oglasi se najdejo, čeprav ni rečeno, da ne gre za kakšno drugo mrežnomarketniško ponudbo s plačilom po dogovoru, beri: učinku.)
Detektiv1234 ::
Še en izsledek iz N. že od leta 2009/2012 vedo da gre za "scam"...članek je res dolg, zato priporočam funcijo iskanja besed na strani (CTRL + F) in potem vnos npr. WWF ali Worldwide Forstock,..krovna firma Luxurisa in Thorexa iz N. Zelandije
New Zealand Reserve Bank Gesticulates at Pseudobanks Run by Offshore Directors (and Registered by Offshore Company Agents)
Posted on June 27, 2012 by Richard Smith
In October 2009, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand can dimly sense that something is amiss, and makes this announcement:
The Reserve Bank advises that caution should be exercised by anyone considering doing any form of business with entities that promote themselves as "New Zealand offshore finance companies", or use similar descriptions, and that offer financial services either on-line or from locations outside of New Zealand.
No such category of entity is recognised under New Zealand law. The entities involved are usually just registered in New Zealand as companies or limited partnerships, and they have no special status. These entities are not licensed or supervised as financial service providers by any New Zealand authority. They are required to register a New Zealand address, but this is usually that of a compliance agent, with the entities having no real physical presence in New Zealand. These entities are often directed or owned by persons who are not resident in New Zealand. Details about the directors and ownership of these entities can be obtained by searching the on-line database of the New Zealand Companies Office.
That warning obviously wasn't enough. The Reserve Bank feels obliged to go over it all again, on 29 Mar 2011, spelling things out at more length. Just one sentence gives the game away:
Entities incorporated in New Zealand may provide financial services outside New Zealand without any form of licensing.
Oh, don't tell the scammers and moneylaunders that, Reserve Bank of New Zealand. All they will do is start up a whole bunch of pseudobanks in New Zealand, with overseas directors, and rip off dopey foreigners over the internet, and launder money.
Relax, folks. The Reserve Bank wasn't inadvertently giving the crooks a whole new angle to work with by making that disclosure; the crooks were at it already...
The Reserve Bank noticed that too, after another three months:
The use of certain words (called 'restricted words') by entities incorporated in New Zealand is restricted by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989 ('the Act'). The word 'bancorp' is a restricted word for the purposes of the Act. Restricted words may not be used as registered names, or names under which any activity is carried on.
It has come to our attention that the entities listed below appear to be carrying on business using the word 'Bancorp' inappropriately in their trading names. This is contrary to the provisions of the Act.
None of these entities are licensed or prudentially supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand or any other New Zealand authority.
The bank gives a list of a dozen companies and their web sites. Given the pace of the Reserve Bank's thinking, one has to guess that there really are more than a dozen companies. To get an idea, one might look for all NZ companies have now, or have ever had, "Bancorp" in their name. Here is the complete list, 136 companies, of which 67 companies have not yet been struck off. Some are real banks: for instance the Bancorp companies at 191 Queen Street are these guys.
But even after filtering out the real-looking banks, there remains a dauntingly large balance of multifarious, blogger-defeating dubiousness. One is obliged to tackle the low-hanging fruit, and leave another 80-or-so ex-Bancorps for another time.
The low-hanging fruit is the work of Auckland Compliance Limited, subject of a forthcoming post, who have registered at least 39 companies that once had "Bancorp" in their names, 19 of which have been struck off.
Five of those struck-off companies have traceable web info. They all look like scams. None rated a public warning from the Reserve Bank, but one knows the Bank is active behind the scenes, so perhaps they spotted these ones too, and just quietly had them clobbered.
Current name
Struck off the New Zealand register on 8th June 2011: but the web site still appears to be active, and has links to another site which looks like an advance fee scam; see for instance the verbiage here
Judging by the Wayback Machine, this was a short lived scam.
2267685 LIMITED
Hotfroggives a Turks and Caicos phone number: +649 353 1551The Wayback Machine redirects from to, which is 'suspended'
No web site, but the "acting president"'s LinkedIn page is here and states, re Asia Pacific Savings And Loan Limited: "Our company is a New Zealand registered company authorized as a quasi banking operations, accepts cash deposits and bank instruments as collateral to secure project funding and will provide brokered CD for balance sheet enhancement. Please see our websites for the complete details of our operations." The LinkedIn page also claims that this fellow was Vice President, Finance at First Pacific Bancorp Limited between March 2000 and March 2009. First Pacific Bancorp Limited was registered in 2007.
2320293 LIMITED The site has gone: many indications that it was a scam.
Of the 19 still registered in New Zealand, a few appear to be dormant. Six have traceable web sites, and either look like scams, or are already attracting attention from regulators somewhere in the world; these have gone unnoticed by the Reserve Bank:
Current name
Its site looks like an advance fee scam, in fractured English
The site is slick but there's an alert by the Panama regulator
Its online disclaimers are nonsense and it has a dissatisfied Spanish-speaking customerwith some leads: ANALIX tiene la misma dirección que CYGNUS ONE,
Ambos trabajan con Atlantic Saving & Trust ( antes ATLANTIC TRUST & BANCORP LIMITED), ven como cambian de nombre como si cambiaran de idea es ROBAR!
2076102 LIMITED
Its web site makes it look like another advance fee scam
2121682 LIMITED
Its web site has far too much fractured English not to be a scam.
Its web site still has traces of its old NZRB-offending pitch and meantime it is the subject of official warnings in Austria, Belgium, Denmark (creaky web site) and Sweden
Apart from one company that the RBNZ half-spots, of which more later, we are now down to just three companies, out of the 39 registered, that aren't dormant, defunct, scams, or already subject to some regulatory warning: AMENA Capital Limited, MERCXYZ ONE Limited and WPBC Limited
Amena Capital's web site gives the initial impression of being a little more professional than some of the other junk I've showed you today. However its take on its own regulatory situation is just as wrong as that of other institutions snarled at by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand:
AMENA Capital Limited is incorporated in New Zealand and is a registered financial institution authorized to conduct the business of banking and financial services. The head office of AMENA Capital Ltd is in Hong Kong. AMENA Capital Limited is a subsidiary of AMENA Group Ltd.
Financial institutions registered in New Zealand have FSP numbers. Amena Capital doesn't say what theirs is, and when you query the FSP register for their name, you come up empty handed.
I also can't help noticing that despite its sprawl of web sites, Amena hasn't left any traces in the online financial media. That's despite claiming to be a REIT sponsor, and despite purported activity in the IPO market. That is exceedingly fishy, and it could mean that Amena is just another advance fee scam. I trust the Reserve Bank will soon be on the case.
That brings us to our last two entities, MERCXYZ ONE Limited and WPBC Limited. I must say that if they are legit, they made a very rum choice of business structure and service provider. Via a circuitous route, which I hope I have traced correctly, WPBC Limited turns out to be this rather swish Australian outfit.
So if I'm right about that, both these companies are opaque offshore online providers of prepaid payment cards. Which just shouts "money laundering", and not just to me: here are a recent warning and a much earlier one.
That's 12 very likely frauds, plus other dubious entities, out of 39 companies, in this sample of former Bancorps registered by Auckland Compliance. Impressive, but not in a good way.
Let's tackle the one bank in this group that Reserve Bank does spot, Metropolitan Financial Holdings. The Bank warns
This company is not licensed or prudentially supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand or any other New Zealand authority. It is not registered as an "Offshore Financial Corporation" as claimed on its website - no such type of entity is recognised under New Zealand law. The company does not have any physical presence in New Zealand.
Refer to the caution on this website page about "New Zealand offshore finance companies".
But this announcement now features on the Reserve Bank's list of expired notices. Was this revised (and slightly grumpy, and still misleading) blurb on the Metropolitan Financial web site...
In order to meet the compliance measures of the new laws of New Zealand, Metropolitan Bancorp LTD name has been legally changed to Metropolitan Financial Holdings LTD. Metropolitan Financial Holdings is offering financial services as a finance company (a regular registered company) not as a registered bank. Metropolitan Financial Holdings is not a registered bank, nor it is supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand for any purpose.
...enough to placate the Reserve Bank?
It's an intriguing judgement by the bank. Here you have an offshore bank, with no physical presence in its country of registration, with an opaque company registration to boot, performed via an overseas agent whose track record suggests that it is nearly as good at registering frauds as it is at registering genuine companies...but as long as a bank with this pedigree doesn't currently have a name that includes one of the Reserve Bank's magic words, there's nothing wrong with it.
I am puzzled. Section 4, the relevant piece of the Reserve Bank Act is pretty clear: the restricted words are "bank, banker, and banking". Yet Metropolitan Financial Holdings has the Reserve Bank rearing up when they use the word "Bancorp", and subsiding again, when they drop it. And here we have a spokeswoman for the bank announcing that it is prepared to interpret its mandate even more elastically:
"We take action against entities that appear to be breaching the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act. The possible offenses under the RBNZ Act in respect of these entities are limited to (a) carrying on an activity using a name that includes the word 'bank' and its derivatives, (b) implying they are a New Zealand registered bank, and (c) using 'bank' words in advertising without a statement that they are not a registered bank."
"We have successfully achieved the removal from the company register (with the cooperation of the Companies Office) of a significant number of entities that were using illegal names, and the removal of a significant number of websites that breached the RBNZ Act," said the spokeswoman.
Well, although removing companies that use illegal names sounds like the right measure, at least until the crooks work out better ways to hide their traces, I can't actually find anything in Section 4 that gives the RBNZ the power to do that. And a bit of latitude is certainly needed: the crooks will dodge. I don't see that latitude in the current Act, but I suppose I'll just take the spokeswoman's word for it, for the moment.
The RBNZ isn't exercising this power very consistently, either: witness not just Metropolitan Financial, but Worldwide Forstock.
Worldwide Forstock had a similar strategy for handling the Reserve Bank: change the company name, and add some verbiage to the web site about not being regulated by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. When they changed their name, they hung on to the old URL; it simply redirects to the Worldwide Forstock site. That saves explaining the name change to their clients, I suppose.
The RBNZ has stayed off Worldwide Forstock's case.
Meanwhile, the Slovenian authorities are warning about Worldwide Forstock; plenty of folk have got the memo, for instance Austria, Belgium, Denmark (creaky web site) and Sweden. Just...not the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, so far.
I suppose the Slovenians didn't look that far afield for the source of the trouble. Nor would the Reserve Bank of New Zealand necessarily be broadcasting to the world that, if a foreign regulator wants to track down a dodgy financial company, New Zealand's a great place to try.
The point is: it's the contrast between what these fake entitities say they are doing, and what they are really doing, that should be a trigger for action, and what they call themselves can sometimes be a big fat clue.
So what's in a name? Soon we will provide more demonstrations that, some of the time, names matter more than Juliet thinks. One of the names that matters is Auckland Compliance
New Zealand Reserve Bank Gesticulates at Pseudobanks Run by Offshore Directors (and Registered by Offshore Company Agents)
Posted on June 27, 2012 by Richard Smith
In October 2009, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand can dimly sense that something is amiss, and makes this announcement:
The Reserve Bank advises that caution should be exercised by anyone considering doing any form of business with entities that promote themselves as "New Zealand offshore finance companies", or use similar descriptions, and that offer financial services either on-line or from locations outside of New Zealand.
No such category of entity is recognised under New Zealand law. The entities involved are usually just registered in New Zealand as companies or limited partnerships, and they have no special status. These entities are not licensed or supervised as financial service providers by any New Zealand authority. They are required to register a New Zealand address, but this is usually that of a compliance agent, with the entities having no real physical presence in New Zealand. These entities are often directed or owned by persons who are not resident in New Zealand. Details about the directors and ownership of these entities can be obtained by searching the on-line database of the New Zealand Companies Office.
That warning obviously wasn't enough. The Reserve Bank feels obliged to go over it all again, on 29 Mar 2011, spelling things out at more length. Just one sentence gives the game away:
Entities incorporated in New Zealand may provide financial services outside New Zealand without any form of licensing.
Oh, don't tell the scammers and moneylaunders that, Reserve Bank of New Zealand. All they will do is start up a whole bunch of pseudobanks in New Zealand, with overseas directors, and rip off dopey foreigners over the internet, and launder money.
Relax, folks. The Reserve Bank wasn't inadvertently giving the crooks a whole new angle to work with by making that disclosure; the crooks were at it already...
The Reserve Bank noticed that too, after another three months:
The use of certain words (called 'restricted words') by entities incorporated in New Zealand is restricted by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989 ('the Act'). The word 'bancorp' is a restricted word for the purposes of the Act. Restricted words may not be used as registered names, or names under which any activity is carried on.
It has come to our attention that the entities listed below appear to be carrying on business using the word 'Bancorp' inappropriately in their trading names. This is contrary to the provisions of the Act.
None of these entities are licensed or prudentially supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand or any other New Zealand authority.
The bank gives a list of a dozen companies and their web sites. Given the pace of the Reserve Bank's thinking, one has to guess that there really are more than a dozen companies. To get an idea, one might look for all NZ companies have now, or have ever had, "Bancorp" in their name. Here is the complete list, 136 companies, of which 67 companies have not yet been struck off. Some are real banks: for instance the Bancorp companies at 191 Queen Street are these guys.
But even after filtering out the real-looking banks, there remains a dauntingly large balance of multifarious, blogger-defeating dubiousness. One is obliged to tackle the low-hanging fruit, and leave another 80-or-so ex-Bancorps for another time.
The low-hanging fruit is the work of Auckland Compliance Limited, subject of a forthcoming post, who have registered at least 39 companies that once had "Bancorp" in their names, 19 of which have been struck off.
Five of those struck-off companies have traceable web info. They all look like scams. None rated a public warning from the Reserve Bank, but one knows the Bank is active behind the scenes, so perhaps they spotted these ones too, and just quietly had them clobbered.
Current name
Struck off the New Zealand register on 8th June 2011: but the web site still appears to be active, and has links to another site which looks like an advance fee scam; see for instance the verbiage here
Judging by the Wayback Machine, this was a short lived scam.
2267685 LIMITED
Hotfroggives a Turks and Caicos phone number: +649 353 1551The Wayback Machine redirects from to, which is 'suspended'
No web site, but the "acting president"'s LinkedIn page is here and states, re Asia Pacific Savings And Loan Limited: "Our company is a New Zealand registered company authorized as a quasi banking operations, accepts cash deposits and bank instruments as collateral to secure project funding and will provide brokered CD for balance sheet enhancement. Please see our websites for the complete details of our operations." The LinkedIn page also claims that this fellow was Vice President, Finance at First Pacific Bancorp Limited between March 2000 and March 2009. First Pacific Bancorp Limited was registered in 2007.
2320293 LIMITED The site has gone: many indications that it was a scam.
Of the 19 still registered in New Zealand, a few appear to be dormant. Six have traceable web sites, and either look like scams, or are already attracting attention from regulators somewhere in the world; these have gone unnoticed by the Reserve Bank:
Current name
Its site looks like an advance fee scam, in fractured English
The site is slick but there's an alert by the Panama regulator
Its online disclaimers are nonsense and it has a dissatisfied Spanish-speaking customerwith some leads: ANALIX tiene la misma dirección que CYGNUS ONE,
Ambos trabajan con Atlantic Saving & Trust ( antes ATLANTIC TRUST & BANCORP LIMITED), ven como cambian de nombre como si cambiaran de idea es ROBAR!
2076102 LIMITED
Its web site makes it look like another advance fee scam
2121682 LIMITED
Its web site has far too much fractured English not to be a scam.
Its web site still has traces of its old NZRB-offending pitch and meantime it is the subject of official warnings in Austria, Belgium, Denmark (creaky web site) and Sweden
Apart from one company that the RBNZ half-spots, of which more later, we are now down to just three companies, out of the 39 registered, that aren't dormant, defunct, scams, or already subject to some regulatory warning: AMENA Capital Limited, MERCXYZ ONE Limited and WPBC Limited
Amena Capital's web site gives the initial impression of being a little more professional than some of the other junk I've showed you today. However its take on its own regulatory situation is just as wrong as that of other institutions snarled at by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand:
AMENA Capital Limited is incorporated in New Zealand and is a registered financial institution authorized to conduct the business of banking and financial services. The head office of AMENA Capital Ltd is in Hong Kong. AMENA Capital Limited is a subsidiary of AMENA Group Ltd.
Financial institutions registered in New Zealand have FSP numbers. Amena Capital doesn't say what theirs is, and when you query the FSP register for their name, you come up empty handed.
I also can't help noticing that despite its sprawl of web sites, Amena hasn't left any traces in the online financial media. That's despite claiming to be a REIT sponsor, and despite purported activity in the IPO market. That is exceedingly fishy, and it could mean that Amena is just another advance fee scam. I trust the Reserve Bank will soon be on the case.
That brings us to our last two entities, MERCXYZ ONE Limited and WPBC Limited. I must say that if they are legit, they made a very rum choice of business structure and service provider. Via a circuitous route, which I hope I have traced correctly, WPBC Limited turns out to be this rather swish Australian outfit.
So if I'm right about that, both these companies are opaque offshore online providers of prepaid payment cards. Which just shouts "money laundering", and not just to me: here are a recent warning and a much earlier one.
That's 12 very likely frauds, plus other dubious entities, out of 39 companies, in this sample of former Bancorps registered by Auckland Compliance. Impressive, but not in a good way.
Let's tackle the one bank in this group that Reserve Bank does spot, Metropolitan Financial Holdings. The Bank warns
This company is not licensed or prudentially supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand or any other New Zealand authority. It is not registered as an "Offshore Financial Corporation" as claimed on its website - no such type of entity is recognised under New Zealand law. The company does not have any physical presence in New Zealand.
Refer to the caution on this website page about "New Zealand offshore finance companies".
But this announcement now features on the Reserve Bank's list of expired notices. Was this revised (and slightly grumpy, and still misleading) blurb on the Metropolitan Financial web site...
In order to meet the compliance measures of the new laws of New Zealand, Metropolitan Bancorp LTD name has been legally changed to Metropolitan Financial Holdings LTD. Metropolitan Financial Holdings is offering financial services as a finance company (a regular registered company) not as a registered bank. Metropolitan Financial Holdings is not a registered bank, nor it is supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand for any purpose.
...enough to placate the Reserve Bank?
It's an intriguing judgement by the bank. Here you have an offshore bank, with no physical presence in its country of registration, with an opaque company registration to boot, performed via an overseas agent whose track record suggests that it is nearly as good at registering frauds as it is at registering genuine companies...but as long as a bank with this pedigree doesn't currently have a name that includes one of the Reserve Bank's magic words, there's nothing wrong with it.
I am puzzled. Section 4, the relevant piece of the Reserve Bank Act is pretty clear: the restricted words are "bank, banker, and banking". Yet Metropolitan Financial Holdings has the Reserve Bank rearing up when they use the word "Bancorp", and subsiding again, when they drop it. And here we have a spokeswoman for the bank announcing that it is prepared to interpret its mandate even more elastically:
"We take action against entities that appear to be breaching the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act. The possible offenses under the RBNZ Act in respect of these entities are limited to (a) carrying on an activity using a name that includes the word 'bank' and its derivatives, (b) implying they are a New Zealand registered bank, and (c) using 'bank' words in advertising without a statement that they are not a registered bank."
"We have successfully achieved the removal from the company register (with the cooperation of the Companies Office) of a significant number of entities that were using illegal names, and the removal of a significant number of websites that breached the RBNZ Act," said the spokeswoman.
Well, although removing companies that use illegal names sounds like the right measure, at least until the crooks work out better ways to hide their traces, I can't actually find anything in Section 4 that gives the RBNZ the power to do that. And a bit of latitude is certainly needed: the crooks will dodge. I don't see that latitude in the current Act, but I suppose I'll just take the spokeswoman's word for it, for the moment.
The RBNZ isn't exercising this power very consistently, either: witness not just Metropolitan Financial, but Worldwide Forstock.
Worldwide Forstock had a similar strategy for handling the Reserve Bank: change the company name, and add some verbiage to the web site about not being regulated by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. When they changed their name, they hung on to the old URL; it simply redirects to the Worldwide Forstock site. That saves explaining the name change to their clients, I suppose.
The RBNZ has stayed off Worldwide Forstock's case.
Meanwhile, the Slovenian authorities are warning about Worldwide Forstock; plenty of folk have got the memo, for instance Austria, Belgium, Denmark (creaky web site) and Sweden. Just...not the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, so far.
I suppose the Slovenians didn't look that far afield for the source of the trouble. Nor would the Reserve Bank of New Zealand necessarily be broadcasting to the world that, if a foreign regulator wants to track down a dodgy financial company, New Zealand's a great place to try.
The point is: it's the contrast between what these fake entitities say they are doing, and what they are really doing, that should be a trigger for action, and what they call themselves can sometimes be a big fat clue.
So what's in a name? Soon we will provide more demonstrations that, some of the time, names matter more than Juliet thinks. One of the names that matters is Auckland Compliance
twingo99 ::
Tu meni se je od samega začetka čudno zdelo,da bi tale čudežni deček iz Šenčurja bil tak strokovnjak glede trgovanja na forexu.
Ampak moram priznat, da mi je vseeno malo žal ker tudi sam nisem pred leti vložil nekaj denarja k njim, ker imeli so dobro strategijo glede nategovanja ljudi, prikazovali so manjše mesečne donose kot pri konkurenci, ki je že zdavnaj propadla in piramida je lahko tako rasla in rasla, dokler ni počilo.
Jaz in še 150 drugih smo raje denar nakazali v FX RUN preko slovenskega posrednika,kateri naj bi denar nakazal brokerju, človeku ki ga sploh nismo nikoli videli.
Kmalu zatem ni bilo več ne denarja ne brokerja, ne posrednika.
Vsaka šola nekaj stane, zdaj sem ostrižena ovca.
Ampak moram priznat, da mi je vseeno malo žal ker tudi sam nisem pred leti vložil nekaj denarja k njim, ker imeli so dobro strategijo glede nategovanja ljudi, prikazovali so manjše mesečne donose kot pri konkurenci, ki je že zdavnaj propadla in piramida je lahko tako rasla in rasla, dokler ni počilo.
Jaz in še 150 drugih smo raje denar nakazali v FX RUN preko slovenskega posrednika,kateri naj bi denar nakazal brokerju, človeku ki ga sploh nismo nikoli videli.
Kmalu zatem ni bilo več ne denarja ne brokerja, ne posrednika.
Vsaka šola nekaj stane, zdaj sem ostrižena ovca.
theBill ::
Tale V&D je dejansko ena frakcija, ki se je odcepila od E-Thorexa in šla na svoje... vsaj tako sami razlagajo.
Pod črto, zadaj stojijo isti ljudje, stavijo pa baje na srebro in zagotavljajo stabilno rast zaradi tega + nekaj večjo likvidnost sredstev, do vloženega denarja se da priti mnogo hitreje kot pri E-Thorexu.
Na podlagi česa so tako prepričani vase mi ni jasno, glede na samo nihanje cene srebra bolj težko:
Pod črto, zadaj stojijo isti ljudje, stavijo pa baje na srebro in zagotavljajo stabilno rast zaradi tega + nekaj večjo likvidnost sredstev, do vloženega denarja se da priti mnogo hitreje kot pri E-Thorexu.
Na podlagi česa so tako prepričani vase mi ni jasno, glede na samo nihanje cene srebra bolj težko:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gandalfar ()
coreli ::
Hi, no eno vprašanje, ki sicer nima zveze z Luxurisom. Vidim, da je kar ene par forex struckotov tu pa prosim, da mi poveste ce je kater od vas ze kdaj placal davek glede tega. oziroma ce dobicki od trgovanja na forexu sploh steje med ti. Dobicek od odsvojitve vrednostnih papirjev in drugih delezev ter investicijskih kuponov . thx
mojca ::
To, da je šel slovenski Luxuris v stečaj, nima veze z vlagatelji, ker so itak vlagali preko podjetja na Mauritiusu. V&D-jevci vam bodo razložili, da so itak srečni, da je šlo podjetje Luxuris v stečaj, ker so imeli v Ljubljani preveč zaposlenih, pa vsi V&D-jevci bodo tudi širokih ust razlagali, da so vsi njihovi dobili izplačan denar.
Aja, ne, pardon. Niso dobili vsega izplačanega: to, kar so "dobili iz Luxurisa", so zdaj vložili v istoimensko podjetje v Dubaju (z manj zaposlenimi), od koder bodo čez pet let dobili denar z garantiranim 8% letnim donosom oz. garantiranih 40% glede na glavnico (še obrestnega računa njihovi agentje ne znajo).
Aja, ne, pardon. Niso dobili vsega izplačanega: to, kar so "dobili iz Luxurisa", so zdaj vložili v istoimensko podjetje v Dubaju (z manj zaposlenimi), od koder bodo čez pet let dobili denar z garantiranim 8% letnim donosom oz. garantiranih 40% glede na glavnico (še obrestnega računa njihovi agentje ne znajo).
Detektiv1234 ::
Za vse, ki bi vseeno želeli pristopiti h kateremu od njihovih produktov, vam E-thorex nudi sedaj vložek brez vstopne provizije in brez delitve dobička v prvem tromeseč kaj, ponudba je vrhunska, zato ne čakajte predolgo.......:)
Detektiv1234 ::
Ja, združili so pisarno Thorexa in Luxurisa,oz.zdej je itak samo še E-thorex, ker je šel Lux v stečaj.
Utk ::
Ta povezava med V&D in Luxuris je sploh zanimiva, tistim, ki so denar vložili v to, očitno razlagajo zgodbico, ki jo je napisala Mojca, ostalim, ki še niso, pa zanikajo, da so sploh kdaj kaj imeli z njimi. Metapodatki na strani V&D, kjer so našteti partnerji, pa še zmeraj vsebujejo Luxuris. Ko mi bo naslednjič kdo poskušal kaj prodat, bom sigurno imel to sprintano pri sebi.
Detektiv1234 ::
Večina vseh njihovih svetovalcev in agentov razlaga, da Luxurisov stečaj v Slo nima ničesar z njihovim denarjem, saj so oni podpisali pogodbo z Lux-om na Mauriciusu oz. druga verzija zgodbe je ta, da so dali slovenski Lux namerno v stečaj, da ne bi bilo potrebno plačati davka. Njihove pogodbe (od strank) naj bi bile prestrukturirane za nove dve leti brez vstopnih provizij in ugodnejše delitve dobička, zato je večina nasedla. Vse, kar ljudje imajo, je njihov Meta trader in "tam jim raste" njihov denar za cca. 2% na mesec. So pa pozabli v mesecu juliju in avgustu pritisnit na tipko, ki pošilja SMS-e strankam, koliko % je bilo narejenega v tekočem mesecu. Glede na to, kako so sicer profi organizirani, jim tole ni za zamerit...:)
Večina vseh njihovih svetovalcev in agentov razlaga, da Luxurisov stečaj v Slo nima ničesar z njihovim denarjem, saj so oni podpisali pogodbo z Lux-om na Mauriciusu oz. druga verzija zgodbe je ta, da so dali slovenski Lux namerno v stečaj, da ne bi bilo potrebno plačati davka. Njihove pogodbe (od strank) naj bi bile prestrukturirane za nove dve leti brez vstopnih provizij in ugodnejše delitve dobička, zato je večina nasedla. Vse, kar ljudje imajo, je njihov Meta trader in "tam jim raste" njihov denar za cca. 2% na mesec. So pa pozabli v mesecu juliju in avgustu pritisnit na tipko, ki pošilja SMS-e strankam, koliko % je bilo narejenega v tekočem mesecu. Glede na to, kako so sicer profi organizirani, jim tole ni za zamerit...:)
socom1 ::
Pozdravljeni. Mi zna kdo razloziti zakaj tega Alesa Cebulja klicejjo pinokio? Mislm cuden vzdevek za tako uglednega poslovneza
theBill ::
Invictus ::
Vsi ustanovitelji Lxuria počasi najemajo varnostnike zaradi razpizdenih strank ...
Slučajno celo poznam enega . Sedi doma v svoji bajti in si ne upa niti ven.
Vsi ustanovitelji Lxuria počasi najemajo varnostnike zaradi razpizdenih strank ...
Slučajno celo poznam enega . Sedi doma v svoji bajti in si ne upa niti ven.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
socom1 ::
Valuta, Thorex, Luxuris, Tima... za vsem stoji pinokio
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: socom1 ()
c3p0 ::
Potem je že dovolj nakradel, da lahko gre nekam pod palmo lenarit do konca življenja, hkrati pa spati z enim odprtim očesom. Vsakemu svoje.
Detektiv1234 ::
Zeberdee ::
To, kdo je v tej scamih je jasno, bolj pa ni jasno, zakaj tiste, najbolj znane protagoniste ni še nihče peljal v gozd, ali da se komu zaradi tega ni strgalo in ga ni poknil na parkiršču ali zakaj niso na dobu.
Razen teh vpisov je tako, kot da ni nikomur nič hudega...
Razen teh vpisov je tako, kot da ni nikomur nič hudega...
Detektiv1234 ::
To, kdo je v tej scamih je jasno, bolj pa ni jasno, zakaj tiste, najbolj znane protagoniste ni še nihče peljal v gozd, ali da se komu zaradi tega ni strgalo in ga ni poknil na parkiršču ali zakaj niso na dobu.
Razen teh vpisov je tako, kot da ni nikomur nič hudega...
- ker najbolj "tecne" umirijo z nakazilom denarja, ki ga sedaj kradejo od drugod (beri: nova molznica-nova agencija-polna glavoopranih zavarovalničarjev)
- ker so ljudje do skrajnosti naivni in so jih prepričali/pomirili z novimi pogodbami
- ker si nočejo priznat, da je natega in bi izpadel idiot
Verjetno, slej ko prej, bo tudi do tvojega scenarija prišlo; gun v roke pa bam, bam....glede na zneske in zveneča imena, bo verjetno na koncu sodbo izvršil tisti, ki je vplačal najmanj in verjetno do tega denarja prišel najtežje. V naših časopisih bo pa nov naslov: NOVA TRAGEDIJA V ŠENČURJU. Zakaj pa niso na Dobu, pa je v tej državi že malo smešno vprašanje. Jasno je, da nimajo "nadzornika/regulatorja" in jasno je, da greš na policijo lahko šele, ko si oškodovan (beri: nisem dobil izplačila). Za vse ostalo, s(m)o si krivi ljudje sami.
mojca ::
Detektiv1234 je izjavil:
- ker so ljudje do skrajnosti naivni in so jih prepričali/pomirili z novimi pogodbami
Točno tako.
Meni je bil najbolj všeč tisti del, ko me je nek V&D-jev opranoglavec najprej nadrl, kaj se grem, ko sem vlagatelja prepričala v predčasen dvig denarja z Luxurisovega računa (in med drugim še vedno čakam, da me tožijo zavoljo blatenja imena po Slo-Techu). Če bi počakali, bi namreč dobil vseh obljubljenih 30% profita, kot jih je dobil tudi on in vse njegove stranke. Aja, ups, niso jih dobili. Samo pogodbo so jim podaljšali za pet let in brez vstopne provizijo.
Tem t.i. "novodobnim finančnim svetovalcem" redno perejo glavo na izobraževanjih, ki si jih morajo sami plačati, da lahko potem strankam z dvignjeno glavo razlagajo, da je bil Pušnik po krivem zaprt, da je poslovanje 100% transparentno, da sicer oni nimajo pojma, kaj tiste številke na izpiskih pomenijo, so pa gotovo pravilne in pozitivne, da bankrot Luxurisa nima veze z denarjem vlagateljev, da to ni piramidna shema, da časopisi (Finance, Dnevnik, Delo) brez osnove in poznavanja ozadja blatijo njihove produkte.
Vlagatelji pa veselo prikimavajo in jim dajejo svež denar.
Detektiv1234 ::
Ni povezave med Luxom, Ethorexom in Tima investicijami 2?
pa kliknit na 4.. zadnji link....
Jao, gor imajo objavljene kar podatke od ljudi, njihove ba izpiske, pogodbe,...itd.
Mogoče jih pa kdo "prbije" zaradi varstva osebnih podatkov.
pa kliknit na 4.. zadnji link....
Jao, gor imajo objavljene kar podatke od ljudi, njihove ba izpiske, pogodbe,...itd.
Mogoče jih pa kdo "prbije" zaradi varstva osebnih podatkov.
acapulco17 ::
pozdravljeni, zanima me, če iam kdo kaj več informacij o izplačilih na ethorexu? zanima me, če kdo izplačila prejema in kako priti do denarja? prav tako bi mi prišlji vsi podatki prav, s katerimi bi lahko pritisnil na Aleša Čebulja za izplačila?
mojca ::
Za začetek prijava policiji in tožba.
Najučinkovitejši načini, da prideš do denarja, pa so verjetno nelegalni.
Za začetek prijava policiji in tožba.
Najučinkovitejši načini, da prideš do denarja, pa so verjetno nelegalni.
acapulco17 ::
to je res tisti zadnje kaj bi naredila. zanima me, če je kdo tukaj, ki je izterjal svoj denar? Ali ima kdo kakšne informacije?
Detektiv1234 ::
So to ljudje, ki so jih največ pripeljali notri?
Zdravo. Ne razumem vprašanja najbolje.
Če me sprašuješ kdo so ljudje iz priponk iz njihove strani, nimam pojma, sem pa linke objavil, saj vsebujejo osebne podatke posameznikov in morda se kdo javi, ko bo videl da so objavljeni njegovi podatki.
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