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HyperThreading (upam da je prov napisan)

globoko grlo ::
vesela novica, int'l bo od marca '03 vklopil HT v vse P4 od 2.4 naprej, kul ane
če slučajn že veste za to se pa opravičujem za dodatno obremenjevanje strežnika (za vaše oči
me itak ne briga
če slučajn že veste za to se pa opravičujem za dodatno obremenjevanje strežnika (za vaše oči

noraguta ::
bog se usmil s cim se da vse folk nateginit. s hipervibratorjem bi se zastopu ampak z hiperthreadingom :~@

Zheegec ::
Waw ej! Kako super! Ful bo pomagal če boš dva špila naenkrat špilu al pa če boš hotu dva paketa SETI naenkrat obdelvat :) Poleg tega rabš pa plato, ki podpira HyperTreathing.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Ziga Dolhar ::
HyperTreathing :-))) Zdej naj pa ugotavljamo KJE si pravzaprav naredil tipkarsko napako ;)
Alien... malce si zgrešu...
Alien... malce si zgrešu...

OldSkul ::
Ja sej, če bi AMD to pogruntov bi bili zdele vsi veseli, pa govorli bi da boste to kupil čez pol leta.......

noraguta ::
saj narobe ni, ampak kako hudica naj bi HT pomagal ???? lepo je reci ja imamo HT, ki je super, ampak kaj dejansko prinese me zanima. :~>

HT ti doprinese cca. 20 - 30% pri hitrosti izvajanja ukazov.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

kuglvinkl ::


Analysis And Conclusions
As we've seen, Hyper-Threading is a mixed bag. In some cases, we witnessed dramatic differences in performance, mostly positive. In one case – MovieMaker XP using Windows Media Encoder 7.1 -- we saw a significant performance degradation. We can't be sure how many applications are well behaved or ill-mannered, but the situation should get better over time. Of course, many applications will see no performance gain at all. Intel likes to point out that multitasking scenarios -- quite common these days -- will mostly benefit from Hyper-Threading, though again, some applications won't play well with others.
Expensive CPU: All this performance goodness comes at a price, however -- both in terms of dollars and thermal output. The 3.06GHz Pentium 4 will be available for $637 in 1,000 unit quantities. That means a price of $650 or more on the street. If you really want a 3.06GHz system, then buying an off-the-shelf system from a major PC manufacturer will be more cost effective. For example, Dell will be offering a 3.06GHz Dimension 8250, with PC1066 RDRAM, a 200GB hard drive, Radeon 9700 Pro, LCD flat panel and 4x DVD+RW for $2999 with a one-year warranty.
But if you want to drop one in your own rig, it will cost you big bucks. On the other hand, the prices of the older P4's have dropped considerably. The 2.8GHz P4 is dropping 21%, from $508 to $401. The 2.66/533 and 2.60/400 processors drop to $305 (from $401). The rest of the Intel line pretty much remains the same. Interestingly, the 2.4GHz P4 is priced exactly the same as the 2.20/400 and 2.26/533 CPUs.
Too bad Intel didn't allow us all to simply flick a switch and enable HT on our 2GHz and above Northwood-based P4s (we assume Intel tuned HT features in Northwood versus earlier Willamette P4 cores) that are sub-3GHz, rather than fusing it disabled in the fab. But then they wouldn't be making much money on the HT release now, would they? However, if the past is any indication, at some point Intel may begin shipping versions of lower-clock CPUs with Hyper-Threading enabled. Right now, the sweet spot in price/performance seems to be either the Intel Pentium 4 at 2.66GHz (533MHz frontside bus), or the Athlon XP 2600+ (333MHz frontside bus version). Both are priced at between $280 and $300.
So experimenting with Hyper-Threading will be a pricey proposition. Still, if you have an application that can benefit from it, as we've seen with 3D rendering, the added productivity might be well worth it. Unfortunately, Intel has shown no signs of opening up their lower speed grades to Hyper-Threading. So if $637 -- plus probably a new motherboard -- is too rich for your blood, you'll have to wait until the next speed bump.
3.06GHz Runs Hot: The thermal cost is substantial, too. New active heatsinks will be needed, as the thermal rating is nearly 80W now. Most of the new Intel 845PE and 845GE support the 3.06GHz CPU, due to beefed up board designs. Many older 845E boards might not, however. Motherboards based on the Intel 850E seem to have had some protection from obsolescence built-in, however. Both the Asus P4T533-C and Gigabyte GA-8IHXP have recently released BIOS updates that claim to support Hyper-Threaded CPUs. We'll be checking that out shortly. Check out our Pentium 4 Superguide for more on motherboards and the Pentium 4.
What Hyper-Threading really does is set the stage for a software revolution. As the technology becomes more pervasive, then building multithreaded apps will become the rule, rather than the exception. That will then set the stage for even more sophisticated hardware. Already it's rumored that Intel's next major desktop CPU, codenamed Prescott, will have additional resources added to improve Hyper-Threading performance.
Some people whisper sweet thoughts of multiple processors on a single die, but perhaps a more elegant solution will be to massively increase the resources (caches, registers, ALUs, etc) and improve simultaneous multithreading performance. That would minimize the problems that occur when two discrete processors have to share a bus, and communicate.

Analysis And Conclusions
As we've seen, Hyper-Threading is a mixed bag. In some cases, we witnessed dramatic differences in performance, mostly positive. In one case – MovieMaker XP using Windows Media Encoder 7.1 -- we saw a significant performance degradation. We can't be sure how many applications are well behaved or ill-mannered, but the situation should get better over time. Of course, many applications will see no performance gain at all. Intel likes to point out that multitasking scenarios -- quite common these days -- will mostly benefit from Hyper-Threading, though again, some applications won't play well with others.
Expensive CPU: All this performance goodness comes at a price, however -- both in terms of dollars and thermal output. The 3.06GHz Pentium 4 will be available for $637 in 1,000 unit quantities. That means a price of $650 or more on the street. If you really want a 3.06GHz system, then buying an off-the-shelf system from a major PC manufacturer will be more cost effective. For example, Dell will be offering a 3.06GHz Dimension 8250, with PC1066 RDRAM, a 200GB hard drive, Radeon 9700 Pro, LCD flat panel and 4x DVD+RW for $2999 with a one-year warranty.
But if you want to drop one in your own rig, it will cost you big bucks. On the other hand, the prices of the older P4's have dropped considerably. The 2.8GHz P4 is dropping 21%, from $508 to $401. The 2.66/533 and 2.60/400 processors drop to $305 (from $401). The rest of the Intel line pretty much remains the same. Interestingly, the 2.4GHz P4 is priced exactly the same as the 2.20/400 and 2.26/533 CPUs.
Too bad Intel didn't allow us all to simply flick a switch and enable HT on our 2GHz and above Northwood-based P4s (we assume Intel tuned HT features in Northwood versus earlier Willamette P4 cores) that are sub-3GHz, rather than fusing it disabled in the fab. But then they wouldn't be making much money on the HT release now, would they? However, if the past is any indication, at some point Intel may begin shipping versions of lower-clock CPUs with Hyper-Threading enabled. Right now, the sweet spot in price/performance seems to be either the Intel Pentium 4 at 2.66GHz (533MHz frontside bus), or the Athlon XP 2600+ (333MHz frontside bus version). Both are priced at between $280 and $300.
So experimenting with Hyper-Threading will be a pricey proposition. Still, if you have an application that can benefit from it, as we've seen with 3D rendering, the added productivity might be well worth it. Unfortunately, Intel has shown no signs of opening up their lower speed grades to Hyper-Threading. So if $637 -- plus probably a new motherboard -- is too rich for your blood, you'll have to wait until the next speed bump.
3.06GHz Runs Hot: The thermal cost is substantial, too. New active heatsinks will be needed, as the thermal rating is nearly 80W now. Most of the new Intel 845PE and 845GE support the 3.06GHz CPU, due to beefed up board designs. Many older 845E boards might not, however. Motherboards based on the Intel 850E seem to have had some protection from obsolescence built-in, however. Both the Asus P4T533-C and Gigabyte GA-8IHXP have recently released BIOS updates that claim to support Hyper-Threaded CPUs. We'll be checking that out shortly. Check out our Pentium 4 Superguide for more on motherboards and the Pentium 4.
What Hyper-Threading really does is set the stage for a software revolution. As the technology becomes more pervasive, then building multithreaded apps will become the rule, rather than the exception. That will then set the stage for even more sophisticated hardware. Already it's rumored that Intel's next major desktop CPU, codenamed Prescott, will have additional resources added to improve Hyper-Threading performance.
Some people whisper sweet thoughts of multiple processors on a single die, but perhaps a more elegant solution will be to massively increase the resources (caches, registers, ALUs, etc) and improve simultaneous multithreading performance. That would minimize the problems that occur when two discrete processors have to share a bus, and communicate.
Your focus determines your reallity

Zheegec ::
Sicer ima pa AMD tudi HT. Toda ne HyperTreathing, ampak HyperTransport :) To pa je že malo boljša stvarca. Sicer pa trenutno namesto P4 3 GhzHT kupim 2x AMD Athlon XP2200+ in pa še dvoprocesorsko plato za isto ceno kot samo procesor, potem pa bomo videli, kdo se bolje obnese v dveh taskih naenkrat :)
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Spajky ::
V zadnjih letih je bilo s strani velikih firm kar cela vrsta marketinških folk še vedno pada na te finte, posebej tisti, ki imajo keša preveč, izjema so le tistih par %, ki take stvari resnično potrebujejo /redki specializirani profesionalci/: evo izrezek s komentarjem iz ene reklamne kampanije:
>A perfect way to connect to the Internet:
>The processors, said Intel, "provide consumers with a great way to get on
>the Internet".
>Although which of the 478 pins plug into your phone socket we're not quite
>A perfect way to connect to the Internet:
>The processors, said Intel, "provide consumers with a great way to get on
>the Internet".
>Although which of the 478 pins plug into your phone socket we're not quite

"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

morphling1 ::
Spajky, tale je pa hudo dobra fora LOL Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Malecky ::
Spayki: Netburst....sej se dobr sliš...:) ADSL zih dela hitreje..pol p ti enejblajo še HT, ki ti omogoči DL iz večih serverjev hkrati..toj to!
Sicer se pa Qantispeed ne sliši nič bolje...dobr da se ne omenja:)

Sicer se pa Qantispeed ne sliši nič bolje...dobr da se ne omenja:)

noraguta ::
kar jaz vidim iz onih slikc gor(2,53 - 2,80 - 3,06) , zgleda prej da je 3.06 brez HT prej zabremzan kot pa s HT kaj dost hitjese od pricakovanega. Itak je pa premal testov narejenih sploh z aplikacijami , ki intenzivno kurjo niti, ter z podobno dragimi sistemi . +tega to ne razresuje problemov thread manegmenta v samem OSu , kar je trenutno vecji problem.

Mr.B ::
Testi :
In drugi , itd
Sicer je situacija nekako tako kot če imaš dvoprocesorski sistem. Tam so tudi aplikacije , ki v osnovi ne podpirajo dvojega proceseranja se tudi slabše odrežejo. Drugače pa je cena itak svoj razred. Sicer se jaz nebi tako sekeral glede cene , sej se bodo našli norci , ki bodo kupili tudi te zadeve , pa čeprav ne bodo uporabljali nobenega programa oz. ga bodo uporabljali le za kakega Doom3. V glavnem če aplikacija podpira dvojno proceseranje in več bo pridobila na performancah ,ostalo ....
Sicer pa je bolj zanimiv , saj za tiste , ki se ukvarjajo z zadevami , ki podpirajo dvojno proceseranje novi Xeon procesor :
In drugi , itd
Sicer je situacija nekako tako kot če imaš dvoprocesorski sistem. Tam so tudi aplikacije , ki v osnovi ne podpirajo dvojega proceseranja se tudi slabše odrežejo. Drugače pa je cena itak svoj razred. Sicer se jaz nebi tako sekeral glede cene , sej se bodo našli norci , ki bodo kupili tudi te zadeve , pa čeprav ne bodo uporabljali nobenega programa oz. ga bodo uporabljali le za kakega Doom3. V glavnem če aplikacija podpira dvojno proceseranje in več bo pridobila na performancah ,ostalo ....
Sicer pa je bolj zanimiv , saj za tiste , ki se ukvarjajo z zadevami , ki podpirajo dvojno proceseranje novi Xeon procesor :
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
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