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pomoč DVD

pomoč DVD

sloeagle ::


Mam en velik problem s DVD predvajalnikom.Nalagam novo posodobitev in jaz majster medtem ugasnem DVD (ponesreč staknil kabel ven - električen);((. Ponovno zaženem DVD predvajalnik in CD noče več ven.
Kaj naj naredim? Ali je varijanta samo servis?



huek111 ::

Notice (Read Prior to Beginning the Firmware Update Process)
The following events may cause the writing of the firmware update to the player to be halted and the player to no longer operate properly.
exclamation !

1. DO NOT unplug the power cord during the firmware update process.
2. Avoid loss or interruption of power during the firmware update process.
3. DO NOT press the power button on the unit during the firmware update process.
4. Check the firmware update disc for dirt or scratches before beginning the firmware update process.

Mislim da te reši samo servis!

sloeagle ::

ok hvala. bo pa treba mal do servisa:D



damjan11 ::

ok hvala. bo pa treba mal do servisa:D



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