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V bosni piramide

V bosni piramide

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neboben ::

Evo bosanske piramide
me zanima, če si je to ta tip pff .. zmislu ?
recimo da izkopava zemljo tko, da bo na koncu res zgledal kot piramida
in v bistvu, ko koplje po hribu dodaja elemente
se prav da bi na konc ta bosanc zgradil piramido sam :),

ka pa vi rečete kt tole vidte :) ?

jype ::

Sem že bral o tem - niso piramide, samo geološko zanimivi skladi kamnine, katere imena se ne spominjam natančno.

neboben ::

se prav un bosanc gradi piramido ... :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: neboben ()

caca ::

Joj, kok ste vi pametni! En Bosanc gradi piramide?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geološko zanimivi skladi kamenin, za katere ne veš kako se jim reče! Ja, kako pa to, da tega ne veš, če si pa že tako zelo razsvetljen/a, da veš, da so te kamenine geološko zanimive?

Jaz pa mislim, da so te piramide naravnega izvora: je zapihal veter in naložil kamnite sklade, je pritekla voda, pa je skale obrusila v lepe kvadre, potem pa je prišla povodenj in kamnite kvadre težke cca 5 ton položila enega na drugega, za nameček pa med njih še odložila malo gline in kremena, da se ne bi slučajno premikali, ko bodo tam neki Bosanci nekaj kopali in itak brez veze, da jim kaj na glavo pade, k to njim tako in tako nič ne pomaga, Bosanci pač! Se pa res ne bom utrujal s poslušanjem in branjem raziskav, da so zadeve starejše od 5000 let, ko ni bilo ne Bosancev, ne Slovencev, samo sem in tja kakšen Kitajc!

Ja, pravzaprav sem prepričan, da tudi piramide v Egiptu niso naredili ljudje, ampak so naravnega izvora, potem so pa so vanje eni nekaj dali, k niso imeli nobene omare, da bi vanjo spravili svoje reči!

LuGi ::

In to zelo dragocene stvari.. in celo faraone? :))

Toliko piramid in vse naravnega izvora - :))

Se dobro da si se prijavil samo zato da poves svoje mnenje in odgovoris na dve leti staro temo =)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: LuGi ()

hamax ::

Skeptoid podcast na temo bosanskih piramid:

Povzetek: bullshit.


Ravnokar je bil Dr. Semir Osmanagić na Odmevih, pa sem opazil da zna pripedovati pravljice, le na vprašanje o razlogu za gradnjo teh piramid in orodja ni znal odgovorit.

Tukaj je videoposnetek iz lanskega leta, ampak v prvih treh minutah izveste vse kar je danes znal povedat na Odmevih.

Pravljica vam pravim! :)
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

globalna80 ::

Čudn da cel svet verjame da so piramide v Egiptu, Mehiki, Kitajska, Aziji, skratka po celem svetu, samo v Bosni pa ne. Ne, to so pravljice. LOL
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

Arto ::

globalna80 je izjavil:

Čudn da cel svet verjame da so piramide v Egiptu, Mehiki, Kitajska, Aziji, skratka po celem svetu, samo v Bosni pa ne. Ne, to so pravljice. LOL

Zato, ker so drugje piramide jasne, v tem primeru pa gre samo za en čuden hrib. In ta tvoj stavek itak ni nikakršen argument. Ti lahko ponazorim:

Jaz rečem, da je Šmarna gora v bistvu piramida, ampak se z mano ne strinja praktično noben arheolog. In uporabim tvoj argument: "Čudn da cel svet verjame da so piramide v Egiptu, Mehiki, Kitajska, Aziji, skratka po celem svetu, samo v Sloveniji pa ne. Ne, to so pravljice. LOL". In zdaj sem po tvoje podal odlično utemeljitev?

iggy ::

Scientific investigations of the site show that the so-called pyramids are natural formations and that there are no signs of human building involved.[2][3][4] Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying, "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."

Vir Wiki. Blagor nevednim :)
Hey, you're fat!

globalna80 ::

Evropska arheološka skupnost je seveda najprej zavrnila najdbe in odpravila vse skupaj z izgovorom, da gre za naravne strukture, a s časom se vedno več priznanih arheologov opogumlja in začenjajo priznavati najdbo.

Svetovno uglednim zahodnim arheologom je seveda težko priznati, da so se popolnoma motili o zgodovini Evrope, oziroma kar o celotni svetovni zgodovini.

Uradna arheologija še vedno hoče zelo na silo skupaj držati teorijo, da je homo sapiens star samo dobrih 100.000 let, da civilizacija ne šteje več kot 10.000 let, da nikoli v preteklosti še ni bilo globalne civilizacije...
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

globalna80 ::

 Dolina piramid

Dolina piramid

Jaka Furlan si je v živo ogledal in napisal poročilo:

Citiram: Poročilo: Piramide v Bosni

V juliju 2011 sem za nekaj dni obiskal "Bosansko dolino piramid", da bi se na lastne oči prepričal ali so v Bosni res našli piramide.
Glede na to kaj sem videl, občutil, prijel v roke in slišal lahko brez dvoma trdim, da so v Bosni piramide. Koliko so stare, kdo jih je zgradil, kako in zakaj; ostajajo neodgovorjena vprašanja.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

Dr_M ::

Tele "piramide" so res malo sumljive.
Ampak naj raje se malo bolj raziscejo, predno ga naselijo kaksni faraoni :D

innerspace ::

Dr_M je izjavil:

Tele "piramide" so res malo sumljive.

Kar je sumljivo, je nacin razmisljanja, ki ustvari piramido iz hriba.
Donate BTC here: 35KR84u3rXN3in1kCw9YHRz4WF3r5kfFF4

globalna80 ::

Na kitajskem so piramide tudi večinoma še zakrite. V Bosni so zaraščene z gozdom in travo.
Wikipedia ni 100% verodostojna, znanstveniki tudi ne. Pejte si sami pogledat ne pa nekaj na slepo.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagala izbris: iggy ()

Karaya 52 ::

Stoj in glej bi rekel, kudos Bosancem. Piramide so celo poimenovali, verjetno so naleteli na spise civilizacije, ki je zivela na tem obmocju, dokler je niso predhodniki Merklove iz ljubosumja zbrisali s planeta.

iggy ::

Karaya 52 je izjavil:

Stoj in glej bi rekel, kudos Bosancem. Piramide so celo poimenovali, verjetno so naleteli na spise civilizacije, ki je zivela na tem obmocju, dokler je niso predhodniki Merklove iz ljubosumja zbrisali s planeta.


Izmed vseh teh conspiracy teorij je smešno to in zanimivo to, da sedaj že arheologi prikrivajo stvari pred nami. Mislim če bi blo kej tazga tam bi verjetno folk, ki tam živi našel kakšno najdbo, ki bi pricurljala v javnost. Seveda podporniki teh teorij vedno najdejo nek razlog oz. način, ki zanike te trditve. Skratka move along here, dont feed the trolls :)
Hey, you're fat!

Karaya 52 ::

Mislis da je germanski drzavi v interesu da izve resnico o prvem genocidu nad protobosanci? Ni sans, Merklova bo naredila vse da resnica ne pride na dan. Konec koncev je slo za prvo civlizacijo, ki je poznala mit zmaja - sodec po zmajevi piramidi. Manjka samo se burek piramida.

iggy ::

globalna80 je izjavil:

Na kitajskem so piramide tudi večinoma še zakrite. V Bosni so zaraščene z gozdom in travo.
Wikipedia ni 100% verodostojna, znanstveniki tudi ne. Pejte si sami pogledat ne pa nekaj na slepo.

No potem so pa gotovo lokalci, ki malce brsklajo tam 100% zanesljiv vir, pa prosim še reč, da si na history channelu vidu oz. youtube. trololol
Hey, you're fat!

GoodSatanist ::

zee ::

A ni cas kislih kumaric tam julija oz. avgusta ??
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Loocas ::


Tukaj je nekaj novejših slik... na žalost je raziskan oziroma izkopan samo en promil vse povrišine.

Okapi ::

Če imajo Hercegovci Trojo, potem je jasno, da morajo imeti Bosanci najmanj piramide.:))

So pa modeli s to svojo izmišljeno piramido začeli prav lepo služit.;)


Alexius Heristalski ::

zee je izjavil:

A ni cas kislih kumaric tam julija oz. avgusta ??

Meni je bolj zanimivo, da naša javna televizija pogreva to staro župo o bosanskih piramidah. Čemu?
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini

sirotka ::

Edine slike ki jih pokažejo so pa te plošče. Potem je tudi pri nas celotna morkska obala man made?


Evo, na naši obali imamo lepe pravokotne cigle, tam jih je pustila pradavna civilizacija,...

Osmanagić je na novinarski konferenci v Ljubljani še pojasnil, da se pod piramidami razprostirajo 10-kilometrski podzemni rovi, od katerih so zaenkrat prečistili in omogočili dostop obiskovalcem na približno 600 metrih rovov.

In kako to Osmanagič ve, da je tam 10km rovov? Vsaka lukna, katero skopleš v zemljo je man made:D, sam da ponavadi ne govorimo, da je prastara (ta lukna).


Kje so pa kakšni artefakti? In ne mi kazat porisanih kamnov:)

takih, to naj bi ble rune:D Jebiga, preveč rakije spijejo tile očitno. Tole so edini "artefakti":

 rune :)

rune :)

Torej globalni, prepričaj me, da to ni vse naravno delo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: sirotka ()

Okapi ::

na naši obali imamo lepe pravokotne cigle, tam jih je pustila pradavna civilizacija,...
Pred leti sem bil v Koreji (na fuzbalu, jasno:-) in tam smo videli na obali takšnele stebre (ki jih je seveda naredila starodavna izgubljena civilizacija, ker kaj takšnega po naravni poti seveda ne more nastati;) ).


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Okapi ()

c3p0 ::

Uncle Sem And The Bosnian Dream, vernikom zelo priporočam ogled tega dokumentarca. Človek je dober govorec, za dejstva mu pa ni kaj dosti.

_Dormage_ ::

Nekateri ne razumete njihovega humorja.

sirotka ::

_Dormage_ je izjavil:

Nekateri ne razumete njihovega humorja.

Humorja, ali probe molzenja denarja naivnih ljudi?

Invictus ::

Za te šestero-kotne zadeve celo obstaja znanstvena razlaga. Imajo jih tudi v Severni Irski. Nekaj v zvezi kako se je lava ohlajala. Zgubil link.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


gzibret ::

Tele zadeve niso vse šestkotne, ampak so tudi pet-, štiri- ali pa več-kotne. Gre pa za razpokanost debelejših slojev bazaltov zaradi hitrega (a ne prehitrega) ohlajanja in s tem povezanega krčenja materiala. Podobne oblike so v blatnih razpokah, ko se blato osuši in zaradi tega skrči.

Stolpiči kažejo v smeri največjega temperaturnega gradienta. Ena slika iz Sicilije:

Vse je za neki dobr!

Aston_11 ::

Slikce na ujet.si (link zgoraj) so definitivno dobre. Prabosanci so bili odlični gradbeniki, če bi njihovi potomci vsaj toliko obvladali livel in špago, kot na slikah, bi definitivno parirali vesoljskim gradbenikom piramid v Egiptu, ki so z mikrometrsko natančnostjo sestavili piramide skupaj, jih sestavili praktično brez napake. Sicer pa je iz hieroglifov videti, da so se egipčanski graditelji pri bosancih šolali in od tam prenesli znanje za gradnjo svojih piramid. Edino pogozdili jih menda niso, čeprav je bil egipt žitnica tedaj. Morda pa so jih požitili. Ali pa so bili vesoljci, saj ne vem več.

gzibret je izjavil:

Tele zadeve niso vse šestkotne, ampak so tudi pet-, štiri- ali pa več-kotne. Gre pa za razpokanost debelejših slojev bazaltov zaradi hitrega (a ne prehitrega) ohlajanja in s tem povezanega krčenja materiala. Podobne oblike so v blatnih razpokah, ko se blato osuši in zaradi tega skrči.

Stolpiči kažejo v smeri največjega temperaturnega gradienta. Ena slika iz Sicilije:

Naloga za zagovornike gradnje piramid iz sreddnje šole - razloži sile, ki pozročijo 5 in 6 kotnik.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Aston_11 ()

gzibret ::

Glede piramid pa.... Sem bil tam (na povabilo fundacije), pogledal in napisal. Ampak je bil iz njihove strani totalen ignore. Očitno ignorirajo vse tiste, kateri se ne strinjajo z njihovo teorijo. Evo, prilepim poročilo (brez slik). Sam sem avtor poročila, tako, da ni problema glede limanja besedil.....

Geological report of the brief geological inspection in the Visoko area, focused on the Visočica hill


The brief geological inspection of the Visoko area has been carried out between the 17th and 20th of June 2006. The inspection has been focused on the Visočica and Hrašće hill, also known as "Pyramid of the Sun" and "Pyramid of the Moon".

During inspection all the localities of archaeological excavations in mentioned area have been visited. Also the underground system of caves beneath the Visočica Hill and wider area of Visoko have been inspected.


The data provided in this chapter are based on the Basic Geological Map of Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (OGK SFRJ, 1:100.000, sheets Sarajevo - K34/1 and Vareš - L34/133, 1977, documentation of the Geological Survey of Slovenia). Figure 1 shows the geological map around Visoko area.

Fig. 1: The part of the Basic geological map of Yugoslavia, scale=1:100.000 (OGK SFRJ, 1977).

In macrotectonic sense, the Visoko area is part of the Sarajevo-Zenica Miocene Basin. The sediments inside this basin are molasse sediments. The basin has not been connected to the Panonian Basin during its existence.

The age of the oldest rocks in the vicinity of Visoko area is the upper part of middle Miocene. They consist of the alteration of bedded marls, sandstones and claystones. The thickness of these layers is between 300 and 400 meters and are situated above the main coal bearing layer in the middle Miocene.

Figure 2: The geological column of the area (OGK SFRJ, 1977). The formations in the Visoko area are the 2M2 and the M2,3. The numbers indicates the thickness of the geological strata.

Directly above the coal layer there is a 70 meters thick sequence of limestone. Above the limestone sequence there is an alteration of claystones and marls with the thin intermedial layers of sandstones, which are especially characteristic for the upper part of the formation. The characteristic fossils of the upper part of that formation are the Cinnamonum remains. The other fossils are mollusks and bivalves (Congeria pernaeformis, Valutinopsis sp.). For the lower part the characteristic fossils are bivalves Unio sp., Sphaerium sp. These rocks were dated to the upper part of middle Miocene (2M2).

The younger formation in the Visoko area belongs to the upper Miocene (M2,3). Characteristic for this formation is the thick layer of basal conglomerates, which is situated approximately 400 to 500 meters above the main coal layer (look figure 2). This layer of conglomerate is widespread between Sarajevo and Zenica. Above the conglomerate there are 200 meters thick layers of bedded sandstones and marls. The sedimentation in the middle Miocene ends with a thick layer of the so called "main conglomerate".

The difference between the basal and the upper "main" conglomerates is that basal conglomerates are made mainly of limestone clasts with the rare supplement of chert pebbles. In the upper parts of the basal conglomerates also the dolomitic grains can be found. The upper "main" conglomerate is made mainly of Paleozoic rocks of that area. The uppermost part of the "main" conglomerates are mainly made of Paleozoic shists, because this was the time when Paleozoic rocks had been exposed to erosion.

The conglomerates of this age are very well exposed nearby the road Zenica-Visoko around the effluent of Lašva River.


The main strike slip fault system lies approximately 8-12 kilometers SW from Visoko and is known as Busovača fault. Its direction is NW-SE.


The plateau of the Visočica hill

The rocks are made of alterating sandstones, marls and claystones with an approximate ratio of sandstones:claystones:marls = 5:2:1 (figure 3). The beds are from 1 to 20 cm thick. The dips of the beds are 292/10 in the probe archaeological trench, 50/5 in the trench No. 1 and 240/10 in the trench No.2. The main orientations of the cracks in the trench No. 1 is 245-75 (N75E) and 142-322 (N30W).

In order to avoid destroying possible archaeological evidences detailed inspection of the structures of the sandstones and other layers has not been done. However, we estimate that the grains do not seem to exceed 5 millimeters and are probably mainly of carbonate origin.

The different strikes of the beds on all archaeological trenches on plateau possibly indicate folding on the smaller scale.

Figure 3: Artificial outcrop of sandstones, claystones and marls in the plateau of Visočica hill, possibly of the upper Miocene age (M2,3).

Figure 4: Photograph of a sandstone block with clear signs of artificial shaping in the upper right corner (photo by Smailbegović, A., 2006)
Based on the data of geological map (OGK SFRJ, 1977) these rocks could belong to the upper Miocene, laying between the two main conglomerate beds.

The opened rock outcrops show no signs of anthropogenic reshaping, except for single block of sandstone with very well visible scratches. Theese could have been made by plow (speculation) or some other tool (figure 4).

Figure 5: The contact (yellow dashed line) between conglomerate (upper left) and breccia (lower right) on the east side of the Visočica hill above the road Visoko-plateau.

The east side of the Visočica hill

On the road between plateau and Visoko, layers of marls and claystones are exposed. Conglomerate and breccia layers are exposed in the trench at the east side of Visočica hill (possibly the trench no. 5). The conglomerate is mainly composed of clasts of limestone (70%), pebbles of yellow sandstones (20%) and other materials (magmatic rocks, cherts...) which are from 5 to 20 cm wide. The ratio between matrix and grains is approximately 1:1. The clasts are not sorted.

On the upper part of the archaeological trench the material changes. The clasts are not rounded and the matrix contains more of the red compound (terra rossa). Figure 5 shows the contact between these two different materials. The dip of the contact seems to be toward the north and can not be measured precisely.

Also very noticeable are vertical cracks with general orientation 310/90 (N40E) that are infilled by terra rossa and gravel fill (figure 6).

Figure 6: Open cracks in the conglomerate with the terra rossa fill (east side of the Visočica hill).

The north side of the Visočica hill

The bedrocks are also exposed on the junction of the road Visoko-plateau and the path to the trenches no. 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 11 and 12. The layers of sandstone and claystone (figure 7) show the dip of 10/35. The layers of sandstones are up to 30 centimeters thick. The ratio between sandstone, claystone and marl is 3:2:1.

On the upper surface of sandstone layers the ripples can be found. The ripples have the direction 305 (N55W) and indicate the normal position of beds.

Layers in the trench 4a are of conglomerate. The base of conglomerate can not be seen. The conglomerate is made of rounded grains of different composition. The whole conglomerate is grain supported with the ratio between matrix and grains is around 80% grains, 20% matrix. Size of the pebbles range between 10 and 20 centimeters. In the conglomerate plates some signs of karst forming processes can be seen. The pebbles are mainly made of light grey limestone (30%), dark grey limestone (30%), yellow and reddish sandstones (30%) and of other types of rocks (green magmatic rocks, cherts...).

Figure 7: Outcrop of sandstone, marl and claystone layers on the junction of the road Visoko-plateau of Visočica hill and the path to sonds no. 4, 5, 11, 12.

Overlying the conglomerate there is a 0.5 meter thick layer of claystone with the same orientation of beds as the conglomerate. The soil at the location is 1 meter thick and contains almost no pebbles (max. 5%, figure 8). The latter indicates that the origin of the soil is clay. The same situation is seen at the middle part of the trench 5b. It is interesting that, when the layer of clay over the conglomerate is absent, the soil contains much more rounded rocks, up to 40%.

The conglomerate varies laterally. There are variations of conglomerates with the red matrix (particularly on the trench 5b) and variations in the particle size (from 1-10 cm to 5-30 cm). On some blocks of conglomerate there are evidences of an older tectonic phase, proven by the presence of up to 1 centimeter thick calcite veins (figure 9).

The dip of the strata on the latter location varies between 350/40 (4a), 0/20 (5a, 12), 25/30 (5b) and 10/40 (11). The orientation of the open cracks is hard to determine due to possible movement of blocks by gravity. Nevertheless the orientation of 3 systems of cracks could be around 200/90, 85/90 and 30/90. Because of very similar dip of the strata on other exposed rocks in the Visočica hill it can be concluded, that the conglomerate is of natural origin and is not transported to the place by man.

Figure 8: The layers of clay over the conglomerate (sonde no. 4a).

Figure 9: Calcite veins inside the conglomerate (sonde no. 5b).

The dips of strata shematically shows the figure 10. The positions of the dips are only approximate. The dips possibly indicate the folding of strata or more exactly, the plunging anticline fold which can be also a reason for the shape on the NW side of Visočica hill.

Figure 10: The dips of measured strata. The positions are only approximate.

On some archaeological trenches (4b, 4c?) there are some blocks which are more chaotically placed. This can indicate historical landslides. With some speculation, this can also indicate tectonic activity, but historic landsliding is much more feasible. On the northern part of the Visočica hill there is potential dangerous geohazard situation. The case is that (1) the orientation of beds is parallel to the slope of the hill, (2) layers of conglomerate have many open cracks and (3) between conglomerates there are layers of claystones. In case of heavy rain the whole area may become extremely unstable.

Anthropogenic origin of these blocks is just a speculation. Most likely they are of natural origin, shaped by tectonics and gravity. All geological data collected in 4 days also indicates that Visočica hill is natural origin.

Shape of the Visočica hill is from the geomorphologic point of view very unusual. The hill has the northern side shaped as a perfect triangle and facing to the north. The east side also shows some sort of regular geometric shape. From the geomorphologic point of view the phenomena may be very rare, but it is not impossible that the nature could have shaped such a hill. The northern side of the hill is probably shaped by the dip of the Miocene rocks. The eastern side may have been shaped by some sort of tectonics, yet this is geologically unproven. The recommendation is that the origin of the pyramidal shape of the Visočica should be investigated by looking for signs of artificial shaping of hill, especially on the west and east side, since the north side is most likely to be shaped by orientation of the strata.

Also it is very important to produce the precise geological and tectonic map of the wider Visoko area. Relying on such data it should be possible to answer the question of archaeologists whether the orientation of cracks (blocks) in the conglomerate on the north side of Visočica is man-made or do they fit into the regional tectonic environment. Further on, it is necessary to check whether it is possible that the eastern side of Visočica is consequence of tectonics.


NW from Visoko is the wide spread cave system. The entrance into the system is carved into the hard cemented conglomerate rock. The sediments around the entrance seem to be the uncemented gravel with intermediate thin layers of sand and clay (figure 11).

Figure 11: Layer of clay nearby the road, where the entrance into the cave system is situated.

Approximately for the first 30 meters, the tunnel runs through conglomerate. The pebbles of conglomerate are from 1 to 20 centimeters long and coated with black material, probably because of smoke from past fires, lit inside the cave. Not far from the entrance in the side tunnel on the north side some stalactites can be seen. The stalactites are more than 0.5 meter big. This indicates that at least some small part of the cave system can be very old. The age should be dated with the help of those stalaktites.

Figure 12: The intermediate sand and silt layer between the gravel depositions.

Figure 13: Side shaft diverting from main tunnel.

The next section of the tunnel system runs through the unconsolidated gravel. The natural cementation of the gravel occurred within approximately 15 meters thick belt starting from the surface. The unconsolidated gravel is made of the pebbles, ranging from 5 to 30 centimeters size. Gravel is sorted; the areas of smaller and larger pebbles can be seen. Within gravel there are rare, up to 15 centimeters thick layers of sand and silt (figure 12). The composition of the pebbles is very diverse. The pebbles are made of sedimentary (limestone, cherts, sandstones...), metamorphic and igneous rocks. Between pebbles there are sand and silt sized grains yet the whole matrix is grain (pebble) supported. The ratio pebbles:sand is estimated to 70:30. These values vary from site to site.

Approximately every 20 meters of the tunnel smaller side holes on both sides can bee seen. Probably these structures can be for ventilation shafts (figure 13). The size of the shafts is approximately 20 centimeters wide.

Figure 14: The cementation process on the walls of the tunnel.

The tunnels are decreasing in size from the entrance. The height drops from 2 meters at the entrance to 1 meter at the end of visited area. There are also many intersections and also signs of closed side tunnels, probably due to the collapse of the roof. In some parts of the tunnel signs of calcitic cementation (figure 14) can be seen. The loading is made of the fine sand material, mixed with spongeous white substance, probably some sort of carbonate material. The loading is clearly not the same structure as the surrounding gravel material and is probably the consequence of water evaporation.

Figure 15: The strange-looking plate in the tunnels, possibly the sandstone, which contains some sort of engraved letters.

Figure 16: The artifact found in the tunnels by prof. dr. Dario Andretta.

At the end of the visit of the tunnel there is a plate with the enormous size (approx. 4X2 meters) compared to any other pebbles (figure 15). The plate has not been investigated in details, but it seems to be made of sandstone. Looking from the top it is shaped like a kidney. It has no sharp edges. It would be recommended to check whether the plate has been brought to the location by human (probably). The second explanation can also be that the fluvial environment, where the gravel was deposited, could have contained some sort of environment, suitable for formation of such a sediment.

The plate contains some sort of letters. The origin of the letters is up to date unknown. They could be engraved by some old civilization, since prof. dr. Dario Andretta found one artifact (figure 16) which age should be determined. By the shape of letters on the sandstone block it can be also speculated that the letters are of European origin (runes). For the comparation the letters found in Breza inscription from Sarajevo are presented (figure 17). For more information look supplement, written by Robi Petrič.

In some parts of the caves there is some sort of floatstone forming process (figure 18). The floatstone can be used for the datation of the formation of the tunnels.

Figure 17: Letters found in the Breza inscription, Sarajevo (source: Runic Inscription From Europe, URL: http://www.arild-hauge.com/europe-rune....

Figure 18: The floatstone on the wall of tunnel.

Recommendations: the tunnels are undoubtedly made by man. The research should focus on the detailed archaeological, geological, geophysical and geochemical explorations. It is essential to make a datation of the age of tunnels and the age of gravel sediments and to answer the question of inscriptions on the megalithic blocks. It is recommended that prior to major activities some basic support system should be built. Namely the material, in which the tunnels are made is extremely unstable and there is a great danger of roof collapse.


The geological strata in the area are very likely to be of different age than the strata on the Visočica hill. The thick layers of conglomerate are absent and only the layers of clay and sandstones can be found. According to the basic geological map of Yugoslavia the age of those strata can be placed into the middle Miocene age (2M2) above the main coal and limestone layer.

On the Plješavica hill there has been archaeological excavation. The question to answer was whether the patterns on the sandstone layers (figure 19, left) are natural or anthropogenic origin.

Figure 19: The patterns of cracks in the sandstone layer between compact clay layers comparing to the natural formation of cracks in the sandstone nearby the road Visoko-Kiseljak.

The layers of clay between the layers of sandstone is very compacted and according to prof. dr. Andretto's penetrometer measurement of the compacity of that layers conclusion has been made that layers of clay are of natural origin. The orientation of cracks possibly coincides with the regional tectonic situation of that area. Also the very similar patterns inside the sandstone (figure 19, right) can be found on the right side of the road Visoko-Kiseljak, 500 meters after the end of road reparation works, approximately 7 kilometers from the Visočica hill.

Recommendation: the remains of the wall (figure 20) on the most northern archaeological trench in this area are undoubtedly man-made. The purpose of these walls should be the focus of archaeological excavations. Also it is recommended to dig out more archaeological trenches to search for more archaeological remains.

Figure 20: The remains of the walls on the Plešavica hill.


The shape of the Visočica hill is from geomorphologic point of view very unusual. From the geological point of view it is undoubtedly that the whole hill is of natural origin. But there is still an archaeological question to answer whether the hill is shaped by the man to get the pyramidal form. To find the proofs of the past human activity in that area the extensive geological and archaeological research, supported by the multidisciplinary approach should be done. The special focus of the multidisciplinary research should be on the tunnels, which seems to be a very old man-made structure. It is essential to collect the massive database of scientifically gathered data to support and to proof the existence of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.


Jovanović, R., Mojićević, M., Tokić, S. & Rokić. L., 1978. Tumač za list SARAJEVO K 34-1 (Commentary to the Basic geological map of Yugoslavia, sheet Sarajevo). Belgrade.

OGK SFRJ, 1977. Basic geological map of Yugoslavia, sheet Sarajevo (K 34-1), scale 1:100.00, authors: Jovanović, R., Mojićević, M., Tokić, S. & Rokić. L.

Supplement of the Geological report of the brief geological inspection in the Visoko area, focused on the Vicočica hill

The two monolith inscriptions

Author: Robi Petrič, Veneti.info

The two monolith inscriptions from Visoko

It is very interesting to compare the inscriptions found in the tunnels (lokacija) with other ancient (runic) European inscriptions. Mostly remarkable is the appearance of a letter, written as an upward arrow found on both of the inscriptions. This letter can also be found on the nearby Breza inscription (Bosnia), as well as in many other runic inscriptons along the north-south amber route. Here is a need to specifically point out to the Velestur inscription, found on a hill in Slovakia, which resembles the most frequent use of this letter. The upward arrow is mostly being deciphered as a letter t, while the downward one is interpreted as a letter h (as in house).

The symbol that looks simlar to the letter e is most probably also representing the sound e (as in America). As you can see in the last chart, the letter e was present in a similar form in many ancient European scripts (including the oldest »neighbouring« Vinča script), though we must say that the nearest similarity in style is to be found in the later Adriatic Venetic and Roman script, especially in the Austrian Steinberg inscription.

The left to right direction of the inscriptions is indicating its dating not before 4th century B. C., since before that period European writing systems were usually using the right to left direction of the letters (Venetic, Etruscan).

The position of the letters is also similar to the ones in the Norovgood-2 inscription, which could point out to a Boustrophedonical reading of the inscriptions.

Inscription No 2:

Inscription No 1, found on a monolith in the tunnel of Visočica.

An inscription, found by P. Kriško on Velestur, a mountain peak in Slovakia.

Runic script from the village of Breza in central Bosnia, dating from 5 or 6th century.

The Norovgood-2 inscription, in the layer belonging to the first quarter of the 11th century.

In the right part of the fragment there are 32 symbol.The inscription was probably made in Boustrophedon.

The Steinberg inscription, Austria.

The Venetic script from the Adriatic region, dating around 5th century B. C.
Vse je za neki dobr!

Aston_11 ::

Še povzetek, prosim!!

Realman ::

Sem bil sam, pred 3 leti. Ko sem šel tam mimo. Kaj naj rečem, bosanci kot bosanci. Smisel za biznis vsekakor imajo. Verjamem, da so našli kakšno staro naselje, na enem hribu, ko sem bil sem videl takšne položene kamne. Na ostalih hribih pa ni drugega videti kot zakopanih skal. Jih je na pohorju tudi veliko. Moje mnenje, bosanci vsekakor nimajo piramid. Kaj vse so že v bosni izumili, samo moramo jih razumeti, turizem je dober biznis.

Okapi ::

Nekaj v zvezi kako se je lava ohlajala.
Ja, tako bi vas radi prepričali tisti, ki skrivajo dokaze za obstoj neznane civilizacije (ker če bi ljudje vedeli zanjo, bi prišlo do panike in bi propadli svetovni red, kapitalizem & katoliška cerkev). Sem mislil, da je to splošno znano.>:D


globalna80 ::

Egipčani kot Egipčani. Služijo mastne denarce s svojimi piramidami. Da jih ni sram. Kako jim cel svet naseda. Da o Mehičanih niti ne govorim. Imajo res dober smisel za biznis.

Piramide so po celem svetu gradili za zbiranje energije iz zemlje na površje. Poravnane so s smermi neba in z nekaterimi pomembnimi zvezdami. Še danes ne znajo zgraditi take piramide.

To niso gradili predniki današnjih egipčanov niti bosancev ampak zelo napredne civilizacije.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

Arto ::

globalna80 je izjavil:

Še danes ne znajo zgraditi take piramide.

A dej no. Ti to resno?

Karaya 52 ::

Ki niti bicikla niso poznale, dokler jim ga niso Spanci pokazali.

figula ::

Veste kaj, meni bi bilo pa kar všeč, če bi Bosanci res imeli svojo piramido.

sirotka ::

globalna80 je izjavil:

Egipčani kot Egipčani. Služijo mastne denarce s svojimi piramidami. Da jih ni sram. Kako jim cel svet naseda. Da o Mehičanih niti ne govorim. Imajo res dober smisel za biznis.

Piramide so po celem svetu gradili za zbiranje energije iz zemlje na površje. Poravnane so s smermi neba in z nekaterimi pomembnimi zvezdami. Še danes ne znajo zgraditi take piramide.

To niso gradili predniki današnjih egipčanov niti bosancev ampak zelo napredne civilizacije.

Pri egipčanih je jasno, da niso naravne strukture, našli so velik artefaktov, mumij,... Bosanci so najdl pa sam par večjih kamnov, porisanih...verjetno porajsanih s krampi, ko so jih ven dajal. Kako za zbiranje energije, maš kak dokaz? A da jih ne znamo? Al je sam kup kamnov na kupu, dobesedno. Katere napredne civilizacije? Zakaj so pustil sam kup kamnov za sabo?


Obstajata dve zgodbi o velikih zaslužkih
Kako se odkritje domnevno energetskega stroja pozna v žepih ljudi v Visokem? To smo vprašali Edina Ihtijarevića, ki že 23 let živi v Ljubljani in je lastnik zemljišča v Visokem na platoju, s katerega je mogoč vhod v piramido sonca. "V Visokem se to v blagajnah podjetij ne pozna. Vse je neurejeno, pot do piramide je neočiščena, nikjer ni niti koša za smeti in imam občutek, da Semirja podpira vse manj ljudi oziroma mu zmanjkuje denarja." Čeprav si Ihtijarević v svoje in dobro vseh v Visokem želi, da bi Indiana Jones imel prav, naš sogovornik ne skriva, da je v več sodnih sporih z Osmanagićem in njegovo fundacijo. "Nekoč sem prišel iz Ljubljane na svojo parcelo in ugotovil, da nekdo koplje po moji zemlji. Brez dovoljenja. Ne vem, ali bi mu dovolili takole divje kopati v njegovem Teksasu, jaz mu ne dovolim," doda Ihtijarević.

Vir Finance.

Še malce o dejanskem stanju izkopavanj in neurejenih dovoljenjih. 8-O
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

Smurf ::

globalna80 je izjavil:

Egipčani kot Egipčani. Služijo mastne denarce s svojimi piramidami. Da jih ni sram. Kako jim cel svet naseda. Da o Mehičanih niti ne govorim. Imajo res dober smisel za biznis.

Piramide so po celem svetu gradili za zbiranje energije iz zemlje na površje. Poravnane so s smermi neba in z nekaterimi pomembnimi zvezdami. Še danes ne znajo zgraditi take piramide.

To niso gradili predniki današnjih egipčanov niti bosancev ampak zelo napredne civilizacije.

gzibret je pa del svetovne zarote a ne >:D.

andromedar ::

Smurf je izjavil:

globalna80 je izjavil:

Egipčani kot Egipčani. Služijo mastne denarce s svojimi piramidami. Da jih ni sram. Kako jim cel svet naseda. Da o Mehičanih niti ne govorim. Imajo res dober smisel za biznis.

Piramide so po celem svetu gradili za zbiranje energije iz zemlje na površje. Poravnane so s smermi neba in z nekaterimi pomembnimi zvezdami. Še danes ne znajo zgraditi take piramide.

To niso gradili predniki današnjih egipčanov niti bosancev ampak zelo napredne civilizacije.

gzibret je pa del svetovne zarote a ne >:D.

Pa Okapi :)

globalna80....a ti si bila tam, ali ti to kar tako malo na pamet? In verjameš res vsakemu, ki pride mimo in ti ukrade 2 minuti časa.

Vikking ::

Čisto svež članek o g. Osmanagiću dr. sociologije ki obvlada svetovno zgodovino, geologijo, poglobljena znanja o energetiki in nenazadnje o podjetništvu. iz finance.si: http://oe.finance.si/342527/Energetski-...

Arto ::

Ljudje, ki kopljejo predore, se po prihodu izpod piramid počutijo bolje, njihova avra je očiščena, menda zaradi nasičenosti z negativnimi ioni v predorih pod zemljo, pravijo strokovnjaki.

Me prav zanima, kdo so te "strokovnjaki".

Aston_11 ::

Globalna80 spet iziva s piramidami, bo treba dati konc tem piramidam. Te bosanske piramide so bili mobitel centri. Vemo zakaj - napredna civilizacija je komunicirala preko wifija.

Mipe ::

Piramide ali ne, niso jih zgradili nobeni Bosanci. Če jih je prerasel gozd in trava, so najmanj toliko stare kot kak Stonehenge. Ne vem, zakaj se važijo s temi nejasnimi tvorbami, kot da bi jih lastnoročno izdelali.

Okapi ::

Saj mi se tudi važimo z najstarejšo piščalko (ki poleg tega skoraj sigurno sploh ni piščal). Ali pa s kostmi enega random crknjenega kita.;)


Arto ::

Okapi je izjavil:

(ki poleg tega skoraj sigurno sploh ni piščal).

Aja? To pa prvič slišim, a niso celo neke delujoče replike izdelal?
1 / 10

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Kan. 15-letnik odkril, da so majevske piramide postavljene enako kot nek zvezdni sist

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