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High definition

High definition

IGOR989 ::

Pozdravljeni vsi skupaj.

Sem nov na slo. Tech-u in me zanima samo ena stvar. Zanima me ker bom kupil sony-jevo kamero hd na mini dv, uglaunem to nima veze, zanima me kakšno grafično bom rabu da bom potegnu čim več vn iz tega, kr gre dost kvalitete v nič pri obdelavi in me zanima kakšn comp rabm še poleg take kamere za obdelovanje oz. Montiranje movie-jev.

Hvala vsem, ki mi boste odgovorili
  • polepsalo: bastadu ()

bluefish ::

grafična tukaj nima veze. Potreboval boš firewire kartico ali pa vhod na matični za prenašanje posnetkov, dober procesor in okoli 2GB RAM-a. Poleg tega pa seveda ustrezne programe in kodeke.

IGOR989 ::

Ahaaa, hvala, sej se mi je zdel sam je prjatu reku da je grafična dost pomembna, sej za ram pa razmišlam med 2GB al pa kr 3GB, program pa vrjetn kkšn adobe premiere, al pa kkšnga bolšiga sam poznam sam tega da je bl ornk.

bluefish ::

odvisno od tega, kaj boš delal s filmi. Če gre le za preprosto montažo, potem bo tudi program priložen kameri čisto dovolj. Za zahtevnejšo rabo je Adobe Premiere kar dober. Če pa boš dodajal kakšne dodatne učinke in prehode, dodajal 3D efekte, potem pa obstajajo še boljši programi.
Je pa na voljo tudi odprtokoden program (freeware), ki je tudi zelo dober in učinkovit. Ga poiščem in napišem.

bluefish ::

freeware program o katerem sem govoril je Jahshaka (vem, čudno ime :D ). Namenjen pa je ustvarjanju in dodajanju efektov v filme in še čemu drugemu.

Seznam featuresov:

Imagine if you could...

Edit with flexibility and speed
Create Effects in real time
Animate with unlimited features
Paint and design on moving video
Create music with all the tools the pros use
Work in any format at any resolution

...all while sharing files, projects and clips with users on your network or around the world

All using a single, open source application where the code is yours… that runs on practically any workstation…

Jahshaka v3.0 will let you do this, and much more. Jahshaka was written from the ground-up to work in different environments, and lets you use the tools you need to get the job done in real time. Thanks to the power of OpenGl and OpenMl you can do this on anything from PC's to Mac's to high-powered Sgi workstations and not have to worry about mixing video, audio and graphics card, installing custom hardware and drivers, or spending millions of dollars for high end speed, power and functionality…

Jahshaka uses todays next-generation hardware to do everything in real time, regardless of what box you are running on. Thanks to the power and economics of mass markets, todays pc's come with everything you need to create any kind of media you want. Todays graphics cards would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars just a few years ago… and deliver an unbelievable level of power and speed into your hands. This is the power that drives jahshaka.

Jahshaka's morphing interface allows you to work as a editor when you are editing, to work as a compositor when you are creating effects, as a audio enginer when you are mixing, and as a animator when you are doing 3d. It will even allow you to create your own hybrid interfaces to match your workflow.

This power and flexability has been unheard of, but its coming your way soon. Imagine a system simple enough to edit home videos and mix audio tracks, but powerful enough to edit HDTV, create film effects or animate a flock of seagulls.

Jahshaka fixes many of the compatability and file sharing problems that exist in large facilities today. The ability to run multiple seats of jahshaka off a single server, with full project and media sharing solve the problems of distributed vs shared storage. Everybody can use the same disk-array… and work together without the massive slowdowns of having to move large media files around your network. Jahshaka loves multi tasking, multi user, media sharing environments.

Not possible? It will be soon, and thanks to the power of open-source you can even teach it how to make coffee for you in the morning (no joke). Jahshaka will raise the bar when it comes to content creation… because its available as a free download… (with custom support packages available upon request)

So when you really need to go out and buy a system, it had better be revolutionary - and lightyears ahead of what we have to offer.

SasoS ::

2GB imaš pomoje čez glavo dovolj, pomemben je tudi disk. Svetujem ti da načrtuješ 2 diska, in potem delaš obdelavo tako da bere iz enega in piše na drugi disk...

IGOR989 ::

Ne, mislm vem da folk guvuri da se nekateri važjo z rami pa svojimi compi na sploh, sam to je druga stvar, kr pač pr obdelavi sploh pa video obdelavi rabš ornk stroj, zdj pa če dubiš za 50-100€ zravn še en 1GB zakaj ga nebi uzeu. K šele adobe premiere recimo da na 2GB dela tekoče odvisn od kvalitete posnetkov, tko da če bo cash bom uzeu kr 2,5 GB al pa 3GB. Potem pa še to, ti si mislu da nej prenesem iz kamere na en disk potem k urejam odpiram iz unga, nakonc pa shranm na druzga, jest sm mislu kupt 500GB diska kr samo ena ura posnetkou pr High Def kameri sploh pa pr tej moji pokur 20GB diska tko da disk-a rabm na pretek a pol recimo uzamem kaj 2 po 250GB?


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: IGOR989 ()

SasoS ::

Vzami 2x500 ;)
Z ramom je pa tako - ram pomaga takrat kadar spraviš celo stvar v ram (recimo sliko). Takrat je ogromna razlika a je fotka v ramu ali se paga na disk. Videa pa ne boš nikoli spravil v ram, torej se bo vedno nalagal iz diska. Za cache in za efekte je pa 2GB popolnoma dovolj. Računaj na to, da z 32-bitno aplikacijo kej dosti čez 2GB sploh ne prideš...

IGOR989 ::

hmmmm ql, sej lohka pol še vedno dokupm, HVALA.

IGOR989 ::

Če pa maš mogoče še kakšn nasvet okoli HD in oblikovanja z njim, pa prosim če bi še kaj napisal.

robbe ::

Si se mogoče vprašal če sploh rabiš HD? Ker tale HD video je kar problem za računalnik. :D Sploh pa če se boš še s kakšnimi efekti igral.

IGOR989 ::

Ahh, vrjem da sm se uprašu, tok dnarja pa res nimam da bi za brez veze dou za kamero k jo neb rabu, okol 2500€, mislm pr ns je enaka 4000€. drgač pa ne mislm preveč 3d effectov, pa effectov na sploh.

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