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Mac OS Snow Leopard na PC

Mac OS Snow Leopard na PC

reset666 ::


Mene zanima kako s tem Mac OS na PC, neki sem pogooglal in prisu do ''Chameleon Bootloader'', vendar ga nikjer ne najdem za downloadad. Vsepovsod so stari/broken linki od share/upload strani in ne delujejo vec.

Napisal bom cimbolj tocne podatke, da ne bo nepotrebnega spamanja, pa tudi linkou do tutorialov in ostalih nekoristnih linkou prosim ne postajte, ker ''how to instal mac os on pc'' in podobno znam tudi sam pogooglat in se zelo dobro poglobit.


- Apple Magic mouse
- Aple Wireless keyboard
- Mac OS orignalen (Big Bang za 30e ;))
* PC 1:
- Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 2500GHz
- 3gb Rama
- 64 bit OS Win 7
- 3x 1tb Sata disk
- ATI Radeon HD 4670

* Prenosnik 2 (Dell Studio):
- Intel Core i7 Q720 1600GHz
- 4gb rama
- 500gb disk
- 64 OS
- ATI Mobility Radeon HD 560v

Prosim za pomoc in hvala folks in uzivajteeeeeeeeee

**********************rvm******************************* ;)

JanK ::

reset666 je izjavil:


Mene zanima kako s tem Mac OS na PC, neki sem pogooglal in prisu do ''Chameleon Bootloader'', vendar ga nikjer ne najdem za downloadad. Vsepovsod so stari/broken linki od share/upload strani in ne delujejo vec.

Razen na prvi strani, ki jo najde Google, ce isces "Chameleon Bootloader".

reset666 je izjavil:

Napisal bom cimbolj tocne podatke, da ne bo nepotrebnega spamanja, pa tudi linkou do tutorialov in ostalih nekoristnih linkou prosim ne postajte, ker ''how to instal mac os on pc'' in podobno znam tudi sam pogooglat in se zelo dobro poglobit.

Tistole prej nekako demantira tvoje hvaljenje s googlanjem in poglabljanjem, a ne? Ampak, OK, ce zelis, ti ne bom dal linkov, ki sem jih nasel.

kpkp ::

insanelymac.com in čas je vse kar rabiš

reset666 ::


lej verjemi da vse tiste ki vidis na googlovi prvi strani sem dal skozi in zal nimam paypal accounta !!!


za to stran tudi vem, vendar nimam dosti casa, ker mam en kup programske opreme se za nalozit potem gor

Vem da je treba nardit ''first boot device: dvd rom'' in spremenit ntfs (disk) v neko drugo itd,
mene me zanima ce je kdo, ki jo to ze delal in da mi lahko mal bol natancno pove, v slovenscini....

amigo_no1 ::

Zakaj bi potreboval PP account ?

reset666 ::

se opravicujem, nisem videl tega:

Please click the button below to make your donation.

Thank you for your support!

!!!!Alternatively you can click here to download the requested file.!!!!

sem vidu samo ki pise donate in sem sou stran..... :D

ja, lih sem instaliral, zdej se restartam, pa javim kako je situacija

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: reset666 ()

reset666 ::

ejla, ne deluje, kaj mio lahko kdo pove kaj tocno morem jaz nardit s tem chameleonom???

morem nardit, da mi boota, sem probal dat da mi boota iso file od iatkosa in ne deluje

AndrejS ::

Če maš ISO sliko Iatkosa , jo samo zapečeš na DVD in z njega bootaš.

kpkp ::

Pri hackintosh-u so dve osnovne filozofije:
-retail (sam narediš bootCD/USB in OS namestiš z original DVDja - če nimaš nobenega OSX-a pri proki je zadeva otežena), večina uporablja ta način, ker je bolj "vanilla")
-Lahko pa pobereš že narejen DVD, ki vsebuhe bootloader, OS in obilico kextov

Če nimaš nobenega maca (haca) pri roki ti priporočam, da začneš z 2. varjanto, si nabereš malo izkušenj in razumevanje kako OS in boot deluje, šele nato si pripravljen za 1. način.
Če pa misliš, da boš vse postavil in uredil, da dela tako kot mora, v enem dnevu (brez predhodnih izkušenj), think again....

Manual za Chameleon:
Chameleon 2.0 RC

 boots multiple operating systems off most media (hard drives, DVDs, USB devices)
 "vanilla" installs where the OS installed remains untouched
 supports patched DSDTs (Differentiated System Description Tables)
 hybrid GUID/GPT+MBR & MBR partitioned disks supported, as is Apple software-RAID
 graphical & text interfaces

  Chameleon is opensource software. 3rd parties have release a number of modifications of Chameleon, and they have every right to do so. Some mods fix issues that are rarely seen, are more timely, or extend features. These projects expand the pool of users who enjoy a more robust Hackintosh experience.

  Many 3rd party builds release binaries, but do not release their source code. Perhaps due to not reading the license or a one line fix, the release of code is required - a derived project is subject to the same license as the original. Thanks is best shown with proper credit & RELEASE OF SOURCE. End users who see projects using Chameleon code should ask for the source - or those projects should not release binaries to the public at all.
What is Chameleon?

  Chameleon is a bootloader. It loads right after the bios sets up the computer and tries to find an operating system to start. Chameleon can start numerous operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD…) but primarily it is used when Mac OS X is installed on non-Apple hardware. Chameleon is an evolution of David Elliot's (dfe) original modification of Apple's own boot-132. Chameleon is comprised of a series of loaders:

	boot & cdboot - stage2 booters; Chameleon binaries; cdboot is used to boot DVDs
	boot0 - locates active partition & loads the partition booter for MBR & GUID/MBR hybrids
	chain0 - loaded by another booter to jump booting yet another booter
	boot1h - partition booter for HFS+ that loads the stage2 booter
	boot1f32 - booter for FAT32 partitions on MBR
	boot1he - booter for extended sectors
	boot1hp - partition booter for HFS+ that finds a boot1h extended loader

How does Chameleon work?
  Available media is scanned for an overview of available operating systems. If the selection is Mac OS X for example on an HFS+ partition an environment emulating EFI (an alternative to BIOS) is crafted. Then the loading of additional data (kernel extensions, a DSDT table, device properties) is performed and handed off to the kernel & the OS.

Can Chameleon start Mac OS X on every computer?
  Chameleon can start Mac OS X on a great many computers, but with varying degrees of ease & success. For example, some motherboards are better supported than others - stemming from their similarity to components within existing Apple computers. Some components do not have a corollary to a Mac components, and so additional software needs to be included (kernel extensions for a particular audio or ethernet chip for example). Other components like graphics don't have much 3rd party support, requiring a selection that sticks to existing product lines that are known to be supported. There are additional barriers when using AMD CPUs as well.


There is 1 file that configures how Chameleon behaves (the com.apple.Boot.plist file), and 4 areas where you can alter how Chameleon starts Mac OS X: kext kernel extensions, DSDT.aml compiled table, smbios.plist & the previously mentioned com.apple.Boot.plist file. Of these, only kernel extensions are required to start Mac OS X, the other files are optional.

Chameleon gets configuration data from a number of places:
Extra folder containing the 3 configuration files:
	Extra (next to "boot" file on an non-OS partition; example: /Volumes/EFI/Extra)
	/Extra (root folder of the booted Mac OS X volume)
	 Extra folder on a Preboot.dmg loaded as a ramdisk in the above locations

Kernel extensions (in either stand-alone .kext or cached .mkext) can be loaded from:
	Extra/Extensions (same volume as "boot" file; example: /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions)
	Extra/10.x/Extensions (OS version specific folder of above)
	/Extra/Extensions (on the booted Mac OS X volume)
	/Extra/10.x/Extensions (OS version specific folder of above)
	/System/Library/Extensions (modifications here require rebuilding the kext cache)
	inside Extra/Exensions on a Preboot.dmg loaded as a ramdisk in the above locations
	(note: sometimes a stubborn kernel extension needs to be in /System/Library/Extensions to work)

 Only 1 com.apple.Boot.plist, smbios.plist & DSDT.aml is used from these locations, but starting with Chameleon 2.0 RC3, kernel extensions can be in an Extensions folder within the above mentioned folders, or an Mac OS X version specific folder. This means that you can have Extra/10.5/Extensions & Extra/10.6/Extensions each with different extensions targeted for each major version of Mac OS X.
  Its is best to pick a single location for all files

  This is the a simple text file with few parameters. Mostly this information is reflected in system profiler information. This file is in an extended XML format called a property list (or plist as the suffix shows).

  This file is not human readable, but represents a description of a motherboard, its capabilities & feature. The human readable quasi-programming DSDT.dst is compiled via an Intel cli tool called iasl into this file. Chameleon can then present this to the Mac OS X kernel for OS use. Amending this file can support or add support in ways that make your computer more stable - or less stable if the coding is not done properly. Adding support for an audio chip can be done by chaining a few lines, but support can also come in the form of a kernel extension, so it can be a matter of preference.

 Chameleon uses this file as a preferences file - many aspects of Chameleon can also be configured by adding them in key::string form into this file. The kernel also gets some configuration preferences from this file (64/32bit for example). System-specific features are also entered here in the form of device properties for inclusion into the EFI tree that Chameleon presents to the kernel. These device properties emulate how EFI sets up things like graphics cards, audio & LAN. Search for a guide to "EFI strings". You can always revert back to a fresh, bare copy of this file found in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist

kernel extensions
  Chameleon presents these supplemental files to the kernel during booting & remain active during runtime. They extend OS support to additional components (a LAN chip), remedy components that work, but imperfectly (an audio chip), or nullify existing Apple components that cause problems (like CPU power management). Kernel extensions are a sort of nested folder structure that presents as a single file to Mac OS X. For the kernel to work with these files, their embedded plist needs to include OSBundleRequired::Root key. These additional kernel extensions reside in Extra/Extensions folder (see above for locations). Note: using kextcache to built an Extensions.mkext is no longer required, but is supported.

com.apple.Boot.plist Chameleon available keys:

Kernel			Kernel Flags			Wait				Quiet Boot
Timeout			Instant Menu			Default Partition		GUI
Boot Banner		Legacy Logo			Theme			GraphicsMode
GraphicsEnabler		VideoROM				VBIOS			EthernetBuiltIn
USBBusFix			EHCIacquire			UHCOreset			Wake
ForceWake			WakeImage				DSDT				SMBIOS
SMBIOSdefaults		Scan Single Drive			Rescan			Rescan Prompt

Below are the config keys conrolling how the kernel starts:

    specifies which kernel on the target partition to use; useful for booting with an alternate kernel while keeping both on the same hard drive

<key>Kernel Flags</key>
     add optional kernel flags here. Some flags are:
	-v		     verbose
	-s		     single user
	-x		     safe mode
	arch=x86_64    force kernel into 64-bit mode
	arch=i386	     force kernel into 32-bit mode
	config=<file>  specifies where to look for a com.apple.Boot.plist file
	cpus=1		instructs the kernel to use x CPUs/cores
	rd=diskXsY		boots the OS on this partition (BSD format; use diskutil list)

Below are the config keys controlling how Chameleon operates:

    Prompt for a key press before starting the kernel. (defaults to yes)

<key>Quiet Boot</key>
    No messages or prompts displayed while booting (press F10 while booting to override)

    Boots the default partition (same device as Chameleon, first bootable partition) automatically after waiting num seconds without further user interaction. Pressing the down arrow allows you to select additional options like verbose booting, or allows you to add additional parameters. Example:

<key>Instant Menu</key>
    Force displaying the partition selection menu. (defaults to yes)

<key>Default Partition</key>
    Sets the default boot partition where X is the drive & y is the partition. 

    Disables the graphical Chameleon in favor of the all-text version. GUI mode is enabled by default

<key>Boot Banner</key>
    Show boot banner (logo.png in the selected Theme) in GUI mode (defaults to yes)

<key>Legacy Logo</key>
    Show the legacy grey apple logo in GUI mode (defaults to no)

    Uses the folder Extra/Themes/theme_name as the GUI theme Chameleon uses (default is an embedded "Default" theme)

Below are the config keys that deal with hardware:

<key>Graphics Mode</key>
    Force booting using a fixed resolution. Hertz setting is optional. Examples:

    Automatic device-properties generation for graphics cards Currently supports only nVidia cards. (defaults to no)

    Use an alternate ROM image located @ /file/path (default path: /NVIDIA.ROM).

    Inject VideoBIOS to device-properties. (defaults to no)

    Automatic device-properties generation for ethernet interfaces. (defaults to no)

    Enable the EHCI and UHCI fixes (disabled by default). These make the USB ports "built-in", enable waking by pressing akey or moving the mouse & fix waking the OS to prevent device removal errors.

    Enable the EHCI fix only (disabled by default).

    Enable the UHCI fix only (disabled by default).

    Disable wake up after hibernation (enbaled by default).

    Force using the sleepimage (disabled by default).

    Use an alternate sleepimage file (default path is /private/var/vm/sleepimage).

    Use an alternate DSDT.aml file (DSDT is automatically loaded from default path of /DSDT.aml or Extra/DSDT.aml.

    Use an alternate smbios.plist file (default path: /smbios.plist /Extra/smbios.plist rd(0,0)/Extra/smbios.plist).

    Don't use the default values for SMBIOS overriding. If smbios.plist doesn't exist, factory values are kept.

<key>Scan Single Drive</key>
    Scan the drive only where the booter got loaded from. Fix rescan issues when using a DVD reader in AHCI mode. (defaults to no)

    Enable DVD/CD-ROM rescan mode.

<key>Rescan Prompt</key>
    Prompts for CD-ROM rescan mode.

    Adds support for devices via a hex base64 encoded "EFI strings". Only entry is supported, but more than 1 device can be included within the encoded string.
Chameleon command line interface advanced startup options
   When Chameleon is booted into GUI (Graphical) mode, pressing any key begins entering text into Chameleon's command line interface at the bottom of the screen. The kernel config keys & most of the hardware config keys work by just typing them on the command line. Keys with a space in them need to be wrapped in quotes. Examples:
	arch=i386 -v
	mach_kernel rd=disk0s1 -v "Graphics Mode"="1920x1200x32"
	USBBusFix=yes rd=uuid boot-uuid=1EAA1BE6-A4CB-35EB-A418-92609A4C730B
bootCDs, hard drives & partitions (oh my)

Making a Chameleon 2 based bootCD
    Chameleon can be the basis of a "bootCD", burned onto a CD & used to boot a retail Mac OS X Install DVD. Typically for a hard drive, Chameleon is installed by using the "boot" file. To boot cdroms, Chameleon needs to be installed as the "cdboot" file, slightly enhanced to boot DVDs.
    Begin by making a folder named booter on your desktop & an Extra folder inside booter:
	mkdir -p ~/Desktop/booter/Extra
    Copy the cdboot file from the Chameleon i386 folder into the booter folder
    Create, copy or skip altogether a com.apple.Boot.plist file, a DSDT.aml file & a smbios.plist file into booter/Extra folder. Ammend these files to best support your configuration.
    Open the com.apple.Boot.plist and add these key::value pairs after another key::value pair:
	<key>Instant Menu</key>
	(some motherboards also benefit from Kernel Flags of arch=i386 to boot into 32-bit mode)
  Open Terminal.app & paste this command to create a 15MB Preboot disk image:
	hdiutil create -size 15m -fs HFS+ -volname Preboot -layout MBRSPUD -attach ~/Desktop/booter/Extra/Preboot.dmg && mkdir -p /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions
    Kernel extensions (.kext) go into the Extra/Extensions folder within the Preboot disk image. Make sure that their Info.plist have the required OSBundleRequired key filled with a Root string value.
    Unmount the Preboot volume from the desktop (right-click -> Eject)
    Create the bootCD by pasting this command into a Terminal window:
	hdiutil makehybrid -o ~/Desktop/Boot.iso ~/Desktop/booter/ -iso -hfs -eltorito-boot ~/Desktop/booter/cdboot -no-emul-boot -hfs-volume-name "BootCD"
    Burn the Boot.iso disk image onto DVD or CD.

Using a Chameleon 2 based bootCD
    Restart the computer. Make sure BIOS is set to boot from CD/DVD before booting from hard drives. If  booting a hard drive partition with an existing Mac OS X install, select and press enter. To boot an Install DVD continue reading.
    When Chameleon displays the GUI, eject the bootCD & insert the retail Mac OS X Install DVD.
    Wait a few seconds while the DVD is scanned.
    Press F5 to cause Chameleon to rescan the optical drive(s).
    When the "Mac OS X Install DVD" icon & name appears, select the DVD & press the Enter key to boot the DVD.
    If there are problems, booting in verbose mode can help diagnose what went wrong. After you select the drive you want to boot, but before you press Enter, press the down arrow key & select "Boot in verbose mode" or type -v and then hit Enter.

Simple install of Chameleon onto a hard drive (non-RAID):
   Determine which drive & which partition to target for installation. Use this Terminal.app command to view which devices & their identifiers are available:
	diskutil list
   Change directories to where the Chameleon binaries are. If Chameleon is on the desktop:
	cd ~/Desktop/Chameleon-2*/i386
   Install the stage0 loader onto the target device:
	sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdiskX
	(where X is the number of the device, Y is the partition, from the diskutil command above)
    Install the stage1 loader onto the target volume:
	sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdiskXsY
    Copy the Chameleon "boot" file to the destination
	sudo cp boot /dest/path
	(you can drag & drop the target device onto the Terminal window. What is important is to have all the files on the same device, and boot1h & boot on the same volume & at the top level of the device. example: sudo cp boot /
will copy the boot file onto the root partition.)

Installing Chameleon into a hidden EFI partition on a hard drive (non-RAID):
    Determine which drive & which partition you want to install onto. If the target drive is GPT (GUID) partitioned, it may be desirable to install onto a hidden partition that the EFI specification calls for. View the presence of this hidden partition by pasting this command into a Terminal.app window:
	diskutil list
where a 200MB partition of type EFI is present for each GUID partitioned drive. This space is unused by Apple though the EFI spec calls for it. It is unprepared for data, requiring extra steps to make it accessible.
    There are 2 advantages to using this EFI partition: it doesn't automatically mount so it is more difficult to wreck & since this partition is almost totally isolated from any Mac OS, the OS can be erased and reinstalled while Chameleon survives intact. Installing onto the same device as your Mac OS X install minimizes any problems. To determine which device contains the currently running OS:
	diskutil info / | grep "Part Of Whole"
will return something like diskX. To reconfirm, scroll back to the output from the diskutil list command above, and find that diskXs1 is of type EFI. Note that this partition is not normally mounted.

    Become the superuser to made these modifications:
	sudo -s
	(enter your admin password when prompted)
    Prepare the hidden partition by formatting:
	diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ EFI diskXs1
	(ignore any mount errors for now)
    Change directories to where Chameleon has its binary files (you can type "cd " with a space there and drag&drop the folder from the Finder onto the Terminal window, let go & hit return):
	cd ~/Downloads/Chameleon-2*/i386
    Install the stage0 loader onto the target device:
	fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdiskX
	(where X is the number of the device, from the diskutil command above)
    Install the stage1 loader onto the target volume (the EFI partition is always first, hence rdiskXs1):
	dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdiskXs1
   Make a mountpoint & mount the hidden EFI volume:
	mkdir /Volumes/EFI; mount_hfs /dev/diskXs1 /Volumes/EFI
   Prevent the File System Events daemon (fseventd) from writing its longs to this volume when mounted, preventing unmounting:
	mkdir /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd; touch /Volumes/EFI/.fseventsd/no_log
   Release your root privileges:
   You can make the Finder display the drive for non-Terminal file operations:
	open /Volumes/EFI
         (on 10.5.x systems, this often requires 2 issuances)
    Make the required folder structure
	mkdir -p /Volumes/EFI/Extra/Extensions
	(starting with Chameleon 2.0 RC3, Extra may contain 10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 folders that store .kext kernel extensions for OS specific support in an Extensions folder: /Volumes/EFI/Extra/10.X/Extensions)
    Add whatever kernel extensions (.kext) you may have to the Extensions folder.
    The Themes folder may be copied into the Extra folder; add 3rd party themes to the Themes folder & set the Themes key in the com.apple.Boot.plist to utilize the new theme.
	cp -R ../Optional\ Extras/Themes /Volumes/EFI/
    When finished with the EFI partition, dismount the volume & remove the mountpoint:
	sudo umount -f /Volumes/EFI; sudo rm -rf /Volumes/EFI
NOTE: Some motherboards require an active partition be set to boot the device. For motherboards that don't require this setting, this doesn't hurt. Replace rdiskX with device number from diskutil list.
	printf "flag 1\nwrite\ny\nquit\n" | sudo fdisk -e /dev/rdiskX
	(ignore: "fdisk: could not open MBR file /usr/standalone/i386/boot0: No such file or directory")	
	(ignore: "fdisk:*1> Device could not be accessed exclusively.")

Install Chameleon onto an Apple software-RAID:
    Create an Apple sofware-RAID, either striped or mirrored. Install Mac OS X onto this RAID.
    Determine which drives & which partitions belong to your RAID:
	diskutil list
returns information regarding your drives:
	   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
	   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *931.5 Gi   disk0
	   1:                        EFI                         200.0 Mi   disk0s1
	   2:                 Apple_RAID                         931.3 Gi   disk0s2
	   3:                 Apple_Boot Boot OSX                128.0 Mi   disk0s3
	   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
	   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *931.5 Gi   disk1
	   1:                        EFI                         200.0 Mi   disk1s1
	   2:                 Apple_RAID                         931.3 Gi   disk1s2
	   3:                 Apple_Boot Boot OSX                128.0 Mi   disk1s3
    Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk listed here as diskXs3, as well as a EFI partition.
    Install the stage0 loader onto the members of the target RAID:
	sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
	sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1
    Install the stage1 loader onto the bootsector of each boot partition of the target RAID:
	sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3
	sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3
    Install Chameleon (the "boot" file) onto each of the "Boot OSX" partitions of the target RAID:
	diskutil mount disk0s3
	cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
	diskutil unmount disk0s3
	diskutil mount disk1s3
	cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
	diskutil unmount disk1s3
    Open Disk Utility.app, select the raid and lick on the "Info" icon at the top left of the window. Find the "Universal Unique Identifier" (uuid) and copy that hex-a-dec-imal-code. This uuid needs to be added to the kernel flags in the com.apple.Boot.plist file.
    Mount each "Boot OS X" partition of the target RAID (here there are 2 drives, so 2 "Boot OS X" partitions to mount:
	diskutil mount disk0s3
    Open the com.apple.Boot.plist and add the uuid:
	<key>Kernel Flags</key>
	<string>rd=uuid boot-uuid=1EAA1BE6-A4CB-35EB-A418-92609A4C730B</string>
    If you don't have a com.apple.Boot.plist or an Extra folder on the "Boot OS X" partition, make one & copy the original found @ /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist to each "Boot OSX" partition of the target RAID.
    note: Apple software-based RAID is support, BIOS RAID is not.

reset666 ::

kaj te ukaze pisem v cmd al v chameleonu ????

aleksander10 ::


"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. (J.M.)"

kpkp ::

To gre v com.apple.Boot.plist, ki gre v Extra mapo na root-u kjer imaš nameščen chamelon:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<key>Graphics Mode</key>
	<key>Kernel Flags</key>
	<key>Legacy Logo</key>
	<key>Quiet Boot</key>

 še slikca

še slikca

Če misliš inštalirat iatkosa, potem tega sploh ne rabiš (je pa dobro vedet kaj iatkos dela zate). Samo daš iatkos dvd noter in namestiš...
Priporočam ti da si prebereš enih 10 tutorialov, da ti vsaj osnove postanejo jasne.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kpkp ()

reset666 ::

lejte na tem mactomiboy forumu, tam kjer kaze bios slike, jaz nevem kje njemu najde cel kup opcij.
tisto kar on kaze, pol tega meni ne kaze... aja in recimo, ce mam original os s.leo. morem useeno cez te postopke ???

npr. iz tomyx86 strani:

# Burn the image to CD (KASEN IMAGE ????)
# Place iBoot in CD/DVD drive
# Restart computer
# At Chameleon prompt, eject iBoot (KR NA1X SE POJAVI CHAMELEON ITD)

Ali je tukaj kdo, ki ima na svojem lastnem PCju, ne prijateljevem in takimi domisljijskimi iluzijami, instaliran Mac OS Snow Leopart Retail in je že SAM dal to skozi ???? Taksen clovek mi bo najboljse pomagal,
ne tle teji tutoriali, vedno nejasni, vedno majo neke opcije, ki jih ti/jaz nimam/s, itd...

Gandalfar ::

Izkusnje kazejo da je kaksen teden trial/error dela.

kpkp ::

Katero matično sploh imaš, najpomembenjši del Haca si izpustil?

PS: jaz imam Haca že skoraj 3 leta, kot primarni PC in ne tutoriali uglavnem niso nerazumljivi ali slabi, mogoče se to zdi tebi, ker imaš premalo znanja/izkušenj na tem področju (predvidevam, da nič), so be hummble, vzemi si čas, ne pričakovat, da ti bo vse takoj delalo in če boš imel dovolj volje ti bo uspelo. Če pa rabiš popolnoma izpraven OSX jutri, pa skoči v trgovino po jabuka.
Tudi če dobiš koga, da ti to postavi, boš vedno imel probleme, če/ko se kaj zalomi, zato samo potrpežljivo.

Priporočam ti tudi, da za OSX imaš svoj disk, sicer so zelo dobre šanse, da povoziš boot od Win7, posebej sedaj na začetku, ko se boš lovil.

connel ::

Odpeketaj sem:

Zdej katero "verzijo" boš inštaliral je trial and error, ne deluje vse povsod, tudi če je nekomu uspelo, ni rečeno da bo tudi tebi, sam sem jih sprobal kar nekaj in mislim da sta delovali dve, poskusi iAtokos v7, mislim da je to 10.5.8, greš na zgornjo stran, poiščeš 10.5.8, potem pa pogledaš katero plato imaš, jo najdeš na spisku in pogledaš kako so jo drugi usposobili, za grafično je isti postopek.

Je pa tako no, na laptop pozabi, grafična ni podprta in ne bo imel grafične podpore, delal bo vseen, samo to ni to.

Planiraj da ti tole zna vzeti kar precej časa, preden boš pogruntal vse stvari ;)

reset666 ::

Lih danes pride en fant dome, ki baje zna to res dobro postelat. Pravi, da njemu delahackmac :D kr dobro...
Tko d bomo vidli kko bo, pa javim...

reset666 ::

In ja, da smo na jasnem:

- sem napisal, da mam 3x diske, tko d najverjetneje je samouumevno, da je eden sam za mac os, najboljse da si instaliram mac os, windows 7 pa se xp-eje cez in vse na en disk, brez particij?!

- ati radeon hd 4670: ta graficna je ena izmed pogostih, tko da sem siguren, da mora delovat in isto za procesor pomoje podpira vecino, čene use intelove x86 proc., ker sem gledal mac je zdej zacel delat pcje z x86 intelovimi procesorji

Bom javu potem, ko resim kako kaze :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

reset666 ::

Na tomyx86 strani pise, da moja graficna ni podprta, kar tudi ni delovalo.
Govorimo o iBoot cdju. Vendar je nek nov patch glede ATI graficnih sam, kako
da nardim pol s tem patchom, ce mi ne zazene instalerja ???

ce ne bo drugo, bom sou po graficno, ki jih 100% podpira :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: reset666 ()

klinker ::

4670 je sigurno podprta, je pa hec da vsaj pri Ati 4xxx je z iBoot instalacijo potrebno vse nardit v safe mode, dokler z multibeast ne instaliras gonilnikov. Drugace pa osebno mi je blo na 775 sisteme najlazje namestit Snow Leopard iz iAtkos DVDja, pa glej da imas v biosu nastavljen SATA v AHCI mode ter HPET na 64bit. Iso od iAtkos imas na Partisu ;)

In kot je reku ze kpkp omenu...kako maticno imas? Ker to je nekako najpomembnejsa zadeva za hackintosh.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klinker ()

reset666 ::

Ejla, pozdravljeni

Za ime osnovne plosce mi everest pokaze ''neznano'' ????

Ali bi mogu updateat gonilnike, sam problem je, da ta PC ni priklopljen na net....

Torej jaz bi rabu prvo kaj nardit, z multibeastom ali iBoot ???!!!
In kaj rabim tocno nardit z multibeastom ??

bluefish ::

Za plato poženi še Speccy.

reset666 ::

tale speccy rabi internet connection.....

in sem rastavu pc, da vidim ime plate ce pise gor, in pise ''MSi''
pomaga kaj???

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: reset666 ()

reset666 ::

na x86 project pise, da mores izklopit use druge diske, razen unga, ki hoces instalirat.
Sam ne razumem, ker ce izklopim use mi pride samo crna slika in ena crtica utripa, valda
ker ni biosa ne..... kako to resim ????

bluefish ::

BIOS je na plati in ne na disku. Tista črtica pa označuje, da na disku ni nič.

Ne, MSI ne bo zadoščalo. Poglej, če je kje kaka serijska številka oz. cifra na splošno.

klinker ::

reset666 je izjavil:

Ejla, pozdravljeni

Za ime osnovne plosce mi everest pokaze ''neznano'' ????

Ali bi mogu updateat gonilnike, sam problem je, da ta PC ni priklopljen na net....

Torej jaz bi rabu prvo kaj nardit, z multibeastom ali iBoot ???!!!
In kaj rabim tocno nardit z multibeastom ??

Ne. Z iBoot CDja bootas in ko se prikaze bootloader das ven iBoot CD ter vstavis Retail SnoeLeopard install DVD in stisnes F5. Ko se ti pokaze ikona od install DVDja jo oznacis ter stisnes enter in se zazene instalacija. Sledis postopku, ter na koncu zazenes Multibeast, kateri ima gor patche in kekste za hardware. Aja in kar imam jst izkusnje z grafami od Ati 4xxx, je potrebno instalirat vse v safe mode, to pa nardis tako da preden zazenes install dvd v bootloaderju vtipkas -x in komaj pol stisnes enter za zagnat instalacijo. Evo tu mas lepo opisano kako in kaj... iBoot + MultiBeast: Install Mac OS X on any Intel-based PC

Sicer pa poskusi iATKOS S3 v2. Meni je s tem blo najlazje pri 775 sistemih z Ati grafo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: klinker ()

reset666 ::

evo sem zbrskal ime od maticne :D


reset666 ::

Zatakne se pri recimo:

aja in problem je da meni nikjer u biosih ne ponuje opcije AHCI, ampak samo ACPI ????!!!!

sam res so komplikacije za to nardit :/

reset666 ::

verjetno je to maticna, se opravic. za netocne podatke...

msi 7529 ver 1,6

klinker ::

Tu mas nekaj za MSI 7525, pa si moalo preglej... klik

Drugace pa lahko probas z Leopard 10.5.x. Nabavi iDeneb 10.5.8 Lite in se poigraj ;)

reset666 ::

kaj bi znal kdo pomagat glede nastavitev BIOSa ????
za recimo omogočiti ahci.....

reset666 ::

Ejla, sel sem skozi to:


Vendar še vedno ne najdem nobene spremembe v biosu, kaj sele da se tam pojavi AHCI....

Kaj je mogoce kdo slisal za neko rusko stran, ki ima gor svasta u zvezi z biosi, ki se spomnem par let nazaj sem isto neki se zajbaval z biosi in mi je en prjatelj povedal za to stran, potem sem jo pa pozabu, a prijatelj se strani ne spomne vec :/

kpkp ::

-ne razumeš čemu je namenjen zgornji tutorial (tvoje situacije se, sploh ne tiče)
-če ima tvoja matična Intel(R) ICH7 Base (ICH7), AHCI sploh ni podprt (50. stran

ALT ::

AHCI je nujen za hackintosh? moj ICH9 ga tudi ne podpira (ni ICH9R). kako je pa z particijam?

pa vidim, da svetujejo uporabo locenega diska za instalacijo. to zato, da kdo nebi napacno particijo pobrisal oz ostal brez podatkov, ali res ne gre kar ene obstojece particije preformatirat za OSX?

kpkp ::

-AHCI ni nujen (ampak stvar olajša - naredi bolj vanilla)
-Logičen disk ni nujen, je pa za začetnika zelo zelo priporočljiv, OSX je mišljen za "partition table" GUID, tako da če hočeš MBR je to pač še en hack več

ALT ::

a je velik problem pomanjkanje AHCIja? ker vidim da je opcija flashat plato (asus p5k) z biosom druge plate, ki ima ICH9R, ki podpira AHCI, vendar me to niti malo ne veseli.

kaj pa instalacija na raid0 polje, ki je priklopljeno na pci raid controler? verjetno velika komplikacija? ker ce to ne gre mi preostane zgolj en stari 80gb ATA disk, kar je pa ze nekam bogo :D ssdja z win7 pa ne mislim zaenkrat namenit hackintoshu.

windowsi zaznajo raid0 polje kot SiImage SCSI disk, a bi hackintosh znal delovati s tem?

tako da v bistvu nimam tezav z MBRji, lahko v biosu ze izberem ce bom bootal ssdja, ali raid0/ata polje.

kpkp ::

ASUS p5k (p35) delajo super za hackintosh, malo pogooglaj in veselo na delo...
Kar se tiče Raida moraš najprej videt, če obstaja gonilnik za to raid kartico, vem da načeloma dela tudi preko raida, vendar nimam osebnih izkušenj...

Za začetek je 80GB ATA super (moja prva instalacija je bila prav na tak disk), ko boš namestil, poštimal in stestiral pa se boš odločil ali si OS zasluži boljši disk ali ne.

ALT ::

jah mogoče p5k premium (oz verzije z ICH9R) ki podpirajo AHCI..

pa se da potem driver za raid dodati v instalacijo, ce slucajno obstaja? verjetno so to bolj pobozne zelje, bom pa raziskal..

kako je pa s tem ko pravijo, da ce imas vec kot 4gb rama, vzami kar je vec ven ob instalaciji? ter a je kak nacin, da se lotis instalacije brez dostopa do OSX masine (ker vidim da v tutorialih pravijo, da bos potreboval dostop do masine z OSX, da si pripravis instalacijo).

ja prostora je ze dosti za OS, ampak glede na to, da bom primerjal zadevo z win7 na ssd disku, bi tudi na raid0 disku izgledalo bolj bogo, kaj sele na nekem predpotopnem ATA disku..

no se malce raziscem zadeve, potem se pa lotim eksperimentiranja :)

edit: pa hvala za nasvete kpkp, ta zadeva mi je precej tuja.. instalirat linux in nastavit vse brez GUI mi ni problem, tega me je pa kar malce strah :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ALT ()

kpkp ::

Jaz bi ti priporočal, da najprej pobereš en "distro" OSX, ob instalaciji, tisti disk razdeliš na dve particiji, na eno namestiš ta "distro" se malo seznaniš z osnovami in hkrati imaš OSX, s katerim si potem olajšaš "retail" instalacijo.

Druga možnost je, da dobro pobrskaš po insanelymac forumu (lahko tudi pošlješ kak PM kakemu "power userju", ki ima isto plato), če mogoče dobiš boot CD za tvojo plato, ko enkrat imaš ta CD je namestitev skoraj lažja ko ubuntu.

za vspodbudo

PS: mislim, da bi se dalo boot CD tudi v Windowsih skupaj spravit, vendar tega še nisem počel, tako da ti neznam kaj prida povedat... Vsekakor pa boš rabil TOLE.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kpkp ()

klinker ::

Pa za boot uporabis iBoot in pol komot bootas retail DVD od osx, halo...zakaj bi se zajebaval s tem. Vseeno pa jst za socket 775 priporocam iAtkos S3 V2 install DVD katerega bp bootas na navadnem PCju in ima ze dosti vgrajenih patchev.

kpkp ::

Tudi prav, jaz sem bolj "old school" (iBoota nisem niti še probal, kolikor vem je le "predelan" chameleon), namestim točno samo kexte, ki so nujni, ročno prilagodim com.apple.Boot svojim potrebam, optimiziram DSDT... Napreč, ko sem jaz prvič postavljal moj sistem iBoot-a še niso razvili. Zato sem se držal načela "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Ko pride GM od Leva, pa bom verjetno tudi sam segel po iBootu.

klinker ::

Ta iBoot je majka...no...za 775 se meni najbolse obnese iAtkos, za i5/i7 pa je iBoot + Reatail Snow Leopard + Mutibeast to to. Drugace pa je iBoot boatloader in graphic enabler zato da sploh startas instalacijo z retail DVDja, na koncu itak vse z Multibeast naredis.

uros18ser ::


Malo si bom izposodil to temo, ker imam tudi jaz težave.

Zadeva je taka. Mac os inštaliram brez problem, pridem v sistem, nato inštaliram update, zaženem multibeast in ko imam končano ponovno zaženem računalnik. Tukaj se pojavi problem. Ko se začne nalagati mi pokaže ozadje od maca ko se lovda z jabovkom, nato pa mi napiše

You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again.

To napiše v 5 jezikih. Računalnik ugasnem in ga ponovno zažene mi vedno napiše isto.

Ali mogoče kdo ve zakaj mi to napiše in kako to odpravim, da se mi bo sistem zagnav.

Hvala za pomoč.

LP Uroš

uros18ser ::

Sem pozabu napisat imam pa qosmio x300-158.
Procesor: intel centrino 2
grafična nvidia 9700gts
ram: 4Gb

LP Uroš

Saso_C ::

Multibeast te je.be. Potrebno bo ponovno namestiti sistem, potem pa uporabi kaj drugega - NVdirect ali kaj drugega.

kpkp ::

Bootaj iz instalacijskega media, počisti Multibeast, namesti isti boot kot je na install mediju in postopoma dodajaj kexte.

PS: drugače temu se reče kernel panic

klinker ::

Ko updateas ne restartat sistema ampak prej na novo nalozi patche z multibeast in sele nato restartaj.

Gray_Warden_ ::

Ne razumem čisto. Torej je OS leopard zastonj in ga lahko povsem legalno namestim na PC in uporabljam?

edit: se opravičujem, sem šele zdaj videl da ima originalen mac (za 30 eur?)

mi poveš prosim kako si to kupil, je nakup še možen?

Zgodovina sprememb…

Gray_Warden_ ::

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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Oddelek: Strojna oprema
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